Stamdataregister for vindkraftanlæg ultimo februar 2021                                                                                                                            
    OBS: Produktionsdata for januar 2019 og frem er inklusive egenproduktioner. Der tages forbehold for, at der kan ske rettelser i stamdata i de kommende måneder.                                                                                                                    
        Master data register for wind turbines at end of February 2021                                                                                                                              
  NOTE: Production figures for January 2019 and forward are including own poduction. We reserve the right to correct master data in the forthcoming months                                                                                                                      
Turbine data for decommissioned turbines (data for non-decommissioned turbines appears on the next bookmark):                     Production data Note that production figures for some turbines are measured per quarter, and monthly statements should be used making due allowance for this.                                                                      
    Turbine characteristics       Location:                 Historic production figures (kWh):                                                                                   Production figures for the current year (kWh) including own production: 
                                  1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 jan-21 Accumulated
Turbine identifier (GSRN) Date of original connection to grid Date of decommissioning Capacity (kW) Rotor diameter (m) Hub height (m) Manufacture  Type designation Local authority no. Local authority Type of location Cadastral district Cadastral no. X (east) coordinate
UTM 32 Euref89
Y (north) coordinate
UTM 32 Euref89
Origin of coordinates Distribution company installation number                                                                                           2021
Anlægsdata for afmeldte møller (data for ikke-afmeldte møller fremgår af foregående faneblad):                     Produktionsdata  Bemærk at produktionstal for nogle møller er kvartalsvist målt,  og månedsvis opgørelser bør bruges med forbehold for dette.                                                                        
    Mølle karakteristika:       Placering:               Historiske produktionstal (kWh):                                                                                   Produktionstal for indeværende år (kWh) inklusive egenproduktion:
                                1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 jan-21 Akkumuleret
Møllenummer (GSRN) Dato for oprindelig nettilslutning Dato for afmeldning Kapacitet (kW) Rotor-diameter (m) Navhøjde (m) Fabrikat Typebetegnelse Kommune-nr. Kommune Type af placering Ejerlav Matrikel-nummer X (øst) koordinat
UTM 32 Euref89
Y (nord) koordinat
UTM 32 Euref89
Koordinatoprindelse Netselskabets installations-nummer                                                                                           2021
570714700000005589 10-04-1981 11-03-2020 22 10 18 Kongsted 22-Kongsted 306 Odsherred Land 667394,72 6190834,91 SDFE2018 32.241 43.478 118.533 20.253 12.246 15.247 20.800 17.895 17.017 17.078 16.399 19.725 25.542 26.297 17.839 16.550 19.130 21.965 20.457 22.356 18.202 19.473 16.347 14.871 13.857 13.289 13.587 14.004 18.415 12.732 7.123 57 0 0 0 80 0 0 0 0
570714700000005725 04-12-1981 12-07-2002 55 15 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-16  306 Odsherred LAND Svenstrup By, Højby 10a 660911,9 6200582 Stamdata 032-09497 55.890 70.600 49.210 60.840 53.460 81.370 43.410 90.260 72.700 77.060 78.300 84.620 79.650 63.000 74.900 82.690 65.760 74.300 63.340 35.505
570714700000005909 14-02-1980 02-03-2020 22 10 18 Kongsted 22-Kongsted 306 Odsherred Land 647534,98 6204759,67 SDFE2018 36.469 48.361 43.478 12.512 19.678 20.546 23.728 20.455 19.623 17.853 23.823 20.273 25.800 20.529 9.328 29.811 18.622 11.937 24.058 18.934 19.112 27.521 28.955 26.800 25.885 25.247 24.108 31.673 25.668 28.051 22.805 31.222 31.467 25.389 28.636 35.969 27.277 31.819 24.063 27.586 3.270
570714700000006265 01-11-1988 24-02-2011 150 22,2 30 DWP D 150 306 Odsherred LAND Starreklinte By, Vallekilde 2am 649425,6 6181350 Stamdata 40116658 21.980 257.240 285.900 263.340 254.100 244.620 297.680 286.040 217.200 261.940 298.540 237.647 255.830 194.219 237.793 201.664 170.221 187.612 171.313 252.605 189.869 173.802 188.757 13.996
570714700000006272 26-03-1982 22-10-2002 55 15 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-16  306 Odsherred LAND Vig By, Vig 6e 660476,1 6192649 Stamdata 086-02835 50.098 31.760 0 76.050 88.890 66.670 87.910 76.810 76.010 72.120 75.180 78.350 88.880 71.550 53.900 66.190 74.150 60.270 62.030 48.470 42.740
570714700000006302 15-05-1998 27-01-2020 11 13 18 Gaia-Wind Ltd Gaia 11   306 Odsherred Land 659855,23 6193562,85 GeoDanmark, 12-03-2017 8.297 31.907 26.322 21.026 24.251 20.109 28.045 22.146 13.315 25.595 10.333 21.325 16.815 24.842 23.443 16.789 21.174 25.437 6.969 0 0 0 0
570714700000000911 17-08-1994 14-11-2008 450 37 35 BONUS 150   - MK lll 316 Holbæk LAND Stigs Bjergby By, Stigs Bjergby 23a 657275,3 6174905 Stamdata 008-00359 338.151 735.489 633.161 672.652 754.865 641.903 690.325 613.429 660.445 610.965 624.668 600.164 553.646 742.449 569.533
570714700000000928 17-08-1994 14-11-2008 450 37 35 BONUS 150   - MK lll 316 Holbæk LAND Stigs Bjergby By, Stigs Bjergby 23a 657252,3 6174726 Stamdata 008-00360 338.151 735.489 633.161 672.652 777.868 640.555 706.224 614.581 668.145 618.057 638.924 615.273 576.335 720.912 589.457
570714700000000935 17-08-1994 14-11-2008 450 37 35 BONUS 150   - MK lll 316 Holbæk LAND Stigs Bjergby By, Stigs Bjergby 23a 657229,1 6174548 Stamdata 008-00360 338.151 735.489 633.161 672.652 777.868 640.555 706.224 614.581 668.145 618.057 638.924 615.273 576.335 720.912 589.457
570714700000005541 25-11-1988 14-11-2008 180 23 30 Danwin DW 23-Danwin 316 Holbæk LAND Stigs Bjergby By, Stigs Bjergby 8ac 657955,6 6174670 Stamdata 008-00338 47.580 288.975 314.535 283.260 300.075 301.695 313.950 286.395 235.545 261.915 304.830 239.527 238.442 213.641 239.864 230.714 229.545 192.474 197.232 230.811 230.779
570714700000005558 26-11-1988 14-11-2008 180 23 30 Danwin DW 23-Danwin 316 Holbæk LAND Stigs Bjergby By, Stigs Bjergby 8ac 658039,301 6174528,764 Stamdata 008-00338 47.580 288.975 314.535 283.260 300.075 301.695 313.950 286.395 235.545 261.915 304.830 239.527 238.442 213.641 239.864 230.714 229.545 192.474 197.232 230.811 230.779
570714700000005695 30-09-1988 14-06-2010 150 22 30 DWP D 150 316 Holbæk LAND Hjembæk By, Hjembæk 13c 650798,5 6175964 Stamdata 40054694 108.960 339.390 349.545 346.170 336.810 341.655 372.960 324.045 258.990 322.920 351.255 254.336 269.916 260.576 283.452 271.099 269.199 199.805 199.936 257.428 137.132 209.963 258.078 22.744
570714700000005701 30-09-1988 24-02-2011 150 22 30 DWP D 150 316 Holbæk LAND Hjembæk By, Hjembæk 13c 650925,9 6175909 Stamdata 40054694 108.960 339.390 349.545 346.170 336.810 341.655 372.960 324.045 258.990 322.920 351.255 254.336 269.916 260.576 283.452 271.099 269.199 199.805 199.936 257.428 137.132 209.963 258.078 22.744
570714700000005718 15-10-1981 31-05-2005 55 15 18 Nordtank NTK 55/11 316 Holbæk LAND Brokøb By, Holmstrup 4d 653271,85 6163981,694 Stamdata 031-00309 67.300 74.980 8.040 56.860 59.360 67.360 58.600 64.340 61.840 58.490 64.980 71.330 59.710 48.130 53.760 61.720 48.180 51.590 47.290 47.420 48.728 52.748 19.500
570714700000005855 06-05-1982 17-05-2001 55 15 18 Eget fabrikat Ukendt-Eget fabrikat 316 Holbæk LAND Mørkøv By, Mørkøv 10c 657088,1 6170927 Stamdata 044-00941 0 4.380 4.360 1.320 1.680 2.080 3.340 3.080 1.760 480 140 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
570714700000006036 13-08-1987 11-02-2002 90 18,8 23,2 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  316 Holbæk LAND Nr. Eskilstrup By, Soderup 6c 675132,3 6165089 Stamdata 060-00702 34.310 105.370 98.680 106.750 92.090 100.320 103.210 112.770 102.090 81.560 89.750 102.290 84.590 94.810 86.020 0
570714700000006050 23-01-1987 25-03-2002 95 19 24 BONUS 97 316 Holbæk LAND Vanløse By, Stenmagle 22e 667724,1 6161085 Stamdata 064-00985 150.670 201.260 193.350 210.400 185.450 193.580 193.120 209.830 186.770 139.790 165.500 182.990 140.960 154.580 134.320 22.770
570714700000006098 15-05-1979 03-03-2003 22 10 17 Sonebjerg SM 22 316 Holbæk LAND Svinninge By, Svinninge 32h 653599,5 6177736 Stamdata 068-01431 13.511 10.086 13.980 15.819 12.185 16.942 8.745 14.003 10.763 12.546 12.563 13.713 14.452 8.913 7.443 13.979 11.548 11.809 9.962 11.097 1.589
570714700000006104 09-12-1988 17-11-2015 200 24 28,7 Wincon W 200  316 Holbæk LAND Hellestrup By, Sdr. Asmindrup 5d 668752,47 6172829,54 GST, 18-02-2013 40037494 0 304.825 312.375 303.575 310.600 323.775 346.425 323.875 256.100 279.750 326.450 263.066 292.032 224.437 246.105 74.409 185.267 242.622 219.313 307.881 246.415 130.642 116.522 133.185 67.245 0 0 0
570714700000006111 09-12-1988 17-11-2015 200 24 28,7 Wincon W 200  316 Holbæk LAND Hellestrup By, Sdr. Asmindrup 5d 668783,37 6172929,34 GST, 18-02-2013 40037494 0 304.825 312.375 303.575 310.600 323.775 346.425 323.875 256.100 279.750 326.450 263.066 292.032 224.437 246.105 74.409 185.267 242.622 219.313 307.881 246.415 130.642 116.522 133.185 67.245 0 0 0
570714700000006166 02-09-1980 31-08-2002 22 10 18 Kongsted 22-Kongsted 316 Holbæk LAND Lunderød By, Tølløse 11b 674596,5 6168538 Stamdata 079-01778 25.945 31.830 23.666 20.505 19.491 16.650 26.500 25.305 21.999 22.490 22.972 24.653 19.190 8.204 15.094 16.806 10.113 17.147 3.847 0
570714700000006173 21-01-1988 31-08-2005 250 25,5 31 Dencon TORNADO 250   316 Holbæk LAND Kvamløse By, Tølløse 1a 675029,4 6167685 Stamdata 079-02040 278.670 338.910 367.020 325.560 338.610 313.650 374.190 358.410 252.060 315.300 325.740 270.760 321.036 222.795 272.375 263.927 90.510 0
570714700000006234 08-02-1988 05-02-2014 150 22 25 Vindsyssel DK 22-Vindsyssel 316 Holbæk LAND Løserup By, Ubby 5a 671247,13 6183947,86 GST, 18-02-2013 40104637 187.120 234.260 249.480 209.400 224.620 246.480 274.020 225.320 198.480 177.360 270.620 253.891 244.282 231.266 239.760 239.693 226.936 221.365 185.607 209.620 47.379 202.882 33.021 0 0 0 0
570714700000006241 17-11-1989 24-05-2007 150 22 25 Dan Force DK 22-Dan Force 316 Holbæk LAND Ubby By, Ubby 19b 671481,3 6182302 Stamdata 082-01451 20.020 224.280 219.340 237.440 250.400 244.020 245.220 191.960 220.840 246.720 194.891 184.079 178.453 184.282 165.757 150.734 120.928 101.173 84.784
570714700000005152 16-11-1981 19-10-2001 55 15 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-11  270 Gribskov LAND Laugø 8e 699101 6214452 Stamdata 95-12686 30.250 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 30.250
570714700000005169 19-11-1986 20-11-2002 55 16 22 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-11  270 Gribskov LAND Holløse 9a 694828 6215687 Stamdata 95-13878 27.052 88.487 110.164 100.456 116.750 93.150 105.220 105.360 110.140 99.420 77.650 93.410 100.200 93.930 95.420 76.483 61.695
570714700000000607 28-04-1988 30-09-2005 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  306 Odsherred LAND Asnæs By, Asnæs 8d 655916,1 6187067 Stamdata 004-03051 205.709 347.271 366.145 336.816 344.274 362.781 380.174 332.525 274.263 315.925 362.978 293.380 314.495 282.080 302.635 281.859 296.987 207.622
570714700000000614 28-04-1988 30-09-2005 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  306 Odsherred LAND Asnæs By, Asnæs 8d 655886,9 6186960 Stamdata 004-03051 205.709 347.271 366.145 336.816 344.274 362.781 380.174 332.525 274.263 315.925 362.978 293.380 314.495 282.081 302.635 281.859 296.987 207.622
570714700000000621 28-04-1988 30-09-2005 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  306 Odsherred LAND Asnæs By, Asnæs 8d 655857,373 6186852,909 Stamdata 004-03051 205.709 347.271 366.145 336.816 344.274 362.781 380.174 332.525 274.263 315.925 362.978 293.380 314.495 282.081 302.635 281.859 296.987 207.622
570714700000005244 09-07-1984 05-09-2002 55 15 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-16  306 Odsherred LAND Vallekilde By, Vallekilde 3e 652580,3 6179985 Stamdata 085-00575 560 23.560 27.270 20.810 30.800 26.090 34.020 26.940 30.590 27.380 34.980 20.910 18.023 25.725 25.723 25.637 28.429 26.932 26.520
570714700000006531 01-07-1978 04-12-2002 55 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 320 Faxe LAND Rejnstrup By, Fakse 1a 700006,507 6126101,935 Stamdata 135171 19.000 25.000 28.904 31.941 28.715 34.818 35.348 27.785 34.418 28.146 13.335 32.215 36.100 27.340 31.992 22.412 42.473 35.783 19.867 31.793 30.173 23.897 27.252 13.400 15.182
570714700000006708 01-03-1982 21-06-2007 18,5 10,9 18 Kuriant KE 18/4 EH-Kuriant 320 Faxe LAND Skuderløse By-Teestrup Sogn 14d 682666,366 6130883,638 Stamdata 144643 13.668 22.097 22.433 17.633 21.843 17.862 22.238 22.470 25.765 13.985 40.733 17.990 24.500 20.720 14.880 17.080 18.430 15.690 18.680 12.450 18.306 16.247 16.193 13.293 11.431 9.716
570714700000006937 02-08-1984 17-06-2002 55 15,3 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-11  320 Faxe LAND Haslev 29 689035,554 6133415,943 Stamdata 151942 19.559 59.705 76.345 60.609 77.907 82.600 89.610 77.460 87.250 76.320 100.330 86.260 62.710 78.370 85.433 68.954 80.338 61.044 33.730
570714700000007026 03-12-1984 06-09-2002 55 15,3 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-11  320 Faxe LAND Skuderløse By, Teestrup 11o 684512,575 6132240,948 Stamdata 153074 11.280 60.000 60.000 60.000 60.000 69.330 73.590 60.840 69.420 65.570 80.890 72.872 51.472 61.768 74.972 58.044 64.300 51.208 41.300
570714700000007262 01-12-1986 30-10-2002 75 16 22 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  320 Faxe LAND Lindersvold, Roholte 1ae 695754,541 6118910,968 Stamdata 155483 16.262 195.144 195.144 134.140 136.020 111.890 138.430 106.170 132.690 119.960 92.780 96.870 116.210 106.680 115.500 69.400 75.280
570714700000007330 02-06-1986 16-05-2002 75 17 23 Windmatic VM 17S 75/15/17 320 Faxe LAND Simmendrup By, Øde Førslev 2a 693245,523 6138541,924 Stamdata 156816 69.651 130.000 130.000 130.733 127.350 127.600 134.350 113.517 146.383 134.533 111.450 123.083 128.716 122.942 121.292 100.204 58.608
570714700000007347 02-06-1986 16-05-2002 75 17 23 Windmatic VM 17S 75/15/17 320 Faxe LAND Simmendrup By, Øde Førslev 2a 684958,558 6138276,925 Stamdata 156816 69.651 130.000 130.000 130.733 127.350 127.600 134.350 113.517 146.383 134.533 111.450 123.083 128.716 122.942 121.292 100.204 58.608
570714700000007354 02-06-1986 16-05-2002 75 17 23 Windmatic VM 17S 75/15/17 320 Faxe LAND Simmendrup By, Øde Førslev 2a 685020,558 6138174,925 Stamdata 156816 69.651 130.000 130.000 130.733 127.350 127.600 134.350 113.517 146.383 134.533 111.450 123.083 128.716 122.942 121.292 100.204 58.608
570714700000007415 01-08-1986 16-05-2002 75 17 23 Windmatic VM 17 75 320 Faxe LAND Simmendrup, Teestrup 2g 685058,559 6137957,926 Stamdata 157527 132.566 150.000 150.000 130.650 145.750 128.067 130.383 107.317 150.733 131.983 110.567 115.000 134.217 109.667 112.733 98.300 58.001
570714700000007422 01-08-1986 16-05-2002 75 17 23 Windmatic VM 17 75 320 Faxe LAND Simmendrup, Teestrup 2g 685078,558 6138067,926 Stamdata 157527 132.566 150.000 150.000 130.650 145.750 128.067 130.383 107.317 150.733 131.983 110.567 115.000 134.217 109.667 112.733 98.300 58.001
570714700000007439 01-08-1986 16-05-2002 75 17 23 Windmatic VM 17 75 320 Faxe LAND Simmendrup, Teestrup 2g 685013,559 6137847,927 Stamdata 157527 132.566 150.000 150.000 130.650 145.750 128.067 130.383 107.317 150.733 131.983 110.567 115.000 134.217 109.667 112.733 98.300 58.001
570714700000008115 28-01-1988 08-12-2011 150 23 24 BONUS 150 kW 320 Faxe LAND Hyllede By, Kongsted 10a 694386,52 6122475,58 GST, 18-02-2013 164412 75.000 200.000 359.360 314.520 325.140 265.960 340.780 315.960 252.240 276.340 327.380 267.269 277.546 244.793 269.305 239.792 282.383 179.716 131.828 279.409 236.380 240.739 181.339 149.707
570714700000008405 01-05-1989 24-09-2009 200 24 29 Danwin DW 24-200 320 Faxe LAND Ll. Torøjeby, Smerup 7a 707770,699 6127010,221 Stamdata 166116 136.250 307.270 267.616 300.998 281.660 348.058 327.926 274.956 267.312 306.356 266.689 294.984 247.062 291.316 244.136 264.042 247.169 239.561 272.368 140.311 155.990
570714700000009235 29-11-1991 08-12-2011 150 23,8 30 BONUS 150   - MK ll 320 Faxe LAND Ulse 8f 692504,57 6130554,65 GST, 18-02-2013 177403 68.020 259.860 254.240 335.620 294.380 240.220 267.400 309.302 249.513 272.565 220.375 255.665 223.951 254.321 228.911 218.060 263.898 266.410 215.504 200.338 158.294
571313174000795047 30-01-2014 31-01-2014 10 13 18 Gaia-Wind Ltd Ukendt-Gaia-Wind 320 Faxe LAND Dalby-Borup By, Sdr. Dalby 1b 698091 6135522 Stamdata 2286
570714700000000669 19-05-1989 29-02-2016 300 35 35 BONUS (M578) 326 Kalundborg LAND Gierslev By, Gierslev 9a 646664,75 6151262,38 GST, 18-02-2013 020-00505 210.964 509.157 588.435 504.778 603.825 288.762 334.303 439.536 470.133 607.027 462.223 501.118 464.627 467.889 487.486 548.646 500.398 367.508 454.622 345.913 341.226 388.622 358.745 351.973 247.585 439.209 350.205 6.825
570714700000000676 19-05-1989 29-02-2016 300 35 35 BONUS (M578) 326 Kalundborg LAND Gierslev By, Gierslev 9a 646676,67 6151102,66 GST, 18-02-2013 020-00505 210.964 509.157 588.435 504.778 603.825 288.762 334.303 439.536 470.133 607.027 462.223 501.118 464.627 467.889 487.486 548.646 500.398 367.508 454.622 345.913 341.226 388.622 358.745 351.973 247.585 439.209 350.205 6.825
570714700000005398 02-12-1997 30-04-2013 90 18 23 AWP Ukendt-AWP 326 Kalundborg LAND Hallenslev By, Hallenslev 6a 643988,01 6157442,49 GST, 18-02-2013 40048355 0 17.365 81.059 113.652 134.019 143.673 99.909 107.499 104.315 87.988 119.928 97.373 91.831 93.290 98.739 37.100 0
570714700000005510 26-09-1986 10-10-2002 22 10 18 Kongsted 22-Kongsted 326 Kalundborg LAND Ulstrup By, Bakkendrup 47 642977,6 6158630 Stamdata 006-00150 7.997 15.123 18.267 14.897 15.376 17.913 20.285 21.985 20.776 15.294 10.542 12.490 15.750 9.616 9.649 12.483 12.022
570714700000005602 19-08-1982 01-12-2001 55 15 22 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-16  326 Kalundborg LAND Høng By, Finderup 2b 645553,9 6154875 Stamdata 017-02174 56.130 64.630 44.030 47.550 35.970 48.880 46.950 51.050 46.980 45.810 49.790 41.810 30.020 33.870 39.330 43.940 34.750 45.940 25.420 0
570714700000005664 27-02-1987 11-12-2001 99 20,5 27 Nordtank NTK 99 F 326 Kalundborg LAND Føllenslev By, Føllenslev 25 645186,9 6178850 Stamdata 019-01235 154.180 196.640 220.020 227.090 197.350 195.540 207.990 218.000 204.100 156.170 179.000 201.670 168.330 185.420 150.230 0
570714700000005671 24-03-1980 01-06-2002 30 11 18 Danregn Vindkraft 30-Danregn Vindkraft 326 Kalundborg LAND Gierslev By, Gierslev 9a 646867,8 6151530 Stamdata 020-00471 17.982 5.654 17.235 23.310 12.893 18.924 15.881 12.919 11.295 15.802 9.583 23.483 12.673 8.692 9.375 12.209 10.227 9.988 8.843 0
570714700000005763 21-09-1981 05-05-2020 22 10 18 Kongsted 22-Kongsted 326 Kalundborg Land 637005,46 6155298,11 SDFE2018 21.658 26.426 21.093 23.886 21.117 26.590 22.633 24.420 25.122 21.420 8.437 26.504 17.612 16.416 22.347 25.393 20.703 20.343 25.172 9.722 20.394 27.223 22.425 20.702 12.072 19.754 20.065 14.679 17.294 15.051 12.485 16.537 21.154 8.823 0 0 0 0
570714700000005770 16-04-1982 22-11-2002 22 10 18 326 Kalundborg LAND Kirke Helsinge By, Kirke Helsinge 11a 637830,5 6152867 Stamdata 039-01863 41.479 32.331 30.816 48.281 41.467 38.815 33.916 35.883 30.439 16.114 34.436 34.947 18.654 4.979 24.120 33.426 30.741 36.624 6.715 1.792
570714700000005787 30-06-1989 28-09-2014 250 26 30 NEG Micon NM 530-250   326 Kalundborg LAND Kirke Helsinge By, Kirke Helsinge 7a 638867,41 6152980,48 GST, 18-02-2013 40024754 107.340 385.050 455.805 489.165 480.060 541.170 455.010 403.750 424.305 505.920 406.717 441.586 375.880 390.191 362.072 425.564 384.036 285.003 458.407 439.637 360.701 312.917 437.319 406.218 345.431 232.506
570714700000005794 30-06-1989 28-09-2014 250 26 30 NEG Micon NM 530-250   326 Kalundborg LAND Kirke Helsinge By, Kirke Helsinge 7a 638891,66 6153163,1 GST, 18-02-2013 40024754 107.340 385.050 455.805 489.165 480.060 541.170 455.010 403.750 424.305 505.920 406.717 441.586 375.880 390.191 362.072 425.564 384.036 285.003 458.407 439.637 360.701 312.917 437.319 406.218 345.431 232.506
570714700000005800 15-03-1990 01-11-2016 150 22 31 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 326 Kalundborg LAND Dalby By, Kirke Helsinge 3c 636187,66 6153926,28 SDFE2018 40024859 85.455 85.455 85.456 179.660 306.880 208.240 0 68.840 388.920 262.962 0 156.973 252.375 237.570 149.581 232.855 302.216 351.916 259.356 310.979 279.900 398.517 411.752 356.697 390.182 407.064 195.708
570714700000005824 15-12-1993 08-11-2016 150 28 31 Wind World W 2800-150  326 Kalundborg LAND Vinde Helsinge By, Kirke Helsinge 10i 636797,61 6154848,19 SDFE2018 40024889 31.520 505.540 484.160 401.840 425.500 498.280 434.737 460.103 382.226 417.453 404.941 444.170 410.079 406.929 480.531 440.031 409.035 381.852 396.759 338.157 381.510 417.112 474.285 258.747
570714700000005831 15-12-1980 01-10-2002 22 10 18 Kongsted 22-Kongsted 326 Kalundborg LAND Jerslev By, Ll. Fuglede 7c 641147,2 6164070 Stamdata 042-00405 0 0 0 27.921 32.854 20.703 33.428 30.053 33.356 31.468 34.560 30.569 30.257 30.907 35.359 30.448 24.821 25.949 31.820 26.437 29.632 23.175 18.155
570714700000005930 09-11-1981 18-11-2010 22 10 18 Kongsted 22-Kongsted 326 Kalundborg LAND Svenstrup By, Raklev 3al 631529,6 6177073 Stamdata 051-02877 25.366 32.230 22.505 26.897 24.200 32.256 26.612 30.340 25.352 27.845 28.451 30.070 27.312 22.569 25.860 31.169 20.467 29.136 25.501 22.250 25.736 24.538 24.005 21.667 30.550 19.439 23.482 19.715
570714700000005954 05-05-1986 10-02-2021 75 15 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-16  326 Kalundborg LAND Nyrup By, Raklev 7a 627635,9 6175855,29 SDFE2018 40182925 103.420 132.550 157.810 144.060 155.810 140.270 139.960 149.640 147.990 152.390 113.660 128.690 150.930 126.940 132.700 122.460 126.690 130.148 141.926 141.804 118.110 152.261 152.691 130.255 132.915 148.723 146.396 131.049 127.590 119.541 84.412 75.667 59.250 60.324 50.594 6.535 5.522 12.057
570714700000005985 15-11-1998 28-12-2010 225 27 30 Norwin NV29 326 Kalundborg LAND Gåsetofte By, Raklev 3a 632793,7 6174220 Stamdata 051-03217 55.980 497.088 514.058 473.660 494.114 474.541 526.132 328.549 384.110 536.610 390.980 267.162 322.985
570714700000006005 08-10-1986 29-05-2002 99 21 22 Wincon W 99 XT 326 Kalundborg LAND Ugerløse By, Rørby 40g 633719,6 6166229 Stamdata 054-00678 43.475 108.115 135.595 129.300 143.065 115.335 130.275 105.245 125.895 114.620 99.100 106.265 139.415 114.221 89.415 190.797 77.207
570714700000006012 08-10-1986 29-05-2002 99 21 22 Wincon W 99 XT 326 Kalundborg LAND Ugerløse By, Rørby 40g 633754,9 6166137 Stamdata 054-00678 43.475 108.115 135.595 129.300 143.065 115.335 130.275 105.245 125.895 114.620 99.100 106.265 139.415 114.221 89.415 190.797 77.207
570714700000006180 13-12-1984 03-07-2002 55 15 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-16  326 Kalundborg LAND Ubby By, Ubby 40a 637991,7 6166331 Stamdata 081-01010 0 94.520 119.820 99.810 119.170 113.730 153.470 142.720 147.190 147.890 158.690 144.110 127.230 132.290 133.940 132.310 145.740 122.850 72.630
570714700000006197 20-08-1985 09-07-2002 55 15 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-16  326 Kalundborg LAND Ubby By, Ubby 10k 640058 6166320 Stamdata 081-01016 37.400 105.770 92.910 115.780 101.370 103.910 97.680 102.350 101.690 112.520 105.920 94.110 91.040 109.990 89.400 100.030 85.570 42.220
570714700000006203 19-02-1987 03-07-2002 95 19 24 BONUS 95-BONUS 326 Kalundborg LAND Kelleklinte By, Ubby 3a 642006,6 6166331 Stamdata 081-01036 172.980 249.760 234.380 233.860 213.450 223.800 228.100 236.580 219.870 179.750 196.520 229.100 191.790 200.840 171.510 42.220
570714700000006210 23-11-1988 30-08-2002 150 23 30 DWP D 150 326 Kalundborg LAND Ubby By, Ubby 53b 638436,6 6165530 Stamdata 081-01074 0 187.199 295.140 281.280 294.555 303.870 309.945 286.950 223.905 254.895 305.670 242.999 235.156 232.866 103.544
570714700000006227 23-11-1988 30-08-2002 150 23 30 DWP D 150 326 Kalundborg LAND Ubby By, Ubby 4b 638514,8 6165632 Stamdata 081-01074 0 187.199 295.140 281.280 294.555 303.870 309.945 286.950 223.905 254.895 305.670 242.999 235.156 232.866 103.544
570714700000006319 22-09-1981 17-10-2002 15 10,9 15 Kuriant KE 15 326 Kalundborg LAND Rugtved By, Viskinge 4h 643023,8 6173018 Stamdata 087-00767 0 0 14.600 22.856 14.043 15.526 13.292 15.500 15.929 12.446 9.308 11.608 9.872 9.349 8.094 4.177 2.964 7.818 3.081 3.055 3.320 999
570714700000006371 07-08-1985 03-12-2002 55 15 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-16  326 Kalundborg LAND Sejerby By, Sejerø 12g 634465,8 6195640 Stamdata 307-00567 49.650 124.280 110.850 132.120 124.300 131.640 114.960 114.780 118.880 117.520 129.320 82.870 113.220 50.460 175.000 111.940 91.430 105.661
570714700000006388 14-11-1985 12-11-2002 75 17 18 Windmatic VM 17 S 326 Kalundborg LAND Mastrup By, Sejerø 2a 636878,1 6193348 Stamdata 307-00568 31.100 250.710 206.690 234.460 234.800 255.130 239.370 236.830 245.372 257.430 225.600 204.830 213.390 258.370 227.130 241.910 208.100 184.910
570714700000006395 14-11-1985 12-11-2002 75 17 18 Windmatic VM 17 S 326 Kalundborg LAND Mastrup By, Sejerø 2a 636768,9 6193398 Stamdata 307-00585 16.624 247.111 120.640 240.790 226.530 241.350 229.280 235.130 242.790 252.100 236.490 174.790 205.120 248.020 210.300 226.860 199.870 177.850
570714700000012662 17-12-1999 28-08-2014 11 13 18 Gaia-Wind Ltd Gaia 11   326 Kalundborg LAND Vedbynørre By, Ottestrup 3a 653171,48 6145526,02 GST, 18-02-2013 60042120 21.450 17.231 18.835 19.136 20.370 11.076 16.263 17.916 18.256 19.723 15.467 20.806 20.080 15.590 2.259
571313174000602352 14-03-2012 10-02-2020 12 8,5 15 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 326 Kalundborg Land 631099,62 6174246,33 SDFE2018 13.332 14.727 17.484 18.170 13.249 13.476 6.343 0 0
570714700000006630 01-12-1981 12-07-2006 15 10,5 18 POULSEN TYPE 2 329 Ringsted LAND Ortved, Vigersted 40e 681822,533 6152066,863 Stamdata 144156 0 7.703 9.340 9.483 7.454 9.233 7.550 9.400 8.885 9.309 3.684 8.055 10.575 11.460 11.079 6.455 6.225 1.767 5.217 5.387 4.834 1.267 1.617 1.770 2.523 0
570714700000007361 11-09-1986 26-08-2002 99 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 329 Ringsted LAND Valsølille By 1aa 678706,532 6156705,838 Stamdata 157289 81.470 150.000 150.000 143.330 142.970 123.290 143.680 125.840 135.480 129.320 87.670 114.220 141.775 125.186 129.977 93.258 37.917
570714700000007699 01-11-1987 15-09-2009 180 23 30 Danwin DW 40-180   329 Ringsted LAND Snekkerup By, Vigersted 2a 682611,523 6154702,853 Stamdata 162352 85.362 200.000 249.086 300.746 264.712 268.732 201.568 290.044 251.360 193.548 220.428 257.148 203.708 221.158 174.808 198.457 171.110 231.273 209.171 172.186 177.188 236.761 30.939
570714700000007903 01-03-1988 02-09-2002 99 19 30 Windmatic VM 19 S 329 Ringsted LAND Hjelmsølille By, Sneslev 12az 679894,567 6141484,906 Stamdata 163449 129.680 161.180 168.220 157.380 169.480 163.560 176.200 162.200 119.400 152.040 154.280 107.520 142.120 111.860 26.500
570714700000008542 01-09-1989 07-10-2014 150 23 30 Wind World W 2500-150  329 Ringsted LAND Vetterslev 12b m.f 675752,61 6140845,62 GST, 18-02-2013 167071 66.846 329.166 287.320 284.202 264.282 360.322 335.898 251.120 276.610 326.434 253.543 286.076 233.208 227.626 243.395 228.097 272.041 260.932 313.783 311.776 269.215 245.253 285.598 276.016 229.729 188.840
570714700000008771 01-01-1992 23-11-2011 225 20 40 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 20-5  329 Ringsted LAND Sneslev 1r 683249,51 6139975,26 SDFE2018 2100223 399.224 326.807 440.698 391.546 320.173 354.387 405.874 322.520 362.211 226.268 248.369 280.661 358.010 334.232 321.695 406.818 406.251 336.163 338.501 268.073
570714700000008788 01-01-1990 30-11-2016 130 20 40 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 20 329 Ringsted LAND Sneslev 1r 683220,48 6139877,43 GST, 18-02-2013 174141 215.939 226.237 230.663 188.822 254.626 226.227 184.989 204.757 234.505 186.345 209.277 192.756 248.369 191.148 168.092 156.679 138.593 184.395 126.445 85.937 50.425 4.513 124.924 80.148 114.878 157.272 63.388
570714700000008795 01-01-1990 23-11-2011 130 20 40 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 20 329 Ringsted LAND Sneslev 1r 683405,34 6139819,95 GST, 18-02-2013 174141 215.939 226.237 230.663 188.822 254.626 226.227 184.989 204.757 234.505 186.345 209.277 192.756 248.369 191.148 168.092 156.679 138.593 184.395 126.445 85.937 50.425 4.513 110.669
570714700000009198 24-06-1988 20-08-2002 150 23,8 30 BONUS 150   - MK lll 329 Ringsted LAND Ørslev 2 686568,546 6140730,916 Stamdata 176703 119.544 200.000 200.000 200.000 264.416 214.882 300.916 268.168 215.428 237.128 256.319 219.415 238.220 183.318 161.903
570714700000012365 30-06-1999 18-11-2010 200 25 30 Norwin Ukendt-Norwin 329 Ringsted LAND Bjæverskov 5d 688570,515 6149263,884 Stamdata 193237 93.593 204.248 173.535 203.523 178.439 182.144 178.435 151.035 211.635 196.643 161.620 129.424
570714700000012464 24-06-1998 21-03-2012 11 13 18,3 Gaia-Wind Ltd Gaia 11   329 Ringsted LAND Vigersted 68a 682037,1 6151236,09 GST, 18-02-2013 60446821 7.441 7.175 14.342 2.959 6.544 12.366 3.471 5.623 9.163 4.321 6.696 8.941 8.042 3.390 0
570714700000014161 04-10-1996 05-11-2014 225 29,6 30 NEG Micon NM 40/225 329 Ringsted LAND Ørslev Under Skoven, Gyrstinge 13i 669762,75 6150882,84 GST, 18-02-2013 195721 130.508 250.000 250.000 250.000 250.000 317.679 376.817 351.686 369.248 349.315 320.402 416.259 401.774 339.259 264.324 379.370 365.318 331.503 264.676
570714700000001611 01-06-1991 03-10-2005 225 24 30 Danwin DW 27-Danwin 330 Slagelse LAND Uoplyst 11a 651308 6132605 Stamdata 177513 98.000 161.000 313.000 342.000 320.000 211.000 282.000 253.000 283.000 241.000 246.091 280.664 217.897 220.748 74.714
570714700000005459 18-03-1998 13-08-2012 750 44 40 NEG Micon NM 1500-750/175   330 Slagelse LAND Nordrup By, Nordrupvester 5a 652503,13 6151556,9 GST, 18-02-2013 40054617 957.976 1.140.363 1.207.404 997.664 1.103.029 1.033.989 1.146.081 1.056.911 992.162 1.248.876 1.208.981 1.015.460 936.908 1.199.508 458.075
570714700000005633 01-02-1987 31-01-2007 160 23 30 Wind World W 2320 330 Slagelse LAND Forlev By, Vemmelev 7c 642382,39 6140088,16 GST, 18-02-2013 401-71271 29.540 362.680 319.640 348.357 315.253 316.323 329.990 341.973 313.200 265.623 283.867 315.097 192.391 278.772 241.036 239.249 239.608 269.607 249.108 188.696 302.864 351.441
570714700000005657 21-12-1989 08-02-2020 200 23 30 Wind World W 2320 330 Slagelse LAND Forlev By, Vemmelev 7c 642363,84 6139854,3 SDFE2018 401-71276 159.820 348.357 315.253 316.323 329.990 341.973 313.200 265.623 283.867 315.097 192.391 278.772 241.036 239.249 226.162 280.787 260.054 241.895 339.671 342.547 309.282 287.241 331.378 331.866 250.262 282.768 321.273 202.784 133.788 121.814 130.105 37.973
570714700000006135 08-02-1989 31-08-2005 120 21 23,6 Wind World I120/120 330 Slagelse LAND Årslev By, Sønderup 12a 648741,8 6147971 Stamdata 074-00234 155.258 197.660 180.340 205.080 199.360 217.280 203.980 162.100 182.120 186.100 166.698 182.139 148.006 141.104 86.245 163.440 42.312
570714700000006326 04-04-1986 25-01-2002 75 17 22 Windmatic VM 17 S 330 Slagelse LAND Dansk Vindkraft 14b 649891 6145274 Stamdata 094-00389 108.020 137.430 162.620 150.700 162.040 145.890 152.650 160.720 166.730 151.630 128.050 136.490 156.320 126.600 139.000 117.260 0
570714700000006357 14-04-1988 10-12-2001 160 23,2 24 Wind World 160 330 Slagelse LAND Sørbylille By, Sludstrup 5a 653290,039 6137398,718 Stamdata 097-00179-gl. 153.327
570714700000006609 01-10-1986 06-12-2016 99 20,5 28 Nordtank NTK 99 F 330 Slagelse LAND Hyllested 6a 656829,98 6127992,36 SDFE2018 143677 30.996 152.083 189.341 187.940 186.240 151.360 182.880 174.220 201.900 180.140 141.356 150.368 149.784 149.352 168.104 137.456 159.816 143.776 125.565 107.169 119.763 188.950 187.696 162.610 133.675 125.924 140.835 119.813 154.126 176.223 68.172
570714700000007149 01-08-1985 09-09-2002 95 16,5 25 BONUS 96 330 Slagelse LAND Lindeskov, Boeslunde 1a 642457,748 6127426,925 Stamdata 154654 121.780 200.000 200.000 200.000 271.380 265.730 231.470 260.540 239.160 270.280 255.830 164.750 202.200 177.910 197.580 217.730 170.400 112.740
570714700000007668 01-12-1987 18-11-2002 95 19 24 Tellus DW 95 330 Slagelse LAND Agersø By 5b 638623,798 6121121,94 Stamdata 162081 250.000 277.086 287.597 266.226 285.688 250.785 290.802 253.868 214.409 238.413 307.637 250.589 255.972 229.502 137.188
570714700000007729 01-10-1987 17-02-2011 150 23 24 BONUS 150/30 kW 330 Slagelse LAND Skørpinge 124a 650272,686 6134977,899 Stamdata 162449 4.420 250.000 250.000 321.400 292.300 311.960 274.780 329.560 321.200 246.300 265.460 300.052 283.851 279.102 235.049 222.439 247.620 267.205 249.150 217.213 263.542 276.223 142.144 195.312 15.108
570714700000007910 17-03-1988 19-10-2016 150 23 24,5 BONUS 150 330 Slagelse LAND Gryderup By, Boeslunde 8a 642275,73 6132025,68 GST, 18-02-2013 163469 39.150 300.000 359.740 328.970 360.000 307.290 357.580 364.200 279.020 291.100 368.046 301.723 315.645 255.789 287.546 262.020 292.163 247.926 260.521 289.041 300.720 184.760 241.292 291.064 270.591 257.511 266.059 306.672 158.035
570714700000007941 01-04-1988 31-03-2005 200 23,2 30 Danwin DW 23 C-Danwin 330 Slagelse LAND Bøgelunde By, Sønder-Bjerge 9b 654819,692 6125154,931 Stamdata 163582 84.053 250.000 292.716 358.854 379.629 329.469 370.227 372.750 268.119 216.465 183.507 207.992 324.618 267.476 282.883 281.008 227.848 0
570714700000007965 20-05-1988 09-12-2002 99 21 28 Wincon W 99 XT 330 Slagelse LAND Vollerslev By, Gimlinge 5g 654620,665 6135443,898 Stamdata 163654 891 200.000 213.230 199.936 212.824 199.800 232.785 218.730 168.910 177.330 217.427 169.736 189.935 160.506 169.979
570714700000008177 01-11-1988 19-10-2016 150 23 24,5 BONUS 150/30 kW 330 Slagelse LAND Lundforlund 17h 646791,66 6134615,56 GST, 18-02-2013 164810 117.620 343.000 357.000 308.560 359.880 350.000 384.160 337.000 272.420 330.420 331.020 300.837 320.047 269.621 297.434 283.429 305.589 292.719 258.929 298.973 298.561 266.440 231.048 324.119 296.988 270.669 295.575 329.732 179.057
570714700000008191 01-12-1988 26-01-2016 150 24 30 Danwin DW 24-200   330 Slagelse LAND Skørpinge 19a m.f 649552,01 6134900,86 GST, 18-02-2013 165081 35.540 263.740 297.340 295.500 304.900 251.120 331.340 289.580 248.300 257.540 291.420 226.845 277.344 240.816 258.450 243.614 256.851 248.492 222.862 295.630 277.993 242.966 215.840 275.032 247.132 232.439 201.760 203.302 0
570714700000008207 03-04-1989 16-05-2011 200 25,5 31 Smedemester LOLLAND 200/40  330 Slagelse LAND Halseby By,Tårnborg 1b 639531,745 6137237,895 Stamdata 165117 116.908 400.000 350.000 279.618 337.734 181.629 332.823 267.840 393.261 405.114 381.403 318.609 331.189 361.132 340.924 380.877 363.062 341.669 412.312 261.211 290.192 244.784 133.519
570714700000008481 13-06-1989 21-10-2014 150 24,6 32,5 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 330 Slagelse LAND Hyllested 7 656553,52 6126861,07 GST, 18-02-2013 166421 381.656 356.510 317.020 336.620 276.156 372.780 327.400 273.440 292.160 343.493 278.695 302.139 247.810 280.882 261.967 176.958 246.133 242.539 262.956 221.279 201.111 202.276 252.527 210.473 215.376 69.230
570714700000008498 01-12-1989 05-06-2017 250 26 30 Micon M 450-250   330 Slagelse LAND Tjæreby By, Tjæreby 7a 650430,1 6123640,44 SDFE2018 166519 0 468.615 414.969 434.802 365.358 467.433 414.459 332.178 366.792 422.654 344.099 378.023 316.143 346.253 267.451 331.288 327.258 301.759 302.401 322.248 316.726 285.336 354.199 336.396 277.053 321.986 398.388 272.931 138.192
570714700000008535 21-11-1988 20-09-2007 200 25,5 31 Smedemester LOLLAND 200/40  330 Slagelse LAND Frølunde By, Tårnborg 2a 638582,751 6137541,894 Stamdata 167070 0 134.809 234.640 10.420 334.820 335.380 243.360 363.360 271.140 341.940 347.261 271.469 383.121 358.744 425.430 398.790 447.723 430.306 308.110 0
570714700000009051 01-03-1991 15-09-2009 225 27 30 Danwin DW 27-Danwin 330 Slagelse LAND Flakkebjerg 11a 651461,832 6132526,532 Stamdata 175898 176.606 299.042 253.000 335.938 333.692 277.272 306.354 371.861 288.686 300.131 262.322 295.390 265.645 92.345 148.450 165.765 91.149 286.947 132.708
570714700000009853 16-06-1995 04-11-2014 225 29,6 30 Micon M 700-225/40   330 Slagelse LAND Lyngbygård Hvdg, Eggeslevmagle 2d 646042,64 6130040,57 GST, 18-02-2013 182807 12.960 304.800 364.410 412.297 333.394 384.439 316.869 348.759 325.021 368.824 333.944 317.654 374.220 390.175 297.014 262.446 288.503 325.047 298.830 235.596 0
571313174000795528 29-04-2015 30-06-2020 25 8 4,3 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 330 Slagelse Land 647148,47 6148931,99 SDFE2018 756 464 26 0 0 0
570714700000006678 01-12-1981 17-08-2001 65 17 24 Nordtank NTK 85/208 336 Stevns LAND Udgået 13e 705784,681 6135412,265 Stamdata 144561 0 59.519 72.167 73.267 57.591 71.339 58.338 72.629 63.620 69.120 59.840 66.370 61.630 83.600 75.530 58.782 61.560 69.996 60.940 70.820 29.356 0
570714700000006692 01-12-1981 01-10-2002 30 11 18 Nordtank NTK 30/75 336 Stevns LAND Strøby By, Strøby 17e 708312,439 6143829,905 Stamdata 144636 0 22.030 26.711 27.118 21.316 26.405 21.592 26.882 24.679 26.031 20.576 25.417 24.616 15.585 31.980 21.156 24.900 31.899 24.336 26.611 23.146 16.074
570714700000006845 01-08-1983 22-05-2002 55 15,3 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-11  336 Stevns LAND Lyderslev 6a 708405 6130686 Stamdata 148875 40.411 123.082 96.747 119.843 98.002 122.011 114.170 119.960 104.780 113.080 112.780 129.570 122.980 93.180 93.200 126.240 97.280 107.400 80.780 39.860
570714700000007118 03-06-1985 12-06-2002 55 16,5 24 BONUS 55 kW-BONUS 336 Stevns LAND Barup By, Hellested 4a 705589,464 6134105,908 Stamdata 154262 32.460 90.000 90.000 90.000 97.430 103.780 93.310 93.760 86.430 111.210 94.740 74.190 83.180 96.000 73.920 80.060 76.520 32.780
570714700000007453 01-01-1987 29-08-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 95-20 kW 336 Stevns LAND Varpelev 26a 707828,447 6138793,905 Stamdata 157972 70.840 125.000 184.460 185.600 165.800 182.320 191.560 215.380 186.500 161.360 155.840 183.982 142.164 153.033 127.987 67.558
570714700000007460 10-02-1987 12-07-2002 99 20,5 26 Nordtank NTK 99 F 336 Stevns LAND Hellested 16f 706967,454 6135891,905 Stamdata 158147 47.870 160.000 186.120 181.040 168.050 193.340 186.560 219.570 196.320 160.230 157.780 203.940 169.656 164.954 136.639 81.230
570714700000007491 09-02-1987 12-09-2002 95 19,4 24 BONUS 96 336 Stevns LAND Gevnø By, Lyderslev 11a 709931,443 6129433,889 Stamdata 158507 66.220 180.000 180.000 200.510 182.940 200.190 205.850 231.440 210.690 174.600 164.800 215.180 168.152 178.724 149.856 92.348
570714700000007569 01-05-1987 01-11-2010 130 24 20,5 Nordtank NTK 130 F-Nordtank 336 Stevns LAND Tårnby 16b 705636,455 6141505,907 Stamdata 159008 28.600 90.000 90.000 143.700 200.020 216.660 214.920 248.860 227.240 181.360 186.540 230.020 167.672 189.512 157.116 200.698 162.035 170.311 136.422 72.474 141.514 119.290 91.518 34.181
570714700000007606 01-07-1987 15-11-2002 150 23 25 BONUS 150/30   - MK l 336 Stevns LAND Lund By, Lyderslev 1v 709086,447 6130975,894 Stamdata 159357 52.508 150.000 267.940 253.200 242.500 273.080 272.180 305.180 277.040 238.180 216.720 287.720 227.485 236.423 197.428 195.494
570714700000007705 22-01-1988 09-09-2002 99 21 28 Wincon W 99 XT 336 Stevns LAND Holtug By 21a 717840,406 6138013,897 Stamdata 162360 61.520 250.000 252.200 242.740 256.120 251.620 282.400 269.360 230.200 211.300 280.409 182.814 118.760 157.902 82.903
570714700000008030 01-06-1988 14-11-2002 150 23 25 BONUS 150/30   - MK l 336 Stevns LAND Lund By, Lyderslev 8a,11i 709587,446 6127615,888 Stamdata 164183 80.900 200.000 322.880 287.540 319.420 308.940 354.820 331.740 285.720 263.640 346.560 275.851 286.025 230.362 240.408
570714700000008818 01-03-1990 12-12-2002 55 15,3 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-11  336 Stevns LAND Holtug By, Holtug 21i 717790,406 6137828,896 Stamdata 174143 58.213 104.010 78.482 83.871 118.851 119.859 98.740 49.063 56.490 112.323 119.761 108.413 68.525
570714700000008825 18-04-1990 03-12-2015 150 23 30 BONUS 150/30 kW 336 Stevns LAND Varpelev 10a 706897,04 6138012,75 GST, 18-02-2013 174410 144.006 284.780 273.742 256.978 329.688 293.920 254.446 254.516 297.149 246.168 260.043 221.660 268.388 234.779 251.527 219.419 210.478 261.610 256.880 230.637 231.224 237.088 233.066 211.261 227.529 182.127
570714700000008887 28-06-1990 13-12-2010 450 35 35 BONUS 450   - MK l 336 Stevns LAND Højerup 12a 716988,9 6130872,44 GST, 18-02-2013 175055 288.920 742.110 806.215 801.465 888.755 815.990 718.425 642.020 864.016 654.577 670.491 608.662 698.716 627.519 672.157 554.675 556.719 665.516 451.484 205.823 118.964
570714700000010187 15-10-1996 08-09-2015 225 29 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  336 Stevns LAND Strøby 18a 708034,09 6143306,55 GST, 18-02-2013 184104 106.280 427.540 494.447 415.227 435.713 381.606 436.725 398.440 416.132 383.171 342.009 435.803 438.989 391.052 389.801 398.958 378.540 346.420 379.277 190.693
570714700000014093 20-05-2000 16-01-2020 18,5 11,2 18 Kuriant TC 850810-1 336 Stevns Land 713668,22 6132994,44 SDFE2018 0 427 4.312 19.465 19.499 18.434 25.518 5.134 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
570714700000005527 20-07-1988 16-11-2010 250 25,5 31,5 Dencon TORNADO 250   340 Sorø LAND Fulby By, Bjernede 9a 664494,9 6151008 Stamdata 007-00296 105.150 310.275 365.375 305.475 296.325 325.050 351.150 308.625 255.825 209.450 317.750 237.366 250.220 233.428 262.252 242.140 234.127 177.651 190.748 266.388 257.922 203.917 156.261
570714700000005534 20-07-1988 16-11-2010 250 25,5 31,5 Dencon TORNADO 250   340 Sorø LAND Fulby By, Bjernede 9a 664610,4 6150925 Stamdata 007-00296 105.150 310.275 365.375 305.475 296.325 325.050 351.150 308.625 255.825 209.450 317.750 237.366 250.220 233.428 262.252 242.140 234.127 177.651 190.748 266.388 257.922 203.917 156.261
570714700000005565 04-11-1980 25-08-2005 22 10 18 Kongsted 22-Kongsted 340 Sorø LAND Ødemark Hgd., Bromme 2s 656839,2 6150308 Stamdata 011-00256 0 0 0 0 6.727 0 0 0 63.474 5.313 0 0 0 11.235 25.391 21.057 15.368 16.076 6.154 14.683 13.206 17.436 19.768 18.126 14.575 0
570714700000005848 24-04-1986 07-08-2002 75 17 22 Windmatic VM 17 S 340 Sorø LAND Rude Eskildstrup By, Munke-Bjergby 6a 661358,6 6154952 Stamdata 043-00840 91.930 127.250 146.440 132.150 144.100 118.450 121.340 128.860 138.190 119.000 86.460 95.660 108.800 86.100 111.610 104.400 81.940
570714700000005862 23-08-1978 12-06-2002 22 10 18 Kongsted 22-Kongsted 340 Sorø LAND Kongsted By, Niløse 10c 655609 6159772 Stamdata 045-00491 0 0 0 0 0 23.128 24.866 20.789 26.003 24.168 27.883 17.667 21.827 19.317 22.533 10.519 13.394 2.383 0 0 0 152 3.248 0 0
570714700000005879 09-10-1980 01-12-2002 22 10 18 Kongsted 22-Kongsted 340 Sorø LAND Niløse By, Niløse 11d 656904,2 6159360 Stamdata 045-00494 0 0 0 21.077 24.489 17.217 20.248 17.241 22.402 20.321 20.446 16.858 17.849 14.048 20.651 19.675 16.186 14.839 20.232 14.715 17.489 13.816 13.981
570714700000005992 24-09-1986 04-11-2002 95 19 24 BONUS 97 340 Sorø LAND Reerslev By, Reerslev 16q 649459,6 6159448 Stamdata 052-00349 86.460 216.760 241.590 235.130 252.130 222.070 205.980 237.500 254.290 222.200 189.830 207.110 229.300 195.390 183.620 179.980 149.602
570714700000006043 25-04-1980 05-02-2008 22 10 18 Kongsted 22-Kongsted 340 Sorø LAND Assentorp By, Stenmagle 26b 661808,506 6160490,442 Stamdata 064-00941 9.323 10.787 6.475 7.238 3.072 840 5.196 4.748 3.641 3.698 4.536 5.451 7.460 3.542 5.155 4.905 1.975 563 111 0 1.326 3.857 8.837 3.894 2.311 0
570714700000006142 05-12-1988 23-02-2006 250 25,5 31 Dencon TORNADO 250   340 Sorø LAND Brandstrup By, Tersløse 9a 659686,5 6157862 Stamdata 077-02052 0 233.675 343.750 299.225 309.025 322.750 355.025 325.175 186.400 350.025 316.300 230.725 289.008 244.187 271.960 255.433 272.671 239.567 27.184
570714700000006159 05-12-1988 23-02-2006 250 25,5 31 Dencon TORNADO 250   340 Sorø LAND Brandstrup By, Tersløse 9a 659870,6 6157787 Stamdata 077-02052 0 233.675 343.750 299.225 309.025 322.750 355.025 325.175 186.400 350.025 316.300 230.725 289.008 244.187 271.960 255.433 272.671 239.567 27.184
570714700000007576 01-07-1987 16-11-2010 150 22 25 Vindsyssel VS 150  340 Sorø LAND Fjenneslev 3e 668781,63 6145866,85 Stamdata 159315 89.132 200.000 189.067 214.717 184.267 196.200 182.383 249.567 208.833 175.783 166.667 227.145 182.474 170.701 158.803 165.785 165.823 182.104 169.080 151.764 142.899 165.998 154.725 78.165
570714700000007583 01-07-1987 16-11-2010 150 22 25 Vindsyssel VS 150  340 Sorø LAND Fjenneslev 3e 668882,593 6145853,868 Stamdata 159315 89.132 200.000 189.067 214.717 184.267 196.200 182.383 249.567 208.833 175.783 166.667 227.145 182.474 170.701 158.803 165.785 165.823 182.104 169.080 151.764 142.899 165.998 154.725 78.165
570714700000007590 01-07-1987 16-11-2010 150 22 25 Vindsyssel VS 150  340 Sorø LAND Fjenneslev 3e 668977,056 6145818,647 Stamdata 159315 89.132 200.000 189.067 214.717 184.267 196.200 182.383 249.567 208.833 175.783 166.667 227.145 182.474 170.701 158.803 165.785 165.823 182.104 169.080 151.764 142.899 165.998 154.725 78.165
570714700000004711 04-11-1982 08-02-2002 55 16,5 24 BONUS M 5/9 350 Lejre LAND Vester Såby 10a 679649 6168942 Stamdata 44-7301 17.384 84.316 85.601 67.285 83.348 68.158 84.856 77.378 88.030 76.840 88.540 63.030 64.420 86.030 62.640 70.810 78.880 65.160 71.270 62.670 2.570
570714700000004773 19-02-1987 23-09-2003 99 21 22 Wincon W 99 XT 350 Lejre LAND Højby 8a 688236 6164644 Stamdata 45-7056 125.180 194.230 177.110 192.710 160.580 192.610 180.040 202.180 178.090 142.710 159.600 183.420 161.550 169.080 141.559 166.714 73.964
570714700000004780 19-02-1987 23-09-2003 99 21 22 Wincon W 99 XT 350 Lejre LAND Højby 7e 688274 6164578 Stamdata 45-7057 125.180 198.540 181.050 191.770 164.300 196.070 186.840 210.450 188.110 143.260 162.510 183.570 166.930 172.160 139.951 169.653 69.156
570714700000004797 08-04-1987 28-06-2002 99 19,6 24,5 Danwin DW 19 350 Lejre LAND Kattinge 20b 687906 6170561 Stamdata 45-7063 99.210 185.271 168.944 165.890 158.470 189.450 183.140 208.200 179.930 132.980 153.060 98.220 142.970 152.040 69.340 0
570714700000004803 31-10-1989 07-11-2002 150 24,6 32,2 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 350 Lejre LAND Trællerup 686647 6171366 Stamdata 45-7227 46.083 270.380 248.130 300.730 277.570 317.200 296.520 235.680 257.520 290.256 221.610 291.286 225.682 203.049
570714700000004827 05-11-1981 19-03-2002 55 15 19 350 Lejre LAND Jenslev 7b 681899 6174581 Stamdata 50-8150 23.724 85.314 103.444 105.021 82.550 102.257 83.621 104.107 94.932 104.500 90.270 98.970 88.710 111.860 104.350 81.560 93.260 99.600 80.410 76.600 73.551 60
570714700000004834 12-12-1986 04-10-2002 95 18 24,5 BONUS 95-20   350 Lejre LAND Biltris 4r 683896 6178835 Stamdata 50-8847 174.361 217.076 197.946 206.770 172.560 204.530 188.990 203.910 225.620 165.740 189.880 213.246 164.577 218.334 161.920 0
570714700000004841 08-07-1988 21-10-2002 150 23 24,5 BONUS 150 kW 350 Lejre LAND Lille Karleby 5a 683095 6173735 Stamdata 50-8944 122.853 268.863 281.820 235.710 287.390 257.070 276.310 313.580 215.390 254.420 291.110 222.627 296.452 219.635 193.739
570714700000004858 08-07-1988 21-10-2002 150 23 24,5 BONUS 150 kW 350 Lejre LAND Lille Karleby 5a 683136 6173708 Stamdata 50-8945 123.928 271.217 266.580 237.350 285.110 261.310 298.200 294.830 232.960 246.170 293.636 222.588 315.328 220.375 188.079
570714700000001376 01-07-1990 25-07-2012 400 35 32 DVT DVT 400 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 2b 628231,6 6071561,66 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV003 416.463 1.048.542 1.162.875 1.127.250 1.185.042 988.833 794.250 874.708 1.051.167 892.958 967.833 832.701 876.110 852.870 947.915 881.855 901.385 904.893 788.642 591.230 514.987 532.435 180.864
570714700000001383 01-07-1990 25-07-2012 400 35 32 DVT DVT 400 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 2b 628276,3 6071458,69 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV003 416.463 1.048.542 1.162.875 1.127.250 1.185.042 988.833 794.250 874.708 1.051.167 892.958 967.833 832.701 876.110 852.870 947.915 881.855 901.385 904.893 788.642 591.230 514.987 532.435 180.864
570714700000001390 01-07-1990 25-07-2012 400 35 32 DVT DVT 400 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 2b 628320,45 6071355,98 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV003 416.463 1.048.542 1.162.875 1.127.250 1.185.042 988.833 794.250 874.708 1.051.167 892.958 967.833 832.701 876.110 852.870 947.915 881.855 901.385 904.893 788.642 591.230 514.987 532.435 180.864
570714700000001406 01-07-1990 25-07-2012 400 35 32 DVT DVT 400 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 3a 628366,86 6071254,52 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV003 416.463 1.048.542 1.162.875 1.127.250 1.185.042 988.833 794.250 874.708 1.051.167 892.958 967.833 832.701 876.110 852.870 947.915 881.855 901.385 904.893 788.642 591.230 514.987 532.435 180.864
570714700000001413 01-07-1990 25-07-2012 400 35 32 DVT DVT 400 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 14f 628419,56 6071155,53 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV003 416.463 1.048.542 1.162.875 1.127.250 1.185.042 988.833 794.250 874.708 1.051.167 892.958 967.833 832.701 876.110 852.870 947.915 881.855 901.385 904.893 788.642 591.230 514.987 532.435 180.864
570714700000001420 01-07-1990 25-07-2012 400 35 32 DVT DVT 400 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 14b 628473,7 6071057,66 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV003 416.463 1.048.542 1.162.875 1.127.250 1.185.042 988.833 794.250 874.708 1.051.167 892.958 967.833 832.701 876.110 852.870 947.915 881.855 901.385 904.893 788.642 591.230 514.987 532.435 180.864
570714700000001437 01-07-1990 25-07-2012 400 35 32 DVT DVT 400 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 17a 628527,08 6070958,97 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV003 416.463 1.048.542 1.162.875 1.127.250 1.185.042 988.833 794.250 874.708 1.051.167 892.958 967.833 832.701 876.110 852.870 947.915 881.855 901.385 904.893 788.642 591.230 514.987 532.435 180.864
570714700000001444 01-07-1990 25-07-2012 400 35 32 DVT DVT 400 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 17a 628582,13 6070861,45 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV003 416.463 1.048.542 1.162.875 1.127.250 1.185.042 988.833 794.250 874.708 1.051.167 892.958 967.833 832.701 876.110 852.870 947.915 881.855 901.385 904.893 788.642 591.230 514.987 532.435 180.864
570714700000001451 01-07-1990 25-07-2012 400 35 32 DVT DVT 400 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 17c 628643,06 6070767,07 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV003 416.463 1.048.542 1.162.875 1.127.250 1.185.042 988.833 794.250 874.708 1.051.167 892.958 967.833 832.701 876.110 852.870 947.915 881.855 901.385 904.893 788.642 591.230 514.987 532.435 180.864
570714700000001468 01-07-1990 25-07-2012 400 35 32 DVT DVT 400 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 20b 628706,16 6070674,71 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV003 416.463 1.048.542 1.162.875 1.127.250 1.185.042 988.833 794.250 874.708 1.051.167 892.958 967.833 832.701 876.110 852.870 947.915 881.855 901.385 904.893 788.642 591.230 514.987 532.435 180.864
570714700000001475 01-07-1990 25-07-2012 400 35 32 DVT DVT 400 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 20b 628770,53 6070582,98 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV003 416.463 1.048.542 1.162.875 1.127.250 1.185.042 988.833 794.250 874.708 1.051.167 892.958 967.833 832.701 876.110 852.870 947.915 881.855 901.385 904.893 788.642 591.230 514.987 532.435 180.864
570714700000001482 01-07-1990 25-07-2012 400 35 32 DVT DVT 400 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 20b 628836,96 6070492,91 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV003 416.463 1.048.542 1.162.875 1.127.250 1.185.042 988.833 794.250 874.708 1.051.167 892.958 967.833 832.701 876.110 852.870 947.915 881.855 901.385 904.893 788.642 591.230 514.987 532.435 180.864
570714700000001499 01-07-1990 25-07-2012 400 35 32 DVT DVT 400 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 20b 628910,37 6070408,22 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV003 416.463 1.048.542 1.162.875 1.127.250 1.185.042 988.833 794.250 874.708 1.051.167 892.958 967.833 832.701 876.110 852.870 947.915 881.855 901.385 904.893 788.642 591.230 514.987 532.435 180.864
570714700000001505 01-07-1990 25-07-2012 400 35 32 DVT DVT 400 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 19g 628991,23 6070331,06 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV003 416.463 1.048.542 1.162.875 1.127.250 1.185.042 988.833 794.250 874.708 1.051.167 892.958 967.833 832.701 876.110 852.870 947.915 881.855 901.385 904.893 788.642 591.230 514.987 532.435 180.864
570714700000001512 01-07-1990 25-07-2012 400 35 32 DVT DVT 400 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 16e 629075,5 6070257,72 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV003 416.463 1.048.542 1.162.875 1.127.250 1.185.042 988.833 794.250 874.708 1.051.167 892.958 967.833 832.701 876.110 852.870 947.915 881.855 901.385 904.893 788.642 591.230 514.987 532.435 180.864
570714700000001529 01-07-1990 25-07-2012 400 35 32 DVT DVT 400 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 16e 629165,14 6070190,51 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV003 416.463 1.048.542 1.162.875 1.127.250 1.185.042 988.833 794.250 874.708 1.051.167 892.958 967.833 832.701 876.110 852.870 947.915 881.855 901.385 904.893 788.642 591.230 514.987 532.435 180.864
570714700000001536 01-07-1990 25-07-2012 400 35 32 DVT DVT 400 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 16b 629260,94 6070133,44 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV003 416.463 1.048.542 1.162.875 1.127.250 1.185.042 988.833 794.250 874.708 1.051.167 892.958 967.833 832.701 876.110 852.870 947.915 881.855 901.385 904.893 788.642 591.230 514.987 532.435 180.864
570714700000001543 01-07-1990 25-07-2012 400 35 32 DVT DVT 400 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 16e 629361,77 6070084,21 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV003 416.463 1.048.542 1.162.875 1.127.250 1.185.042 988.833 794.250 874.708 1.051.167 892.958 967.833 832.701 876.110 852.870 947.915 881.855 901.385 904.893 788.642 591.230 514.987 532.435 180.864
570714700000001550 01-07-1990 25-07-2012 400 35 32 DVT DVT 400 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 16b 629481,03 6070033,74 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV003 416.463 1.048.542 1.162.875 1.127.250 1.185.042 988.833 794.250 874.708 1.051.167 892.958 967.833 832.701 876.110 852.870 947.915 881.855 901.385 904.893 788.642 591.230 514.987 532.435 180.864
570714700000001567 01-07-1990 25-07-2012 400 35 32 DVT DVT 400 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 1b 629611,93 6069982,58 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV003 416.463 1.048.542 1.162.875 1.127.250 1.185.042 988.833 794.250 874.708 1.051.167 892.958 967.833 832.701 876.110 852.870 947.915 881.855 901.385 904.893 788.642 591.230 514.987 532.435 180.864
570714700000001574 01-07-1990 25-07-2012 400 35 32 DVT DVT 400 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 50 629741,89 6069930,01 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV003 416.463 1.048.542 1.162.875 1.127.250 1.185.042 988.833 794.250 874.708 1.051.167 892.958 967.833 832.701 876.110 852.870 947.915 881.855 901.385 904.893 788.642 591.230 514.987 532.435 180.864
570714700000001581 01-07-1990 25-07-2012 400 35 32 DVT DVT 400 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 1b 629872,38 6069878,33 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV003 416.463 1.048.542 1.162.875 1.127.250 1.185.042 988.833 794.250 874.708 1.051.167 892.958 967.833 832.701 876.110 852.870 947.915 881.855 901.385 904.893 788.642 591.230 514.987 532.435 180.864
570714700000001598 01-07-1990 25-07-2012 400 35 32 DVT DVT 400 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 1b 630003,22 6069823,6 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV003 416.463 1.048.542 1.162.875 1.127.250 1.185.042 988.833 794.250 874.708 1.051.167 892.958 967.833 832.701 876.110 852.870 947.915 881.855 901.385 904.893 788.642 591.230 514.987 532.435 180.864
570714700000001604 01-07-1990 25-07-2012 400 35 32 DVT DVT 400 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 1b 630132,19 6069768,49 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV003 416.463 1.048.542 1.162.875 1.127.250 1.185.042 988.833 794.250 874.708 1.051.167 892.958 967.833 832.701 876.110 852.870 947.915 881.855 901.385 904.893 788.642 591.230 514.987 532.435 180.864
570714700000001659 01-09-1991 20-02-2017 450 35 37,5 BONUS 450 offshore 360 Lolland HAV Uoplyst hav 635828,68 6093872,74 SDFE2018 EVV005 362.364 973.000 1.071.182 996.000 1.003.909 801.545 1.014.636 852.727 760.909 1.082.091 886.244 935.851 891.157 1.055.377 937.146 749.928 1.035.657 1.005.903 889.155 871.055 790.491 799.659 747.954 856.993 610.198 158.499 5.043
570714700000001666 01-09-1991 20-02-2017 450 35 37,5 BONUS 450 offshore 360 Lolland HAV Uoplyst hav 636026,77 6093647,51 SDFE2018 EVV005 362.364 973.000 1.071.182 996.000 1.003.909 801.545 1.014.636 852.727 760.909 1.082.091 886.244 935.851 891.157 1.055.377 937.146 749.928 1.035.657 1.005.903 889.155 871.055 790.491 799.659 747.954 856.993 610.198 158.499 5.043
570714700000001673 01-09-1991 20-02-2017 450 35 37,5 BONUS 450 offshore 360 Lolland HAV Uoplyst hav 636224,47 6093423,7 SDFE2018 EVV005 362.364 973.000 1.071.182 996.000 1.003.909 801.545 1.014.636 852.727 760.909 1.082.091 886.244 935.851 891.157 1.055.377 937.146 749.928 1.035.657 1.005.903 889.155 871.055 790.491 799.659 747.954 856.993 610.198 158.499 5.043
570714700000001680 01-09-1991 20-02-2017 450 35 37,5 BONUS 450 offshore 360 Lolland HAV Uoplyst hav 636423,1 6093198,31 SDFE2018 EVV005 362.364 973.000 1.071.182 996.000 1.003.909 801.545 1.014.636 852.727 760.909 1.082.091 886.244 935.851 891.157 1.055.377 937.146 749.928 1.035.657 1.005.903 889.155 871.055 790.491 799.659 747.954 856.993 610.198 158.499 5.043
570714700000001697 01-09-1991 20-02-2017 450 35 37,5 BONUS 450 offshore 360 Lolland HAV Uoplyst hav 636620,59 6092971,83 SDFE2018 EVV005 362.364 973.000 1.071.182 996.000 1.003.909 801.545 1.014.636 852.727 760.909 1.082.091 886.244 935.851 891.157 1.055.377 937.146 749.928 1.035.657 1.005.903 889.155 871.055 790.491 799.659 747.954 856.993 610.198 158.499 5.043
570714700000001703 01-09-1991 20-02-2017 450 35 37,5 BONUS 450 offshore 360 Lolland HAV Uoplyst hav 635959,51 6094188,02 SDFE2018 EVV005 362.364 973.000 1.071.182 996.000 1.003.909 801.545 1.014.636 852.727 760.909 1.082.091 886.244 935.851 891.157 1.055.377 937.146 749.928 1.035.657 1.005.903 889.155 871.055 790.491 799.659 747.954 856.993 610.198 158.499 5.043
570714700000001710 01-09-1991 20-02-2017 450 35 37,5 BONUS 450 offshore 360 Lolland HAV Uoplyst hav 636149,31 6093955,64 SDFE2018 EVV005 362.364 973.000 1.071.182 996.000 1.003.909 801.545 1.014.636 852.727 760.909 1.082.091 886.244 935.851 891.157 1.055.377 937.146 749.928 1.035.657 1.005.903 889.155 871.055 790.491 799.659 747.954 856.993 610.198 158.499 5.043
570714700000001727 01-09-1991 20-02-2017 450 35 37,5 BONUS 450 offshore 360 Lolland HAV Uoplyst hav 636345,9 6093731,13 SDFE2018 EVV005 362.364 973.000 1.071.182 996.000 1.003.909 801.545 1.014.636 852.727 760.909 1.082.091 886.244 935.851 891.157 1.055.377 937.146 749.928 1.035.657 1.005.903 889.155 871.055 790.491 799.659 747.954 856.993 610.198 158.499 5.043
570714700000001734 01-09-1991 20-02-2017 450 35 37,5 BONUS 450 offshore 360 Lolland HAV Uoplyst hav 636550,06 6093508,16 SDFE2018 EVv005 362.364 973.000 1.071.182 996.000 1.003.909 801.545 1.014.636 852.727 760.909 1.082.091 886.244 935.851 891.157 1.055.377 937.146 749.928 1.035.657 1.005.903 889.155 871.055 790.491 799.659 747.954 856.993 610.198 158.499 5.043
570714700000001741 01-09-1991 20-02-2017 450 35 37,5 BONUS 450 offshore 360 Lolland HAV Uoplyst hav 636747,11 6093281,78 SDFE2018 EVV005 362.364 973.000 1.071.182 996.000 1.003.909 801.545 1.014.636 852.727 760.909 1.082.091 886.244 935.851 891.157 1.055.377 937.146 749.928 1.035.657 1.005.903 889.155 871.055 790.491 799.659 747.954 856.993 610.198 158.499 5.043
570714700000001758 01-09-1991 20-02-2017 450 35 37,5 BONUS 450 offshore 360 Lolland HAV Uoplyst hav 636945,14 6093056,34 SDFE2018 EVV005 362.364 973.000 1.071.182 996.000 1.003.909 801.545 1.014.636 852.727 760.909 1.082.091 886.244 935.851 891.157 1.055.377 937.146 749.928 1.035.657 1.005.903 889.155 871.055 790.491 799.659 747.954 856.993 610.198 158.499 5.043
570714700000002007 01-02-1992 03-10-2005 150 27 31 Wind World W 2700 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 1f 644646 6077109 Stamdata SVV007 126.000 385.000 398.500 353.000 277.500 319.500 365.500 319.000 316.500 269.588 267.551 277.993 316.321 215.393
570714700000002014 01-02-1992 03-10-2005 150 27 31 Wind World W 2700 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 1f 644651 6077011 Stamdata SVV007 126.000 385.000 398.500 353.000 277.500 319.500 365.500 319.000 316.500 269.588 267.551 277.993 316.321 215.393
570714700000002793 01-03-1998 13-10-2017 600 44 45 BONUS MK lll 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 5q 646822,91 6068678,09 SDFE2018 Ukendt 1.069.250 1.160.250 1.233.750 1.080.832 1.183.578 1.110.334 1.225.480 1.154.685 980.820 1.312.244 1.311.002 1.134.445 1.078.739 1.269.232 1.138.429 1.036.583 1.167.823 1.140.796 1.028.567 884.794
570714700000002809 01-03-1998 13-10-2017 600 44 45 BONUS MK lll 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 5p 646983,36 6068613,53 SDFE2018 Ukendt 1.069.250 1.160.250 1.233.750 1.080.832 1.183.578 1.110.334 1.225.480 1.154.685 980.820 1.312.244 1.311.002 1.134.445 1.078.739 1.269.232 1.138.429 1.036.583 1.167.823 1.140.796 1.028.567 884.794
570714700000002816 01-03-1998 13-10-2017 600 44 45 BONUS MK lll 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 23c 646779,78 6068524,84 SDFE2018 Ukendt 1.069.250 1.160.250 1.233.750 1.080.832 1.183.578 1.110.334 1.225.480 1.154.685 980.820 1.312.244 1.311.002 1.134.445 1.078.739 1.269.232 1.138.429 1.036.583 1.167.823 1.140.796 1.028.567 884.794
570714700000002823 01-03-1998 13-10-2017 600 44 45 BONUS MK lll 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 23d 646939,72 6068459,59 SDFE2018 Ukendt 1.069.250 1.160.250 1.233.750 1.080.832 1.183.578 1.110.334 1.225.480 1.154.685 980.820 1.312.244 1.311.002 1.134.445 1.078.739 1.269.232 1.138.429 1.036.583 1.167.823 1.140.796 1.028.567 884.794
570714700000002885 01-09-1998 11-11-2015 750 44 44 NEG Micon NM 750-175/44 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 244dy 653919,88 6058070,93 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV043 570.960 1.457.520 1.633.480 1.337.011 1.479.201 1.353.806 1.649.583 1.633.215 1.404.821 1.591.531 1.712.339 1.434.167 1.247.998 1.638.426 1.552.085 1.341.134 1.469.886 933.107
570714700000002892 01-09-1998 11-11-2015 750 44 44 NEG Micon NM 750-175/44 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 244dy 653756,08 6057774,65 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV043 570.960 1.457.520 1.633.480 1.337.011 1.479.201 1.353.806 1.649.583 1.633.215 1.404.821 1.591.531 1.712.339 1.434.167 1.247.998 1.638.426 1.552.085 1.341.134 1.469.886 933.107
570714700000002908 01-09-1998 11-11-2015 750 44 44 NEG Micon NM 750-175/44 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 244dy 653915,83 6057684,89 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV043 570.960 1.457.520 1.633.480 1.337.011 1.479.201 1.353.806 1.649.583 1.633.215 1.404.821 1.591.531 1.712.339 1.434.167 1.247.998 1.638.426 1.552.085 1.341.134 1.469.886 933.107
570714700000002915 01-09-1998 11-11-2015 750 44 44 NEG Micon NM 750-175/44 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 244dy 654073,25 6057595,56 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV043 570.960 1.457.520 1.633.480 1.337.011 1.479.201 1.353.806 1.649.583 1.633.215 1.404.821 1.591.531 1.712.339 1.434.167 1.247.998 1.638.426 1.552.085 1.341.134 1.469.886 933.107
570714700000002922 01-09-1998 11-11-2015 750 44 44 NEG Micon NM 750-175/44 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 244dy 654232,37 6057505,66 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV043 570.960 1.457.520 1.633.480 1.337.011 1.479.201 1.353.806 1.649.583 1.633.215 1.404.821 1.591.531 1.712.339 1.434.167 1.247.998 1.638.426 1.552.085 1.341.134 1.469.886 933.107
570714700000002939 01-09-1998 11-11-2015 750 44 44 NEG Micon NM 750-175/44 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 244dy 654392,05 6057416,28 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV043 570.960 1.457.520 1.633.480 1.337.011 1.479.201 1.353.806 1.649.583 1.633.215 1.404.821 1.591.531 1.712.339 1.434.167 1.247.998 1.638.426 1.552.085 1.341.134 1.469.886 933.107
570714700000002946 01-09-1998 11-11-2015 750 44 44 NEG Micon NM 750-175/44 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 244dy 654551,89 6057326,74 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV043 570.960 1.457.520 1.633.480 1.337.011 1.479.201 1.353.806 1.649.583 1.633.215 1.404.821 1.591.531 1.712.339 1.434.167 1.247.998 1.638.426 1.552.085 1.341.134 1.469.886 933.107
570714700000002953 01-09-1998 11-11-2015 750 44 44 NEG Micon NM 750-175/44 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 244dy 654710,66 6057236,86 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV043 570.960 1.457.520 1.633.480 1.337.011 1.479.201 1.353.806 1.649.583 1.633.215 1.404.821 1.591.531 1.712.339 1.434.167 1.247.998 1.638.426 1.552.085 1.341.134 1.469.886 933.107
570714700000002960 01-09-1998 11-11-2015 750 44 44 NEG Micon NM 750-175/44 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 244dy 653919,34 6057878,04 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV043 570.960 1.457.520 1.633.480 1.337.011 1.479.201 1.353.806 1.649.583 1.633.215 1.404.821 1.591.531 1.712.339 1.434.167 1.247.998 1.638.426 1.552.085 1.341.134 1.469.886 933.107
570714700000002977 01-09-1998 11-11-2015 750 44 44 NEG Micon NM 750-175/44 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 244dy 654076,18 6057788,46 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV043 570.960 1.457.520 1.633.480 1.337.011 1.479.201 1.353.806 1.649.583 1.633.215 1.404.821 1.591.531 1.712.339 1.434.167 1.247.998 1.638.426 1.552.085 1.341.134 1.469.886 933.107
570714700000002984 01-09-1998 11-11-2015 750 44 44 NEG Micon NM 750-175/44 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 244dy 654236,44 6057698,51 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV043 570.960 1.457.520 1.633.480 1.337.011 1.479.201 1.353.806 1.649.583 1.633.215 1.404.821 1.591.531 1.712.339 1.434.167 1.247.998 1.638.426 1.552.085 1.341.134 1.469.886 933.107
570714700000002991 01-09-1998 11-11-2015 750 44 44 NEG Micon NM 750-175/44 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 244dy 654395,73 6057608,94 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV043 570.960 1.457.520 1.633.480 1.337.011 1.479.201 1.353.806 1.649.583 1.633.215 1.404.821 1.591.531 1.712.339 1.434.167 1.247.998 1.638.426 1.552.085 1.341.134 1.469.886 933.107
570714700000003004 01-09-1998 11-11-2015 750 44 44 NEG Micon NM 750-175/44 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 244dy 654555,36 6057519,71 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV043 570.960 1.457.520 1.633.480 1.337.011 1.479.201 1.353.806 1.649.583 1.633.215 1.404.821 1.591.531 1.712.339 1.434.167 1.247.998 1.638.426 1.552.085 1.341.134 1.469.886 933.107
570714700000003011 01-09-1998 11-11-2015 750 44 44 NEG Micon NM 750-175/44 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 244dy 654714,49 6057429,45 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV043 570.960 1.457.520 1.633.480 1.337.011 1.479.201 1.353.806 1.649.583 1.633.215 1.404.821 1.591.531 1.712.339 1.434.167 1.247.998 1.638.426 1.552.085 1.341.134 1.469.886 933.107
570714700000003028 01-09-1998 11-11-2015 750 44 44 NEG Micon NM 750-175/44 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 244dy 654069,2 6057961,57 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV043 570.960 1.457.520 1.633.480 1.337.011 1.479.201 1.353.806 1.649.583 1.633.215 1.404.821 1.591.531 1.712.339 1.434.167 1.247.998 1.638.426 1.552.085 1.341.134 1.469.886 933.107
570714700000003035 01-09-1998 11-11-2015 750 44 44 NEG Micon NM 750-175/44 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 244dy 654240,19 6057891,72 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV043 570.960 1.457.520 1.633.480 1.337.011 1.479.201 1.353.806 1.649.583 1.633.215 1.404.821 1.591.531 1.712.339 1.434.167 1.247.998 1.638.426 1.552.085 1.341.134 1.469.886 933.107
570714700000003042 01-09-1998 11-11-2015 750 44 44 NEG Micon NM 750-175/44 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 244dy 654399,85 6057802,3 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV043 570.960 1.457.520 1.633.480 1.337.011 1.479.201 1.353.806 1.649.583 1.633.215 1.404.821 1.591.531 1.712.339 1.434.167 1.247.998 1.638.426 1.552.085 1.341.134 1.469.886 933.107
570714700000003059 01-09-1998 11-11-2015 750 44 44 NEG Micon NM 750-175/44 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 244dy 654558,51 6057712,75 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV043 570.960 1.457.520 1.633.480 1.337.011 1.479.201 1.353.806 1.649.583 1.633.215 1.404.821 1.591.531 1.712.339 1.434.167 1.247.998 1.638.426 1.552.085 1.341.134 1.469.886 933.107
570714700000003066 01-09-1998 11-11-2015 750 44 44 NEG Micon NM 750-175/44 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 244dy 654717,83 6057622,32 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV043 570.960 1.457.520 1.633.480 1.337.011 1.479.201 1.353.806 1.649.583 1.633.215 1.404.821 1.591.531 1.712.339 1.434.167 1.247.998 1.638.426 1.552.085 1.341.134 1.469.886 933.107
570714700000003073 01-09-1998 11-11-2015 750 44 44 NEG Micon NM 750-175/44 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 244dy 654877,57 6057533,29 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV043 570.960 1.457.520 1.633.480 1.337.011 1.479.201 1.353.806 1.649.583 1.633.215 1.404.821 1.591.531 1.712.339 1.434.167 1.247.998 1.638.426 1.552.085 1.341.134 1.469.886 933.107
570714700000003080 01-09-1998 11-11-2015 750 44 44 NEG Micon NM 750-175/44 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 244dy 654541,93 6057869,05 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV043 570.960 1.457.520 1.633.480 1.337.011 1.479.201 1.353.806 1.649.583 1.633.215 1.404.821 1.591.531 1.712.339 1.434.167 1.247.998 1.638.426 1.552.085 1.341.134 1.469.886 933.107
570714700000003097 01-09-1998 11-11-2015 750 44 44 NEG Micon NM 750-175/44 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 244dy 654721,64 6057815,9 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV043 570.960 1.457.520 1.633.480 1.337.011 1.479.201 1.353.806 1.649.583 1.633.215 1.404.821 1.591.531 1.712.339 1.434.167 1.247.998 1.638.426 1.552.085 1.341.134 1.469.886 933.107
570714700000003103 01-09-1998 11-11-2015 750 44 44 NEG Micon NM 750-175/44 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 244dy 654881,63 6057726,31 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV043 570.960 1.457.520 1.633.480 1.337.011 1.479.201 1.353.806 1.649.583 1.633.215 1.404.821 1.591.531 1.712.339 1.434.167 1.247.998 1.638.426 1.552.085 1.341.134 1.469.886 933.107
570714700000003110 01-09-1998 11-11-2015 750 44 44 NEG Micon NM 750-175/44 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 244dy 654873,66 6057340,23 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV043 570.960 1.457.520 1.633.480 1.337.011 1.479.201 1.353.806 1.649.583 1.633.215 1.404.821 1.591.531 1.712.339 1.434.167 1.247.998 1.638.426 1.552.085 1.341.134 1.469.886 933.107
570714700000003127 01-09-1998 11-11-2015 750 44 44 NEG Micon NM 750-175/44 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 244dy 655040,79 6057636,53 GST, 18-02-2013 SVv043 570.960 1.457.520 1.633.480 1.337.011 1.479.201 1.353.806 1.649.583 1.633.215 1.404.821 1.591.531 1.712.339 1.434.167 1.247.998 1.638.426 1.552.085 1.341.134 1.469.886 933.107
570714700000003721 27-01-2000 26-10-2017 1000 54,2 50 BONUS 1000 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 1d 632648,24 6089457,04 SDFE2018 SVV004 1.568.762 1.939.376 2.075.701 1.948.925 2.231.326 2.123.710 1.961.611 2.437.389 2.256.506 2.040.222 2.012.482 2.257.143 2.194.748 1.935.775 2.003.517 2.347.229 1.890.174 1.381.678
570714700000003738 27-01-2000 26-10-2017 1000 54 50 BONUS 1000 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 1a 632620,63 6089616,51 SDFE2018 SVV004 1.568.762 1.939.376 2.075.701 1.948.925 2.231.326 2.123.710 1.961.611 2.437.389 2.256.506 2.040.222 2.012.482 2.257.143 2.194.748 1.935.775 2.003.517 2.347.229 1.890.174 1.381.678
570714700000003745 27-01-2000 26-10-2017 1000 54 50 BONUS 1000 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 1f 632702,3 6089747,66 SDFE2018 SVV045 1.568.762 1.939.376 2.075.701 1.948.925 2.231.326 2.123.710 1.961.611 2.437.389 2.256.506 2.040.222 2.012.482 2.257.143 2.194.748 1.935.775 2.003.517 2.347.229 1.890.174 1.381.678
570714700000003752 27-01-2000 26-10-2017 1000 54 50 BONUS 1000 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 1g 632790,6 6089877,91 SDFE2018 SVV045 1.568.762 1.939.376 2.075.701 1.948.925 2.231.326 2.123.710 1.961.611 2.437.389 2.256.506 2.040.222 2.012.482 2.257.143 2.194.748 1.935.775 2.003.517 2.347.229 1.890.174 1.381.678
570714700000003769 27-01-2000 26-10-2017 1000 54 50 BONUS 1000 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 1h 632959,28 6089997,44 SDFE2018 SVV045 1.568.762 1.939.376 2.075.701 1.948.925 2.231.326 2.123.710 1.961.611 2.437.389 2.256.506 2.040.222 2.012.482 2.257.143 2.194.748 1.935.775 2.003.517 2.347.229 1.890.174 1.381.678
570714700000003776 27-01-2000 26-10-2017 1000 54 50 BONUS 1000 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 1i 633141,33 6090090,71 SDFE2018 SVV045 1.568.762 1.939.376 2.075.701 1.948.925 2.231.326 2.123.710 1.961.611 2.437.389 2.256.506 2.040.222 2.012.482 2.257.143 2.194.748 1.935.775 2.003.517 2.347.229 1.890.174 1.381.678
570714700000003783 27-01-2000 26-10-2017 1000 54 50 BONUS 1000 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 1k 633327,75 6090184,46 SDFE2018 SVV045 1.568.762 1.939.376 2.075.701 1.948.925 2.231.326 2.123.710 1.961.611 2.437.389 2.256.506 2.040.222 2.012.482 2.257.143 2.194.748 1.935.775 2.003.517 2.347.229 1.890.174 1.381.678
570714700000003790 27-01-2000 26-10-2017 1000 54 50 BONUS 1000 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 1l 633515,86 6090263,3 SDFE2018 SVV045 1.568.762 1.939.376 2.075.701 1.948.925 2.231.326 2.123.710 1.961.611 2.437.389 2.256.506 2.040.222 2.012.482 2.257.143 2.194.748 1.935.775 2.003.517 2.347.229 1.890.174 1.381.678
570714700000003806 27-01-2000 26-10-2017 1000 54 50 BONUS 1000 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 1m 633352,52 6090040,76 SDFE2018 SVV045 1.568.762 1.939.376 2.075.701 1.948.925 2.231.326 2.123.710 1.961.611 2.437.389 2.256.506 2.040.222 2.012.482 2.257.143 2.194.748 1.935.775 2.003.517 2.347.229 1.890.174 1.381.678
570714700000003813 27-01-2000 26-10-2017 1000 54 50 BONUS 1000 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 1n 633380,21 6089881,29 SDFE2018 SVV045 1.568.762 1.939.376 2.075.701 1.948.925 2.231.326 2.123.710 1.961.611 2.437.389 2.256.506 2.040.222 2.012.482 2.257.143 2.194.748 1.935.775 2.003.517 2.347.229 1.890.174 1.381.678
570714700000003820 27-01-2000 26-10-2017 1000 54 50 BONUS 1000 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 1o 633407,89 6089722,14 SDFE2018 SVV045 1.568.762 1.939.376 2.075.701 1.948.925 2.231.326 2.123.710 1.961.611 2.437.389 2.256.506 2.040.222 2.012.482 2.257.143 2.194.748 1.935.775 2.003.517 2.347.229 1.890.174 1.381.678
570714700000003837 27-01-2000 26-10-2017 1000 54 50 BONUS 1000 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 1p 633435,44 6089563,01 SDFE2018 SVV045 1.568.762 1.939.376 2.075.701 1.948.925 2.231.326 2.123.710 1.961.611 2.437.389 2.256.506 2.040.222 2.012.482 2.257.143 2.194.748 1.935.775 2.003.517 2.347.229 1.890.174 1.381.678
570714700000003844 27-01-2000 26-10-2017 1000 54 50 BONUS 1000 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 1q 633461,02 6089403,17 SDFE2018 SVV045 1.568.762 1.939.376 2.075.701 1.948.925 2.231.326 2.123.710 1.961.611 2.437.389 2.256.506 2.040.222 2.012.482 2.257.143 2.194.748 1.935.775 2.003.517 2.347.229 1.890.174 1.381.678
570714700000003851 27-01-2000 26-10-2017 1000 54 50 BONUS 1000 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 1x 633266,26 6089377,85 SDFE2018 SVV045 1.568.762 1.939.376 2.075.701 1.948.925 2.231.326 2.123.710 1.961.611 2.437.389 2.256.506 2.040.222 2.012.482 2.257.143 2.194.748 1.935.775 2.003.517 2.347.229 1.890.174 1.381.678
570714700000003868 27-01-2000 26-10-2017 1000 54 50 BONUS 1000 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 1u 633068,25 6089351,63 SDFE2018 SVV045 1.568.762 1.939.376 2.075.701 1.948.925 2.231.326 2.123.710 1.961.611 2.437.389 2.256.506 2.040.222 2.012.482 2.257.143 2.194.748 1.935.775 2.003.517 2.347.229 1.890.174 1.381.678
570714700000003875 27-01-2000 26-10-2017 1000 54 50 BONUS 1000 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 1t 633041,16 6089510,37 SDFE2018 SVV045 1.568.762 1.939.376 2.075.701 1.948.925 2.231.326 2.123.710 1.961.611 2.437.389 2.256.506 2.040.222 2.012.482 2.257.143 2.194.748 1.935.775 2.003.517 2.347.229 1.890.174 1.381.678
570714700000003882 27-01-2000 26-10-2017 1000 54 50 BONUS 1000 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 1s 633013,36 6089668,82 SDFE2018 SVV045 1.568.762 1.939.376 2.075.701 1.948.925 2.231.326 2.123.710 1.961.611 2.437.389 2.256.506 2.040.222 2.012.482 2.257.143 2.194.748 1.935.775 2.003.517 2.347.229 1.890.174 1.381.678
570714700000003899 27-01-2000 26-10-2017 1000 54 50 BONUS 1000 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 1r 632986,28 6089827,96 SDFE2018 SVV045 1.568.762 1.939.376 2.075.701 1.948.925 2.231.326 2.123.710 1.961.611 2.437.389 2.256.506 2.040.222 2.012.482 2.257.143 2.194.748 1.935.775 2.003.517 2.347.229 1.890.174 1.381.678
570714700000003905 27-01-2000 26-10-2017 1000 54 50 BONUS 1000 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 1v 632871,45 6089324,97 SDFE2018 SVV045 1.568.762 1.939.376 2.075.701 1.948.925 2.231.326 2.123.710 1.961.611 2.437.389 2.256.506 2.040.222 2.012.482 2.257.143 2.194.748 1.935.775 2.003.517 2.347.229 1.890.174 1.381.678
570714700000003912 27-01-2000 26-10-2017 1000 54 50 BONUS 1000 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 1y 633788,36 6089832,4 SDFE2018 SVV045 1.568.762 1.939.376 2.075.701 1.948.925 2.231.326 2.123.710 1.961.611 2.437.389 2.256.506 2.040.222 2.012.482 2.257.143 2.194.748 1.935.775 2.003.517 2.347.229 1.890.174 1.381.678
570714700000003929 27-01-2000 26-10-2017 1000 54 50 BONUS 1000 360 Lolland LAND Uoplyst 1z 633803,49 6089685,77 SDFE2018 SVV045 1.568.762 1.939.376 2.075.701 1.948.925 2.231.326 2.123.710 1.961.611 2.437.389 2.256.506 2.040.222 2.012.482 2.257.143 2.194.748 1.935.775 2.003.517 2.347.229 1.890.174 1.381.678
570714700000003981 01-01-1986 29-04-2003 75 23 19 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 360 Lolland LAND Højbygård Hgd. Tågerup 1ae 637294 5762709 Stamdata RØ4520 269.395 377.659 470.173 428.739 473.684 420.490 483.260 458.852 485.060 414.170 345.170 370.440 442.790 359.802 406.598 171.337 123.683 41.449
570714700000004018 12-12-1991 16-11-2016 150 28 31 Wind World WW 150 360 Lolland LAND Sjælstofte By, Errindlev 6a 659806,38 6058100,95 GST, 18-02-2013 2061093 515.030 502.594 527.870 443.760 403.930 426.250 501.990 390.790 417.045 382.797 425.402 384.749 434.881 353.668 318.291 423.322 440.534 406.999 394.353 409.829 363.751 348.763 366.313 365.766 253.762
570714700000004056 15-11-1991 28-09-2010 150 28 31 Wind World WW 150 360 Lolland LAND Sjælstofte By, Errindlev 11d 661137,21 6057947,81 Stamdata 2061085 21.060 534.320 557.221 535.860 437.720 360.370 383.310 517.180 332.806 475.749 381.216 442.691 390.885 444.568 349.799 360.203 441.335 435.329 401.043 248.166
570714700000004087 23-07-1987 18-11-2003 90 19 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 90 kW 360 Lolland LAND Rødby Markjorder 244x 652406,68 6058397,46 Stamdata RØ4527 95.950 238.910 217.856 240.694 208.948 223.575 233.158 249.536 221.501 170.500 189.600 235.300 178.246 217.814 155.925 181.537 134.506
570714700000004094 06-12-1989 28-09-2010 225 26 30 Nordex 225 360 Lolland LAND Rødby Fjord, Rødby Jorder 26 648111,416 6063459,377 Stamdata 2059227 597.461 527.040 619.610 564.156 605.000 531.840 418.910 426.000 565.250 483.496 541.787 438.490 420.161 394.088 484.580 273.245 8.690 99.013 303.016 292.348 140.603
570714700000004209 16-01-1997 14-09-2015 750 44 46 NEG Micon NM 750 360 Lolland LAND Rødby Markjorder 244av 654248,92 6058277,72 SDFE2018 2059234 1.338.525 1.843.725 1.593.725 1.534.280 1.318.006 1.440.271 1.323.399 1.462.508 1.327.792 1.211.615 1.468.271 1.564.018 1.298.388 1.149.873 1.417.177 1.340.346 1.231.873 1.316.984 976.425
570714700000006562 19-02-1981 05-05-2020 15 10 12 Bosted KE 15 K 360 Lolland Land 661557,82 6094550,08 SDFE2018 16.787 18.110 21.959 22.293 17.523 21.707 17.751 22.099 19.670 23.907 21.532 27.208 28.237 23.359 16.885 8.716 11.864 25.660 18.160 18.183 12.515 12.496 15.728 13.940 12.624 12.923 13.567 19.191 14.924 13.263 16.054 16.713 8.351 15.296 19.942 13.469 18.525 12.629 14.812 0
570714700000006593 28-11-1981 06-12-2002 22 12 18 SMEDEM. Ukendt-SMEDEM. 360 Lolland LAND Knubbeløkke By, Kappel 4c 631453,023 6070718,252 Stamdata 143580 2.385 25.728 31.196 31.671 24.895 30.838 25.218 31.395 29.564 27.025 30.241 33.003 23.698 36.556 24.047 13.781 8.200 16.631 22.740 31.372 16.561 3.445
570714700000006654 08-12-1981 30-05-2005 55 16 18 Nordtank NTK 55/11 360 Lolland LAND Femø 16b 662768,755 6094274,027 Stamdata 144414 0 57.356 69.545 70.605 55.498 68.747 56.218 69.990 70.040 77.000 60.950 64.900 64.000 52.180 61.000 44.770 61.230 59.180 41.600 54.320 35.020 48.700 35.700 11.390 7.792
570714700000006661 14-01-1982 24-07-2002 55 15 18 Windmatic VM 15 360 Lolland LAND Ø Tirsted 3a 653512,838 6067741,25 Stamdata 144551 94.428 122.259 124.122 97.564 120.856 98.830 123.042 112.199 124.499 105.405 132.485 106.063 126.441 119.206 89.640 93.545 132.610 98.495 100.410 81.756 61.679
570714700000006685 01-12-1981 18-12-2000 55 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 360 Lolland LAND Udgået 0 628492,213 6073961,432 Stamdata 144579 0 80.808 97.981 99.474 78.190 96.856 79.205 98.608 91.580 88.060 90.930 86.910 78.480 118.960 103.160 87.600 100.060 126.220 100.970 77.640
570714700000006753 23-06-1983 14-11-2003 60 17 24 Smedemester Ukendt-Smedemester 360 Lolland LAND Næsby By, Vestensskov 7b 633473,007 6071506,237 Stamdata 147533 74.589 151.451 119.046 147.465 120.590 150.132 136.902 151.254 136.320 156.060 82.780 180.160 21.520 128.240 124.280 141.080 99.080 59.140 51.564 24.600 0
570714700000006791 23-03-1983 04-07-2002 55 15,3 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-11  360 Lolland LAND Kappel 2b 630554,032 6069694,268 Stamdata 147691 115.709 156.630 123.117 152.509 124.715 155.267 150.630 164.540 137.160 152.510 122.710 161.520 141.670 112.120 127.170 150.360 130.790 147.040 118.550 50.860
570714700000006944 06-12-1984 10-09-2003 75 17 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  360 Lolland LAND Torslunde 22ab 660244,78 6064848,28 Stamdata 152444 0 127.538 159.985 129.193 160.843 150.530 154.230 143.000 166.190 151.800 167.100 140.100 112.050 143.400 140.570 127.780 141.600 111.600 128.000 60.030
570714700000007002 17-10-1984 20-11-2002 95 19 22 BONUS 96 360 Lolland LAND Herredskirke 3a 637265,968 6083418,106 Stamdata 152952 46.690 125.000 125.000 125.000 125.000 117.980 113.610 113.640 72.820 77.610 140.670 73.800 87.710 46.760 0 0 25.900 173.190 162.460
570714700000007033 23-01-1985 16-09-2002 55 15,3 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-11  360 Lolland LAND Tårs By, Sandby  2a 630374,012 6083460,123 Stamdata 153175 100.220 100.300 100.300 100.300 127.050 131.260 117.330 135.230 118.140 132.740 129.820 89.730 100.890 141.430 113.010 122.450 97.780 66.250
570714700000007125 16-08-1985 13-09-2002 75 17 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  360 Lolland LAND Bursø By 14a 658884 6070749 Stamdata 154403 85.802 100.000 100.000 100.000 118.456 136.574 116.298 128.022 102.638 136.052 122.314 97.078 107.380 126.860 64.940 115.180 91.639 36.689
570714700000007217 22-11-1985 13-11-2002 80 0,1 0,1 SMEDEM. Ukendt-SMEDEM. 360 Lolland LAND Avnede 2c 641347,941 6075750,175 Stamdata 154940 59.940 100.000 100.000 100.000 158.140 51.720 76.660 127.200 98.200 161.300 130.900 4.820 98.700 166.490 128.601 142.560 114.167 103.533
570714700000007224 15-11-1985 19-05-2005 75 17 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  360 Lolland LAND Præstevangen/Femø 12a 662712,756 6093800,03 Stamdata 154965 87.974 170.000 170.000 170.000 176.890 207.440 175.180 195.910 154.030 202.610 182.700 164.390 166.970 202.726 161.825 172.497 150.133 155.657 131.164 119.688 51.159
570714700000007231 23-12-1985 20-11-2002 75 17 22 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  360 Lolland LAND Ø.Nordlunde By, Halsted 8a 643101,924 6082410,106 Stamdata 155245 13.734 120.000 120.000 120.000 105.224 124.334 98.142 79.883 100.177 133.386 119.448 86.646 101.180 116.729 83.794 54.094 114.217 109.078
570714700000007743 21-10-1985 13-11-2002 75 17 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  360 Lolland LAND Stokkemarke 41a 654035,827 6081696,113 Stamdata 162575 92.522 92.522 92.522 92.522 92.522 92.522 137.920 119.600 153.060 141.920 107.200 126.060 147.010 117.220 127.230 108.310 55.190
570714700000008269 10-11-1988 21-11-2002 150 0,1 0,1 Wind World WW 150/30 360 Lolland LAND Stokkemarke 7c 654469,823 6083332,098 Stamdata 165251 74.620 311.600 344.000 311.000 322.000 285.000 348.000 316.400 269.600 293.000 341.200 278.954 293.103 256.194 216.021
570714700000008344 28-03-1989 10-12-2014 160 23,2 30 Wind World WW 2320 360 Lolland LAND Stokkemarke 4g 653724,15 6083289,07 GST, 18-02-2013 166001 196.520 298.200 296.980 314.560 271.460 330.980 320.680 267.260 300.700 311.800 256.211 242.170 212.014 243.437 212.869 268.428 216.926 194.366 205.485 270.314 239.604 239.816 277.855 238.095 184.811 31
570714700000008443 07-04-1989 23-12-2013 150 23,2 30 Wind World WW 2320-150  360 Lolland LAND Utterslev 2f 638409,26 6091923,32 GST, 18-02-2013 166319 270.098 469.116 426.950 445.590 369.260 471.626 435.094 373.880 389.000 470.718 375.211 398.737 363.825 393.273 365.038 416.343 394.868 349.769 460.379 301.008 390.106 223.230 390.631 415.789 361.705
570714700000008580 19-10-1989 20-11-2003 150 23 30 BONUS 150/30 kW 360 Lolland LAND Hillested By, Hillested 22a 655537,817 6069342,237 Stamdata 168118 51.560 366.660 321.200 339.600 287.000 374.600 325.400 276.000 304.000 356.000 296.785 327.618 272.390 305.859 221.037
570714700000008719 06-12-1989 24-07-2016 150 27 30 Nordex N 27 150/30 360 Lolland LAND Vejleby 22a 649668,18 6070435,56 GST, 18-02-2013 173853 0 253.620 406.800 441.660 340.720 468.380 409.140 343.040 380.660 444.967 373.260 406.156 335.677 364.565 346.763 392.110 358.879 341.187 397.857 419.021 361.484 333.732 387.304 347.019 316.299 338.778 384.349 15.548
570714700000008870 04-09-1990 30-08-2018 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  360 Lolland LAND Roløkke By, Købelev 8a 633680,02 6088912,69 SDFE2018 175017 202.546 552.234 588.020 456.700 607.400 578.650 456.634 517.976 604.258 503.842 524.038 460.481 475.744 455.645 518.956 481.553 454.028 562.109 547.104 486.032 449.460 524.930 514.718 457.228 448.519 497.048 419.301 528.569 249.393
570714700000009013 21-12-1990 12-07-2001 150 0,1 0,1 Wind World Ukendt-Wind World 360 Lolland LAND Udgået 0 632593 6081753 Stamdata 175616 530.318 512.098 405.388 354.646 629.008 390.852 389.856 520.084 436.483 471.388 95.533
570714700000009075 12-04-1991 18-11-2003 150 28 31 Wind World W 2800-150  360 Lolland LAND Volshave By, Gurreby 6b 642356,933 6074589,186 Stamdata 176055 249.500 399.060 338.660 428.740 386.940 316.260 354.060 409.040 350.754 384.652 321.903 344.298 272.725
570714700000009082 05-07-1991 18-11-2003 150 28 31 Wind World W 2800-150  360 Lolland LAND Branderslev By, Branderslev 5h 637257,968 6082986,11 Stamdata 176083 194.020 420.000 335.420 444.680 385.000 350.180 382.200 421.504 362.414 384.153 327.870 329.912 271.400
570714700000009143 27-05-1991 24-07-2002 150 23 30 BONUS 150   - MK lll 360 Lolland LAND Ø Tirsted 3a 653459,838 6067891,248 Stamdata 176275 211.340 360.340 290.660 387.800 349.360 287.600 288.040 410.832 315.757 342.148 284.886 206.037
570714700000009204 01-11-1991 19-09-2016 150 28 31 NEG Micon W 2800 150   360 Lolland LAND Stokkemarke 28q 651626,65 6078433,6 GST, 18-02-2013 176717 100.700 320.200 284.040 374.660 339.360 271.280 306.080 364.252 250.030 314.759 264.820 292.482 262.202 296.733 281.281 179.966 269.663 306.432 94.108 71.544 264.850 270.577 258.486 288.583 328.717 134.322
570714700000009310 14-11-1991 16-06-2015 150 31,5 30 Wind World W 2800-150  360 Lolland LAND Landet, Ryde, Højreby 7f 645233,99 6071824,52 GST, 18-02-2013 177785 72.320 400.000 337.700 452.000 396.000 329.200 361.600 425.796 356.900 388.505 329.971 354.610 334.086 375.560 277.716 330.887 395.443 404.742 350.457 319.723 326.137 360.211 180.830 0 0
570714700000009334 14-11-1991 19-09-2016 150 23,8 30 BONUS 150 360 Lolland LAND Dannemare 24g 640200,44 6067265,44 GST, 18-02-2013 177898 54.320 423.640 330.900 444.740 385.680 321.380 347.920 418.101 351.934 389.722 326.393 341.142 321.286 370.721 296.815 182.143 359.899 381.031 278.998 294.684 375.266 360.054 316.228 357.976 361.966 188.501
570714700000009372 18-12-1991 13-11-2003 150 28 30 Wind World W 2800-150  360 Lolland LAND Saltvig By, Stokkemarke 5 653598,831 6083115,099 Stamdata 178508 389.860 321.740 401.380 368.960 316.260 336.100 383.315 315.642 337.184 303.776 350.089 244.369
570714700000009440 21-09-1992 24-10-2016 150 27 31 Wind World W 2700-150  360 Lolland LAND Hillested 24 655358,35 6070336,87 GST, 18-02-2013 179796 197.820 295.700 426.360 373.140 311.560 336.360 412.545 339.728 367.837 303.769 332.860 253.627 359.271 311.522 272.559 327.821 356.920 327.123 319.439 379.229 271.596 299.189 311.140 97.127 22.989
570714700000009464 18-02-1993 31-08-2015 300 31 30 BONUS 300 kW 360 Lolland LAND Brydebølle By, Vestenskov 3a 636522,06 6072886,19 GST, 18-02-2013 180081 549.291 728.586 651.294 535.485 581.388 676.408 569.846 623.537 537.877 569.263 538.611 596.640 567.589 532.343 653.345 642.809 561.863 519.095 619.155 579.555 531.109 434.337 381.693
570714700000009501 15-04-1993 24-07-2016 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  360 Lolland LAND Knubbelykke By, Kappel 7a 632186,58 6070245,04 GST, 18-02-2013 180252 451.851 700.000 459.180 632.943 551.635 641.001 561.441 619.626 525.570 550.641 511.352 602.347 541.792 525.869 616.044 630.662 551.641 499.466 629.115 587.351 514.794 577.579 176.936 97.568
570714700000009563 20-11-1989 05-06-2019 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  360 Lolland LAND Nybølle By, Horslunde 13b 643130,51 6091812,66 SDFE2018 167075 87.033 592.860 575.790 618.000 628.290 649.710 581.205 512.835 590.175 589.234 518.064 537.413 492.178 535.599 491.232 548.914 525.693 460.898 592.734 563.815 521.334 520.184 560.768 540.311 477.771 523.786 586.696 474.314 535.364 492.829 228.843
570714700000009815 06-03-1995 02-06-2015 300 31 30 BONUS 300 kW 360 Lolland LAND Hoby By, Gloslunde 6d 645163,73 6067426,31 GST, 18-02-2013 182546 417.330 487.680 556.650 654.258 575.323 632.140 519.343 492.651 508.689 595.851 521.113 525.396 607.981 632.968 546.185 509.629 597.123 586.671 508.214 521.352 267.676
570714700000009822 02-06-1995 24-07-2016 225 29 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  360 Lolland LAND Utterslev 7a m.fl 640861,91 6091160,91 GST, 18-02-2013 182578 280.020 555.000 584.100 678.578 543.050 572.712 516.036 562.746 526.852 586.698 560.125 473.272 630.958 603.582 553.628 540.109 591.321 569.334 512.602 523.129 610.984 142.856
570714700000009891 01-03-1996 24-05-2016 600 44 40 BONUS 600   - MK ll 360 Lolland LAND Rødbyfjord, Vejleby 34d 647848,26 6067705,74 GST, 18-02-2013 183056 982.447 975.984 1.312.491 1.009.493 824.816 923.495 1.000.744 928.280 1.057.112 982.247 882.660 1.101.072 1.100.404 910.303 942.805 1.069.595 1.024.362 887.373 680.271 1.125.579 405.155
570714700000009907 20-12-1995 20-12-2016 300 31 30 BONUS 300 kW 360 Lolland LAND Kappel 8a 628674,23 6073516,25 GST, 18-02-2013 183135 661.500 704.520 826.019 666.999 767.640 675.131 689.554 661.088 757.599 698.250 496.328 681.539 778.100 690.898 636.265 736.521 761.459 664.592 715.337 807.062 258.743
570714700000010057 11-07-1996 30-06-2016 600 43 40 Micon M 1500-600/150   360 Lolland LAND Rødbyfjord, Vejleby del 2,m 647688,07 6067770,37 GST, 18-02-2013 183671 500.355 1.178.655 1.394.915 1.157.819 1.260.241 1.065.441 1.139.331 1.066.751 1.130.765 1.109.523 1.038.130 1.284.562 1.295.732 1.077.430 1.036.041 1.227.544 1.017.417 935.567 1.101.247 1.293.883 327.736
570714700000010064 11-07-1996 30-06-2016 600 43 40 Micon M 1500-600/150   360 Lolland LAND Vejleby 61a 647683,06 6067600,25 GST, 18-02-2013 183672 503.529 1.197.684 1.685.638 874.665 1.274.887 1.005.962 1.154.702 1.087.759 1.164.122 1.130.902 1.074.877 1.170.092 1.110.276 1.064.980 1.013.597 1.282.962 1.177.006 1.045.531 1.153.402 1.287.532 450.752
570714700000010088 17-09-1996 12-10-2017 600 44 35 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  360 Lolland LAND Hoby By, Gloslunde 6a m.fl 645531,41 6068485,14 SDFE2018 183848 373.623 1.284.888 1.510.014 1.269.242 1.369.391 1.174.855 1.252.297 1.182.186 1.327.132 1.251.268 1.166.744 1.403.756 1.392.230 1.227.235 1.159.795 1.443.638 1.264.469 1.183.069 1.259.670 1.399.745 1.128.426 762.719
570714700000010095 03-10-1996 12-10-2017 600 44 33,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  360 Lolland LAND Hoby By, Gloslunde 5h m.fl 645206,48 6068847,13 SDFE2018 183849 946.242 1.312.644 1.542.870 1.127.458 1.433.953 1.208.719 1.288.225 1.228.780 1.365.060 1.292.445 1.186.845 1.478.987 1.498.838 1.268.655 1.191.399 1.475.352 1.377.852 1.256.161 1.320.359 1.504.734 1.186.168 977.596
570714700000011009 06-02-1998 12-10-2017 600 44 45 BONUS 600   - MK lll 360 Lolland LAND Landet 20m 646895,39 6068305,95 SDFE2018 190588 1.340.847 1.173.549 1.254.361 1.071.178 1.152.126 1.067.905 1.215.075 1.105.696 996.419 1.217.176 1.280.102 1.095.983 865.974 1.216.481 1.155.301 1.039.411 1.052.203 1.319.507 843.572 724.920
570714700000011016 06-02-1998 12-10-2017 600 44 45 BONUS 600   - MK lll 360 Lolland LAND Askø, Landet 5p 646865,06 6068831,17 SDFE2018 190589 1.509.198 1.258.507 1.331.151 1.158.204 1.258.552 1.168.072 1.331.144 1.217.624 1.099.545 1.394.856 1.367.047 1.192.212 1.194.819 1.405.619 1.278.549 1.184.421 1.229.435 1.429.239 1.090.730 926.255
570714700000011023 06-02-1998 12-10-2017 600 44 45 BONUS 600   - MK lll 360 Lolland LAND Askø, Landet 5f 646735,84 6068370,4 SDFE2018 190590 1.483.966 1.232.234 1.336.374 1.113.760 1.172.093 1.123.297 1.284.472 1.187.534 1.102.863 1.346.046 1.314.529 1.137.248 1.087.285 1.192.928 1.239.880 1.028.477 1.001.047 1.359.893 1.055.184 922.422
570714700000011030 06-02-1998 13-10-2017 600 43 40 Micon M 1500-600/150   360 Lolland LAND Landet 20f 646851,35 6068152,41 SDFE2018 190667 1.396.208 1.163.447 1.411.032 1.178.274 1.273.255 1.178.045 1.351.855 1.228.653 1.117.612 1.393.690 1.420.180 1.193.250 1.173.105 1.425.340 1.296.466 1.075.267 1.255.683 1.460.444 1.139.219 938.821
570714700000011092 29-01-1998 29-03-2017 600 44 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  360 Lolland LAND Højsmarke By, Købelev 6a 632337,87 6087036,28 SDFE2018 190673 1.457.288 1.329.632 1.328.949 1.294.155 1.362.935 1.282.988 1.465.224 1.396.074 1.226.670 1.583.571 1.519.658 1.327.061 1.333.381 1.444.111 1.426.836 1.285.427 1.237.887 1.495.061 1.180.707 119.339
570714700000011672 11-11-1991 24-07-2016 225 27 32 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  360 Lolland LAND Vesternæs, Kappel 16a 629132,37 6070618,9 GST, 18-02-2013 178245 97.860 654.999 458.199 692.247 637.221 624.869 545.745 635.464 554.142 628.581 542.164 544.775 520.435 596.210 570.879 510.989 646.573 648.407 565.661 493.295 666.876 598.013 507.723 666.741 553.853 222.444
570714700000011917 02-07-1998 20-11-2017 600 44 45 BONUS 600   - MK lV 360 Lolland LAND Skodsebølle By, Landet 5c 644719,86 6072757,56 SDFE2018 191392 665.440 1.224.124 1.328.022 1.095.734 1.203.199 1.144.411 1.277.859 1.193.441 1.114.505 1.354.356 1.372.575 1.161.269 1.114.267 1.356.965 1.249.968 1.172.016 1.254.772 1.392.941 1.101.928 1.027.668
570714700000011924 02-07-1998 20-11-2017 600 44 45 BONUS 600   - MK lV 360 Lolland LAND Skodsebølle By, Landet 6b 644377,71 6072796,55 SDFE2018 191393 666.694 1.254.091 1.352.516 1.128.504 1.207.273 1.145.263 1.290.784 1.209.657 1.134.989 1.373.787 1.350.551 1.169.326 1.129.899 1.355.452 1.185.036 1.153.779 1.227.465 1.426.285 1.093.768 1.034.649
570714700000011931 02-07-1998 20-11-2017 600 44 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  360 Lolland LAND Skodsebølle By, Landet 8a 644437,63 6072969,78 SDFE2018 191395 981.577 966.438 1.352.702 1.145.065 1.241.276 1.172.443 1.329.376 1.215.092 1.147.692 1.390.935 1.398.252 1.205.383 1.175.436 1.395.335 1.262.501 1.190.187 1.275.969 1.464.698 1.143.955 1.067.401
570714700000011948 02-07-1998 20-11-2017 600 44 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  360 Lolland LAND Skodsebølle By, Landet 10a 645063,39 6072716,38 SDFE2018 191396 706.625 1.303.952 1.350.909 1.173.848 1.283.291 1.213.404 1.344.408 1.255.923 1.194.601 1.400.814 1.447.672 1.231.126 1.135.308 1.443.402 1.318.979 1.230.958 1.330.017 1.484.111 1.140.598 1.053.426
570714700000011955 09-09-1998 10-02-2014 600 44 35 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  360 Lolland LAND Tjørneby By, Utterslev 2b m.fl 638415,17 6090151,59 GST, 18-02-2013 191987 493.650 1.289.112 1.336.482 1.231.754 1.301.987 1.203.335 1.369.921 1.303.510 1.124.260 1.514.478 1.441.118 1.308.633 1.285.401 1.410.340 1.294.972 1.262.189 129.064
570714700000012181 22-12-1998 16-10-2017 1000 54,2 50 BONUS 1 MW 360 Lolland LAND Nøjsomhed, Købelev 1c 632674,89 6089298,4 SDFE2018 192554 87.462 2.645.108 2.672.234 2.281.092 2.269.380 2.318.082 2.616.633 2.530.203 2.237.830 2.873.719 2.766.874 2.477.327 2.296.540 2.739.043 2.697.405 2.226.030 2.330.656 2.817.528 2.164.718 1.631.597
570714700000012822 16-11-1999 20-11-2017 600 44 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  360 Lolland LAND Skodsebølle By, Landet 8b 644780,1 6072929,91 SDFE2018 191394 319.128 1.221.432 1.089.372 1.202.243 1.133.540 1.272.648 1.161.407 1.103.676 1.337.120 1.345.193 1.159.625 1.138.278 1.253.485 1.248.565 1.144.573 1.223.206 1.362.318 1.079.908 1.006.593
570714700000012938 22-08-2000 11-01-2016 900 52 44 NEG Micon NM 52/900 360 Lolland LAND Rødby Fjord, Tirsted 60 m.fl 649808,82 6065568,12 GST, 18-02-2013 2059921 726.989 1.654.602 1.840.872 1.714.900 1.957.547 1.790.593 1.697.890 2.044.087 2.125.758 1.793.094 1.597.950 2.058.970 1.853.602 1.761.749 1.884.637 2.062.967 50.811
570714700000012945 22-08-2000 11-01-2016 900 52 44 NEG Micon NM 52/900-200 360 Lolland LAND  Rødby Fjord, Tirsted 60 m.fl 649631,3 6065606,37 GST, 18-02-2013 2061623 655.201 1.606.530 1.776.242 1.640.881 1.881.018 1.725.871 1.650.690 1.492.331 2.050.848 1.705.916 1.647.303 1.989.009 1.786.566 1.718.676 1.817.668 517.624 0
570714700000012952 22-08-2000 11-01-2016 900 52 44 NEG Micon NM 52/900-200 360 Lolland LAND Rødby Fjord, Tirsted 60 m.fl 649453,01 6065644,86 GST, 18-02-2013 2059922 683.705 1.591.053 1.766.952 1.622.192 1.854.951 1.709.897 1.639.199 1.630.790 2.020.431 1.684.468 1.553.815 1.956.692 1.778.413 1.703.277 1.794.789 2.009.202 45.676
570714700000012969 22-08-2000 10-01-2016 900 52 44 NEG Micon NM 52/900-200 360 Lolland LAND Rødby Fjord, Tirsted 60 m.fl 649275,19 6065682,41 GST, 18-02-2013 2059923 653.611 1.565.193 1.761.823 1.616.364 1.839.838 1.741.075 1.653.578 1.982.800 2.011.236 1.618.706 1.620.007 1.969.215 1.667.860 1.720.055 1.727.844 1.865.724 36.615
570714700000012976 22-08-2000 11-01-2016 900 52 44 NEG Micon NM 52/900 360 Lolland LAND Rødby Fjord, Tirsted 60 m.fl 649096,97 6065721,24 GST, 18-02-2013 2059924 683.221 1.585.719 1.769.483 1.604.332 1.827.599 1.735.960 1.640.212 1.841.113 2.052.622 1.681.032 1.595.749 1.878.292 1.603.490 1.691.243 1.805.052 1.836.284 36.958
570714700000012983 22-08-2000 11-01-2016 900 52 44 NEG Micon NM 52/900 360 Lolland LAND Rødby Fjord, Tirsted 60 m.fl 648919,67 6065760 GST, 18-02-2013 2059925 674.811 1.580.735 1.718.847 1.576.130 1.801.901 1.716.010 1.603.591 1.902.065 1.675.441 1.699.946 1.593.476 1.985.899 1.796.899 1.671.702 1.801.168 1.968.743 36.572
570714700000012990 22-08-2000 05-01-2016 900 52 44 NEG Micon NM 52/900 360 Lolland LAND Rødby Fjord, Tirsted 60 m.fl 648741,86 6065797,69 GST, 18-02-2013 2059926 655.729 1.623.472 1.717.978 1.632.695 1.868.502 1.726.690 1.630.097 1.936.751 1.912.580 1.682.390 1.585.564 1.946.149 1.780.009 1.657.372 1.729.850 1.784.846 37.060
570714700000013003 22-08-2000 11-01-2016 900 52 44 NEG Micon NM 900 360 Lolland LAND Rødby Fjord, Tirsted 60 m.fl 648563,85 6065836,88 GST, 18-02-2013 2059945 693.432 1.759.930 1.876.938 1.695.974 2.011.137 1.644.518 1.704.612 2.050.079 2.049.723 1.717.127 1.668.273 2.076.056 1.943.335 1.738.048 1.782.840 2.116.247 37.420
570714700000013164 09-05-2000 16-10-2017 1000 54,2 50 BONUS 1 MW 360 Lolland LAND Købelev 1y 633773,07 6089981,42 SDFE2018 194832 1.139.363 2.002.553 2.111.540 1.943.023 2.265.610 2.165.591 1.931.169 2.513.578 2.424.804 2.177.768 2.158.684 2.284.288 2.171.962 2.211.490 2.092.595 2.384.040 1.888.998 1.391.976
570714700000013171 06-03-2000 20-11-2017 600 44 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44 360 Lolland LAND Skodsebølle By, Landet 10e 645122,54 6072889,86 SDFE2018 194424 879.169 1.091.875 1.189.992 1.128.856 1.249.792 1.159.600 1.063.219 1.207.440 1.329.854 1.113.725 1.114.762 1.328.193 1.217.809 1.124.676 1.226.276 1.381.767 1.060.733 877.657
570714700000013225 23-02-2000 30-06-2016 150 23,8 30 BONUS 150 360 Lolland LAND Svingbjerg By, Horslunde 7a 643940,65 6086981,76 GST, 18-02-2013 194162 203.718 225.883 257.519 231.143 257.249 205.938 189.191 205.388 272.844 213.666 222.026 233.371 252.145 239.168 236.164 286.388 98.232
570714700000013683 01-06-1988 12-02-2019 150 23 24 BONUS 150 kW 360 Lolland LAND Sandby L 18d 631903,72 6083532,05 SDFE2018 194802 20.000 205.330 192.860 123.960 77.060 120.820 191.530 192.140 144.760 141.590 91.497 62.959 28.420 286.893 304.638 280.689 311.198 251.875 237.752 288.691 340.350 283.314 247.983 286.347 308.486 273.871 304.601 235.924 140.359 11.189 0
570714700000013690 01-06-1988 12-02-2019 150 23 24 BONUS 150 kW 360 Lolland LAND Sandby L 18d 631741,02 6083578,76 SDFE2018 194802 20.000 205.330 192.860 123.960 77.060 120.820 191.530 192.140 144.760 141.590 91.497 62.959 28.420 286.893 304.638 280.689 311.198 251.875 237.752 288.691 340.350 283.314 247.983 286.347 308.486 273.871 304.601 235.924 140.359 11.189 0
570714700000103070 13-09-2002 18-07-2005 2200 82,4 65,5 BONUS 2,3 MW Offshore 360 Lolland LAND Rødby Markjorder 244æ 652406,68 6058397,46 Stamdata 2061775 0 1.437.652 5.879.091 7.529.791 3.631.144
570714700000105906 06-05-1986 29-04-2003 75 23 19 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 360 Lolland LAND Højbygaard Hgd. Tågerup 1ae 65723313 606247527 Stamdata RØ4520 79.907 123.683 41.449
570714700000105913 06-05-1986 29-04-2003 75 23 19 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 360 Lolland LAND Højbygaard Hgd. Tågerup 1ae 65714796 606240320 Stamdata RØ4520 79.907 123.683 41.449
570714700000106712 22-12-2003 12-03-2019 750 48,2 45 NEG Micon NM 48/750 360 Lolland LAND Rødby Markjorder 244b 653764,75 6058354,32 SDFE2018 2127329 7.359 1.811.643 1.698.311 1.599.983 1.906.682 1.861.705 1.666.575 1.522.898 1.862.350 1.818.373 1.557.111 1.643.271 1.639.230 1.636.259 1.874.899 1.547.050 470.206
570714700000106729 22-12-2003 11-03-2019 750 48,2 45 NEG Micon NM 48/750 360 Lolland LAND Rødby Markjorder 244b 653761,37 6058161,5 SDFE2018 2127335 17.795 1.973.971 1.800.913 1.751.978 2.020.886 2.059.279 1.733.341 1.610.961 1.899.965 1.970.918 1.678.103 1.834.715 1.871.908 1.752.209 1.726.352 1.785.830 512.833
571313174000537852 24-09-2013 20-02-2015 11 13 12 Gaia-Wind Ltd Gaia 11   360 Lolland Land Stamdata 2.564 0 13.231
571313174000678883 14-03-2013 20-02-2015 11 13 12 Gaia-Wind Ltd Gaia 11   360 Lolland Land Stamdata 5.262 0 9.788
571313174000678890 02-01-2013 18-02-2015 11 13 12 Gaia-Wind Ltd Gaia 11   360 Lolland Land Stamdata 8 0 18.990
570714700000002243 01-12-1995 17-04-2015 400 31 36 Micon M 750 370 Næstved LAND Uoplyst 56 688352,21 6116447,16 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV020 36.667 542.333 537.333 700.000 609.333 590.000 511.152 611.705 514.267 585.056 513.744 494.355 615.377 586.269 538.471 504.443 505.026 569.286 55.716
570714700000002250 01-12-1995 16-04-2015 400 31 36 Micon M 750 370 Næstved LAND Uoplyst 56 688289,65 6116287,13 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV020 36.667 542.333 537.333 700.000 609.333 590.000 511.152 611.705 514.267 585.056 513.744 494.355 615.377 586.269 538.471 504.443 512.149 602.618 80.645
570714700000002267 01-12-1995 16-04-2015 400 31 36 Micon M 750 370 Næstved LAND Uoplyst 56 688189,88 6116147,58 GST, 18-02-2013 SVV020 36.667 542.333 537.333 700.000 609.333 590.000 511.152 611.705 514.267 585.056 513.744 494.355 615.377 586.269 538.471 504.443 499.452 594.835 63.962
570714700000002328 01-09-1996 08-09-2009 400 31 36 Micon M 750 370 Næstved LAND Uoplyst 3q 657020,156 6130588,69 Stamdata 183809 254.000 606.250 685.500 679.500 643.250 539.296 594.005 544.906 601.057 566.906 527.948 657.378 631.379 383.701
570714700000002335 01-09-1996 08-09-2009 400 31 36 Micon M 750 370 Næstved LAND Uoplyst 3q 657037,547 6130446,978 Stamdata 183808 254.000 606.250 685.500 679.500 643.250 539.296 594.005 544.906 601.057 566.906 527.948 657.378 631.379 383.701
570714700000002342 01-09-1996 08-09-2009 400 31 36 Micon M 750 370 Næstved LAND Uoplyst 9a 657044,577 6130298,71 Stamdata 183807 254.000 606.250 685.500 679.500 643.250 539.296 594.005 544.906 601.057 566.906 527.948 657.378 631.379 383.701
570714700000002359 01-09-1996 08-09-2009 400 31 36 Micon M 750 370 Næstved LAND Uoplyst 9a 657051,279 6130159,712 Stamdata 183806 254.000 606.250 685.500 679.500 643.250 539.296 594.005 544.906 601.057 566.906 527.948 657.378 631.379 383.701
570714700000006616 12-06-1981 23-10-2002 22 0,1 0,1 Kongsted Ukendt-Kongsted 370 Næstved LAND Hammer By 5a 684301,118 6113739 Stamdata 143947 6.595 11.857 14.377 14.596 11.473 14.212 11.622 14.469 10.893 10.925 12.414 15.695 19.064 15.632 7.500 8.822 16.419 20.914 5.100 9.259 1.899 1.971
570714700000006722 01-09-1982 13-07-2010 22 10 20,5 Nordtank NTK 22/7,5 370 Næstved LAND Haldagerlille By, Haldagerlille 6c 659886,833 6135038,817 Stamdata 145350 4.563 22.130 22.468 17.660 21.876 17.890 22.272 22.924 19.724 24.297 23.593 19.084 22.474 20.983 10.137 11.787 15.554 10.795 11.734 9.090 10.881 9.226 8.106 7.479 10.284 11.059 7.475 1.289 0
570714700000007101 03-06-1985 19-11-2002 95 0,1 0,1 BONUS Ukendt-BONUS 370 Næstved LAND Everdrup 4a 685788,593 6122105,982 Stamdata 153818 161.454 150.000 150.000 175.000 164.190 171.000 156.170 174.030 157.590 126.030 31.860 124.070 135.380 127.730 89.589 144.672 98.622 102.188
570714700000007187 01-10-1985 19-11-2002 75 17 21 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  370 Næstved LAND Bøgesø By/Everdrup 13 685398,599 6119899,989 Stamdata 154702 19.280 100.000 100.000 100.000 118.860 130.460 115.330 128.930 126.110 131.880 117.290 95.990 112.030 115.150 103.140 107.460 87.550 91.620
570714700000007279 01-03-1986 09-07-2002 75 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 370 Næstved LAND Tyvelse 11f 670250,596 6141446,891 Stamdata 155761 96.360 140.000 140.000 143.630 159.260 136.150 140.650 119.200 156.690 134.810 111.234 123.152 138.968 107.724 123.108 108.008 59.292
570714700000007446 01-12-1986 12-09-2002 55 16,5 24 BONUS 55 kW-BONUS 370 Næstved LAND Fårdrup By, Hammer 2k 683954,612 6116466 Stamdata 157773 18.130 100.000 100.000 118.980 136.530 107.180 119.630 100.370 139.750 121.180 95.608 105.388 116.256 89.480 98.516 66.548 54.244
570714700000007477 01-09-1987 16-07-2002 18 0,1 0,1 Reymo Ukendt-Reymo 370 Næstved LAND Tybjerg 29b 677220,585 6137528,919 Stamdata 158346 5.000 15.467 15.467 15.467 15.467 18.999 14.507 14.246 14.260 8.874 10.356 11.420 10.143 13.711 9.785 6.817
570714700000007484 27-02-1987 30-03-2005 95 20,4 24 BONUS 95-18   370 Næstved LAND Torpe By, Herlufmagle 4a 674728,597 6135445,925 Stamdata 158469 31.730 80.000 80.000 147.290 133.350 154.840 125.280 166.870 156.610 110.060 126.560 152.550 123.047 129.759 108.227 108.584 111.416 96.932 41.624
570714700000007507 01-01-1987 14-08-2002 80 17 29,5 Tellus TE 1780 80/15  370 Næstved LAND Haldagermagle, Krummerup 4a 659345,649 6133617,909 Stamdata 158508 163.055 163.055 163.055 176.667 159.016 175.512 56.845 182.705 175.743 135.379 119.823 179.227 139.744 146.564 129.544 68.868
570714700000007545 01-12-1987 09-07-2002 99 18 24 Danwin DW 19-99   370 Næstved LAND Herluflille By, Herlufmagle 33b 673768,6 6135543,923 Stamdata 158614 47.671 100.000 140.944 149.572 125.155 121.379 138.278 113.295 154.776 110.772 120.788 153.928 117.993 127.868 99.195 82.168
570714700000007644 01-10-1987 05-01-2011 150 22 25 BONUS 150 kW 370 Næstved LAND Klinteby, Karrebæksminde 16a 664670,675 6119981,957 Stamdata 160252 89.540 200.000 208.160 231.140 180.300 252.680 206.120 259.260 239.600 181.140 205.016 251.400 195.662 175.123 155.677 139.749 195.563 244.831 219.220 210.619 262.464 264.350 212.535 111.725 0
570714700000007712 01-11-1987 10-04-2008 160 23,2 30,3 Wind World WW 2320-160  370 Næstved LAND Sneslev By, Førslev 9d 664037,64 6130941,925 Stamdata 162438 18.700 259.460 239.940 278.240 240.180 252.100 258.740 276.580 247.260 185.080 223.328 246.976 203.897 202.896 170.151 206.320 159.703 192.459 183.995 141.252 230.047 64.740
570714700000007804 01-12-1987 09-07-2002 99 18 24 Danwin DW 19-99   370 Næstved LAND Herluflille By, Herlufmagle 33b 673787,599 6135608,923 Stamdata 162855 110.604 110.604 110.604 127.882 147.034 150.387 188.428 172.292 113.632 137.586 173.268 122.964 140.146 104.703 84.616
570714700000008047 01-07-1988 07-02-2005 150 23 24,5 BONUS 150/30 kW 370 Næstved LAND Bendslev By, H.Rslev 6h 657858,665 6129417,922 Stamdata 164184 157.100 297.340 312.280 287.840 324.140 299.100 324.240 291.160 229.660 274.320 274.740 202.684 233.566 225.255 253.464 195.398 12.808 0
570714700000008153 21-11-1988 06-12-2011 160 23,2 30 Wind World WW 2320 370 Næstved LAND Aversi 1i 680267,37 6137390,21 GST, 18-02-2013 164622 108.916 263.685 264.450 264.900 303.150 255.300 302.850 265.650 209.100 258.150 217.728 227.564 252.160 188.586 235.080 205.848 128.908 158.514 102.514 92.705 113.705 114.784 185.060 356.265 186.400
570714700000008160 21-11-1988 23-02-2017 160 23,2 30 Wind World WW 2320 370 Næstved LAND Aversi 6e 680433,23 6137303,67 GST, 18-02-2013 164622 108.916 263.685 264.450 264.900 303.150 255.300 302.850 265.650 209.100 258.150 217.728 227.564 252.160 188.586 235.080 205.848 128.908 158.514 102.514 92.705 113.705 114.784 185.060 356.265 202.965 140.344 208.646 197.081 36.126 0
570714700000008306 21-11-1988 15-09-2009 250 24 28,7 Micon M 250 370 Næstved LAND Karrebækstorp, Karrebæk 3a 666095,668 6120349,96 Stamdata 165310 98.040 400.000 206.780 269.900 458.920 407.830 442.770 377.970 299.760 375.720 397.140 327.943 358.900 292.196 312.166 308.020 357.057 241.926 272.290 329.444 260.588 101.177
570714700000008382 03-04-1989 15-09-2009 160 23,2 30 Wind World W 2320-160  370 Næstved LAND Næstelsø By, Næstel 11b 681403,594 6122725,704 Stamdata 166009 122.602 305.400 266.000 307.900 293.100 345.600 307.400 238.920 188.480 283.000 252.218 269.623 225.132 271.321 227.009 256.335 231.829 203.354 252.236 262.527 149.295
570714700000008436 30-05-1989 15-09-2009 160 23,2 30 Wind World W 2320-160  370 Næstved LAND Toksværd 9a 684123,927 6123478,531 Stamdata 166274 132.480 324.860 309.680 333.400 316.900 373.900 251.800 285.180 285.120 371.011 284.796 305.497 252.393 295.791 259.093 283.176 235.753 229.632 247.271 266.769 183.830
570714700000008634 02-10-1989 07-03-2017 250 26 31,5 Dencon TORNADO 250   370 Næstved LAND Menstrup By, Marvede 21a 665129,82 6121663,14 GST, 18-02-2013 172587 40.267 411.360 440.893 488.147 466.607 539.200 530.420 363.800 406.260 536.585 409.401 442.373 352.671 366.930 338.555 374.112 340.205 340.254 393.744 408.007 333.201 321.382 352.579 340.640 318.012 361.793 407.253 232.220 14.296
570714700000008641 02-10-1989 07-03-2017 250 26 31,5 Dencon TORNADO 250   370 Næstved LAND Menstrup By, Marvede 21a 665025 6121736,21 GST, 18-02-2013 172587 40.267 411.360 440.893 488.147 466.607 539.200 530.420 363.800 406.260 536.585 409.401 442.373 352.671 366.930 338.555 374.112 340.205 340.254 393.744 408.007 333.201 321.382 352.579 340.640 318.012 361.793 407.253 232.220 14.296
570714700000008658 02-10-1989 07-03-2017 250 26 31,5 Dencon TORNADO 250   370 Næstved LAND Menstrup By, Marvede 21a 665234,2 6121591,18 GST, 18-02-2013 172587 40.267 411.360 440.893 488.147 466.607 539.200 530.420 363.800 406.260 536.585 409.401 442.373 352.671 366.930 338.555 374.112 340.205 340.254 393.744 408.007 333.201 321.382 352.579 340.640 318.012 361.793 407.253 232.220 14.296
570714700000008726 13-11-1989 29-06-2010 200 24 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S DW/52-521-10 370 Næstved LAND Førslev 9c 661631,555 6128560,995 Stamdata 173858 336.100 384.540 321.380 326.240 280.140 346.620 316.480 258.340 286.560 343.941 266.180 298.866 209.894 375.959 342.481 373.066 323.531 333.294 280.406 16.846 5.416 139
570714700000008740 01-03-1990 15-09-2009 150 24 30 BONUS 150/30 kW 370 Næstved LAND Vallensved 2b 669960,63 6128421,944 Stamdata 173966 199.140 294.960 298.000 256.080 337.340 294.880 244.820 262.140 304.660 253.567 268.684 224.523 255.319 233.996 259.847 227.422 226.290 260.776 282.702 143.647
570714700000008894 19-12-1988 15-09-2009 180 23 30 Danwin DW 40-180   370 Næstved LAND Gelsted, Herlufmagle 6b 675446,115 6131114,305 Stamdata 175066 79.900 200.000 207.180 271.180 233.150 283.980 257.490 237.750 265.200 318.137 266.581 280.891 222.881 247.469 228.665 242.497 233.545 179.615 253.777 255.135 148.552
570714700000009273 26-02-1991 22-02-2021 150 23,8 30 BONUS 150   - MK lll 370 Næstved LAND Kalkerup By, Fensmark 4a 678905,91 6128185,24 SDFE2018 177688 150.000 154.180 200.000 340.020 311.480 249.220 246.660 305.313 235.197 247.287 212.106 239.849 212.774 229.580 208.537 200.391 247.498 248.262 214.778 197.557 223.664 211.736 204.041 170.763 0 85.891 12.511 20.853 87.382 188.702 0 0 0
570714700000009280 26-02-1992 22-02-2021 150 23,8 30 BONUS 150   - MK lll 370 Næstved LAND Kalkerup By, Fensmark 4a 678882,95 6128074,37 SDFE2018 177689 199.700 274.720 316.740 297.540 229.320 237.740 302.490 208.630 241.588 205.371 237.247 208.583 228.756 214.348 195.162 244.899 220.356 183.476 182.941 221.699 215.645 204.907 220.020 247.767 183.494 222.702 86.500 172.724 193.331 16.488 7.552 24.040
570714700000009600 25-11-1993 31-07-2014 150 24,6 32,5 Nordtank NTK 150-Nordtank 370 Næstved LAND Haldagerlille By Og Sogn 2c,9a 660115,72 6134320,15 GST, 18-02-2013 181155 0 174.263 258.500 204.000 233.833 275.972 221.243 244.402 205.951 219.692 209.214 227.861 206.987 193.848 264.784 253.655 210.275 190.582 239.108 207.684 189.419 83.844
570714700000009617 25-11-1993 31-07-2014 150 24,6 32,5 Nordtank NTK 150-Nordtank 370 Næstved LAND Haldagerlille By Og Sogn 2c,9a 660100,31 6134413,06 GST, 18-02-2013 181155 0 174.263 258.500 204.000 233.833 275.972 221.243 244.402 205.951 219.692 209.214 227.861 206.987 193.848 264.784 253.655 210.275 190.582 239.108 207.684 189.419 83.844
570714700000009624 25-11-1993 31-07-2014 150 24,6 32,5 Nordtank NTK 150-Nordtank 370 Næstved LAND Haldagerlille By Og Sogn 2c,9a 660084,8 6134504,56 GST, 18-02-2013 181155 0 174.263 258.500 204.000 233.833 275.972 221.243 244.402 205.951 219.692 209.214 227.861 206.987 193.848 264.784 253.655 210.275 190.582 239.108 207.684 189.419 83.844
570714700000009860 22-06-1995 31-07-2014 150 24,6 32,5 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 370 Næstved LAND Haldagerlille By Og Sogn 2c,9a 660131,64 6134225,82 GST, 18-02-2013 182834 95.660 210.380 244.460 291.660 240.327 263.507 219.855 240.964 227.441 245.185 223.573 208.040 271.615 255.211 201.817 170.324 235.798 232.992 206.011 119.950
570714700000010385 27-01-1997 31-10-2009 600 43 48 Micon M 1500-600/150   370 Næstved LAND Katrineholm Hgd, Krummerup 4a m.fl 657010,661 6132173,912 Stamdata 184485 1.161.351 1.352.865 1.137.325 1.225.698 1.060.531 1.141.546 1.080.123 1.168.655 1.101.837 1.025.684 1.278.322 1.249.500 843.671
570714700000010392 27-01-1997 31-10-2009 600 43 46 Micon M 1500-600/150   370 Næstved LAND Katrineholm Hgd, Krummerup 3af19 656954,661 6132573,91 Stamdata 184486 1.149.555 1.364.747 1.134.521 1.251.273 1.053.394 1.123.304 1.076.137 1.193.532 1.042.451 1.044.071 1.105.264 1.195.004 766.669
570714700000010408 27-01-1997 31-10-2009 600 40 45 Micon M 1500-600/150   370 Næstved LAND Katrineholm Hgd, Krummerup 2af1a 656901,512 6132985,517 Stamdata 184487 1.076.778 1.260.303 1.066.698 1.159.724 996.494 1.017.536 1.003.930 1.063.135 993.009 902.509 1.176.209 777.645 800.724
570714700000014185 12-03-2001 11-10-2019 11 13 18 Gaia-Wind Ltd Gaia 11   370 Næstved Land 672084,59 6139811,65 GeoDanmark, 12-03-2017 12.737 17.583 16.525 15.605 14.386 11.179 17.824 18.378 15.929 13.250 16.973 16.959 12.809 14.156 771 0 0 0 0
570714700000006517 01-01-1978 02-09-2002 45 15,2 18 BONUS M 102 376 Guldborgsund LAND Vaalse By Og Sogn 5i 677695,638 6089942,105 Stamdata 132789 40.000 48.000 49.030 54.181 48.710 59.062 59.962 47.132 58.384 47.744 59.440 52.090 65.210 52.830 54.270 50.520 64.900 58.110 43.860 52.230 64.700 49.570 50.910 43.020 28.770
570714700000006548 15-10-1980 09-06-2016 30 11 18 BONUS Ukendt-BONUS 376 Guldborgsund LAND Idestrup 36 691201,9 6071181,8 GST, 18-02-2013 60415753 2.626 17.414 15.655 18.982 19.272 15.148 18.764 15.345 19.104 16.240 17.700 14.120 22.220 19.510 19.640 18.810 13.810 17.160 19.590 17.120 17.980 15.770 21.390 13.170 21.120 10.620 12.278 22.362 27.829 21.513 17.441 19.834 15.656 4.170 1 0 0
570714700000006555 01-12-1980 19-08-2019 20 12,6 20 Genvind GV 20 376 Guldborgsund Land 681873,72 6079746,63 SDFE2018 0 10.702 9.622 11.666 11.844 9.310 11.533 9.431 11.741 10.706 11.829 10.269 10.987 11.458 12.263 10.809 10.838 8.448 18.368 8.441 15.848 14.746 15.455 19.529 18.820 15.332 13.575 21.857 17.725 12.056 11.355 12.081 8.359 2.006 0 0 0 0 0 0
570714700000006814 13-05-1983 01-10-2001 55 0,1 0,1 Sonebjerg Ukendt-Sonebjerg 376 Guldborgsund LAND Udgået 0 679599 6065902 Stamdata 147716 16.045 27.925 21.950 27.190 22.235 27.682 25.243 27.889 24.210 27.690 47.730 59.470 3.500 19.790 21.630 8.810 0
570714700000006883 11-10-1983 13-11-2002 55 15,5 18 Nordtank NTK 55/11 376 Guldborgsund LAND Bøtø Nor, Væggerløse 34c 689790,54 6065181,328 Stamdata 150692 2.036 12.401 9.748 12.075 9.874 12.293 14.200 18.270 9.090 11.820 5.010 10.200 12.150 11.940 12.780 15.180 15.660 19.500 11.466 5.244
570714700000007132 20-09-1985 20-11-2003 55 16,5 24 BONUS 55 kW-BONUS 376 Guldborgsund LAND Marrebæk By, Væggerløse 11f 686627,574 6062462,346 Stamdata 154538 21.058 35.000 35.000 35.000 130.148 142.268 117.124 148.550 128.310 148.182 137.503 100.855 101.730 150.030 113.780 125.280 98.920 117.840 80.230
570714700000007286 16-04-1986 13-11-2002 80 17 24 SVEDANA SVEDANA 80 376 Guldborgsund LAND Systofte 2e m.fl 687833,559 6073960,257 Stamdata 155852 47.480 90.000 90.000 116.040 132.920 75.980 70.000 61.740 108.720 94.420 115.100 105.520 103.960 85.880 67.520 50.980 67.960
570714700000007514 27-04-1987 16-12-2002 99 18 20 Wincon W 99 kW 376 Guldborgsund LAND Stubberup By, Herritslev  9c 672363,693 6060610,32 Stamdata 158509 97.138 300.000 237.990 236.220 175.755 226.650 201.240 269.490 232.980 194.760 204.375 230.273 205.715 196.828 138.278 129.012
570714700000007521 27-04-1987 16-12-2002 99 18 20 Wincon W 99 kW 376 Guldborgsund LAND  Stubberup By, Herritslev  9c 672301,694 6060578,32 Stamdata 158509 97.138 300.000 237.990 236.220 175.755 226.650 201.240 269.490 232.980 194.760 204.375 230.273 205.715 196.828 138.278 129.012
570714700000007552 06-03-1987 31-12-2016 95 19,4 24 BONUS 96 376 Guldborgsund LAND Marrebæk By, Væggerløse 11f 686673,4 6062451,87 SDFE2018 158717 86.430 150.000 152.290 187.010 153.800 194.460 161.250 186.570 150.560 122.360 163.920 170.320 144.210 159.840 134.210 152.480 111.690 150.690 87.221 100.638 147.383 121.804 106.099 80.288 141.652 128.871 147.737 137.087 61.976 5
570714700000007774 28-01-1988 01-04-2016 180 23 30 Wind World Ukendt-Wind World 376 Guldborgsund LAND Nørre Alslev 38a 684243,65 6091144,23 GST, 18-02-2013 162798 100.000 119.328 350.656 299.736 327.656 334.520 379.868 359.480 287.626 285.496 383.032 226.389 274.605 242.632 208.063 188.782 99.963 291.780 292.262 346.488 357.626 274.655 288.035 232.945 173.144 200.937 120.305 140.577 20.874
570714700000007798 26-02-1988 06-09-2015 180 23 30 Danwin DW 23-Danwin 376 Guldborgsund LAND Flintinge, Toreby 108 678964,51 6069651,52 GST, 18-02-2013 162845 206.340 264.060 263.100 243.120 310.080 233.240 309.920 292.620 215.340 220.360 285.565 219.808 251.370 201.986 249.834 207.546 240.135 215.169 184.834 269.708 157.826 196.260 206.772 243.096 215.621 215.717 242.920 102.093
570714700000007811 01-02-1988 20-02-2001 150 0,1 0,1 BONUS Ukendt-BONUS 376 Guldborgsund LAND Udgået 0 685798 6062476 Stamdata 162943 200.000 362.240 366.640 312.840 369.620 327.580 362.540 364.700 257.280 263.820 373.200 289.850 284.984 0
570714700000007842 11-03-1988 09-09-2010 150 23 24 BONUS 150 kW - 239 376 Guldborgsund LAND Maglebrænde 8a 694826,092 6083734,852 Stamdata 163063 20.000 372.955 348.843 309.621 346.938 341.199 373.131 348.285 241.044 273.981 360.236 306.438 282.995 254.860 269.565 256.432 286.363 265.234 228.768 251.323 271.969 257.341 162.419
570714700000007866 01-05-1988 21-02-2001 150 0,1 0,1 BONUS Ukendt-BONUS 376 Guldborgsund LAND Udgået 0 685797 6062598 Stamdata 163164 117.960 334.240 394.560 337.360 375.840 287.240 356.900 390.120 280.100 320.060 353.540 312.124 304.527 0
570714700000007880 26-05-1988 21-08-2003 150 23 24,5 BONUS 150   - MK l 376 Guldborgsund LAND Eskilstrup 9b 682874,592 6083630,168 Stamdata 163319 158.190 288.050 318.640 282.590 300.460 246.100 327.220 298.700 251.120 263.248 299.844 238.460 260.213 214.970 208.894 0
570714700000007989 24-06-1988 20-11-2003 150 23 24 BONUS 150 kW - 239 376 Guldborgsund LAND Væggerløse 10a 687516,566 6065884,324 Stamdata 163999 168.220 324.200 358.920 312.820 359.640 277.760 376.920 326.880 249.480 312.300 367.520 270.685 326.598 282.761 340.005 235.976
570714700000008108 25-10-1988 10-12-2007 150 24 25 BONUS 150/30 kW 376 Guldborgsund LAND Egebjerg, Sdr. Kirkeby 7d 692309,522 6072500,262 Stamdata 164374 94.313 292.495 335.155 278.683 320.803 256.003 350.613 313.825 265.758 283.298 321.370 259.364 275.477 232.495 289.930 239.859 256.056 219.107 226.022 232.106
570714700000008238 04-11-1988 17-12-2003 150 23,2 30 Wind World WW 2320-150  376 Guldborgsund LAND Hasselø By, Væggerløse 8a 685559,582 6068044,307 Stamdata 165182 80.360 306.040 395.300 336.260 364.340 287.840 414.300 361.700 271.280 313.220 394.420 320.192 340.633 289.911 329.153 242.426
570714700000008313 02-11-1988 26-02-2014 150 23 24,5 BONUS 150   - MK l 376 Guldborgsund LAND Idestrup 36 691249,76 6071181,82 GST, 18-02-2013 165311 38.172 270.118 356.718 328.002 377.186 301.674 394.740 357.304 291.294 311.506 365.304 300.455 325.215 280.195 337.358 284.712 309.791 291.259 263.359 283.590 327.154 256.311 244.042 278.697 236.638 164.453 82.243
570714700000008320 06-02-1989 17-12-2003 200 24 30 Danwin DW 24-200   376 Guldborgsund LAND Hasselø By, Væggerløse 7a,6f 685927,579 6068344,305 Stamdata 165571 259.640 395.180 332.140 374.620 311.320 405.800 354.060 272.400 306.540 372.753 307.845 331.020 273.468 324.204 245.450
570714700000008351 12-04-1989 20-11-2003 150 23 24,5 BONUS 150/30 kW 376 Guldborgsund LAND Bruserup By, Væggerløse 6a 685864,582 6061430,351 Stamdata 166003 209.694 432.334 377.512 409.190 311.340 426.500 373.900 308.700 333.300 415.902 329.088 348.485 301.477 339.841 241.250
570714700000008368 22-03-1989 20-11-2003 150 23 24,5 BONUS 150/30 kW 376 Guldborgsund LAND Bruserup By, Væggerløse 3a 685868,582 6062803,343 Stamdata 166004 226.614 408.662 352.706 377.846 305.148 415.052 364.680 302.894 329.846 401.205 320.191 344.866 288.020 334.100 239.649
570714700000008399 12-04-1989 20-11-2003 150 23 24 BONUS 150/30 kW 376 Guldborgsund LAND Bruserup By, Væggerløse 7e 686333,577 6061646,35 Stamdata 166071 156.390 372.456 310.666 355.188 277.342 382.560 340.208 273.940 299.748 362.559 298.013 318.277 271.645 314.355 192.958
570714700000008412 12-04-1989 02-11-2016 150 23,2 31 Wind World W 2320-150  376 Guldborgsund LAND Nagelsti, Nyk.F 15a 682036,41 6069133,37 SDFE2018 166138 155.082 326.874 272.018 307.012 246.388 342.746 299.828 237.068 266.662 312.084 253.714 282.246 229.093 275.301 229.075 260.689 231.679 222.686 274.468 284.671 232.518 218.543 208.320 259.801 242.879 264.923 294.551 168.927
570714700000008504 13-07-1989 17-12-2003 220 25 31 Wind World W 2500-220  376 Guldborgsund LAND Væggerløse 8a 685664,581 6068449,304 Stamdata 166842 144.936 451.887 363.570 370.488 343.722 450.420 389.361 308.769 341.730 430.101 347.497 375.536 205.166 215.292 137.290
570714700000008528 31-08-1989 31-08-2015 150 25 31 Wind World W 2500-150  376 Guldborgsund LAND Vigsnæs By, Vigsnæs 7a 670449,21 6086022,89 GST, 18-02-2013 166947 133.880 479.340 433.200 456.340 379.660 493.000 444.300 382.100 420.000 497.409 294.700 512.473 373.186 379.123 385.302 431.385 396.530 362.174 435.634 406.271 371.242 396.454 314.172 272.537 257.259 247.116 231.461
570714700000008566 02-11-1989 31-08-2009 150 24 25 BONUS 150/30 kW 376 Guldborgsund LAND Sdr Alslev By, Sdr. Kirkeby 7c 692576,34 6072246,06 GST, 18-02-2013 167112 48.420 365.580 318.520 353.200 285.540 378.280 348.360 293.900 312.720 365.519 306.187 330.947 278.402 334.034 267.935 261.493 246.700 260.554 318.294 324.867 88.231
570714700000008597 17-10-1989 06-09-2015 150 28 31 Wind World W 2700-150  376 Guldborgsund LAND Tårs By, Tårs 9 669480,8 6081368,89 GST, 18-02-2013 169661 72.020 379.000 358.840 389.800 317.780 423.420 402.060 319.340 364.040 398.072 327.130 340.427 278.788 334.912 312.811 342.432 328.854 295.909 337.663 350.279 323.458 323.323 329.214 284.754 201.171 185.830 188.896
570714700000008603 19-10-1990 06-01-2016 150 25 31 Wind World W 2500-150  376 Guldborgsund LAND Frejlev By, Kettinge 5 677134,45 6066272,21 GST, 18-02-2013 170885 398.380 310.620 369.820 350.740 404.200 385.680 256.740 450.400 378.374 335.854 327.290 266.546 331.454 281.532 321.907 286.876 268.114 336.725 350.099 298.666 271.299 317.932 310.219 288.055 291.399 224.782 0
570714700000008665 30-11-1989 30-09-2014 150 23,2 30 Wind World WW 2320-150  376 Guldborgsund LAND Toreby 42a 680208,7 6070077,79 GST, 18-02-2013 173324 123.380 326.700 297.020 337.840 276.500 374.780 320.480 268.600 291.120 323.400 241.108 303.127 252.943 292.493 254.123 287.644 267.853 225.380 295.133 297.242 246.116 239.484 290.967 267.702 250.787 188.089
570714700000008672 12-12-1989 17-03-2020 150 23 30 BONUS 150 kW 376 Guldborgsund LAND Stodstrup By, Eskilstrup 4a 682731,58 6083452,4 SDFE2018 173404 0 336.272 292.262 318.750 255.512 353.306 314.674 261.522 276.184 321.128 251.291 273.700 233.538 274.873 236.699 260.397 247.260 200.295 292.647 278.741 235.862 221.975 245.916 240.440 230.730 239.296 208.508 168.662 0
570714700000008801 13-02-1990 17-10-2014 150 23 30 BONUS 150/30 kW 376 Guldborgsund LAND Skerne By, Gundslev 3 687184,18 6087033,52 GST, 18-02-2013 174142 252.940 297.520 328.020 271.800 351.340 302.280 278.560 282.600 354.616 281.043 298.729 263.385 309.838 273.490 301.427 282.349 253.219 302.403 294.058 159.193 237.114 298.649 258.187 206.668 168.717
570714700000008849 06-04-1990 03-11-2011 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  376 Guldborgsund LAND Kippinge 37a 677830,632 6087010,129 Stamdata 174441 313.580 497.540 532.260 425.450 574.710 529.770 434.970 469.470 549.180 434.005 462.416 424.280 471.445 447.457 469.222 460.466 402.898 549.587 505.222 443.052 362.464 414.365
570714700000008863 26-06-1990 23-03-2015 150 23 30 BONUS 150/30   - MK ll 376 Guldborgsund LAND Lundby By, Brarup 5a 681949,3 6084000,17 GST, 18-02-2013 174777 76.302 307.600 328.726 267.800 365.400 330.300 269.600 286.820 334.840 267.705 285.544 250.257 288.040 262.617 291.559 271.689 239.541 312.063 292.261 258.099 255.928 288.232 277.785 257.367 250.933 0
570714700000008924 16-08-1990 31-08-2015 150 28 31 Wind World W 2800-150  376 Guldborgsund LAND Grønnegade By, Bregninge a 672593 6066187,64 GST, 18-02-2013 175125 160.000 380.000 395.000 332.500 444.900 400.000 323.600 361.000 423.908 349.222 371.994 303.628 355.773 312.654 354.386 329.624 298.826 365.459 365.382 288.288 308.717 333.801 342.769 301.578 270.666 194.260
570714700000008948 14-09-1990 13-07-2017 150 28 31 Wind World W 2800-150  376 Guldborgsund LAND Bregninge 23b 675120,37 6066625,74 SDFE2018 175363 133.910 371.100 382.000 306.250 432.040 384.020 300.100 341.180 413.145 318.600 361.477 295.706 335.515 300.426 337.529 285.737 277.840 335.129 356.136 267.830 255.480 300.741 323.428 280.818 329.296 373.874 258.922 140.148
570714700000009099 07-03-1991 05-05-2010 150 23,8 30 BONUS 150   - MK ll 376 Guldborgsund LAND Horbelev 4a 695741,505 6082213,173 Stamdata 176086 245.960 373.860 302.880 397.240 342.640 271.160 287.480 347.451 291.931 307.052 270.319 303.120 261.547 293.316 282.151 248.261 274.965 323.942 273.469 103.270
570714700000009136 17-06-1991 01-10-2013 150 23,8 30 BONUS 150   - MK lll 376 Guldborgsund LAND Torkilstrup 6a 688614,31 6084009,78 GST, 18-02-2013 176217 151.040 340.440 281.040 376.540 336.640 278.940 307.680 358.108 288.297 300.930 260.133 307.821 278.095 304.445 265.377 254.850 303.243 320.636 275.676 266.467 302.821 203.271 175.536
570714700000009167 05-07-1991 15-09-2010 150 23,8 30 BONUS 150   - MK ll 376 Guldborgsund LAND Gundslevmagle By, Torkilstrup 18tl 687097,665 6084758,859 Stamdata 176386 97.749 347.990 284.760 387.210 341.325 291.420 303.282 365.849 289.365 301.305 268.971 306.956 286.348 312.994 286.201 254.942 307.690 325.117 288.421 159.462
570714700000009174 05-07-1991 15-09-2010 150 23,8 30 BONUS 150   - MK ll 376 Guldborgsund LAND Gundslevmagle By, Torkilstrup 18l 687070,615 6084637,026 Stamdata 176386 97.749 347.990 284.760 387.210 341.325 291.420 303.282 365.849 289.365 301.305 268.971 306.956 286.348 312.994 286.201 254.942 307.690 325.117 288.421 159.462
570714700000009211 23-08-1991 25-02-2016 150 28 30 Wind World W 2800-150  376 Guldborgsund LAND Musse 4b 672055,92 6066082,32 GST, 18-02-2013 177272 144.020 353.200 302.820 398.660 356.160 292.820 314.960 378.116 306.406 331.396 271.581 281.435 240.774 288.532 273.488 258.069 304.982 326.452 272.402 260.171 289.688 260.577 275.740 286.733 199.228 0
570714700000009303 15-11-1991 20-11-2003 150 23,8 30 BONUS V27-225   376 Guldborgsund LAND Marrebæk By, Væggerløse 6h 686582 6062456 Stamdata 177780 60.120 381.760 317.600 414.180 374.420 307.800 333.920 410.060 339.327 355.131 293.131 330.207 220.084
570714700000009327 22-10-1991 15-05-2014 150 23,8 30 BONUS 150   - MK lll 376 Guldborgsund LAND Skerne By, Gundslev 18a 687447,49 6086947,59 GST, 18-02-2013 177786 79.920 339.320 286.980 383.380 341.900 277.320 301.840 361.412 285.767 308.423 266.956 304.119 277.201 307.496 281.578 247.724 334.499 312.261 271.810 262.434 295.543 237.462 248.746 138.108
570714700000009341 09-12-1991 27-02-2014 250 31 30 BONUS 300   COMBI 376 Guldborgsund LAND Virket, Falkerslev 15a 691756,84 6080312,83 GST, 18-02-2013 178225 97.830 488.100 453.030 600.600 518.700 441.600 386.820 672.911 458.874 491.690 413.258 500.847 433.037 486.831 441.743 405.797 387.172 486.029 414.929 388.506 463.172 436.754 361.795 101.224
570714700000009365 25-11-1991 06-09-2015 250 31 30 BONUS 250   COMBI 376 Guldborgsund LAND Egelev By, Nørre Vedby 11a 683611,03 6090885,14 GST, 18-02-2013 178302 97.860 654.999 458.199 692.247 637.221 506.940 563.526 646.474 523.039 558.595 469.098 524.554 346.079 526.215 346.106 356.827 595.477 593.605 495.186 488.797 495.669 520.310 472.871 506.359 353.702
570714700000009389 22-01-1992 14-09-2010 150 23 30 BONUS 150   - MK lll 376 Guldborgsund LAND Idestrup 17a 694041,496 6068618,29 Stamdata 178538 382.780 350.280 443.000 409.620 349.120 364.560 407.649 339.465 378.149 322.891 393.684 330.437 363.331 326.113 306.855 357.034 119.138 271.886 193.690
570714700000009433 08-10-1992 05-05-2010 300 31 30 BONUS 300 kW 376 Guldborgsund LAND Horbelev 4a 695674,795 6082285,952 Stamdata 179444 0 783.490 704.940 620.830 495.480 534.261 643.881 463.971 559.229 467.674 567.062 456.427 252.119 483.840 429.734 568.427 600.147 500.009 30.690
570714700000014031 25-10-1988 10-12-2007 150 24 25 BONUS 150/30 kW 376 Guldborgsund LAND Egebjerg, Sdr. Kirkeby 7d 692316,958 6072496,348 Stamdata 164374 94.313 292.495 335.155 278.683 320.803 256.003 350.613 313.825 265.758 283.298 321.370 259.364 275.477 232.495 289.930 239.859 256.056 219.107 226.022 232.106
570714700000105876 17-04-1986 08-12-2006 55 0,1 0,1 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 376 Guldborgsund LAND Sundby By, Toreby 6a 682860 6073525 Stamdata 15124 0 0 0 0 0 745
571313174001616617 09-10-2017 19-02-2019 10 13 18 HSWind Aps Viking 10VS 376 Guldborgsund Land Stamdata
570714700000001109 01-03-1987 03-08-2011 750 40 45 Windane WD 40 390 Vordingborg LAND Uoplyst 1bæ 684191 6098300 Stamdata EVV001 520.993 864.834 657.719 830.837 739.614 999.171 1.172.053 1.369.600 1.145.600 565.600 1.077.200 1.312.200 673.200 641.200 809.698 843.767 803.253 944.482 463.904 433.737 739.104 177.729 148.394 130.896 0
570714700000001116 01-03-1987 03-08-2011 750 40 45 Windane WD 40 390 Vordingborg LAND Uoplyst 1aa 684098 6098156 Stamdata EVV001 520.993 864.834 657.719 830.837 739.614 999.171 1.172.053 1.369.600 1.145.600 565.600 1.077.200 1.312.200 673.200 641.200 809.698 843.767 803.253 944.482 463.904 433.737 739.104 177.729 148.394 130.896 0
570714700000001123 01-03-1987 03-08-2011 750 40 45 Windane WD 40 390 Vordingborg LAND Uoplyst 1aa 684054 6097947 Stamdata EVV001 520.993 864.834 657.719 830.837 739.614 999.171 1.172.053 1.369.600 1.145.600 565.600 1.077.200 1.312.200 673.200 641.200 809.698 843.767 803.253 944.482 463.904 433.737 739.104 177.729 148.394 130.896 0
570714700000001130 01-03-1987 03-08-2011 750 40 45 Windane WD 40 390 Vordingborg LAND Uoplyst 1aa 684046 6097743 Stamdata EVV001 520.993 864.834 657.719 830.837 739.614 999.171 1.172.053 1.369.600 1.145.600 565.600 1.077.200 1.312.200 673.200 641.200 809.698 843.767 803.253 944.482 463.904 433.737 739.104 177.729 148.394 130.896 0
570714700000001147 01-03-1987 03-08-2011 750 40 45 Windane WD 40 390 Vordingborg LAND Uoplyst 1aa 684113 6097609 Stamdata EVV001 520.993 864.834 657.719 830.837 739.614 999.171 1.172.053 1.369.600 1.145.600 565.600 1.077.200 1.312.200 673.200 641.200 809.698 843.767 803.253 944.482 463.904 433.737 739.104 177.729 148.394 130.896 0
570714700000006586 01-07-1981 16-10-2002 30 11 18 Nordtank NTK 30/75 390 Vordingborg LAND Fanefjord 32a 704415,455 6089616,086 Stamdata 143474 7.036 15.181 18.407 18.687 14.689 18.196 14.880 18.525 24.062 17.700 14.120 22.220 19.510 19.640 18.810 13.810 31.985 49.757 41.153 45.645 40.227 20.145
570714700000006739 08-08-1982 07-01-2002 55 15,5 18 Nordtank NTK 55/11 390 Vordingborg LAND Sprove By, Damsholte 3e 702116 6094534 Stamdata 145679 30.999 112.760 114.478 89.998 111.466 91.152 113.482 134.097 104.554 135.650 106.595 110.950 113.964 103.671 71.005 90.626 111.903 58.932 99.139 25.848 0
570714700000006746 01-08-1982 30-06-2014 7,5 7 12 Eget fabrikat EMR 7,5 - 2 390 Vordingborg LAND Råbylille By, Møn 47c 717817,58 6096903,72 SDFE2018 4556 2.200 8.004 8.126 6.387 7.912 6.470 8.055 8.191 8.833 5.814 8.496 8.810 8.570 6.876 4.666 6.994 6.904 4.263 2.081 2.443 3.073 0 555 1.779 1.420 1.609 2.320 945 293 31 5 0 0
570714700000006852 28-06-1983 07-01-2002 55 15,7 22 Nordtank NTK 55 F-Nordtank 390 Vordingborg LAND Rødding, Damsholte 7a 701561,483 6093330,067 Stamdata 149887 67.640 137.341 107.955 133.727 109.356 136.146 132.560 144.310 123.230 138.000 110.200 135.200 117.400 103.150 108.470 136.540 108.260 118.300 92.910 0
570714700000006906 09-11-1984 07-01-2002 55 16 22 Nordtank NTK 55/11 390 Vordingborg LAND Neble By, Stege Lds 5c,31g 707859,442 6095323,023 Stamdata 151361 11.476 108.248 134.089 109.652 136.515 121.123 128.820 115.288 128.662 127.053 144.304 130.979 112.643 110.880 143.340 107.360 119.880 94.020 0
570714700000006913 03-10-1984 02-07-2002 55 15,5 20 Windmatic VM 15 S 390 Vordingborg LAND Svensmarke Møllelaug, Stege 2p 711518,418 6096378,996 Stamdata 151751 25.538 120.444 149.197 122.007 151.896 134.870 144.370 121.770 162.530 89.350 149.840 144.090 119.780 122.220 142.610 101.140 137.310 115.610 74.820
570714700000006975 07-11-1984 07-01-2002 55 16 22 Nordtank NTK 55/11 390 Vordingborg LAND Tostenæs By, Fanefjord 10h 700618,487 6091461,086 Stamdata 152544 10.820 125.000 125.000 125.000 125.000 111.890 148.590 111.830 119.650 105.490 143.220 118.620 106.850 117.060 138.640 111.220 124.050 96.440 0
570714700000006999 07-11-1984 07-01-2002 55 18 24 Nordtank NTK 55/9 390 Vordingborg LAND Fanefjord 31a 704415,455 6089616,086 Stamdata 152948 11.430 125.000 125.000 125.000 125.000 102.270 123.720 115.400 124.260 130.130 131.360 115.320 92.220 104.180 106.630 101.460 113.600 85.570 0
570714700000007057 24-04-1985 07-01-2002 75 17 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75 kW 390 Vordingborg LAND Kalvehave Østre, Øster-Egesborg lejetareal 700248,502 6099925,025 Stamdata 153337 43.060 100.000 100.000 100.000 142.430 145.890 124.720 141.080 136.980 153.470 153.170 100.270 158.560 107.750 115.730 122.570 90.470 0
570714700000007064 30-04-1985 07-01-2002 75 17 24 Windmatic VM 17 75 390 Vordingborg LAND Æbelnæs By/Damsholte 4a 706974,445 6093664,041 Stamdata 153342 17.190 100.000 100.000 100.000 214.170 158.150 143.760 167.760 156.090 181.500 155.670 119.750 109.590 142.630 117.870 146.500 110.580 0
570714700000007071 01-08-1982 28-06-2002 55 15 23 Windmatic 15 S 390 Vordingborg LAND Råbylille By/Elmelunde 13d 717463,379 6097017,959 Stamdata 153617 40.000 120.000 120.000 120.000 120.000 120.000 120.000 130.700 142.710 124.470 143.180 147.450 148.360 130.590 114.020 118.940 130.790 117.250 125.850 108.310 50.710
570714700000007088 26-06-1985 07-08-2002 55 16 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-15  390 Vordingborg LAND Ørslev 33e 688325,59 6104421,038 Stamdata 153629 61.631 70.000 70.000 70.000 111.971 122.833 105.233 125.542 123.059 127.929 108.141 89.385 100.374 112.365 95.262 100.526 83.282 37.580
570714700000007095 31-05-1985 27-12-2019 18 11 18 Odder 18,5-Odder 390 Vordingborg Land 716990,05 6099490,73 SDFE2018 1.196 1.250 1.250 1.250 1.250 1.250 9.932 17.087 14.660 15.143 11.648 6.770 9.837 14.586 11.768 13.260 7.246 11.432 11.084 12.092 10.083 9.554 8.944 9.258 7.598 6.698 9.717 9.568 8.210 11.114 9.313 6.678 5.893 0 0
570714700000007156 30-01-1986 07-01-2002 75 17 24 Windmatic VM 17 75 390 Vordingborg LAND Bissinge By, Stege Jorder 33a 709386,43 6094954,019 Stamdata 154682 189.943 189.943 189.943 191.627 187.601 181.258 204.116 199.921 214.374 190.391 157.691 169.870 182.040 163.040 180.900 139.830 0
570714700000007163 22-01-1986 02-04-2002 75 17 22 Windmatic VM 07 (17 S) 390 Vordingborg LAND Damsholte 46 709384,424 6092610,039 Stamdata 154701 165.220 168.000 168.000 189.640 144.880 179.770 207.330 179.500 226.920 193.250 176.964 186.458 215.772 180.850 201.400 176.634 37.718
570714700000007170 22-01-1986 02-04-2002 75 17 22 Windmatic VM 07 (17 S) 390 Vordingborg LAND Damsholte 46 709373,424 6092528,039 Stamdata 154701 165.220 168.000 168.000 189.640 144.880 179.770 207.330 179.500 226.920 193.250 176.964 186.458 215.772 180.850 201.400 176.634 37.718
570714700000007200 10-10-1985 08-07-2002 75 17 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  390 Vordingborg LAND Skovhuse By, Øster Egesborg 4c 696660,527 6099804,041 Stamdata 154881 55.230 100.000 100.000 100.000 117.860 137.230 112.850 123.150 104.930 133.470 118.350 91.960 108.010 124.440 96.850 106.350 91.660 41.280
570714700000007248 18-12-1985 19-11-2002 75 17 22 Windmatic VM 07 (17 S) 390 Vordingborg LAND Hovedskov, Stege Jorder 18 714662,395 6096139,982 Stamdata 155318 32.970 120.000 120.000 120.000 177.740 172.570 148.700 168.900 150.300 181.600 172.500 133.670 136.000 165.000 125.440 102.250 124.000 104.030
570714700000007293 10-05-1986 15-11-2002 55 16 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 16 390 Vordingborg LAND Stubberup, Magleby 5a 722513,363 6100580,901 Stamdata 156238 50.990 130.000 130.000 117.950 130.160 114.580 127.090 104.220 144.060 129.060 101.310 103.080 118.170 93.120 102.810 90.132 59.672
570714700000007316 28-05-1986 28-06-2002 75 17 23 Windmatic WM 07 75/15 17 S 390 Vordingborg LAND Keldby 11d 712786,412 6097436,98 Stamdata 156302 102.400 220.000 220.000 200.420 220.830 192.350 212.310 180.280 234.240 213.220 181.350 185.470 218.490 184.280 204.910 171.170 101.410
570714700000007385 22-10-1986 17-12-2002 99 0,1 0,1 Wincon W 99 LM 390 Vordingborg LAND Sprove By, Damsholte 2a 694926,468 6094064 Stamdata 157364 55.080 250.000 250.000 274.180 269.860 287.100 188.540 65.380 240.520 186.100 196.280 191.040 250.820 172.900 212.980 182.480 219.425
570714700000007408 10-10-1986 30-04-2002 99 0,1 0,1 NEG Micon NTK 99 390 Vordingborg LAND Køng Mark 14c 679729,642 6109198,018 Stamdata 157520 95.500 300.000 300.000 227.210 283.790 209.590 241.670 97.210 4.650 197.940 193.830 192.850 228.140 206.840 221.130 189.090 91.500
570714700000007538 14-04-1987 19-11-2002 80 17 23,5 Tellus TE 1780 390 Vordingborg LAND Udby, Stege Lds. 3g 711507,426 6099998,965 Stamdata 158520 10.000 100.000 142.010 173.050 152.880 184.130 169.400 183.500 140.830 111.770 144.820 142.220 147.380 150.130 124.145 128.010
570714700000007767 22-03-1988 24-11-2010 200 24 28,5 Wincon W 200/26 390 Vordingborg LAND Damsholte 3l 702506,478 6094124,057 Stamdata 162797 327.120 475.320 516.690 504.600 353.010 433.470 471.510 85.710 278.220 294.240 365.040 208.825 320.305 255.375 296.911 220.407 219.923 68.331 112.187 362.078 303.226 232.900 215.063
570714700000007781 14-04-1988 02-10-2019 100 19 30 Windmatic WIND MATIC 19 S 390 Vordingborg LAND Tostenæs, Møn 5a 701324,97 6091553,81 SDFE2018 162813 9.952 187.240 157.620 169.100 174.820 151.920 198.300 169.820 131.240 159.420 169.560 112.828 164.944 134.317 158.437 144.043 155.782 148.275 128.873 176.773 164.191 137.648 134.527 123.875 0 73.192 81.576 33.861 0 0 0 0
570714700000007835 08-04-1988 08-12-2011 180 23 30 Danwin DW 23-Danwin 390 Vordingborg LAND Fanefjord 9g 700534,14 6092013,92 GST, 18-02-2013 163018 182.930 351.930 410.280 328.950 400.500 380.490 413.520 329.070 264.540 337.320 374.880 271.604 339.959 280.133 321.366 292.636 317.132 313.178 269.794 381.670 365.251 314.223 182.973 308.834
570714700000007859 08-07-1988 02-03-2013 150 21,8 24 SMEDEM. DK 22-SMEDEM. 390 Vordingborg LAND Fanefjord 18a 703459,28 6086514,51 GST, 18-02-2013 163159 157.180 353.800 404.860 353.600 391.080 293.700 449.900 391.700 341.940 341.160 409.920 338.778 373.357 279.234 366.907 321.569 356.186 330.307 273.098 379.280 377.492 324.896 292.050 317.043 186.928 33.670
570714700000007972 19-08-1988 25-07-2002 99 19 30 Windmatic 19 S 390 Vordingborg LAND Bogø By, Bogø 13a 694964,526 6091676,101 Stamdata 163739 112.260 202.540 237.520 193.940 211.100 173.560 228.460 205.460 157.120 170.740 208.640 152.340 180.940 152.280 80.400
570714700000008023 25-07-1988 21-08-2014 150 23 24,5 BONUS 150/30 kW 390 Vordingborg LAND Bønsvig By, Jungshoved 3a 702151,6 6111307,39 GST, 18-02-2013 164164 282.320 308.200 319.780 283.020 293.860 252.280 318.180 304.340 257.700 270.120 320.264 250.495 278.198 221.328 272.776 236.900 234.680 245.681 187.669 247.231 248.580 235.291 218.564 243.991 217.649 223.492 41.876
570714700000008122 28-10-1988 07-11-2011 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  390 Vordingborg LAND Bårse 11f 689275,586 6111894,009 Stamdata 164530 205.753 309.270 380.310 334.260 369.600 309.450 402.210 355.890 298.500 314.640 380.708 283.816 303.554 266.638 326.750 281.641 305.757 288.495 263.294 318.686 331.798 285.489 253.910 264.950
570714700000008139 20-10-1988 15-07-2002 99 19 30 Windmatic VM 19 S 390 Vordingborg LAND Elmelunde 7am 717459,392 6100558,93 Stamdata 164532 95.480 187.440 248.580 230.360 261.760 252.280 282.720 260.620 212.640 207.360 281.020 216.160 237.560 204.840 114.200
570714700000008467 16-06-1989 01-06-2005 250 26 30 Micon M 450-250   390 Vordingborg LAND Udby 6a 686202,605 6107869,026 Stamdata 166398 175.420 501.500 415.500 441.580 386.760 497.700 425.760 336.900 377.610 471.665 360.525 393.073 308.190 386.790 337.603 380.444 54.046
570714700000008511 10-08-1989 23-08-2016 150 27 32 Wind World W 2320-150  390 Vordingborg LAND Ornebjerg By, Kastrup 4e 686542,91 6103874,7 GST, 18-02-2013 166846 75.074 314.646 272.546 298.444 237.998 317.722 277.154 154.818 231.094 289.322 227.050 243.838 206.349 248.930 206.555 243.503 218.581 201.279 241.965 263.505 201.445 194.388 221.126 218.843 199.547 214.298 262.731 113.740
570714700000008610 27-11-1989 27-04-2017 200 24 30 Danwin DW 24-200   390 Vordingborg LAND Svinø By, Svinø 12a 675287,16 6110589,52 GST, 18-02-2013 171675 0 449.480 401.800 438.840 333.200 448.540 393.240 323.780 305.280 399.431 317.705 330.173 282.873 324.232 282.642 353.062 343.287 311.242 393.959 403.937 297.918 293.731 388.609 337.336 303.712 308.399 249.907 3.424 0
570714700000008696 21-11-1989 12-07-2015 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  390 Vordingborg LAND Bogø 106m 692156,25 6091333,65 GST, 18-02-2013 173848 0 492.102 463.100 529.400 437.400 574.400 538.500 452.300 489.600 566.284 455.847 478.434 422.620 489.924 431.928 481.782 442.069 398.446 527.524 489.035 433.295 432.079 472.925 487.288 448.263 379.087 139.102
570714700000008733 22-12-1989 16-01-2018 150 27 31 Wind World 92 390 Vordingborg LAND Bogø 21d m.f 692002,12 6091375,16 SDFE2018 173896 451.560 382.520 408.520 358.180 467.680 438.180 348.560 397.040 457.239 370.656 393.012 351.624 363.238 360.630 403.708 350.019 315.114 434.440 313.655 288.623 246.532 338.262 347.199 275.331 326.800 428.089 279.850 38.394 0
570714700000008832 16-03-1990 31-08-2015 150 28 31 Wind World W 2700-150  390 Vordingborg LAND Lundbytorp, Lundby 3i 682976,27 6112361,5 GST, 18-02-2013 174411 344.282 449.950 477.220 411.190 494.930 477.090 422.710 433.330 543.580 424.031 448.780 386.581 448.128 403.222 447.305 415.483 373.585 391.218 405.784 374.347 362.012 446.998 411.477 242.357 259.054 84.991
570714700000008900 30-07-1990 08-12-2011 250 26 32 Vindsyssel VS 250  390 Vordingborg LAND Lundby By, Lundby 15d 683338,05 6111573,32 GST, 18-02-2013 175077 44.061 258.993 397.059 351.132 105.243 368.163 234.879 468.294 473.910 379.307 376.306 320.101 415.166 338.698 388.366 337.500 304.721 361.119 115.261 297.693 284.842 321.129
570714700000008979 31-10-1990 08-12-2011 250 26 30 Nordex B5-IP 55 390 Vordingborg LAND Svinø 41e 677276,02 6109227,76 GST, 18-02-2013 175568 78.180 437.790 492.300 389.340 319.980 467.790 373.680 402.990 494.382 367.262 374.955 307.898 373.454 368.498 426.472 270.597 66.457 306.321 309.554 280.122 240.413 215.106
570714700000009044 01-12-1990 10-03-2017 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27 390 Vordingborg LAND Ø. Egesborg, Mern 1c 694365,85 6104818,15 SDFE2018 175870 220.540 511.940 449.230 507.840 486.300 372.510 398.640 494.310 444.207 413.671 354.422 415.268 373.639 414.557 360.079 345.963 446.131 452.244 370.915 338.601 437.143 393.589 255.408 252.816 335.730 91.008 0
570714700000009402 19-06-1992 31-08-2015 150 27 31 Wind World W 2700-150  390 Vordingborg LAND Ørslev 36d 690044,52 6102626,5 GST, 18-02-2013 179246 241.500 265.520 352.520 306.360 280.120 266.860 343.279 261.651 274.465 227.619 298.165 244.245 270.676 257.515 227.269 264.816 223.437 254.946 238.383 254.833 232.936 246.684 174.892 137.755
570714700000009594 23-11-1993 31-08-2015 150 28 31 Wind World W 2800-150  390 Vordingborg LAND Lundby Torp By, Lundby 3a 682981,32 6112456,02 GST, 18-02-2013 181154 49.340 512.840 439.440 387.300 401.800 502.021 364.566 415.014 365.913 425.252 382.268 406.898 390.809 358.650 353.130 417.182 180.581 279.281 402.552 331.561 213.050 179.809 1.550
570714700000009686 06-10-1994 31-08-2015 150 28 31 Wind World W 2800-150  390 Vordingborg LAND Lundby Torp By, Lundby 1b 682965,57 6112260,36 GST, 18-02-2013 182078 116.760 442.180 386.000 383.500 490.675 385.185 408.607 330.430 410.338 370.059 366.568 370.361 344.344 423.032 428.334 374.216 350.022 429.762 394.201 350.857 210.120 26
570714700000002519 15-02-1990 30-01-2006 225 27 30,5 Danwin DW 27-225   400 Bornholm LAND Østermarie 35a 887506,9873 6127285,998 60001-1 255.400 316.870 296.360 310.560 367.880 403.130 287.150 345.130 397.630 321.688 326.350 307.328 355.707 321.227 331.973 296.968 24.793
570714700000002526 15-02-1990 30-01-2006 225 27 30,5 Danwin DW 27-225   400 Bornholm LAND Østermarie 35a 887493,3028 6127400,356 60001-2 280.209 327.440 336.240 401.630 375.280 363.350 292.310 348.500 393.440 316.829 323.985 301.348 365.863 328.872 345.610 297.780 18.391
570714700000002533 15-02-1990 30-01-2006 225 27 30,5 Danwin DW 27-225   400 Bornholm LAND Østermarie 37r 887680,6941 6127264,478 60001-3 287.300 407.870 401.950 431.460 414.650 381.190 292.850 378.080 484.670 391.171 391.023 369.433 441.168 370.987 409.465 351.821 28.902
570714700000002540 15-02-1990 30-01-2006 225 27 30,5 Danwin DW 27-225   400 Bornholm LAND Østermarie 35a 887667,9768 6127378,116 60001-4 296.340 317.870 364.180 466.080 181.800 410.580 344.070 392.110 455.070 367.764 367.926 341.053 392.985 366.059 392.098 353.268 30.073
570714700000002557 20-02-1990 30-01-2006 225 27 30,5 Danwin DW 27-225   400 Bornholm LAND Østermarie 35a 887619,1291 6127516,592 60001-5 265.390 349.410 356.930 413.600 396.910 398.950 310.830 360.090 429.020 341.730 336.582 322.488 386.194 338.886 375.919 344.494 28.578
570714700000002564 15-02-1990 30-01-2006 225 27 30,5 Danwin DW 27-225   400 Bornholm LAND Østermarie 37r 887839,6202 6127322,228 60001-6 311.600 398.500 422.240 466.940 478.290 462.030 319.810 386.490 512.330 387.894 389.548 370.656 435.758 407.638 414.842 363.179 23.979
570714700000002571 20-02-1990 07-10-2005 225 27 30,5 Danwin DW 27-225   400 Bornholm LAND Østermarie 37r 887821,8732 6127460,371 60001-7 319.890 417.440 404.950 193.910 382.640 471.360 358.040 417.350 484.000 385.451 385.121 361.719 433.972 384.938 417.041 281.448
570714700000002588 14-06-1991 05-10-2005 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27 400 Bornholm LAND Åker 43a 876603,2369 6114406,753 60002-1 174.690 468.690 468.010 178.120 293.320 342.410 393.630 501.800 177.870 296.848 475.003 582.847 485.893 547.754 371.508
570714700000002595 14-06-1991 05-10-2005 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27 400 Bornholm LAND Åker 43a 876629,9653 6114601,9 60002-2 150.460 337.220 429.390 190.920 270.600 345.390 374.530 406.620 117.670 269.314 445.668 546.945 447.830 385.968 218.897
570714700000002632 14-12-1995 06-10-2005 225 29 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  400 Bornholm LAND Rutsker 49a 864105,6957 6133080,819 60004-1 16.496 324.983 665.277 761.564 651.016 600.739 618.057 768.981 620.669 685.466 499.917
570714700000002649 14-12-1995 06-10-2005 225 29 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  400 Bornholm LAND Rutsker 49a 864294,7127 6133008,46 60004-2 16.142 322.960 666.490 769.910 652.794 686.918 616.781 761.604 609.673 650.094 440.294
570714700000002656 14-12-1995 06-10-2005 225 29 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  400 Bornholm LAND Rutsker 49a 864482,6546 6132936,913 60004-3 16.132 318.416 653.834 742.190 640.058 663.104 579.818 683.656 590.268 661.715 480.028
570714700000002663 29-01-1996 03-10-2005 225 29 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  400 Bornholm LAND Åker 64a 875811,7362 6118687,931 60005-1 397.988 466.932 536.650 441.160 468.871 416.542 498.487 428.668 453.637 324.976
570714700000002670 29-01-1996 03-10-2005 225 29 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  400 Bornholm LAND Åker 64a 876007,6963 6118641,272 60005-2 410.792 480.628 561.350 458.363 488.193 432.146 526.626 432.840 484.556 345.795
570714700000002687 29-01-1996 03-10-2005 225 29 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  400 Bornholm LAND Åker 64a 875953,2005 6118477,917 60005-3 412.545 486.755 550.280 461.846 474.706 418.517 533.461 433.806 408.566 278.958
570714700000002694 29-01-1996 03-10-2005 225 29 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  400 Bornholm LAND Åker 62i 875897,2192 6118307,295 60005-4 405.934 478.886 552.380 457.417 468.048 423.426 526.535 421.430 429.558 307.738
570714700000002700 29-01-1996 03-10-2005 225 29 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  400 Bornholm LAND Åker 62a 875643,6703 6118169,32 60005-5 404.982 466.673 537.550 445.463 471.200 418.759 519.543 418.328 361.022 238.614
570714700000002717 29-01-1996 03-10-2005 225 29 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  400 Bornholm LAND Åker 62f 875842,981 6118140,946 60005-6 394.626 475.874 538.840 452.302 458.202 415.800 523.151 415.610 439.626 262.610
570714700000002724 29-01-1996 03-10-2005 225 29 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  400 Bornholm LAND Åker 62f 875988,3693 6118121,098 60005-7 388.197 479.388 550.600 461.718 474.441 419.621 525.990 446.073 466.282 340.323
570714700000011283 22-12-1977 01-11-2002 30 0,1 0,1 Riisager Ukendt-Riisager 400 Bornholm LAND Østermarie 38a 888039,1715 6126756,211 60100-1 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 16.965 1.261
570714700000011290 08-01-1979 06-11-2002 45 12 18 Sonebjerg Ukendt-Sonebjerg 400 Bornholm LAND Arnager Fiskerleje, Nylars 2a 868804,3629 6116164,476 60101-1 28.785 51.411 46.219 56.041 60.904 49.387 56.505 32.270 51.917 40.500 43.498 53.707 55.915 58.064 58.545 57.751 33.978 47.062 59.801 46.188 49.173 15.352 0
570714700000011306 01-08-1979 25-06-2003 11 0,1 0,1 S. Adolfsen Ukendt-S. Adolfsen 400 Bornholm LAND Olsker 20a 868730,2681 6138054,078 60102-1 8.304 0 0 0 9.245 3.586 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
570714700000011337 01-12-1980 02-10-2002 55 15 22 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-8  400 Bornholm LAND Klemensker 4ae 869836,3723 6129902,886 60104-1 0 81.369 73.152 88.698 89.922 85.359 96.645 85.005 84.468 85.745 96.838 78.637 78.705 94.557 84.682 83.237 62.661 65.738 80.408 62.033 64.129 11.262 0
570714700000011344 01-03-1981 31-12-2001 7,5 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 400 Bornholm LAND Klemensker 175dø 874644,848 6127708,715 60105-1 7.067 8.471 10.272 15.228 14.180 16.433 13.057 12.067 12.395 12.722 8.356 8.352 10.213 8.605 10.282 6.262 6.937 9.735 3.950 1 1.412
570714700000011351 24-02-1982 28-02-2018 22 11 18 Nordtank NTK 22/7,5 400 Bornholm Land 869835,81 6127582,9 SDFE2018 32.075 46.670 46.619 41.097 45.561 37.442 15.035 25.254 55.322 43.884 46.462 51.388 48.549 48.790 34.906 38.715 44.037 30.291 37.202 32.081 28.469 18.350 0 0 0 0 0 15.252 23.967 26.709 26.277 16.641 19.408 24.714 3.902
570714700000011368 24-03-1982 02-09-2002 55 15 22 Nordtank NTK 55/11 400 Bornholm LAND Østermarie 16a 883459,0007 6129253,4 60107-1 79.267 128.150 124.970 118.480 142.569 113.259 128.333 126.578 128.646 113.124 103.633 129.520 123.548 111.520 93.340 101.460 119.080 79.550 101.850 49.670 24.120
570714700000011375 12-02-1985 04-08-2002 99 23 25 Smedemester Ukendt-Smedemester 400 Bornholm LAND Rutsker 44h 864133,2652 6132127,617 60112-1 116.798 156.499 65.505 0 0 226.587 260.972 279.345 308.729 281.862 268.112 219.564 224.874 226.796 222.103 190.004 172.920 126.953
570714700000011382 24-09-1986 02-09-2002 80 17 40 Tellus TE 1780 400 Bornholm LAND Åker 90c 874979,7974 6115762,617 60113-1 82.780 200.650 207.860 205.970 240.580 202.860 207.680 225.230 237.750 219.890 161.950 188.410 225.270 189.210 198.840 178.380 147.890
570714700000011399 05-12-1986 02-09-2002 80 17 40 Tellus TE 1780 400 Bornholm LAND Åker 90c 874951,3667 6115674,806 60113-2 28.730 187.550 216.350 211.800 246.140 209.580 214.190 238.590 242.260 226.420 177.360 195.870 234.180 197.990 206.870 158.810 130.350
570714700000011412 01-10-1986 04-08-2002 99 19,6 24 Smedemester Ukendt-Smedemester 400 Bornholm LAND Rutsker 44i 863547,1401 6132071,81 60114-1 63.950 210.040 237.440 225.840 230.990 215.140 191.490 255.930 235.120 187.650 144.690 174.250 230.910 156.460 194.490 176.770 126.560
570714700000011429 01-10-1986 04-08-2002 99 19,6 24 Smedemester Ukendt-Smedemester 400 Bornholm LAND Rutsker 44i 863584,3125 6132012,686 60114-2 80.690 183.580 211.450 146.470 237.090 171.040 197.210 236.940 232.090 217.000 164.180 177.400 235.970 141.470 205.500 170.050 55.220
570714700000011436 01-10-1986 04-08-2002 99 19,6 24 Smedemester Ukendt-Smedemester 400 Bornholm LAND Rutsker 44i 863621,5709 6131952,565 60114-3 87.790 213.970 205.410 201.430 212.290 239.460 208.310 271.470 258.740 246.410 190.640 199.840 243.710 207.180 214.220 185.580 142.110
570714700000011443 01-10-1986 04-08-2002 99 19,6 24 Smedemester Ukendt-Smedemester 400 Bornholm LAND Rutsker 44i 863658,7432 6131893,441 60114-4 86.920 211.320 229.980 185.570 236.150 216.350 194.340 243.780 227.150 218.470 171.720 181.340 231.230 201.900 203.260 172.590 133.790
570714700000011450 01-10-1986 04-08-2002 99 19,6 24 Smedemester Ukendt-Smedemester 400 Bornholm LAND Rutsker 44i 863655,913 6131831,871 60114-5 83.390 204.950 200.130 198.120 199.790 225.270 203.920 259.290 256.290 237.200 179.540 191.020 238.280 197.840 207.370 169.560 123.260
570714700000011467 01-10-1986 04-08-2002 99 19,6 24 Smedemester Ukendt-Smedemester 400 Bornholm LAND Rutsker 44i 863749,0276 6131788,533 60114-6 88.240 222.690 211.210 201.930 217.470 230.120 201.920 251.030 225.650 207.580 191.410 205.980 255.970 219.170 224.195 173.635 135.870
570714700000011474 01-10-1986 04-08-2002 99 19,6 24 Smedemester Ukendt-Smedemester 400 Bornholm LAND Rutsker 44i 863826,1048 6131767,94 60114-7 97.410 202.680 191.680 34.270 183.720 201.070 232.410 266.190 231.560 226.770 172.280 195.210 247.470 218.740 195.100 190.200 157.690
570714700000011481 01-10-1986 04-08-2002 99 19,6 24 Smedemester Ukendt-Smedemester 400 Bornholm LAND Rutsker 44i 863827,9661 6131853,555 60114-8 70.000 156.100 199.850 199.310 251.150 222.730 220.710 259.800 254.670 238.570 183.280 201.870 249.470 205.190 201.530 160.550 144.640
570714700000011498 01-10-1986 04-08-2002 99 19,6 24 Smedemester Ukendt-Smedemester 400 Bornholm LAND Rutsker 44i 863905,2777 6131747,527 60114-9 76.980 206.910 209.320 197.780 215.790 232.880 199.090 256.260 240.440 235.420 177.260 196.870 193.840 168.010 194.120 173.470 138.630
570714700000011504 18-12-1986 29-08-2001 22 0,1 0,1 Riisager Ukendt-Riisager 400 Bornholm LAND Knudsker 101p 867204,7698 6122537,422 60108-1 0 13.178 13.000 13.000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
570714700000011511 08-07-1987 03-09-2002 80 17 40 Tellus TE 1780 400 Bornholm LAND Ibsker 31c 891466,8651 6121149,982 60115-1 113.730 204.110 196.560 248.550 221.030 212.890 243.680 240.240 233.210 199.300 206.100 241.010 208.200 210.640 56.090 67.620
570714700000011528 28-01-1988 04-09-2002 95 19 40 Tellus TE 1995 400 Bornholm LAND Ibsker 31c 891495,0741 6121054,871 60115-2 243.220 261.080 294.890 261.550 227.750 253.250 284.070 281.220 237.100 242.960 273.800 242.480 244.500 237.600 182.990
570714700000011535 08-10-1987 22-08-2002 99 19 30 Windmatic VM 19 S 400 Bornholm LAND Knudsker 26o 866163,9215 6122321,625 60116-1 54.710 190.500 185.260 213.610 185.210 189.920 214.340 211.300 200.940 152.090 156.210 201.740 166.900 171.510 146.640 88.150
570714700000011542 08-10-1987 22-08-2002 99 19 30 Windmatic VM 19 S 400 Bornholm LAND Knudsker 26o 866156,8812 6122404,463 60116-2 54.090 189.410 186.010 212.690 185.270 186.510 212.120 208.880 198.570 155.410 163.600 198.940 164.390 168.340 137.350 63.800
570714700000011559 03-06-1988 22-08-2002 99 19 30 Windmatic VM 19 S 400 Bornholm LAND Knudsker 26o 866155,3124 6122493,805 60116-3 109.670 187.830 221.590 189.480 189.060 213.410 204.550 197.120 150.520 165.670 207.980 172.500 175.530 140.260 112.190
570714700000011566 03-06-1988 22-08-2002 99 19 30 Windmatic VM 19 S 400 Bornholm LAND Knudsker 26o 866090,3655 6122548,628 60116-4 116.780 196.890 224.990 193.870 190.460 221.910 218.140 207.810 154.990 165.160 210.040 170.320 177.860 154.640 110.620
570714700000011573 03-06-1988 22-08-2002 99 19 30 Windmatic VM 19 S 400 Bornholm LAND Knudsker 26o 866344,3514 6122386,14 60116-5 112.460 190.793 223.967 183.570 185.890 212.170 209.700 197.360 138.870 154.660 192.310 160.970 162.130 132.080 103.400
570714700000011580 20-11-1987 03-09-2002 99 19 30 Windmatic VM 19 S 400 Bornholm LAND Ibsker 58a, 891125,787 6126173,391 60117-1 44.340 229.760 239.760 270.960 237.590 228.530 267.220 249.540 246.900 206.680 192.140 250.380 202.890 197.980 185.030 71.820
570714700000011597 20-11-1987 03-09-2002 99 19 30 Windmatic VM 19 S 400 Bornholm LAND Ibsker 58a, 891111,0714 6126264,737 60117-2 42.520 235.330 246.070 273.630 244.400 219.490 262.990 261.450 251.620 212.370 224.350 268.000 216.060 196.520 212.360 164.082
570714700000011603 24-11-1987 30-09-2001 99 19,6 24 Danwin DW 19-99   400 Bornholm LAND Østerlars 45k 877347,667 6129527,566 60118-1 15.790 172.540 206.210 230.910 185.720 182.550 230.010 205.940 204.110 148.940 162.670 224.010 184.270 167.057 64.779
570714700000011610 16-11-1988 04-08-2002 99 19 30 Windmatic WM 19 S, 99/22 kW 400 Bornholm LAND Rutsker 53a 863787,9921 6131115,602 60119-1 39.960 248.810 274.740 244.560 252.700 287.890 280.090 264.160 205.960 224.380 275.400 232.160 242.470 214.200 158.920
570714700000011627 16-11-1988 04-08-2002 99 19 30 Windmatic WM 19 S, 99/22 kW 400 Bornholm LAND Rutsker 53a 863719,3288 6131131,895 60119-2 53.950 267.200 284.600 256.340 265.950 292.930 285.010 273.870 203.180 224.070 284.360 239.310 248.150 212.480 162.810
570715000001445544 22-04-2015 22-04-2015 25 14 18 Solid Wind Power A/S SWP25-14TG20 400 Bornholm Land Stamdata
570715000001498656 16-12-2015 19-11-2020 10 7,1 21,5 KVA Vind KVA Vind 6-10 400 Bornholm Land 889023,55 6112548,63 SDFE2018 28.263 0 14.761 0 1.651 308 308
570715000000027420 30-08-1989 26-09-2011 150 23 30 BONUS 150 kW 410 Middelfart LAND Kavslunde by, Kavslunde 8a 551405,092 6149949,588 Stamdata 209.119 99.200 298.460 298.460 294.276 277.440 305.300 271.920 229.000 252.740 277.920 239.296 270.546 215.719 247.890 214.931 245.409 246.035 217.037 273.114 263.359 235.445 210.363 155.051
570715000000027444 29-08-1991 13-09-2011 150 23 29,3 BONUS 150 kW 410 Middelfart LAND Gamborg by,  Gamborg 3a 550333,345 6146885,93 Stamdata 209.391 84.883 310.464 281.210 322.700 281.170 235.180 252.470 305.620 250.516 274.213 222.314 246.252 202.054 240.747 228.102 155.214 271.604 256.747 221.459 188.008 124.405
570715000000027451 05-09-1991 12-09-2011 150 29 30 Wind World W 2800-150  410 Middelfart LAND Kavslunde by Kavslunde 4b 550233,37 6149719,76 Stamdata 1209.400 155.310 174.500 311.600 344.300 323.200 282.600 291.000 328.300 254.513 326.721 257.044 298.317 242.326 278.257 246.492 250.307 296.805 297.891 211.694 222.775 66.019
570715000000054334 17-09-1985 23-10-2002 75 0,1 0,1 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 410 Middelfart LAND Føns By, Føns 32a 552532 6142657 Stamdata 99192 22.440 122.340 109.040 126.620 122.990 152.759 140.000 118.160 102.330 109.190 119.280 89.390 95.520 117.660 102.940 117.100 87.530 80.820
570715000000052910 12-05-1981 28-06-2002 30 10 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S HVK 10 420 Assens LAND Brylle By, Brylle 20b 578130,862 6129610,197 Stamdata 99008 8.530 12.675 20.575 16.750 13.930 16.990 13.710 15.580 14.000 10.290 860 0 0 0 0 0 480 1.540 0 0 0 0
570715000000053092 08-11-1985 08-10-2002 55 0,1 0,1 BONUS Ukendt-BONUS 420 Assens LAND Tommerup By, Tommerup 15f 577147 6132158 Stamdata 99031 11.100 68.700 61.710 68.790 67.930 78.760 63.400 67.280 62.110 70.920 47.920 25.890 57.510 63.850 49.920 58.100 41.090 34.800
570715000000054044 02-11-1987 19-11-2002 90 19 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  420 Assens LAND Agnernæs, Dreslette 1a 562935 6117204 Stamdata 99159 16.410 192.830 195.380 192.360 176.510 187.410 159.300 184.430 173.640 126.960 130.480 170.532 134.397 152.821 94.896 45.903
570715000000054051 25-10-1985 25-09-2002 95 18,6 24 Danregn Vindkraft ZK 315M-6 420 Assens LAND Assens Markjorder 162ac 557703 6123573 Stamdata 99160 23.210 241.340 265.880 267.650 259.470 284.730 249.340 274.520 245.740 268.700 259.530 189.680 199.020 244.765 185.192 249.577 191.280 161.263
570715000000054068 25-10-1985 25-09-2002 95 18,6 24 Danregn Vindkraft ZK 315M-6 420 Assens LAND Assens Markjorder 162ac 557726 6123513 Stamdata 99161 21.250 218.800 236.070 250.580 242.210 263.110 228.810 256.650 210.980 245.270 233.900 179.900 192.320 222.811 181.206 220.678 164.105 130.268
570715000000054075 03-12-1986 23-09-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS Ukendt-BONUS 420 Assens LAND Sønderby By, Sønderby 50b 559757 6121205 Stamdata 99162 4.595 215.310 257.510 245.430 262.020 241.140 255.510 228.700 256.920 242.400 189.220 208.490 222.284 210.230 252.822 197.382 160.063
570715000000054082 03-12-1986 23-09-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS Ukendt-BONUS 420 Assens LAND Sønderby By, Sønderby 50b 559709 6121355 Stamdata 99163 0 205.040 250.780 248.950 259.540 227.410 265.610 232.450 266.160 241.060 246.760 212.400 241.941 209.766 225.149 182.600 150.429
570715000000054099 03-07-1990 20-09-2002 150 23 24,5 BONUS Ukendt-BONUS 420 Assens LAND Sønderby By, Sønderby 50b 559732 6121278 Stamdata 99164 155.190 364.730 394.570 357.770 395.360 378.170 293.360 321.980 378.243 303.011 363.113 285.549 231.464
570715000000054105 22-12-1990 23-06-2010 150 23,6 30 DWP D 150/175 420 Assens LAND Kaslunde By, Barløse 3a 563120,78 6133555,19 Stamdata 99165 0 307.640 351.660 288.510 336.330 320.500 258.040 276.490 326.636 266.895 304.745 233.239 252.038 242.863 239.847 244.427 228.507 240.416 275.115 248.903 114.580
570715000000054112 01-02-1991 24-06-2010 150 23,6 30 DWP D 150/175 420 Assens LAND Kaslunde By, Barløse 3a 563192,7 6133486,7 Stamdata 99166 250.330 354.740 312.610 351.450 304.490 263.460 281.280 321.265 231.023 273.601 232.801 273.344 221.255 236.322 172.837 170.553 169.678 172.288 236.344 84.682
570715000000054129 16-11-1993 24-11-2015 250 26 28,7 NEG Micon NM 530-250/50   420 Assens LAND Øsbjerg By, Kerte 2q 562539,02 6133512,47 GST, 18-02-2013 99167 38.110 420.490 401.330 319.650 353.130 371.003 321.711 371.082 293.355 334.994 250.043 198.046 148.737 245.271 294.671 333.239 292.823 260.813 325.213 308.762 301.910 316.862 109.749
570715000000054143 05-07-1994 27-11-2014 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  420 Assens LAND Køng By, Køng 46a 572855,36 6125790,91 SDFE2018 99169 158.416 421.094 389.586 488.585 400.898 339.713 383.720 306.258 345.917 304.070 342.647 335.142 307.691 368.116 376.081 296.264 296.192 333.219 317.929 307.248 266.033
570715000000054273 01-10-1985 26-09-2016 65 16 24,5 Nordtank Ukendt-Nordtank 420 Assens LAND Aborg By, Gamtofte 13p 556961,16 6128715,36 GST, 18-02-2013 99186 20.810 107.260 138.720 133.810 126.500 149.740 129.810 142.940 125.870 136.360 131.250 96.340 113.440 121.000 111.940 118.690 96.960 102.860 97.450 116.670 118.703 98.051 121.601 98.355 100.216 91.763 109.089 103.803 66.060 0 0 0
570715000000054280 01-08-1982 22-09-2002 55 0,1 0,1 Nordtank Ukendt-Nordtank 420 Assens LAND Helnæs By, Helnæs 32ac 564803 6110977 Stamdata 99187 13.710 78.940 60.530 47.300 51.100 48.400 51.400 47.560 53.420 44.010 100.640 88.950 85.060 92.640 65.510 107.450 102.670 77.750 87.470 66.520 25.210
570715000000054297 05-08-1981 21-03-2005 30 10 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S HVK 10 420 Assens LAND Køng By, Køng 45a 570072 6124727 Stamdata 99188 8.660 17.370 31.180 25.720 22.730 22.620 21.920 27.232 27.006 32.315 27.661 31.190 36.620 23.414 21.613 30.372 33.332 37.890 24.465 27.295 20.737 18.633 20.324 27.219 9.826
570715000000054303 03-12-1980 10-09-2002 15 11,3 19 Kuriant KE 15/4 43 420 Assens LAND Køng By, Køng 27a 570417 6124505 Stamdata 99189 0 14.490 12.230 16.390 12.240 11.890 13.040 5.051 11.006 10.764 12.934 10.215 14.338 21.698 22.092 23.008 45.823 26.253 18.572 10.589 13.645 9.950 7.588
570715000000054341 01-09-1981 19-12-2005 15 10 18 Kuriant Ukendt-Kuriant 420 Assens LAND Voldtofte By, Flemløse 5r 567661 6120978 Stamdata 99193 2.903 15.658 18.985 19.275 15.151 18.768 16.212 0 38 15.263 14.121 20.332 27.272 28.162 25.742 21.544 22.763 21.754 6.453 3.061 12.003 14.241 8.421 10.255 6.193
570715000000055331 12-06-1989 02-10-2002 150 24,6 30 NEG Micon NM 150 XLR 420 Assens LAND Jordløse by 11f 573537,98 6116323,39 Stamdata 4000 159.696 360.000 360.000 360.680 360.000 381.500 340.000 298.000 276.000 357.500 272.936 330.231 276.446 232.051
570715000000055355 19-09-1985 02-10-2002 55 15 22 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 15 420 Assens LAND Jordløse by 5a 573810,65 6116056,15 Stamdata 5333 17.815 100.000 100.000 100.000 101.000 101.000 100.000 101.456 103.071 106.034 92.330 89.129 84.949 97.107 74.432 91.761 78.268 58.055
570715000000052828 07-01-1982 06-09-2002 55 16 22 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 16 430 Faaborg-Midtfyn LAND Nr. Søby By, Nr. Søby 19a 587586 6127332 Stamdata 98903 63.466 82.034 30.826 54.941 73.164 56.709 66.906 64.980 73.862 60.285 71.970 72.523 77.473 64.508 53.491 52.439 57.875 50.665 57.535 39.000 40.870
570715000000052842 10-09-1985 30-06-2002 22 10 14 Windmatic Rilsager 430 Faaborg-Midtfyn LAND Tarup By, Sdr. Nærå 4e 596889 6131527 Stamdata 98906 3.396 10.284 6.338 4.116 6.653 10.970 4.451 7.827 7.760 8.157 6.525 2.281 1.427 360 509 1.146 76 0
570715000000052958 07-04-1982 19-11-2002 55 15 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S HVK 55-15/7,5  430 Faaborg-Midtfyn LAND Havndrup By, Hellerup 22a 598504 6126814 Stamdata 99013 34.235 52.555 39.455 32.495 37.790 30.550 37.420 40.450 43.240 45.060 33.950 48.750 67.790 59.130 39.980 38.540 40.300 28.300 39.160 37.060 7.030
570715000000052989 01-11-1985 18-04-2002 30 0,1 0,1 BONUS Ukendt-BONUS 430 Faaborg-Midtfyn LAND Dømmestrup By, Nr. Lyndelse 14c 585294 6130182 Stamdata 99017 871 18.656 13.760 12.102 12.470 18.475 8.005 9.873 13.562 14.095 15.039 10.351 13.691 14.505 9.840 15.125 1.429 3.613
570715000000053009 23-12-1986 01-04-2003 19 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 430 Faaborg-Midtfyn LAND Vejlegård hgd, Vejle 6d 581581 6127350 Stamdata 99022 0 11.878 13.989 10.173 20.564 19.431 13.965 18.904 15.351 12.705 13.505 16.794 19.907 18.083 20.969 14.686 17.861 650
570715000000053016 04-11-1982 21-06-2002 15 10,8 15,2 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 430 Faaborg-Midtfyn LAND Trunderup By, Kværndrup 7i 598658 6118255 Stamdata 99023 74 4.498 5.672 0 4.493 10.252 13.672 14.036 9.821 8.857 13.813 8.321 1.790 2.022 2.034 0 0 0 3.596 7.778 3.432
570715000000053115 14-04-1987 09-09-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 95-20   430 Faaborg-Midtfyn LAND Freltofte by, Nr. Lyndelse 4a 589600 6127620 Stamdata 99033 111.170 212.670 204.440 218.930 188.900 203.240 199.420 220.970 189.630 155.940 173.860 200.770 160.720 193.140 150.240 137.370
570715000000053184 23-08-1991 05-08-2014 150 24,6 32,5 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 430 Faaborg-Midtfyn LAND Nybølle By, Hillerslev 7a 588162,67 6119199,14 GST, 18-02-2013 99049 98.562 278.260 289.240 309.760 282.890 227.030 248.400 270.140 240.348 282.907 219.772 255.472 221.490 247.998 189.106 158.086 274.234 262.761 216.196 203.749 254.137 240.652 217.713 150.426
570715000000053191 01-11-1991 05-08-2014 150 24,6 32,5 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 430 Faaborg-Midtfyn LAND Kvændrup By, Kværndrup 23h 600797,14 6113697,66 GST, 18-02-2013 99050 88.069 266.090 307.730 317.010 289.750 251.800 267.800 306.771 239.205 279.071 220.539 261.639 225.387 241.347 158.904 178.277 278.790 274.170 235.771 229.522 264.856 246.555 231.681 154.061
570715000000053207 01-06-1989 24-02-2016 150 23 30 BONUS 150   - MK l 430 Faaborg-Midtfyn LAND Pederstrup By, Sdr. Højrup 6a 594892,21 6126882,11 GST, 18-02-2013 99051 233.920 351.500 320.360 328.510 333.850 360.570 319.850 276.530 298.610 348.560 279.480 305.913 256.196 287.944 268.351 286.877 271.054 259.511 311.300 300.022 201.975 243.730 275.397 274.723 256.038 280.429 224.652 0
570715000000053221 01-05-1992 11-10-2010 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  430 Faaborg-Midtfyn LAND Ølsted By, Sdr. Broby 15d 582643 6124523 Stamdata 99053 268.040 423.760 456.400 415.900 350.300 362.800 420.800 351.551 387.643 306.356 365.090 308.913 345.883 340.175 316.256 398.959 395.709 275.633 217.805
570715000000055362 07-05-1991 12-05-2016 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27 430 Faaborg-Midtfyn LAND Bøjden by 10a 569439,07 6105283,4 GST, 18-02-2013 3971 325.818 634.690 615.850 668.070 603.650 500.340 560.110 626.301 509.814 563.420 499.226 521.453 474.305 557.379 530.545 486.668 601.538 550.974 502.534 498.322 587.905 550.561 479.819 497.113 591.892 193.255
570715000000055379 04-10-1991 16-09-2015 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27 430 Faaborg-Midtfyn LAND Katterød by 14a 582994,38 6103110,49 GST, 18-02-2013 12970 119.293 579.000 579.000 579.000 579.000 579.000 579.000 579.000 496.943 579.636 476.764 505.982 468.637 559.652 522.511 492.911 582.256 582.836 497.981 443.897 561.104 504.311 500.827 552.701 399.629
570715000000055386 04-10-1991 27-07-2015 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27 430 Faaborg-Midtfyn LAND Katterød by 14a 583013,49 6103029,75 GST, 18-02-2013 12969 152.180 607.000 607.000 607.000 607.000 607.000 607.000 607.000 509.724 602.707 493.949 525.340 487.891 580.770 542.043 515.766 606.063 596.346 518.424 472.642 589.079 528.750 524.599 583.249 233.681
570715000000055393 31-03-1992 23-11-2017 150 24,6 30 NEG Micon NM 150 XLR 430 Faaborg-Midtfyn LAND Horne by 44b 572316,02 6106007,88 SDFE2018 3926 256.240 365.100 382.500 358.700 283.700 316.000 364.103 316.477 372.995 296.195 311.602 279.301 341.136 248.425 311.195 320.488 355.119 241.295 258.086 249.321 260.528 298.899 326.492 200.258 215.126 230.190
570715000000055409 27-08-1993 26-10-2015 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27 430 Faaborg-Midtfyn LAND Horne by 1i 572689,92 6106913,88 GST, 18-02-2013 2082 176.000 581.000 529.000 456.000 478.000 546.754 470.970 542.443 444.405 479.240 442.028 507.819 491.665 459.471 547.293 522.828 456.050 438.220 529.167 496.028 449.616 496.111 382.621
570715000000055416 27-08-1993 26-10-2015 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27 430 Faaborg-Midtfyn LAND Horne by 1i 572446,09 6106976,52 GST, 18-02-2013 4693 170.000 579.000 522.000 453.000 476.000 542.920 465.399 529.950 442.884 451.452 435.830 503.388 493.737 446.896 528.695 508.215 460.868 447.149 523.676 487.388 436.599 487.949 384.386
570715000000055423 02-03-1981 31-03-2012 15 10 18 Kuriant Ukendt-Kuriant 430 Faaborg-Midtfyn LAND Horne by 5a 570662,91 6106459,75 GST, 18-02-2013 1083 24.997 35.080 35.080 35.080 35.080 35.080 35.080 35.080 35.080 35.080 35.080 35.080 35.080 35.080 35.080 35.080 35.080 35.080 35.080 35.080 44.505 20.679 9.067 8.920 16.355 17.286 17.370 3.413 22.223 20.128 25.037 7.076
570715000000055430 28-10-1993 26-10-2015 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27 430 Faaborg-Midtfyn LAND Horne by 50a 572445,26 6106876,59 GST, 18-02-2013 6075 102.000 581.000 514.000 451.000 476.000 535.795 468.332 544.517 447.196 482.491 445.960 508.870 497.328 456.481 488.442 515.673 447.485 444.054 522.882 500.374 446.196 498.281 394.577
570715000000055584 28-02-1986 25-04-2002 95 19 24 BONUS 95-20   430 Faaborg-Midtfyn LAND Horne by 54d 571460,61 6107481 Stamdata 986 198.190 203.500 203.500 203.500 203.500 203.500 203.500 203.500 203.500 203.500 203.500 203.500 203.500 203.500 203.500 155.110 55.390
570715000000055591 04-11-1981 11-09-2002 55 15 22 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 15 430 Faaborg-Midtfyn LAND Haastrup by 19m 576038,78 6114509,35 Stamdata 10015 20.012 57.150 57.150 57.150 57.150 57.150 57.150 57.150 57.150 57.150 57.150 57.150 57.150 57.150 57.150 57.150 57.150 57.150 57.150 57.150 37.942 34.193
570715000000055607 22-09-1981 31-03-2001 55 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 430 Faaborg-Midtfyn LAND Diernæs by 13ak 581027,45 6107005,11 Stamdata 12101 0 0
570715000000055614 05-05-1988 09-04-2002 99 21 22 Wincon W 99 XT 430 Faaborg-Midtfyn LAND Hågerup by 7a 586915,76 6114298,61 Stamdata 12663 107.070 195.000 195.000 195.000 195.000 195.000 203.710 186.960 152.490 165.510 189.330 152.020 177.410 120.850 7.480
570715000000051166 01-06-1982 23-07-2007 75 17 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  440 Kerteminde LAND Birkebjerg by 2b 605991 6153008 Stamdata 12801 52.600 109.200 112.300 93.100 111.500 100.800 98.800 92.570 92.940 98.240 91.210 104.780 63.610 56.890 54.800 53.050 64.672 58.563 65.459 79.745 95.899 80.716 78.880 81.476 67.483 29.921
570715000000051173 08-02-1984 03-09-2002 55 15 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-15  440 Kerteminde LAND Tårup by, Mes. 2a 603846 6148830 Stamdata 13005 101.100 97.100 111.400 104.400 107.600 109.250 119.220 107.680 104.910 93.720 135.960 115.670 106.500 119.710 126.244 101.197 114.182 97.360 72.077
570715000000051180 10-11-1988 17-10-2002 80 18 40 Tellus TE 1780 440 Kerteminde LAND Østergård, HGD 1z 596841 6144721 Stamdata 14078 39.600 143.150 156.694 143.450 152.380 157.250 169.270 157.330 135.010 142.210 156.876 129.261 133.052 121.252 87.148
570715000000051197 02-03-1992 18-08-2015 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  440 Kerteminde LAND Kertinge by,Køls 6a 600840,32 6145313,02 GST, 18-02-2013 14975 361.410 473.440 511.640 464.590 410.750 438.030 484.376 393.542 441.772 387.273 416.908 388.976 416.129 399.451 351.622 452.313 422.130 393.412 381.630 431.366 431.492 378.117 421.180 284.960
570715000000051395 22-05-1981 03-11-2002 22 11 20,5 Nordtank Ukendt-Nordtank 440 Kerteminde LAND Munkebo by 10e 599083 6148147 Stamdata 9625 13.662 27.286 27.286 27.286 27.286 27.286 27.286 27.286 27.286 27.286 27.286 39.677 26.420 42.752 36.531 27.632 32.186 32.336 26.521 32.948 36.178 20.950
570715000000051418 07-08-1991 24-02-2010 220 25 30 Wind World W 2500-220  440 Kerteminde LAND Vigerø-Lindø Ind 1b 595644 6146938 Stamdata WDR 0 291.438 310.513 368.503 337.837 276.217 306.482 348.134 253.482 303.231 244.450 275.836 257.269 284.100 244.722 208.533 288.736 236.220 207.491 31.498
570715000000051425 07-08-1991 24-02-2010 220 25 30 Wind World W 2500-220  440 Kerteminde LAND Vigerø-Lindø Ind 1b 595564 6147023 Stamdata WDR 0 291.438 310.513 368.503 337.837 276.217 306.482 348.134 253.482 303.231 244.450 275.836 257.269 284.100 244.722 208.533 288.736 236.220 207.491 31.498
570715000000051432 07-08-1991 24-02-2010 220 25 30 Wind World W 2500-220  440 Kerteminde LAND Vigerø-Lindø Ind 1b 595482 6147109 Stamdata WDR 0 291.438 310.513 368.503 337.837 276.217 306.482 348.134 253.482 303.231 244.450 275.836 257.269 284.100 244.722 208.533 288.736 236.220 207.491 31.498
570715000000051449 07-08-1991 24-02-2010 220 25 30 Wind World W 2500-220  440 Kerteminde LAND Vigerø-Lindø Ind 1b 595401 6147195 Stamdata WDR 0 291.438 310.513 368.503 337.837 276.217 306.482 348.134 253.482 303.231 244.450 275.836 257.269 284.100 244.722 208.533 288.736 236.220 207.491 31.498
570715000000051456 07-08-1991 24-02-2010 220 25 30 Wind World W 2500-220  440 Kerteminde LAND Vigerø-Lindø Ind 1b 595782 6147202 Stamdata WDR 0 291.438 310.513 368.503 337.837 276.217 306.482 348.134 253.482 303.231 244.450 275.836 257.269 284.100 244.722 208.533 288.736 236.220 207.491 31.498
570715000000051463 07-08-1991 24-02-2010 220 25 30 Wind World W 2500-220  440 Kerteminde LAND Vigerø-Lindø Ind 1b 595701 6147289 Stamdata WDR 0 291.438 310.513 368.503 337.837 276.217 306.482 348.134 253.482 303.231 244.450 275.836 257.269 284.100 244.722 208.533 288.736 236.220 207.491 31.498
570715000000051470 07-08-1991 24-02-2010 220 25 30 Wind World W 2500-220  440 Kerteminde LAND Vigerø-Lindø Ind 1b 595607 6147360 Stamdata WDR 0 291.438 310.513 368.503 337.837 276.217 306.482 348.134 253.482 303.231 244.450 275.836 257.269 284.100 244.722 208.533 288.736 236.220 207.491 31.498
570715000000051487 07-08-1991 24-02-2010 220 25 30 Wind World W 2500-220  440 Kerteminde LAND Vigerø-Lindø Ind 1l 595513 6147431 Stamdata WDR 0 291.438 310.513 368.503 337.837 276.217 306.482 348.134 253.482 303.231 244.450 275.836 257.269 284.100 244.722 208.533 288.736 236.220 207.491 31.498
570715000000051494 07-08-1991 24-02-2010 220 25 30 Wind World W 2500-220  440 Kerteminde LAND Vigerø-Lindø Ind 1l 595230 6147644 Stamdata WDR 0 291.438 310.513 368.503 337.837 276.217 306.482 348.134 253.482 303.231 244.450 275.836 257.269 284.100 244.722 208.533 288.736 236.220 207.491 31.498
570715000000051500 07-08-1991 24-02-2010 220 25 30 Wind World W 2500-220  440 Kerteminde LAND Vigerø-Lindø Ind 1l 595135 6147714 Stamdata WDR 0 291.438 310.513 368.503 337.837 276.217 306.482 348.134 253.482 303.231 244.450 275.836 257.269 284.100 244.722 208.533 288.736 236.220 207.491 31.498
570715000000051517 07-08-1991 24-02-2010 220 25 30 Wind World W 2500-220  440 Kerteminde LAND Vigerø-Lindø Ind 1l 595032 6147770 Stamdata WDR 0 291.438 310.513 368.503 337.837 276.217 306.482 348.134 253.482 303.231 244.450 275.836 257.269 284.100 244.722 208.533 288.736 236.220 207.491 31.498
570715000000051524 07-08-1991 24-02-2010 220 25 30 Wind World W 2500-220  440 Kerteminde LAND Vigerø-Lindø Ind 1l 594928 6147826 Stamdata WDR 0 291.438 310.513 368.503 337.837 276.217 306.482 348.134 253.482 303.231 244.450 275.836 257.269 284.100 244.722 208.533 288.736 236.220 207.491 31.498
570715000000051142 14-02-1980 27-04-2005 45 0,1 0,1 Windmatic Ukendt-Windmatic 450 Nyborg LAND Bovense by, Bovense 14a 609008 6138534 Stamdata 11617 30.400 44.300 44.500 56.900 38.600 19.400 71.000 66.900 73.300 65.710 73.820 64.670 66.490 70.330 54.950 47.050 41.140 44.500 46.754 33.571 28.701 24.145 30.628 24.402 20.127 351
570715000000052835 22-11-1985 18-11-2002 55 16 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 16 450 Nyborg LAND Ullerslev By, Ullerslev 28f 606108 6136465 Stamdata 98905 3.532 68.200 58.827 70.753 64.110 72.550 65.000 61.730 71.340 73.400 68.000 62.780 63.370 66.610 55.110 63.270 93.940 40.000
570715000000052903 09-04-1981 18-07-2002 22 10 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S HVK 10 450 Nyborg LAND Rosilde By, Vindinge 10c 608186 6129721 Stamdata 99006 13.097 17.054 19.907 19.751 16.000 19.752 18.799 22.785 18.595 20.788 17.438 18.137 23.100 21.647 17.618 14.693 17.021 17.162 13.712 8.024 0 0
570715000000052927 31-03-1982 17-09-2002 55 15 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-15  450 Nyborg LAND Frørup By, Frørup 18a 609809 6125405 Stamdata 99009 43.390 73.190 56.300 53.230 53.290 43.590 54.960 51.550 54.660 51.010 46.170 43.870 52.160 42.460 31.210 36.730 42.110 31.400 32.160 28.830 29.380
570715000000052965 16-07-1982 14-11-2001 30 11 18 Nordtank VEU 450 Nyborg LAND Svindinge By, Svindinge 9a 607752 6121178 Stamdata 99015 10.180 25.585 14.180 18.377 14.322 16.287 18.687 19.122 9.110 4.140 3.090 4.990 4.590 3.030 2.070 180 6.520 540 0 730 0
570715000000053047 28-11-1985 12-09-2002 75 17 0,1 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 450 Nyborg LAND Skalkendrup By, Aunslev 6c 611616 6137353 Stamdata 99027 14.205 135.000 123.973 142.110 131.103 144.650 128.043 125.870 140.157 143.753 131.187 114.990 121.857 134.718 108.986 121.058 106.545 75.117
570715000000053054 28-11-1985 12-09-2002 75 17 0,1 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 450 Nyborg LAND Skalkendrup By, Aunslev 25b 611680 6137470 Stamdata 99027 14.205 135.000 123.973 142.110 131.103 144.650 128.043 125.870 140.157 143.753 131.187 114.990 121.857 134.718 108.986 121.058 106.545 75.117
570715000000053061 28-11-1985 12-09-2002 75 17 0,1 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 450 Nyborg LAND Skalkendrup By, Aunslev 6c 611592 6137443 Stamdata 99027 14.205 135.000 123.973 142.110 131.103 144.650 128.043 125.870 140.157 143.753 131.187 114.990 121.857 134.718 108.986 121.058 106.545 75.117
570715000000053085 20-11-1994 10-11-2010 225 29 31 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  450 Nyborg LAND Hjulby By, Nyborg 2a 611062 6134797 Stamdata 99030 57.430 86.450 77.250 85.130 78.180 98.490 92.000 89.000 104.200 73.500 426.500 383.180 441.010 503.186 412.511 450.383 398.453 452.501 393.799 435.187 421.300 373.639 469.169 339.107 237.386 122.259
570715000000053122 24-06-1987 01-09-2001 95 19,6 24 Wind World W 1960 450 Nyborg LAND Kogsbølle By, Vindinge 40a 611198 6125609 Stamdata 99034 64.480 144.170 123.930 137.460 126.710 124.140 135.830 140.790 116.390 93.370 115.400 120.480 92.920 109.620 37.800 0
570715000000053146 15-11-1988 23-08-2010 150 22 31 Vindsyssel VS 150  450 Nyborg LAND Tårup By, Frørup 12r 611966 6122768 Stamdata 99036 52.700 270.680 300.060 234.960 250.390 242.260 270.110 259.260 211.600 228.700 259.660 202.833 229.800 210.453 244.475 210.230 234.523 217.207 194.318 254.508 234.777 206.469 109.118
570715000000053597 23-12-1997 31-12-2014 150 24,6 32,5 Nordtank NTK XLR 450 Nyborg LAND Øksendrup By, Øksendrup 12b 610500,51 6119284,04 GST, 18-02-2013 99116 0 105.389 153.780 276.870 236.182 264.682 221.323 259.367 243.114 214.334 279.551 263.821 234.787 232.839 261.896 247.613 221.489 147.958
570715000000053603 23-12-1997 31-12-2014 150 24,6 32,5 Nordtank NTK XLR 450 Nyborg LAND Øksendrup By, Øksendrup 12c 610474,86 6119101,85 GST, 18-02-2013 99116 0 105.389 153.780 276.870 236.182 264.682 221.323 259.367 243.114 214.334 279.551 263.821 234.787 232.839 261.896 247.613 221.489 147.958
570715000000053610 23-12-1997 31-12-2014 150 24,6 32,5 Nordtank NTK XLR 450 Nyborg LAND Øksendrup By, Øksendrup 12a 610525,25 6119466,49 GST, 18-02-2013 99116 0 105.369 153.780 276.870 236.182 264.682 221.323 259.367 243.114 214.334 279.551 263.821 234.787 232.839 261.896 247.613 221.489 147.958
570715000000052866 24-05-1983 18-09-2008 15 10,9 19 Bosted KE 18/4 EH-Bosted 461 Odense LAND Thorup By, Allerup 5b 594361 6132749 Stamdata 99001 14.336 22.720 18.213 22.362 18.500 20.485 20.983 23.230 20.900 21.275 22.577 22.077 16.598 17.521 22.077 20.419 16.654 20.035 15.332 18.237 16.717 18.363 17.106 16.500 17.915 9.809
570715000000052897 14-12-1981 04-11-2002 18 10,5 18,6 Bosted KE 18/4 EH-Bosted 461 Odense LAND Belling By, Bellinge 20c 581875 6132877 Stamdata 99005 0 13.931 12.499 10.676 8.774 12.666 11.345 6.757 12.201 13.807 10.488 5.296 9.984 8.568 7.818 5.971 7.149 6.409 5.972 7.479 2.746 232
570715000000052972 19-10-1981 15-08-2002 55 15 18 Nordtank KMER 280 M6 461 Odense LAND Højby By, Højby 4bc 592239 6131362 Stamdata 99016 4.120 44.530 53.910 49.960 38.620 48.080 47.950 59.580 58.180 64.160 53.520 53.100 57.120 62.660 54.550 46.020 50.940 52.840 50.020 57.040 43.080 22.690
570715000000052453 13-11-1981 31-08-2001 55 15 24 BONUS Ukendt-BONUS 479 Svendborg LAND Egense By, Egense 13a 596176 6101098 Stamdata 50704 6.000 85.858 85.858 85.858 85.858 85.858 85.858 85.858 85.858 85.858 85.858 92.650 91.290 91.930 87.800 77.050 71.330 84.780 59.621 74.005 18.927 0
570715000000052460 21-09-1982 31-07-2002 55 15 24 BONUS Ukendt-BONUS 479 Svendborg LAND Skårupøre By, Skårup 12a 609833 6103371 Stamdata 50706 22.000 87.811 87.811 87.811 87.811 87.810 87.811 87.811 87.810 87.811 88.600 96.500 97.700 80.020 75.650 65.050 78.900 59.490 79.567 38.141 0
570715000000052477 20-05-1983 14-12-2001 55 15 24 BONUS Ukendt-BONUS 479 Svendborg LAND Skårup By, Skårup 24d 608817 6104405 Stamdata 50707 46.200 83.586 83.586 83.586 83.586 83.586 83.586 83.586 83.586 70.390 81.810 81.800 74.220 65.150 70.800 81.200 66.309 70.031 30.504 0
570715000000052484 19-05-1983 12-06-2007 18 10,9 18 Kuriant Ukendt-Kuriant 479 Svendborg LAND Egebjerg By, Kirkeby 6g 597190 6107539 Stamdata 50708 6.002 10.954 10.955 10.954 10.955 10.955 10.954 10.955 10.954 16.450 14.771 21.596 25.610 15.620 22.220 19.730 12.414 14.131 10.972 11.396 10.921 10.754 11.310 9.771 4.536
570715000000052491 07-10-1983 04-09-2002 55 15 24 BONUS Ukendt-BONUS 479 Svendborg LAND Øster Åby By, Skårup 41e 611215 6103938 Stamdata 50709 42.400 90.721 90.721 90.721 90.721 90.721 90.721 90.721 90.721 76.390 90.250 98.320 92.870 80.330 82.230 85.250 75.241 88.211 72.429 38.943
570715000000052507 24-10-1985 16-10-2002 75 17 22,5 Windmatic VM 17 S 479 Svendborg LAND Ballen By, Øster Skerninge 1r 594503 6100610 Stamdata 50710 15.700 151.069 151.069 151.069 151.069 151.069 151.069 154.030 148.490 172.110 140.250 103.980 116.390 150.880 128.817 140.676 98.278 87.810
570715000000052514 29-05-1986 16-10-2002 75 17 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 75 479 Svendborg LAND Bjerreby By, Bjerreby 15a 606966 6094671 Stamdata 50711 87.500 156.477 156.477 156.477 156.477 156.477 144.600 151.500 159.200 146.260 112.900 126.100 154.390 128.601 141.617 121.312 94.569
570715000000052521 08-10-1986 28-10-2002 95 18,6 24,5 BONUS 100/18   479 Svendborg LAND V. Skerninge By, V.Skerninge 6a 592611 6100409 Stamdata 50712 57.500 238.946 238.946 238.946 238.946 238.946 230.310 208.890 230.910 204.400 158.000 163.530 202.390 195.636 210.567 168.109 122.987
570715000000052545 08-08-1988 12-09-2017 200 23 30 Windmatic 22 S 479 Svendborg LAND Gesinge By, Bjerreby 18a 597829,19 6093580,92 GST, 18-02-2013 50714 175.000 430.177 430.178 430.178 457.290 433.300 489.320 428.980 346.180 374.410 464.414 409.227 441.043 372.455 379.153 376.873 345.863 402.145 396.368 486.927 389.883 279.129 212.130 306.010 248.260 281.495 234.137 431.275 159.189 111.734
570715000000052552 01-01-1989 03-12-2002 130 20,5 24 NEG Micon NTK 130 F-NEG Micon 479 Svendborg LAND Bjerreby By, Bjerreby 15a 604980 6092946 Stamdata 50715 213.297 213.298 213.297 213.320 229.430 244.120 206.410 184.010 192.140 214.343 182.409 220.827 179.027 157.150
570715000000052569 16-06-1989 16-11-2016 130 20,5 24 NEG Micon NTK 130 F-NEG Micon 479 Svendborg LAND Bjerreby By, Bjerreby 18a 605001,44 6092836,95 SDFE2018 50716 112.410 224.817 224.817 202.070 206.440 223.720 189.100 166.870 169.090 194.104 165.701 189.130 159.677 157.072 136.912 169.864 109.750 111.976 121.013 146.911 136.727 80.956 140.903 150.559 135.026 105.277 74 61.896
570715000000052583 15-12-1989 17-08-2009 150 24,6 32,5 NEG Micon NTK 150 XLR-NEG Micon 479 Svendborg LAND Stjoul By, Bjerreby 22 603413 6090440 Stamdata 50718 45.000 473.612 473.611 495.920 482.800 486.250 455.100 412.100 385.020 543.027 443.570 474.686 414.110 449.984 414.980 470.368 441.995 405.591 471.601 445.843 241.921
570715000000052590 01-04-1990 17-08-2009 150 24,6 32,5 NEG Micon NTK 150 XLR-NEG Micon 479 Svendborg LAND Stjoul By, Bjerreby 22 603364 6090550 Stamdata 50719 490.159 535.000 507.540 509.550 503.850 470.410 402.980 377.910 533.877 444.142 423.912 265.868 445.910 407.067 441.732 286.689 401.405 461.257 337.942 211.555
570715000000052606 01-04-1990 03-12-2002 150 24,6 32,5 NEG Micon NTK 150 XLR-NEG Micon 479 Svendborg LAND Ballen By, Øster Skerninge 2b 594486 6100669 Stamdata 50720 229.733 322.000 341.940 296.460 360.300 319.480 259.870 278.410 346.537 319.735 324.744 271.020 253.272
570715000000052613 01-01-1991 17-08-2009 150 24,6 32,5 NEG Micon NTK 150 XLR-NEG Micon 479 Svendborg LAND Lundby By, Landet 10a 603150 6094650 Stamdata 50721 349.795 354.540 361.500 363.300 322.370 272.430 300.720 361.537 295.788 320.365 259.823 311.831 281.442 320.944 296.150 276.232 340.372 330.749 166.389
570715000000052620 01-01-1991 17-08-2009 150 24,6 32,5 NEG Micon NTK 150 XLR-NEG Micon 479 Svendborg LAND Lundby By, Landet 10a 603174 6094516 Stamdata 50722 343.273 366.170 360.400 368.300 328.830 290.430 300.250 353.237 296.139 329.522 271.020 322.693 266.287 320.840 287.819 272.949 335.385 342.764 164.394
570715000000052637 03-06-1991 17-08-2009 150 24,6 32,5 NEG Micon NTK 150 XLR-NEG Micon 479 Svendborg LAND Søby By, Bjerreby 9 599890 6093047 Stamdata 50723 193.762 355.860 388.610 395.560 347.280 296.300 285.800 378.545 321.944 350.709 300.863 330.833 293.131 346.719 315.412 305.117 370.449 364.124 172.190
570715000000052644 03-06-1991 17-08-2009 150 24,6 32,5 NEG Micon NTK 150 XLR-NEG Micon 479 Svendborg LAND Søby By, Bjerreby 9 599883 6092998 Stamdata 50724 206.315 371.630 385.200 394.470 340.690 283.350 305.100 327.230 295.440 360.648 308.628 337.486 300.440 354.881 335.311 310.063 378.429 362.964 168.067
570715000000052651 03-06-1991 17-08-2009 150 24,6 32,5 NEG Micon NTK 150 XLR-NEG Micon 479 Svendborg LAND Søby By, Bjerreby 9 599907 6092901 Stamdata 50725 198.037 362.310 368.490 390.620 345.720 293.100 316.900 377.759 319.407 330.716 266.458 321.744 286.387 342.428 315.585 303.670 363.646 358.576 172.564
570715000000052668 03-06-1991 17-08-2009 150 24,6 32,5 NEG Micon NTK 150 XLR-NEG Micon 479 Svendborg LAND Vemmenæs By, Bjerreby 8d 606786 6094356 Stamdata 50726 181.889 348.470 364.390 364.940 338.860 291.400 306.500 379.134 308.969 336.033 284.166 280.910 287.648 330.546 314.040 277.635 359.285 342.062 172.738
570715000000052675 13-08-1991 16-10-2002 150 24,6 32,5 NEG Micon NTK 150 XLR-NEG Micon 479 Svendborg LAND Lundby By, Landet 10a 598868 6093884 Stamdata 50727 118.080 333.200 327.460 348.540 315.200 291.200 287.190 341.686 285.374 314.498 272.035 224.790
570715000000052682 01-07-1992 29-08-2017 300 31 29 Nordtank NTK 300/31-Nordtank 479 Svendborg LAND Søby By, Bjerreby 12b 598866,66 6093884,93 SDFE2018 50728 373.020 768.470 777.620 698.130 584.820 650.780 750.220 658.597 709.608 583.636 639.100 572.396 694.222 557.483 615.382 749.924 734.106 587.823 547.222 673.310 567.592 569.650 663.677 764.718 589.016 458.204
570715000000052699 01-10-1994 17-08-2009 300 31 30 NEG Micon NTK 150 XLR-NEG Micon 479 Svendborg LAND Gesinge By, Bjerreby 10a 600362 6094974 Stamdata 50730 203.510 581.570 444.070 587.010 626.251 524.457 562.335 474.134 342.107 297.397 540.688 517.975 452.391 610.794 588.227 283.856
570715000000052705 01-10-1994 17-08-2009 300 31 30 NEG Micon NTK 150 XLR-NEG Micon 479 Svendborg LAND Gesinge By, Bjerreby 10a 600357 6094839 Stamdata 50731 199.230 583.790 502.610 521.870 617.575 520.177 560.268 484.999 544.237 482.042 560.289 500.151 406.259 591.778 511.825 272.628
570715000000052712 01-10-1994 17-08-2009 300 31 30 NEG Micon NTK 150 XLR-NEG Micon 479 Svendborg LAND Gesinge By, Bjerreby 10a 600352 6094704 Stamdata 50732 153.690 581.220 493.620 515.510 616.057 509.733 580.931 474.018 527.842 443.865 527.514 478.640 441.269 604.342 596.322 277.585
570715000000052729 15-06-1995 29-08-2017 150 27 31 Wind World NTK150XLR-Wind World 479 Svendborg LAND Gesinge By, Bjerreby 19a 597835,82 6093432,07 GST, 18-02-2013 50733 168.950 411.890 447.660 548.120 478.062 505.021 421.786 431.823 411.952 470.176 504.052 485.365 550.488 562.115 487.291 460.832 556.899 516.072 475.408 526.824 526.715 465.039 353.271
570715000000055621 07-03-1988 29-11-2002 120 19 20 Wind World W 1960 479 Svendborg LAND Ulbølle by 9a 589871,14 6100679,05 Stamdata 2017 223.000 239.275 247.000 236.420 239.210 269.540 247.040 225.440 185.760 186.250 236.772 219.206 203.993 159.464 123.736
570715000000055720 01-07-1980 11-05-1999 30 0 0 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 479 Svendborg LAND HORNS REV 47B 1 1 Stamdata 50701
570715000000052880 23-05-1980 03-09-2002 30 10 22,5 Windmatic WMR 18/5-30-Windmatic 480 Nordfyns LAND Gerskov By, Skeby 5at 591437 6149737 Stamdata 99004 0 0 11.197 18.162 14.452 11.961 14.560 11.548 14.020 12.080 6.670 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
570715000000052996 19-08-1988 03-10-2002 18 12,5 19,5 Kuriant KE 15/4-Kuriant 480 Nordfyns LAND Skovby By, Skovby 67 568054 6153202 Stamdata 99021 11.979 25.225 26.135 22.955 23.504 23.526 20.970 24.769 20.662 22.169 25.450 16 0 0 0
570715000000053023 18-12-1981 06-09-2002 55 0,1 0,1 Nordtank Ukendt-Nordtank 480 Nordfyns LAND Roerslev, Nr. Nærå 8m 583745,715 6158512,956 Stamdata 99026 10.000 69.650 88.400 101.865 82.110 97.800 91.640 105.255 103.010 112.150 102.480 100.230 106.590 107.410 97.270 78.260 83.430 96.650 76.210 82.250 71.710 53.460
570715000000053139 08-11-1989 07-11-2002 150 24 30 BONUS 150/30   - MK ll 480 Nordfyns LAND Bransby By, Hjadstrup 2d 585920 6155080 Stamdata 99035 16.847 338.230 315.090 313.110 290.330 366.000 326.050 289.320 313.010 337.850 279.438 297.510 254.321 235.333
570715000000053160 02-03-1990 22-09-2016 160 23 31 Nordtank XLR 480 Nordfyns LAND Bladstrup By, Hjadstrup 6a 584934,42 6152373,28 GST, 18-02-2013 99039 228.900 310.500 312.100 331.500 353.000 314.500 272.100 290.900 326.668 276.598 277.787 251.061 285.575 254.454 274.330 265.374 181.838 315.441 293.632 256.487 258.820 254.943 264.273 251.179 260.588 307.467 142.831
570715000000053252 18-06-1992 10-08-2016 150 24,6 32,5 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 480 Nordfyns LAND Grindløse By, Grindløse 21a 577201,64 6156731,72 GST, 18-02-2013 99055 177.900 397.054 386.135 350.325 309.210 317.040 375.771 318.810 347.362 289.806 315.549 289.002 314.060 306.601 277.526 349.754 318.161 286.071 290.202 309.991 300.535 294.231 304.882 346.377 156.533
570715000000053269 06-10-1993 10-08-2016 150 24,6 32,5 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 480 Nordfyns LAND Grindløse By, Grindløse 21a 577078,25 6156745,72 GST, 18-02-2013 99055 66.176 386.135 350.325 309.210 317.040 375.771 318.810 347.362 289.806 315.549 289.002 314.060 306.601 277.526 349.754 318.161 286.071 290.202 309.991 300.535 294.231 304.882 346.377 156.533
570715000000053283 01-09-1993 23-09-2016 150 24,6 32,5 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 480 Nordfyns LAND Fremmelev By, Lunde 8a 585674,69 6151773,6 SDFE2018 99057 88.034 350.305 318.540 276.600 293.945 335.593 273.457 289.702 252.434 284.290 249.517 280.634 269.669 238.583 320.613 293.615 262.177 262.336 285.002 282.453 253.161 271.253 317.971 147.376
570715000000053290 28-05-1993 23-09-2016 150 24,6 32,5 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 480 Nordfyns LAND Fremmelev By, Lunde 8a 585534,74 6151887,08 SDFE2018 99057 205.414 350.305 318.540 276.600 293.945 335.593 273.457 289.702 252.434 284.290 249.517 280.634 269.669 238.583 320.613 293.615 262.177 262.336 285.002 282.453 253.161 271.253 317.971 147.376
570715000000053344 19-05-1994 23-09-2016 150 24,6 24,6 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 480 Nordfyns LAND Ullerup By, Skamby 1 578698,51 6151948,87 SDFE2018 99069 233.218 327.090 291.550 310.250 343.130 280.928 311.350 252.993 289.457 261.052 292.394 270.739 248.180 325.114 301.838 264.048 264.660 305.253 291.266 266.840 277.451 326.705 145.337
570715000000053351 08-12-1994 23-09-2016 150 32,5 32,5 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 480 Nordfyns LAND Ullerup By, Skamby 1 578707,89 6151829,87 SDFE2018 99069 0 327.090 291.550 310.250 343.130 280.928 311.350 252.993 289.457 261.052 292.394 270.739 248.180 325.114 301.838 264.048 264.660 305.253 291.266 266.840 277.451 326.705 145.337
571313154314441816 01-10-2013 17-11-2015 10 9,7 12,7 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 480 Nordfyns Land Stamdata 7.381 11 1.752
570715000000051647 21-09-1987 01-10-2002 99 19 30 Windmatic VM 19-99 482 Langeland LAND Kragholm By, Skrøbelev 8d 608960 6088470 Stamdata 04428840 58.098 264.494 249.496 267.807 237.768 273.470 250.080 281.580 247.480 208.220 212.870 294.070 233.080 251.340 205.840 171.010
570715000000051708 03-06-1986 30-09-2002 75 17,5 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  482 Langeland LAND Fuglsbølle By, Fuglsbølle 9a 612891 6085766 Stamdata 06212115 82.393 142.348 162.012 152.825 164.042 145.642 163.000 169.500 172.020 154.300 130.800 141.900 160.500 137.120 148.060 127.400 105.650
570715000000051715 12-12-1990 27-03-2017 150 24,6 31 NEG Micon NTK 150 XLR-NEG Micon 482 Langeland LAND Sdr.Longelse By, Longelse 10a 615189,28 6083192,38 SDFE2018 07208000 0 405.337 440.450 452.690 460.250 418.550 385.440 406.330 461.610 376.882 425.639 370.858 411.308 370.983 403.097 387.130 306.192 403.920 389.246 387.565 380.904 414.139 406.326 368.872 384.634 408.322 169.232 0
570715000000051739 14-04-1989 06-01-2003 150 24,6 32,5 NEG Micon NTK 150 XLR-NEG Micon 482 Langeland LAND Herslev By, Lindelse 3d m.fl 610661 6083691 Stamdata 08416107 305.058 491.170 436.077 481.530 491.790 510.915 430.995 398.710 424.135 508.300 424.959 452.443 382.519 416.926 5.617
570715000000051746 14-04-1989 06-01-2003 150 24,6 32,5 NEG Micon NTK 150 XLR-NEG Micon 482 Langeland LAND Herslev By, Lindelse 3d m.fl 610644 6083775 Stamdata 08416107 305.058 491.170 436.077 481.530 491.790 510.915 430.995 398.710 424.135 508.300 424.959 452.443 382.519 416.926 5.617
570715000000051777 25-02-1985 17-04-2002 55 16 22 NEG Micon Ukendt-NEG Micon 482 Langeland LAND Kædeby By, Humble 17b 607761 6080561 Stamdata 11464102 104.071 154.699 133.633 152.094 143.470 153.999 136.726 155.230 146.550 165.620 146.160 123.180 138.040 148.400 134.760 134.340 134.550 53.720
570715000000051784 08-10-1986 17-04-2002 99 21 24 NEG Micon Ukendt-NEG Micon 482 Langeland LAND Kædeby By, Humble 8c 607738 6080341 Stamdata 11464106 48.219 249.916 284.441 268.311 288.004 255.699 260.230 293.700 315.730 232.550 224.490 252.030 311.300 256.400 276.120 250.930 88.400
570715000000051807 21-07-1989 05-09-2000 150 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 482 Langeland LAND Ukendt 0 598281 6065156 Stamdata 14864107 0 0
570715000000051814 10-12-1981 21-03-2000 55 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 482 Langeland LAND Ukendt 0 598281 6065156 Stamdata 16284107 0 0
570715000000051838 12-09-1990 05-09-2000 150 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 482 Langeland LAND Ukendt 0 598281 6065156 Stamdata 16536109 0 0
570715000000051869 14-11-1989 05-11-2002 150 24,6 32,5 NEG Micon NTK 150 XLR-NEG Micon 482 Langeland LAND Tryggelev Hovedgård 1as 608467 6073331 Stamdata 18572205 35.622 458.832 407.366 455.450 447.230 484.470 427.980 361.670 390.740 475.000 390.854 421.411 364.078 327.928
570715000000051876 22-12-1981 24-04-2001 22 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 482 Langeland LAND Ukendt 0 598281 6065156 Stamdata 19076109 0 0
570715000000051890 05-03-1992 04-11-2002 150 24,6 32,7 NEG Micon NTK 150 XLR-NEG Micon 482 Langeland LAND Tryggelevgård, Tryggelev 2i 609226 6072991 Stamdata 19076204 332.065 426.945 455.890 412.250 342.000 373.000 450.074 378.955 410.193 359.114 311.117
570715000000051906 05-03-1992 04-11-2002 150 24,6 32,7 NEG Micon NTK 150 XLR-NEG Micon 482 Langeland LAND Tryggelevgård, Tryggelev 2i 609316 6072870 Stamdata 19076204 332.065 426.945 455.890 412.250 342.000 373.000 450.074 378.955 410.193 359.114 311.117
570715000000051913 22-12-1989 01-10-2002 150 24,6 26,5 NEG Micon NTK 150 XLR-NEG Micon 482 Langeland LAND Tryggelev By, Tryggelev 19d 608286 6072794 Stamdata 20896014 0 444.813 394.920 437.340 435.120 480.700 400.290 351.310 386.550 451.290 385.670 408.935 360.291 275.156
570715000000051920 19-11-1987 21-05-2002 130 20,5 24 NEG Micon NTK 130 F-NEG Micon 482 Langeland LAND Nordenbro By, Magleby 19a 608289 6072639 Stamdata 20896113 27.198 371.464 350.400 376.117 333.929 379.410 381.630 401.420 343.440 286.960 337.120 362.610 320.868 346.240 300.576 121.235
570715000000051937 29-01-1987 16-08-2010 130 20,5 26 NEG Micon NTK 130 F-NEG Micon 482 Langeland LAND Nordenbro By, Magleby 23a 607437 6070560 Stamdata 20904112 292.878 363.642 343.021 368.196 326.897 361.000 358.350 370.380 345.000 275.570 311.430 385.000 143.436 154.249 297.663 273.976 291.567 346.563 323.940 296.379 193.247 110.923 273.164 148.382
570715000000051944 04-11-1988 16-08-2010 130 21 27 Nordtank NTK 130 F-Nordtank 482 Langeland LAND Nordenbro By, Magleby 23a 607447 6070469 Stamdata 20904212 26.434 299.224 321.186 285.159 316.980 309.530 340.260 277.770 244.750 272.280 339.770 125.714 80.893 294.060 281.680 292.046 330.250 272.350 305.904 344.731 264.590 167.829 126.275
570715000000051951 01-07-1986 21-09-2000 99 20,5 27 NEG Micon NTK 130 F-NEG Micon 482 Langeland LAND Søgård Hgd., Magleby 1h 607708 6067549 Stamdata 21516002 0 0
570715000000052002 23-03-1988 16-08-2010 130 20,5 27 NEG Micon NTK 130 F-NEG Micon 482 Langeland LAND Søgård Hgd., Magleby 1h 607784 6067755 Stamdata 22288101 300.512 377.962 405.702 360.195 400.200 394.600 429.200 382.000 309.820 337.500 405.000 358.908 392.666 344.842 336.302 323.682 382.860 270.298 321.866 262.732 294.674 323.021 152.840
570715000000052026 12-01-1983 23-05-2002 55 16 18 NEG Micon NTK 55/11   482 Langeland LAND Søndenbro By, Magleby 22h 611089 6067628 Stamdata 23164120 151.230 167.493 131.655 163.085 140.878 160.339 151.247 162.348 144.137 161.650 165.870 162.770 142.640 130.810 136.830 169.890 135.980 109.340 155.820 29.060
570715000000052033 17-09-1997 12-12-2002 600 44 42 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  482 Langeland LAND Søndenbro By, Magleby 7a 609495 6069190 Stamdata 23184112 539.600 1.967.310 1.603.779 1.786.018 1.578.026 1.474.420
570715000000052040 25-08-1989 01-10-2002 150 24,6 32,5 NEG Micon NTK 150 XLR-NEG Micon 482 Langeland LAND Søndenbro By, Magleby 1z m.fl 609519 6068069 Stamdata 23256104 171.470 552.164 490.229 532.310 530.460 553.950 506.760 455.010 485.070 558.160 483.428 525.411 451.417 319.810
570715000000052064 15-11-1989 31-10-2000 150 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 482 Langeland LAND Ukendt 0 598281 6065156 Stamdata 23924107 0 0
570715000000052071 18-05-1979 31-10-2002 55 14,5 18 Windmatic VVM 715 S 482 Langeland LAND Kassebølle By, Simmerbølle 11a 612565 6090934 Stamdata 24208110 0 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 78.280 87.830 68.500 76.480 67.540 67.630 83.870 70.720 79.170 66.830 32.060
570715000000052095 09-09-1993 20-08-2010 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  482 Langeland LAND Nedergård ejerlaug, Bøstrup 3 608436 6090629 Stamdata 25432001 194.500 630.500 570.072 510.430 537.310 653.120 569.397 603.250 519.197 570.942 532.636 615.128 582.144 523.633 647.086 650.477 575.857 306.946
570715000000052101 14-06-1982 21-10-2002 55 16 18 NEG Micon NTK 55/11   482 Langeland LAND Nedergård ejerlaug, Bøstrup 3 608330 6090860 Stamdata 25432110 54.601 132.408 134.426 105.664 130.888 113.065 128.685 121.387 130.296 115.681 130.950 119.800 138.100 119.360 107.310 109.230 132.500 112.870 123.810 97.460 46.520
570715000000052118 01-10-1983 21-10-2002 55 16 18 NEG Micon NTK 55/11   482 Langeland LAND Nedergård ejerlaug, Bøstrup 3 608382 6090747 Stamdata 25432210 24.138 147.035 115.575 143.166 123.671 140.755 132.774 142.519 126.533 149.270 149.610 139.860 103.640 114.900 122.850 153.800 125.800 137.060 117.280 106.640
570715000000052125 14-09-1984 21-10-2002 55 16 18 NEG Micon NTK 55/11   482 Langeland LAND Nedergård ejerlaug, Bøstrup 3 608321 6090941 Stamdata 25432310 37.942 119.296 147.775 127.653 145.287 137.048 147.107 130.606 153.340 153.690 143.800 139.010 122.760 122.230 146.070 124.150 128.130 111.330 100.880
570715000000052132 31-10-1991 30-10-2002 150 24,6 32,7 NEG Micon NTK 150 XLR-NEG Micon 482 Langeland LAND Rifbjerg By, Simmerbølle 6a 612122 6092715 Stamdata 25442111 63.933 409.460 426.380 441.380 404.420 345.230 373.650 460.090 368.704 398.449 355.219 306.066
570715000000052149 19-03-1997 23-04-2003 600 43 44,5 NEG Micon NTK 600/43-NEG Micon 482 Langeland LAND Rifbjerg By, Simmerbølle 11a 611947 6090846 Stamdata 25540003 942.190 1.485.380 1.251.971 1.370.974 1.098.541 1.242.156 395.753
570715000000052156 21-06-1990 09-12-2003 150 28 31 Wind World W 2800-150  482 Langeland LAND Stengade By, Tullebølle 1a 617342 6091649 Stamdata 27356011 195.524 347.186 385.320 411.130 413.700 355.000 333.500 342.500 396.000 299.131 345.172 306.495 321.846 249.092
570715000000052163 06-02-1982 31-10-2002 55 16 18 NEG Micon NTK 55 F-NEG Micon 482 Langeland LAND Løkkeby By, Tullebølle 21c 617317 6091346 Stamdata 27356118 75.836 110.342 112.024 88.055 109.076 94.223 107.239 101.158 108.582 96.403 114.870 111.520 122.490 102.030 87.740 89.050 107.270 81.750 96.360 90.160 76.650
570715000000052187 22-07-1986 02-10-2002 99 20,5 26 NEG Micon NTK 99 482 Langeland LAND Helletofte By, Bøstrup 3a 618947 6099311 Stamdata 32236110 109.843 227.726 259.186 244.488 262.432 232.996 249.830 268.070 276.990 252.230 225.070 228.740 269.640 206.340 224.400 211.580 163.020
570715000000052194 10-08-1981 10-12-2003 55 16 22,5 NEG Micon Ukendt-NEG Micon 482 Langeland LAND Helletofte By, Bøstrup 1a 618578 6099793 Stamdata 32236113 40.333 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 126.240 123.910 129.800 115.500 95.200 92.000 102.500 90.690 98.760 86.250 29.800 42.912
570715000000052200 20-12-1990 16-08-2010 150 24,6 32,7 NEG Micon NTK 150 XLR-NEG Micon 482 Langeland LAND Lejbølle By, Bøstrup 6a 620206 6098852 Stamdata 32464101 0 365.802 388.000 419.700 420.000 387.800 360.300 345.700 423.840 338.262 370.636 334.098 370.725 325.255 347.590 342.526 287.443 376.986 360.237 343.486 176.055
570715000000052217 14-04-1989 02-10-2002 150 24,6 32,5 NEG Micon NTK 150 XLR-NEG Micon 482 Langeland LAND Fæbæk By, Bøstrup 14a 619239 6103186 Stamdata 34080120 289.559 466.216 413.922 451.280 467.260 487.670 439.080 375.500 395.530 488.140 392.702 418.099 384.846 303.361
570715000000052224 01-04-1998 14-12-2010 300 31 30 BONUS 300   COMBI 482 Langeland LAND Fæbæk By, Bøstrup 10 619127 6103801 Stamdata 34080127 646.600 788.758 650.950 727.963 716.665 677.534 767.635 669.129 600.723 551.246 486.675 415.663 398.215
570715000000052248 29-09-1989 18-08-2010 150 24,6 32,5 NEG Micon NTK 150 XLR-NEG Micon 482 Langeland LAND Fæbæk By, BøstrupBøstrup 8 620135 6103849 Stamdata 34140029 112.486 482.967 428.794 460.105 475.625 481.875 450.000 425.000 412.970 496.265 409.048 435.429 394.573 416.216 387.112 443.072 390.454 364.616 466.253 462.990 412.104 202.794
570715000000052255 29-09-1989 18-08-2010 150 24,6 32,5 NEG Micon NTK 150 XLR-NEG Micon 482 Langeland LAND Fæbæk By, BøstrupBøstrup 8 620125 6103927 Stamdata 34140029 112.486 482.967 428.794 460.105 475.625 481.875 450.000 425.000 412.970 496.265 409.048 435.429 394.573 416.216 387.112 443.072 390.454 364.616 466.253 462.990 412.104 202.794
570715000000052262 17-08-1990 30-08-2013 150 24,6 32,5 NEG Micon NTK 150 XLR-NEG Micon 482 Langeland LAND Fæbæk By, Bøstrup 8 619571,31 6103939,07 GST, 18-02-2013 34140129 163.564 435.653 470.710 492.200 504.400 455.000 392.180 429.780 520.240 419.018 436.086 391.837 427.265 387.491 396.550 406.785 375.551 471.315 455.070 421.722 398.094 470.217 460.755 250.738
570715000000052286 06-11-1990 31-10-2002 150 24,6 32,7 NEG Micon NTK 150 XLR-NEG Micon 482 Langeland LAND Fæbæk By, Bøstrup 6a 619706 6102794 Stamdata 34308103 35.078 373.719 398.680 414.580 428.490 393.050 352.980 368.660 443.660 351.018 379.719 339.898 309.788
570715000000052309 10-10-1990 17-08-2010 150 24,6 32,5 NEG Micon NTK 150 XLR-NEG Micon 482 Langeland LAND Tressebølle By, Snøde 1a 620690 6104152 Stamdata 35484133 75.839 403.992 438.510 453.065 450.210 427.585 378.930 398.135 477.657 384.961 406.345 355.561 399.528 362.592 414.242 374.809 349.475 428.848 416.703 364.689 188.361
570715000000052316 10-10-1990 17-08-2010 150 24,6 32,5 NEG Micon NTK 150 XLR-NEG Micon 482 Langeland LAND Tressebølle By, Snøde 1a 620681 6104063 Stamdata 35484133 75.839 403.992 438.510 453.065 450.210 427.585 378.930 398.135 477.657 384.961 406.345 355.561 399.528 362.592 414.242 374.809 349.475 428.848 416.703 364.689 188.361
570715000000052330 08-10-1991 18-08-2010 150 24,6 32,5 NEG Micon NTK 150 XLR-NEG Micon 482 Langeland LAND Tressebølle By, Snøde 20a 621741 6104334 Stamdata 35584211 57.090 357.500 384.750 395.000 360.000 329.000 334.500 403.500 325.371 345.818 317.032 357.125 298.031 350.525 295.056 275.500 295.052 154.963 147.011 82.531
570715000000052347 08-10-1991 18-08-2010 150 24,6 32,5 NEG Micon NTK 150 XLR-NEG Micon 482 Langeland LAND Tressebølle By, Snøde 20a 621816 6104456 Stamdata 35584211 57.090 357.500 384.750 395.000 360.000 329.000 334.500 403.500 325.371 345.818 317.032 357.125 298.031 350.525 295.056 275.500 295.052 154.963 147.011 82.531
570715000000052354 10-07-1990 18-08-2010 400 35 35 NEG Micon NTK 400 XLR 482 Langeland LAND Fæbæk By, Bøstrup 28b 620109 6104157 Stamdata 36140131 375.263 799.609 868.200 918.300 935.800 850.600 741.800 782.400 925.600 747.690 787.241 725.043 773.292 713.603 799.825 702.234 691.446 870.105 834.583 519.434 359.122
570715000000052361 07-07-1990 18-08-2010 150 24,6 32,5 NEG Micon NTK 150 XLR-NEG Micon 482 Langeland LAND Ennebølle By, Snøde 6b 619576 6104914 Stamdata 36252101 208.263 443.767 460.370 483.180 500.200 459.100 429.400 435.570 538.090 426.911 457.733 422.912 437.480 390.822 437.848 418.472 390.470 483.377 469.324 441.858 223.112
570715000000052385 26-03-1991 15-12-2003 150 24,6 32,5 NEG Micon NTK 150-NEG Micon 482 Langeland LAND Skattebølle By, Snøde 1a 620366 6106837 Stamdata 37436312 292.802 430.110 432.210 458.010 395.350 350.370 375.160 454.580 386.892 410.238 343.427 390.993 284.405
570715000000052392 25-01-1991 15-12-2003 150 24,6 32,7 NEG Micon NTK 150 XLR-NEG Micon 482 Langeland LAND Skattebølle By, Snøde 1a 620371 6106897 Stamdata 37520112 353.475 422.110 435.300 449.700 394.700 349.600 376.500 466.870 369.433 382.911 359.610 369.839 319.041
570715000000052408 30-01-1990 17-08-2010 150 24,6 32,7 NEG Micon NTK 150 XLR-NEG Micon 482 Langeland LAND Stoense By, Stoense 22c 620601 6107261 Stamdata 37528107 423.056 409.748 439.210 461.920 476.100 427.140 380.810 397.740 488.930 390.931 410.570 369.767 403.957 351.200 404.080 323.545 294.376 426.009 330.423 327.283 201.076
570715000000052415 01-02-1990 20-11-2002 150 25 32,5 NEG Micon NTK 150 XLR-NEG Micon 482 Langeland LAND Stoense By, Stoense 22g 620619 6107367 Stamdata 37528207 358.632 382.086 415.770 420.430 446.100 376.590 348.700 373.710 459.900 373.794 398.757 361.268 328.179
570715000000052422 19-02-1982 31-10-2002 55 0,1 0,1 NEG Micon Ukendt-NEG Micon 482 Langeland LAND Strynø By, Strynø 47a 603232 6084620 Stamdata 42028109 99.135 144.242 146.441 115.108 142.587 123.171 140.186 132.237 141.942 126.021 146.300 149.350 148.870 113.720 112.370 130.330 148.670 118.430 124.220 93.960 92.540
570715000000049262 04-09-1980 01-09-2002 55 15,3 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S HVK 55/7,5 492 Ærø LAND Ronæs 59 594704 6078862 Stamdata 1 42.690 75.290 82.640 97.670 89.120 84.820 102.620 87.080 100.910 91.250 76.500 85.040 91.410 95.510 104.840 99.480 77.830 75.070 80.180 76.984 80.126 69.820 42.720
570715000000049279 10-02-1985 01-10-2002 55 15,3 22 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 15 55/11 492 Ærø LAND Risemark 30a 590130 6076680 Stamdata 10 103.480 138.380 118.330 141.460 124.040 150.100 132.460 138.360 137.670 152.200 129.710 111.240 115.670 139.810 101.040 132.660 106.140 80.320
570715000000049286 10-02-1985 01-10-2002 55 15,3 22 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 15 55/11 492 Ærø LAND Risemark 30a 590040 6076680 Stamdata 11 106.170 142.770 121.880 150.000 141.160 163.280 142.760 149.800 147.370 163.310 141.940 110.710 125.260 138.170 126.040 148.250 126.760 89.920
570715000000049293 10-02-1985 01-10-2002 55 15,3 22 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 15 55/11 492 Ærø LAND Risemark 30a 590105 6076615 Stamdata 12 109.200 148.530 127.080 150.230 136.680 155.430 137.750 143.830 128.350 157.140 134.080 114.300 122.000 146.190 116.550 140.840 42.050 0
570715000000049309 10-02-1985 01-10-2002 55 15,3 22 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 15 55/11 492 Ærø LAND Risemark 31b 590140 6076555 Stamdata 13 103.380 140.470 123.920 149.420 137.620 158.220 138.400 143.570 143.500 145.040 132.940 113.350 121.170 140.920 112.710 136.110 112.370 49.540
570715000000049316 10-02-1985 01-10-2002 55 15,3 22 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 15 55/11 492 Ærø LAND Risemark 13h 590310 6076830 Stamdata 14 119.980 158.250 137.130 171.250 154.400 170.040 149.650 159.590 160.590 176.880 157.080 135.340 138.890 148.320 144.970 163.920 132.620 79.210
570715000000049323 10-02-1985 01-10-2002 55 15,3 22 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 15 55/11 492 Ærø LAND Risemark 26b 589448 6076880 Stamdata 15 108.630 148.970 128.960 155.120 146.620 166.750 147.810 154.340 158.680 154.950 138.560 117.870 125.160 153.730 126.690 150.630 126.000 59.880
570715000000049330 10-02-1985 01-10-2002 55 15,3 22 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 15 55/11 492 Ærø LAND Risemark 26 589460 6076940 Stamdata 16 110.170 154.930 133.080 160.280 144.650 166.470 144.060 150.870 143.630 169.310 142.660 116.380 124.330 136.370 118.900 143.460 116.450 78.000
570715000000049347 01-10-1986 19-02-2011 130 20,5 26 NEG Micon NTK 99 492 Ærø LAND Haven 8 578410 6090220 Stamdata 4879 117.190 307.410 352.410 328.850 368.080 344.730 367.290 368.210 406.190 336.990 312.440 329.220 403.130 334.548 381.944 322.274 356.826 306.216 371.656 334.606 305.958 381.036 395.526 341.169 300.849 0
570715000000049354 01-10-1986 25-10-2002 75 17 23 Dencon Dencon 75/17 492 Ærø LAND Ærøskøbing 63 589320 6083640 Stamdata 18 68.860 140.670 111.450 171.030 198.840 193.590 180.440 196.830 205.640 186.710 112.220 167.790 138.250 147.330 168.040 139.750 65.680
570715000000049361 04-03-1987 31-05-2008 200 25,5 31,5 Dencon Dencon 200/50 492 Ærø LAND Søby 18c 580560 6088055 Stamdata 19 181.930 320.680 411.540 322.790 268.820 445.850 459.810 453.920 417.540 390.110 378.920 495.280 415.312 394.882 322.939 429.847 311.279 394.353 0 0 0 0
570715000000049378 10-10-1980 28-10-2002 55 16 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 16 55/11  492 Ærø LAND Trousløkke 85 595920 6079350 Stamdata 2 34.920 90.630 87.950 108.080 106.840 82.880 112.260 97.720 111.780 100.670 85.790 84.230 126.680 124.260 136.190 123.320 103.960 110.770 124.860 105.660 118.600 98.640 79.350
570715000000049392 28-10-1988 04-10-2010 200 25,5 31,5 Dencon Dencon 200/50 492 Ærø LAND Bregninge 14c 584100 6082640 Stamdata 20 94.550 485.400 180.600 243.250 258.950 411.050 365.600 488.900 386.150 436.000 515.900 458.979 472.634 393.954 441.346 366.404 412.060 235.253 207.156 213.814 235.876 257.140 40.176
570715000000049408 28-10-1988 04-10-2010 200 25,5 31,5 Dencon Dencon 200/50 492 Ærø LAND Bregninge 14c 584030 6082712 Stamdata 20 94.550 485.400 180.600 243.250 258.950 411.050 365.600 488.900 386.150 436.000 515.900 458.978 472.633 393.953 441.346 366.404 412.060 235.253 207.156 213.814 235.876 257.140 40.176
570715000000049415 18-09-1981 28-10-2002 55 15,3 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S HVK 55/7,5 492 Ærø LAND Græsvænge 14b 595610 6079525 Stamdata 3 23.950 78.080 104.580 98.150 83.770 98.300 79.810 95.280 91.830 94.200 86.870 97.810 94.680 107.100 85.660 74.470 85.760 98.410 82.610 95.980 71.420 59.670
570715000000049422 04-05-1982 01-09-2002 55 16 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 16 55/11  492 Ærø LAND Tranderup 20a 586212 6080308 Stamdata 4 82.440 145.090 128.120 117.630 142.830 114.230 135.040 119.190 153.930 133.090 142.240 134.550 149.960 133.190 115.050 117.430 118.960 127.920 153.430 134.320 90.220
570715000000049439 03-03-1983 28-10-2002 55 15,3 22 Vestas Wind Systems A/S HVK 55-15/7,5  492 Ærø LAND Skovby 18a 583370 6084960 Stamdata 5 117.810 147.400 130.300 155.510 126.250 148.920 126.540 139.020 131.290 142.780 137.200 140.480 144.790 125.120 126.210 150.970 134.730 130.580 109.380 103.250
570715000000049446 10-02-1985 01-10-2002 55 15,3 22 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 15 55/11 492 Ærø LAND Risemark 30a 590155 6076930 Stamdata 6 117.710 158.910 132.090 158.930 144.550 162.790 143.700 152.560 148.880 161.630 143.450 120.810 128.060 150.180 126.710 147.390 97.550 79.900
570715000000049453 10-02-1985 01-10-2002 55 15,3 22 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 15 55/11 492 Ærø LAND Risemark 30a 590100 6076880 Stamdata 4 119.920 158.960 134.000 161.100 145.850 162.340 147.750 155.980 156.030 169.230 149.760 125.810 133.670 163.020 140.420 146.740 117.390 94.930
570715000000049460 10-02-1985 01-10-2002 55 15,3 22 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 15 55/11 492 Ærø LAND Risemark 30a 590160 6076800 Stamdata 8 107.070 144.170 124.520 146.910 134.700 153.330 135.070 139.560 136.200 152.250 131.660 111.100 112.670 124.290 126.130 146.500 123.810 89.240
570715000000049477 10-02-1985 01-10-2002 55 15,3 22 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 15 55/11 492 Ærø LAND Risemark 30a 590065 6076760 Stamdata 9 105.560 139.080 122.240 145.990 135.710 154.040 135.450 141.560 140.010 153.900 132.220 110.940 118.250 144.780 119.840 133.640 114.210 84.620
570715000000049484 18-10-1990 15-09-2010 400 35 35 Nordtank NTK 400/35 S-Nordtank 492 Ærø LAND Bregninge 29 583691,35 6082752,4 Stamdata 21 197.400 862.900 902.800 896.500 1.019.700 918.900 693.400 826.500 874.100 817.400 886.153 768.052 794.276 727.885 888.645 739.253 688.903 868.547 853.558 183.733 0
570715000000045318 08-01-1991 29-04-2010 150 27 30,5 Wind World WW 2700-150  510 Haderslev LAND Gabøl 16 510406,68 6122682,84 Stamdata 21760 318.420 399.170 360.260 390.750 332.910 333.061 312.690 372.740 301.835 358.572 278.437 320.412 283.199 301.829 296.834 71.275 915 208.175 250.088 5.617
570715000000045363 16-03-1992 29-04-2010 150 27 30,5 Wind World WW 2700-150  510 Haderslev LAND Gabøl 16 510385,58 6122537,44 Stamdata 21986 245.719 335.900 373.970 310.130 316.145 289.980 358.714 294.107 347.020 259.539 297.535 266.486 280.921 244.128 242.877 155.119 157.682 251.904 89.095
570715000000050664 20-12-1994 31-10-2002 37 17 21 Danebod Danebod1 510 Haderslev LAND Vedsted 181 525425,451 6114193,762 Stamdata 200251 1.582 54.864 47.125 52.785 58.213 49.608 54.551 38.793 15.233
570715000000050732 19-04-1988 31-10-2003 99 21 28 Wincon W 99 XT 510 Haderslev LAND Halk 204 540474,372 6115463,821 Stamdata 200257 189.716 319.479 327.466 286.390 288.387 299.797 311.777 270.987 232.763 260.718 287.531 245.029 290.113 243.287 269.037 144.361
570715000000050749 19-04-1988 31-10-2003 99 21 28 Wincon W 99 XT 510 Haderslev LAND Halk 204 540961,37 6115143,825 Stamdata 200257 189.716 319.479 327.466 286.390 288.387 299.797 311.778 270.986 232.764 260.717 287.531 245.029 290.114 243.287 269.037 157.723
570715000000050756 20-10-1992 04-10-2010 150 23 30 BONUS 150 kW 510 Haderslev LAND Hajstrup 6 544146,044 6122329,685 Stamdata 200258 56.235 370.995 385.820 335.342 288.042 322.635 355.816 303.220 359.066 292.406 290.659 281.946 306.805 308.524 272.541 314.348 303.192 274.845 200.829
570715000000050763 25-03-1987 20-11-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 98 510 Haderslev LAND Åstrup 28 535528,371 6125673,75 Stamdata 200259 145.881 243.961 243.093 249.170 217.915 219.435 228.117 237.232 206.195 177.110 198.381 218.783 186.443 214.976 179.881 161.160
570715000000050787 07-11-1988 16-03-2016 150 23 24,5 BONUS 150   - MK lll 510 Haderslev LAND Sommersted 36 520486,5 6130144,45 GST, 18-02-2013 200262 48.386 325.929 334.077 292.172 294.209 305.849 318.071 276.457 237.462 265.981 293.336 249.976 293.872 214.571 258.772 224.101 260.740 259.411 228.231 305.021 299.872 242.048 227.571 276.440 248.983 231.500 275.113 305.301 64.559
570715000000050794 26-10-1992 04-10-2010 150 23,8 30 BONUS 150   - MK lll 510 Haderslev LAND Hajstrup 6 544259,2 6122389,89 Stamdata 200263 55.811 368.197 382.911 332.813 285.869 320.201 353.132 300.933 347.977 287.984 318.569 275.079 306.618 308.444 254.731 302.740 298.156 303.562 205.087
570715000000050817 22-04-1992 04-10-2010 150 23,8 30 BONUS 150   - MK lll 510 Haderslev LAND Simmersted 15 523260,996 6127799,035 Stamdata 200264 212.954 351.226 365.263 317.474 272.693 305.444 336.856 287.064 332.471 256.920 297.529 261.913 289.134 259.934 240.372 325.017 181.763 262.281 180.476
570715000000050824 22-04-1992 04-10-2010 150 23,8 30 BONUS 150   - MK lll 510 Haderslev LAND Simmersted 15 523204,049 6128084,194 Stamdata 200264 212.954 351.227 365.262 317.474 272.694 305.443 336.857 287.063 332.471 256.921 297.529 261.913 289.134 259.934 240.372 325.017 181.763 262.281 180.476
570715000000050831 21-12-1989 06-04-2020 99 21 22 Wincon Vi 210 510 Haderslev LAND Hejsager Halk 15 538530,94 6117870,01 SDFE2018 200266 5.366 228.245 199.615 201.006 208.959 217.310 188.878 162.237 181.721 200.410 170.786 209.230 156.670 171.636 150.855 175.532 170.406 149.740 181.180 183.113 157.889 160.594 186.463 181.483 163.727 152.561 130.673 0 0 122.439 136.377 26.840
570715000000050848 29-12-1984 31-10-2003 75 0 510 Haderslev LAND Ukendt 0 538897,374 6117933,801 Stamdata 200267 29.182 70.902
570715000000050855 20-08-1981 08-11-2002 55 16 18 Nordtank Ukendt-Nordtank 510 Haderslev LAND Hejsager Halk 123 538950,374 6117953,802 Stamdata 200267 27.159 91.453 111.044 112.595 88.544 109.685 97.757 109.007 108.619 111.335 97.369 98.048 101.927 106.000 92.132 79.137 88.641 97.757 83.307 118.990 87.466 105.413
570715000000050862 29-12-1984 31-10-2003 75 17 22 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-65  510 Haderslev LAND Hejsager Halk 39 538897,374 6117933,801 Stamdata 200267 27.159 91.453 111.043 112.595 88.544 109.686 97.757 109.007 108.619 111.334 97.369 98.048 101.927 106.001 92.132 79.136 88.641 97.757 83.307 118.991 87.466 105.413
570715000000025662 01-04-1994 11-11-2014 150 24,6 32,5 Nordtank NTK 150/25-Nordtank 530 Billund LAND Krog by 9h 504582,88 6178218,02 GST, 18-02-2013 16056 192.916 205.104 191.447 206.100 209.900 186.344 215.577 156.692 187.633 152.173 176.107 173.463 155.054 205.405 194.137 151.180 133.167 176.485 162.710 149.288 141.954
570715000000025679 01-01-1990 11-11-2014 150 24,6 32,5 Nordtank NTK 150/25-Nordtank 530 Billund LAND Krog by 9h 504583,66 6178112,2 GST, 18-02-2013 16056 56.954 204.293 205.267 213.412 192.916 205.104 191.446 206.100 209.900 186.344 215.576 156.690 187.633 152.173 176.107 173.463 155.054 205.405 194.137 151.180 133.167 176.485 162.710 149.288 141.954
570715000000026027 01-02-1992 11-11-2014 150 24,6 32,5 Nordtank NTK 150/25-Nordtank 530 Billund LAND Krog by 9h 504583,04 6178322,63 GST, 18-02-2013 16090 189.465 203.881 204.854 212.983 231.033 204.691 191.061 198.952 214.965 191.834 215.225 155.148 181.229 140.766 170.832 163.012 148.758 200.562 184.283 147.122 129.428 169.212 150.243 151.790 134.543
570715000000032141 28-10-1987 22-07-2002 99 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 530 Billund LAND Stenderup By 12v 489778,3 6170674,25 Stamdata 14038 9.564 177.622 175.189 195.893 170.600 173.153 156.980 180.190 162.257 149.947 159.440 173.330 149.930 170.844 134.413 100.686
570715000000032158 28-10-1987 22-07-2002 99 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 530 Billund LAND Stenderup By 12v 489778,4 6170613,38 Stamdata 14038 9.563 177.622 175.189 195.893 170.600 173.153 156.980 180.190 162.257 149.947 159.440 173.330 149.930 170.844 134.413 100.686
570715000000032165 28-10-1987 22-07-2002 99 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 530 Billund LAND Stenderup By 12v 489778,05 6170553,31 Stamdata 14038 9.563 177.622 175.189 195.893 170.600 173.153 156.980 180.190 162.257 149.947 159.440 173.330 149.930 170.844 134.413 100.686
570715000000032493 17-10-1986 13-11-2002 90 0,1 0,1 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 530 Billund LAND Fugdal By 2a 497448,32 6173893,33 Stamdata 14529 20.569 109.041 119.352 125.129 127.532 117.332 112.890 114.400 126.600 107.430 100.440 110.330 112.200 96.620 119.540 96.330 75.590
570715000000032509 09-01-1981 06-09-2016 22 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 530 Billund Land 500339,45 6173078,06 GST, 18-02-2013 44.367 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 14.035 9.700 9.100 12.400 16.600 10.162 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
570715000000032523 17-12-1987 31-10-2002 90 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 530 Billund LAND Eg By 2ak 486198,1 6181077,08 Stamdata 18330 0 136.190 142.782 145.524 133.885 138.080 132.800 121.890 132.240 114.370 126.950 123.420 113.820 69.863 92.337 92.120
570715000000032530 04-11-1985 19-07-2002 75 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 530 Billund LAND Eg By 2ak 485812,49 6181229,31 Stamdata 18332 7.840 116.538 102.966 112.703 118.158 120.428 110.796 115.350 123.720 108.870 117.810 101.880 106.630 88.380 88.230 28.390 70.826 64.627
570715000000033438 02-01-1990 12-05-2005 150 23 30,1 BONUS 150/30 kW 530 Billund LAND Hejnsvig 1a 498666,355 6172995,431 Stamdata 56129 320.080 321.251 335.666 297.700 347.400 310.400 258.700 280.267 331.567 270.325 307.192 227.875 269.533 234.489 245.895 74.888
570715000000033445 02-01-1990 12-05-2005 150 23 30,1 BONUS 150/30 kW 530 Billund LAND Hejnsvig 2z 498688,426 6173091,855 Stamdata 56129 320.080 321.251 335.667 297.700 347.400 310.400 258.700 280.267 331.567 270.325 307.192 227.875 269.533 234.489 245.895 74.888
570715000000033452 02-01-1990 12-05-2005 150 23 30,1 BONUS 150/30 kW 530 Billund LAND Hejnsvig 2z 498710,398 6173193,276 Stamdata 56129 320.080 321.251 335.667 297.700 347.400 310.400 258.700 280.267 331.567 270.325 307.192 227.875 269.533 234.489 245.895 74.888
570715000000044236 18-04-1991 17-06-2009 200 26 30 Wincon W 200/26 530 Billund LAND Juellingsholm Hovedgård, Sdr. Omme 1q 492494,52 6192901,92 GST, 18-02-2013 7141214 161.218 241.824 241.824 241.824 241.824 241.824 241.824 241.824 241.824 241.824 185.796 210.124 175.555 192.576 131.207 47.601 35.129 129.134 74.440
570715000000044243 18-04-1991 17-06-2009 200 26 30 Wincon W 200/26 530 Billund LAND Juellingsholm Hovedgård, Sdr. Omme 1q 492292,38 6192950,37 GST, 18-02-2013 7141214 174.136 261.204 261.204 261.204 261.204 261.204 261.204 261.204 261.204 261.204 190.638 210.124 175.555 192.576 131.207 47.601 35.129 129.134 74.440
570715000000050336 20-10-1990 09-08-2017 150 24,6 32 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 540 Sønderborg LAND Stevning 12 552474,72 6096369,94 SDFE2018 200226 116.270 344.136 356.235 360.065 372.080 331.600 302.060 318.390 347.889 294.683 334.080 276.477 315.959 275.508 302.387 305.541 274.636 347.221 324.181 286.641 294.048 325.644 308.125 293.340 317.862 344.158 42.444 0
570715000000050343 01-04-1991 09-08-2017 150 24,6 32 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 540 Sønderborg LAND Stevning 13 552471,13 6096175,72 SDFE2018 200226 229.424 356.235 360.065 372.080 331.600 302.060 318.390 347.888 294.683 334.081 276.476 315.959 275.508 302.387 305.541 274.636 347.221 324.181 286.641 294.048 325.644 308.125 293.340 317.862 344.158 42.444 0
570715000000050350 19-01-1990 23-03-2017 150 24,6 32,7 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 540 Sønderborg LAND Mjels 169 545233,44 6097907,03 SDFE2018 200227 302.000 321.990 325.250 330.880 360.430 316.700 279.030 304.070 328.688 284.549 313.506 268.092 293.852 255.602 293.945 292.525 258.838 334.236 302.220 273.133 277.064 300.134 292.238 271.864 290.827 317.957 245.584 65.471
570715000000050374 17-04-1989 17-08-2017 130 20 31 Windmatic VM 20 S 540 Sønderborg LAND Sønderby 15 556705,43 6081271,48 SDFE2018 200229 186.149 320.641 195.556 409.242 302.890 332.317 280.599 241.299 268.903 299.805 266.663 292.314 213.836 238.851 204.429 246.640 201.694 162.139 222.812 271.131 216.745 207.828 196.636 165.600 182.317 236.267 260.250 161.848 25.953
570715000000050527 15-12-1987 04-02-2005 150 23 24,5 BONUS 150 kW 540 Sønderborg LAND Iller 2 542549,52 6079114,053 Stamdata 200238 13.000 312.733 311.620 319.410 296.901 311.081 298.653 335.884 285.930 243.478 278.653 277.171 218.512 277.219 210.352 248.207 201.869 224.576 45.085
570715000000050534 10-05-1988 12-10-2016 150 23 24,5 BONUS 150 kW 540 Sønderborg LAND Holm 134 542074,87 6100980,56 GST, 18-02-2013 200239 199.852 315.817 323.713 320.221 326.484 330.830 351.680 318.787 274.290 326.711 300.920 263.681 290.262 247.254 263.194 238.026 278.513 269.523 227.502 287.775 268.798 245.274 214.482 262.264 269.582 206.237 236.646 289.294 44.082
570715000000050596 06-11-1987 15-11-2002 95 23 24 BONUS 98 540 Sønderborg LAND Ladegaard 125 533793,496 6088513,958 Stamdata 200245 39.733 236.990 236.146 242.050 246.545 254.330 252.920 281.500 234.805 205.590 230.632 248.444 204.372 249.500 185.410 175.919
570715000000050602 06-11-1987 15-11-2002 150 23 24 BONUS 150 kW 540 Sønderborg LAND Ladegaard 125 533778,495 6088613,957 Stamdata 200245 37.732 236.990 236.147 242.050 246.545 254.330 252.920 281.500 234.805 205.590 230.633 248.443 204.373 249.500 185.409 175.919
570715000000050633 21-05-1986 22-08-2002 75 17 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  540 Sønderborg LAND Nybøl ejerlav 12 543335,47 6085464,036 Stamdata 200248 77.320 121.463 135.441 134.959 138.333 129.905 131.697 130.982 143.583 118.467 107.964 124.344 125.749 111.026 126.801 100.882 77.464
570715000000050930 06-04-1982 14-12-2001 55 16 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-16  540 Sønderborg LAND Ertebjerg 46 565159,301 6089394,118 Stamdata 200280 55.664 76.484 77.553 60.987 75.549 67.332 75.081 74.814 76.684 67.577 69.715 69.393 75.994 67.634 61.250 63.656 68.245 50.780 62.776 50.644 0
570715000000051050 27-10-1980 24-11-2002 55 15 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-16  540 Sønderborg LAND Skovby Lysabild 81 563398,362 6082824,157 Stamdata 200295 15.900 93.081 83.755 101.696 103.118 81.091 100.453 89.528 99.831 99.476 101.963 94.386 100.808 91.073 107.820 79.549 82.150 84.987 91.174 79.120 89.203 75.386 71.154
570715000000045110 09-11-1981 08-08-2006 22 10 18 Nordtank NTK 22 550 Tønder LAND Ukendt 17 516046,63 6112648,74 Stamdata 20025 4.033 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 24.793 16.631 21.612 18.397 14.251 8.494
570715000000045141 07-10-1983 29-11-2005 15 8 18 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 550 Tønder LAND Toftlund 672 503617,75 6114249 Stamdata 20064 5.500 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 11.169 3.543 4.063 1.377 2.240
570715000000045226 11-01-1989 16-08-2010 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25 550 Tønder LAND Landeby 193 499417,45 6103953,08 Stamdata 21369 358.772 429.799 381.897 416.870 400.570 434.090 354.740 348.260 369.281 399.637 342.721 395.402 302.017 360.902 312.801 346.713 325.767 329.819 343.061 379.572 313.599 184.771
570715000000045240 09-05-1989 16-08-2010 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  550 Tønder LAND Landeby 193 499423,4 6104106,17 Stamdata 21449 220.282 418.876 371.662 391.410 398.910 427.740 366.450 341.560 363.164 386.490 342.853 392.704 300.853 351.884 303.416 338.409 267.112 238.511 268.486 339.724 209.452 135.152
570715000000045943 14-07-1986 08-07-2002 95 19 25 BONUS 95-20   19,4,13 550 Tønder LAND Astrup 215 482805 6114259 Stamdata 30010 109.841 218.227 257.319 247.127 271.209 241.177 266.311 248.078 263.945 235.969 204.169 213.920 264.935 227.492 249.013 189.330 128.230
570715000000045950 14-07-1986 08-07-2002 95 19 25 BONUS 95-20   19,4,13 550 Tønder LAND Astrup 215 482891 6114205 Stamdata 30011 103.761 211.764 250.716 240.560 264.557 234.631 267.236 246.163 264.214 238.433 201.548 213.204 263.291 227.531 244.481 179.609 115.122
570715000000045967 24-11-1986 08-07-2002 95 19 25 BONUS 95-20   19,4,13 550 Tønder LAND Astrup 9 482982 6114157 Stamdata 30065 24.586 218.625 257.548 247.399 271.379 241.474 270.872 246.972 264.133 236.464 198.880 212.223 263.566 225.196 247.198 186.557 129.287
570715000000045974 14-04-1987 18-07-2002 95 19 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  550 Tønder LAND Mollerup 5 486920 6097775 Stamdata 30092 95.199 172.662 165.564 182.331 161.421 188.171 176.705 187.097 167.629 152.444 160.775 165.676 156.218 153.949 132.423 80.049
570715000000045981 20-10-1987 08-07-2002 95 19 25 BONUS 95-20   19,4,13 550 Tønder LAND Astrup 9 483262 6114013 Stamdata 30217 35.037 256.364 246.088 270.371 240.088 273.060 246.745 266.593 237.549 206.979 213.993 261.477 230.582 255.236 194.151 124.653
570715000000045998 21-04-1988 28-02-2002 180 22 31 Windmatic 22 SX 550 Tønder LAND Hjerpsted 134 478540,65 6096141,92 Stamdata 30326 264.380 380.755 418.123 371.522 430.020 360.420 405.160 340.050 294.910 343.550 435.440 396.597 368.396 301.348 82.661
570715000000046001 21-02-1989 15-01-2017 200 24 30 Danwin DW 24-Danwin 550 Tønder LAND Øster Højst 445 503107,11 6094217,38 SDFE2018 30459 254.252 335.045 297.704 351.950 308.410 339.800 300.660 248.890 272.660 308.424 258.384 314.875 228.389 276.983 236.308 264.287 248.477 226.895 307.791 289.372 231.824 219.160 244.297 223.728 226.044 242.267 234.101 86.469 0
570715000000046100 26-04-1990 04-10-2016 150 27 30 Wind World W 2800-150  550 Tønder LAND Gærup 21 485164,49 6093780,96 GST, 18-02-2013 30719 314.873 419.669 470.879 429.535 451.196 410.535 373.631 391.155 446.550 368.660 265.103 318.482 351.064 326.009 368.125 348.765 350.064 370.919 376.908 318.547 302.717 347.860 364.195 321.874 362.717 404.387 226.052
570715000000046209 01-08-1991 27-11-2003 150 23,8 30 BONUS 150/30   - MK ll 550 Tønder LAND Jejsing 132 496248,94 6087976,75 Stamdata 31036 112.820 389.874 354.060 380.270 332.550 303.793 322.498 364.183 311.525 354.663 270.162 307.178 238.614
570715000000046216 01-08-1991 27-11-2003 150 23,8 30 BONUS 150/30   - MK ll 550 Tønder LAND Jejsing 132 496231,58 6088045,39 Stamdata 31037 109.577 385.462 344.720 376.330 331.680 297.505 318.311 351.857 310.465 351.919 260.757 303.527 235.574
570715000000046230 14-10-1991 15-05-2011 130 20 31 Windmatic Ukendt-Windmatic 550 Tønder LAND Sølsted 449 489988 6097576 Stamdata 31068 38.299 247.627 222.710 244.848 207.467 173.934 193.168 222.003 188.874 220.863 161.718 199.516 167.210 179.210 138.008 170.299 213.343 217.754 177.354 157.757 55.353
570715000000046247 09-04-1992 25-08-2010 150 24,6 32,5 NEG Micon NTK 150 XLR-NEG Micon 550 Tønder LAND Randerup 1 484027,279 6106207,303 Stamdata 31076 294.752 408.693 443.085 395.061 351.640 385.217 434.517 372.843 416.874 326.799 353.587 332.174 375.564 366.306 348.490 423.634 399.736 344.026 197.525
570715000000046292 16-09-1995 08-08-2016 600 44 46 NEG Micon NM 1500-600/150   550 Tønder LAND Birkelev 57 486978,45 6120603,13 GST, 18-02-2013 31965 339.299 1.356.830 1.436.995 1.637.099 1.374.209 1.495.882 1.239.013 1.399.474 1.256.156 1.387.927 1.360.714 1.276.869 1.508.377 1.452.347 1.271.718 1.207.271 1.453.386 1.393.779 1.266.123 1.392.644 1.561.921 662.583
570715000000046308 16-09-1995 08-08-2016 600 44 46 NEG Micon NM 1500-600/150   550 Tønder LAND Birkelev 383 487018,4 6120891,62 GST, 18-02-2013 31966 277.893 1.231.437 1.332.595 1.535.382 1.316.334 1.461.266 1.078.293 1.296.497 1.186.597 1.347.456 1.292.236 1.187.910 1.441.868 1.404.932 1.145.139 1.140.405 1.298.241 1.326.893 1.141.623 1.238.022 1.433.296 678.008
570715000000046940 09-01-1998 16-03-2015 11 13 18 Gaia-Wind Ltd Ukendt-Gaia-Wind 550 Tønder Land 488195,85 6100123,17 GST, 18-02-2013 22.183 24.200 24.200 23.239 21.213 24.162 24.153 27.447 26.292 32.900 32.700 30.519 25.305 28.923 31.550 29.565 26.982 1.395
570715000000046964 01-06-1986 08-11-2002 75 14 20 Windmatic VM 75 550 Tønder LAND Vester Gasse 210V 487304,02 6112367,45 Stamdata 66904 79.394 132.497 156.423 150.186 164.925 146.544 171.660 159.189 168.870 151.211 130.478 135.654 146.369 124.423 140.513 108.411 101.596
570715000000046988 01-01-1987 28-10-2002 99 19 31 Windmatic 19 S 550 Tønder LAND Hjerpsted 287 478583,85 6096683,68 Stamdata 67788 194.156 250.054 240.083 263.644 234.261 268.279 242.724 249.701 236.455 190.166 208.658 267.371 224.047 240.395 197.875 157.768
570715000000046995 01-01-1987 28-10-2002 99 19 31 Windmatic 19 S 550 Tønder LAND Hjerpsted 105 478599,03 6096574 Stamdata 67789 200.846 258.669 248.354 272.728 242.332 279.042 245.511 271.719 238.721 205.529 224.931 273.854 204.721 256.520 171.025 162.512
570715000000047008 01-01-1987 28-10-2002 99 19 31 Windmatic 19 S 550 Tønder LAND Hjerpsted 8 478598,2 6096415,01 Stamdata 67790 198.867 256.121 245.907 270.041 239.944 270.316 247.369 265.474 238.452 200.482 219.780 263.621 226.000 246.826 200.397 159.077
570715000000047015 01-01-1987 28-10-2002 99 19 31 Windmatic 19 S 550 Tønder LAND Hjerpsted 25 478591,01 6096273,9 Stamdata 67791 182.668 235.259 225.877 248.045 220.400 241.994 234.584 251.316 223.260 190.139 212.873 237.882 208.665 195.592 178.113 159.571
570715000000047039 22-10-1984 21-05-2002 55 0,1 0,1 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 15 550 Tønder LAND Ukendt 37 484750,97 6094711,78 Stamdata 68181 20.167 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 74.191 42.340
570715000000047138 05-12-1989 06-07-2014 200 24 30 Danwin DW 24-200   550 Tønder LAND Vester Terp 2 493518,07 6105971,1 GST, 18-02-2013 81958 0 381.557 339.032 413.120 339.860 387.590 337.210 303.150 287.250 358.330 304.898 346.609 251.970 302.909 262.202 278.626 276.766 268.281 321.654 277.865 198.461 151.149 175.449 303.648 264.397 72.375
570715000000047176 05-11-1984 18-12-2016 22 10 18,5 Beck Ballum 22-Beck Ballum 550 Tønder Land 480422,98 6100991,73 SDFE2018 4.033 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 15.397 14.206 6.202 9.959 12.402 9.003 13.594 9.204 8.116 603 6.413 8.352 9.237 13.433 16.800 10.181
570715000000047183 21-11-1986 28-11-2002 90 18,8 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  550 Tønder LAND Randerup Ejerlav, Randerup 201 483759,48 6105948,01 Stamdata 85313 17.553 175.760 207.498 199.224 218.775 194.392 215.892 202.746 216.130 193.592 173.743 188.139 205.314 175.478 189.799 150.617 143.920
570715000000047206 11-04-1985 30-11-2003 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 75 kW 550 Tønder LAND Rejsby Ballum 2 477451,63 6100875,36 Stamdata 86698 113.784 211.421 176.415 208.271 199.966 219.590 195.117 222.327 202.721 213.551 195.873 160.903 181.613 206.431 187.280 200.270 163.306 154.934 135.798
570715000000047213 16-12-1986 26-11-2003 90 19 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90 kW 550 Tønder LAND Rejsby Ballum 2 477292,62 6100927,18 Stamdata 86699 0 206.159 243.387 233.681 256.614 228.014 259.846 236.233 243.899 224.408 196.869 215.456 248.823 216.411 225.009 189.608 157.589 116.047
570715000000047220 16-12-1986 26-11-2003 90 19 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90 kW 550 Tønder LAND Rejsby Ballum 2 477329 6101027 Stamdata 86700 0 205.024 242.046 232.394 255.201 226.758 253.966 228.344 235.043 227.820 191.239 214.150 251.169 224.898 229.219 195.793 166.274 172.330
570715000000047237 27-10-1987 29-11-2002 90 18 33,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  550 Tønder LAND Sølsted 140 488823,61 6098009,24 Stamdata 86767 21.371 151.381 145.344 159.608 141.819 155.272 153.111 164.782 141.881 119.897 134.791 147.932 125.347 144.018 99.587 99.691
570715000000047244 15-04-1987 29-11-2002 90 18 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  550 Tønder LAND Sølsted 140 488808 6098190,9 Stamdata 86768 79.515 140.810 135.195 148.463 131.916 150.113 137.795 149.843 135.344 105.530 126.791 138.539 111.526 142.995 100.811 83.881
570715000000047268 28-04-1986 18-07-2002 75 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 550 Tønder LAND Ukendt 5 486674,26 6097493,55 Stamdata 87544 104.746 131.104 154.778 148.606 163.191 145.003 160.563 151.685 161.635 144.910 129.396 140.643 147.238 141.298 135.311 113.182 74.316
570715000000047275 12-04-1988 21-05-2002 55 0,1 0,1 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 15 550 Tønder LAND Ukendt 37 484712,27 6094647,02 Stamdata 87552 81.288 117.070 128.559 114.231 132.761 125.716 131.916 117.444 86.707 107.024 121.359 102.297 113.082 78.809 52.347
570715000000047367 01-06-1983 19-11-2002 55 15 22 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-11  550 Tønder LAND Rudbøl 47 483010,98 6085530,84 Stamdata 89730 63.576 129.090 101.470 125.693 104.882 123.821 118.883 130.550 116.000 120.952 115.859 120.488 102.333 108.157 113.694 130.438 112.128 126.712 97.958 80.268
570715000000047381 30-01-1985 29-11-2002 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 15-75  550 Tønder LAND Gl. Frederikskog,Højer 207 481369 6086439 Stamdata 89836 144.030 194.634 162.407 191.734 184.088 202.155 179.624 200.552 179.024 194.177 178.204 160.964 171.384 189.503 167.227 186.590 144.917 133.970
570715000000047398 14-08-1984 28-02-2002 65 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 550 Tønder LAND Ukendt 0 490346 6085900 Stamdata 89843-1 34.970 82.485 102.180 85.280 100.685 96.655 106.145 94.315 112.710 52.455 111.020 111.865 103.805 89.440 95.875 74.295 71.630 54.883 13.092
570715000000047404 14-08-1984 28-02-2002 55 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 550 Tønder LAND Ukendt 0 490346 6085900 Stamdata 89843-2 29.590 69.795 86.460 72.160 85.195 81.785 89.815 79.805 95.370 44.385 93.940 94.655 87.835 75.680 81.125 62.865 60.610 46.426 11.080
570715000000047411 14-08-1984 28-02-2002 55 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 550 Tønder LAND Ukendt 0 490346 6085900 Stamdata 89843-3 29.590 69.795 86.460 72.160 85.195 81.785 89.815 79.805 95.370 44.385 93.940 94.655 87.835 75.680 81.125 62.865 60.610 46.426 11.080
570715000000047428 14-08-1984 28-02-2002 55 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 550 Tønder LAND Ukendt 0 490346 6085900 Stamdata 89843-4 29.590 69.795 86.460 72.160 85.195 81.785 89.815 79.805 95.370 44.385 93.940 94.655 87.835 75.680 81.125 62.865 60.610 46.426 11.080
570715000000047435 14-08-1984 28-02-2002 30 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 550 Tønder LAND Ukendt 0 490346 6085900 Stamdata 89843-5 16.140 38.070 47.160 39.360 46.470 44.610 48.990 43.530 52.020 24.210 51.240 51.630 47.910 41.280 44.250 34.290 33.060 25.342 6.046
570715000000047442 14-08-1984 28-02-2002 30 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 550 Tønder LAND Ukendt 0 490346 6085900 Stamdata 89843-6 16.140 38.070 47.160 39.360 46.470 44.610 48.990 43.530 52.020 24.210 51.240 51.630 47.910 41.280 44.250 34.290 33.060 25.342 6.046
570715000000047459 14-08-1984 28-02-2002 18 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 550 Tønder LAND Ukendt 0 490346 6085900 Stamdata 89843-7 11.836 27.918 34.584 28.886 34.078 32.714 35.926 31.922 38.148 17.754 37.576 37.862 35.134 30.272 32.450 25.146 24.244 18.556 4.425
570715000000047466 30-09-1985 13-11-2002 75 17 22,5 Windmatic VVM 17,5 550 Tønder LAND Sdr. Sejerslev, Emmerlev 497 478868 6094834 Stamdata 89849 43.405 215.069 179.459 211.865 203.416 223.379 198.483 220.189 202.752 217.134 192.645 173.025 182.930 215.609 188.374 208.096 166.462 149.283
570715000000048494 01-01-1982 07-05-2008 400 34 32 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Windane 34/400 550 Tønder LAND Koldby 2 476850,32 6099640,62 Stamdata KOL 870.040 1.150.838 1.168.377 918.388 1.137.631 949.268 1.120.683 1.075.993 1.181.591 1.049.900 996.464 1.134.654 1.045.891 1.071.050 813.500 1.069.700 1.093.300 1.128.300 1.170.428 916.246 290.265 0 743.780 784.624 626.027 0 0
570715000000048524 10-11-1994 14-07-2010 500 37 41,5 Wind World W 3700-500  550 Tønder LAND Tyvse 3 493034,468 6093255,881 Stamdata WAB 144.246 858.968 806.603 815.034 967.440 808.600 960.684 631.423 735.997 673.760 774.427 811.721 634.383 578.782 714.375 626.105 735.368 889.984 752.406
570715000000048692 09-04-1992 17-01-2017 400 31 36 Micon M 750-400/100 550 Tønder LAND branderup 36 505256,7 6110555,79 SDFE2018 WBK 423.553 635.330 725.861 492.644 574.415 623.161 624.000 519.800 612.526 497.850 598.986 522.799 550.004 422.557 517.914 633.953 627.393 480.673 492.720 594.573 552.370 530.030 543.457 605.607 460.179 35.961
570715000000056475 14-08-1984 31-08-1999 75 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 550 Tønder LAND Ukendt 0 465654 6081607 Stamdata 89843-8 0 0
570715000000056482 14-08-1984 31-08-1999 22 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 550 Tønder LAND Ukendt 0 465654 6081607 Stamdata 89843-9 0 0
571313134499062686 23-01-2017 01-03-2017 10 7,1 21 THY møllen Aps TWP-40-10 550 Tønder Land Stamdata
571313134499068671 04-04-2017 14-06-2018 10 7,1 21 THY møllen Aps TWP-40-10 550 Tønder Land Stamdata
571313144100988984 15-07-2015 15-07-2015 10 13 18,2 Gaia-Wind Ltd Gaia Wind 133-10 kW 550 Tønder Land Stamdata
571313144100989882 01-11-2015 13-10-2016 10 13 18,2 Gaia-Wind Ltd Gaia Wind 133-10 kW 550 Tønder Land Stamdata
571313144100989936 01-11-2015 01-11-2015 10 14 18 Solid Wind Power A/S SWP10-14TG20 550 Tønder Land Stamdata
570715000000032813 13-05-1985 11-02-2002 75 0,1 0,1 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 561 Esbjerg LAND St Darum By 18ab 477852,68 6141505,89 Stamdata 41238 146.376 310.834 198.349 167.004 175.086 178.450 164.177 165.591 161.704 173.648 149.893 133.422 146.042 163.342 144.472 162.046 128.212 32.208
570715000000032820 13-05-1985 11-02-2002 75 0,1 0,1 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 561 Esbjerg LAND St Darum By 18ab 477854,71 6141117,02 Stamdata 41238 146.376 310.835 198.349 167.004 175.086 178.450 164.177 165.591 161.704 173.648 149.892 133.422 146.043 163.343 144.472 162.045 128.212 32.208
570715000000032837 13-05-1985 11-02-2002 75 0,1 0,1 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 561 Esbjerg LAND St Darum By 18ab 477966,83 6141450,07 Stamdata 41238 146.377 310.834 198.348 167.004 175.086 178.450 164.177 165.590 161.704 173.648 149.893 133.422 146.043 163.343 144.472 162.045 128.212 32.208
570715000000032844 13-05-1987 11-02-2002 90 0,1 0,1 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 561 Esbjerg LAND St Darum By 18ab 477853,24 6141394,67 Stamdata 41238 114.431 200.404 210.104 214.139 197.014 198.709 194.044 208.378 179.871 160.107 175.251 196.011 173.366 194.454 135.319 32.208
570715000000032851 13-05-1987 11-02-2002 90 0,1 0,1 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 561 Esbjerg LAND St Darum By 18ab 477973,55 6141398,55 Stamdata 41238 114.431 200.404 210.105 214.139 197.013 198.709 194.044 208.378 179.871 160.107 175.251 196.011 173.366 194.454 135.319 32.208
570715000000032912 16-07-1987 25-09-2002 99 0,1 0,1 Wincon Ukendt-Wincon 561 Esbjerg LAND Tjæreborg By 10x 474264,15 6145158,72 Stamdata 41890 89.065 233.969 245.292 250.004 230.009 240.203 233.394 243.051 195.567 191.500 196.754 231.850 192.510 239.395 170.346 162.750
570715000000032936 28-12-1984 06-07-2001 55 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 561 Esbjerg LAND Tjæreborg By 10x 474267 6145208 Stamdata 41893 0 104.533 129.487 114.408 125.227 131.288 133.809 123.107 131.000 113.780 133.695 110.090 108.890 103.715 131.330 99.302 117.664 33.400 0
570715000000032943 28-12-1984 06-07-2001 55 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 561 Esbjerg LAND Tjæreborg By 10x 474246 6145115 Stamdata 41893 0 104.533 129.487 114.408 125.227 131.288 133.809 123.107 131.000 113.780 133.695 110.090 108.890 103.715 131.330 99.302 117.664 33.400 0
570715000000032950 07-11-1981 26-11-2002 55 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 561 Esbjerg LAND Ølufgård 8i 473154,08 6155552,99 Stamdata 43605 10.083 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 63.877 41.001
570715000000032974 15-01-1985 16-09-2002 55 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 561 Esbjerg LAND Hygum By 1ae 470700,95 6154917,47 Stamdata 43706 110.916 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 60.191 32.421
570715000000032981 15-01-1985 16-09-2002 55 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 561 Esbjerg LAND Hygum By 1ae 470685,63 6154819,39 Stamdata 43706 110.917 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 60.191 32.421
570715000000032998 29-06-1988 01-12-2002 130 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 561 Esbjerg LAND Hygum By 2f 470477,51 6154641,11 Stamdata 43780 115.976 243.178 247.849 228.027 248.740 201.260 241.000 225.000 176.000 211.000 211.640 191.613 238.448 164.331 171.499
570715000000033001 04-12-1981 27-06-2006 18,5 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 561 Esbjerg LAND Hunderup By 12a 481994,83 6144781,12 Stamdata 47032 0 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 8.892 10.676 5.767 0 1.175 0
570715000000033018 05-12-1981 19-11-2002 15 0,1 0,1 Kuriant Ukendt-Kuriant 561 Esbjerg LAND Hunderup By 6c 481971,91 6144873,14 Stamdata 47034 0 15.454 18.738 19.023 14.953 18.523 16.366 17.913 18.780 19.141 17.610 7.662 20.184 25.881 10.721 24.896 10.942 24.227 13.640 26.632 17.180 12.801
570715000000033032 04-07-1985 26-11-2002 55 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 561 Esbjerg LAND Ajke By 3e 485967,19 6147657,32 Stamdata 48216 27.657 82.224 72.648 79.518 83.367 84.968 78.172 82.360 75.370 89.080 74.950 67.900 75.330 67.890 64.760 68.250 64.870 69.890
570715000000033292 17-01-1990 23-11-2011 99 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 561 Esbjerg LAND Hostrup By 2m 459547,32 6160321,06 Stamdata 55937 211.246 212.019 221.390 210.280 223.000 196.860 160.600 195.530 215.700 88.658 197.548 144.556 160.666 148.250 175.833 89.137 44.081 71.987 104.525 59.558 76.281 57.017
570715000000033544 17-01-1990 13-05-2005 99 0,1 0,1 Wincon Ukendt-Wincon 561 Esbjerg LAND Hostrup by 9a 459426 6159651,76 Stamdata 56269 228.281 229.116 236.031 231.231 242.804 222.884 181.458 209.509 237.000 177.693 216.662 170.227 183.882 152.145 188.603 80.297
570715000000033605 25-10-1990 02-12-2002 200 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 561 Esbjerg LAND Tjæreborg by 29ay 473314,3 6145106,05 Stamdata 56707 85.588 472.453 484.160 469.040 495.865 427.070 369.355 400.075 475.270 427.415 484.302 344.696 321.625
570715000000033612 25-10-1990 02-12-2002 200 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 561 Esbjerg LAND Tjæreborg by 29ay 473314,48 6145081,53 Stamdata 56707 85.588 472.453 484.160 469.040 495.865 427.070 369.355 400.075 475.270 427.415 484.302 344.696 321.625
570715000000033636 25-10-1990 02-12-2002 200 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 561 Esbjerg LAND Tjæreborg by 30a 467321,12 6144916,38 Stamdata 56730 90.483 499.479 499.070 451.970 513.620 445.760 373.910 442.730 535.579 468.252 530.075 334.698 364.208
570715000000033650 06-09-1990 15-03-2016 150 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 561 Esbjerg LAND Tange By 2a 488519,83 6145409,5 GST, 18-02-2013 56739 89.984 331.146 335.325 328.010 354.980 302.930 279.160 303.785 318.331 285.661 314.380 250.462 293.196 247.577 274.911 267.960 259.527 313.463 306.590 265.089 240.693 301.656 250.463 260.142 294.662 325.326 64.694
570715000000033667 06-09-1990 15-03-2016 150 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 561 Esbjerg LAND Tange By 2a 488526,68 6145533,51 GST, 18-02-2013 56739 89.984 331.146 335.325 328.010 354.980 302.930 279.160 303.785 318.331 285.661 314.380 250.462 293.196 247.577 274.911 267.960 259.527 313.463 306.590 265.089 240.693 301.656 250.463 260.142 294.662 325.326 64.694
570715000000034299 29-01-1997 29-06-2015 225 29 32 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  561 Esbjerg LAND Tjæreborg by 2ac 475328,58 6146600,73 GST, 18-02-2013 60299 456.656 530.545 468.131 544.640 418.704 465.239 397.415 452.364 418.910 432.891 501.323 497.614 420.706 384.997 468.802 437.895 407.919 432.138 259.449
570715000000034305 05-03-1997 29-06-2015 225 29 32 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  561 Esbjerg LAND Tjæreborg by 36l 475508,38 6146611,21 GST, 18-02-2013 60300 369.497 536.340 471.020 549.225 422.840 470.389 401.233 453.294 436.409 426.234 504.823 498.810 414.373 324.622 481.571 451.809 420.006 468.775 261.138
570715000000034312 29-01-1997 29-06-2015 225 29 32 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  561 Esbjerg LAND Allerup by 10b 475687,26 6146623,64 GST, 18-02-2013 60301 450.630 524.523 456.170 542.904 415.441 458.367 390.756 434.159 410.178 410.780 481.152 485.334 417.122 377.278 436.605 441.391 412.173 458.059 256.680
570715000000034329 05-03-1997 29-06-2015 225 29 32 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  561 Esbjerg LAND Allerup by 10b 475867,17 6146635,87 GST, 18-02-2013 60302 369.823 552.902 488.223 566.313 434.113 494.782 418.177 465.889 448.149 445.778 498.190 513.645 436.232 378.362 483.941 435.971 408.300 375.798 247.791
570715000000034336 17-02-1997 25-08-2016 225 29 32 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  561 Esbjerg LAND Tjæreborg by 475183,55 6146377,4 GST, 18-02-2013 60303 427.268 548.953 467.368 566.160 432.207 483.603 404.887 466.034 455.488 455.192 510.915 507.130 440.140 397.000 490.770 467.228 427.480 480.431 507.829 277.156
570715000000035258 19-02-1997 15-10-2020 600 43 45 Nordtank NTK 600/43  561 Esbjerg LAND Måde 5k 468712,08 6145275,44 SDFE2018 119966 1.096.922 1.554.658 1.388.085 1.604.167 1.216.716 1.341.743 1.196.218 1.316.192 1.253.098 1.232.162 1.265.450 1.430.305 1.260.375 1.015.058 1.359.976 1.257.704 1.062.002 1.242.653 1.102.602 443.491 645.938 601.530 738.089 621.358
570715000000035265 19-02-1997 15-10-2020 600 43 45 Nordtank NTK 600/43  561 Esbjerg LAND Måde 5k 468877,7 6145262,03 SDFE2018 119966 1.096.922 1.554.658 1.388.085 1.604.167 1.216.716 1.341.743 1.196.218 1.316.192 1.253.098 1.232.162 1.265.450 1.430.305 1.260.375 1.015.058 1.359.976 1.257.704 1.062.002 1.242.653 1.102.602 443.491 645.938 601.530 738.089 621.358
570715000000035272 19-02-1997 27-04-2016 600 43 45 Nordtank NTK 600/43  561 Esbjerg LAND Måde 5k 469042,44 6145236,81 GST, 18-02-2013 119966 1.096.922 1.554.658 1.388.085 1.604.167 1.216.716 1.341.743 1.196.218 1.316.192 1.253.098 1.232.162 1.265.450 1.430.305 1.260.375 1.015.058 1.359.976 1.257.704 1.062.002 1.242.653 1.102.602 78.916
570715000000035289 19-02-1997 27-04-2016 600 43 45 Nordtank NTK 600/43  561 Esbjerg LAND Måde 5k 469198,61 6145180,83 GST, 18-02-2013 119966 1.096.922 1.554.658 1.388.085 1.604.167 1.216.716 1.341.743 1.196.218 1.316.192 1.253.098 1.232.162 1.265.450 1.430.305 1.260.375 1.015.058 1.359.976 1.257.704 1.062.002 1.242.653 1.102.602 78.916
570715000000035296 19-02-1997 27-04-2016 600 43 45 Nordtank NTK 600/43  561 Esbjerg LAND Måde 5k 469363,96 6145175,42 GST, 18-02-2013 119966 1.096.922 1.554.658 1.388.085 1.604.167 1.216.716 1.341.743 1.196.218 1.316.192 1.253.098 1.232.162 1.265.450 1.430.305 1.260.375 1.015.058 1.359.976 1.257.704 1.062.002 1.242.653 1.102.602 78.916
570715000000035302 19-02-1997 27-04-2016 600 43 45 Nordtank NTK 600/43  561 Esbjerg LAND Måde 5k 469530,01 6145160,6 GST, 18-02-2013 119966 1.096.922 1.554.658 1.388.085 1.604.167 1.216.716 1.341.743 1.196.218 1.316.192 1.253.098 1.232.162 1.265.450 1.430.305 1.260.375 1.015.058 1.359.976 1.257.704 1.062.002 1.242.653 1.102.602 78.916
570715000000035326 22-03-1990 03-11-2015 200 25 29 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  561 Esbjerg LAND Måde 4a 468593,34 6145458,78 GST, 18-02-2013 119959 191.809 444.678 190.832 479.216 413.842 441.675 378.775 445.194 387.967 459.583 327.126 350.669 320.171 379.398 343.224 357.461 412.141 416.374 343.147 260.877 375.660 369.259 314.033 368.074 289.156
570715000000035333 22-03-1990 03-11-2015 200 25 29 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  561 Esbjerg LAND Måde 4a 468574 6145380,19 GST, 18-02-2013 119959 191.809 444.680 190.832 479.216 413.842 441.675 378.775 445.194 387.967 459.583 327.126 350.669 320.171 379.398 343.224 357.461 412.141 416.374 343.147 260.877 375.660 369.259 314.033 368.074 289.156
570715000000035340 22-03-1990 03-11-2015 200 25 29 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  561 Esbjerg LAND Måde 4a 468480,92 6145502,86 GST, 18-02-2013 119959 191.809 444.680 190.832 479.216 413.842 441.675 378.775 445.194 387.967 459.583 327.126 350.669 320.171 379.398 343.224 357.461 412.141 416.374 343.147 260.877 375.660 369.259 314.033 368.074 289.156
570715000000035357 16-07-1991 03-11-2015 200 25 29 Wincon 200 kW 561 Esbjerg LAND Måde 4a 468461,02 6145424,57 GST, 18-02-2013 119959 191.809 444.680 190.832 479.216 413.842 441.675 378.775 445.194 387.967 459.583 327.126 350.669 320.171 379.398 343.224 357.461 412.141 416.374 343.147 260.877 375.660 369.259 314.033 368.074 289.156
570715000000035364 16-07-1991 03-11-2015 200 25 29 Wincon W 200/25 561 Esbjerg LAND Måde 4a 468368,01 6145546,71 GST, 18-02-2013 119959 191.809 444.680 190.832 479.216 413.842 441.675 378.775 445.194 387.967 459.583 327.126 350.669 320.171 379.398 343.224 357.461 412.141 416.374 343.147 260.877 375.660 369.259 314.033 368.074 289.156
570715000000035388 16-07-1991 03-11-2015 200 25 29 Wincon W 200/25 561 Esbjerg LAND Måde 2g 468348,38 6145468,57 GST, 18-02-2013 119958 368.992 452.640 437.240 202.426 479.900 421.493 382.275 613.014 433.990 383.723 445.505 320.927 371.435 315.842 353.524 309.993 347.220 391.343 400.972 325.088 290.755 388.889 349.758 318.368 302.963 157.620
570715000000035395 16-07-1991 03-11-2015 200 25 29 Wincon W 200/25 561 Esbjerg LAND Måde 2g 468256,04 6145590,75 GST, 18-02-2013 119958 368.992 452.640 437.240 202.427 479.900 421.493 382.275 613.014 433.990 383.723 445.505 320.927 371.435 315.842 353.524 309.993 347.220 391.343 400.972 325.088 290.755 388.889 349.758 318.368 302.963 157.620
570715000000035401 16-07-1991 03-11-2015 200 25 29 Wincon W 200/25 561 Esbjerg LAND Måde 2g 468236,7 6145512,35 GST, 18-02-2013 119958 368.992 452.640 437.240 202.427 479.900 421.493 382.275 613.014 433.990 383.723 445.505 320.927 371.435 315.842 353.524 309.993 347.220 391.343 400.972 325.088 290.755 388.889 349.758 318.368 302.963 157.620
570715000000035678 08-06-1988 28-01-2002 1500 66 67 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 66 561 Esbjerg LAND Tjæreborg By 2bn 473833,44 6144923,89 Stamdata WTJ 0 0 0 734.751 845.000 833.319 1.002.336 1.207.259 1.727.609 2.792.885 3.280.480 3.021.602 2.932.676 1.773.676 364.431 2.374.741 2.510.470 2.169.556
570715000000035685 08-06-1988 01-07-1999 1500 80 57 NEG Micon NM 80/2500 561 Esbjerg LAND Tjæreborg By 3ab 473494,52 6145067,85 Stamdata WTJ 0 0 0 734.751 845.000 833.319 1.002.336 1.207.259 1.727.609 2.792.885 3.280.480 1.294.973 1.567.420 364.431 2.374.741 2.510.470 2.169.556
570715000000035692 01-10-1994 31-05-2008 1000 54,2 50 BONUS 1 MW 561 Esbjerg LAND Tjæreborg By 3ab 473487 6145060 Stamdata WTJ 0 0 0 734.751 845.000 833.319 1.002.336 1.207.259 1.727.609 2.792.885 3.280.480 3.021.602 2.932.676 1.773.676 364.431 1.417.667 1.686.413 973.640 716.754 1.103.332 1.151.703 1.583.161 1.673.646 1.446.370
570715000000046025 12-04-1989 04-01-2016 200 24 28,7 Wincon 200 kW 561 Esbjerg LAND V. Vedsted 74e 480162 6126032,31 SDFE2018 30504 280.064 461.325 409.909 470.380 424.550 446.580 388.450 307.960 371.950 477.895 404.619 437.431 286.862 357.623 316.115 296.248 290.298 351.270 388.160 192.000 143.062 146.927 217.010 441.150 361.515 406.889 12.886 0
570715000000046032 12-04-1989 04-01-2016 200 24 28,7 Wincon 200 kW 561 Esbjerg LAND V. Vedsted 74e 480140,87 6125891,3 GST, 18-02-2013 30505 306.874 505.486 449.148 513.870 467.620 505.080 448.800 356.260 409.620 505.377 411.301 464.359 356.288 410.223 365.604 425.113 346.967 283.483 373.286 334.233 249.014 308.501 256.989 320.661 401.906 420.539 249.583 0
570715000000046063 15-11-1989 06-11-2002 150 23 24 BONUS 150 kW 561 Esbjerg LAND St. Darum 18g 479679 6140769 Stamdata 30630 27.047 370.507 329.084 369.733 343.377 367.254 326.024 275.717 300.217 364.782 304.763 347.516 268.275 241.577
570715000000046155 16-04-1991 22-08-2002 150 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 561 Esbjerg LAND Vilslev 168 480599 6140135 Stamdata 30986 180.092 382.511 344.552 365.752 332.041 288.508 293.878 379.645 303.794 347.525 267.993 217.716
570715000000046162 16-04-1991 22-08-2002 150 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 561 Esbjerg LAND Vilslev 168 480653 6140227 Stamdata 30987 198.006 379.702 331.875 367.552 326.574 279.818 296.545 377.451 309.297 345.263 263.244 191.889
570715000000046179 16-04-1991 15-08-2002 150 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 561 Esbjerg LAND Vilslev 168 480653 6140051 Stamdata 30988 184.861 357.496 317.769 354.139 314.205 266.108 270.621 335.095 283.874 327.817 216.768 202.127
570715000000047077 13-02-1987 18-07-2002 99 19 24 Wincon W 99 kW 561 Esbjerg LAND Hviding 2 479962,49 6123155,3 Stamdata 72178 197.088 279.213 268.078 294.388 261.577 294.870 267.500 290.143 256.550 222.946 241.606 290.613 237.497 272.649 214.406 156.507
570715000000047084 13-02-1987 18-07-2002 99 19 24 Wincon W 99 kW 561 Esbjerg LAND Hviding 2 479918,62 6123048,44 Stamdata 72178 197.088 279.213 268.078 294.388 261.577 294.870 267.500 290.143 256.550 222.946 241.606 290.613 237.497 272.649 214.406 156.507
570715000000047091 13-02-1987 18-07-2002 99 19 24 Wincon W 99 kW 561 Esbjerg LAND Hviding 2 479892,85 6122936 Stamdata 72178 197.088 279.213 268.078 294.388 261.577 294.870 267.500 290.143 256.550 222.946 241.606 290.613 237.497 272.649 214.406 156.507
570715000000047145 10-03-1988 14-11-2002 95 22 26 Reymo DK 22-Reymo 561 Esbjerg LAND Hillerup 31a 481664,24 6136099,84 Stamdata 83043 154.776 198.138 217.584 193.334 211.695 190.137 229.431 190.911 184.571 150.965 256.992 138.185 201.843 154.900 147.510
570715000000047152 10-03-1988 14-11-2002 150 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 561 Esbjerg LAND Hillerup BY, Farup 31a 481718 6136180 Stamdata 83044 153.348 273.408 322.369 286.441 290.089 307.870 248.942 280.364 276.984 281.569 335.923 268.281 297.980 231.949 217.869
570715000000047169 07-07-1987 23-08-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 98 561 Esbjerg LAND Hillerup 4ad 481962,73 6137276,58 Stamdata 83071 80.158 227.119 218.062 239.462 212.774 241.924 226.481 242.775 209.205 185.737 195.502 233.992 201.914 191.186 177.280 133.980
570715000000047190 18-07-1984 02-12-2002 15 8,5 18 Reymo Ukendt-Reymo 561 Esbjerg LAND Ukendt 14a 483511 6140509,85 Stamdata 85984 13.750 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 0 0
570715000000047299 11-07-1986 15-08-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 98 561 Esbjerg LAND Vilslev 13 479636,71 6139706,77 Stamdata 87741 100.740 201.745 238.175 228.677 251.120 223.132 256.187 229.499 251.493 214.850 189.753 199.555 251.836 212.065 220.493 175.205 131.501
570715000000047305 11-07-1986 15-08-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 98 561 Esbjerg LAND Vilslev 13 479636,38 6139823,74 Stamdata 87742 101.649 203.565 240.323 230.740 253.385 225.145 255.848 232.034 256.102 221.920 191.380 203.716 250.137 209.666 222.843 173.864 114.156
570715000000047312 11-07-1986 15-08-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 98 561 Esbjerg LAND Vilslev 1f 479546,84 6139901,94 Stamdata 87743 100.505 201.273 237.618 228.142 250.532 222.610 266.632 226.630 252.462 209.129 196.598 203.865 249.688 202.392 211.681 179.240 123.848
570715000000047329 05-02-1987 06-11-2002 150 23 24 BONUS 150 kW 561 Esbjerg LAND St. Darum 18g 479710,86 6140652,07 Stamdata 88663 249.220 353.068 338.988 372.257 330.768 380.407 324.622 371.283 320.754 281.387 287.231 368.090 318.847 352.695 232.046 249.284
570715000000047336 07-07-1987 05-11-2002 150 23 24 BONUS 150 kW 561 Esbjerg LAND St. Darum 18g 479742,29 6140529,72 Stamdata 88664 121.958 345.554 331.774 364.334 323.729 367.519 330.409 355.946 324.221 283.893 298.153 361.075 293.424 320.842 253.353 242.553
570715000000047343 12-04-1984 11-10-2002 30 0,1 18 BONUS 30 kW 561 Esbjerg LAND Nørremarken, Ribe Jorder 15dx 484496,39 6133306,79 Stamdata 89726 44.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 13.476 0
570715000000047374 01-01-1984 14-11-2002 55 15 24 BONUS 55/11   561 Esbjerg LAND Vester Vedsted 6t 481213,8 6126089,7 Stamdata 89778 110.825 95.032 117.719 98.227 115.965 111.341 122.267 108.640 115.525 106.202 116.519 106.886 88.328 103.155 127.465 102.945 119.640 86.664 84.340
570715000000047473 01-01-1985 02-12-2002 150 23,4 24,5 BONUS 150   - MK lll 561 Esbjerg LAND Kirkeby by 4ad 480732 6135656 Stamdata 89982 0 94.174 244.912 273.000 260.200 284.327 263.295 258.700 256.244 275.669 236.452 213.373 227.762 260.375 199.385 111.940 280.294 284.497
570715000000056024 15-11-2001 05-11-2020 750 48,2 45 NEG Micon NM 48/750 561 Esbjerg LAND Måde by, Esbjerg Jorde 2i 468591,06 6145591,58 SDFE2018 344227062 89.150 1.584.540 1.432.533 1.585.269 1.518.905 1.554.864 1.663.508 1.786.207 1.491.172 1.336.239 1.699.591 1.554.423 1.403.724 1.478.526 1.770.211 1.461.138 1.504.459 1.458.491 1.492.229 1.262.570
570715000000056031 21-12-2001 05-11-2020 750 48,2 45 NEG Micon NM 48/750 561 Esbjerg LAND Måde by, Esbjerg Jorde 2i 468489,66 6145627,22 SDFE2018 344227063 59.750 1.560.072 1.445.481 1.649.968 1.582.767 1.631.594 1.753.997 1.708.749 1.506.458 1.313.336 1.468.512 1.563.595 1.422.397 1.453.557 1.736.358 1.458.055 1.550.886 1.447.099 1.511.507 1.294.780
570715000000078576 31-12-2002 10-12-2020 2000 72 64 NEG Micon NM 72/2000 561 Esbjerg LAND Udbyneder by, Udbyneder 8f 579696,83 6281625,84 SDFE2018 95207 1.884.688 3.811.986 3.452.695 4.206.432 3.726.120 3.643.726 3.718.681 3.997.814 4.054.166 3.527.423 3.966.647 4.394.404 3.642.453 4.089.391 3.172.282 3.467.934 3.010.005
571313134499126982 25-09-2018 16-01-2019 9525 154 118 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V164-8MW 561 Esbjerg LAND Esbjerg Jorde 5k 469033 6145290 Stamdata 344243836 10.567.140 786.641
571313144100983781 08-11-2013 18-08-2016 10 7,1 21 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 561 Esbjerg Land Stamdata 199 806 0 0
570715000000035104 29-11-1983 15-08-2002 55 0,1 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 563 Fanø LAND Odden by 112c 460926,46 6146120,55 Stamdata 119111 10.887 132.633 104.254 129.142 114.103 124.893 130.938 133.453 122.779 118.602 125.066 128.535 109.809 102.646 110.895 125.754 105.785 119.870 105.728 74.244
570715000000035111 29-11-1983 15-08-2002 55 0,1 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 563 Fanø LAND Odden by 112c 461015,38 6146274,29 Stamdata 119111 10.887 132.633 104.254 129.140 114.103 124.893 130.938 133.453 122.779 118.602 125.066 128.535 109.809 102.646 110.895 125.754 105.785 119.870 105.728 74.244
570715000000035128 29-11-1983 15-08-2002 55 0,1 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 563 Fanø LAND Odden by 89c 460969,32 6146177,39 Stamdata 119111 10.887 132.633 104.254 129.140 114.103 124.893 130.938 133.453 122.779 118.602 125.066 128.535 109.809 102.646 110.895 125.754 105.785 119.870 105.728 74.244
570715000000035135 29-11-1983 15-08-2002 55 0,1 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 563 Fanø LAND Odden by 89c 461039,07 6146088,8 Stamdata 119111 10.887 132.633 104.254 129.140 114.103 124.893 130.938 133.453 122.779 118.602 125.066 128.535 109.809 102.646 110.895 125.754 105.785 119.870 105.728 74.244
570715000000035142 29-11-1983 15-08-2002 55 0,1 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 563 Fanø LAND Odden by 478 461109,48 6146218,18 Stamdata 119111 10.887 132.633 104.254 129.140 114.103 124.893 130.938 133.453 122.779 118.602 125.066 128.535 109.809 102.646 110.895 125.754 105.785 119.870 105.728 74.244
570715000000035159 29-11-1983 15-08-2002 55 0,1 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 563 Fanø LAND Odden by 478 461092,82 6146150,86 Stamdata 119111 10.887 132.633 104.254 129.140 114.103 124.893 130.938 133.453 122.779 118.602 125.066 128.535 109.809 102.646 110.895 125.754 105.785 119.870 105.728 74.244
570715000000035173 02-07-1986 15-08-2002 55 0,1 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-16  563 Fanø LAND Odden by 385b 460868,38 6146225,37 Stamdata 119111 53.811 114.103 124.893 130.937 133.452 122.779 118.602 125.065 128.535 109.808 102.646 110.895 125.754 105.784 119.870 100.476 70.467
570715000000035180 02-07-1986 15-08-2002 55 0,1 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-16  563 Fanø LAND Odden by 477 461294,39 6146270,85 Stamdata 119111 53.811 114.103 124.893 130.937 133.452 122.779 118.602 125.065 128.535 109.808 102.646 110.895 125.754 105.784 119.870 100.476 70.467
570715000000035197 02-07-1986 15-08-2002 55 0,1 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-16  563 Fanø LAND Odden by 385b 461321,5 6146365,31 Stamdata 119111 53.811 114.103 124.893 130.937 133.452 122.779 118.602 125.065 128.535 109.808 102.646 110.895 125.754 105.784 119.870 100.476 70.467
570715000000035203 02-07-1986 15-08-2002 55 0,1 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-16  563 Fanø LAND Odden by 477 461182,74 6146304,62 Stamdata 119111 53.811 114.103 124.893 130.937 133.452 122.779 118.602 125.065 128.535 109.808 102.646 110.895 125.754 105.784 119.870 100.476 70.467
570715000000035210 02-07-1986 15-08-2002 55 0,1 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-16  563 Fanø LAND Odden by 685b 461209,65 6146409,13 Stamdata 119111 53.811 114.103 124.893 130.937 133.452 122.779 118.602 125.065 128.535 109.808 102.646 110.895 125.754 105.784 119.870 100.476 70.467
570715000000035227 02-07-1986 15-08-2002 55 0,1 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-16  563 Fanø LAND Odden by 506b 461081,86 6146349,6 Stamdata 119111 53.811 114.103 124.893 130.937 133.452 122.779 118.602 125.065 128.535 109.808 102.646 110.895 125.754 105.784 119.870 100.476 70.467
570715000000035234 02-07-1986 15-08-2002 55 0,1 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-16  563 Fanø LAND Odden by 506b 460946,52 6146318,31 Stamdata 119111 53.811 114.103 124.893 130.937 133.452 122.779 118.602 125.065 128.535 109.808 102.646 110.895 125.754 105.784 119.870 100.476 70.467
570715000000032516 15-12-1977 30-11-2002 22 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 573 Varde LAND Ansager By 3i 484623,22 6172647,13 Stamdata 17253 0 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 12.100 7.491
570715000000032547 29-01-1982 15-11-2002 55 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 573 Varde LAND Hejbøl Gde 2a 481686,51 6184721,87 Stamdata 18447 110.917 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 31.659 2.419
570715000000032554 24-09-1985 21-05-2002 75 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 573 Varde LAND Skonager By 4s 473154,13 6162630,81 Stamdata 19744 41.250 165.000 165.000 165.000 165.000 165.000 165.000 165.000 165.000 165.000 165.000 165.000 165.000 165.000 165.000 165.000 93.494 51.067
570715000000032561 22-08-1980 31-03-2016 15 9 18 Kuriant Ukendt-Kuriant 573 Varde Land 474037,83 6157470,56 GST, 18-02-2013 11.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 18.622 13.463 9.327 10.918 8.921 8.760 8.689 1.363 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.787
570715000000032578 01-08-1985 19-07-2002 55 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 573 Varde LAND Lyne-Husted Gde 11 466581,46 6181614,08 Stamdata 22929 40.333 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 66.760 36.860
570715000000032608 22-03-1988 22-07-2002 99 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 573 Varde LAND Agersnap By 3a 478737,57 6183468,74 Stamdata 24612 149.368 208.797 212.807 195.787 198.130 194.485 215.375 184.940 157.785 173.265 185.795 164.848 196.530 147.449 103.911
570715000000032615 22-03-1988 22-07-2002 99 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 573 Varde LAND Agersnap By 3a 478776,05 6183478,46 Stamdata 24612 149.368 208.797 212.807 195.787 198.130 194.485 215.375 184.940 157.785 173.265 185.795 164.848 196.530 147.449 103.911
570715000000032660 27-11-1987 31-07-2007 90 0,1 0,1 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 573 Varde LAND Tarp By 7a 461436,84 6181877,532 Stamdata 27658 15.077 198.033 207.618 211.606 194.682 187.282 192.850 202.025 188.125 166.350 184.940 191.789 162.059 182.318 144.055 156.671 137.213 158.880 149.095 142.442 87.468
570715000000032677 27-11-1987 31-07-2007 90 0,1 0,1 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 573 Varde LAND Tarp By 7a 461424,983 6181770,316 Stamdata 27658 15.077 198.033 207.618 211.606 194.682 187.282 192.850 202.025 188.125 166.350 184.940 191.789 162.059 182.318 144.055 156.671 137.213 158.880 149.095 142.442 87.468
570715000000032721 10-07-1986 10-05-2005 75 0,1 0,1 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 573 Varde LAND Nr Nebel By 25a 455232,89 6182670,28 Stamdata 30117 78.015 137.858 150.896 158.199 161.238 148.342 149.740 150.480 153.010 142.460 126.410 134.308 145.944 123.249 138.152 111.721 120.371 107.612 124.741 53.513
570715000000032738 10-07-1986 10-05-2005 75 0,1 0,1 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 573 Varde LAND Nr Nebel By 25a 455266,46 6182599,74 Stamdata 30117 78.015 137.860 150.896 158.199 161.238 148.342 149.740 150.480 153.010 142.460 126.410 134.308 145.944 123.249 138.152 111.721 120.371 107.612 124.741 53.513
570715000000032745 10-07-1986 10-05-2005 75 0,1 0,1 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 573 Varde LAND Nr Nebel By 25a 455171,68 6182570,7 Stamdata 30117 78.015 137.860 150.896 158.199 161.238 148.342 149.740 150.480 153.010 142.460 126.410 134.308 145.944 123.249 138.152 111.721 120.371 107.612 124.741 53.513
570715000000032752 10-07-1986 10-05-2005 75 0,1 0,1 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 573 Varde LAND Nr Nebel By 25a 455159,64 6182752,11 Stamdata 30117 78.015 137.860 150.896 158.199 161.238 148.342 149.740 150.480 153.010 142.460 126.410 134.308 145.944 123.249 138.152 111.721 120.371 107.612 124.741 53.513
570715000000032769 10-07-1986 10-05-2005 75 0,1 0,1 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 573 Varde LAND Nr Nebel By 25a 455183,95 6182840,27 Stamdata 30117 78.015 137.860 150.896 158.199 161.238 148.342 149.740 150.480 153.010 142.460 126.410 134.308 145.944 123.249 138.152 111.721 120.371 107.612 124.741 53.513
570715000000032790 15-02-1982 01-11-2001 55 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 573 Varde LAND Vandflod By 64a 446922,27 6155987,65 Stamdata 35734 79.767 116.063 117.832 92.620 114.731 101.370 110.956 116.326 118.560 109.078 110.528 108.124 118.250 105.000 85.030 89.100 109.338 90.704 115.844 54.112 0
570715000000032875 22-11-1985 08-04-2002 75 0,1 0,1 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 573 Varde LAND Grimstrup By 12a 477230,8 6152724,96 Stamdata 41591 8.397 124.819 110.282 120.712 126.555 128.986 118.669 120.188 117.755 125.113 115.570 94.580 110.115 113.905 100.722 113.813 81.903 32.196
570715000000032882 22-11-1985 08-04-2002 75 0,1 0,1 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 573 Varde LAND Grimstrup By 12a 477282,83 6152628,86 Stamdata 41591 8.397 124.819 110.284 120.712 126.555 128.986 118.669 120.188 117.755 125.113 115.570 94.580 110.115 113.905 100.722 113.813 81.903 32.196
570715000000032899 22-11-1985 08-04-2002 75 0,1 0,1 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 573 Varde LAND Grimstrup By 15a 477372,87 6152609,08 Stamdata 41591 8.397 124.819 110.284 120.712 126.555 128.986 118.669 120.188 117.755 125.113 115.570 94.580 110.115 113.905 100.722 113.813 81.903 32.196
570715000000032905 22-11-1985 08-04-2002 75 0,1 0,1 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 573 Varde LAND Grimstrup By 15a 477522,76 6152610,05 Stamdata 41591 8.397 124.819 110.284 120.712 126.555 128.986 118.669 120.188 117.755 125.113 115.570 94.580 110.115 113.905 100.722 113.813 81.903 32.196
570715000000033278 26-02-1990 31-08-2011 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  573 Varde LAND Hesselmed Hgd 13a 453592,314 6162146,943 Stamdata 55936 363.296 449.500 455.655 458.890 477.735 437.765 399.570 426.815 473.535 395.410 486.825 366.911 392.637 357.652 415.218 397.332 392.994 448.043 374.920 378.862 324.599 208.118
570715000000033285 26-02-1990 31-08-2011 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  573 Varde LAND Hesselmed Hgd 13a 453654,827 6161970,228 Stamdata 55936 363.297 449.500 455.655 458.890 477.735 437.765 399.570 426.815 473.535 395.410 486.825 366.911 392.637 357.652 415.218 397.332 392.994 448.043 374.920 378.862 324.599 208.118
570715000000033308 17-07-1990 25-08-2011 150 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 573 Varde LAND Janderup By 29b 459013,23 6164187,14 Stamdata 55938 192.977 426.103 421.130 424.880 450.420 370.800 377.500 382.230 427.701 361.024 415.960 325.007 357.383 313.582 351.133 348.718 256.256 347.727 91.395 309.330 276.558 207.358
570715000000033322 16-10-1989 23-08-2011 150 10 0,1 NKT Ukendt-NKT 573 Varde LAND Mejls 8a 468472,39 6170290,74 Stamdata 55939 61.734 377.522 347.328 352.240 341.327 372.820 324.887 298.500 312.010 345.493 280.982 332.737 257.686 301.816 253.996 253.097 227.736 214.475 313.800 302.583 258.142 224.632 184.877
570715000000033339 16-10-1989 23-08-2011 150 10 0,1 NKT Ukendt-NKT 573 Varde LAND Mejls 8a 468472,45 6170249,32 Stamdata 55939 61.735 377.522 347.328 352.240 341.327 372.820 324.887 298.500 312.010 345.493 280.982 332.737 257.686 301.816 253.996 253.097 227.736 214.475 313.800 302.583 258.142 224.632 184.877
570715000000033346 16-10-1989 23-08-2011 150 10 0,1 NKT Ukendt-NKT 573 Varde LAND Mejls 8a 468501,39 6170251,09 Stamdata 55939 61.735 377.522 347.328 352.240 341.327 372.820 324.887 298.500 312.010 345.493 280.982 332.737 257.686 301.816 253.996 253.097 227.736 214.475 313.800 302.583 258.142 224.632 184.877
570715000000033360 08-03-1990 04-12-2014 150 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 573 Varde LAND Debel By 8a 489935,23 6162913,13 GST, 18-02-2013 56062 229.390 281.391 291.057 279.333 282.553 266.767 242.817 258.400 267.993 226.244 282.433 203.549 224.443 172.408 212.292 211.809 208.687 260.991 250.340 204.490 175.903 204.639 201.797 192.910 157.990
570715000000033377 08-03-1990 02-05-2017 150 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 573 Varde LAND Debel By 8a 489928,02 6162777,95 SDFE2018 56062 229.390 281.391 291.057 279.333 282.553 266.767 242.817 258.400 267.993 226.244 282.433 203.549 224.443 172.408 212.292 211.809 208.687 260.991 250.340 204.490 175.903 204.639 201.797 192.910 157.990 227.893 178.701 12.546
570715000000033384 08-03-1990 02-05-2017 150 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 573 Varde LAND Debel By 8a 489933,06 6162528,04 SDFE2018 56062 229.390 281.391 291.057 279.333 282.553 266.767 242.817 258.400 267.993 226.244 282.433 203.549 224.443 172.408 212.292 211.809 208.687 260.991 250.340 204.490 175.903 204.639 201.797 192.910 157.990 227.893 178.701 12.546
570715000000033407 21-12-1989 02-09-2011 150 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 573 Varde LAND Rousthøje By 19g 474233,27 6159863,29 Stamdata 56063 0 270.290 341.730 352.925 339.125 368.855 322.735 295.645 319.320 348.370 296.508 345.378 266.130 299.764 255.781 273.330 255.925 271.047 300.253 275.644 260.928 234.769 133.757
570715000000033414 21-12-1989 02-09-2011 150 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 573 Varde LAND Rousthøje By 19f 474201,33 6159977,54 Stamdata 56063 0 270.290 341.730 352.925 339.125 368.855 322.735 295.645 319.320 348.370 296.508 345.378 266.131 299.764 255.781 273.330 255.925 271.047 300.253 275.644 260.928 234.769 133.757
570715000000033551 29-11-1989 12-09-2002 150 0,1 0,1 Nordex Ukendt-Nordex 573 Varde LAND Biltoft By 3h 478273,17 6164409,23 Stamdata 56291 36.869 450.924 414.860 401.990 407.030 431.770 386.980 344.640 382.350 406.237 362.813 411.421 303.674 254.412
570715000000033575 26-02-1990 31-08-2011 200 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 573 Varde LAND Hesselmed Hgd 13a 453661,37 6162066,85 Stamdata 56467 363.297 449.500 458.610 456.770 470.660 418.940 404.640 422.390 465.098 405.890 483.685 359.483 389.020 355.915 413.305 394.745 339.395 423.253 413.195 382.349 329.655 243.164
570715000000033582 11-07-1990 25-08-2011 150 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 573 Varde LAND Kjelst By 6c 455005,528 6162021,169 Stamdata 56628 211.535 467.080 450.670 452.650 480.940 435.750 404.520 414.330 451.606 414.359 473.018 352.923 223.389 135.434 381.115 365.939 285.425 372.642 347.993 321.093 313.811 175.464
570715000000033629 11-07-1990 25-08-2011 150 28 31 Wind World WW 150/27 573 Varde LAND Kjelst By 6c 454904,611 6162068,146 Stamdata 56708 197.288 435.622 421.650 429.130 453.380 414.660 366.280 389.590 447.473 368.541 421.276 339.699 378.144 334.482 378.655 333.072 281.385 371.980 357.324 336.073 254.631 194.828
570715000000033681 05-07-1991 12-09-2002 150 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 573 Varde LAND Næsbjerg By 4a 476839,9 6162989,61 Stamdata 56876 203.419 488.000 473.150 498.060 453.490 422.530 430.940 471.612 431.378 488.467 387.720 308.032
570715000000033704 22-03-1991 29-06-2016 150 28 30 Wind World Ukendt-Wind World 573 Varde LAND Lunderup Hgd 1bø 466982,53 6170344,26 GST, 18-02-2013 56879 282.760 376.860 377.097 395.373 345.657 327.430 348.533 366.050 310.510 365.436 277.665 314.831 266.027 301.998 251.092 236.258 293.250 235.476 244.760 253.681 262.645 299.960 269.990 287.711 327.581 148.179
570715000000033711 22-03-1991 29-06-2016 150 28 30 Wind World Ukendt-Wind World 573 Varde LAND Lunderup Hgd 1bø 467019 6170204,35 GST, 18-02-2013 56879 282.760 376.860 377.097 395.373 345.657 327.430 348.533 366.050 310.509 365.436 277.665 314.831 266.027 301.998 251.092 236.258 293.250 235.476 244.760 253.681 262.645 299.960 269.990 287.711 327.581 148.179
570715000000033728 22-03-1991 29-06-2016 150 28 30 Wincon Ukendt-Wincon 573 Varde LAND Lunderup Hgd 1bø 467055,63 6170063,89 GST, 18-02-2013 56879 282.760 376.860 377.097 395.373 345.657 327.430 348.533 366.050 310.509 365.436 277.665 314.831 266.027 301.998 251.092 236.258 293.250 235.476 244.760 253.681 262.645 299.960 269.990 287.711 327.581 148.179
570715000000033742 19-09-1991 25-08-2011 150 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 573 Varde LAND Lindbjerggård Hgd 1a 478519,03 6181441,34 Stamdata 56940 85.524 336.890 326.530 363.170 332.720 292.800 303.130 327.650 288.318 343.569 270.632 293.953 249.299 278.301 278.788 252.720 261.646 295.347 244.730 204.705 149.595
570715000000033803 18-12-1991 25-08-2011 150 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 573 Varde LAND Nr Starup By 1h 489523,04 6168423,66 Stamdata 57071 0 285.830 287.700 299.190 271.300 246.890 266.180 282.170 251.634 302.986 219.106 244.273 210.031 222.461 237.821 218.904 280.318 258.862 217.574 137.580 143.464
570715000000033827 01-07-1991 25-08-2011 150 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 573 Varde LAND Mosbøl By 1b 470508,15 6182831,12 Stamdata 57121 142.658 339.985 343.980 372.555 317.970 290.565 305.485 330.270 286.523 332.587 255.236 279.617 244.973 277.510 267.061 260.311 327.861 292.697 246.919 230.723 181.561
570715000000033834 01-07-1991 25-08-2011 150 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 573 Varde LAND Mosbøl By 1b 470540,25 6182829,57 Stamdata 57121 142.659 339.985 343.980 372.555 317.970 290.565 305.485 330.270 286.523 332.587 255.236 279.617 244.973 277.510 267.061 260.311 327.861 292.697 246.919 230.723 181.561
570715000000033858 04-10-1991 25-08-2011 150 24,6 32,5 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 573 Varde LAND Adsbøl By 10c 472541,504 6181437,383 Stamdata 57216 56.826 336.330 332.590 359.590 317.190 289.380 314.620 321.100 292.180 342.741 257.171 282.956 253.076 274.224 275.786 263.576 309.938 289.501 258.681 245.347 180.313
570715000000034541 18-09-1997 29-04-2003 11 13 18 Kolibri Kolibri 11  -Kolibri 573 Varde LAND Hostrup by 3o 480685,13 6168080,24 Stamdata 61113 6.050 24.200 24.200 24.200 19.506 15.831 7.844
570715000000034787 21-01-1999 15-06-2016 660 47 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 47-660  573 Varde LAND Gunderup by 12f 476951,71 6159257,17 GST, 18-02-2013 61535 1.158.420 1.487.874 1.104.934 1.281.744 1.089.688 1.229.128 1.228.739 1.154.739 1.386.924 1.292.427 1.129.260 1.039.663 1.270.618 1.217.335 1.115.206 1.240.103 1.201.191 556.031
570715000000034794 13-11-1998 15-06-2016 660 47 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 47-660  573 Varde LAND Gunderup by 1z 476854,72 6159035,51 GST, 18-02-2013 61536 179.500 1.367.571 1.565.407 1.151.009 1.303.421 1.132.545 1.269.095 1.278.213 1.198.917 1.418.549 1.356.124 1.150.292 1.042.556 1.269.395 1.253.487 1.155.473 1.247.142 1.371.301 495.430
570715000000034800 11-01-1999 15-06-2016 660 47 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 47-660  573 Varde LAND Gunderup by 2b 477239,43 6159131,53 GST, 18-02-2013 61537 956.121 1.491.909 1.084.649 1.278.846 1.096.168 1.201.420 1.208.962 1.125.921 1.363.120 1.276.564 1.131.901 1.017.351 1.259.697 1.199.623 1.127.952 1.216.250 1.355.412 549.035
570715000000034817 13-11-1998 15-06-2016 660 47 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 47-660  573 Varde LAND Gunderup by 1ac 477143 6158910,54 GST, 18-02-2013 61538 179.750 1.316.771 1.525.883 1.121.420 1.263.272 1.102.314 1.197.591 1.227.443 1.170.568 1.395.012 1.334.630 1.149.499 1.024.150 1.305.631 1.231.824 1.133.050 1.238.540 1.376.001 523.174
570715000000034824 13-11-1998 15-06-2016 660 47 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 47-660  573 Varde LAND Gunderup by 4b 477497,05 6159019,25 GST, 18-02-2013 61539 191.820 1.348.189 1.515.520 1.142.818 1.297.904 1.126.485 1.279.465 1.258.023 1.170.252 1.403.702 1.246.178 1.155.105 1.057.959 1.291.593 1.235.724 1.137.365 1.224.827 1.354.368 550.486
570715000000034831 13-11-1998 15-06-2016 660 47 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 47-660  573 Varde LAND Gunderup by 8a 477400,07 6158798,28 GST, 18-02-2013 61540 170.900 1.364.777 1.495.601 1.145.520 1.337.073 1.149.312 1.274.602 1.250.421 1.194.184 1.398.819 1.199.020 988.895 1.068.593 1.324.752 1.241.979 1.156.606 1.251.109 1.374.329 558.645
570715000000035036 15-04-1999 15-06-2016 750 48 45 NEG Micon NM 750-200/48 573 Varde LAND Rousthøje by 10g 476317,76 6159530,64 GST, 18-02-2013 61858 952.608 1.694.497 1.342.014 1.539.425 1.331.607 1.477.496 1.451.569 1.353.741 1.636.260 1.547.945 1.323.598 1.223.048 1.484.923 1.346.745 1.342.401 1.455.636 1.604.820 618.851
570715000000035562 17-08-1999 15-06-2016 750 48 45 NEG Micon NM 750-200/48 573 Varde LAND Rousthøje by 10s 476090,6 6159630,79 GST, 18-02-2013 62030 628.215 1.777.145 1.378.592 1.563.290 1.365.751 1.497.307 1.479.147 1.406.453 1.675.000 1.556.476 1.329.771 1.266.026 1.524.831 1.495.739 1.313.391 1.462.910 1.492.004 661.485
570715000000035579 17-08-1999 15-06-2016 750 48 45 NEG Micon NM 750-200/48 573 Varde LAND Rousthøje by 10o 476197,6 6159322,68 GST, 18-02-2013 62031 610.151 1.783.512 1.375.470 1.572.129 1.366.632 1.508.473 1.415.174 1.336.024 1.644.043 1.545.251 1.379.065 1.233.843 1.470.143 1.435.264 1.324.882 1.511.369 1.629.100 657.252
570715000000035586 19-01-2000 15-06-2016 750 48 45 NEG Micon NM 750-200/48 573 Varde LAND Rousthøje by 11e 475972,07 6159420,5 GST, 18-02-2013 62032 1.508.374 1.318.014 1.466.402 1.335.520 1.501.215 1.457.584 1.398.090 1.660.651 1.582.863 1.338.949 1.224.959 1.555.241 1.477.302 1.338.158 1.469.974 1.629.475 664.142
570715000000035593 08-07-1999 14-02-2006 11 13 18 Gaia-Wind Ltd Gaia 11   573 Varde LAND Vognslund by 2h 480902,699 6187109,301 Stamdata 62134 10.083 24.200 20.860 22.040 18.550 20.800 19.915 2.657
571313134402404725 04-02-2015 03-12-2018 25 14 18 Solid Wind Power A/S SWP25-14TG20 573 Varde Land 457387,85 6182036,59 SDFE2018 43.176 53.472 58.976 47.324
571313134499058603 02-12-2016 10-01-2017 10 14 18 Solid Wind Power A/S SWP10-14TG20 573 Varde Land Stamdata
570715000000024597 21-02-1985 24-10-2002 75 10 20 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 575 Vejen LAND St. Andst by 14a 516178,3 6149213,65 Stamdata 32109 31.171 46.334 38.662 45.644 43.824 48.124 42.761 47.280 43.740 51.370 40.760 39.940 35.200 39.740 39.060 51.657 31.287 41.866
570715000000024627 15-05-1986 22-10-2002 95 18,6 24,5 BONUS NB-95/18  575 Vejen LAND Gesten 32e m.f 514890 6153707 Stamdata 32235 103.631 148.238 175.007 168.028 184.518 163.953 182.650 166.930 180.210 163.860 143.360 159.600 167.970 149.523 172.054 130.879 120.736
570715000000024665 09-07-1987 05-07-2002 80 17 40,8 Tellus TE 1780 575 Vejen LAND St. Andst by 14c 515429,37 6148576,57 Stamdata 37001 55.534 157.348 151.073 165.900 147.410 163.570 143.790 156.365 145.680 141.190 136.590 148.950 138.252 160.440 126.539 82.631
570715000000024825 01-06-1990 25-07-2007 150 23,8 30 BONUS 150   - MK lll 575 Vejen LAND Vester Gesten by 3q 512213,65 6151268,09 Stamdata 38613 82.370 146.379 315.520 297.420 331.795 275.920 284.290 285.620 298.875 251.970 308.888 242.798 261.021 228.255 252.556 247.779 232.973 185.018
570715000000024832 01-06-1990 25-07-2007 150 23,8 30 BONUS 150   - MK lll 575 Vejen LAND Vester Gesten by 2a3a 512149,72 6151388,8 Stamdata 38613 82.370 146.379 315.520 297.420 331.795 275.920 284.290 285.620 298.875 251.970 308.888 242.798 261.021 228.255 252.556 247.779 232.973 185.018
570715000000024931 01-01-1997 16-05-2007 22 12,8 18 Genvind GV 20-2 575 Vejen LAND St. Andst by 16e 515558,57 6149438,66 SDFE2018 2239811 248 195 8 3.508 5.587 8.619 5.400 6.879 1.845 6.959 0
570715000000033056 22-12-1986 25-09-2002 90 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 575 Vejen LAND Terpling By 3a 488534,13 6154620,12 Stamdata 49048 0 118.610 140.027 134.443 147.637 131.183 139.000 140.940 149.560 121.964 120.204 129.230 133.250 117.821 136.732 101.407 90.085
570715000000033063 22-12-1986 25-09-2002 90 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 575 Vejen LAND Terpling By 3a 488516,42 6154525,76 Stamdata 49048 0 118.609 140.027 134.444 147.637 131.183 139.000 140.940 149.560 121.964 120.204 129.230 133.250 117.821 136.732 101.407 90.085
570715000000033070 22-12-1986 25-09-2002 90 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 575 Vejen LAND Terpling By 3a 488498,32 6154431,61 Stamdata 49048 0 118.609 140.027 134.443 147.637 131.183 139.000 140.940 149.560 121.964 120.204 129.230 133.250 117.821 136.733 101.407 90.085
570715000000033087 22-12-1986 25-09-2002 90 0,1 0,1 575 Vejen LAND Terpling By 3a 488481,16 6154337,07 Stamdata 49048 0 118.609 140.027 134.443 147.637 131.183 139.000 140.940 149.560 121.964 120.204 129.230 133.250 117.821 136.732 101.408 90.085
570715000000033094 01-01-1988 25-09-2002 90 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 575 Vejen LAND Terpling By 3a 488463,91 6154243,49 Stamdata 49048 140.028 134.443 147.637 131.183 139.000 140.940 149.560 121.964 120.204 129.230 133.250 117.821 136.732 101.407 90.085
570715000000033117 04-05-1987 18-03-2002 95 0,1 0,1 BONUS Ukendt-BONUS 575 Vejen LAND Tirslund by 2s 497175,52 6148099,18 Stamdata 51912-1 114.570 214.979 225.383 229.712 211.340 206.787 198.863 209.453 187.313 161.303 185.733 249.903 219.368 179.085 194.157 76.918
570715000000033124 30-09-1989 18-03-2002 95 0,1 0,1 BONUS Ukendt-BONUS 575 Vejen LAND Tirslund by 2s 497683,23 6148335,57 Stamdata 51912-1 56.346 229.712 211.340 206.787 198.863 209.453 187.313 161.303 185.733 249.903 219.368 179.085 194.157 76.918
570715000000033513 03-11-1989 20-10-2005 150 0,1 0,1 Nordtank Ukendt-Nordtank 575 Vejen LAND Bækbølling By 2c 495304,76 6146418,76 Stamdata 56255 39.790 365.220 311.525 321.223 336.637 356.377 308.173 290.493 318.463 342.790 293.663 334.540 250.547 302.245 256.006 255.609 190.672
570715000000033520 03-01-1991 20-10-2005 150 0,1 0,1 Nordtank Ukendt-Nordtank 575 Vejen LAND Bækbølling By 2c 495280,52 6145815,38 Stamdata 56255 311.525 321.223 336.637 356.377 308.173 290.493 318.463 342.790 293.663 334.540 250.547 302.245 256.006 255.609 190.672
570715000000033537 03-02-1992 20-10-2005 150 0,1 0,1 Nordtank Ukendt-Nordtank 575 Vejen LAND Bækbølling By 2c 494442,56 6146491 Stamdata 56255 294.454 336.637 356.377 308.173 290.493 318.463 342.790 293.663 334.540 250.547 302.245 256.006 255.609 190.672
570715000000033674 19-06-1991 19-10-2014 200 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 575 Vejen LAND Debel By 3o 500196,81 6157296,32 GST, 18-02-2013 56819 143.830 307.440 307.420 331.080 287.520 251.580 288.410 289.300 253.620 313.230 224.262 268.358 214.850 219.110 231.662 214.260 278.115 232.565 217.137 197.119 209.495 226.307 209.358 177.175
570715000000033759 22-04-1991 25-11-2002 150 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 575 Vejen LAND Føvling By 1e 496617,93 6146538,12 Stamdata 56943 217.806 324.700 331.250 349.750 305.000 282.210 291.330 315.470 268.148 317.734 237.570 254.259
570715000000034916 11-01-1999 14-05-2012 11 13 18 Gaia-Wind Ltd Gaia 11   575 Vejen LAND Skovbølling by 3l 491602,17 6157842,68 GST, 18-02-2013 61781 22.183 24.200 15.050 11.000 13.152 9.668 11.469 9.494 9.626 11.804 10.692 9.958 2.964 0
570715000000045103 28-09-1981 31-03-2001 55 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 575 Vejen LAND Askov By, Malt 6a 506295,41 6146663,01 Stamdata 19586 30.250 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 30.250 0
570715000000045127 12-05-1981 30-06-2002 30 10 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S HVK 10 575 Vejen LAND Hjerting 4 501765 6137388 Stamdata 20061 38.500 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 29.325 1.574
570715000000045158 08-08-1984 01-05-2018 55 15,3 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 55-Vestas 575 Vejen LAND Skudstrup 70 511906,25 6143562,32 SDFE2018 20074 24.044 56.699 70.234 58.605 69.188 66.429 72.948 64.818 67.257 67.685 73.549 61.221 59.981 63.897 65.797 56.244 42.690 25.376 25.568 20.511 26.143 36.068 36.471 49.707 47.640 38.457 31.192 39.820 30.032 33.380 35.496 332 0 0 0
570715000000045165 20-05-1985 12-05-2005 75 17 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17 575 Vejen LAND Skodborg 7 510286,813 6143451,117 Stamdata 20342 56.888 120.802 100.801 119.003 114.257 125.470 111.486 117.710 113.890 126.120 106.350 95.880 110.191 118.027 102.958 120.206 91.065 109.928 91.902 97.977 53.502
570715000000045172 30-08-1996 29-09-2009 225 27 32 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 225 kW 575 Vejen LAND Maltbæ by 2e 504350,71 6146212,31 Stamdata 20951 165.000 495.000 495.000 495.000 495.000 298.452 326.039 276.959 295.365 308.386 292.786 349.161 346.157 179.209
570715000000045189 21-08-1981 31-08-2001 15 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 575 Vejen LAND Ukendt 0 507851,09 6129960,75 Stamdata 20988 11.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 10.518 0
570715000000045288 03-04-1990 25-11-2003 150 23 30 BONUS 150/30 kW 575 Vejen LAND Maltbæk by 20a 504846,469 6145739,274 Stamdata 21580 188.707 259.803 305.920 301.530 323.540 273.780 264.210 267.293 292.353 253.562 298.366 233.683 272.606 84.202
570715000000045295 03-04-1990 25-11-2003 150 23 30 BONUS 150/30 kW 575 Vejen LAND Maltbæk by 20a 504863,769 6145603,646 Stamdata 21581 192.681 264.389 309.980 301.900 324.270 273.750 259.150 281.521 299.364 253.489 299.196 239.204 272.073 158.712
570715000000045349 24-09-1991 31-07-2007 150 24,6 32,5 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 575 Vejen LAND Københoved 12 507775,87 6141863,31 Stamdata 21864 82.220 313.060 311.350 311.350 319.620 287.240 318.534 318.433 271.255 324.166 250.190 288.510 246.388 273.271 266.307 255.438 195.330
570715000000045356 24-09-1991 31-07-2007 150 24,6 32,5 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 575 Vejen LAND Københoved 12 507768,96 6141758,19 Stamdata 21865 86.660 324.750 315.610 344.730 291.310 265.000 296.343 315.714 262.257 310.558 239.938 273.339 243.962 266.846 253.098 242.084 173.750
570715000000045899 09-06-1998 31-07-2007 150 23 32,5 Nordtank NTK 150-Nordtank 575 Vejen LAND Københoved 12 507767,02 6141705,16 Stamdata 23142 181.105 267.204 325.154 241.687 278.818 244.484 266.346 257.253 249.346 190.277
570715000000046193 26-06-1991 22-08-2002 150 25 25 BONUS 150/30 kW 575 Vejen LAND Dover 76 500236 6141811 Stamdata 31026 113.155 336.916 311.962 328.980 289.118 264.113 278.522 316.346 223.122 277.576 211.931 164.831
570715000000046223 16-09-1991 22-11-2016 150 0,1 0,1 BONUS 150 kW 575 Vejen LAND Fæsted 144 495677,37 6131267,11 GST, 18-02-2013 31059 53.312 338.707 325.665 350.335 318.330 281.728 298.608 347.188 280.376 350.832 285.583 319.781 282.703 306.845 291.882 294.202 345.163 320.795 272.414 258.907 282.828 274.246 274.253 277.057 331.990 187.949
570715000000046254 25-01-1993 22-11-2016 150 0,1 0,1 BONUS 150 kW 575 Vejen LAND Fæsted 141 495659,66 6131141,4 GST, 18-02-2013 31446 270.275 363.870 317.340 293.030 306.072 347.202 253.860 348.562 275.533 320.487 282.204 305.080 299.809 282.623 344.063 330.303 288.058 272.310 310.862 190.523 245.158 310.577 337.471 205.190
570715000000047046 09-12-1987 22-08-2002 150 23 25 BONUS 150/30 kW 575 Vejen LAND Dover 40 500299 6141687 Stamdata 69162 0 310.316 297.942 327.182 290.716 330.013 309.681 321.359 287.167 249.198 266.014 313.076 267.616 293.925 221.378 174.520
570715000000047053 09-12-1987 22-08-2002 95 19 25 BONUS 95-20   19,4,3 575 Vejen LAND Dover 76 500265 6141751 Stamdata 69163 0 201.552 193.514 212.506 188.822 218.748 204.455 216.474 190.412 163.166 157.258 190.906 168.786 206.325 150.715 105.725
570715000000047251 17-09-1991 30-04-2001 30 24 30 BONUS 1500 kW 575 Vejen LAND Fæsted 141 495693,6 6131441,25 Stamdata 86832 0 0
570715000000081132 26-03-2007 03-12-2020 22 15 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 15 575 Vejen Land 505018,02 6155798,05 GST, 18-02-2013 8.992 11.449 10.970 9.372 6.867 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
570715000000046094 25-04-1990 02-09-2010 150 24,6 32,7 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 580 Aabenraa LAND Rens 225 503130,83 6083097,465 Stamdata 30705 212.163 282.776 261.710 268.970 348.830 297.940 226.080 333.210 333.510 268.156 307.709 234.728 280.616 243.708 259.308 227.265 169.900 309.183 288.180 231.938 127.533
570715000000049927 01-12-1999 27-03-2019 660 47 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 47-660  580 Aabenraa LAND Nr-Ønlev Rise 6 517597,22 6099980,65 SDFE2018 200201 127.848 1.493.441 1.167.974 1.359.583 1.147.033 1.249.400 1.224.615 1.126.786 1.256.978 1.466.457 1.215.990 1.179.109 1.416.738 1.304.098 1.250.669 1.332.473 1.390.523 1.037.185 1.044.824 0 0
570715000000049934 06-07-1999 27-03-2019 660 47 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 47-660  580 Aabenraa LAND Nr-Ønlev 3 517613,14 6099781,99 SDFE2018 200202 631.458 1.531.129 1.193.075 1.453.063 1.206.575 1.292.685 1.264.188 1.211.126 1.462.198 1.433.423 1.217.694 1.167.831 1.353.831 1.268.825 1.213.333 1.244.063 1.440.815 1.082.672 1.197.197 149.004 0
570715000000049941 29-11-1999 24-01-2019 660 47 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 47-660  580 Aabenraa LAND Nr-Ønlev 3 517629,85 6099575,09 SDFE2018 200203 198.101 1.487.515 1.172.783 1.418.767 1.206.589 1.370.540 1.336.716 1.246.763 1.473.553 1.463.237 1.207.874 1.169.213 1.371.842 1.300.422 1.174.725 1.325.661 1.445.975 1.079.651 1.076.447 0 0
570715000000050206 12-11-1991 13-10-2010 300 31 31 BONUS COMBI 300   580 Aabenraa LAND Barsø 10 535811,337 6107910,821 Stamdata 200220 107.100 776.780 823.240 656.020 740.200 593.050 706.900 791.223 689.453 765.778 629.833 751.118 537.249 707.279 679.797 615.619 631.212 682.666 684.009 477.430
570715000000050213 28-08-1991 30-08-2010 150 23 30 BONUS 150 kW 580 Aabenraa LAND Felsted ejerlav 29 532435,902 6093998,546 Stamdata 200221 151.930 327.300 320.810 350.940 301.170 273.690 302.410 320.917 293.185 318.591 257.942 288.731 264.496 283.862 235.396 207.547 220.295 261.422 197.023 128.268
570715000000050282 06-09-1990 31-08-2010 150 23 30 BONUS 150 kW 580 Aabenraa LAND Hokkerup, Holbøl 17 532738,556 6082697,774 Stamdata 200224 106.470 306.050 311.480 309.210 324.630 286.570 264.900 293.590 332.834 274.360 299.904 232.426 276.480 234.591 244.990 179.403 176.351 233.556 211.884 203.860 124.592
570715000000050367 10-08-1989 23-08-2016 150 23 30 BONUS 150 kW 580 Aabenraa LAND Kliplev ejerlav 190 525759,15 6087106,09 GST, 18-02-2013 200228 99.146 339.930 306.253 319.816 314.746 339.174 291.879 257.996 286.365 310.199 271.637 302.082 230.553 279.962 243.630 243.221 269.780 255.156 316.246 303.419 260.322 236.385 279.786 214.358 261.999 277.244 323.020 68.282
570715000000050381 24-11-1988 01-11-2002 95 19 41 Vestas Wind Systems A/S T-1995-140 580 Aabenraa LAND Sdr. Ønlev 6 518855,52 6098973,817 Stamdata 200230 19.700 233.495 239.333 212.967 224.618 220.821 233.369 205.440 181.757 196.291 209.629 186.998 173.638 159.579 162.413
570715000000050404 22-12-1988 24-08-2016 200 24 29 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  580 Aabenraa LAND Bovrup Varnæs 4 538087,79 6092220,01 GST, 18-02-2013 200231 10.886 444.999 456.124 446.895 459.090 459.590 489.880 421.270 398.035 424.332 456.239 405.562 431.320 353.644 415.693 361.113 394.985 397.276 364.832 447.985 413.280 373.500 368.751 418.769 384.016 330.926 340.854 419.714 200.254
570715000000050411 22-12-1988 24-08-2016 200 24 29 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  580 Aabenraa LAND Bovrup Varnæs 4 538090,85 6092170,56 GST, 18-02-2013 200231 10.886 444.999 456.124 446.895 459.090 459.590 489.880 421.270 398.035 424.331 456.239 405.562 431.320 353.644 415.693 361.113 394.985 397.276 364.832 447.985 413.280 373.500 368.751 418.769 384.016 330.926 340.854 419.714 200.254
570715000000050435 16-11-1988 16-08-2010 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  580 Aabenraa LAND Søst Rise 5 520918,257 6099748,286 Stamdata 200232 28.226 334.522 342.886 350.060 365.686 365.480 393.277 332.656 287.147 322.471 344.894 305.727 354.331 259.960 313.135 267.088 289.636 296.972 275.114 340.331 317.981 274.723 150.309
570715000000050442 16-11-1988 16-08-2010 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  580 Aabenraa LAND Søst Rise 5 520960,03 6099865,447 Stamdata 200232 28.225 334.522 342.886 350.060 365.687 365.480 393.277 332.657 287.147 322.471 344.893 305.727 354.331 259.960 313.135 267.088 289.636 296.972 275.114 340.331 317.981 274.723 150.309
570715000000050459 16-11-1988 16-08-2010 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  580 Aabenraa LAND Søst Rise 5 520837,833 6099841,954 Stamdata 200232 28.225 334.522 342.885 350.060 365.687 365.480 393.276 332.657 287.146 322.472 344.894 305.728 354.330 259.960 313.135 267.088 289.636 296.972 275.114 340.331 317.981 274.723 150.309
570715000000050466 31-08-1988 26-09-2002 150 24 30 BONUS 150 kW 580 Aabenraa LAND Vejbæk 22 521746,584 6080203,946 Stamdata 200234 99.786 295.664 303.056 266.808 284.958 280.938 304.979 262.657 214.798 244.813 252.716 226.796 260.156 189.557 177.665
570715000000050473 28-01-1988 30-08-2010 160 23 20 Wind World W 2320-160  580 Aabenraa LAND Vollerup Bjolderup 153 511428,674 6093211,259 Stamdata 200235 266.629 298.794 306.263 281.676 320.657 319.832 295.632 240.254 269.050 293.048 308.552 253.645 300.534 172.275 248.054 188.654 165.817 220.604 241.695 250.791 285.200 155.527 134.011
570715000000050510 15-01-1988 23-05-2002 95 19 40 Tellus TE 1995 580 Aabenraa LAND Bov 95 520400,583 6081793,934 Stamdata 200237 196.743 197.248 201.571 194.290 203.408 194.016 212.136 191.070 162.056 182.033 198.453 179.253 175.322 149.176 93.926
570715000000050541 04-12-1987 31-10-2001 95 19 40 Windmatic 95 kW 580 Aabenraa LAND Hjolderupmark 95 514532,549 6096503,817 Stamdata 200240 19.775 235.910 235.070 240.947 234.638 238.590 233.282 254.875 200.162 182.859 208.703 198.972 187.439 202.333 150.590 0
570715000000050558 25-06-1987 10-07-2002 80 17 40 Tellus TE 80/17  580 Aabenraa LAND Alslev, Hjordkær 40 519097,528 6096053,835 Stamdata 200242 92.638 184.185 183.529 188.117 186.250 195.833 194.441 205.916 175.815 163.148 176.991 184.521 164.457 183.325 146.885 108.063
570715000000050565 22-06-1987 08-08-2002 80 17 40 Tellus TE 80/17  580 Aabenraa LAND Nr. Ønlev 6 518170,52 6099943,809 Stamdata 200243 97.849 194.544 193.852 198.698 186.792 195.939 195.321 210.133 183.653 165.492 174.948 192.026 169.026 172.996 141.827 115.184
570715000000050572 27-11-1986 08-08-2002 80 17 22 Tellus TE 80/17  580 Aabenraa LAND Bjolderup 63 515099,561 6092533,843 Stamdata 200244 12.740 140.086 156.207 155.651 159.543 151.683 157.945 154.894 169.031 132.880 130.924 145.015 146.863 128.800 146.002 110.493 89.220
570715000000050619 13-10-1986 25-02-2002 90 19 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  580 Aabenraa LAND Alslev ejerlav 75 518682,528 6096843,829 Stamdata 200246 37.401 137.092 152.868 152.324 156.132 177.392 146.575 148.575 158.103 135.789 127.593 134.508 140.002 121.100 140.490 107.980 35.488
570715000000050626 22-05-1987 13-11-2002 75 0 0 Micon Ukendt-Micon 580 Aabenraa LAND Genner, Øster Løgum 27 527889,448 6110663,786 Stamdata 200247 127.400 217.114 216.342 221.750 164.683 160.168 130.424 122.280 99.478 92.281 98.985 114.385 102.547 114.599 88.179 77.219
570715000000050640 29-08-1986 06-10-2000 80 17 40 Tellus TE 80/17  580 Aabenraa LAND Bolderslev, Bjolderup 448 516375,55 6093653,841 Stamdata 200249 0 0
570715000000050701 08-10-1985 14-08-2003 42 16 24 BONUS 55 kW-BONUS 580 Aabenraa LAND Tumbøl 46 534064,486 6090073,948 Stamdata 200255 15.155 92.962 82.852 92.387 92.058 94.361 101.971 106.086 102.003 107.125 84.958 82.491 92.135 89.961 84.314 99.655 66.664 88.072 44.630
570715000000056529 01-01-2002 31-03-2008 900 52 44 NEG Micon NM 52/900 44 580 Aabenraa LAND Røllum, Ensted 100 523579,239 6094090,711 Stamdata 200152 799.594 1.244.447 1.376.382 1.364.064 1.283.541 1.507.651 863.651 1.224.171 1.450.259 1.139.111
570715000001558404 22-06-2017 06-06-2018 500 52 46 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 52 580 Aabenraa LAND Kassø 138 513450,59 6097961,35 SDFE2018 442200123 12.460
571313144100988359 01-05-2015 01-05-2015 10 9,7 15,5 Osiris Energy Co., Ltd Osiris 10 580 Aabenraa Land Stamdata
570715000000027222 28-10-1981 06-12-2002 45 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 607 Fredericia LAND Erritsø by, Erritsø 19k 542865,61 6156636,85 Stamdata 111.605 2.660 38.071 45.150 33.650 25.970 36.030 23.390 22.750 36.860 37.130 32.070 35.750 35.500 40.000 24.490 24.170 31.690 33.010 28.420 30.120 460 4.530
570715000000027260 01-07-1986 10-01-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 95-20   607 Fredericia LAND Skærbæk by, Taulov 2v 539637,17 6153574,97 Stamdata 132.775 111.720 141.033 139.500 181.733 189.367 151.000 173.567 161.027 169.303 154.477 135.780 140.350 173.003 133.131 146.368 100.567 936
570715000000027277 01-07-1986 10-01-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 95-20   607 Fredericia LAND Skærbæk by, Taulov 2v 539617,51 6153476,51 Stamdata 132.775 111.720 141.033 139.500 181.733 189.367 151.000 173.567 161.027 169.303 154.477 135.780 140.350 173.003 133.131 146.368 100.567 936
570715000000027284 01-07-1986 10-01-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 95-20   607 Fredericia LAND Skærbæk by, Taulov 2v 539599,43 6153378,65 Stamdata 132.775 111.720 141.033 139.500 181.733 189.367 151.000 173.567 161.027 169.303 154.477 135.780 140.350 173.003 133.131 146.368 100.567 936
570715000000027338 29-08-1989 08-12-2010 300 31 30 BONUS 300   COMBI 607 Fredericia LAND Stoutrup, Fredericia Jorder 2q 543008,495 6158927,652 Stamdata 133.856 80.210 339.480 398.310 473.440 505.390 542.980 465.121 422.029 454.590 576.814 316.449 464.510 393.691 327.084 338.471 449.883 138.215 0 0 0 0 0
570715000000027390 19-09-1994 26-01-2017 11 13,3 18 K M Vindmøller Swinger T 202-K M Vindmøller 607 Fredericia Land 547958,05 6162431,46 GST, 18-02-2013 9.828 21.123 30.451 30.805 36.584 24.074 21.439 76.413 76.434 23.876 23.696 26.015 23.533 23.878 14.167 12.618 17.304 16.363 17.845 14.742 19.910 869 0 0
570715000000023460 03-02-1988 15-11-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 95-20   615 Horsens LAND Yding 8a 547571,8 6206478 Stamdata 90014 137.737 167.121 174.433 156.421 162.100 165.990 182.640 164.120 131.890 152.920 162.640 144.490 162.700 128.310 105.150
570715000000023736 29-08-1981 02-05-2002 55 0,1 0,1 Nordtank Ukendt-Nordtank 615 Horsens LAND Yding by, Yding 17ø 548345,06 6205876,17 Stamdata 90052 40.301 108.694 131.793 133.802 105.173 130.281 110.177 124.530 125.914 131.423 117.852 69.075 68.658 74.040 65.564 55.009 56.583 31.068 51.347 57.668 41.849 0
570715000000024979 15-01-1988 08-11-2017 150 23 24 BONUS Ukendt-BONUS 615 Horsens LAND Endelave By ,Endelave 24a 580018,94 6179096,59 SDFE2018 141630 371.887 410.203 428.152 383.940 407.990 387.169 430.890 390.670 348.689 368.470 413.140 299.647 349.101 308.829 323.086 336.632 375.020 362.992 271.048 178.521 285.810 296.774 314.850 371.814 350.969 346.126 360.220 400.354 229.819 151.735
570715000000024986 20-08-1990 08-11-2017 150 23 24 BONUS Ukendt-BONUS 615 Horsens LAND Endelave By ,Endelave 20a 580102,62 6179026,39 SDFE2018 141631 146.729 394.731 408.460 410.110 442.900 397.069 369.360 380.730 414.740 299.647 349.101 308.829 323.086 336.632 365.243 373.539 322.145 383.662 396.091 373.067 353.234 365.674 377.629 332.505 386.668 399.614 326.213 210.582
570715000000026188 30-06-1986 19-08-2003 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 95-20   615 Horsens LAND Træden By 11a 541697 6202211 Stamdata 30002 84.606 143.102 161.744 163.541 170.697 153.070 163.640 161.410 168.080 156.900 135.610 159.510 160.846 134.472 156.912 123.431 117.499 72.978
570715000000026195 30-06-1986 19-08-2003 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 95-20   615 Horsens LAND Træden By 11a 541779 6202094 Stamdata 30045 83.481 141.199 159.593 161.366 168.427 151.035 168.870 164.290 177.300 158.600 127.890 156.670 152.553 128.703 145.590 113.197 118.964 64.369
570715000000026218 30-12-1986 29-07-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 95-20   615 Horsens LAND Tamdrup 15a 528841 6178080 Stamdata 30004 0 156.659 177.066 179.034 186.868 167.571 176.230 187.680 195.290 170.200 152.360 167.760 177.360 146.300 157.954 129.936 94.722
570715000000026225 13-02-1987 19-08-2003 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 95-20   615 Horsens LAND Træden By 8a 541861 6202302 Stamdata 30046 121.934 165.382 167.219 174.536 156.513 182.950 174.190 180.800 154.920 133.450 150.750 155.878 136.069 161.636 132.399 137.203 57.638
570715000000026263 25-06-1987 08-11-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 95-20   615 Horsens LAND Purup by, Østbirk 7b 545430 6204790 Stamdata 30006 62.164 140.524 142.085 148.303 132.988 141.580 151.420 162.550 129.160 117.960 122.910 134.890 117.060 139.112 113.067 105.051
570715000000026270 25-06-1987 08-11-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 95-20   615 Horsens LAND Dørup By, Voerladegård 4b 545891 6208309 Stamdata 30054 72.565 164.036 165.858 173.116 155.239 170.950 165.810 182.960 148.420 140.580 151.990 159.160 138.160 160.454 113.742 112.845
570715000000026287 06-11-1987 20-11-2006 150 0,1 0,1 BONUS 150 kW 615 Horsens LAND Sønder Vissing by/Sønder Vissing sogn 14a 530000 6200000 Stamdata 1030007 20.007 271.360 274.375 286.381 256.809 288.050 286.630 265.190 253.730 216.220 260.840 291.120 238.795 243.127 203.094 177.475 196.131 242.549 196.007 149.024
570715000000026317 14-04-1988 31-07-2002 99 0,1 0,1 Windmatic 99/22 kW 615 Horsens LAND Burgårde by / Grædstrup sogn 5a 537493 6205565 Stamdata 30010 120.876 183.328 191.350 171.591 180.910 187.460 195.780 175.180 155.240 162.720 167.100 163.060 178.957 142.098 98.492
570715000000026348 01-06-1988 02-06-2017 150 23 30 BONUS 150 615 Horsens LAND Tyrsting By og Sogn 4a 534146,42 6199799,55 SDFE2018 1030012 151.432 306.228 319.628 286.622 295.820 308.070 324.850 287.730 263.750 288.080 295.391 259.383 293.691 233.708 254.264 235.592 263.953 240.552 204.263 250.365 246.620 143.914 118.917 207.181 158.714 132.828 138.818 176.731 132.128 79.236
570715000000026799 22-12-1986 25-02-2020 22 10 12 Windmatic WMR 12/5-22 615 Horsens Land 540878,72 6201284,23 SDFE2018 0 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 12.100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.872 8.495 7.860 8.273 225
570715000000026850 16-08-1988 24-09-2008 180 23,2 30 Danwin DW 23 C-Danwin 615 Horsens LAND Hansted by Handsted 10k11t 553527 6194214 Stamdata 1030035 119.790 267.120 303.340 272.290 260.640 271.990 279.740 245.670 245.720 263.360 279.695 231.739 271.444 215.207 248.168 216.618 233.365 212.042 170.569 257.231 137.669
570715000000026874 03-10-1984 20-09-2002 55 15 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-8  615 Horsens LAND Stensballe by, Vær 4h 558598 6192889 Stamdata 30041 19.152 90.326 114.150 105.360 103.930 106.610 115.870 105.490 102.620 110.360 117.120 101.420 90.350 96.420 107.730 79.000 199.770 72.280 44.710
570715000000026881 12-12-1986 18-11-2002 99 20,5 26 Nordtank NTK 99 F 615 Horsens LAND Meldrup by, Vær 4g 528841 6178080 Stamdata 30043 11.870 135.530 86.560 202.680 222.360 196.840 191.910 208.000 209.780 184.510 167.280 2.960 190 41.828 183.092 157.935 149.013
570715000000026898 19-12-1985 23-08-2001 95 0,1 0,1 BONUS Ukendt-BONUS 615 Horsens LAND Søvind 6a 563208 6195676 Stamdata 30042 0 157.130 158.820 167.300 172.060 183.330 158.340 163.330 180.380 180.080 144.340 141.170 127.340 163.280 128.030 154.131 75.983 0
570715000000026911 24-09-1986 21-11-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 95-BONUS 615 Horsens LAND Gandsted by, Gandsted 12a 562979 6199071 Stamdata 30036 72.070 193.850 207.130 209.690 228.270 203.600 203.090 211.580 225.130 199.560 179.130 190.500 199.970 169.955 194.424 168.113 145.081
570715000000026928 24-09-1986 21-11-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 95-BONUS 615 Horsens LAND Gandsted by, Gandsted 4a 562721 6199267 Stamdata 30036 74.150 213.060 215.410 217.590 227.590 206.800 211.490 220.120 218.280 204.570 187.600 192.310 205.984 175.068 200.272 169.255 145.081
570715000000024610 02-03-1982 27-11-2002 22 7 20 Nordtank NTK 22 621 Kolding LAND Almind by 6c 532097,17 6157741 Stamdata 39388 17.616 28.479 28.913 22.727 28.152 23.491 27.733 26.627 29.240 25.981 37.354 33.826 45.037 27.094 22.688 20.800 21.564 17.251 18.342 10.117 10.377
570715000000024634 01-10-1986 14-10-2002 95 23,8 24,5 BONUS 150   - MK lll 621 Kolding LAND Skanderup 7f 524100,03 6146797,26 Stamdata 32349 26.204 131.194 154.884 148.708 163.302 145.102 164.860 150.960 164.150 144.050 131.790 138.290 145.440 124.881 150.732 110.447 111.028
570715000000024641 01-06-1987 09-08-2002 80 17 40,8 Tellus TE 1780 621 Kolding LAND Skanderup by 11g 519166,12 6145229,48 Stamdata 36517 69.325 163.687 157.160 172.584 153.349 180.590 163.830 161.450 148.600 139.250 138.790 165.420 144.730 146.712 125.535 102.344
570715000000024658 22-05-1987 09-08-2002 80 17 40,8 Tellus TE 1780 621 Kolding LAND Gelballe by 37c 522575,56 6149612,17 Stamdata 36554 75.193 152.179 146.111 160.450 142.567 167.404 137.060 154.480 141.080 108.080 133.100 138.250 136.010 182.666 120.480 93.588
570715000000024689 30-10-1987 22-10-2002 80 17 41 Tellus TE 1780 621 Kolding LAND Møsvrå by 2ab 533603,95 6158202,78 Stamdata 37153 23.884 169.182 162.435 178.377 158.496 172.880 162.195 172.450 154.870 152.085 150.120 168.622 139.615 161.858 123.051 106.780
570715000000024696 30-10-1987 22-10-2002 80 17 41 Tellus TE 1780 621 Kolding LAND Møsvrå by 2ab 533541,93 6158228,44 Stamdata 37153 23.884 169.182 162.435 178.377 158.496 172.880 162.195 172.450 154.870 152.085 150.120 168.622 139.615 161.858 123.051 106.780
570715000000024719 12-05-1989 26-01-2011 270 27 40 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27 621 Kolding LAND Vrå by 4a 522666,99 6153854,6 Stamdata 37666 157.502 296.502 263.456 272.777 273.909 286.977 106.250 355.410 278.210 396.715 223.106 211.170 344.819 404.336 340.663 396.283 387.642 368.489 461.128 450.776 366.943 346.304 26.294
570715000000024795 28-09-1990 31-10-2016 150 25 33 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 621 Kolding LAND Ure by 1a 520352,98 6155159,06 GST, 18-02-2013 238454 81.752 290.562 322.010 294.970 330.130 287.122 267.800 279.490 307.976 233.631 310.634 237.769 272.104 240.451 187.904 240.449 232.933 304.774 289.888 245.653 232.724 270.010 252.611 240.064 269.825 293.243 153.253
570715000000024917 27-05-1993 20-09-2016 150 23,8 30 BONUS 150   - MK lll 621 Kolding LAND Alminde 32d 529742,78 6156295,04 GST, 18-02-2013 39056 79.376 322.896 280.720 290.728 276.024 301.838 251.613 294.953 241.605 273.967 236.806 261.436 258.090 238.948 301.103 265.911 231.404 225.305 248.426 223.005 217.715 202.524 261.193 118.617
570715000000024924 20-10-1994 29-05-2002 55 14 24 SM 5511-55  621 Kolding LAND Hafdrup 24b 515248,29 6144117,65 Stamdata 39407 8.832 37.188 10.112 6.400 8.928 18.528 0 0 0
570715000000027246 01-10-1984 03-11-2001 55 16 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-16  621 Kolding LAND Sdr. Vildstrup by, Sdr. Vildstrup 7g 536021,06 6155695,67 Stamdata 131.937 24.790 59.810 73.770 64.290 69.760 71.710 81.850 67.790 67.690 69.230 74.260 68.190 54.450 52.130 55.140 51.430 59.870 36.560 0
570715000000050879 21-12-1978 30-10-2002 55 16 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-16  621 Kolding LAND Bjerndrup Stepping 9 524168,415 6130863,682 Stamdata 200268 1.459 59.424 49.312 54.342 48.898 59.372 60.202 47.342 58.646 52.268 58.283 58.076 59.528 52.061 52.424 54.498 56.676 49.261 42.312 47.394 52.268 44.542 85.515 61.856 61.976
570715000000081453 22-04-1983 07-08-2001 75 17 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17 621 Kolding LAND Almind B 29B 529767,89 6155980,34 Stamdata 31106
570715000000024078 01-07-1985 27-06-2003 30 11 20 Nordtank NTK 30/7,5 630 Vejle LAND Jennum by 2c 527127,26 6174249,52 Stamdata 17035 6.977 20.743 17.308 20.434 19.619 21.544 19.143 15.600 23.910 22.620 23.430 18.450 17.270 8.310 10.000 21.890 12.210 6.930 0
570715000000024085 13-01-1982 22-11-2002 55 14 22 Sonebjerg 55-Sonebjerg 630 Vejle LAND Øster Starup 7e 524729 6161653 Stamdata 31662 14.079 18.622 18.906 14.861 18.409 15.361 18.134 17.411 19.120 16.989 24.160 10.700 3.210 9.200 13.440 20.520 18.750 16.960 19.500 7.680 15.690
570715000000024603 09-07-1985 08-12-2003 55 15 18 630 Vejle LAND Jerlev 9d 527429,43 6168652,15 Stamdata 32184 17.890 53.187 44.381 52.395 50.306 55.243 49.086 45.420 53.540 58.230 52.580 47.970 48.180 49.530 37.900 50.740 36.350 38.910 27.290
570715000000024733 16-03-1989 16-04-2003 95 19 41 DVT Tellus 1995 630 Vejle LAND Højen by 9a 530969,41 6169153,91 Stamdata 37833 156.051 228.488 203.023 222.340 199.490 228.375 202.855 195.950 193.800 212.202 179.979 201.994 163.448 188.232 53.899
570715000000024740 16-03-1989 16-04-2003 95 19 41 DVT Tellus 1995 630 Vejle LAND Højen by 9a 531056,68 6169108,53 Stamdata 37833 156.051 228.488 203.023 222.340 199.490 228.375 202.855 195.950 193.800 212.202 179.979 201.994 163.448 188.232 53.899
570715000000024771 01-06-1990 20-10-2015 150 16 24 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 630 Vejle LAND Vork-Egtved 21a 523421,27 6167149,68 GST, 18-02-2013 38352 89.035 158.224 341.135 316.355 355.180 303.420 301.555 296.265 338.424 286.124 327.813 248.289 293.698 246.429 274.201 261.167 259.655 325.509 316.761 273.699 256.097 285.351 273.191 234.165 270.925 207.378
570715000000024788 19-12-1991 20-10-2015 150 16 24 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 630 Vejle LAND Vork-Egtved 33c 523413,19 6167276,13 GST, 18-02-2013 38352 89.035 158.224 341.135 316.355 355.180 303.420 301.555 296.265 338.424 286.124 327.813 248.289 293.698 246.429 274.201 261.167 259.655 325.509 316.761 273.699 256.097 285.351 273.191 234.165 270.925 207.378
570715000000024948 31-12-1995 01-04-2015 20 11 19 Kuriant KE 15 630 Vejle Land 530357,38 6167010,68 SDFE2018 284 20.270 21.048 21.746 18.588 23.569 58.071 53.898 17.523 20.982 6.310 17.228 16.821 14.862 21.580 19.099 23.250 24.034 12.688 13.147 0
570715000000025129 06-10-1989 14-11-2002 150 27 30 Nordex Ukendt-Nordex 630 Vejle LAND Hornstrup By, Hornstrup 16a 536783,25 6179869,27 Stamdata 30009 62.112 388.980 348.813 359.250 371.830 368.430 358.175 335.745 340.580 372.600 325.905 347.757 306.983 261.509
570715000000025136 06-10-1989 14-11-2002 150 27 30 Nordex Ukendt-Nordex 630 Vejle LAND Hornstrup By, Hornstrup 16a 536941,46 6179757,44 Stamdata 30009 62.112 388.980 348.813 359.250 371.830 368.430 358.175 335.745 340.580 372.600 325.905 347.757 306.983 261.509
570715000000025327 13-03-1987 17-09-2002 95 14 25 BONUS 98 630 Vejle LAND Sdr. Tinnet 1a 524538,01 6193517,22 Stamdata 16002 94.489 142.398 143.980 150.281 134.762 126.400 122.180 122.090 111.460 87.580 107.600 159.400 132.900 147.080 120.300 93.120
570715000000025341 18-12-1985 01-11-2002 75 17 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17 630 Vejle LAND Dørken by 1a 516943,27 6192560,17 Stamdata 16006 4.320 113.889 96.315 108.862 110.071 114.889 103.024 103.100 107.320 107.700 99.410 86.570 93.030 97.370 89.740 101.470 72.480 61.870
570715000000025365 22-06-1987 31-01-2016 225 27 30 Nordex N 27/250 630 Vejle LAND Svindbæk by, Thyregod 4i m.fl 512352,4 6195419,8 GST, 18-02-2013 16008 95.894 216.773 219.182 228.772 205.149 215.800 221.000 232.480 193.370 163.360 195.700 182.940 167.114 199.039 125.836 161.001 137.952 131.988 133.002 116.077 173.434 179.451 133.772 114.044 160.452 132.489 109.079 139.733 152.237 4.030
570715000000025372 02-12-1988 17-02-2011 200 25 28,7 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25 630 Vejle LAND Lønå by 3a 514458,9 6193897,8 Stamdata 16009 0 315.924 329.748 295.698 284.400 302.480 321.360 280.850 262.180 281.240 280.978 254.389 294.075 218.147 249.621 220.295 238.201 226.467 214.682 270.531 255.292 208.834 161.134 40.344
570715000000025389 01-07-1985 17-09-2002 75 17 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17 630 Vejle LAND Lønå by 3a 514433,2 6194010,8 Stamdata 16010 46.460 110.056 93.073 105.198 106.367 111.020 99.556 101.500 102.660 108.210 95.170 91.460 97.070 94.570 84.090 97.220 74.300 63.770
570715000000025396 14-06-1982 17-09-2002 55 15 22 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55 630 Vejle LAND Lønå by 3a 514097,6 6193793,6 Stamdata 16011 29.100 67.720 75.424 52.860 73.440 62.108 70.199 70.978 74.083 66.434 65.800 68.690 46.720 68.270 66.710 68.820 62.610 34.470 16.870 50.290 42.340
570715000000025402 18-12-1985 16-09-2002 75 17 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17 630 Vejle LAND Dørken by 1a 516894,28 6192585,19 Stamdata 16012 4.120 110.131 93.137 105.270 106.440 111.097 99.625 99.400 103.940 102.190 94.470 85.480 89.090 89.860 82.280 95.280 69.890 56.190
570715000000025419 19-05-1987 01-06-2005 200 25 28,7 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25 630 Vejle LAND Dørken by 1a 517025,66 6192514,83 Stamdata 16013 163.668 317.125 320.649 334.679 300.119 321.600 342.340 353.820 319.950 295.880 307.670 310.112 281.904 318.184 238.608 280.789 243.505 205.652 0
570715000000025440 27-04-1987 23-10-2002 95 19 24 BONUS 98 630 Vejle LAND Dørken by 2a 517062,43 6192276,1 Stamdata 16020 102.793 174.275 176.211 183.922 164.929 171.600 172.840 185.900 159.300 147.750 155.050 156.900 143.770 161.290 98.620 99.470
570715000000025457 27-04-1987 23-10-2002 95 19 24 BONUS 98 630 Vejle LAND Dørken by 2a 517130,37 6192328,45 Stamdata 16021 100.925 171.109 173.010 180.582 161.934 171.700 178.030 179.850 159.080 153.020 158.800 154.030 143.930 163.470 100.620 90.200
570715000000025464 26-02-1988 27-03-2017 150 24 30 BONUS MK ll 630 Vejle LAND Smidstrup by 16a 516498,09 6181568,93 SDFE2018 16022 246.170 328.590 342.640 311.190 320.010 307.730 339.430 298.110 265.320 280.260 318.810 260.631 304.638 246.354 249.389 214.634 262.683 242.972 234.401 288.746 269.045 224.238 194.267 223.106 246.385 220.563 240.028 184.442 161.150 28.907
570715000000025471 12-05-1997 27-03-2017 150 24 30 BONUS MK ll 630 Vejle LAND Smidstrup by 16a 516104,63 6181770,54 SDFE2018 16023 102.629 296.159 247.287 265.859 228.922 261.019 203.897 205.929 139.293 177.235 275.173 257.504 208.473 174.466 234.787 219.183 210.369 223.303 260.217 150.095 947
570715000000025488 19-02-1987 10-10-2002 95 19 24 BONUS Ukendt-BONUS 630 Vejle LAND Nr. Kollemorten, Ø. Nykirke 5i 522501,25 6190941,43 Stamdata 16026 140.728 190.873 192.994 201.438 180.637 185.800 187.650 191.060 167.890 150.500 163.790 167.500 144.760 163.790 141.120 102.110
570715000000025495 12-08-1987 10-10-2002 150 24 30 BONUS MK lll 630 Vejle LAND Sdr. Kollemorten, Ø. Nykirke 5a 522405,88 6190485,1 Stamdata 16027 94.669 321.004 324.572 338.774 303.791 317.900 323.460 334.880 299.830 270.820 299.180 310.300 249.547 291.231 238.461 212.803
570715000000025501 11-03-1988 10-10-2002 150 24 30 BONUS MK lll 630 Vejle LAND Sdr. Kollemorten, Ø. Nykirke 2z 522545,43 6190080,95 Stamdata 16028 232.147 312.969 326.663 292.931 301.900 256.630 292.020 257.350 227.070 255.470 272.570 240.451 286.047 233.475 189.395
570715000000025570 27-07-1989 08-11-2011 150 24 30 BONUS 150 630 Vejle LAND Alsted Hgd. 5c 525674,51 6188952,11 Stamdata 16042 109.910 275.326 246.895 258.700 262.100 267.590 261.420 230.570 239.777 253.830 245.166 265.515 202.083 229.168 202.717 188.514 207.459 122.172 177.754 209.261 165.382 84.997 112.842
570715000000025600 13-02-1990 10-02-2011 150 23 30 BONUS 150 kW 630 Vejle LAND Sdr. Langelund 2i 504124,64 6181301 Stamdata 16047 233.724 251.506 276.400 279.800 296.760 258.590 237.230 245.580 264.390 235.995 264.662 198.476 232.234 194.961 213.180 205.888 155.027 211.739 197.527 130.928 174.615 27.744
570715000000025617 01-05-1990 10-02-2011 150 23 30 BONUS 150 kW 630 Vejle LAND Sdr. Langelund 2i 504265,43 6181235,32 Stamdata 16048 160.220 246.300 277.300 275.430 290.270 257.200 237.260 249.090 262.410 234.443 271.907 206.407 235.516 204.875 221.016 220.637 195.728 257.322 248.891 170.714 190.667 28.592
570715000000025624 01-05-1990 10-02-2011 150 23 30 BONUS 150 kW 630 Vejle LAND Sdr. Langelund 2i 504416,76 6181167,36 Stamdata 16049 162.833 250.317 279.800 281.630 302.190 265.940 221.330 250.750 247.700 235.170 274.966 207.136 241.516 197.460 221.589 220.032 210.074 205.045 249.111 78.880 93.287 29.048
570715000000025693 01-09-1995 04-05-2018 600 60 60 Nordex N 60/1300 630 Vejle LAND Hindskov by, Thyregod 4d 512534,68 6195576,1 SDFE2018 16062 279.122 913.490 923.640 928.715 877.966 928.715 760.341 872.764 750.690 777.582 636.016 741.041 614.498 601.224 634.622 663.911 556.763 0 294.957 744.949 815.728 642.230 659.895 0
570715000000025716 05-05-1997 15-04-2015 150 27 31,5 Nordex N 27/150 630 Vejle LAND Thyregod by 5b 516084,63 6194201,24 GST, 18-02-2013 16065 147.830 271.883 254.309 295.659 212.802 251.249 220.831 236.890 216.476 203.896 264.515 234.069 207.232 167.048 241.927 231.923 213.568 242.605 84.287
570715000000025723 31-12-1996 31-12-2012 11 13 18 Gaia-Wind Ltd Swinger T 202-Gaia-Wind 630 Vejle LAND Dørken by 4b 515660,62 6193721,43 GST, 18-02-2013 16066 16 18.770 16.710 12.600 12.736 37.554 43.221 13.010 13.443 13.152 12.563 15.070 9.415 11.173 8.847 7.461 9.478
570715000000025846 01-12-2000 04-05-2018 1300 60 60 Nordex N 60/1300 630 Vejle LAND Hesselbjerge, Thyregod by 4c 512913,49 6195943,21 SDFE2018 16077 129.453 1.858.521 2.040.923 1.846.090 2.028.623 1.969.037 1.786.316 2.126.463 1.773.283 1.794.061 1.546.220 1.985.564 1.976.850 1.795.203 1.904.392 2.201.726 1.731.512 1.659.136 0
570715000000025853 01-12-2000 04-05-2018 1300 60 60 Nordex N 60/1300 630 Vejle LAND Hindskov by, Thyregod 4d 513101,37 6196124,11 SDFE2018 16077 129.453 1.858.521 2.040.923 1.846.090 2.028.623 1.969.037 1.786.316 2.126.463 1.773.283 1.794.061 1.546.220 1.985.564 1.976.850 1.795.203 1.904.392 2.201.726 1.731.512 1.659.136 0
570715000000025860 01-12-2000 04-05-2018 1300 60 60 Nordex N 60/1300 630 Vejle LAND Kokborg by, Thyregod 12b 513288,9 6196305,63 SDFE2018 16077 129.453 1.858.521 2.040.923 1.846.090 2.028.623 1.969.037 1.786.316 2.126.463 1.773.283 1.794.061 1.546.220 1.985.564 1.976.850 1.795.203 1.904.392 2.201.726 1.731.512 1.659.136 0
570715000000026058 01-12-2000 04-05-2018 1300 62 60 BONUS 1,3 MW 630 Vejle LAND Gammelby, Ringive 8c 505226,51 6187011,01 SDFE2018 16092 183.403 2.196.173 2.485.199 2.189.095 2.394.468 2.327.158 2.154.637 2.614.160 2.389.090 2.171.053 1.880.117 2.331.795 2.218.226 2.032.531 2.230.867 2.412.004 1.941.037 744.197
570715000000026065 01-12-2000 04-05-2018 1300 62 60 BONUS 1,3 MW 630 Vejle LAND Gammelby, Ringive 8b 505189,84 6187273,34 SDFE2018 16092 183.403 2.196.173 2.485.199 2.189.095 2.394.468 2.327.158 2.154.637 2.614.160 2.389.090 2.171.053 1.880.117 2.331.795 2.218.226 2.032.531 2.230.867 2.412.004 1.941.037 744.197
570715000000026072 01-12-2000 04-05-2018 1300 62 60 BONUS 1,3 MW 630 Vejle LAND Gammelby, Ringive 1d 505153,75 6187536,19 SDFE2018 16092 183.403 2.196.173 2.485.199 2.189.095 2.394.468 2.327.158 2.154.637 2.614.160 2.389.090 2.171.053 1.880.117 2.331.795 2.218.226 2.032.531 2.230.867 2.412.004 1.941.037 744.197
570715000000026164 09-12-1985 14-03-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 95-20   630 Vejle LAND Ildved by, Hvejsel 10a 529370 6184769 Stamdata 30001 0 199.085 168.365 190.298 192.412 200.832 180.093 190.030 182.660 207.810 190.490 177.990 132.520 211.430 93.244 183.094 54.734 0
570715000000026171 10-12-1985 26-11-2003 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 95-20   630 Vejle LAND Ildved by, Hvejsel 10a 529620 6184623 Stamdata 30047 0 205.587 173.863 196.512 198.695 207.390 185.974 199.840 193.660 212.290 116.279 169.830 184.480 191.870 166.565 192.924 130.942 116.231 17.985
570715000000026386 30-09-1988 13-09-2002 150 23 24,5 BONUS 150 kW 630 Vejle LAND Ildved by, Hvejsel 11a 529834 6184653 Stamdata 30048 81.098 327.996 342.347 306.996 335.290 347.380 371.640 330.590 276.780 283.950 323.700 264.303 273.787 218.921 112.122
570715000000026782 01-09-1986 13-11-2015 75 17 22,5 Windmatic VM 17 S 630 Vejle LAND Jelling by / Jelling sogn 8m 524633,82 6180821,56 GST, 18-02-2013 1030019 41.250 165.000 165.000 165.000 165.000 165.000 165.000 165.000 165.000 165.000 165.000 165.000 165.000 165.000 165.000 117.400 98.197 130.887 119.230 114.000 108.879 132.430 127.840 105.164 103.283 127.756 115.769 101.559 112.797 63.537
570715000000026812 08-08-1996 31-03-2013 11 6 18 K M Vindmøller Swinger T 202-K M Vindmøller 630 Vejle LAND Jelling by / Jelling sogn 32b 523524,81 6180845,26 GST, 18-02-2013 1030025 8.067 24.200 24.200 24.200 24.200 42.272 34.562 11.984 16.686 8.688 301 20.488 8.374 11.545 8.193 10.562 8.387 0
570715000000026966 04-11-1987 08-04-2002 99 0,1 0,1 Windmatic Ukendt-Windmatic 630 Vejle LAND Gadbjerg by 9b 521709 6179430 Stamdata 60-160 1.500 217.800 217.800 217.800 217.800 217.800 217.800 217.800 217.800 217.800 217.800 217.800 217.800 217.800 87.870 33.630
570715000000026973 17-05-1989 17-10-2001 55 16 22 Nordtank Ukendt-Nordtank 630 Vejle LAND Tofthøj by 6a 522284 6180826 Stamdata 60-161 63.042 112.800 101.152 108.670 114.270 118.410 96.760 93.050 100.900 109.350 84.540 98.790 60.950 0
570715000000026997 07-01-1987 14-06-2000 99 20,5 27 Nordex Ukendt-Nordex 630 Vejle LAND Balleby Bredsten 22 521924 6174544 Stamdata 60-180 0 0
570715000000027000 07-01-1987 14-06-2000 99 20,5 27 Nordex Ukendt-Nordex 630 Vejle LAND Balleby Bredsten 22 521962 6174474 Stamdata 60-180 0 0
570715000000027017 06-12-1988 18-07-2001 150 27 30 Nordex Ukendt-Nordex 630 Vejle LAND Ravning by mfl 2c 522081 6172798 Stamdata 60-181 365.689 381.691 342.276 364.100 367.840 402.300 344.100 251.930 322.960 384.030 324.267 371.173 141.575 0
570715000000027031 12-06-1988 28-10-2009 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  630 Vejle LAND Hover by 9bz 531488 6176165 Stamdata 60-182 157.852 319.212 333.179 307.400 320.000 332.200 331.400 298.100 270.400 296.600 299.000 276.371 300.750 249.750 280.387 253.918 276.201 275.392 237.409 291.341 273.404 196.040
570715000000027048 12-06-1988 28-10-2009 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  630 Vejle LAND Hover by 9bz 531484 6176153 Stamdata 60-182 157.852 319.211 333.179 344.900 336.400 343.200 355.100 326.200 283.600 316.400 339.200 287.559 321.393 256.983 280.387 253.918 276.201 275.392 237.409 291.341 273.404 196.040
570715000000027055 01-09-1982 30-09-2005 30 0,1 0,1 Nordtank Ukendt-Nordtank 630 Vejle LAND Engelsholm 19a 522083 6172924 Stamdata 60-183 7.015 34.025 34.544 27.152 33.634 28.444 32.150 32.507 33.929 30.426 33.360 34.624 33.957 30.178 29.039 31.429 30.962 20.052 25.264 21.809 22.745 10.544 1.274 0
570715000000027062 14-05-1991 04-10-2016 55 16,7 20 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 630 Vejle LAND Tofthøj by 11f 521803,77 6182421,39 SDFE2018 60-184 39.163 69.820 73.610 77.660 68.410 66.040 64.649 65.490 57.260 70.110 50.160 61.240 47.910 51.280 49.180 47.770 57.149 57.974 47.195 42.465 54.600 49.635 50.695 63.423 70.743 33.349
570715000000027215 06-12-1988 22-11-2000 225 26 30 Nordex Ukendt-Nordex 630 Vejle LAND Ravning by mfl. 2c 522088 6172739 Stamdata 60-196 0 0
570715000000027307 24-11-1986 31-07-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 95-20   630 Vejle LAND Andkær by, Gaurslund 14a 538774,24 6169095,3 Stamdata 132.865 13.750 81.877 175.600 208.000 202.400 172.950 192.900 182.810 207.175 175.200 157.575 167.370 192.756 150.518 164.557 123.773 88.867
570715000000027314 24-11-1986 31-07-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 95-20   630 Vejle LAND Andkær by, Gaurslund 14a 538826 6169018 Stamdata 132.865 13.750 81.877 175.600 208.000 202.400 172.950 192.900 182.810 207.175 175.200 157.575 167.370 192.756 150.518 164.557 123.773 88.867
570715000000027321 07-12-1987 13-07-2002 99 19 30 Windmatic VM 19 S 630 Vejle LAND Velling by, Smidstrup 24c 538044,36 6165495,56 Stamdata 133.255 2.800 154.250 180.590 189.190 148.370 168.640 167.980 176.841 161.570 130.462 149.417 159.944 102.182 159.399 127.815 83.463
570715000000027413 15-04-1987 13-08-2002 55 16,22 18 BONUS 55 kW-BONUS 630 Vejle LAND Velling by, Smidstrup 22e 533462,61 6166235,7 Stamdata 109.933 35.390 67.250 78.760 80.910 65.330 60.570 70.230 77.240 71.670 50.960 43.790 69.880 58.640 57.410 55.180 28.740
570715000000058769 01-11-2002 19-04-2013 25 12,8 18 Windmatic VM 125 630 Vejle LAND Vonge 20b 525233,23 6189280,59 GST, 18-02-2013 16102 0 6.078 11.495 10.921 7.747 12.780 8.738 6.285 4.463 4.801 4.495 319
570715000001352545 03-10-2013 12-12-2019 25 13 18 HSWind Aps Viking 25 630 Vejle Land 528357,17 6166454,28 SDFE2018 9.702 32.610 38.719 27.404 31.029 25.113 19.521 0
570715000000036200 15-06-1985 09-04-2002 75 17 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  657 Herning LAND Skovgård, Vind 2a 472768,16 6233865,94 Stamdata 40021018 86.745 117.160 103.516 113.305 118.788 121.070 120.386 123.882 104.574 114.148 106.742 91.685 100.957 105.793 88.649 104.246 71.125 21.544
570715000000038808 03-03-1999 27-06-2016 660 47 50 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 47-660  657 Herning LAND Yllebjerg Gårde, Hodsager 28b 488159,74 6244145,45 GST, 18-02-2013 40134249 884.667 1.397.000 1.087.520 1.196.767 1.039.009 1.179.837 1.139.550 1.031.099 1.354.135 1.230.882 1.061.158 977.424 1.173.644 1.156.027 1.087.023 1.163.269 1.313.954 471.338
570715000000038815 03-03-1999 27-06-2016 660 47 50 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 47-660  657 Herning LAND Yllebjerg Gårde, Hodsager 28b 488034,64 6244359,56 GST, 18-02-2013 40134249 884.667 1.397.000 1.087.520 1.196.767 1.039.009 1.179.837 1.139.550 1.031.099 1.354.135 1.230.882 1.061.158 977.424 1.173.644 1.156.027 1.087.023 1.163.269 1.313.954 471.338
570715000000038822 03-03-1999 27-06-2016 660 47 50 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 47-660  657 Herning LAND Yllebjerg Gårde, Hodsager 28b 487909,32 6244573,9 GST, 18-02-2013 40134249 884.667 1.397.000 1.087.520 1.196.767 1.039.009 1.179.837 1.139.550 1.031.099 1.354.135 1.230.882 1.061.158 977.424 1.173.644 1.156.027 1.087.023 1.163.269 1.313.954 471.338
570715000000043802 04-03-1983 28-03-2002 55 0,1 25 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-15  657 Herning LAND Voulund By, Rind 3d 507427,57 6210163,26 Stamdata 12 120.384 120.395 120.395 120.395 120.395 120.395 120.395 120.395 120.395 120.395 120.395 120.395 120.395 120.395 120.395 120.395 120.395 120.395 29.817 19.935
570715000000043819 08-04-1983 07-11-2016 11 20 15 Eget fabrikat SA-11-K 657 Herning Land Stamdata 13.044 19.236 19.236 19.236 19.236 19.236 19.236 19.236 19.236 16.215 19.692 17.475 12.566 5.570 320 3.862 2.876 93 30 38 0 0 0 3.558 21.837 5.419 0 0 3.275 127 0 0 0 0
570715000000043833 10-07-1987 17-05-2002 95 33 23 BONUS 97 657 Herning LAND Den Sydvestlige Del, Aulum 3z 487046,76 6232281,09 Stamdata 19 121.018 242.028 242.028 242.028 242.028 230.200 230.420 243.640 213.320 185.040 217.140 223.880 192.135 219.900 163.238 101.816
570715000000043901 29-01-1988 08-04-2002 99 19 30,7 Windmatic VM 19 S 99 657 Herning LAND Ejsingkjær, Vildbjerg 1g 484621,35 6230575,93 Stamdata 22 181.327 197.811 197.811 197.811 178.090 186.390 191.000 172.760 154.700 170.470 174.700 151.565 185.700 134.420 69.011
570715000000043925 27-04-1988 25-01-2005 200 23 30 Windmatic VM 23 SX 657 Herning LAND Nyby By, Sinding 1dm 492800 6229300 Stamdata 141199 120.116 180.170 180.170 180.170 245.210 197.590 276.700 268.060 209.486 251.391 239.473 218.306 224.168 160.787 196.449 150.543 196.009 12.130
570715000000043932 27-10-1988 09-06-2010 200 24 30 Danwin DW 24-200   657 Herning LAND Ringstrup By, Gjellerup 5l 506721,834 6223262,056 Stamdata 7141200 241.314 241.312 241.312 241.312 313.390 320.380 331.300 292.880 258.500 300.050 287.238 269.112 294.000 229.739 260.758 226.706 239.041 212.200 190.714 287.944 185.057 181.115 75.919
570715000000043949 03-03-1989 03-04-2008 200 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-200  657 Herning LAND Nr. Fastrup By, Gjellerup 2a 503466,79 6218338,77 Stamdata 7141201 228.682 304.909 304.909 291.840 298.180 328.660 275.970 237.820 283.500 275.263 204.727 316.700 161.718 355.602 317.956 345.413 342.697 303.169 395.254 164.122
570715000000043956 10-03-1989 05-04-2002 18 10 12 Riisager 18-Riisager 657 Herning LAND Nyby By, Sinding 16a 492268,12 6229218,05 Stamdata 27 12.107 16.140 16.140 13.686 6.567 0 0 3.891 1.486 14.583 14.662 17.500 11.757 5.770
570715000000043970 12-05-1989 18-04-2007 160 23,2 30,3 Wind World W 2320-160  657 Herning LAND Krogstrup By, Snejbjerg 1bn 491850,65 6219243,39 Stamdata 29 160.937 275.876 275.876 275.876 275.876 275.876 275.876 275.876 275.876 275.876 275.876 275.876 216.719 231.780 151.633 187.449 202.451 160.525 57.837
570715000000043987 12-05-1989 18-04-2007 160 23,2 30,3 Wind World W 2320-160  657 Herning LAND Krogstrup By, Snejbjerg 1bn 491893,3 6219310,23 Stamdata 29 142.980 245.098 245.098 245.098 245.098 245.098 245.098 245.098 245.098 245.098 245.098 245.098 209.024 231.780 151.633 187.449 202.451 160.525 57.837
570715000000043994 11-05-1989 09-06-2010 200 24 30 Danwin DW 24-200   657 Herning LAND Nr. Fastrup By, Gjellerup 2a 503464,57 6218449,7 Stamdata 7141204 178.515 282.785 282.700 282.700 301.960 309.380 276.790 230.040 266.030 267.374 257.953 282.400 217.884 229.695 202.560 214.411 221.432 132.825 220.026 216.303 150.679 83.820
570715000000044007 04-08-1989 08-12-2010 160 23 30 BONUS 150/30 kW 657 Herning LAND Den nordvestlige del, Nøvling Sogn 6b 490666,93 6225640,63 Stamdata 7141205 129.956 311.892 311.892 303.940 311.210 318.360 296.550 263.650 285.550 291.050 260.857 299.300 236.043 251.290 228.075 252.274 247.633 183.738 282.642 260.811 229.001 54.679
570715000000044014 21-12-1989 22-06-2010 200 24 30 Danwin DW 24-200   657 Herning LAND Nr. Fastrup By, Gjellerup 3a 503280,235 6218068,085 Stamdata 7141207 5.793 214.857 214.857 294.100 319.450 335.240 279.570 252.300 220.450 365.737 267.723 297.200 215.445 254.343 225.744 237.316 215.508 218.888 260.023 243.870 205.693 99.396
570715000000044038 18-04-1997 16-08-2010 150 23,8 30 BONUS 150   - MK lll 657 Herning LAND Bredvig Gde, Ørre 1a 492408,51 6237296,5 Stamdata 7144853 13.429 53.665 53.665 53.665 53.665 53.665 53.665 53.665 53.665 53.665 53.665 53.665 53.665 53.665 53.665 53.665 129.499 181.387 166.455 189.485 190.876 136.269 220.000 205.430 165.768 86.837
570715000000044045 12-01-1990 16-08-2010 150 23,8 30 BONUS 150   - MK lll 657 Herning LAND Bredvig Gde, Ørre 1a 492450,22 6237410,31 Stamdata 7144855 201.350 201.351 162.665 165.545 177.175 148.465 123.515 149.425 245.579 323.281 379.835 193.167 181.387 154.985 172.115 175.959 152.701 211.060 167.954 140.308 77.478
570715000000044069 27-12-1989 02-07-2009 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  657 Herning LAND Amtrup By 1a 493529,4 6218341,1 Stamdata 7141209 17.158 428.650 428.650 428.650 428.650 428.650 428.650 428.650 428.650 428.650 428.650 428.650 332.187 354.109 315.769 344.394 337.409 294.673 396.374 349.599 150.496
570715000000044076 27-12-1989 02-07-2009 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  657 Herning LAND Amtrup By 1a 493537,33 6218494,24 Stamdata 7141209 15.236 420.900 420.900 420.900 420.900 420.900 420.900 420.900 420.900 420.900 420.900 420.900 330.249 354.109 315.769 344.394 337.409 294.673 396.374 349.599 150.496
570715000000044083 28-05-1990 02-07-2009 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  657 Herning LAND Amtrup By 1a 493544,43 6218639,35 Stamdata 7141209 250.327 429.134 429.134 429.134 429.134 429.134 429.134 429.134 429.134 429.134 429.134 334.308 354.109 315.769 344.394 337.409 294.673 396.374 349.599 150.496
570715000000044106 13-08-1990 19-03-2009 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 30-27  657 Herning LAND Romviggårde, Ørre Sogn 2c 488074,36 6229942,05 Stamdata 7141210 155.575 466.739 466.739 466.739 466.739 466.739 466.739 466.739 466.739 466.739 466.739 366.233 388.731 344.378 377.892 388.775 345.570 432.452 416.870 54.540
570715000000044113 13-08-1990 19-03-2009 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 30-27  657 Herning LAND Romviggårde, Ørre Sogn 2c 488009,64 6230028,74 Stamdata 7141210 149.785 449.342 449.342 449.342 449.342 449.342 449.342 449.342 449.342 449.342 449.342 361.883 388.731 344.378 377.892 388.775 345.570 432.452 416.870 54.540
570715000000044137 06-12-1990 16-06-2009 200 26 30 Wincon W 200/26 657 Herning LAND Nørrelandet, Sdr. Felding 34b 488658,37 6202674,45 Stamdata 7141211 25.070 300.840 300.840 300.840 300.840 300.840 300.840 300.840 300.840 300.840 300.840 227.552 250.469 217.628 236.192 218.967 90.409 250.029 241.708 94.443
570715000000044144 06-12-1990 16-06-2009 200 26 30 Wincon W 200/26 657 Herning LAND Nørrelandet, Sdr. Felding 34b 488670,74 6202505,72 Stamdata 7141211 24.632 293.227 293.227 293.227 293.227 293.227 293.227 293.227 293.227 293.227 293.227 225.450 250.469 217.628 236.192 218.967 90.409 250.029 241.708 94.443
570715000000044212 21-12-1990 05-04-2002 30 10 18 Riisager 30-Riisager 657 Herning LAND Nyby By, Sinding 16a 492248,49 6229199,66 Stamdata 40 100 3.599 11.946 13.740 14.764 11.392 856 5.170 17.841 13.426 20.500 11.419 6.183
570715000000044304 18-12-1991 23-03-2009 300 27 30 DWP 250/300Kombi 657 Herning LAND Ejsingkær By, Vildbjerg 1a 484526,86 6229298,21 Stamdata 7141216 4.840 134.110 344.200 338.960 256.570 243.620 271.700 298.157 245.720 292.300 217.123 236.236 208.214 222.398 186.476 145.864 186.346 199.746 36.169
570715000000044373 11-11-1991 15-03-2010 150 28 31 Wind World W 2800-150  657 Herning LAND Frølund, Busk By, Gjellerup 2a 505728,22 6222700,27 Stamdata 7141219 26.213 314.507 314.507 314.507 314.507 314.507 314.507 314.507 314.507 314.507 265.235 280.682 256.287 236.020 262.228 227.718 273.597 280.021 259.301 45.566
570715000000044380 11-11-1991 15-03-2010 150 28 31 Wind World W 2800-150  657 Herning LAND Frølund, Busk By, Gjellerup 5b 505765,92 6222565,05 Stamdata 7141219 27.618 331.412 331.412 331.412 331.412 331.412 331.412 331.412 331.412 331.412 269.465 280.682 256.287 236.020 262.228 227.718 273.597 280.021 259.301 45.566
570715000000044427 13-01-1992 08-05-2017 150 41,9 30 BONUS 150   - MK ll 657 Herning LAND Møltrup Hovedgaard, Timring 1a 486006,75 6226140,17 SDFE2018 7141221 258.510 292.510 297.470 276.780 243.890 265.050 276.485 246.202 273.500 205.436 231.813 184.853 216.296 209.395 169.838 230.862 215.072 135.176 131.786 175.329 165.255 150.345 175.014 210.805 91.105 0
570715000000044472 25-03-1993 05-05-2010 300 31 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S DW/52-521-10 657 Herning LAND Hedegaard, Vinding 1a 483156,36 6231985,33 Stamdata 7141224 306.970 494.950 459.760 363.190 433.660 465.994 411.553 475.400 340.641 363.311 340.514 369.470 319.574 250.159 411.007 397.686 315.723 93.604
570715000000044601 15-10-1999 05-11-2020 600 44 55 BONUS 600   - MK lV 657 Herning LAND Blindkilde, Vinding 1a 481561,23 6237321,23 SDFE2018 7142261 326.811 1.278.200 1.009.883 1.162.802 1.012.141 1.128.210 1.105.667 1.014.572 1.232.226 1.174.340 980.139 847.942 1.077.152 1.130.924 1.067.998 1.157.408 1.277.464 974.434 1.079.988 1.006.993 1.046.343 854.262
570715000000044663 01-08-1998 09-04-2013 750 48 50 NEG Micon NM 750-200/48 657 Herning LAND Kibæk By, Assing 10al 486825,07 6206572,63 GST, 18-02-2013 7141424 622.061 1.531.078 1.766.465 1.364.090 1.561.271 1.153.686 1.470.252 1.444.626 1.233.111 1.556.342 1.547.608 1.374.361 1.227.947 1.502.186 1.368.705 370.892
570715000000044670 02-08-1998 09-04-2013 750 48 50 NEG Micon NM 750-200/48 657 Herning LAND Kibæk By, Assing 11f 486707,79 6206697,02 GST, 18-02-2013 7141425 602.671 1.565.210 1.784.000 1.348.030 1.549.904 1.287.486 1.460.492 1.415.382 1.333.183 1.586.542 1.522.441 1.309.478 1.181.993 1.417.800 1.339.199 345.585
570715000000044793 27-05-1982 31-08-2006 15 10 20 Kuriant KE 15/4-Kuriant 657 Herning LAND Søby By, Rind 1c 507800,41 6212138,95 SDFE2018 141190 10.215 17.512 17.512 17.512 17.512 17.512 17.512 17.512 17.512 17.512 17.512 17.512 17.512 17.512 17.512 17.512 14.584 14.584 12.901 7.127 5.685 2.034 0 0 0
570715000000086625 31-03-2009 24-07-2019 22 15 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 15 657 Herning Land 496016,97 6199804,33 SDFE2018 20.988 29.604 29.835 29.108 23.765 30.392 33.295 27.700 30.810 26.376 5.889
570715000000087172 06-07-2009 09-04-2013 850 52 54 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 52-850  657 Herning LAND Kibæk by, Assing 10 ao 486673 6207028 GST, 18-02-2013 4023859 767.794 1.430.532 1.695.816 1.614.273 406.669
570715000000089206 25-03-2010 17-06-2019 25 15 17,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 15 657 Herning Land 486442,8 6227118,31 SDFE2018 9.540 25.875 21.167 16.330 25.085 26.699 13.248 5.733 0 0
571313135300531124 05-08-2013 10-10-2018 11 13 18,2 Gaia-Wind Ltd Gaia 11   657 Herning Land 492846,67 6223466,44 SDFE2018 11.879 27.341 28.715 22.605 15.093 11.378
570715000000016516 18-05-1987 19-05-2014 99 19 30,5 Windmatic 30 S 99 kW 661 Holstebro LAND Nygård Hgd, Ejsing 1g 484862,29 6264946,7 GST, 18-02-2013 2050097 136.629 256.371 268.779 273.941 252.032 249.752 251.924 255.222 242.525 208.377 233.157 251.216 220.767 233.130 206.290 214.789 179.081 190.302 208.000 198.157 245.216 211.180 104.632 145.977 170.324 169.590 175.891 90.927
570715000000016615 16-03-1988 19-05-2014 99 19 30,5 Windmatic 30 S 99 kW 661 Holstebro LAND Nygård Hgd, Ejsing 1ma 484991,07 6264897,42 GST, 18-02-2013 2050107 192.968 269.743 274.924 252.936 246.372 255.759 267.444 241.938 215.142 247.580 259.585 206.088 213.729 201.561 213.597 167.983 251.998 225.382 191.805 230.173 184.483 209.526 192.639 235.574 243.594 186.876 92.045
570715000000036019 15-04-1982 16-07-2002 18 10,8 19 Kuriant KE 18/4 EH-Kuriant 661 Holstebro LAND Handbjerg Hovedgård, Handbjerg 4a 483574,78 6255708,93 Stamdata 40002082 26.400 27.808 28.232 22.191 27.489 24.287 26.584 27.871 28.406 26.134 27.266 18.772 24.415 25.225 20.541 25.682 22.937 22.514 27.494 20.217 14.781
570715000000036033 15-10-1986 16-07-2002 55 15 22 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-15  661 Holstebro LAND Vognstrup, Naur 1a 471789 6252024,05 Stamdata 40004073 14.129 74.903 81.986 85.954 87.605 80.599 84.488 73.040 78.375 78.713 69.899 80.847 79.865 66.284 73.555 47.982 35.867
570715000000036057 15-06-1981 31-08-2000 55 15 20,5 Nordtank NTK 55 661 Holstebro LAND Østergård, Sir 1a 475977,36 6251801,15 Stamdata 40006072 0 0
570715000000036132 15-04-1985 16-07-2002 75 17 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  661 Holstebro LAND Den sydøstlige Del, Mejrup 2g 483209,89 6248054,31 Stamdata 40015083 71.427 132.718 117.262 128.351 134.563 137.147 126.179 133.812 126.047 128.585 120.853 103.669 116.754 115.641 107.053 122.920 89.740 67.371
570715000000036156 15-06-1982 30-07-2002 55 15 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-15  661 Holstebro LAND Den nordvestlige Del, Mejrup 31a 480714,31 6248612,21 Stamdata 40016024 43.637 105.821 107.434 84.447 104.607 92.425 101.165 106.061 108.098 99.453 105.135 99.397 102.169 96.023 83.271 90.593 95.496 83.980 91.075 68.010 50.764
570715000000036163 01-07-1986 30-07-2002 75 17 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  661 Holstebro LAND Den nordvestlige Del, Mejrup 31a 480657,69 6248472,94 Stamdata 40016024 71.322 126.034 137.952 144.629 147.407 135.617 143.366 135.542 139.322 130.940 113.551 123.536 130.221 114.518 124.193 74.391 50.764
570715000000036170 01-07-1986 30-07-2002 75 17 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  661 Holstebro LAND Den nordvestlige Del, Mejrup 31a 480787,14 6248515,72 Stamdata 40016024 71.322 126.034 137.952 144.629 147.407 135.617 143.366 135.542 139.322 130.940 113.551 123.536 130.221 114.518 124.193 74.391 50.764
570715000000036187 15-05-1986 23-04-2002 95 19,4 25 BONUS 95-20   661 Holstebro LAND Den sydøstlige Del, Mejrup 12b 481705,99 6247369,13 Stamdata 40019031 110.096 166.756 182.525 191.359 195.035 179.436 187.222 175.149 189.557 170.627 147.342 161.536 169.111 153.655 175.531 131.693 21.937
570715000000036231 15-06-1986 30-07-2002 75 17 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  661 Holstebro LAND Mellemby, Gørding 5c 454964,94 6243394,64 Stamdata 40023032 91.510 161.707 176.998 185.565 189.129 174.003 181.109 168.064 231.439 109.654 140.350 154.489 177.107 154.850 170.050 131.827 98.635
570715000000036248 15-06-1986 30-07-2002 75 17 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  661 Holstebro LAND Mellemby, Gørding 5d 455049,16 6243307,2 Stamdata 40023032 91.510 161.707 176.998 185.565 189.129 174.003 181.109 168.064 231.439 109.654 140.350 154.489 177.107 154.850 170.050 131.827 98.635
570715000000036255 15-05-1983 04-11-2002 55 24,6 32,5 Nordtank NTK 55 661 Holstebro LAND Naur By, Naur 10a 469691,56 6248912,62 Stamdata 40024070 48.412 84.256 66.228 82.039 72.485 79.340 83.179 84.777 77.997 103.445 93.002 96.744 76.213 52.182 57.402 74.479 65.376 54.613 36.405 24.300
570715000000036323 15-01-1987 25-11-2003 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 95-20   661 Holstebro LAND Halgårde, Tvis 2c 479681,329 6243014,884 Stamdata 40029028 158.719 189.522 198.694 202.511 186.314 201.619 185.913 196.301 173.898 152.757 172.945 172.525 152.244 180.984 129.547 143.510 88.091
570715000000036330 15-12-1986 24-11-2003 90 19 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  661 Holstebro LAND St. Brusen, Mejrup 2a 478829,191 6249575,679 Stamdata 40030014 0 167.322 183.144 192.008 195.696 180.045 187.110 175.898 178.343 172.389 150.153 164.998 173.258 156.521 174.391 137.704 144.989 119.728
570715000000036354 15-01-1987 27-11-2002 95 19,4 25 BONUS 95-22   661 Holstebro LAND Trabjerg, Borbjerg 9d 487133,86 6253008,84 Stamdata 40031009 182.906 218.403 228.973 233.371 214.707 226.993 213.550 222.335 207.562 169.940 196.701 202.715 180.973 210.307 158.252 156.578
570715000000036361 15-01-1987 27-11-2002 95 19,4 25 BONUS 95-22   661 Holstebro LAND Trabjerg, Borbjerg 9a 487026,86 6253073,47 Stamdata 40031009 182.906 218.403 228.973 233.371 214.707 226.993 213.550 222.335 207.562 169.940 196.701 202.715 180.973 210.307 158.252 156.578
570715000000036385 15-01-1987 27-11-2002 95 19,4 24 BONUS 95-20   661 Holstebro LAND Brødbæk Gårde, Borbjerg 1a 482855,74 6253033,83 Stamdata 40032034 175.111 209.095 219.215 223.426 205.557 227.045 205.505 208.330 196.990 158.645 189.460 177.450 121.707 124.893 133.853 66.458
570715000000036392 15-01-1987 27-11-2002 95 19,4 24 BONUS 95-20   661 Holstebro LAND Brødbæk Gårde, Borbjerg 1a 482866,86 6253139,99 Stamdata 40032034 175.111 209.095 219.215 223.426 205.557 227.045 205.505 208.330 196.990 158.645 189.460 177.450 121.707 124.893 133.853 66.458
570715000000036491 15-07-1987 23-04-2002 75 17 22,5 Windmatic VM 17S 75 661 Holstebro LAND Hindkær Gårde, Mejrup 1a 474931,39 6250883,06 Stamdata 40038023 64.768 170.143 178.378 181.804 167.264 174.373 163.753 167.605 163.473 137.982 156.021 158.915 144.004 158.065 120.663 63.989
570715000000036514 15-06-1987 23-04-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 95-22   661 Holstebro LAND Brusen Gårde, Mejrup 2f 479403,33 6249639,47 Stamdata 40039036 108.068 236.574 248.024 252.788 232.570 250.405 231.435 237.875 228.600 190.425 210.960 221.415 197.007 213.150 168.304 67.099
570715000000036521 15-06-1987 23-04-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 95-22   661 Holstebro LAND Brusen Gårde, Mejrup 2f 479307,24 6249715,54 Stamdata 40039036 108.068 236.574 248.024 252.788 232.570 250.405 231.435 237.875 228.600 190.425 210.960 221.415 197.007 213.150 168.304 67.099
570715000000036637 15-07-1988 12-07-2000 75 17 22,5 Windmatic VM 17S 75 661 Holstebro LAND Den østlige Del, Idom 2a m.fl 471920,21 6245251,67 Stamdata 40045043 0 0
570715000000036644 15-07-1988 12-07-2000 75 17 22,5 Windmatic VM 17S 75 661 Holstebro LAND Den østlige Del, Idom 2a m.fl 471877,16 6245095,79 Stamdata 40045043 0 0
570715000000036668 15-06-1988 24-11-2003 99 19 30 Windmatic VM 19 S 661 Holstebro LAND Stendis By, Ryde 62g 490578,53 6252454,354 Stamdata 40047045 76.898 190.289 193.944 178.432 197.621 184.246 184.396 171.279 138.853 161.107 169.515 147.219 168.400 127.835 126.580 59.514
570715000000038181 01-01-1997 02-08-2005 22 12,8 18 Genvind GV 20-2 661 Holstebro LAND Den østlige Del, Idom 2b 472161,011 6245846,898 Stamdata 40118193 29.284 35.525 26.595 36.387 25.567 27.611 24.448 24.720 2.698
570715000000038846 24-11-1998 23-11-2015 11 13 18,2 Gaia-Wind Ltd Gaia 11   661 Holstebro Land 471487,9 6249092,28 GST, 18-02-2013 1.793 17.972 20.773 42.953 50.859 14.667 17.050 14.639 14.852 18.379 10.480 16.483 14.781 15.995 17.925 14.062 17.900 11.914
570715000000039461 07-08-2000 31-12-2013 11 13 18 Gaia-Wind Ltd Gaia 11   661 Holstebro LAND Falsig By, Navr 3b 467741,9 6249891 GST, 18-02-2013 40168335 9.456 53.049 68.781 20.040 22.966 20.446 20.017 20.867 15.082 20.862 19.982 22.781 23.493 18.810
570715000000039522 07-12-2000 28-11-2006 11 13 18,3 Gaia-Wind Ltd Gaia 11   661 Holstebro LAND Måbjerg, Holstebro Jorder 5b 476428,05 6250553,451 Stamdata 40174342 1.199 52.747 61.404 16.710 20.190 19.224 15.458
570715000000039980 29-08-1985 12-07-2018 75 17 22,6 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  661 Holstebro LAND Nr. Wosborg Hgd., Ulfborg 1a 458437,9 6242342,66 SDFE2018 8002101 41.250 165.000 165.000 165.000 165.000 165.000 165.000 165.000 165.000 165.000 165.000 165.000 165.000 165.000 165.000 165.000 50.710 39.191 37.286 38.786 47.948 18.283 11.039 1.159 2.016 1.783 4.444 2.322 1.841 2.403 2.650 923 1.342 1.003 38.233
570715000000040009 15-11-1991 19-09-2002 75 17 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-90  661 Holstebro LAND Madum by, Madum 9c 454266 6233208 Stamdata 8002401 66.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 142.330 78.910
570715000000040115 10-03-1999 20-12-2010 11 13 18 Gaia-Wind Ltd Kolibri 11  -Gaia-Wind 661 Holstebro LAND Sdr.Vosborg og Den nordligedel Ulfborg 9,53c 460024 6240729 Stamdata 8003751 15.238 23.177 42.790 48.963 13.218 16.000 15.185 16.810 15.967 14.026 17.104 11.461
570715000000040337 05-11-1985 05-09-2002 75 17 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  661 Holstebro LAND Den Nordlige Del Ulfborg 37b 456645,87 6240760,67 Stamdata 8500701 25.633 173.333 151.433 164.833 180.633 193.067 171.800 162.733 167.900 169.367 159.400 136.900 155.900 170.389 144.581 160.693 122.834 94.839
570715000000040344 05-11-1985 05-09-2002 75 17 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  661 Holstebro LAND Den Nordlige Del Ulfborg 37b 456665,94 6240732,07 Stamdata 8500701 25.633 173.333 151.433 164.833 180.633 193.067 171.800 162.733 167.900 169.367 159.400 136.900 155.900 170.389 144.581 160.693 122.834 94.839
570715000000040351 05-11-1985 05-09-2002 75 17 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  661 Holstebro LAND Den Nordlige Del Ulfborg 37b 456727,86 6240775,41 Stamdata 8500701 25.633 173.333 151.433 164.833 180.633 193.067 171.800 162.733 167.900 169.367 159.400 136.900 155.900 170.389 144.581 160.693 122.834 94.839
570715000000040511 18-09-1986 19-09-2002 75 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 661 Holstebro LAND Madum BY 23b 454139 6233205 Stamdata 8501401 5.650 131.850 148.250 159.600 174.450 143.900 149.300 143.150 149.650 141.850 118.050 133.450 139.200 125.690 136.785 103.857 92.121
570715000000040528 18-09-1986 19-09-2002 75 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 661 Holstebro LAND Madum By 23b 454180 6233121 Stamdata 8501401 5.650 131.850 148.250 159.600 174.450 143.900 149.300 143.150 149.650 141.850 118.050 133.450 139.200 125.690 136.785 103.857 92.121
570715000000040641 18-12-1987 08-03-2017 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  661 Holstebro LAND Klitengene Sdr. Nissum 33d 446183,14 6247641,6 SDFE2018 8502101 39.900 638.800 661.600 708.700 662.500 616.000 628.300 631.700 620.800 565.400 587.500 651.900 584.493 634.826 553.389 578.193 500.745 580.224 599.317 546.563 517.346 567.584 555.651 508.986 387.953 589.111 546.206 589.861 620.806 456.116 0
570715000000041044 03-12-1991 30-06-2010 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  661 Holstebro LAND Den største Del Staby 7f 456076,35 6237848,23 Stamdata 8504301 75.730 535.640 551.140 556.680 528.030 469.450 514.560 544.530 463.880 511.100 415.942 452.333 411.166 473.519 480.180 422.478 529.360 466.956 417.652 189.458
570715000000041068 23-12-1991 30-06-2010 150 28 30 Wind World WW 2800-150  661 Holstebro LAND Den største Del Staby 7p 456131,6 6238133 Stamdata 8504401 16.750 334.623 414.100 418.700 394.433 352.300 388.800 393.097 334.917 335.343 319.180 347.261 309.760 357.878 361.441 319.299 399.476 345.900 317.673 149.260
570715000000041075 23-12-1991 30-06-2010 150 28 30 Wind World WW 2800-150  661 Holstebro LAND Den største Del Staby 7p 456025,7 6237958 Stamdata 8504401 16.750 334.623 414.100 418.700 394.433 352.300 388.800 393.097 334.917 335.343 319.180 347.261 309.760 357.878 361.441 319.299 399.476 345.900 317.673 149.260
570715000000041082 23-12-1991 30-06-2010 150 28 30 Wind World WW 2800-150  661 Holstebro LAND Den største Del Staby 7p 456183,4 6238026 Stamdata 8504401 16.750 334.623 414.100 418.700 394.433 352.300 388.800 393.097 334.917 335.343 319.181 347.261 309.760 357.878 361.441 319.299 399.476 345.900 317.673 149.260
570715000000041242 23-12-1993 30-06-2010 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  661 Holstebro LAND Den nordlige del Ulfborg 41i 457518 6238578 Stamdata 8504611 15.025 416.352 495.158 446.016 497.732 532.074 459.932 513.218 404.446 438.939 400.922 470.514 470.345 417.426 536.869 471.749 408.285 214.391
570715000000041259 23-12-1993 30-06-2010 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  661 Holstebro LAND Den nordlige del Ulfborg 41i 457537 6238679 Stamdata 8504611 15.025 416.352 495.158 446.016 497.732 532.074 459.932 513.218 404.446 438.939 400.922 470.514 470.345 417.426 536.869 471.749 408.285 214.391
570715000000041266 01-09-1994 30-06-2010 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  661 Holstebro LAND Den nordlige del Ulfborg 7h 457557,257 6238779,661 Stamdata 8504611 416.352 495.158 446.016 497.732 532.074 459.932 513.218 404.446 438.939 400.922 470.514 470.345 417.426 536.869 471.749 408.285 214.391
570715000000041273 20-04-1994 11-05-2010 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  661 Holstebro LAND Den nordlige del Ulfborg 7h 457576,806 6238881,463 Stamdata 8504611 416.352 495.158 446.016 497.732 532.074 459.932 513.218 404.446 438.939 400.922 470.514 470.345 417.426 536.869 471.749 408.285 214.391
570715000000041280 01-03-1994 30-06-2010 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  661 Holstebro LAND Den nordlige del Ulfborg 7h 457596,928 6238984,166 Stamdata 8504611 416.352 495.158 446.016 497.732 532.074 459.932 513.218 404.446 438.939 400.922 470.514 470.345 417.426 536.869 471.749 408.285 214.391
570715000000041303 29-12-1994 30-06-2010 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  661 Holstebro LAND Den største Del Staby 7f 456234,657 6237916,693 Stamdata 8504871 11.080 482.880 443.530 484.220 514.575 439.731 490.742 406.514 429.027 386.147 446.273 454.009 401.071 504.918 434.951 399.040 187.177
570715000000043406 05-10-1992 10-10-2011 200 26 30 Wincon W 200/26 661 Holstebro LAND Landting Hgd., Ejsing 1ab 484373 6261617 Stamdata 1258 87.513 426.991 453.613 402.207 344.570 420.347 433.143 368.606 418.793 338.970 349.336 338.884 396.749 384.615 304.706 426.283 354.482 309.829 339.899 295.655
570715000000043413 05-10-1992 10-10-2011 200 26 30 Wincon W 200/26 661 Holstebro LAND Landting Hgd., Ejsing 1ab 484383 6261713 Stamdata 1258 87.513 426.991 453.613 402.207 344.570 420.347 433.143 368.606 418.793 338.970 349.336 338.884 396.749 384.615 304.706 426.283 354.482 309.829 339.899 295.655
570715000000043420 05-10-1992 29-08-2011 200 26 30 Wincon W 200/26 661 Holstebro LAND Landting Hgd., Ejsing 1ab 484393 6261808 Stamdata 1258 87.513 426.991 453.613 402.207 344.570 420.347 433.143 368.606 418.793 338.970 349.336 338.884 396.749 384.615 304.706 426.283 354.482 309.829 339.899 295.655
570715000000043437 05-10-1992 10-10-2011 200 26 30 Wincon W 200/26 661 Holstebro LAND Landting Hgd., Ejsing 1ab 484403 6261903 Stamdata 1258 87.513 426.991 453.613 402.207 344.570 420.347 433.143 368.606 418.793 338.970 349.336 338.884 396.749 384.615 304.706 426.283 354.482 309.829 339.899 295.655
570715000000043444 05-10-1992 29-08-2011 200 26 30 Wincon W 200/26 661 Holstebro LAND Landting Hgd., Ejsing 1p 484413 6261999 Stamdata 1258 87.513 426.991 453.613 402.207 344.570 420.347 433.143 368.606 418.793 338.970 349.336 338.884 396.749 384.615 304.706 426.283 354.482 309.829 339.899 295.655
570715000000043451 05-10-1992 29-08-2011 200 26 30 Wincon W 200/26 661 Holstebro LAND Landting Hgd., Ejsing 1p 484424 6262095 Stamdata 1258 87.513 426.991 453.613 402.207 344.570 420.347 433.143 368.606 418.793 338.970 349.336 338.884 396.749 384.615 304.706 426.283 354.482 309.829 339.899 295.655
570715000000043468 05-10-1992 10-10-2011 200 26 30 Wincon W 200/26 661 Holstebro LAND Landting Hgd., Ejsing 1ab 484521 6261831 Stamdata 1258 87.513 426.991 453.613 402.207 344.570 420.347 433.143 368.606 418.793 338.970 349.336 338.884 396.749 384.615 304.706 426.283 354.482 309.829 339.899 295.655
570715000000043475 05-10-1992 10-10-2011 200 26 30 Wincon W 200/26 661 Holstebro LAND Landting Hgd., Ejsing 1aa 484531 6261927 Stamdata 1258 87.513 426.991 453.613 402.207 344.570 420.347 433.143 368.606 418.793 338.970 349.336 338.884 396.749 384.615 304.706 426.283 354.482 309.829 339.899 295.655
570715000000043482 05-10-1992 10-10-2011 200 26 30 Wincon W 200/26 661 Holstebro LAND Landting Hgd., Ejsing 1aa 484541 6262023 Stamdata 1258 87.513 426.991 453.613 402.207 344.570 420.347 433.143 368.606 418.793 338.970 349.336 338.884 396.749 384.615 304.706 426.283 354.482 309.829 339.899 295.655
570715000000043499 05-10-1992 10-10-2011 200 26 30 Wincon W 200/26 661 Holstebro LAND Landting Hgd., Ejsing 1aa 484551 6262118 Stamdata 1258 87.513 426.991 453.613 402.207 344.570 420.347 433.143 368.606 418.793 338.970 349.336 338.884 396.749 384.615 304.706 426.283 354.482 309.829 339.899 295.655
570715000000043505 05-10-1992 10-10-2011 200 26 30 Wincon W 200/26 661 Holstebro LAND Landting Hgd., Ejsing 1aa 484649 6261854 Stamdata 1258 87.513 426.991 453.613 402.207 344.570 420.347 433.143 368.606 418.793 338.970 349.336 338.884 396.749 384.615 304.706 426.283 354.482 309.829 339.899 295.655
570715000000043512 05-10-1992 29-08-2011 200 26 30 Wincon W 200/26 661 Holstebro LAND Landting Hgd., Ejsing 1aa 484659 6261950 Stamdata 1258 87.513 426.991 453.613 402.207 344.570 420.347 433.143 368.606 418.793 338.970 349.336 338.884 396.749 384.615 304.706 426.283 354.482 309.829 339.899 295.655
570715000000043529 05-10-1992 29-08-2011 200 26 30 Wincon W 200/26 661 Holstebro LAND Landting Hgd., Ejsing 1q 484669 6262045 Stamdata 1258 87.513 426.991 453.613 402.207 344.570 420.347 433.143 368.606 418.793 338.970 349.336 338.884 396.749 384.615 304.706 426.283 354.482 309.829 339.899 295.655
570715000000043536 01-07-1982 31-12-2015 18 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 661 Holstebro Land 486949,67 6259356,64 GST, 18-02-2013 5.603 16.305 16.553 13.012 16.118 14.241 15.587 16.342 16.656 15.324 15.518 16.183 17.956 15.022 14.903 16.944 12.049 10.192 11.644 22.212 34.503 6.245 7.417 7.363 8.443 1.198 467 476 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
570715000000043574 16-01-1987 05-04-2002 99 19 30,8 Windmatic 19 S 661 Holstebro LAND Ål By, Sahl 4g 486194 6262072 Stamdata 1263 175.680 209.774 219.927 224.152 206.224 171.500 196.950 196.840 184.850 174.880 218.210 220.150 190.247 199.170 166.523 75.538
570715000000071041 18-12-2003 10-09-2014 11 13 18 Gaia-Wind Ltd Gaia 11   661 Holstebro Land 489111,69 6250709,47 GST, 18-02-2013 789 9.461 8.775 8.581 9.669 8.075 14.475 17.106 20.252 19.365 16.466 3.563
570715000000106767 19-11-2010 16-10-2015 11 13 18 Gaia-Wind Ltd Gaia 11   661 Holstebro Land 489424,58 6268353,28 GST, 18-02-2013 1.293 23.690 24.569 16.861 0 0
571313134890188428 25-10-2017 10-07-2018 10 14 18 Solid Wind Power A/S SWP10-14TG20 661 Holstebro Land Stamdata 6.931 22.336
570715000000036071 15-12-1981 03-04-2002 11 10 18 Kuriant KE 11 665 Lemvig LAND Klosterheden, Gudum 20g 467251,82 6260060,58 Stamdata 40008080 0 9.250 11.216 11.387 8.951 11.088 9.796 10.723 11.242 11.458 10.541 4.859 5.960 13.038 13.939 11.938 11.723 7.727 6.071 11.191 10.503 3.640
570715000000036088 15-02-1983 30-06-2002 30 10 18 BONUS 30 kW 665 Lemvig LAND Gudum Præstegård, Gudum 3a 467542,03 6265215,18 Stamdata 40009078 12.377 15.079 11.852 14.682 12.972 14.199 14.886 15.172 13.958 18.228 15.991 13.893 14.058 6.598 14.096 13.051 7.403 10.079 4.273 2.638
570715000000036095 15-11-1986 09-12-2002 30 10 18 Sonebjerg 30-Sonebjerg 665 Lemvig LAND Bjerrum, Gudum 2 466853,65 6265510,99 Stamdata 40010068 1.385 14.686 16.075 16.853 17.176 15.803 16.600 15.980 16.970 22.960 14.310 13.080 20.850 6.330 14.460 17.960 10.640
570715000000036217 15-10-1984 22-10-2002 55 15 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-15  665 Lemvig LAND Den nordlige Del, Bøvling 42g 448282,09 6255312,94 Stamdata 40022027 31.728 149.635 185.357 163.771 179.258 187.934 191.543 176.224 186.735 171.105 176.136 171.688 142.820 149.708 173.853 156.673 172.670 143.588 134.250
570715000000036262 15-05-1985 24-07-2002 55 15 24 BONUS 55/15   665 Lemvig LAND Gudumkloster Hovedgård, Gudum 1a 466927,03 6264527,61 Stamdata 40025011 61.553 130.709 115.487 126.408 132.526 135.071 124.269 133.395 127.062 106.643 118.743 105.651 122.479 132.471 96.911 113.580 85.978 60.868
570715000000036279 15-07-1985 29-07-2002 75 17 22,5 Windmatic VM 17S 75 665 Lemvig LAND Den sydlige Del, Nr. Nissum 5d 464672,13 6266536,48 Stamdata 40026015 66.540 197.819 174.782 191.310 200.569 204.422 188.072 193.613 181.210 184.655 180.099 150.436 173.760 187.540 163.240 187.710 145.420 89.880
570715000000036293 15-10-1985 13-10-2003 75 17 22,5 Windmatic VM 17S 75 665 Lemvig LAND Den nordlige Del, Nr. Nissum 6b 462452,933 6268516,421 Stamdata 40027029 30.606 227.472 200.982 219.987 230.635 235.065 216.264 220.742 223.219 221.661 213.036 170.046 202.214 213.021 179.312 200.655 167.296 169.169 94.832
570715000000036309 15-10-1985 13-10-2003 75 17 22,5 Windmatic VM 17S 75 665 Lemvig LAND Den nordlige Del, Nr. Nissum 4b 462215,17 6268606,643 Stamdata 40027029 30.606 227.472 200.982 219.987 230.635 235.065 216.264 220.742 223.219 221.661 213.036 170.046 202.214 213.021 179.312 200.655 167.296 169.169 94.832
570715000000036408 15-02-1987 31-12-2000 75 17 22,5 Windmatic VM 17S 75 665 Lemvig LAND Den sydlige Del, Nr. Nissum 26b,c 462038,99 6267816,65 Stamdata 40033013 0 0
570715000000036415 15-02-1987 14-10-2003 75 17 22,5 Windmatic VM 17S 75 665 Lemvig LAND Brunsgård, Lemvig 2a 460539,075 6268577,077 Stamdata 40034012 182.287 239.430 251.018 255.840 235.378 241.303 241.932 230.261 231.072 186.706 212.095 232.792 201.743 228.143 152.484 210.993 90.986
570715000000036453 15-03-1987 14-10-2003 150 23,8 30 BONUS 150   - MK lll 665 Lemvig LAND Den sydlige Del, Nr. Nissum 2 461144,555 6267948,32 Stamdata 40036016 295.677 431.517 452.401 461.091 424.213 370.038 233.093 256.271 414.913 340.002 400.116 414.295 379.082 420.445 348.875 355.429 248.893
570715000000036477 15-05-1987 11-11-2002 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 F-Nordtank 665 Lemvig LAND Den nordlige Del, Bøvling 42g 448091,93 6255437,32 Stamdata 40037021 182.032 341.564 358.095 364.973 335.783 375.735 312.254 310.585 298.460 277.836 298.576 357.291 289.731 186.401 199.428 262.114
570715000000036484 15-05-1987 11-11-2002 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 F-Nordtank 665 Lemvig LAND Den nordlige Del, Bøvling 42g 448165,61 6255565,54 Stamdata 40037021 182.032 341.564 358.095 364.973 335.783 375.735 312.254 310.585 298.460 277.836 298.576 357.291 289.731 186.401 199.428 262.114
570715000000036606 15-02-1988 22-10-2002 90 19 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  665 Lemvig LAND Den nordlige Del, Bøvling 42g 448102,26 6255267,08 Stamdata 40042020 200.441 252.171 257.015 236.459 258.356 235.168 245.831 242.640 199.114 216.931 232.942 169.817 214.679 198.792 177.874
570715000000036651 15-01-1988 02-12-2009 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  665 Lemvig LAND Dal Anneksgård, Fabjerg 14a 460470,539 6264110,529 Stamdata 40046008 194.474 489.328 498.726 458.839 479.207 442.838 456.904 435.748 385.352 423.973 456.507 391.168 434.949 364.644 377.837 336.209 383.210 343.126 320.886 433.992 382.858 315.661
570715000000036675 15-10-1989 12-07-2002 100 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 20-100  665 Lemvig LAND Krogsgård, Gudum 2a 465719,37 6265418,15 Stamdata 40048086 30.000 250.000 241.423 255.838 248.500 259.923 246.908 197.700 231.659 248.570 211.790 234.779 192.860 118.780
570715000000036699 15-11-1989 14-10-2003 150 23 30 BONUS 150/30 kW 665 Lemvig LAND Den sydlige Del, Nr. Nissum 14m 464293,112 6266143,709 Stamdata 40049087 36.036 440.736 405.486 427.050 392.650 403.200 396.850 323.200 368.050 400.605 354.038 388.346 329.796 342.262 237.394
570715000000036705 15-11-1989 14-10-2003 150 23 30 BONUS 150/30 kW 665 Lemvig LAND Den sydlige Del, Nr. Nissum 14n 464474,827 6266106,355 Stamdata 40049087 36.036 440.736 405.486 427.050 392.650 403.200 396.850 323.200 368.050 400.605 354.038 388.346 329.796 342.262 237.394
570715000000036729 15-05-1987 07-11-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 95-22   665 Lemvig LAND Den sydlige Del, Harboør 47d 449058,289 6274035,161 Stamdata 40050051 165.492 310.530 325.559 331.812 305.274 314.935 305.939 306.210 293.744 253.669 267.532 309.766 261.127 287.711 302.233 382.323 257.097 296.506 276.485
570715000000036736 15-05-1987 07-11-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 95-22   665 Lemvig LAND Den sydlige Del, Harboør 47d 449050,647 6273941,945 Stamdata 40050051 165.492 310.530 325.559 331.812 305.274 314.935 305.939 306.210 293.744 253.669 267.532 309.766 261.127 287.711 302.233 382.323 257.097 296.506 276.485
570715000000036743 15-10-1987 07-11-2002 150 23 24,5 BONUS 150/30 kW 665 Lemvig LAND Den sydlige Del, Harboør 47d 449036,893 6273786,029 Stamdata 40050051 74.658 490.310 514.040 523.914 482.012 497.265 483.061 483.490 463.806 400.531 422.418 489.104 412.307 454.280 338.645 382.323 405.943 468.168 436.556
570715000000036774 15-03-1988 14-10-2003 150 23 24,5 BONUS 150 kW 665 Lemvig LAND Den vestlige Del, Dybe 30a 447767,007 6265206,889 Stamdata 40051063 405.131 566.319 577.196 531.033 544.675 517.920 525.940 513.375 434.540 474.770 521.153 479.822 509.002 456.010 480.894 328.293
570715000000036781 15-03-1988 14-10-2003 150 23 24,5 BONUS 150 kW 665 Lemvig LAND Den vestlige Del, Dybe 30a 447930,169 6265297,139 Stamdata 40051063 405.131 566.319 577.196 531.033 544.675 517.920 525.940 513.375 434.540 474.770 521.153 479.822 509.002 456.010 480.894 328.293
570715000000036804 15-09-1987 15-11-2002 90 19 24,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  665 Lemvig LAND Den sydøstlige Del, Harboøre 54ag 448122,13 6272521,05 Stamdata 40052054 60.881 266.553 279.454 284.822 262.042 276.138 258.510 260.320 256.233 216.903 234.673 258.531 224.946 245.132 211.512 192.290
570715000000036811 15-09-1987 15-11-2002 90 19 24,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  665 Lemvig LAND Den sydøstlige Del, Harboøre 54a 448273,51 6272469,85 Stamdata 40052054 60.881 266.553 279.454 284.822 262.042 276.138 258.510 260.320 256.233 216.903 234.673 258.531 224.946 245.132 211.512 192.290
570715000000036828 15-09-1987 15-11-2002 90 19 24,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  665 Lemvig LAND Den sydøstlige Del, Harboøre 54a 448425,56 6272420,17 Stamdata 40052054 60.881 266.553 279.454 284.822 262.042 276.138 258.510 260.320 256.233 216.903 234.673 258.531 224.946 245.132 211.512 192.290
570715000000036835 15-09-1987 15-11-2002 90 19 24,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  665 Lemvig LAND Den sydøstlige Del, Harboøre 54a 448577,57 6272370,06 Stamdata 40052054 60.881 266.553 279.454 284.822 262.042 276.138 258.510 260.320 256.233 216.903 234.673 258.531 224.946 245.132 211.512 192.290
570715000000036842 15-07-1986 17-10-2003 95 19,4 24 BONUS 95-BONUS 665 Lemvig LAND Præstegården, Vandborg 1f 448544,635 6267315,061 Stamdata 40053047 153.748 326.024 356.854 374.126 381.312 350.815 342.740 299.600 369.030 362.290 298.860 321.960 362.880 302.227 323.094 271.310 292.156 205.124
570715000000036859 15-07-1989 15-10-2003 150 23 24,5 BONUS 150 kW 665 Lemvig LAND Præstegården, Vandborg 57 450987,785 6265886,266 Stamdata 40054062 207.891 508.521 467.850 488.630 457.460 473.750 455.670 395.970 434.370 477.585 425.361 368.117 368.029 304.722 265.622
570715000000036873 15-10-1987 29-07-2002 150 23 24,5 BONUS 150/30 kW 665 Lemvig LAND Enlige Gårde, Lomborg 43 452345,5 6263345,39 Stamdata 40055058 64.866 425.996 446.613 455.192 418.786 440.433 417.900 421.700 409.167 348.800 376.600 418.975 356.559 375.767 345.669 232.507
570715000000036880 15-10-1987 29-07-2002 150 23 24,5 BONUS 150/30 kW 665 Lemvig LAND Enlige Gårde, Lomborg 43 452421,29 6263366,54 Stamdata 40055058 64.866 425.996 446.613 455.192 418.786 440.433 417.900 421.700 409.167 348.800 376.600 418.975 356.559 375.767 345.669 232.507
570715000000036897 15-10-1989 29-07-2002 150 23 24,5 BONUS 150/30 kW 665 Lemvig LAND Enlige Gårde, Lomborg 43 452353,71 6263441,26 Stamdata 40055058 74.436 455.192 418.786 440.433 417.900 421.700 409.167 348.800 376.600 418.975 356.559 375.767 345.669 232.507
570715000000036903 15-10-1986 29-07-2002 75 17 23 Windmatic VM 17 S 665 Lemvig LAND Enlige Gårde, Lomborg 5a 453324,54 6262496,59 Stamdata 40057048 37.794 200.357 219.304 229.918 234.334 215.592 230.670 210.290 214.950 208.020 162.700 192.730 214.940 191.520 212.520 166.950 115.330
570715000000036910 15-06-1988 02-12-2009 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  665 Lemvig LAND Vadskjærgård Hdg., Tørring 53b 454429,12 6266774,56 GST, 18-02-2013 40058065 302.168 633.585 645.755 594.108 600.490 430.880 576.760 561.310 495.010 536.690 586.723 531.127 565.000 484.069 518.765 469.025 528.663 531.316 460.161 583.890 527.681 447.754
570715000000036934 15-06-1988 17-10-2003 99 19,1 30 Windmatic VM 19 S 665 Lemvig LAND Vadskærgård Hdg., Tørring 52a 453982,985 6266946,06 Stamdata 40059059 148.304 310.964 316.937 291.589 308.085 282.390 289.010 275.625 226.460 264.645 294.831 259.365 284.750 238.060 255.416 163.107
570715000000036941 15-06-1988 17-10-2003 99 19,1 30 Windmatic VM 19 S 665 Lemvig LAND Vadskærgård Hdg., Tørring 52a 453961,4 6266875,641 Stamdata 40059059 148.304 310.964 316.937 291.589 308.085 282.390 289.010 275.625 226.460 264.645 294.831 259.365 284.750 238.060 255.416 163.107
570715000000036958 15-12-1985 14-10-2003 75 17 22,5 Windmatic VM 17 S 665 Lemvig LAND Enlige Gårde, Lomborg 10a 452202,274 6261855,358 Stamdata 40060046 0 222.987 197.019 215.650 226.087 230.429 212.000 226.380 212.390 214.580 202.820 148.190 188.220 212.460 125.730 217.980 161.320 178.600 129.460
570715000000036965 15-03-1989 21-10-2003 150 23 30 BONUS 150 kW 665 Lemvig LAND Ramme Hovedgård, Ramme 11a 451311,086 6258727,109 Stamdata 40061061 345.135 469.019 431.507 476.860 434.110 443.730 418.680 342.040 378.000 434.050 376.305 373.394 359.309 336.372 256.648
570715000000036972 15-06-1984 16-10-2003 15 10 18 Kuriant KE 18/4 EH-Kuriant 665 Lemvig LAND Ferring By, Ferring 41c 447201,01 6264862,619 Stamdata 40063092 21.682 34.085 42.222 37.305 40.833 42.809 43.632 40.142 40.440 42.195 2.742 7.950 36.135 31.195 38.265 43.048 52.752 49.100 4.091 0
570715000000036996 15-04-1990 20-07-2016 225 27 30,9 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  665 Lemvig LAND Den sydlige Del, Harboøre 22c 449428,13 6276313,42 GST, 18-02-2013 40066001 576.431 795.493 819.033 755.033 782.733 760.567 669.933 721.933 803.986 712.933 741.641 655.026 720.830 622.930 719.383 693.626 627.971 779.243 711.749 651.726 642.919 714.368 738.891 664.908 625.912 727.466 356.890
570715000000037009 15-04-1990 20-07-2016 225 27 30,9 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  665 Lemvig LAND Den sydlige Del, Harboøre 22c 449309,06 6276412,29 GST, 18-02-2013 40066001 576.431 795.493 819.033 755.033 782.733 760.567 669.933 721.933 803.986 712.933 741.641 655.026 720.830 622.930 719.383 693.626 627.971 779.243 711.749 651.726 642.919 714.368 738.891 664.908 625.912 727.466 356.890
570715000000037016 15-04-1990 20-07-2016 225 27 30,9 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  665 Lemvig LAND Den sydlige Del, Harboøre 22c 449190 6276512,28 GST, 18-02-2013 40066001 576.431 795.493 819.033 755.033 782.733 760.567 669.933 721.933 803.986 712.933 741.641 655.026 720.830 622.930 719.383 693.626 627.971 779.243 711.749 651.726 642.919 714.368 738.891 664.908 625.912 727.466 356.890
570715000000037023 15-12-1984 21-10-2003 18 10,9 18 Bosted 18-Bosted 665 Lemvig LAND Ramme Hovedgård, Ramme 8r 449449,266 6259085,756 Stamdata 40067089 0 25.485 31.569 27.893 30.530 32.008 32.623 30.014 38.354 30.377 32.689 24.548 24.918 23.109 33.064 28.435 30.096 9.682 31.420 25.807
570715000000037030 15-09-1990 23-10-2003 225 27 30,7 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  665 Lemvig LAND Ramme Hovedgård, Ramme 3b 451848,773 6262383,177 Stamdata 40068094 190.083 699.521 711.910 666.840 673.520 658.680 555.350 603.280 662.088 687.088 738.234 638.831 674.841 472.910
570715000000037047 15-09-1990 07-11-2002 150 23 24,6 BONUS 150/30 kW 665 Lemvig LAND Den sydlige Del, Harboøre 47d 449190,901 6274011,361 Stamdata 40069085 131.382 483.498 492.190 479.090 486.760 480.100 399.650 411.090 477.565 429.432 461.732 401.570 351.895
570715000000037061 15-03-1991 30-09-2009 150 23,8 30 BONUS 150/30   - MK ll 665 Lemvig LAND Skalstrup By, Nees 9i 453540,765 6245683,274 Stamdata 40070095 347.158 474.295 449.140 467.140 443.845 365.965 410.260 467.304 412.070 454.836 379.156 388.125 358.281 402.980 360.453 325.773 409.959 365.124 83.716
570715000000037078 15-03-1991 30-09-2009 150 23,8 30 BONUS 150/30   - MK ll 665 Lemvig LAND Skalstrup By, Nees 9i 453576,463 6245797,966 Stamdata 40070095 347.158 474.295 449.140 467.140 443.845 365.965 410.260 467.304 412.070 454.836 379.156 388.125 358.281 402.980 360.453 325.773 409.959 365.124 83.716
570715000000037085 15-06-1991 27-05-2016 225 27 30,7 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  665 Lemvig LAND Del af Præstegården m.m., Vandborg 39q 448006,56 6266825,6 GST, 18-02-2013 40071098 414.646 839.050 775.080 815.500 798.690 699.050 749.010 833.991 752.520 791.438 680.301 734.099 662.756 763.454 783.431 702.538 833.671 745.471 704.536 676.337 751.344 805.283 721.001 765.875 810.092 308.465
570715000000037092 15-06-1991 11-08-2016 225 27 30,7 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  665 Lemvig LAND Del af Præstegården m.m., Vandborg 39e 448040,84 6266963,76 GST, 18-02-2013 40072099 403.935 833.370 768.630 794.790 778.910 676.370 728.380 812.821 731.269 748.172 669.832 710.334 633.302 726.210 751.696 678.081 798.851 730.362 691.509 661.256 755.485 778.005 702.730 734.180 804.566 308.261
570715000000037122 15-09-1991 24-11-2003 450 35 35 BONUS 450   - MK l 665 Lemvig LAND Den østlige Del, Dybe 12 450411,977 6262786,324 Stamdata 40074100 374.793 1.212.164 1.187.455 1.111.664 1.131.791 880.445 990.600 1.206.627 1.011.900 1.106.782 770.787 768.204 751.181
570715000000037139 15-09-1991 24-11-2003 450 35 35 BONUS 450   - MK l 665 Lemvig LAND Den østlige Del, Dybe 16 c 450119,33 6262821,457 Stamdata 40074100 374.793 1.212.164 1.187.455 1.111.664 1.131.791 880.445 990.600 1.206.627 1.011.900 1.106.782 770.787 768.204 751.181
570715000000037146 15-09-1991 24-11-2003 450 35 35 BONUS 450   - MK l 665 Lemvig LAND Den østlige Del, Dybe 3a 449825,683 6262856,569 Stamdata 40074100 374.793 1.212.164 1.187.455 1.111.664 1.131.791 880.445 990.600 1.206.627 1.011.900 1.106.782 770.787 768.204 751.181
570715000000037153 15-09-1991 23-10-2003 150 23,6 30 BONUS 150   - MK lll 665 Lemvig LAND Den østlige Del, Dybe 3i 450022,825 6262947,5 Stamdata 40074100 124.931 404.055 395.818 370.555 377.264 293.482 330.200 402.209 337.300 368.927 606.914 768.204 240.498
570715000000037160 15-09-1991 23-10-2003 150 23,6 30 BONUS 150   - MK lll 665 Lemvig LAND Den østlige Del, Dybe 12 450316,471 6262912,387 Stamdata 40074100 124.931 404.055 395.818 370.555 377.264 293.482 330.200 402.209 337.300 368.927 606.914 768.204 240.498
570715000000037177 15-09-1991 23-10-2003 225 27 30,7 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  665 Lemvig LAND Ramme Hovedgård, Ramme 34a 451525,801 6262534,68 Stamdata 40075105 163.838 687.370 640.510 651.790 637.580 539.370 588.470 654.635 584.604 593.669 537.251 565.409 395.013
570715000000037184 15-09-1991 21-10-2003 150 23,8 30 BONUS 150   - MK lll 665 Lemvig LAND Ramme Hovedgård 51a 451294,658 6262544,049 Stamdata 40076106 115.565 494.020 457.700 469.110 462.870 379.790 405.980 416.665 410.905 439.646 368.319 409.889 290.072
570715000000037252 15-12-1991 16-10-2003 250 31 30 BONUS COMBI 31-250   665 Lemvig LAND Enlige Gårde, Lomborg 10a 452206,464 6262245,367 Stamdata 40079117 0 700.280 806.420 825.560 759.890 658.620 724.210 811.626 717.832 770.103 674.242 699.626 468.391
570715000000037269 15-11-1991 17-09-2002 225 27 30,7 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  665 Lemvig LAND Ramme Hovedgård 19a 452242,54 6263388,98 Stamdata 40080113 54.562 674.480 637.210 652.470 642.030 524.560 576.780 653.099 584.774 631.517 539.609 406.010
570715000000037276 15-11-1991 21-10-2003 150 23,8 24 BONUS 150/30 kW 665 Lemvig LAND Ramme Hovedgård 1h 449449,266 6259085,756 Stamdata 40081112 13.486 477.810 442.800 453.750 442.960 372.180 401.190 460.299 406.447 417.868 357.910 388.981 275.388
570715000000037290 15-11-1991 23-02-2010 225 27 30,7 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  665 Lemvig LAND Præstegården, Hove 6g 452789,345 6265541,416 Stamdata 40082114 136.521 651.998 651.318 666.529 647.788 560.577 613.412 666.353 585.512 618.829 467.666 468.729 496.362 562.780 581.261 513.199 633.581 568.058 524.814 75.661
570715000000037306 15-11-1991 23-02-2010 225 27 30,7 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  665 Lemvig LAND Præstegården, Hove 6g 452804,039 6265456,727 Stamdata 40082114 136.522 651.998 651.318 666.529 647.788 560.577 613.412 666.353 585.512 618.829 467.666 468.729 496.362 562.780 581.261 513.199 633.581 568.058 524.814 75.661
570715000000037313 15-11-1991 23-02-2010 225 27 30,7 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  665 Lemvig LAND Præstegården, Hove 6g 452817,732 6265372,017 Stamdata 40082114 136.522 651.998 651.318 666.529 647.788 560.577 613.412 666.353 585.512 618.829 467.666 468.729 496.362 562.780 581.261 513.199 633.581 568.058 524.814 75.661
570715000000037320 13-04-1992 15-10-2003 150 23,8 30 BONUS 150   - MK lll 665 Lemvig LAND Præstegården, Vandborg 4b 451457,794 6266430,577 Stamdata 40082114 289.777 434.212 444.353 431.859 373.718 408.941 444.235 390.341 412.553 419.966 468.729 271.426 50.441
570715000000037337 13-04-1992 15-10-2003 150 23,8 30 BONUS 150   - MK lll 665 Lemvig LAND Præstegården, Vandborg 4b 451480,743 6266333,055 Stamdata 40082114 289.777 434.212 444.353 431.859 373.718 408.941 444.235 390.341 412.553 419.966 468.729 271.426 50.441
570715000000037344 13-04-1992 15-10-2003 150 23,8 30 BONUS 150   - MK lll 665 Lemvig LAND Præstegården, Hove 12b 451502,672 6266236,513 Stamdata 40082114 289.776 434.212 444.353 431.859 373.718 408.941 444.235 390.341 412.553 419.966 468.729 271.426 50.441
570715000000037351 13-04-1992 15-10-2003 150 23,8 30 BONUS 150   - MK lll 665 Lemvig LAND Præstegården, Vandborg 4b 451300,59 6266292,455 Stamdata 40082114 289.776 434.212 444.353 431.859 373.718 408.941 444.235 390.341 412.553 419.966 468.729 271.426 50.441
570715000000037375 15-02-1992 21-11-2003 225 27 30,9 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  665 Lemvig LAND Enlige Gårde, Lomborg 8n 452262,308 6262352,465 Stamdata 40084118 491.390 665.370 675.270 647.520 556.720 600.020 657.918 575.503 639.786 556.232 580.348 405.570
570715000000037382 15-01-1992 01-03-2010 225 27 30,9 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  665 Lemvig LAND Præstegården, Hove 44am 451794,61 6269082,823 Stamdata 40085120 608.410 704.350 722.630 695.630 604.420 651.680 736.828 631.160 687.164 604.240 638.433 562.634 658.867 655.675 581.412 724.091 651.477 591.212 84.977
570715000000037399 15-01-1992 01-03-2010 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  665 Lemvig LAND Præstegården, Hove 44am 451794,372 6268994,835 Stamdata 40086121 606.740 695.630 722.000 702.400 595.570 657.870 719.955 651.020 703.966 605.090 645.372 572.927 661.811 650.332 601.777 729.200 654.021 607.195 87.135
570715000000037412 27-02-1992 21-07-2016 225 27 30,9 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  665 Lemvig LAND Dal Anneksgård, Fabjerg 21a 462787,49 6266073,34 GST, 18-02-2013 40088123 474.580 639.690 659.040 637.040 541.550 600.570 639.100 555.264 604.248 527.919 563.189 498.369 559.933 557.836 510.102 642.057 561.237 495.138 448.915 574.254 590.349 538.242 564.157 623.098 278.964
570715000000037429 21-05-1992 27-05-2016 225 27 30,9 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  665 Lemvig LAND Dal Anneksgård, Fabjerg 61d 461331,48 6266044,99 GST, 18-02-2013 40089124 310.890 626.150 653.620 614.160 545.990 599.960 622.728 559.664 605.969 523.714 554.789 486.258 549.994 561.269 492.565 629.942 515.856 502.076 500.062 563.579 573.192 514.586 544.786 610.275 224.385
570715000000037443 08-01-1993 23-02-2010 225 27 30,7 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  665 Lemvig LAND Ramme Hovedgård 7o 450632,41 6258717,52 Stamdata 40091130 595.320 653.700 619.930 524.370 566.020 644.671 561.916 614.982 517.549 534.633 486.564 573.016 578.911 510.880 577.710 557.144 516.082 66.711
570715000000037467 03-02-1993 05-11-2009 225 27 30,9 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  665 Lemvig LAND Den nordlige Del, Bøvling 40g 452732,657 6256736,958 Stamdata 40092131 422.950 553.200 529.300 435.700 484.200 542.904 477.027 522.583 418.663 449.717 392.402 453.297 448.667 402.787 505.436 462.410 338.604
570715000000037474 03-02-1993 05-11-2009 225 27 30,9 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  665 Lemvig LAND Den nordlige Del, Bøvling 40g 452721,022 6256868,7 Stamdata 40092131 422.950 553.200 529.300 435.700 484.200 542.904 477.027 522.583 418.663 449.717 392.402 453.297 448.667 402.787 505.436 462.410 338.604
570715000000037481 08-02-1993 30-11-2009 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  665 Lemvig LAND Den nordlige Del, Bøvling 31c 453692,742 6254625,588 Stamdata 40093133 434.750 580.030 547.850 459.580 513.050 565.929 493.897 542.110 444.247 466.245 429.353 493.327 491.113 441.985 556.969 502.537 410.389
570715000000037498 14-10-1993 02-12-2009 225 29 30,7 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  665 Lemvig LAND Den østlige Del, Dybe 15a 450252,997 6265183,683 Stamdata 40094134 124.350 716.350 701.010 602.400 662.980 732.367 658.659 763.428 690.180 719.717 665.792 754.796 777.857 712.927 801.404 738.685 642.569
570715000000037504 05-11-1993 30-11-2009 225 27 30,9 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  665 Lemvig LAND Den nordlige Del, Bøvling 31c 453737,573 6254783,455 Stamdata 40095136 74.430 564.780 536.180 449.400 499.350 554.062 477.508 526.411 439.237 466.812 417.454 485.334 482.712 432.835 549.920 467.904 413.174
570715000000037511 30-04-1994 30-11-2009 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  665 Lemvig LAND Den nordlige Del, Bøvling 31c 453849,028 6254659,711 Stamdata 40096135 310.860 530.800 439.380 490.670 546.282 470.408 511.100 423.956 452.918 411.906 478.353 472.782 435.663 492.134 453.368 394.626
570715000000037610 23-01-1996 30-06-2008 11 12 12,5 Gaia-Wind Ltd Gaia 11   665 Lemvig LAND Enlige Gårde, Lomborg 8n 452538,799 6262574,961 Stamdata 40106144 3.121 13.155 20.585 7.450 32.700 73.400 64.278 28.710 27.384 25.730 27.652 26.717 1.245
570715000000037634 26-02-1996 13-11-2014 600 42 40,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 42-600  665 Lemvig LAND Ramme Hovedgård, Ramme 7ap 450210,06 6257270,98 GST, 18-02-2013 40107145 892.267 1.330.392 1.483.858 1.342.667 1.432.042 1.188.955 1.223.055 1.107.082 1.289.433 1.325.875 1.176.474 1.499.320 1.313.661 1.143.080 1.050.952 1.318.583 1.305.848 1.114.045 980.912
570715000000037641 26-02-1996 09-10-2014 600 42 40,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 42-600  665 Lemvig LAND Ramme Hovedgård, Ramme 7r 450555,39 6257458,28 GST, 18-02-2013 40107145 892.267 1.330.392 1.483.858 1.342.667 1.432.042 1.188.955 1.223.055 1.107.082 1.289.433 1.325.875 1.176.474 1.499.320 1.313.661 1.143.080 1.050.952 1.318.583 1.305.848 1.114.045 955.461
570715000000037658 26-02-1996 09-10-2014 600 42 40,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 42-600  665 Lemvig LAND Ramme Hovedgård, Ramme 7f 450900,53 6257646,13 GST, 18-02-2013 40107145 892.267 1.330.392 1.483.858 1.342.667 1.432.042 1.188.955 1.223.055 1.107.082 1.289.433 1.325.875 1.176.474 1.499.320 1.313.661 1.143.080 1.050.952 1.318.583 1.305.848 1.114.045 955.461
570715000000037665 26-02-1996 13-11-2014 600 42 40,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 42-600  665 Lemvig LAND Ramme Hovedgård, Ramme 11d 451245,87 6257833,66 GST, 18-02-2013 40107145 892.267 1.330.392 1.483.858 1.342.667 1.432.042 1.188.955 1.223.055 1.107.082 1.289.433 1.325.875 1.176.474 1.499.320 1.313.661 1.143.080 1.050.952 1.318.583 1.305.848 1.114.045 980.912
570715000000037672 26-02-1996 13-11-2014 600 42 40,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 42-600  665 Lemvig LAND Ramme Hovedgård, Ramme 7aq 450416,63 6257214,18 GST, 18-02-2013 40107145 892.267 1.330.392 1.483.858 1.342.667 1.432.042 1.188.955 1.223.055 1.107.082 1.289.433 1.325.875 1.176.474 1.499.320 1.313.661 1.143.080 1.050.952 1.318.583 1.305.848 1.114.045 980.912
570715000000037689 26-02-1996 13-11-2014 600 42 40,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 42-600  665 Lemvig LAND Ramme Hovedgård, Ramme 7af 450761,68 6257401,12 GST, 18-02-2013 40107145 892.267 1.330.392 1.483.858 1.342.667 1.432.042 1.188.955 1.223.055 1.107.082 1.289.433 1.325.875 1.176.474 1.499.320 1.313.661 1.143.080 1.050.952 1.318.583 1.305.848 1.114.045 980.912
570715000000037696 26-02-1996 13-11-2014 600 42 40,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 42-600  665 Lemvig LAND Ramme Hovedgård, Ramme 11c 451107,26 6257588,42 GST, 18-02-2013 40107145 892.267 1.330.392 1.483.858 1.342.667 1.432.042 1.188.955 1.223.055 1.107.082 1.289.433 1.325.875 1.176.474 1.499.320 1.313.661 1.143.080 1.050.952 1.318.583 1.305.848 1.114.045 980.912
570715000000037702 26-02-1996 13-11-2014 600 42 40,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 42-600  665 Lemvig LAND Den nordlige Del, Bøvling 21m 451452,76 6257776,16 GST, 18-02-2013 40107145 892.267 1.330.392 1.483.858 1.342.667 1.432.042 1.188.955 1.223.055 1.107.082 1.289.433 1.325.875 1.176.474 1.499.320 1.313.661 1.143.080 1.050.952 1.318.583 1.305.848 1.114.045 980.912
570715000000037719 26-02-1996 13-11-2014 600 42 40,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 42-600  665 Lemvig LAND Ramme Hovedgård, Ramme 7g 450622,83 6257156,39 GST, 18-02-2013 40107145 892.267 1.330.392 1.483.858 1.342.667 1.432.042 1.188.955 1.223.055 1.107.082 1.289.433 1.325.875 1.176.474 1.499.320 1.313.661 1.143.080 1.050.952 1.318.583 1.305.848 1.114.045 980.912
570715000000037726 26-02-1996 13-11-2014 600 42 40,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 42-600  665 Lemvig LAND Ramme Hovedgård, Ramme 7ag 450968,45 6257343,68 GST, 18-02-2013 40107145 892.267 1.330.392 1.483.858 1.342.667 1.432.042 1.188.955 1.223.055 1.107.082 1.289.433 1.325.875 1.176.474 1.499.320 1.313.661 1.143.080 1.050.952 1.318.583 1.305.848 1.114.045 980.912
570715000000037733 26-02-1996 13-11-2014 600 42 40,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 42-600  665 Lemvig LAND Den nordlige Del, Bøvling 22c 451313,73 6257530,98 GST, 18-02-2013 40107145 892.267 1.330.392 1.483.858 1.342.667 1.432.042 1.188.955 1.223.055 1.107.082 1.289.433 1.325.875 1.176.474 1.499.320 1.313.661 1.143.080 1.050.952 1.318.583 1.305.848 1.114.045 980.912
570715000000037740 26-02-1996 13-11-2014 600 42 40,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 42-600  665 Lemvig LAND Den nordlige Del, Bøvling 21f 451659,05 6257718,36 GST, 18-02-2013 40107145 892.267 1.330.392 1.483.858 1.342.667 1.432.042 1.188.955 1.223.055 1.107.082 1.289.433 1.325.875 1.176.474 1.499.320 1.313.661 1.143.080 1.050.952 1.318.583 1.305.848 1.114.045 980.912
570715000000037856 22-04-1996 18-03-2016 500 39 40,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 39-500  665 Lemvig LAND Nees By, Nees 17f 449571,08 6250724,91 GST, 18-02-2013 40111164 736.888 1.276.950 1.445.125 1.264.575 1.376.613 1.135.379 1.189.092 1.067.936 1.247.144 1.243.928 1.121.065 1.357.286 1.230.671 1.074.232 974.981 1.240.382 1.214.391 1.086.306 1.116.468 1.247.793 280.541
570715000000037863 22-04-1996 18-03-2016 500 39 40,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 39-500  665 Lemvig LAND Nees By, Nees 16s 449674,52 6250896,01 GST, 18-02-2013 40111164 736.888 1.276.950 1.445.125 1.264.575 1.376.613 1.135.379 1.189.092 1.067.936 1.247.144 1.243.928 1.121.065 1.357.286 1.230.671 1.074.232 974.981 1.240.382 1.214.391 1.086.306 1.116.468 1.247.793 280.541
570715000000037870 22-04-1996 18-03-2016 500 39 40,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 39-500  665 Lemvig LAND Nees By, Nees 16r 449778,7 6251065,9 GST, 18-02-2013 40111164 736.888 1.276.950 1.445.125 1.264.575 1.376.613 1.135.379 1.189.092 1.067.936 1.247.144 1.243.928 1.121.065 1.357.286 1.230.671 1.074.232 974.981 1.240.382 1.214.391 1.086.306 1.116.468 1.247.793 280.541
570715000000037887 22-04-1996 29-08-2016 500 39 40,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 39-500  665 Lemvig LAND Skalstrup By, Nees 1ak 451732,1 6249431,86 SDFE2018 40111164 736.888 1.276.950 1.445.125 1.264.575 1.376.613 1.135.379 1.189.092 1.067.936 1.247.144 1.243.928 1.121.065 1.357.286 1.230.671 1.074.232 974.981 1.240.382 1.214.391 1.086.306 1.116.468 1.247.793 606.264
570715000000037894 22-04-1996 29-08-2016 500 39 40,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 39-500  665 Lemvig LAND Nees By, Nees 1ai 451643,24 6249252,63 GST, 18-02-2013 40111164 736.888 1.276.950 1.445.125 1.264.575 1.376.613 1.135.379 1.189.092 1.067.936 1.247.144 1.243.928 1.121.065 1.357.286 1.230.671 1.074.232 974.981 1.240.382 1.214.391 1.086.306 1.116.468 1.247.793 606.264
570715000000037900 22-04-1996 31-08-2016 500 39 40,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 39-500  665 Lemvig LAND Nees By, Nees 1ah 451554,45 6249073,49 GST, 18-02-2013 40111164 736.888 1.276.950 1.445.125 1.264.575 1.376.613 1.135.379 1.189.092 1.067.936 1.247.144 1.243.928 1.121.065 1.357.286 1.230.671 1.074.232 974.981 1.240.382 1.214.391 1.086.306 1.116.468 1.247.793 606.264
570715000000037917 22-04-1996 31-08-2016 500 39 40,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 39-500  665 Lemvig LAND Nees By, Nees 1al 451465,83 6248894,41 GST, 18-02-2013 40111164 736.888 1.276.950 1.445.125 1.264.575 1.376.613 1.135.379 1.189.092 1.067.936 1.247.144 1.243.928 1.121.065 1.357.286 1.230.671 1.074.232 974.981 1.240.382 1.214.391 1.086.306 1.116.468 1.247.793 606.264
570715000000038198 01-01-1997 25-04-2014 22 12,8 18 Genvind GV 20-2 665 Lemvig LAND Den sydlige Del, Harboøre 48a 448426,12 6273797,17 GST, 18-02-2013 40119194 42.265 66.371 54.900 67.602 140.697 170.076 56.197 70.618 65.627 57.871 69.995 49.347 60.897 57.486 67.476 65.127 40.603 5.000
570715000000038259 24-03-1997 30-10-2020 750 44 40,4 NEG Micon NM 1500-750/175   665 Lemvig LAND Hovedejerlavet, Fjaltring 39e 447270,56 6258079,44 SDFE2018 40120195 1.657.300 2.187.680 1.941.200 2.023.360 1.703.220 1.884.529 1.711.776 1.946.032 1.993.981 1.801.755 2.202.734 1.958.008 1.754.258 1.666.871 2.016.669 2.052.703 1.814.258 1.826.320 2.115.088 1.739.219 1.944.153 1.742.611 1.836.967 1.206.558
570715000000038495 14-05-1997 28-09-2011 750 44 46,4 NEG Micon NM 1500-750/175   665 Lemvig LAND Møborg Ejerlav, Møborg 14a 456853,374 6249967,758 Stamdata 40123224 673.060 1.610.820 1.374.720 1.521.880 1.226.568 1.329.177 1.180.379 1.363.133 1.355.795 1.194.223 1.484.631 1.319.070 1.184.196 1.301.893 1.581.908
570715000000038501 14-05-1997 28-09-2011 750 44 46,4 NEG Micon NM 1500-750/175   665 Lemvig LAND Møborg Ejerlav, Møborg 14n 456696,148 6249880,627 Stamdata 40123224 673.060 1.610.820 1.374.720 1.521.880 1.226.568 1.329.177 1.180.379 1.363.133 1.355.795 1.194.223 1.484.631 1.319.070 1.184.196 1.301.893 1.581.908
570715000000038518 14-05-1997 08-11-2011 750 44 46,4 NEG Micon NM 1500-750/175   665 Lemvig LAND Møborg Ejerlav, Møborg 14a 456540,901 6249794,536 Stamdata 40123224 673.060 1.610.820 1.374.720 1.521.880 1.226.568 1.329.177 1.180.379 1.363.133 1.355.795 1.194.223 1.484.631 1.319.070 1.184.196 1.301.893 1.581.908
570715000000038525 14-05-1997 08-11-2011 750 44 46,4 NEG Micon NM 1500-750/175   665 Lemvig LAND Møborg Ejerlav, Møborg 14a 456384,674 6249707,425 Stamdata 40123224 673.060 1.610.820 1.374.720 1.521.880 1.226.568 1.329.177 1.180.379 1.363.133 1.355.795 1.194.223 1.484.631 1.319.070 1.184.196 1.301.893 1.581.908
570715000000038532 14-05-1997 08-11-2011 750 44 46,4 NEG Micon NM 1500-750/175   665 Lemvig LAND Møborg Ejerlav, Møborg 14t 456227,449 6249620,294 Stamdata 40123224 673.060 1.610.820 1.374.720 1.521.880 1.226.568 1.329.177 1.180.379 1.363.133 1.355.795 1.194.223 1.484.631 1.319.070 1.184.196 1.301.893 1.581.908
570715000000038556 26-05-1997 03-12-2013 600 43 46 NEG Micon NM 1500-600/150   665 Lemvig LAND Møborg Ejerlav, Møborg 11ae 458030,28 6247386,34 GST, 18-02-2013 40124225 511.740 1.274.760 1.129.620 1.235.820 967.639 1.040.744 913.940 1.014.616 1.016.606 920.475 1.131.193 1.017.319 871.547 806.448 1.006.375 869.229 632.009
570715000000038563 26-05-1997 03-12-2013 600 43 46 NEG Micon NM 1500-600/150   665 Lemvig LAND Møborg Ejerlav, Møborg 11af 458158,22 6247565,62 GST, 18-02-2013 40124225 511.740 1.274.760 1.129.620 1.235.820 967.639 1.040.744 913.940 1.014.616 1.016.606 920.475 1.131.193 1.017.319 871.547 806.448 1.006.375 869.229 632.009
570715000000038570 26-05-1997 03-12-2013 600 43 46 NEG Micon NM 1500-600/150   665 Lemvig LAND Møborg Ejerlav, Møborg 11h 458286,02 6247744,06 GST, 18-02-2013 40124225 511.740 1.274.760 1.129.620 1.235.820 967.639 1.040.744 913.940 1.014.616 1.016.606 920.475 1.131.193 1.017.319 871.547 806.448 1.006.375 869.229 632.009
570715000000038587 26-05-1997 03-12-2013 600 43 46 NEG Micon NM 1500-600/150   665 Lemvig LAND Møborg Ejerlav, Møborg 11h 458377,11 6247542,92 GST, 18-02-2013 40124225 511.740 1.274.760 1.129.620 1.235.820 967.639 1.040.744 913.940 1.014.616 1.016.606 920.475 1.131.193 1.017.319 871.547 806.448 1.006.375 869.229 632.009
570715000000038594 26-05-1997 03-12-2013 600 43 46 NEG Micon NM 1500-600/150   665 Lemvig LAND Møborg Ejerlav, Møborg 11h 458249,02 6247364,44 GST, 18-02-2013 40124225 511.740 1.274.760 1.129.620 1.235.820 967.639 1.040.744 913.940 1.014.616 1.016.606 920.475 1.131.193 1.017.319 871.547 806.448 1.006.375 869.229 632.009
570715000000038716 04-09-1997 04-12-2017 750 44 45 NEG Micon NM 1500-750/175   665 Lemvig LAND Bækmark Hovedgård, Flynder 27a 458961,24 6254894,01 SDFE2018 40128238 477.867 1.464.367 1.325.233 1.411.700 1.168.463 1.269.545 1.107.041 1.270.512 1.182.318 1.092.165 1.464.346 1.335.694 1.128.523 977.064 1.353.146 1.287.031 1.083.791 1.241.655 1.412.025 1.132.155 1.039.396
570715000000038723 04-09-1997 04-12-2017 750 44 45 NEG Micon NM 1500-750/175   665 Lemvig LAND Bækmark Hovedgård, Flynder 26g 459104,6 6254792,71 SDFE2018 40128238 477.867 1.464.367 1.325.233 1.411.700 1.168.463 1.269.545 1.107.041 1.270.512 1.182.318 1.092.165 1.464.346 1.335.694 1.128.523 977.064 1.353.146 1.287.031 1.083.791 1.241.655 1.412.025 1.132.155 1.039.396
570715000000038730 04-09-1997 04-12-2017 750 44 45 NEG Micon NM 1500-750/175   665 Lemvig LAND Bækmark Hovedgård, Flynder 26a 459247,26 6254691,28 SDFE2018 40128238 477.867 1.464.367 1.325.233 1.411.700 1.168.463 1.269.545 1.107.041 1.270.512 1.182.318 1.092.165 1.464.346 1.335.694 1.128.523 977.064 1.353.146 1.287.031 1.083.791 1.241.655 1.412.025 1.132.155 1.039.396
570715000000062643 05-12-2002 04-09-2003 1500 72 78 NEG Micon NM 72/1500 665 Lemvig LAND Rysensten Hovedgård, Bøvling 1c 447728,414 6256847,732 Stamdata 40179 87.084 2.119.818
570715000000062650 12-11-2002 15-11-2004 3000 90 80 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 90 3  665 Lemvig LAND Rysensten Hovedgård, Bøvling 1c 447712,09 6256580,28 SDFE2018 40180 1.599 4.984.820 5.333.356
570715000000062667 22-12-2003 11-08-2004 2300 82,4 93,1 BONUS 2,3 MW 665 Lemvig LAND Rysensten Hovedgård 1c 447692,489 6256241,405 Stamdata 40181357 238.551 4.769.798
570715000000062674 18-12-2002 10-06-2013 2500 90 80 Nordex N 90/45 665 Lemvig LAND Rysensten Hovedgård, Bøvling 7b 447680,68 6255964,22 SDFE2018 40182359 667 3.928.519 7.233.515 7.786.636 4.986.353 6.583.371 5.099.366 5.359.691 5.622.362 5.530.071 7.377.421 3.886.614
570715000000062681 19-12-2002 24-11-2004 2000 90 80 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 90 2  665 Lemvig LAND Rysensten Hovedgård, Bøvling 1c 447658,718 6255634,574 Stamdata 40183 20.936 6.456.705 7.167.329
570715000000062766 01-11-2003 21-11-2007 4200 110,7 100 NEG Micon NM 110 665 Lemvig LAND Rysensten Hovedgård 1c 447727,62 6256848,45 GST, 18-02-2013 40186 190.141 11.165.814 14.473.114 3.675.755 0
570715000000062773 18-12-2003 17-11-2011 2000 80 60 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 80 2  665 Lemvig LAND Ramme Hgd., Ramme 14b 451036 6261893 Stamdata 40187367 178.457 5.935.465 6.528.517 5.687.460 6.599.405 6.262.195 6.034.332 5.705.910
570715000000062780 19-12-2003 14-11-2011 2000 80 60 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 80 2  665 Lemvig LAND Ramme Hgd., Ramme 14b 450864 6262081 Stamdata 40188368 117.284 5.939.453 6.501.054 5.956.343 6.230.874 5.607.010 5.947.304 5.766.863
570715000000062797 18-12-2003 14-11-2011 2000 80 60 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 80 2  665 Lemvig LAND Ramme Hgd., Ramme 15 450683 6262279 Stamdata 40189369 187.412 6.071.547 6.569.853 5.553.137 5.151.929 5.963.657 5.750.850 5.487.108
570715000000062803 11-12-2003 09-11-2011 2000 80 60 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 80 2  665 Lemvig LAND Ramme Hgd., Ramme 15 450502 6262477 Stamdata 40190370 282.279 5.810.883 6.137.977 5.859.208 6.800.637 6.153.144 6.119.874 5.964.619
570715000000071034 11-12-2003 12-01-2011 2000 80 60 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 80 2  665 Lemvig LAND Ramme Hgd., Ramme 17d 450321 6262675 Stamdata 40191371 260.066 6.322.375 7.183.156 6.387.328 7.099.968 6.489.494 5.860.470 329.001
570715000000071089 27-11-2004 13-04-2011 3600 107 90,6 BONUS 3,6 MW 665 Lemvig LAND Rysensten Hovedgård 1c 447692,489 6256241,405 Stamdata 40193373 798.481 11.566.446 9.409.209 13.298.663 6.947.962 10.446.854 12.721.374 4.533.497
570715000000071096 04-12-2004 09-11-2008 3000 100 80 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 100-3 MW 665 Lemvig LAND Rysensten Hovedgård, Bøvling 1c 447710,49 6256544,433 Stamdata 40194374 755.228 5.870.529 7.092.072 6.834.172 7.292.701
570715000000071102 15-12-2004 11-04-2011 2300 82,4 80,5 BONUS 2,3 MW 665 Lemvig LAND Rysensten Hgd., Bøvlingbjerg 1c 447658,718 6255634,574 Stamdata 40195375 453.855 6.884.290 8.021.777 6.751.858 5.536.233 8.729.718 8.274.773 2.991.327
570715000000083679 26-02-2008 29-10-2009 3000 90 107 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 90 665 Lemvig LAND Rysensten Hovedgård, Bøvling 1c 447808 6257056 Stamdata 40199377 4.858.853 4.161.105
570715000000084171 15-09-2008 31-07-2013 3600 107,2 90 SIEMENS SWT 3.6 665 Lemvig LAND Sønden Åen Tim 2bg 454630 6226973 GST, 18-02-2013 85087 1.992.317 9.318.236 10.431.102 10.541.936 10.932.989 5.917.729
570715000000084645 10-11-2008 13-12-2010 2000 90 80 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 90 2  665 Lemvig LAND Rysensten Hovedgård, Bøvling 1c 447710,49 6256544,433 Stamdata 40200378 473 3.398.480 3.953.048
570715000000084874 06-01-2009 03-07-2013 3600 107,2 90 SIEMENS SWT 3.6-107 665 Lemvig LAND Sønden Åen Tim 2d 454885,1 6226907 GST, 18-02-2013 85088 10.518.822 10.050.821 12.652.193 12.775.805 4.958.654
570715000000086618 18-05-2009 15-07-2013 3600 107,2 90 SIEMENS SWT 3.6-107 665 Lemvig LAND Sønden Åen Tim 3d 455059,75 6226646 GST, 18-02-2013 85089 5.283.026 7.403.576 10.690.513 12.448.343 5.564.672
570715000000088766 16-12-2009 30-05-2011 1800 100 107 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 100 665 Lemvig LAND Rysensten Hovedgård, Bøvling 1c 447808 6257056 Stamdata 40211389 2.231 5.976.473 3.475.251
570715000000103575 11-03-2011 28-11-2011 3000 112 84 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V112-3.0MW 665 Lemvig LAND Rysensten Hovedgård, Bøvling 1c 447710,49 6256544,433 Stamdata 40212394 5.932.634
570715000000115295 20-06-2011 14-08-2013 6000 120 90 SIEMENS Ukendt-Simens 665 Lemvig LAND Rysensten Hovedgård 1u 447694,69 6256264,62 GST, 18-02-2013 40217 2.502.340 16.015.674 9.955.107
570715000000116124 16-06-2011 31-05-2013 2000 90 107 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas-VIND 665 Lemvig LAND Rysensten Hovedgård, Bøvling 1c 447808,23 6257056,4 GST, 18-02-2013 40218 3.480.331 9.191.816 2.085.723
570715000000117398 06-07-2011 21-06-2015 2300 113 100 SIEMENS Ukendt-Simens 665 Lemvig LAND Den Nordlige del, Bøvling 43g 447659,72 6255664,06 GST, 18-02-2013 40219 1.656.711 10.743.047 10.010.517 12.158.929 7.079.404
570715000000159510 16-04-2012 18-03-2014 2000 100 84 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 100 665 Lemvig LAND Rysensten Hovedgård, Bøvling 1u 447710,49 6256544,433 Stamdata 40226 5.577.942 8.013.433 1.650.898
571313134700402348 17-10-2012 02-07-2019 3600 128 86 Eget fabrikat Ukendt-Eget fabrikat 665 Lemvig LAND Thyborøn Havn 1 452408,78 6281493,72 SDFE2018 40234 331.045 8.150.313 12.001.011 14.949.953 12.713.128 11.024.623 3.012.048 735.986
571313134700402485 01-10-2013 26-10-2015 25 13 18 HSWind Aps Viking 25 665 Lemvig Land Stamdata 0
571313134700402522 29-11-2013 31-08-2020 3300 100 75 Nordex Ukendt-Nordex 665 Lemvig LAND Høvsøre Enge, Fjaltring 7b 447676,641 6255937,874 Stamdata 40252 454.227 8.822.649 12.075.797 9.400.813 11.663.726 9.103.596 11.198.450 8.403.374
571313134700402539 08-09-2016 31-08-2020 2750 92 90 SIEMENS SWT 2.3-93 665 Lemvig LAND Rysensten Hovedgård, Bøvling 1u 447727,6 6256849 SDFE2018 40253 3.761.191 10.981.907 9.212.248 11.507.240 6.953.044
571313134700402553 10-03-2014 02-07-2019 4000 130 95 SIEMENS Ukendt-Simens 665 Lemvig LAND Rysensten Hovedgård 1u 447696,93 6256234,43 SDFE2018 40255 11.415.055 17.696.095 10.750.405 7.263.695 10.214.285 5.839.143
571313134700402560 15-04-2014 07-03-2017 2200 100 80 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas-VIND 665 Lemvig LAND Rysensten Hovedgård, Bøvling 1u 447710,49 6256544,433 Stamdata 40256 4.646.828 8.069.142 7.320.595 1.869.653
571313134700402898 31-07-2015 31-12-2017 3300 130 99,5 SIEMENS Ukendt-Simens 665 Lemvig LAND Den Nordlige Del, Bøvling 43g 447658,26 6255635,65 Stamdata 40289 3.870.843 15.506.063 12.026.524 3.750
571313134700404120 05-05-2017 25-10-2017 2000 110 80 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas-VIND 665 Lemvig LAND Rysensten Hovedgård, Bøvling 1u 447710,49 6256544,433 Stamdata 40412 3.259.961
570715000000029066 01-07-1985 08-11-2002 55 15 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S HVK 15 671 Struer LAND Oddesund 19o 471548 6270724 Stamdata 10001 56.262 167.263 147.784 161.759 169.588 172.845 159.021 152.286 161.742 162.496 149.377 135.803 145.435 157.601 137.420 152.302 129.478 116.304
570715000000029073 01-07-1985 08-11-2002 55 15 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S HVK 15 671 Struer LAND Oddesund 19o 471646 6270711 Stamdata 10001 56.262 167.263 147.784 161.759 169.588 172.845 159.021 152.286 161.742 162.496 149.377 135.803 145.435 157.601 137.420 152.302 129.478 116.304
570715000000029080 01-07-1985 08-11-2002 55 15 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S HVK 15 671 Struer LAND Oddesund 19o 471745 6270698 Stamdata 10001 56.262 167.263 147.784 161.759 169.588 172.845 159.021 152.286 161.742 162.496 149.377 135.803 145.435 157.601 137.420 152.302 129.478 116.304
570715000000029097 01-07-1985 08-11-2002 55 15 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S HVK 15 671 Struer LAND Oddesund 19o 471843 6270684 Stamdata 10001 56.262 167.263 147.784 161.759 169.588 172.845 159.021 152.286 161.742 162.496 149.377 135.803 145.435 157.601 137.420 152.302 129.478 116.304
570715000000029103 01-07-1985 08-11-2002 55 15 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S HVK 15 671 Struer LAND Oddesund 19o 471830 6270586 Stamdata 10001 56.262 167.263 147.784 161.759 169.588 172.845 159.021 152.286 161.742 162.496 149.377 135.803 145.435 157.601 137.420 152.302 129.478 116.304
570715000000029110 01-07-1985 08-11-2002 55 15 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S HVK 15 671 Struer LAND Oddesund 19o 471928 6270572 Stamdata 10001 56.262 167.263 147.784 161.759 169.588 172.845 159.021 152.286 161.742 162.496 149.377 135.803 145.435 157.601 137.420 152.302 129.478 116.304
570715000000029127 01-07-1985 08-11-2002 55 15 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S HVK 15 671 Struer LAND Oddesund 19o 471942 6270670 Stamdata 10001 56.262 167.263 147.784 161.759 169.588 172.845 159.021 152.286 161.742 162.496 149.377 135.803 145.435 157.601 137.420 152.302 129.478 116.304
570715000000029134 01-07-1985 08-11-2002 55 15 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S HVK 15 671 Struer LAND Oddesund 19q 472041 6270657 Stamdata 10001 56.262 167.263 147.784 161.759 169.588 172.845 159.021 152.286 161.742 162.496 149.377 135.803 145.435 157.601 137.420 152.302 129.478 116.304
570715000000029141 01-07-1985 08-11-2002 55 15 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S HVK 15 671 Struer LAND Oddesund 19q 472027 6270559 Stamdata 10001 56.262 167.263 147.784 161.759 169.588 172.845 159.021 152.286 161.742 162.496 149.377 135.803 145.435 157.601 137.420 152.302 129.478 116.304
570715000000029158 01-07-1985 08-11-2002 55 15 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S HVK 15 671 Struer LAND Oddesund 19q 472125 6270545 Stamdata 10001 56.262 167.263 147.784 161.759 169.588 172.845 159.021 152.286 161.742 162.496 149.377 135.803 145.435 157.601 137.420 152.302 129.478 116.304
570715000000029165 01-07-1985 08-11-2002 55 15 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S HVK 15 671 Struer LAND Oddesund 19q 472138 6270643 Stamdata 10001 56.262 167.263 147.784 161.759 169.588 172.845 159.021 152.286 161.742 162.496 149.377 135.803 145.435 157.601 137.420 152.302 129.478 116.304
570715000000029172 01-07-1985 08-11-2002 55 15 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S HVK 15 671 Struer LAND Oddesund 19p 472237 6270631 Stamdata 10001 56.262 167.263 147.784 161.759 169.588 172.845 159.021 152.286 161.742 162.496 149.377 135.803 145.435 157.601 137.420 152.302 129.478 116.304
570715000000029189 01-07-1985 08-11-2002 55 15 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S HVK 15 671 Struer LAND Oddesund 19p 472223 6270532 Stamdata 10001 56.262 167.263 147.784 161.759 169.588 172.845 159.021 152.286 161.742 162.496 149.377 135.803 145.435 157.601 137.420 152.302 129.478 116.304
570715000000029196 01-07-1985 08-11-2002 55 15 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S HVK 15 671 Struer LAND Serup By 19p 472223 6270518 Stamdata 10001 56.262 167.263 147.784 161.759 169.588 172.845 159.021 152.286 161.742 162.496 149.377 135.803 145.435 157.601 137.420 152.302 129.478 116.304
570715000000029202 01-07-1985 08-11-2002 55 15 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S HVK 15 671 Struer LAND Oddesund 19a 472336 6270617 Stamdata 10001 56.262 167.263 147.784 161.759 169.588 172.845 159.021 152.286 161.742 162.496 149.377 135.803 145.435 157.601 137.420 152.302 129.478 116.304
570715000000029219 01-07-1985 08-11-2002 55 15 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S HVK 15 671 Struer LAND Oddesund 19a 472434 6270603 Stamdata 10001 56.262 167.263 147.784 161.759 169.588 172.845 159.021 152.286 161.742 162.496 149.377 135.803 145.435 157.601 137.420 152.302 129.478 116.304
570715000000029226 01-07-1985 08-11-2002 55 15 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S HVK 15 671 Struer LAND Oddesund 19a 472532 6270591 Stamdata 10001 56.262 167.263 147.784 161.759 169.588 172.845 159.021 152.286 161.742 162.496 149.377 135.803 145.435 157.601 137.420 152.302 129.478 116.304
570715000000029233 01-07-1985 08-11-2002 55 15 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S HVK 15 671 Struer LAND Oddesund 19a 472448 6270701 Stamdata 10001 56.262 167.263 147.784 161.759 169.588 172.845 159.021 152.286 161.742 162.496 149.377 135.803 145.435 157.601 137.420 152.302 129.478 116.304
570715000000029240 01-07-1985 08-11-2002 55 15 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S HVK 15 671 Struer LAND Oddesund 19a 472349 6270715 Stamdata 10001 56.262 167.263 147.784 161.759 169.588 172.845 159.021 152.286 161.742 162.496 149.377 135.803 145.435 157.601 137.420 152.302 129.478 116.304
570715000000029257 01-07-1985 08-11-2002 55 15 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S HVK 15 671 Struer LAND Oddesund 19a 472363 6270814 Stamdata 10001 56.262 167.263 147.784 161.759 169.588 172.845 159.021 152.286 161.742 162.496 149.377 135.803 145.435 157.601 137.420 152.302 129.478 116.304
570715000000029547 15-08-1981 11-06-2013 30 10 19 Danregn Vindkraft 30-Danregn Vindkraft 671 Struer LAND Egebjerg by 2i 473360,63 6277502,71 SDFE2018 123145 22.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 30.161 31.369 33.836 32.931 32.881 40.203 39.669 33.729 37.694 29.559 33.564 28.933 30.951 30.786 29.861 31.931 26.326 28.119 25.753 31.834 31.918 9.268
570715000000029554 15-01-1987 30-10-2002 90 17 23,2 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-90  671 Struer LAND Flovlev by 11i 468929,75 6277603,01 SDFE2018 23160 177.176 211.560 221.800 226.060 207.980 186.890 211.890 211.640 200.980 172.510 198.540 209.460 179.360 200.050 170.120 155.160
570715000000029561 15-01-1988 17-03-2017 150 23 24,5 BONUS 150/30 kW 671 Struer LAND Smerup by 3a 468953,4 6279723,04 SDFE2018 123162 388.574 444.415 452.951 416.725 424.120 433.000 428.630 406.470 339.520 374.880 405.900 338.304 403.252 356.341 356.977 319.423 383.360 379.330 360.107 383.081 326.616 272.590 314.166 403.272 414.519 371.714 387.675 411.097 368.950 82.880
570715000000030321 15-10-1989 28-06-2017 150 23 24,5 BONUS 150/30 kW 671 Struer LAND Hvidbjerg by 11a 470827,59 6279269 SDFE2018 160009 71.398 436.616 401.696 386.840 410.610 409.280 391.110 333.170 374.840 391.835 343.905 380.033 317.840 335.850 297.701 346.895 341.731 290.841 392.008 335.980 319.697 169.456 368.239 362.946 218.551 12 0 117.585 14.615
570715000000030369 15-11-1982 30-06-2002 55 15 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 55-Vestas 671 Struer LAND Hindsels Hgd 1a 474226 6281380 Stamdata 60020 8.998 130.921 132.916 104.477 129.419 114.347 125.160 131.218 133.738 123.042 117.350 132.710 133.870 118.640 111.400 120.620 113.340 93.650 106.520 91.920 27.610
570715000000030451 15-10-1990 19-10-2010 150 23 24,5 BONUS 150/30 kW 671 Struer LAND Jestrup by 12h 466565 6279289 Stamdata 160040 84.150 464.518 464.310 460.340 477.420 450.410 369.950 418.890 459.130 406.357 452.574 382.590 396.598 363.028 421.616 410.263 388.209 445.609 426.680 363.556 243.010
570715000000030482 15-01-1991 23-05-2016 150 23 30 BONUS 150/30 kW 671 Struer LAND Hindsels Hgd 1a 473936,55 6281419,41 GST, 18-02-2013 160046 365.116 380.970 411.350 411.730 388.110 325.740 370.770 388.390 336.767 380.923 315.267 336.450 302.697 333.088 330.926 298.731 336.989 210.043 303.347 178.889 346.735 366.307 322.168 348.527 355.367 66.842
570715000000030567 15-09-1991 08-04-2003 150 23,8 30 BONUS 150   - MK ll 671 Struer LAND Floulev by 6a 469924 6277338 Stamdata 160068 114.042 430.770 459.500 463.200 432.660 373.160 426.690 460.870 399.815 439.464 367.100 396.507 100.482
570715000000030574 15-09-1991 15-10-2000 150 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 671 Struer LAND Ukendt 0 462520 6249317 Stamdata 60070 0 0
570715000000030635 15-10-1991 10-01-2014 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  671 Struer LAND Hvidbjerg by 4a 470633,72 6280321,3 GST, 18-02-2013 160086 102.749 584.260 627.150 618.060 594.100 507.310 582.640 610.220 537.287 589.296 511.529 532.022 474.736 552.447 531.339 346.171 623.254 541.364 415.150 439.170 417.011 585.980 439.108 0
570715000000030697 15-12-1991 28-06-2017 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  671 Struer LAND Hvidbjerg by 11a 470636,51 6279317,07 GST, 18-02-2013 160098 0 554.260 606.210 608.350 577.180 488.700 566.030 587.990 522.933 577.556 491.762 523.290 468.636 536.798 530.246 482.149 605.201 543.001 499.997 476.030 567.741 571.996 509.457 540.059 619.025 500.859 188.554
570715000000030857 05-11-1992 31-01-2018 150 23,8 30 BONUS 150   - MK ll 671 Struer LAND Egebjerg by 7b 473173,36 6277053,67 SDFE2018 160130 69.970 442.370 451.240 419.350 367.160 418.800 439.870 385.339 432.032 363.257 373.266 340.106 365.763 305.480 348.669 416.447 374.472 358.403 321.852 389.563 355.763 348.462 375.406 431.114 337.323 189.310 0
570715000000030864 23-11-1992 01-03-2017 150 23,8 30 BONUS 150   - MK lll 671 Struer LAND Helligkildegård 1e 473210,05 6277820,78 SDFE2018 160132 47.090 421.420 438.270 404.090 345.160 406.780 418.760 368.516 395.458 338.092 356.809 330.781 370.862 370.610 327.148 412.577 369.952 341.101 299.015 394.501 373.747 339.484 341.754 419.071 212.283 56.423
570715000000030871 23-11-1992 07-12-2016 150 23,8 30 BONUS 150   - MK lll 671 Struer LAND Helligkildegård 1e 473230,76 6277901,78 GST, 18-02-2013 160134 41.610 416.880 429.650 399.900 343.700 399.830 411.780 357.959 399.232 336.496 339.814 320.077 356.966 348.298 315.773 345.610 302.765 321.158 286.436 359.606 347.055 290.139 157.758 0 0
570715000000031007 15-09-1994 08-02-2017 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  671 Struer LAND Helligkilde by 6a 472343,63 6276569,44 GST, 18-02-2013 160164 167.000 598.040 516.080 594.110 617.890 543.042 603.606 511.254 528.185 479.546 548.075 540.057 489.532 602.020 539.692 489.193 470.965 549.256 553.781 492.806 507.201 464.767 435.502 37.772
570715000000031663 15-11-1982 25-09-2002 55 15 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 55-Vestas 671 Struer LAND Jegindø 6a 477247 6277152 Stamdata 60300 7.325 106.575 108.200 85.049 105.352 93.083 101.886 106.817 108.869 100.162 82.880 89.250 86.340 67.160 81.180 113.100 130.970 95.660 117.620 95.480 55.310
570715000000031717 15-03-1999 22-12-2020 1000 54,2 45 BONUS 1 MW 671 Struer LAND Lyngs by 14b 467596,82 6280709,57 SDFE2018 160310 1.959.236 2.936.823 2.574.749 2.748.806 2.410.005 2.801.097 2.771.056 2.441.524 2.992.404 2.600.342 2.534.656 2.469.189 2.901.308 2.959.276 2.692.524 2.528.604 3.128.197 2.652.704 2.935.727 2.598.282 2.614.258 2.723.273
570715000000031724 15-03-1999 20-12-2020 1000 54,2 45 BONUS 1 MW 671 Struer LAND Lyngs by 15a 467412,31 6280946,34 SDFE2018 160312 2.004.532 2.987.595 2.565.290 2.775.388 2.426.540 2.775.378 2.738.101 2.560.080 3.030.512 2.782.904 2.563.359 2.518.504 2.719.215 2.688.069 2.643.778 2.726.621 3.189.033 2.633.298 2.935.333 2.623.787 2.670.625 2.627.609
570715000000031731 15-03-1999 22-12-2020 1000 54,2 45 BONUS 1 MW 671 Struer LAND Lyngs by 14b 467227,01 6281183,08 SDFE2018 160314 2.051.989 2.904.933 2.623.483 2.819.627 2.401.365 2.796.294 2.769.330 2.541.817 3.043.975 2.731.691 2.559.720 2.489.277 2.908.725 2.965.363 2.619.215 2.806.827 3.140.586 2.630.195 2.869.341 2.177.467 2.511.340 2.707.932
570715000000035753 25-10-1985 13-11-2002 150 23 24,5 BONUS 150 kW 671 Struer LAND Vejbjerggård Hdg., Humlum 3x 473124,53 6269647,91 Stamdata 40139262 25.753 290.951 359.278 404.531 434.037 452.673 396.685 385.908 432.133 431.182 389.802 349.695 377.542 402.593 344.065 377.423 240.664 236.440
570715000000035760 25-10-1985 13-11-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 98 671 Struer LAND Vejbjerggård Hdg., Humlum 3x 473101,92 6269564,2 Stamdata 40139262 16.310 184.269 227.543 256.203 274.890 286.693 251.234 244.408 273.684 273.082 246.875 221.473 239.110 254.976 217.908 239.034 209.337 236.440
570715000000035777 25-10-1985 30-10-2009 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 98 671 Struer LAND Vejbjerggård Hdg., Humlum 3x 473079,726 6269479,076 Stamdata 40139262 16.310 184.269 227.543 256.203 274.890 286.693 251.234 244.408 273.684 273.082 246.875 221.473 239.110 254.976 217.908 239.034 209.337 236.440 186.267 206.119 188.855 183.106 179.092 84.583 25.553
570715000000035784 25-10-1985 30-10-2009 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 98 671 Struer LAND Vejbjerggård Hdg., Humlum 3x 473056,402 6269395,624 Stamdata 40139262 16.310 184.269 227.543 256.203 274.890 286.693 251.234 244.408 273.684 273.082 246.875 221.473 239.110 254.976 217.908 239.034 209.337 236.440 186.267 206.119 188.855 183.106 179.092 84.583 25.553
570715000000035791 25-10-1985 30-10-2009 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 98 671 Struer LAND Vejbjerggård Hdg., Humlum 1a 473033,077 6269312,171 Stamdata 40139262 16.310 184.269 227.543 256.203 274.890 286.693 251.234 244.408 273.684 273.082 246.875 221.473 239.110 254.976 217.908 239.034 209.337 236.440 186.267 206.119 188.855 183.106 179.092 84.583 25.553
570715000000035807 25-10-1985 30-10-2009 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 98 671 Struer LAND Vejbjerggård Hdg., Humlum 1a 473009,753 6269228,719 Stamdata 40139262 16.310 184.269 227.543 256.203 274.890 286.693 251.234 244.408 273.684 273.082 246.875 221.473 239.110 254.976 217.908 239.034 209.337 236.440 186.267 206.119 188.855 183.106 179.092 84.583 25.553
570715000000035814 25-10-1985 30-10-2009 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 98 671 Struer LAND Vejbjerggård Hdg., Humlum 1a 472986,428 6269145,267 Stamdata 40139262 16.310 184.269 227.543 256.203 274.890 286.693 251.234 244.408 273.684 273.082 246.875 221.473 239.110 254.976 217.908 239.034 209.337 236.440 186.267 206.119 188.855 183.106 179.092 84.583 25.553
570715000000035821 25-10-1985 30-10-2009 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 98 671 Struer LAND Vejbjerggård Hdg., Humlum 1a 472962,105 6269061,794 Stamdata 40139262 16.310 184.269 227.543 256.203 274.890 286.693 251.234 244.408 273.684 273.082 246.875 221.473 239.110 254.976 217.908 239.034 209.337 236.440 186.267 206.119 188.855 183.106 179.092 84.583 25.553
570715000000035838 25-10-1985 30-10-2009 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 98 671 Struer LAND Vejbjerggård Hdg., Humlum 1a 472939,779 6268978,362 Stamdata 40139262 16.310 184.269 227.543 256.203 274.890 286.693 251.234 244.408 273.684 273.082 246.875 221.473 239.110 254.976 217.908 239.034 209.337 236.440 186.267 206.119 188.855 183.106 179.092 84.583 25.553
570715000000035845 25-10-1985 13-11-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 98 671 Struer LAND Vejbjerggård Hdg., Humlum 3x 473147,02 6269371,62 Stamdata 40139262 16.310 184.269 227.543 256.203 274.890 286.693 251.234 244.408 273.684 273.082 246.875 221.473 239.110 254.976 217.908 239.034 209.337 236.440
570715000000035852 25-10-1985 30-10-2009 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 98 671 Struer LAND Vejbjerggård Hdg., Humlum 1a 473125,564 6269287,028 Stamdata 40139262 16.310 184.269 227.543 256.203 274.890 286.693 251.234 244.408 273.684 273.082 246.875 221.473 239.110 254.976 217.908 239.034 209.337 236.440 186.267 206.119 188.855 183.106 179.092 84.583 25.553
570715000000035869 25-10-1985 30-10-2009 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 98 671 Struer LAND Vejbjerggård Hdg., Humlum 1a 473101,241 6269203,556 Stamdata 40139262 16.310 184.269 227.543 256.203 274.890 286.693 251.234 244.408 273.684 273.082 246.875 221.473 239.110 254.976 217.908 239.034 209.337 236.440 186.267 206.119 188.855 183.106 179.092 84.583 25.553
570715000000035876 25-10-1985 13-11-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 98 671 Struer LAND Vejbjerggård Hdg., Humlum 3o 473077,3 6269120,25 Stamdata 40139262 16.310 184.269 227.543 256.203 274.890 286.693 251.234 244.408 273.684 273.082 246.875 221.473 239.110 254.976 217.908 239.034 209.337 236.440
570715000000035883 25-10-1985 13-11-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 98 671 Struer LAND Vejbjerggård Hdg., Humlum 1g 473054,18 6269036,36 Stamdata 40139262 16.310 184.269 227.543 256.203 274.890 286.693 251.234 244.408 273.684 273.082 246.875 221.473 239.110 254.976 217.908 239.034 209.337 236.440
570715000000035890 25-10-1985 13-11-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 98 671 Struer LAND Vejbjerggård Hdg., Humlum 1f 473285,64 6269514,21 Stamdata 40139262 16.310 184.269 227.543 256.203 274.890 286.693 251.234 244.408 273.684 273.082 246.875 221.473 239.110 254.976 217.908 239.034 209.337 236.440
570715000000035906 25-10-1985 13-11-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 98 671 Struer LAND Vejbjerggård Hdg., Humlum 1f 473258,91 6269418,97 Stamdata 40139262 16.310 184.269 227.543 256.203 274.890 286.693 251.234 244.408 273.684 273.082 246.875 221.473 239.110 254.976 217.908 239.034 209.337 236.440
570715000000035913 25-10-1985 13-11-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 98 671 Struer LAND Vejbjerggård Hdg., Humlum 1f 473330,48 6269321,45 Stamdata 40139262 16.310 184.269 227.543 256.203 274.890 286.693 251.234 244.408 273.684 273.082 246.875 221.473 239.110 254.976 217.908 239.034 209.337 236.440
570715000000035920 25-10-1985 13-11-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 98 671 Struer LAND Vejbjerggård Hdg., Humlum 3o 473192,57 6269178,19 Stamdata 40139262 16.310 184.269 227.543 256.203 274.890 286.693 251.234 244.408 273.684 273.082 246.875 221.473 239.110 254.976 217.908 239.034 209.337 236.440
570715000000035937 25-10-1985 13-11-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 98 671 Struer LAND Vejbjerggård Hdg., Humlum 3o 473169,31 6269094,56 Stamdata 40139262 16.310 184.269 227.543 256.203 274.890 286.693 251.234 244.408 273.684 273.082 246.875 221.473 239.110 254.976 217.908 239.034 209.337 236.440
570715000000035944 25-10-1985 13-11-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 98 671 Struer LAND Vejbjerggård Hdg., Humlum 1f 473306,93 6269237,66 Stamdata 40139262 16.310 184.269 227.543 256.203 274.890 286.693 251.234 244.408 273.684 273.082 246.875 221.473 239.110 254.976 217.908 239.034 209.337 236.440
570715000000035951 25-10-1985 13-11-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 98 671 Struer LAND Vejbjerggård Hdg., Humlum 1g 473237,35 6268985,68 Stamdata 40139262 16.310 184.269 227.543 256.203 274.890 286.693 251.234 244.408 273.684 273.082 246.875 221.473 239.110 254.976 217.908 239.034 209.337 236.440
570715000000035968 25-10-1985 13-11-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 98 671 Struer LAND Vejbjerggård Hdg., Humlum 1g 473214,08 6268901,88 Stamdata 40139262 16.310 184.269 227.543 256.203 274.890 286.693 251.234 244.408 273.684 273.082 246.875 221.473 239.110 254.976 217.908 239.034 209.337 236.440
570715000000035975 25-10-1985 13-11-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 98 671 Struer LAND Vejbjerggård Hdg., Humlum 1a 473369,98 6269130,12 Stamdata 40139262 16.310 184.269 227.543 256.203 274.890 286.693 251.234 244.408 273.684 273.082 246.875 221.473 239.110 254.976 217.908 239.034 209.337 236.440
570715000000035982 25-10-1985 13-11-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 98 671 Struer LAND Vejbjerggård Hdg., Humlum 1a 473346,46 6269046,14 Stamdata 40139262 16.310 184.269 227.543 256.203 274.890 286.693 251.234 244.408 273.684 273.082 246.875 221.473 239.110 254.976 217.908 239.034 209.337 236.440
570715000000035999 25-10-1985 13-11-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 98 671 Struer LAND Vejbjerggård Hdg., Humlum 1g 473299,67 6268878,36 Stamdata 40139262 16.310 184.269 227.543 256.203 274.890 286.693 251.234 244.408 273.684 273.082 246.875 221.473 239.110 254.976 217.908 239.034 209.337 236.440
570715000000036040 15-01-1983 14-11-2002 55 15 22 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-15  671 Struer LAND Den nordlige Del, Vejrum 15e 475734,35 6254653,98 Stamdata 40005075 46.606 51.618 40.574 50.260 44.407 48.606 50.959 51.937 47.783 43.735 53.721 52.086 51.013 33.046 49.369 46.171 38.942 39.789 26.876 35.540
570715000000036064 15-07-1984 07-07-2016 18 11 20 Kuriant KE 18/4 EH-Kuriant 671 Struer Land 469859,02 6257701,43 SDFE2018 9.685 18.271 22.632 19.997 21.888 22.947 23.388 21.517 22.398 21.401 22.672 19.716 16.345 18.807 16.990 23.307 29.207 53.060 77.460 20.617 25.777 24.931 11.384 0 2.507 26.068 23.200 25.437 26.664 20.954 33.502 18.504 0
570715000000036118 15-02-1984 06-11-2003 55 15 21 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-15  671 Struer LAND Bramstrup, Humlum 1a 473790,763 6265775,968 Stamdata 40013071 94.469 89.107 110.379 97.525 106.747 111.914 114.063 104.941 104.357 108.705 102.434 106.086 86.019 104.317 104.381 83.547 93.540 75.330 82.540 53.760
570715000000036316 15-06-1986 04-12-2002 75 17 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  671 Struer LAND Venø By, Venø 4a 477286,22 6264511,25 Stamdata 40028007 114.040 201.519 220.576 231.251 235.693 216.843 214.331 211.996 216.573 207.388 181.280 199.770 212.560 184.174 156.712 161.470 134.068
570715000000036439 15-03-1987 02-12-2002 75 17 31 Windmatic VM 17S 75 671 Struer LAND Den østlige Del, Resen 4k 471256,16 6262941,32 Stamdata 40035004 140.276 204.721 214.630 218.752 201.257 207.136 198.132 200.233 193.802 161.144 189.740 201.427 172.652 190.119 157.505 144.712
570715000000036446 15-03-1987 02-12-2002 75 17 31 Windmatic VM 17S 75 671 Struer LAND Den østlige Del, Resen 4k 471245,35 6262863,57 Stamdata 40035004 140.276 204.721 214.630 218.752 201.257 207.136 198.132 200.233 193.802 161.144 189.740 201.427 172.652 190.119 157.505 144.712
570715000000036545 15-08-1987 07-06-2000 90 19 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  671 Struer LAND Langhøj, Asp 17c,5a 469798,02 6253632,18 Stamdata 40040038 0 0
570715000000036552 15-08-1987 07-06-2000 90 19 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  671 Struer LAND Langhøj, Asp 17c,5a 469777,08 6253493,59 Stamdata 40040038 0 0
570715000000036576 15-07-1987 18-11-2002 150 23 24 BONUS 150 kW 671 Struer LAND Hjerm Hede, Hjerm 7c 477323,13 6256178,14 Stamdata 40041040 123.106 323.393 339.044 345.557 317.919 335.033 312.400 315.000 301.867 252.167 283.700 310.202 280.931 318.500 253.676 236.603
570715000000036583 15-07-1987 18-11-2002 150 23 24 BONUS 150 kW 671 Struer LAND Hjerm Hede, Hjerm 7c 477418,83 6256157,38 Stamdata 40041040 123.106 323.393 339.044 345.557 317.919 335.033 312.400 315.000 301.867 252.167 283.700 310.202 280.931 318.500 253.676 236.603
570715000000036590 15-07-1987 18-11-2002 150 23 24 BONUS 150 kW 671 Struer LAND Hjerm Hede, Hjerm 7c 477259,26 6256066,21 Stamdata 40041040 123.106 323.393 339.044 345.557 317.919 335.033 312.400 315.000 301.867 252.167 283.700 310.202 280.931 318.500 253.676 236.603
570715000000039218 24-11-1999 12-06-2002 11 13 18,3 Gaia-Wind Ltd Gaia 11   671 Struer LAND Den nordlige Del, Hjerm 42d 481520,68 6257440,64 Stamdata 40156321 3.483 40.056 34.601 20.907
570715000000039317 27-12-1999 27-09-2005 11 13 18,3 Gaia-Wind Ltd Gaia 11   671 Struer LAND Hjerm Hede, Hjerm 6f 477627,009 6255840,519 Stamdata 40158322 0 14.075 13.882 14.721 11.968 13.567 8.246
570715000000044915 01-11-1998 05-12-2004 12 13 18 Gaia-Wind Ltd Gaia 11   671 Struer LAND 26 21e 474254 6258242 Stamdata 10258 6.105 30.331 33.101 27.706 30.419 24.584 0
570715000000018862 13-05-1985 09-06-2002 75 17 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  706 Syddjurs LAND Lemmer By, Lime 1e 577773 6248580 Stamdata 95024 92.465 152.718 129.152 145.977 147.598 154.057 138.149 138.807 152.885 161.825 141.655 124.500 132.740 143.370 128.268 138.066 105.709 64.189
570715000000018879 13-05-1985 09-06-2002 75 17 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  706 Syddjurs LAND Skørring By, Skørring 3x 577814 6248416 Stamdata 95024 92.465 152.718 129.152 145.977 147.598 154.057 138.149 138.807 152.885 161.825 141.655 124.500 132.740 143.370 128.268 138.066 105.709 64.189
570715000000019135 10-06-1988 27-02-2002 150 22,2 23,7 DWP D 150 S 706 Syddjurs LAND Lime Sjellebrovej 3, Lime 23a 577187 6250588 Stamdata 95050 131.112 265.138 276.739 248.163 249.346 280.140 297.220 239.560 212.160 234.380 257.430 248.013 249.701 105.913 -198
570715000000021237 28-06-1985 03-11-2002 55 16 22 Nordtank NTK 55 706 Syddjurs LAND Ebeltoft Markjorder 26f 603089,33 6224551,11 Stamdata 102.04. 58.557 145.071 122.685 138.667 140.208 146.343 131.231 138.667 139.543 152.337 136.082 115.157 122.245 141.083 118.708 135.623 117.601 81.474
570715000000021244 28-06-1985 03-11-2002 55 16 22 Nordtank NTK 55 706 Syddjurs LAND Ebeltoft Markjorder 26f 603080,47 6224600,79 Stamdata 102.04. 58.557 145.071 122.685 138.667 140.208 146.343 131.231 138.667 139.543 152.337 136.082 115.157 122.245 141.083 118.708 135.623 117.601 81.474
570715000000021251 28-06-1985 03-11-2002 55 16 22 Nordtank NTK 55 706 Syddjurs LAND Ebeltoft Markjorder 26f 603071,64 6224649,88 Stamdata 102.04. 58.557 145.071 122.685 138.667 140.208 146.343 131.231 138.667 139.543 152.337 136.082 115.157 122.245 141.083 118.708 135.623 117.601 81.474
570715000000021268 28-06-1985 03-11-2002 55 16 22 Nordtank NTK 55 706 Syddjurs LAND Ebeltoft Markjorder 26f 603062,3 6224698,98 Stamdata 102.04. 58.557 145.071 122.685 138.667 140.208 146.343 131.231 138.667 139.543 152.337 136.082 115.157 122.245 141.083 118.708 135.623 117.601 81.474
570715000000021275 28-06-1985 03-11-2002 55 16 22 Nordtank NTK 55 706 Syddjurs LAND Ebeltoft Markjorder 26f 603053,26 6224748,9 Stamdata 102.04. 58.557 145.071 122.685 138.667 140.208 146.343 131.231 138.667 139.543 152.337 136.082 115.157 122.245 141.083 118.708 135.623 117.601 81.474
570715000000021282 28-06-1985 03-11-2002 55 16 22 Nordtank NTK 55 706 Syddjurs LAND Ebeltoft Markjorder 26f 603044,4 6224797,07 Stamdata 102.04. 58.557 145.071 122.685 138.667 140.208 146.343 131.231 138.667 139.543 152.337 136.082 115.157 122.245 141.083 118.708 135.623 117.601 81.474
570715000000021299 28-06-1985 03-11-2002 55 16 22 Nordtank NTK 55 706 Syddjurs LAND Ebeltoft Markjorder 26f 603035,25 6224846,61 Stamdata 102.04. 58.557 145.071 122.685 138.667 140.208 146.343 131.231 138.667 139.543 152.337 136.082 115.157 122.245 141.083 118.708 135.623 117.601 81.474
570715000000021305 28-06-1985 03-11-2002 55 16 22 Nordtank NTK 55 706 Syddjurs LAND Ebeltoft Markjorder 26f 603027,4 6224895,68 Stamdata 102.04. 58.557 145.071 122.685 138.667 140.208 146.343 131.231 138.667 139.543 152.337 136.082 115.157 122.245 141.083 118.708 135.623 117.601 81.474
570715000000021312 28-06-1985 03-11-2002 55 16 22 Nordtank NTK 55 706 Syddjurs LAND Ebeltoft Markjorder 26f 603018,11 6224944,32 Stamdata 102.04. 58.557 145.071 122.685 138.667 140.208 146.343 131.231 138.667 139.543 152.337 136.082 115.157 122.245 141.083 118.708 135.623 117.601 81.474
570715000000021329 28-06-1985 03-11-2002 55 16 22 Nordtank NTK 55 706 Syddjurs LAND Ebeltoft Markjorder 26f 603009,02 6224993,51 Stamdata 102.04. 58.557 145.071 122.685 138.667 140.208 146.343 131.231 138.667 139.543 152.337 136.082 115.157 122.245 141.083 118.708 135.623 117.601 81.474
570715000000021336 28-06-1985 03-11-2002 55 16 22 Nordtank NTK 55 706 Syddjurs LAND Ebeltoft Markjorder 26f 603000,04 6225042,24 Stamdata 102.04. 58.557 145.071 122.685 138.667 140.208 146.343 131.231 138.667 139.543 152.337 136.082 115.157 122.245 141.083 118.708 135.623 117.601 81.474
570715000000021343 28-06-1985 03-11-2002 55 16 22 Nordtank NTK 55 706 Syddjurs LAND Ebeltoft Markjorder 26f 602991,32 6225091,8 Stamdata 102.04. 58.557 145.071 122.685 138.667 140.208 146.343 131.231 138.667 139.543 152.337 136.082 115.157 122.245 141.083 118.708 135.623 117.601 81.474
570715000000021350 28-06-1985 03-11-2002 55 16 22 Nordtank NTK 55 706 Syddjurs LAND Ebeltoft Markjorder 26f 602998,82 6225135,87 Stamdata 102.04. 58.557 145.071 122.685 138.667 140.208 146.343 131.231 138.667 139.543 152.337 136.082 115.157 122.245 141.083 118.708 135.623 117.601 81.474
570715000000021367 28-06-1985 03-11-2002 55 16 22 Nordtank NTK 55 706 Syddjurs LAND Ebeltoft Markjorder 26f 603023,57 6225178,37 Stamdata 102.04. 58.557 145.071 122.685 138.667 140.208 146.343 131.231 138.667 139.543 152.337 136.082 115.157 122.245 141.083 118.708 135.623 117.601 81.474
570715000000021374 28-06-1985 03-11-2002 55 16 22 Nordtank NTK 55 706 Syddjurs LAND Ebeltoft Markjorder 26f 603048,54 6225222,33 Stamdata 102.04. 58.557 145.071 122.685 138.667 140.208 146.343 131.231 138.667 139.543 152.337 136.082 115.157 122.245 141.083 118.708 135.623 117.601 81.474
570715000000021381 28-06-1985 03-11-2002 55 16 22 Nordtank NTK 55 706 Syddjurs LAND Ebeltoft Markjorder 26f 603073,83 6225264,85 Stamdata 102.04. 58.557 145.071 122.685 138.667 140.208 146.343 131.231 138.667 139.543 152.337 136.082 115.157 122.245 141.083 118.708 135.623 117.601 81.474
570715000000021398 28-06-1985 03-11-2002 99 18 24,5 Nordtank NTK 100 706 Syddjurs LAND Ebeltoft Markjorder 26f 603671,48 6225091,97 Stamdata 102.04. 106.466 263.765 223.064 252.122 254.924 266.078 238.602 252.122 253.714 276.977 247.422 209.376 222.264 256.515 215.832 246.587 141.607 81.474
570715000000021541 27-11-1979 25-06-2002 15 9,5 16 Kuriant KE 15/4-Kuriant 706 Syddjurs LAND Boeslum by,Dråby 2a 606077,84 6229362,55 Stamdata 17576 2.750 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 8.250 0
570715000000021558 23-06-1982 15-11-2007 55 10 18 Nordtank NTK 30  706 Syddjurs LAND Glatved by, Hoed 17a 613580,75 6243278,11 Stamdata 17639 60.500 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 34.170 22.000 22.460 17.500 19.208 14.205 6.120
570715000000021565 28-08-1981 12-07-2002 30 10 18 Nordtank NTK 30  706 Syddjurs LAND Essig by, Feldballe 3a 596455,81 6239623,72 Stamdata 18238 40.333 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 31.905 121
570715000000021671 12-10-1981 26-07-2002 55 16 22 Nordtank NTK 55 706 Syddjurs LAND Hoed by, Hoed 3a 612486,72 6242395,46 Stamdata 19241 0 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 30.250 677
570715000000021978 24-02-1982 16-08-2002 15 10,5 18,3 V.P.F. Ukendt-V.P.F. 706 Syddjurs LAND Elsegårde, Ebeltoft Jorder 2bæ 605433,94 6225193,06 Stamdata 23939 27.500 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 0 0
570715000000021992 30-06-1982 03-10-2002 55 16 22 Nordtank NTK 55 706 Syddjurs LAND Ebeltoft Markjorder 125 603708,94 6224401,11 Stamdata 4036 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
570715000000022043 22-03-1982 14-03-2002 55 16 18 Nordtank NTK 55/11 706 Syddjurs LAND Knebel by, Knebel 17c 591808,37 6231420,18 Stamdata V102 93.482 151.131 153.434 120.605 149.396 126.343 142.802 144.389 150.706 135.144 136.180 148.473 151.614 130.811 119.858 128.230 146.536 129.433 143.169 104.677 0
570715000000022050 05-11-1982 10-10-2002 55 15,7 18 Nordtank NTK 55/11 706 Syddjurs LAND Knebel by, Knebel 17c 591765 6231522,06 Stamdata V103 9.022 131.271 133.271 104.756 129.764 109.741 124.036 125.415 130.902 117.385 122.082 124.994 125.511 119.457 102.153 109.129 130.099 111.521 126.769 105.011 67.147
570715000000022067 01-07-1983 26-07-2002 55 11 25 Nordtank NTK 55/11 706 Syddjurs LAND Mørke by, Mørke 13bi 585713,38 6243269,61 Stamdata V104 57.154 139.260 109.464 135.596 114.672 129.610 131.051 136.785 122.660 124.829 132.644 139.146 130.324 104.332 115.185 128.588 118.166 127.184 67.137 23.650
570715000000022111 26-09-1984 14-09-2002 55 16 22 Nordtank NTK 55/11 706 Syddjurs LAND Knebel by, Knebel 17e 591750,91 6231439,93 Stamdata V109 41.638 130.917 162.171 137.146 155.013 156.735 163.593 146.700 147.721 158.925 167.453 157.736 126.183 141.089 164.460 131.397 145.957 108.795 54.870
570715000000022142 11-01-1985 05-08-2002 75 15,5 24,5 Nordtank NTK 55 706 Syddjurs LAND Holme by, Dråby 9a 608994,78 6234009,59 Stamdata V112 126.816 171.371 144.927 163.807 165.627 172.874 155.023 174.955 192.909 192.908 135.593 120.980 148.422 165.009 143.037 145.963 157.129 51.875
570715000000022159 11-01-1985 05-08-2002 75 15,5 24,5 Nordtank NTK 55 706 Syddjurs LAND Holme by, Dråby 9a 608968,57 6234069,39 Stamdata V113 132.812 179.473 151.779 171.551 173.457 181.047 162.352 167.874 178.525 173.067 165.108 152.560 159.001 221.564 161.513 150.981 140.896 83.211
570715000000022166 11-01-1985 05-08-2002 75 16,2 24,5 Nordtank NTK 75 706 Syddjurs LAND Holme by, Dråby 9a 609050,45 6234105,02 Stamdata V114 128.496 173.642 146.848 165.977 167.822 175.165 157.077 154.279 175.468 184.756 156.600 146.400 129.100 165.900 144.175 179.668 116.369 6.863
570715000000022173 11-01-1985 05-08-2002 75 15,5 24,5 Nordtank NTK 55 706 Syddjurs LAND Holme by, Dråby 9a 609076,51 6234046,57 Stamdata V115 116.841 157.891 133.527 150.922 152.599 159.276 142.829 141.898 171.501 173.354 135.084 132.936 140.138 153.184 117.803 140.981 76.274 29.835
570715000000022180 14-12-1984 22-07-2002 55 17 22 Nordtank NTK 55 F-Nordtank 706 Syddjurs LAND Bale by, Mørke 6a 586025,35 6242002,56 Stamdata V116 0 107.505 133.169 112.620 127.291 128.706 134.337 120.465 124.135 131.462 137.782 123.772 101.373 117.289 127.183 165.186 87.993 136.046 59.004
570715000000022197 14-12-1984 22-07-2002 55 17 22 Nordtank NTK 55 F-Nordtank 706 Syddjurs LAND Bale by, Mørke 6a 586008,76 6242100,52 Stamdata V117 0 99.558 123.325 104.295 117.881 119.191 124.407 111.560 119.780 128.069 130.645 115.244 93.495 102.264 122.934 105.210 102.372 107.615 64.922
570715000000022210 07-12-1984 13-03-2002 55 0,1 0,1 Nordtank Ukendt-Nordtank 706 Syddjurs LAND Kolind by, Kolind 9d 599276,29 6246710,63 Stamdata V119 0 88.795 109.992 93.019 105.137 106.305 110.957 99.499 99.315 107.434 119.539 105.214 88.961 92.419 104.816 92.683 99.057 57.726 49.767
570715000000022227 07-12-1984 14-03-2002 55 17 19 Nordtank NTK 55 F-Nordtank 706 Syddjurs LAND Kolind by, Kolind 9d 599179,33 6246675,36 Stamdata V120 0 83.641 103.608 87.621 99.035 100.135 104.517 93.724 104.545 110.948 123.006 89.927 88.840 73.428 96.147 78.550 93.337 38.577 0
570715000000022234 15-03-1985 08-10-2002 55 16 24,5 Nordtank NTK 55/11 706 Syddjurs LAND Knebel by, Knebel 1c 591838,21 6231350,65 Stamdata V121 107.461 177.486 150.098 169.652 171.537 179.042 160.554 165.329 173.644 177.590 171.599 147.167 153.053 172.136 151.838 152.833 106.246 117.989
570715000000022241 17-04-1985 09-07-2002 55 16 18 Nordtank NTK 55 706 Syddjurs LAND Balle by, Rosmus 7t 610965,57 6241684,96 Stamdata V122 44.020 81.793 69.171 78.182 79.051 82.510 73.990 77.341 87.592 107.082 78.191 67.055 64.349 66.851 45.674 80.848 40.883 23.580
570715000000022265 24-05-1985 12-07-2002 55 16,4 24 706 Syddjurs LAND Hejlskov by, Hvilsager 1b 582373,79 6249996,3 Stamdata V124 69.291 147.141 124.436 140.646 142.209 148.431 133.104 151.915 141.751 149.827 138.939 115.943 128.262 145.615 123.616 119.524 119.533 30.248
570715000000022357 31-10-1985 22-07-2002 65 16 22 Nordtank NTK 65-Nordtank 706 Syddjurs LAND Ommestrup by,Mørke 16 586097,26 6242024,15 Stamdata V133 16.490 122.561 103.649 117.151 118.452 123.636 110.869 113.952 123.925 127.332 117.601 97.506 107.484 112.031 92.878 120.889 101.054 25.952
570715000000022364 12-11-1985 22-07-2002 65 16 22 Nordtank NTK 65/13 706 Syddjurs LAND Ommestrup by,Mørke 16 586171,25 6242037,93 Stamdata V134 8.534 126.858 107.282 121.258 122.605 127.970 114.756 105.511 119.854 133.223 122.700 100.000 115.500 120.000 108.700 122.700 70.535 43.191
570715000000022371 12-11-1985 22-07-2002 65 16 22 Nordtank NTK 65/13 706 Syddjurs LAND Ommestrup by,Mørke 16 586244,8 6242051,64 Stamdata V135 0 134.968 114.141 129.011 130.444 136.152 122.092 118.309 131.180 138.286 127.800 110.600 124.700 128.900 104.000 131.700 71.652 43.886
570715000000022388 05-11-1985 09-07-2002 75 18 16 Nordtank NTK 75 706 Syddjurs LAND Balle by, Rosmus 7t 610942,72 6241733,21 Stamdata V136 12.466 185.309 156.714 177.129 179.097 186.934 167.631 166.521 180.092 202.067 174.842 145.133 164.415 178.903 127.188 195.987 139.984 71.930
570715000000022395 06-12-1985 03-12-2002 300 31 32 Nordtank NTK 300-Nordtank 706 Syddjurs LAND Balle by, Rosmus 7t 610921,1 6241780,07 Stamdata V137 0 294.784 249.296 281.772 284.903 297.369 266.662 149.149 286.113 342.157 285.124 245.706 278.555 240.472 233.048 258.124 243.278 140.819
570715000000022418 19-06-1986 18-11-2002 95 19,3 22,6 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 706 Syddjurs LAND Holme by, Dråby 9b 609022,09 6234166,81 Stamdata V139 124.633 210.802 238.263 240.911 251.452 225.487 224.288 268.836 252.265 262.066 175.181 185.759 242.957 207.280 244.782 100.105 146.607
570715000000022487 19-02-1987 31-08-2002 130 11 28 Nordtank NTK 1NTK 30 706 Syddjurs LAND Boeslum by, Bråby 17b 606726,95 6227743,55 Stamdata V144 216.245 293.299 296.557 309.534 277.571 281.480 312.280 324.400 292.120 269.560 264.760 289.920 232.820 268.833 261.047 153.616
570715000000022517 11-09-1989 25-04-2000 150 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 706 Syddjurs LAND Ukendt 0 607425 6228521,31 Stamdata 0 0
570715000000022876 01-01-1999 18-09-2015 11 13 18 Gaia-Wind Ltd HB 101 706 Syddjurs Land 607568,91 6227391,96 GST, 18-02-2013 22.183 24.200 17.135 15.411 27.262 28.058 27.864 23.441 35.042 35.383 35.997 34.909 37.061 38.455 35.878 36.122 40.367 7.417
570715000000022883 05-05-1999 09-07-2002 110 21 26 Nordtank NTK 1NTK 30 706 Syddjurs LAND Balle by, Rosmus 7t 611017,64 6241719,24 Stamdata V206 69.771 126.561 98.286 60.899
570715000000063084 23-06-2004 18-03-2016 11 13 18 Gaia-Wind Ltd Gaia 11   706 Syddjurs Land 593896,05 6250547,19 GST, 18-02-2013 5.680 9.970 11.824 15.087 14.460 11.160 6.580 9.864 9.282 5.992 10.052 3.587 0
570715000001390523 30-12-2013 03-05-2016 10 7 21 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 706 Syddjurs Land Stamdata 7.877 3.418
570715000000018701 31-10-1980 10-12-2002 18 10 16 Bosted KE 18/4 EH-Bosted 707 Norddjurs LAND Rygårde, Nørager 7x 592171 6263480 Stamdata 95004 6.600 39.600 39.600 39.600 39.600 39.600 39.600 39.600 39.600 39.600 39.600 39.600 39.600 39.600 39.600 39.600 39.600 39.600 39.600 39.600 39.600 25.744 22.312
570715000000018718 12-06-1981 07-02-2002 18 11 18 Kuriant KE 18/4 707 Norddjurs LAND Rygård Strand 7a 592545 6263338 Stamdata 95006 16.500 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 8.250 0
570715000000018732 02-10-1981 01-07-2007 30 11 18 Nordtank NTK 30/7,5 707 Norddjurs LAND Bode by, Ørsted 31p 579536 6259873 Stamdata 95008 11.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 24.285 10.660 11.997 18.604 17.504 13.940 6.387
570715000000018749 12-11-1981 09-09-2002 55 15 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-15  707 Norddjurs LAND Lystrup By 32c 589500 6263360 Stamdata 95009 8.331 89.875 108.975 110.635 86.964 107.724 91.101 102.969 104.113 108.669 97.447 97.912 104.645 120.390 99.550 93.070 87.650 105.280 92.838 89.136 20.750 44.182
570715000000018817 17-05-1984 07-11-2002 55 15 22 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-8  707 Norddjurs LAND Vivild by, Vivild 38a 590347 6261104 Stamdata 95020 49.424 58.274 72.186 61.047 68.999 69.766 72.819 65.299 65.611 71.700 77.500 71.000 54.920 68.000 66.500 60.164 61.257 50.818 35.032
570715000000018831 18-12-1984 09-09-2002 55 16 22 Nordtank NTK 55 707 Norddjurs LAND Tøjstrup By, Vejlby 1c 585460 6259460 Stamdata 95022 0 78.527 97.274 82.264 92.980 94.013 98.127 87.994 88.414 93.057 107.823 97.323 77.201 86.873 82.486 80.395 90.528 71.651 55.837
570715000000018909 22-05-1986 29-07-2002 75 16 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 707 Norddjurs LAND Nielstrup by, Vivild 1a,1b 590310 6258779 Stamdata 95027 60.165 87.224 98.587 99.682 104.044 93.300 93.745 107.688 111.386 99.200 79.893 90.897 94.200 85.658 90.246 76.757 56.898
570715000000018923 10-04-1987 16-09-2002 95 18,5 24 BONUS 95-20   707 Norddjurs LAND Lystrup by, Lystrup 12a 590542 6262543 Stamdata 95029 116.597 197.679 199.875 208.621 187.078 187.970 212.130 210.479 187.370 171.092 179.464 197.885 181.003 180.287 148.010 121.269
570715000000018947 21-09-1987 19-08-2002 65 16 22 Nordtank NTK 65-Nordtank 707 Norddjurs LAND Hollandsbjerg, Ørsted 10d 577011 6260086 Stamdata 95031 24.076 108.852 110.061 114.877 103.015 103.506 115.693 115.337 108.508 91.331 102.132 111.008 94.277 98.995 81.836 61.523
570715000000018954 21-09-1987 19-08-2002 65 16 22 Nordtank NTK 65-Nordtank 707 Norddjurs LAND Hollandsbjerg, Ørsted 10d 577059 6260174 Stamdata 95032 23.898 108.046 109.247 114.027 102.252 102.740 106.817 114.920 117.319 106.839 90.026 95.953 104.486 92.056 87.013 65.046
570715000000018961 21-09-1987 19-08-2002 65 16 22 Nordtank NTK 65-Nordtank 707 Norddjurs LAND Hollandsbjerg, Ørsted 10d 577107 6260262 Stamdata 95033 24.295 109.841 111.061 115.921 103.950 104.446 110.088 124.568 108.438 93.981 100.622 111.448 94.610 101.807 79.653 66.490
570715000000018978 21-09-1987 19-08-2002 65 16 22 Nordtank NTK 65-Nordtank 707 Norddjurs LAND Hollandsbjerg, Ørsted 10d 577154 6260349 Stamdata 95034 23.148 104.654 105.817 110.447 99.042 99.514 114.410 106.748 103.138 90.537 100.970 104.796 81.065 103.482 88.842 61.079
570715000000018985 21-09-1987 19-08-2002 65 16 22 Nordtank NTK 65-Nordtank 707 Norddjurs LAND Hollandsbjerg, Ørsted 10d 577202 6260437 Stamdata 95035 21.148 95.613 96.676 100.906 90.486 90.917 101.185 110.386 101.425 78.022 96.766 100.075 68.619 80.851 73.880 44.898
570715000000019074 21-01-1988 09-05-2012 200 30 28 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  707 Norddjurs LAND Lystrup 27a 590225,09 6263309,97 GST, 18-02-2013 95044 363.787 401.268 418.826 375.577 377.368 422.745 434.541 384.309 350.683 350.011 392.132 347.194 371.473 335.110 349.742 324.897 356.555 364.368 319.125 387.890 369.605 323.919 341.430 362.505 67.587
570715000000019302 25-07-1991 30-06-2002 22 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 707 Norddjurs LAND Ukendt 0 575013 6240416 Stamdata 95068 20.167 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 12.100 0
570715000000020902 29-11-1988 08-10-2002 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 F LM 707 Norddjurs LAND Hollandsbjerg By, Ørsted 18a 578348 6260286 Stamdata WHO 15.258 166.957 184.460 160.131 171.340 178.684 186.611 147.950 146.893 157.483 171.444 147.586 156.216 126.695 114.868
570715000000020919 29-11-1988 08-10-2002 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 F LM 707 Norddjurs LAND Hollandsbjerg By, Ørsted 15a 578270 6260307 Stamdata WHO 15.258 166.957 184.460 160.131 171.340 178.684 186.611 147.950 146.893 157.483 171.444 147.586 156.216 126.695 114.868
570715000000020926 29-11-1988 08-10-2002 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 F LM 707 Norddjurs LAND Hollanadsbjerg By, Ørsted 15a 578188 6260328 Stamdata WHO 15.258 166.957 184.460 160.131 171.340 178.684 186.611 147.950 146.893 157.483 171.444 147.586 156.216 126.695 114.868
570715000000020933 29-11-1988 08-10-2002 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 F LM 707 Norddjurs LAND Hollanadsbjerg By, Ørsted 14aq 578107 6260348 Stamdata WHO 15.258 166.957 184.460 160.131 171.340 178.684 186.611 147.950 146.893 157.483 171.444 147.586 156.216 126.695 114.868
570715000000020940 29-11-1988 08-10-2002 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 F LM 707 Norddjurs LAND Hollanadsbjerg By, Ørsted 14aq 578025 6260369 Stamdata WHO 15.258 166.957 184.460 160.131 171.340 178.684 186.611 147.950 146.893 157.483 171.444 147.586 156.216 126.695 114.868
570715000000020957 29-11-1988 08-10-2002 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 F LM 707 Norddjurs LAND Hollanadsbjerg By, Ørsted 47e 577943 6260390 Stamdata WHO 15.258 166.957 184.460 160.131 171.340 178.684 186.611 147.950 146.893 157.483 171.444 147.586 156.216 126.695 114.868
570715000000020964 29-11-1988 08-10-2002 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 F LM 707 Norddjurs LAND Hollanadsbjerg By, Ørsted 47e 577861 6260411 Stamdata WHO 15.258 166.957 184.460 160.131 171.340 178.684 186.611 147.950 146.893 157.483 171.444 147.586 156.216 126.695 114.868
570715000000020971 29-11-1988 08-10-2002 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 F LM 707 Norddjurs LAND Hollanadsbjerg By, Ørsted 47k 577781 6260432 Stamdata WHO 15.258 166.957 184.460 160.131 171.340 178.684 186.611 147.950 146.893 157.483 171.444 147.586 156.216 126.695 114.868
570715000000020988 29-11-1988 08-10-2002 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 F LM 707 Norddjurs LAND Hollanadsbjerg By, Ørsted 47z 577698 6260454 Stamdata WHO 15.258 166.957 184.460 160.131 171.340 178.684 186.611 147.950 146.893 157.483 171.444 147.586 156.216 126.695 114.868
570715000000020995 29-11-1988 08-10-2002 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 F LM 707 Norddjurs LAND Hollanadsbjerg By, Ørsted 47m 577622 6260472 Stamdata WHO 15.258 166.957 184.460 160.131 171.340 178.684 186.611 147.950 146.893 157.483 171.444 147.586 156.216 126.695 114.868
570715000000021008 29-11-1988 08-10-2002 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 F LM 707 Norddjurs LAND Hollanadsbjerg By, Ørsted 47m 577546 6260492 Stamdata WHO 15.258 166.957 184.460 160.131 171.340 178.684 186.611 147.950 146.893 157.483 171.444 147.586 156.216 126.695 114.868
570715000000021015 29-11-1988 08-10-2002 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 F LM 707 Norddjurs LAND Hollanadsbjerg By, Ørsted 47x 577473 6260517 Stamdata WHO 15.258 166.957 184.460 160.131 171.340 178.684 186.611 147.950 146.893 157.483 171.444 147.586 156.216 126.695 114.868
570715000000021022 29-11-1988 08-10-2002 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 F LM 707 Norddjurs LAND Hollanadsbjerg By, Ørsted 5k 577399 6260544 Stamdata WHO 15.258 166.957 184.460 160.131 171.340 178.684 186.611 147.950 146.893 157.483 171.444 147.586 156.216 126.695 114.868
570715000000021039 29-11-1988 08-10-2002 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 F LM 707 Norddjurs LAND Hollanadsbjerg By, Ørsted 5k 577323 6260573 Stamdata WHO 15.258 166.957 184.460 160.131 171.340 178.684 186.611 147.950 146.893 157.483 171.444 147.586 156.216 126.695 114.868
570715000000021046 29-11-1988 08-10-2002 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 F LM 707 Norddjurs LAND Hollanadsbjerg By, Ørsted 5k 577247 6260602 Stamdata WHO 15.258 166.957 184.460 160.131 171.340 178.684 186.611 147.950 146.893 157.483 171.444 147.586 156.216 126.695 114.868
570715000000021053 29-11-1988 08-10-2002 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 F LM 707 Norddjurs LAND Hollanadsbjerg By, Ørsted 6h 577169 6260633 Stamdata WHO 15.258 166.957 184.460 160.131 171.340 178.684 186.611 147.950 146.893 157.483 171.444 147.586 156.216 126.695 114.868
570715000000021060 29-11-1988 08-10-2002 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 F LM 707 Norddjurs LAND Hollanadsbjerg By, Ørsted 6h 577097 6260669 Stamdata WHO 15.258 166.957 184.460 160.131 171.340 178.684 186.611 147.950 146.893 157.483 171.444 147.586 156.216 126.695 114.868
570715000000021077 29-11-1988 08-10-2002 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 F LM 707 Norddjurs LAND Hollanadsbjerg By, Ørsted 8d 577029 6260714 Stamdata WHO 15.258 166.957 184.460 160.131 171.340 178.684 186.611 147.950 146.893 157.483 171.444 147.586 156.216 126.695 114.868
570715000000021084 29-11-1988 08-10-2002 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 F LM 707 Norddjurs LAND Hollanadsbjerg By, Ørsted 2at 576966 6260772 Stamdata WHO 15.258 166.957 184.460 160.131 171.340 178.684 186.611 147.950 146.893 157.483 171.444 147.586 156.216 126.695 114.868
570715000000021091 29-11-1988 08-10-2002 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 F LM 707 Norddjurs LAND Hollanadsbjerg By, Ørsted 2at 576915 6260833 Stamdata WHO 15.258 166.957 184.460 160.131 171.340 178.684 186.611 147.950 146.893 157.483 171.444 147.586 156.216 126.695 114.868
570715000000021107 29-11-1988 08-10-2002 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 F LM 707 Norddjurs LAND Hollanadsbjerg By, Ørsted 7r 576872 6260902 Stamdata WHO 15.258 166.957 184.460 160.131 171.340 178.684 186.611 147.950 146.893 157.483 171.444 147.586 156.216 126.695 114.868
570715000000021114 29-11-1988 08-10-2002 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 F LM 707 Norddjurs LAND Hollanadsbjerg By, Ørsted 7r 576838 6260976 Stamdata WHO 15.258 166.957 184.460 160.131 171.340 178.684 186.611 147.950 146.893 157.483 171.444 147.586 156.216 126.695 114.868
570715000000021121 29-11-1988 08-10-2002 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 F LM 707 Norddjurs LAND Hollanadsbjerg By, Ørsted 3a 576815 6261056 Stamdata WHO 15.258 166.957 184.460 160.131 171.340 178.684 186.611 147.950 146.893 157.483 171.444 147.586 156.216 126.695 114.868
570715000000021138 29-11-1988 08-10-2002 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 F LM 707 Norddjurs LAND Hollanadsbjerg By, Ørsted 10f 576802 6261137 Stamdata WHO 15.258 166.957 184.460 160.131 171.340 178.684 186.611 147.950 146.893 157.483 171.444 147.586 156.216 126.695 114.868
570715000000021145 29-11-1988 08-10-2002 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 F LM 707 Norddjurs LAND Hollanadsbjerg By, Ørsted 10f 576793 6261218 Stamdata WHO 15.258 166.957 184.460 160.131 171.340 178.684 186.611 147.950 146.893 157.483 171.444 147.586 156.216 126.695 114.868
570715000000021152 29-11-1988 08-10-2002 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 F LM 707 Norddjurs LAND Hollanadsbjerg By, Ørsted 13r 576785 6261297 Stamdata WHO 15.258 166.957 184.460 160.131 171.340 178.684 186.611 147.950 146.893 157.483 171.444 147.586 156.216 126.695 114.868
570715000000021169 29-11-1988 08-10-2002 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 F LM 707 Norddjurs LAND Hollanadsbjerg By, Ørsted 13r 576777 6261381 Stamdata WHO 15.258 166.957 184.460 160.131 171.340 178.684 186.611 147.950 146.893 157.483 171.444 147.586 156.216 126.695 114.868
570715000000021176 29-11-1988 08-10-2002 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 F LM 707 Norddjurs LAND Hollanadsbjerg By, Ørsted 12t 576769 6261463 Stamdata WHO 15.258 166.957 184.460 160.131 171.340 178.684 186.611 147.950 146.893 157.483 171.444 147.586 156.216 126.695 114.868
570715000000021183 29-11-1988 08-10-2002 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 F LM 707 Norddjurs LAND Hollanadsbjerg By, Ørsted 12t 576761 6261543 Stamdata WHO 15.258 166.957 184.460 160.131 171.340 178.684 186.611 147.950 146.893 157.483 171.444 147.586 156.216 126.695 114.868
570715000000021190 29-11-1988 08-10-2002 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 F LM 707 Norddjurs LAND Hollanadsbjerg By, Ørsted 15d 576754 6261624 Stamdata WHO 15.258 166.957 184.460 160.131 171.340 178.684 186.611 147.950 146.893 157.483 171.444 147.586 156.216 126.695 114.868
570715000000021206 29-11-1988 08-10-2002 300 28 21 Nordtank NTK 300-Nordtank 707 Norddjurs LAND Hollanadsbjerg By, Ørsted 15d 576745 6261705 Stamdata WHO 35.210 385.286 425.676 369.532 395.401 412.347 430.640 341.423 338.983 363.422 395.641 340.583 360.498 167.338 114.868
570715000000021213 29-11-1988 08-10-2002 300 28 31 Nordtank NTK 300-Nordtank 707 Norddjurs LAND Hollanadsbjerg By, Ørsted 5i 576737 6261786 Stamdata WHO 35.210 385.286 425.676 369.532 395.401 412.347 430.640 341.423 338.983 363.422 395.641 340.583 360.498 167.338 114.868
570715000000021435 15-03-1997 28-09-2015 22 12,4 18 Genvind GV 20-1 707 Norddjurs Land 618886,07 6255936,34 GST, 18-02-2013 36.300 48.400 48.400 48.400 18.529 7.753 29.279 27.406 29.102 28.595 30.349 26.305 32.005 31.605 31.217 27.200 23.237 32.207 21.523
570715000000022081 23-12-1983 07-02-2002 65 16 22,5 Nordtank NTK 65/11 707 Norddjurs LAND Trustrup by, Lyngby 10a 609501,33 6245338,89 Stamdata V106 0 97.887 76.943 95.311 80.604 91.104 92.116 96.147 86.219 86.902 95.292 95.472 89.000 77.000 83.000 91.000 79.000 90.700 57.060 0
570715000000022098 18-04-1984 19-11-2002 55 7,5 22,5 707 Norddjurs LAND Ålsrode by, Ålsø 4a 615035,22 6246986,69 Stamdata V107 86.578 102.080 126.449 106.937 120.868 122.211 127.558 114.387 120.346 126.100 135.304 110.149 99.786 114.815 114.585 106.980 117.015 100.585 58.223
570715000000022104 18-04-1984 26-10-2002 55 16 18,5 Nordtank Ukendt-Nordtank 707 Norddjurs LAND Ålsrode by, Ålsø 4a 615017,88 6247085 Stamdata V108 82.879 97.719 121.047 102.368 115.704 116.989 122.108 109.499 112.821 114.381 125.035 106.037 109.725 104.584 106.811 105.117 114.032 114.949 126.856
570715000000022128 24-09-1984 04-03-2002 55 15 22 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-15  707 Norddjurs LAND Veggerslev by, Veggerslev 5a 613901,68 6259941,6 Stamdata V110 26.841 84.391 104.537 88.406 99.923 101.033 105.454 94.565 96.142 109.280 115.470 99.465 88.750 90.675 94.825 82.125 87.709 55.556 25.897
570715000000022135 16-11-1984 26-07-2002 55 16 22 Nordtank NTK 55 707 Norddjurs LAND Voldby by, Voldby 7c 615428,38 6258782,19 Stamdata V111 11.220 105.833 131.098 110.869 125.312 126.704 132.248 118.592 112.436 131.066 135.959 120.124 111.331 109.540 123.740 115.235 123.293 106.813 44.378
570715000000022272 06-06-1985 08-08-2002 55 15 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 55 kW-Vestas 707 Norddjurs LAND Laen by,Glesborg 12a 605968,66 6259635,9 Stamdata V125 40.813 101.113 85.510 96.650 97.723 101.999 91.467 92.804 100.947 109.776 97.996 77.638 91.235 99.550 79.310 87.400 49.088 30.306
570715000000022289 06-06-1985 08-08-2002 75 17 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 75 kW 707 Norddjurs LAND Selkær by, Kastbjerg 5b 605953,16 6259514,29 Stamdata V126 59.733 147.986 125.150 141.453 143.025 149.283 133.868 137.821 148.823 162.737 139.735 118.163 121.210 142.280 119.820 133.980 72.137 40.167
570715000000022302 26-09-1985 13-11-2002 65 15 25,5 Nordtank NTK 65-Nordtank 707 Norddjurs LAND Allelev by, Lyngby 8a 608400,06 6249859,61 Stamdata V128 23.818 118.017 99.806 112.808 114.061 119.052 106.759 112.294 120.068 123.616 115.471 100.903 102.895 110.919 92.737 96.153 84.127 0
570715000000022319 24-12-1985 14-03-2002 65 0,1 0,1 Ukendt 65 707 Norddjurs LAND Ukendt 0 611964,87 6255320,35 Stamdata V129 0 120.667 102.047 115.341 116.623 121.726 109.156 111.188 127.228 129.988 114.854 104.028 103.435 116.025 100.791 89.467 90.959 0
570715000000022326 12-11-1985 23-07-2002 65 16 22 Nordtank MTK 65 707 Norddjurs LAND Kirial by Bregne jorder 2gn 611995,43 6255256,55 Stamdata V130 8.292 123.255 104.236 117.815 119.124 124.336 111.497 111.304 126.537 127.170 110.936 111.048 108.529 116.997 98.656 106.642 80.449 35.202
570715000000022333 13-11-1985 19-11-2002 65 0,1 0,1 Ukendt 65 707 Norddjurs LAND Aalbsrode By, Aalsø 4a 615001,47 6247184,23 Stamdata V131 8.577 127.492 107.819 121.865 123.219 128.610 115.330 116.134 117.599 130.596 111.193 103.405 110.464 119.616 108.374 135.882 82.404 53.916
570715000000022340 13-11-1985 26-10-2002 65 16 18,5 Nordtank NTK 65-Nordtank 707 Norddjurs LAND Ålsrode by, Ålsø 4a 615049,91 6246899,22 Stamdata V132 9.411 139.891 118.305 133.716 135.202 141.118 126.546 121.434 128.230 150.108 126.606 127.093 121.918 130.751 120.220 128.405 92.567 76.960
570715000000022401 16-01-1986 25-07-2002 75 17 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17 707 Norddjurs LAND Veggerslev by, Veggerslev 15a 612594,07 6259680,24 Stamdata V138 128.537 118.585 134.033 135.522 141.452 126.846 121.554 138.308 145.540 130.114 121.987 122.846 126.994 172.178 58.593 39.865 43.830
570715000000023088 16-05-1991 21-04-2008 400 26 30 NEG Micon NM 530 707 Norddjurs LAND Glatved by, Hoed 2b 615094,61 6240976,97 Stamdata V151 490.927 490.927 490.927 582.833 523.889 446.930 458.593 503.182 427.973 493.092 440.021 451.316 387.861 453.409 435.765 341.260 393.315 226.515
570715000000056635 28-04-2010 26-12-2016 11 13 18 Gaia-Wind Ltd Gaia 11   707 Norddjurs Land 582973,13 6257527,46 SDFE2018 2.484 7.427 8.019 4.690 1.492 1.432 0 0 7.730 14.650 10.907 10.004 9.864 11.829 7.791 0 0 0 0
570715000000014031 12-02-1982 21-11-2002 15 19,5 11 Kuriant KE 18/4 710 Favrskov LAND Hvorslev by 5b 547554,92 6249353,08 Stamdata 136856 0 19.222 17.118 12.522 16.583 15.430 13.729 11.527 16.902 14.718 8.732 15.292 14.140 11.348 10.065 11.092 9.624 6.444 5.675 4.593 5.046
570715000000014048 30-05-1986 23-01-2002 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17 710 Favrskov LAND Futting 5d 549097,47 6236870,51 Stamdata 136938 80.756 120.628 137.791 139.023 148.106 131.043 126.864 137.383 137.149 125.332 115.702 125.191 128.488 105.077 130.715 87.172 10.491
570715000000014055 06-02-1989 08-05-2017 150 30,6 0,1 DWP D 150 S 710 Favrskov LAND Aunstrup 4n 548490,52 6246267,31 SDFE2018 3137084 246.140 310.040 318.420 310.570 276.050 327.800 281.980 255.020 291.250 332.772 271.025 320.527 251.525 277.261 247.012 266.753 247.518 228.591 307.468 254.615 240.562 226.902 340.527 323.871 294.673 299.454 330.166 257.579 109.548
570715000000015090 26-04-1985 22-08-2002 55 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 710 Favrskov LAND Haurumby, Haurum 22f 551904,03 6239473,33 Stamdata 86790 63.510 112.975 99.454 114.942 114.434 123.267 98.190 107.193 113.389 119.159 91.332 89.508 98.612 99.184 84.258 100.962 64.998 49.878
570715000000018688 16-12-1983 07-10-2002 55 16 22,5 Micon 55-Micon 710 Favrskov LAND Ø.Velling 13i 553986 6253771 Stamdata 95002 0 108.185 85.038 105.338 89.084 100.689 101.807 106.262 95.289 95.744 114.108 103.628 98.713 78.999 97.996 96.893 85.999 66.157 79.578 9.209
570715000000018695 16-09-1981 18-11-2002 55 16,2 18 BONUS 55-BONUS 710 Favrskov LAND Haldum by, haldum 3b 563188 6238150 Stamdata 95003 13.280 61.511 76.412 90.443 65.920 64.913 1 1 1 1 43.385 91.816 99.326 103.400 90.154 82.638 86.968 91.589 76.923 88.803 74.026 69.778
570715000000018725 01-08-1981 13-09-2010 15 11 18 Kariant KE 15/4-Kariant 710 Favrskov LAND Hadbjerg 19h 568195 6245360 Stamdata 95007 5.500 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 28.968 12.006 9.093 7.445 6.130 6.993 7.444 2.071 2.021 43
570715000000018763 21-07-1982 20-08-2002 15 10,9 18 Bosted KE 18/4 EH-Bosted 710 Favrskov LAND Hadbjerg by, Hadbjerg 14c 567974 6243378 Stamdata 95013 13.750 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 20.961 10.233
570715000000018787 07-07-1983 12-11-2002 55 16 22,5 Micon Ukendt-Micon 710 Favrskov LAND Helstrup 13m 554934 6254511 Stamdata 95016 50.417 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 54.922 18.808
570715000000018794 12-10-1983 31-12-2001 30 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 710 Favrskov LAND Ukendt 0 540823 6227371 Stamdata 95017 49.500 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 16.500 0
570715000000018800 05-01-1984 29-07-2002 55 15 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-11  710 Favrskov LAND Langskov by, Ødum 9b 570950 6243830 Stamdata 95018 77.222 66.217 82.025 69.368 78.405 79.276 82.745 74.200 74.554 84.869 91.370 77.091 64.341 71.968 78.746 63.901 72.187 57.924 29.399
570715000000018824 05-08-1985 07-10-2002 95 16 22,5 Micon 95-Micon 710 Favrskov LAND Ø.Velling 13i 553937 6253848 Stamdata 95021 36.005 133.802 113.155 127.896 129.317 134.975 121.038 121.615 147.445 149.226 121.932 108.954 121.070 123.472 99.242 114.686 86.035 53.453
570715000000018848 15-01-1985 29-07-2002 55 16 24,5 Nordtank Ukendt-Nordtank 710 Favrskov LAND Sandby By, sandby 2b 564616 6240053 Stamdata 95023 87.323 118.003 99.795 112.795 114.048 119.038 106.746 107.255 118.608 131.464 106.625 88.426 107.295 114.687 94.605 107.952 80.247 61.977
570715000000019029 20-05-1986 27-08-2008 250 26 28,7 Micon M 530-250/50   710 Favrskov LAND Langå by, Langå 8d 553573 6252187 Stamdata 95039 203.371 294.838 333.246 336.949 351.693 315.376 316.880 347.002 271.569 299.923 295.238 332.602 353.470 304.959 348.073 277.568 302.258 200.292 318.299 321.591 268.969 369.691 234.673
570715000000019043 30-03-1988 09-06-2008 150 23 24,5 BONUS 150/30 kW 710 Favrskov LAND Galten By 12a 564200 6245090 Stamdata 95041 188.125 304.617 296.637 274.531 276.820 289.972 320.627 266.683 243.576 271.955 277.863 250.823 277.110 219.142 232.381 122.790 115.341 182.071 187.043 231.298 62.519
570715000000019050 30-03-1988 09-06-2008 150 23 24,5 BONUS 150/30 kW 710 Favrskov LAND Galten By 12a 564370 6245127 Stamdata 95042 206.750 239.733 268.935 246.394 250.612 265.767 295.749 240.318 221.186 243.971 245.470 222.497 255.929 206.804 220.387 188.503 224.675 214.282 184.682 241.724 26.410
570715000000019111 22-02-1988 28-08-2002 99 19 30 Windmatic VM 19 S 710 Favrskov LAND Jebjerg By, Ørum 10a 558647 6249729 Stamdata 95048 124.966 151.625 158.260 141.917 142.594 154.407 170.535 138.615 131.656 149.827 128.691 126.552 153.170 116.238 80.888
570715000000019128 24-06-1988 28-08-2002 99 19 30 Windmatic VM 19 S 710 Favrskov LAND Jebjerg By, Ørum 11h 558611 6249978 Stamdata 95049 122.422 148.539 155.038 139.029 139.692 135.749 172.864 138.395 122.407 140.129 140.141 129.848 151.477 97.369 90.200
570715000000019159 01-07-1988 09-04-2008 150 22,2 30,7 DWP D 150 S 710 Favrskov LAND Voldum by 14r 571746 6246663 Stamdata 95052 120.357 292.066 304.846 273.367 274.670 288.370 324.850 290.500 239.640 234.971 299.770 248.535 299.243 233.671 239.243 245.015 267.248 200.327 229.921 266.592 113.811
570715000000019203 29-09-1989 12-08-2008 150 23 29,9 BONUS 150/30 kW 710 Favrskov LAND Galten, Nr. Galten 5h 566147 6246005 Stamdata 95057 85.838 358.375 321.369 322.901 336.930 368.845 331.035 284.685 306.255 330.275 312.805 340.507 286.076 234.153 280.196 301.862 299.921 275.007 279.922 194.722
570715000000019210 29-09-1989 12-08-2008 150 23 29,9 BONUS 150/30 kW 710 Favrskov LAND Galten, Nr. Galten 5h 565952 6245972 Stamdata 95058 83.587 348.976 312.940 314.433 328.190 359.665 312.115 277.555 302.845 325.080 304.622 332.881 274.726 272.485 239.818 286.626 270.401 252.101 305.640 191.765
570715000000019272 26-11-1990 13-08-2008 150 24,6 32 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 710 Favrskov LAND Galten 13r 564554 6246373 Stamdata 95064 31.662 340.709 342.334 360.000 399.000 330.000 317.000 330.000 365.568 312.677 355.890 295.666 303.870 289.659 322.255 317.220 279.085 352.868 213.534
570715000000019289 05-07-1991 13-08-2008 150 24,6 32 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 710 Favrskov LAND Galten 13r 564762 6246437 Stamdata 95066 132.887 320.450 335.000 376.000 321.000 287.000 311.000 341.686 295.974 325.795 269.873 281.481 193.365 300.186 252.124 263.294 300.045 208.863
570715000000021404 09-10-1984 14-09-2002 18 10,9 18 Kuriant KE 18/4 EH-Kuriant 710 Favrskov LAND Røved by, Ødum 2d 572170,54 6241681,85 Stamdata 11831 7.700 46.200 46.200 46.200 46.200 46.200 46.200 46.200 46.200 46.200 46.200 46.200 46.200 46.200 46.200 46.200 46.200 15.227 8.662
570715000000022074 20-12-1983 13-09-2001 55 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 710 Favrskov LAND Ukendt 0 569767,18 6233562,42 Stamdata V105 0 94.760 74.485 92.266 78.029 88.194 89.174 93.076 83.464 87.474 91.061 97.553 84.333 78.673 84.907 87.629 65.229 51.549 40.299 0
570715000000022470 01-04-1987 17-04-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 95-20   710 Favrskov LAND Røved by, Røved 6f 572481,24 6241794,6 Stamdata V143 118.273 200.521 202.748 211.620 189.768 212.992 201.393 205.164 191.489 160.132 189.853 201.175 176.265 193.842 155.513 0
570715000000055911 16-03-1988 30-03-1999 30 0 0 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 710 Favrskov LAND Ukendt 0 540823 6227371 Stamdata 0 0
570715000000021442 01-10-1986 20-12-2005 55 16,5 24 727 Odder LAND Tunø by, Tunø 46c 588991,81 6201295,04 Stamdata 200165 29.852 151.475 171.208 173.110 180.685 162.027 162.800 169.260 183.605 162.670 155.190 159.290 181.456 155.905 148.127 130.089 37.512 127.782 134.151 8.608
570715000000021459 01-07-1989 30-09-2008 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 95-BONUS 727 Odder LAND Tunø by, Tunø 27b 589082,68 6201255,32 Stamdata 200166 113.130 283.392 254.128 255.340 265.472 287.971 255.137 224.280 238.930 295.904 248.872 249.095 234.063 122.414 230.340 233.750 250.193 226.504 161.379 9.065
570715000000023125 15-06-1984 21-10-2002 55 15 22,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 15 727 Odder LAND Rude by,Saksild 10ai 576272,52 6205575,29 Stamdata 90033 41.610 65.414 81.030 68.527 77.453 78.314 81.741 73.300 76.000 110.550 89.920 73.810 72.380 72.610 80.510 58.336 70.076 52.988 47.004
570715000000023132 22-01-1987 21-08-2002 95 0,1 0,1 BONUS 95-BONUS 727 Odder LAND Randlev by,Randlev 17a m.f 574918,91 6200709,96 Stamdata 90034 140.572 173.328 175.254 182.922 164.034 167.430 185.760 189.950 173.200 154.170 153.500 164.481 143.739 166.314 126.558 96.734
570715000000023149 29-11-1982 23-11-2000 55 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 727 Odder LAND Ukendt 0 563250 6188596 Stamdata 90035 0 0
570715000000023156 04-11-1983 12-07-2002 55 15 24 BONUS 55/11   727 Odder LAND Dyngby by,Bjergager 16a,16c 576931,52 6201601,67 Stamdata 90036 8.545 104.098 81.825 101.358 85.718 96.885 97.961 102.247 91.689 93.500 102.100 105.900 92.800 85.000 88.000 97.100 81.094 92.239 75.223 43.295
570715000000023163 15-12-1984 30-09-2000 55 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 727 Odder LAND Ukendt 0 563250 6188596 Stamdata 210090 0 0
570715000000023170 12-11-1992 17-09-2008 150 28 30 Wind World W 2800-150  727 Odder LAND Fensten by 22 574582,73 6197229,07 Stamdata 90031 57.910 404.490 420.620 385.900 336.710 361.270 404.800 303.073 382.311 268.716 266.544 309.997 333.793 280.899 285.532 338.012 185.808
570715000000023194 15-05-1985 21-08-2002 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17 727 Odder LAND Ukendt 0 573345,17 6199118,24 Stamdata 90032 61.068 129.679 109.669 123.955 125.332 130.817 117.308 118.625 134.030 134.085 121.430 106.090 112.540 120.665 104.551 119.775 99.059 58.468
570715000000023200 15-05-1985 21-08-2002 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17 727 Odder LAND Ukendt 0 573305,04 6199209,77 Stamdata 90032 61.068 129.679 109.669 123.955 125.332 130.817 117.308 118.625 134.030 134.085 121.430 106.090 112.540 120.665 104.551 119.775 99.059 58.468
570715000000023217 18-05-1985 03-05-2005 75 17 22 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  727 Odder LAND Sondrup by,Hundslund 7aa 567746,72 6196841,6 Stamdata 90040 70.260 149.199 126.176 142.613 144.198 150.508 134.966 137.770 148.950 149.950 139.870 119.350 131.940 145.630 120.929 138.460 115.621 122.046 114.916 124.716 55.071
570715000000023224 04-04-1983 11-07-2002 55 15 18 BONUS 55-BONUS 727 Odder LAND Lerdrup by,Gylling 9b 571787,1 6192490,69 Stamdata 90041 69.113 105.249 82.730 102.480 86.666 97.956 99.044 103.378 92.703 98.863 98.382 98.635 93.280 62.383 87.389 99.320 86.510 96.416 57.184 33.552
570715000000023231 01-02-1982 25-07-2002 55 15 18 BONUS 55/15   727 Odder LAND Amstrup,Falling 14d 570121,62 6192718,58 Stamdata 90042 67.660 98.446 99.946 78.562 97.316 82.300 93.021 94.054 98.170 88.032 88.000 102.000 112.000 92.000 75.000 57.000 75.000 81.956 93.206 45.689 33.076
570715000000023248 20-06-1985 22-08-2002 55 16,6 24 BONUS 55-BONUS 727 Odder LAND Spøttrup,Halling 5a 577320,02 6198920,54 Stamdata 90043 43.719 108.311 91.598 103.530 104.681 109.261 97.979 98.446 99.950 113.380 105.410 97.010 93.980 96.120 88.240 101.499 86.531 51.684
570715000000023255 18-11-1986 22-08-2002 55 0,1 0,1 BONUS Ukendt-BONUS 727 Odder LAND Ukendt 0 577900,23 6198815,33 Stamdata 90044 10.439 105.936 119.736 121.067 126.364 113.315 122.040 92.000 133.500 126.100 118.200 114.000 120.700 96.090 110.802 100.747 50.222
570715000000023262 03-01-1993 01-08-1999 55 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 727 Odder LAND Ukendt 0 563250 6188596 Stamdata 235191
570715000000023286 12-01-1985 03-09-2001 55 7 22 Nordtank NTK 55/11 727 Odder LAND Amstrup,Falling 5ab 566176 6190592 Stamdata 90045 72.549 98.038 82.910 93.710 94.752 98.898 88.685 93.620 102.950 116.160 72.700 64.340 85.020 95.890 82.211 100.558 42.248 0
570715000000023293 15-09-1988 03-05-2005 95 18,5 24 BONUS Ukendt-BONUS 727 Odder LAND Alrø 4a4c 565699,98 6190392,82 Stamdata 90046 58.369 236.069 246.399 220.955 226.890 248.570 263.150 237.800 192.960 195.080 249.340 181.115 163.804 184.546 205.538 179.857 166.968 80.219
570715000000023309 28-08-1983 19-12-2017 55 14,5 22,5 Windmatic VM 15 S 727 Odder LAND Gyllin by,Gylling 39c 573836,88 6190778,28 SDFE2018 571313123200417211 32.071 97.678 76.778 95.107 80.432 90.909 91.919 95.942 86.034 828 105.000 117.290 84.120 82.730 95.450 96.790 9 0 24 0 55 36 3 3 1 0 8 14 21 38 99 213 61 138 262
570715000000023316 12-06-1986 21-08-2002 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  727 Odder LAND Randlev 11a 573383,33 6199025,99 Stamdata 90048 67.422 114.037 128.893 130.325 136.027 121.981 124.660 138.050 141.010 126.100 112.670 116.810 125.524 106.756 122.964 101.368 71.114
570715000000023514 26-04-1984 06-09-2001 55 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 727 Odder LAND Ukendt 0 572951,37 6207502,58 Stamdata 90019 59.545 70.207 86.967 73.547 83.128 84.052 87.730 78.671 79.460 88.230 93.900 86.860 72.780 20.370 85.730 67.690 67.640 33.940 0
570715000000023545 15-09-1986 29-08-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 95-20   727 Odder LAND Krogstrup by,Torrild 1a 564188,36 6204018 Stamdata 90022 51.991 175.874 198.785 200.994 209.788 188.125 195.150 208.270 218.850 190.810 164.850 178.440 200.640 173.300 189.000 160.510 89.520
570715000000023804 01-07-1989 01-10-2002 150 23 30 BONUS 150/30   727 Odder LAND Ukendt 0 564308,29 6204255,29 Stamdata WTO 0 275.813 253.500 255.563 265.750 286.375 287.125 262.625 266.063 263.625 207.125 304.081 248.008 295.695
570715000000023811 01-07-1989 01-10-2002 150 23 30 BONUS 150/30   727 Odder LAND Ukendt 0 564387,16 6204168,66 Stamdata WTO 0 275.813 253.500 255.563 265.750 286.375 287.125 262.625 266.063 263.625 207.125 304.081 248.008 295.695
570715000000023828 01-07-1989 01-10-2002 150 23 30 BONUS 150/30   727 Odder LAND Ukendt 0 564465,16 6204081,31 Stamdata WTO 0 275.813 253.500 255.563 265.750 286.375 287.125 262.625 266.063 263.625 207.125 304.081 248.008 295.695
570715000000023835 01-07-1989 01-10-2002 150 23 30 BONUS 150/30   727 Odder LAND Ukendt 0 564544,19 6203994,34 Stamdata WTO 0 275.813 253.500 255.563 265.750 286.375 287.125 262.625 266.063 263.625 207.125 304.081 248.008 295.695
570715000000023842 01-07-1989 01-10-2002 150 23 30 BONUS 150/30   727 Odder LAND Ukendt 0 564414,5 6204365,97 Stamdata WTO 0 275.813 253.500 255.563 265.750 286.375 287.125 262.625 266.063 263.625 207.125 304.081 248.008 295.695
570715000000023859 01-07-1989 01-10-2002 150 23 30 BONUS 150/30   727 Odder LAND Ukendt 0 564492,38 6204278,95 Stamdata WTO 0 275.813 253.500 255.563 265.750 286.375 287.125 262.625 266.063 263.625 207.125 304.081 248.008 295.695
570715000000023866 01-07-1989 01-10-2002 150 23 30 BONUS 150/30   727 Odder LAND Ukendt 0 564569,89 6204192,76 Stamdata WTO 0 275.813 253.500 255.563 265.750 286.375 287.125 262.625 266.063 263.625 207.125 304.081 248.008 295.695
570715000000023873 01-07-1989 01-10-2002 150 23 30 BONUS 150/30   727 Odder LAND Ukendt 0 564649,31 6204104,59 Stamdata WTO 0 275.813 253.500 255.563 265.750 286.375 287.125 262.625 266.063 263.625 207.125 304.081 248.008 295.695
570715000000023880 01-07-1989 01-10-2002 150 23 30 BONUS 150/30   727 Odder LAND Ukendt 0 564521,5 6204478,93 Stamdata WTO 0 275.813 253.500 255.563 265.750 286.375 287.125 262.625 266.063 263.625 207.125 304.081 248.008 295.695
570715000000023897 01-07-1989 01-10-2002 150 23 30 BONUS 150/30   727 Odder LAND Ukendt 0 564599,4 6204392,16 Stamdata WTO 0 275.813 253.500 255.563 265.750 286.375 287.125 262.625 266.063 263.625 207.125 304.081 248.008 295.695
570715000000023903 01-07-1989 01-10-2002 150 23 30 BONUS 150/30   727 Odder LAND Ukendt 0 564677,8 6204304,36 Stamdata WTO 0 275.813 253.500 255.563 265.750 286.375 287.125 262.625 266.063 263.625 207.125 304.081 248.008 295.695
570715000000023910 01-07-1989 01-10-2002 150 23 30 BONUS 150/30   727 Odder LAND Ukendt 0 564753,94 6204216,08 Stamdata WTO 0 275.813 253.500 255.563 265.750 286.375 287.125 262.625 266.063 263.625 207.125 304.081 248.008 295.695
570715000000023927 01-07-1989 01-10-2002 150 23 30 BONUS 150/30   727 Odder LAND Ukendt 0 564624,6 6204588,84 Stamdata WTO 0 275.813 253.500 255.563 265.750 286.375 287.125 262.625 266.063 263.625 207.125 304.081 248.008 295.695
570715000000023934 01-07-1989 01-10-2002 150 23 30 BONUS 150/30   727 Odder LAND Ukendt 0 564702,88 6204501,22 Stamdata WTO 0 275.813 253.500 255.563 265.750 286.375 287.125 262.625 266.063 263.625 207.125 304.081 248.008 295.695
570715000000023941 01-07-1989 01-10-2002 150 23 30 BONUS 150/30   727 Odder LAND Ukendt 0 564780,95 6204414,19 Stamdata WTO 0 275.813 253.500 255.563 265.750 286.375 287.125 262.625 266.063 263.625 207.125 304.081 248.008 295.695
570715000000026935 20-05-1987 12-11-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 95-20   727 Odder LAND Hadrup by, Hundslund 1a 564622 6199498 Stamdata 30044 109.470 194.790 199.790 221.690 194.920 197.380 209.180 212.010 187.480 160.820 186.920 198.710 163.980 185.044 157.624 127.928
570715000000078002 03-01-1993 22-12-1999 55 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 727 Odder LAND Ukendt 0 563250 6188596 Stamdata 235191
570715000000018671 17-07-1981 31-03-2001 22 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 730 Randers LAND Ukendt 0 547842 6247654 Stamdata 95001 0 0
570715000000018756 06-04-1982 17-07-2002 55 16 18 BONUS 55-BONUS 730 Randers LAND Kjellerup Hvgd. 1ar 560225 6275092 Stamdata 95011 80.667 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 53.914 16.804
570715000000018770 15-10-1986 16-09-2002 18 10,9 18 Kuriant KE 18/4 730 Randers LAND Krogsager 5b 575101 6254062 Stamdata 95015 5.500 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 14.459 6.521
570715000000018893 03-10-1985 13-09-2002 55 16 22 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-16  730 Randers LAND Råby by og sogn 15a 574302 6274930 Stamdata 95026 17.447 129.669 109.660 123.945 125.322 130.806 117.299 117.858 130.916 134.288 118.480 107.651 114.654 125.544 104.754 117.446 100.317 69.822
570715000000018916 09-10-1986 29-08-2001 75 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 730 Randers LAND Ukendt 0 547842 6247654 Stamdata 95028 23.699 120.255 135.920 137.430 143.444 128.632 129.245 141.000 150.331 128.979 114.458 130.232 136.000 112.654 94.018 89.505 0
570715000000018930 03-06-1987 20-08-2002 80 17 23,5 Tellus TE 1780 730 Randers LAND Randrupgårde, Gassum 2u 559490 6271490 Stamdata 95030 52.606 118.918 120.239 125.501 112.541 113.078 123.397 137.483 113.593 108.070 106.924 114.578 100.686 110.618 87.687 69.222
570715000000018992 11-09-1987 17-07-2002 90 19 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19 730 Randers LAND Skrødstrup By, Hem 7b 564452 6275015 Stamdata 95036 114.242 140.863 142.428 148.660 133.309 133.945 150.527 153.753 137.417 124.200 132.358 137.347 119.535 128.355 114.815 57.677
570715000000019012 19-10-1987 08-10-2002 99 18 30 Windmatic VM 19 S 730 Randers LAND Dyrby By, Gassum 15c 562853 6271753 Stamdata 95038 25.391 172.195 174.108 181.727 162.961 163.738 187.782 194.954 164.802 136.670 156.168 178.120 143.420 165.674 136.834 92.125
570715000000019036 12-11-1987 31-05-2002 99 19 22 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 730 Randers LAND Råby, Råby 26a 574024 6274465 Stamdata 95040 14.300 193.952 196.107 204.688 183.552 184.427 218.140 225.674 198.172 180.912 188.097 201.703 137.395 144.432 171.100 78.110
570715000000019067 22-03-1989 07-04-2006 250 26 30 Micon M 530 730 Randers LAND Over Hornbæk By, Hornbæk 8a 558499 6257694 Stamdata 95043 234.213 325.948 292.290 293.684 350.229 373.405 263.914 249.855 311.395 294.240 246.047 293.538 241.338 257.557 239.363 257.855 252.881 43.436
570715000000019081 14-03-1988 31-12-2001 99 19 30 Windmatic 19/99 730 Randers LAND Hald, Hald 17s 567923 6268933 Stamdata 95045 151.753 204.585 213.537 191.487 192.400 215.235 226.273 150.982 178.826 186.157 216.868 192.795 189.528 149.926 0
570715000000019098 14-03-1988 31-12-2001 99 19 30 Windmatic 19/99 730 Randers LAND Hald, Hald 32a 567941 6269132 Stamdata 95046 153.049 206.333 215.361 193.122 194.043 211.229 226.299 156.898 179.073 200.342 212.528 185.643 197.705 92.426 0
570715000000019104 08-11-1988 31-12-2001 99 19 30 Windmatic 19/99 730 Randers LAND Hald, Hald 17s 567832 6269042 Stamdata 95047 153.083 206.378 215.408 193.165 194.086 223.273 233.651 154.571 179.119 190.328 213.595 187.609 189.191 142.320 0
570715000000019142 19-12-1988 20-01-2010 130 20 30 Windmatic VM 20 S 730 Randers LAND Mejlby, Harridslev Sogn 1h 566541 6263731 Stamdata 95051 0 230.302 240.379 215.557 216.585 240.719 250.277 219.424 194.709 213.511 218.536 199.125 215.876 189.489 192.998 176.650 199.804 191.058 160.135 211.360 198.781 82.064 0
570715000000019166 12-08-1988 11-09-2008 150 22,2 31 DWP D 150 S 730 Randers LAND Kastbjerg Vindmøllelaug 4k 571052 6277766 Stamdata 95053 97.797 296.652 309.632 277.659 278.983 313.560 332.470 281.510 256.350 258.760 299.300 257.841 258.775 233.857 264.377 227.172 262.280 245.776 208.270 278.497 177.440
570715000000019173 12-08-1988 11-09-2008 150 22,2 31 DWP D 150 S 730 Randers LAND Kastbjerg Vindmøllelaug 4k 571107 6277701 Stamdata 95054 102.814 311.868 325.514 291.901 293.293 326.930 347.440 294.580 272.090 272.465 303.715 266.942 289.960 243.732 269.182 235.903 264.436 254.221 236.797 283.099 199.491
570715000000019180 15-09-1989 19-11-2003 150 24,6 31,4 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 730 Randers LAND Lindbjerg, Harridslev 1f 571836 6264726 Stamdata 95055 113.736 356.138 319.362 320.885 345.950 353.960 328.520 288.500 312.610 345.540 295.964 323.775 291.580 302.883 228.245
570715000000019197 15-09-1989 19-11-2003 150 24,6 31,4 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 730 Randers LAND Lindbjerg, Harridslev 1f 571832 6264615 Stamdata 95056 112.814 353.251 316.774 318.284 341.610 378.240 317.750 274.179 302.350 339.310 295.999 328.333 260.023 294.514 182.282
570715000000019234 30-01-1990 23-04-2008 250 24 30 Micon M 530 730 Randers LAND Østerbjerregrav By, Ø. Bjerregrav 1q 555388 6261125 Stamdata 95060 370.000 397.280 392.090 437.070 448.945 375.750 318.100 378.700 378.255 345.128 375.743 306.725 325.579 289.099 315.555 298.084 270.843 400.674 165.760
570715000000019241 22-11-1990 23-04-2008 200 27 30 Micon M 570 730 Randers LAND Østerbjerregrav By, Ø. Bjerregrav 1q 555332 6261238 Stamdata 95061 0 372.510 368.339 404.855 422.350 357.750 306.100 356.000 364.519 339.940 359.879 294.077 323.981 284.754 326.222 274.724 272.542 241.620 0
570715000000019258 02-01-1991 25-08-2008 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  730 Randers LAND Assentoft 5a 570867 6254454 Stamdata 95062 400.996 439.536 476.140 501.800 445.795 396.090 423.385 455.097 409.230 447.835 355.761 372.344 338.002 381.726 376.684 320.092 423.066 267.355
570715000000019265 14-01-1991 08-04-2015 200 24 28,7 NEG Micon NM 55/11 730 Randers LAND Værum by, Værum 21u 562115,76 6251035,96 GST, 18-02-2013 95063 348.550 382.049 369.718 445.222 394.157 344.748 388.570 407.015 360.022 379.592 309.138 263.389 309.554 337.480 335.155 289.594 331.193 344.749 311.409 284.621 363.271 343.008 308.808 334.029 96.123
570715000000019296 27-03-1991 31-12-2001 99 19 30 Windmatic 19/99 730 Randers LAND Hald, Hald 32a 567932 6269032 Stamdata 95067 146.803 196.670 236.253 242.463 184.322 186.850 195.286 217.499 168.583 162.280 138.088 0
570715000000019333 10-10-1991 20-11-2003 150 24,6 32,5 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 730 Randers LAND Lindbjerg By, Harridslev 1f 571706 6264731 Stamdata 95071 53.541 322.776 357.540 379.740 325.547 282.413 314.500 330.427 295.823 327.092 278.030 271.065 220.548
570715000000019340 10-10-1991 16-09-2008 150 24,6 32,5 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 730 Randers LAND Lindbjerg By, Harridslev 1f 571702 6264619 Stamdata 95072 53.636 323.354 355.610 377.150 320.628 281.662 310.720 339.105 300.462 332.404 272.062 249.680 247.317 285.300 311.095 284.502 349.080 234.315
570715000000019395 01-05-1991 16-09-2008 155 28 31 Wind World W 2800-150  730 Randers LAND Kastbjerg Vindmøllelaug 2 3f 571950 6277705 Stamdata 95065 157.730 204.835 402.880 451.788 379.161 353.122 333.698 396.604 338.376 376.561 322.262 346.992 259.896 304.460 279.012 276.265 327.456 195.389
570715000000019401 28-09-1994 16-09-2008 155 28 31 Wind World W 2800-150  730 Randers LAND Kastbjerg Vindmøllelaug 2 3f 571853 6277526 Stamdata 95095 112.947 379.161 353.122 333.698 396.604 338.376 376.561 322.262 346.992 306.856 345.521 310.046 269.807 305.382 188.573
570715000000019913 12-01-1998 06-01-2016 11 13 18 Gaia-Wind Ltd Gaia 11   730 Randers Land 576642,69 6272696,1 GST, 18-02-2013 22.183 24.200 24.200 48.515 57.273 16.911 18.635 16.317 13.537 19.463 11.812 16.106 16.682 15.652 19.584 15.415 14.715 6.991 597
570715000000056680 03-07-2002 24-02-2021 2000 72 68 NEG Micon NM 72/2000 730 Randers LAND Bjerre, Udbyneder 10h 580988,15 6281263,38 SDFE2018 95182 1.729.384 3.483.827 2.564.698 3.751.190 3.406.800 3.051.462 3.835.886 3.568.534 3.679.402 3.874.469 3.998.776 3.341.773 3.800.989 4.265.465 3.620.242 3.856.415 3.567.645 3.373.208 3.429.144 314.532 233.912 548.444
570715000000057953 09-07-2002 24-02-2021 2000 72 68 NEG Micon NM 72/2000 730 Randers LAND Bjerre, Udbyneder 10h 580465,18 6281212,84 SDFE2018 95186 1.470.692 3.388.257 3.945.616 3.707.134 3.463.476 4.278.458 3.587.027 3.568.720 3.627.585 3.961.285 3.688.416 3.646.960 4.010.499 4.333.411 3.564.132 3.894.519 3.436.961 3.016.661 2.956.738 130.503 64.112 194.615
570715000000057977 13-11-2002 07-04-2020 2000 72 68 NEG Micon NM 72/2000 730 Randers LAND Udbyneder,Udbyneder 7b 578923,9 6282039,42 SDFE2018 95188 0 3.551.938 3.965.186 3.013.347 3.145.493 3.535.508 3.141.028 3.113.110 3.540.690 3.859.433 3.875.040 3.651.071 3.774.123 4.475.164 3.376.183 3.991.314 2.987.325 2.589.074 1.341.057
570715000000057984 13-11-2002 10-12-2020 2000 72 68 NEG Micon NM 72/2000 730 Randers LAND Udbyneder,Udbyneder 7b 579450,54 6282089,52 SDFE2018 95189 580.541 3.457.680 3.780.329 3.617.596 3.268.284 4.007.915 3.357.534 3.401.507 3.353.091 3.750.552 3.485.699 3.608.788 3.919.255 4.471.674 3.631.962 2.651.489 2.470.609 3.405.374 3.369.006
570715000000058035 20-12-2002 10-12-2020 2000 72 64 NEG Micon NM 72/2000 730 Randers LAND Overgård Hgd, Udbyneder 1a 579204,08 6282551,8 SDFE2018 95194 31.697 3.195.817 3.648.870 3.206.082 3.259.686 3.944.243 3.456.907 3.410.207 3.645.795 3.468.125 1.324.400 3.335.988 3.820.294 4.173.846 3.047.850 3.787.151 3.350.275 3.344.225 3.145.458
570715000000058042 20-12-2002 10-12-2020 2000 72 64 NEG Micon NM 72/2000 730 Randers LAND Overgård Hgd, Udbyneder 1a 579725,6 6282602,39 SDFE2018 95195 111.447 3.433.299 3.525.005 3.784.749 3.446.116 3.989.119 3.761.115 3.540.048 3.569.778 3.750.312 3.946.910 3.560.952 3.884.988 4.114.353 3.521.708 3.811.650 3.258.057 3.253.262 3.395.320
570715000000064333 20-12-2002 10-12-2020 2000 72 64 NEG Micon NM 72/2000 730 Randers LAND Overgård Hgd, Udbyneder 1a 580248,41 6282652,82 SDFE2018 95196 138.341 3.641.184 4.110.994 3.882.089 3.570.233 4.339.522 3.643.156 3.821.503 3.712.471 4.151.187 3.974.629 3.994.442 4.040.936 4.480.093 3.489.866 4.088.393 3.593.918 2.872.944 2.877.528
570715000000064340 20-12-2002 10-12-2020 2000 72 64 NEG Micon NM 72/2000 730 Randers LAND Overgård Hgd, Udbyneder 1a 580770,8 6282703,25 SDFE2018 95197 98.595 3.386.627 3.877.601 3.801.046 3.462.939 4.214.292 3.649.575 3.517.152 3.867.726 3.892.866 3.409.159 2.687.250 4.262.384 4.728.821 3.938.880 4.041.881 3.919.937 3.730.710 3.463.407
570715000000064357 20-12-2002 10-12-2020 2000 72 64 NEG Micon NM 72/2000 730 Randers LAND Overgård Hgd, Udbyneder 1a 579972,46 6282139,47 SDFE2018 95198 24.834 3.364.533 3.817.333 3.687.504 3.364.609 4.130.796 3.752.807 3.422.065 3.464.027 3.874.174 3.920.445 3.501.450 3.833.090 4.196.644 3.486.803 3.638.105 2.607.954 3.355.351 3.043.258
570715000000064364 20-12-2002 10-12-2020 2000 72 64 NEG Micon NM 72/2000 730 Randers LAND Overgård Hgd, Udbyneder 1a 580490,18 6282190,29 SDFE2018 95199 38.028 3.483.418 3.800.908 3.693.274 3.413.739 4.217.519 3.677.648 3.543.006 3.847.272 3.836.433 3.937.015 3.659.280 3.904.821 4.390.357 3.382.990 3.959.959 3.616.848 3.408.409 3.356.256
570715000000064371 20-12-2002 10-12-2020 2000 72 64 NEG Micon NM 72/2000 730 Randers LAND Overgård Hgd, Udbyneder 1a 580213,77 6281676,66 SDFE2018 95200 34.119 3.379.736 3.881.241 3.595.805 3.453.335 4.178.977 3.329.169 2.712.149 3.582.764 3.870.748 2.798.092 3.623.993 3.931.908 4.326.926 3.226.396 3.929.684 3.540.051 3.449.644 3.458.491
570715000000064388 20-12-2002 10-12-2020 2000 72 64 NEG Micon NM 72/2000 730 Randers LAND Overgård Hgd, Udbyneder 1a 580736,13 6281727,22 SDFE2018 95201 47.198 3.319.536 3.714.505 3.743.142 3.290.365 3.890.104 3.807.301 3.564.781 3.743.228 3.919.888 3.944.408 3.661.879 3.866.948 4.318.819 3.703.386 4.138.841 3.602.074 3.415.121 3.492.009
570715000000064524 31-12-2002 07-04-2020 2000 72 64 NEG Micon NM 72/2000 730 Randers LAND Udbyneder by, Udbyneder 8f 579173,81 6281574,52 SDFE2018 95206 2.107.042 4.073.340 3.672.060 4.421.859 4.068.463 3.416.123 3.831.116 3.668.343 4.198.664 3.927.639 3.991.882 4.763.963 3.947.932 4.348.855 3.787.026 3.598.774 1.426.237
570715000000013676 10-04-1978 30-10-2002 18 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 740 Silkeborg LAND Sdr.Knudstrup,Thorning 2c 519568,1 6234999,14 Stamdata 106867 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
570715000000013683 22-04-1993 30-10-2002 15 18 0,1 Kuriant Ukendt-Kuriant 740 Silkeborg LAND Gråskov 1a 520258,93 6235579,68 Stamdata 107102 10.283 21.671 5.218 11.738 10.219 15.488 7.054 0 0 0
570715000000013690 18-09-1986 30-05-2008 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75 kW 740 Silkeborg LAND Vestas 18g 526508,458 6235035,446 Stamdata 3107205 0 105.822 114.360 131.653 126.095 94.077 114.167 140.733 139.269 108.194 92.377 114.098 109.254 87.633 113.955 88.281 73.479 65.560 78.417 82.086 72.375 109.958 51.968
570715000000013713 25-08-1981 16-09-2002 55 22 22 Nordtank NTK 55 740 Silkeborg LAND Hørup By 2c 526189,77 6240064,85 Stamdata 107254 13.111 63.731 87.541 76.616 63.428 80.868 70.056 78.566 83.842 94.528 79.853 82.019 82.469 85.561 66.333 62.148 73.172 76.944 59.935 68.242 55.268 47.702
570715000000013737 05-06-1985 22-05-2003 30 10 22 Brårupmøllen Eget fabrikat 740 Silkeborg LAND Brårup By, Grønbæk 2d 540711,071 6241092,344 Stamdata 107473 4.482 9.087 7.288 8.658 9.595 10.475 8.077 7.174 5.056 12.397 12.592 10.492 8.784 11.733 7.750 7.840 4.950 1.994 2.696
570715000000013751 27-09-1989 04-10-2007 150 24 30 BONUS 150/30 kW 740 Silkeborg LAND Midstrup By, Levring 6u 531231 6239433 Stamdata 3107673 77.375 345.870 314.925 321.880 327.105 350.360 295.250 266.675 301.525 325.950 269.228 306.726 248.748 273.464 248.266 274.854 251.870 213.747 206.724
570715000000013768 27-09-1989 04-10-2007 150 24 30 BONUS 150/30 kW 740 Silkeborg LAND Midstrup By, Levring 8a 531175 6239326 Stamdata 3107673 77.375 345.870 314.925 321.880 327.105 350.360 295.250 266.675 301.525 325.950 269.228 306.726 248.748 273.464 248.266 274.854 251.870 213.747 206.724
570715000000013782 01-03-1988 29-09-2003 150 23 24,5 BONUS 150/30 kW 740 Silkeborg LAND Mausing 11f 527283,59 6231367,97 Stamdata 107805 229.530 323.195 332.625 307.480 298.250 303.200 331.465 290.110 256.230 291.390 303.820 254.156 299.142 236.000 254.849 129.659
570715000000013799 01-03-1988 29-09-2003 150 23 24,5 BONUS 150/30 kW 740 Silkeborg LAND Mausing 11f 527283,59 6231367,97 Stamdata 107805 229.530 323.195 332.625 307.480 298.250 303.200 331.465 290.110 256.230 291.390 303.820 254.156 299.142 236.000 254.849 129.659
570715000000013805 08-07-1980 01-11-2002 15 17 23,4 Kuriant KE 15 740 Silkeborg LAND Vinderslev by 18g 526457,84 6234710,97 Stamdata 107843 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.376 9.954 0 0 0 0
570715000000014512 30-06-1989 26-08-2008 200 28,7 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25 740 Silkeborg LAND Sinding by 3o 527606,09 6230140,59 Stamdata 3027489 176.480 417.810 403.720 380.900 383.920 417.850 362.090 328.060 371.120 361.610 315.487 381.443 312.878 317.136 303.808 327.378 311.941 274.028 371.825 214.464
570715000000014529 18-09-1985 09-07-2002 55 16 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-16  740 Silkeborg LAND Tandskov by 3b 529138,31 6231018,11 Stamdata 28989 30.567 114.201 98.989 111.335 115.151 122.305 113.716 108.394 106.601 116.621 104.029 94.478 104.637 108.465 90.648 112.739 87.540 57.740
570715000000014536 28-07-1987 09-07-2002 99 31 31 Windmatic VM 19 S 740 Silkeborg LAND Sejling by 1g 533669,95 6230853,75 Stamdata 29643 59.301 159.979 173.791 178.443 161.962 154.372 159.759 179.715 155.281 134.225 156.645 156.266 137.315 150.552 112.560 80.201
570715000000014550 03-06-1987 09-07-2002 99 31 0,1 Windmatic VM 19 S 740 Silkeborg LAND Sejling by 16b 533318,38 6231034,68 Stamdata 29730 86.407 171.607 182.510 186.010 171.923 160.543 168.260 179.313 156.337 128.390 161.693 163.760 132.342 161.071 120.453 84.488
570715000000014567 03-06-1987 09-07-2002 99 31 0,1 Windmatic VM 19 S 740 Silkeborg LAND Sejling by 16b 533318,38 6231034,68 Stamdata 29730 86.407 171.607 182.510 186.010 171.923 160.543 168.260 179.313 156.337 128.390 161.693 163.760 132.342 161.071 120.453 84.488
570715000000014574 03-06-1987 09-07-2002 99 31 0,1 Windmatic VM 19 S 740 Silkeborg LAND Sejling by 16b 533318,38 6231034,68 Stamdata 29730 86.407 171.607 182.510 186.010 171.923 160.543 168.260 179.313 156.337 128.390 161.693 163.760 132.342 161.071 120.453 84.488
570715000000014581 16-07-1987 30-05-2002 15 15 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 740 Silkeborg LAND Ukendt 9f 525924,28 6228943,13 Stamdata 29739 5.881 12.092 8.496 14.749 15.543 17.088 17.291 18.875 13.132 12.343 14.383 10.094 11.575 14.922 6.045 0
570715000000014598 16-12-1992 02-09-2015 150 23,8 30 BONUS 150   - MK lll 740 Silkeborg LAND Ukendt 22p 536503,852 6233647,531 Stamdata 3030110 0 273.530 297.010 255.130 223.120 251.200 262.960 221.183 251.318 201.674 224.200 199.905 215.391 212.197 180.822 242.778 185.258 185.015 168.450 219.687 203.365 188.245 187.338 159.923
570715000000014741 03-09-1980 06-12-2006 22 14 0,1 Ukendt 22-Ukendt 740 Silkeborg LAND Vrads 1n 522305,98 6213380,1 Stamdata 3063758 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 120 90 4.627 10.774 7.856 9.863 8.303 4.960 260 0 0 0 0 0 0
570715000000014758 01-10-1992 28-09-2001 30 17 22 BONUS Ukendt-BONUS 740 Silkeborg LAND Ll. Bredlund 5a 522977,73 6209685,08 Stamdata 64320 3.431 23.883 24.419 17.548 15.872 14.783 18.021 10.263 6.650 0 0
570715000000014765 02-02-1999 22-06-2010 11 13 18,3 Gaia-Wind Ltd Gaia 11   740 Silkeborg LAND Godrum 4m 523071,89 6211477,66 Stamdata 3064468 9.865 11.582 25.350 22.911 9.041 6.649 7.489 3.493 10.239 3.700 3.682 0
570715000000014895 10-12-1987 06-08-2002 99 40 30 Windmatic Ukendt-Windmatic 740 Silkeborg LAND Svostrup 2t 538176,13 6233612,49 Stamdata 80044 8.380 122.815 178.580 201.105 188.040 178.390 176.535 197.780 161.370 147.325 162.005 176.619 148.447 139.944 120.601 69.130
570715000000014901 10-12-1987 06-08-2002 99 40 30 Windmatic Ukendt-Windmatic 740 Silkeborg LAND Svostrup 2t 538176,13 6233612,49 Stamdata 80044 8.380 122.815 178.580 201.105 188.040 178.390 176.535 197.780 161.370 147.325 162.005 176.619 148.447 139.944 120.601 69.130
570715000000014918 14-02-1989 24-02-2016 200 30 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  740 Silkeborg LAND Hornby, Tvilum 2t 543844,16 6234021,8 Stamdata 3080080 250.210 372.760 331.490 317.280 348.620 365.140 308.410 298.330 317.430 345.510 283.968 323.255 259.723 292.530 261.133 281.609 274.363 244.055 316.152 294.392 246.142 251.940 291.553 281.204 256.436 279.925 272.372 46.462
570715000000015281 01-07-1983 06-11-2002 55 15 24 BONUS Ukendt-BONUS 740 Silkeborg LAND Toustrup by, Dallerup 6c 553300,38 6227240,53 Stamdata 3100030 35.043 85.385 67.116 83.138 70.309 79.468 80.351 87.410 83.070 86.570 80.180 77.280 81.450 58.380 68.250 72.180 70.588 80.374 57.595 38.144
570715000000015359 05-06-1986 10-09-2003 95 0,1 0,1 BONUS Ukendt-BONUS 740 Silkeborg LAND Sorring by, Dallerup 7e 547132,38 6225316,5 Stamdata 3100035 97.417 164.770 186.234 188.303 222.200 175.040 183.240 202.160 203.200 174.480 175.760 171.960 190.640 151.602 160.375 145.491 158.944 58.492
570715000000015366 05-06-1986 10-09-2003 95 0,1 0,1 BONUS Ukendt-BONUS 740 Silkeborg LAND Sorring By, Dallerup 7e 547253,82 6225280,9 Stamdata 3100035 97.417 164.769 186.234 188.303 214.640 171.400 174.440 185.320 197.200 174.040 156.000 174.880 175.880 160.902 172.701 148.227 158.944 58.492
570715000000015496 19-11-1992 07-03-2017 150 23,8 31 BONUS 150/30 kW 740 Silkeborg LAND Sorring By, Dallerup 7e 547468,9 6225562,08 SDFE2018 3100044 33.520 349.840 370.080 328.480 306.000 328.800 336.800 294.033 334.805 281.735 304.557 271.177 300.374 286.980 254.822 301.072 268.661 271.432 224.742 295.838 282.229 256.468 276.493 273.500 247.671 58.541
570715000000026201 25-09-1986 28-11-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 95-BONUS 740 Silkeborg LAND Vinding by, Vinding 13d 537437 6208558 Stamdata 30003 50.313 170.198 192.369 194.507 203.017 182.053 195.980 196.160 209.970 174.100 164.340 183.460 188.380 165.950 184.294 146.406 134.656
570715000000026294 06-11-1987 05-12-2002 99 19,4 30 Windmatic VM 19 S 740 Silkeborg LAND Vinding by, Vinding 18a 536702 6208502 Stamdata 30008 11.528 156.359 158.097 165.015 147.975 152.910 159.500 166.400 149.770 129.680 152.320 154.280 135.000 151.331 118.814 114.960
570715000000026393 13-09-1989 15-11-2002 150 23 24,5 BONUS 150 kW 740 Silkeborg LAND Vinding by, Vinding 8ac 537508,922 6208353,815 Stamdata 30049 252.273 287.249 257.587 271.700 280.710 283.270 259.440 232.220 256.700 270.537 236.935 259.608 216.821 200.415
570715000000026409 13-09-1989 28-11-2002 150 23 24,5 BONUS 150 kW 740 Silkeborg LAND Vinding by, Vinding 8ac 537543,164 6208400,942 Stamdata 30050 241.683 275.191 246.774 262.870 267.890 280.320 245.100 222.260 240.110 257.653 223.015 253.365 205.995 194.501
570715000000057717 01-11-2002 31-03-2006 18,5 11 18 Odder Ukendt-Odder 740 Silkeborg LAND Voelby, Voel 32a 545738,383 6227754,088 Stamdata 3081028 0 73 1.371 12.349 1.029
570715000000022012 18-06-1997 28-01-2014 11 13 18 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 741 Samsø LAND Onsbjerg By, Onsbjerg 21d 597660,55 6190289,19 GST, 18-02-2013 91555 12.100 24.200 24.200 24.200 23.730 21.520 27.417 28.800 27.579 24.892 19.152 25.427 24.246 18.772 19.317 0 0 0
570715000000022203 12-12-1984 23-08-2002 55 16 18 Nordtank NTK 55 741 Samsø LAND Kolby by, Kolby 17ø 596044,11 6183847,87 Stamdata V118 0 155.297 192.370 162.686 183.879 185.922 194.057 174.018 201.885 179.677 196.636 178.184 144.866 165.745 191.527 163.358 167.768 122.551 81.260
570715000000022456 27-08-1986 23-08-2002 30 11 20,5 Nordtank NTK 30  741 Samsø LAND Brundby by, Tranebjerg 24b 600428,97 6187303,3 Stamdata V141 26.525 44.864 50.708 51.272 53.515 47.989 52.829 51.550 52.821 51.092 46.758 49.050 41.254 44.106 47.803 20.990 0
570715000000022494 17-02-1988 17-02-2000 200 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 741 Samsø LAND Ukendt 0 596205,86 6189839,8 Stamdata 0 0
570715000000062988 08-02-2003 21-12-2017 2300 84,6 61,2 BONUS 2,3 MW 741 Samsø HAV Hav 1 599547 6175959 GST, 18-02-2013 200239 6.007.408 8.237.057 8.158.561 6.657.335 8.299.652 7.927.158 8.210.574 7.638.734 8.741.821 8.644.966 7.922.268 7.148.524 7.570.377 0 0 0
570715000000063107 01-10-2004 28-01-2011 22 12 18 Nordtank NTK 22/7,5 741 Samsø LAND Permelille by,tranebjerg 1k 599299,437 6187079,039 Stamdata 200254 4.443 17.434 15.363 17.124 12.969 8.646 4.448 0
570715000000014796 22-04-1982 14-10-2010 15 11 18 Kuriant KE 15/4-Kuriant 746 Skanderborg LAND Tørring by 13b 546438,61 6219779,56 Stamdata 3072149 9.708 13.648 13.851 7.044 10.552 6.818 6.012 7.229 3.595 6.802 9.957 4.850 0 2.803 10.569 11.548 14.822 1.680 12.889 23.040 5.076 5.303 12.886 856 931 0 0 0 0
570715000000014802 20-12-1996 11-10-2017 600 45 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  746 Skanderborg LAND Låsby 546548,06 6222725,94 SDFE2018 3072196 0 1.076.250 1.264.316 1.023.971 1.179.215 929.222 1.042.580 954.808 1.006.359 969.234 889.731 1.159.783 1.060.289 898.480 771.731 1.047.628 1.025.597 907.555 972.600 1.126.374 887.886 698.786
570715000000014819 18-12-1996 11-10-2017 600 50 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  746 Skanderborg LAND Låsby 546698,2 6222590,58 SDFE2018 3072197 0 1.062.410 1.263.852 843.638 1.132.370 909.083 1.014.548 934.300 1.041.252 989.888 875.356 1.001.108 804.364 891.410 792.226 1.061.541 1.027.063 919.643 946.619 1.160.164 870.417 707.298
570715000000014826 18-12-1996 11-10-2017 600 50 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  746 Skanderborg LAND Kalbygård 2a 546843,43 6222456,49 SDFE2018 3072198 0 1.121.520 1.310.728 996.522 1.216.033 962.752 1.037.848 979.863 1.069.618 805.080 582.718 872.040 1.069.875 965.877 869.651 1.122.356 1.069.987 942.847 1.014.410 1.174.577 912.478 731.943
570715000000014871 01-01-1991 05-09-2002 18 14 0,1 Odder 18 SP 746 Skanderborg LAND Nr. Vissing By, Veng 14b 551445,47 6221403,44 Stamdata 76016 31.225 29.862 28.330 31.600 29.075 24.427 26.823 32.243 24.013 27.864 20.197 15.069
570715000000015298 18-12-1984 28-08-2000 55 0,1 0,1 Nordtank Ukendt-Nordtank 746 Skanderborg LAND Galten by, Galten 4s 555277,68 6224185,01 Stamdata 90005 0 0
570715000000015311 01-07-1985 16-08-2002 75 0,1 0,1 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 746 Skanderborg LAND Søballe by, Veng 1a 557088,14 6220207,1 Stamdata 3100032 30.615 91.016 76.972 86.999 87.966 97.240 84.280 85.640 88.520 94.200 85.560 73.320 82.760 80.720 70.903 83.515 65.747 49.419
570715000000015328 01-07-1985 09-05-2005 55 0,1 28 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 746 Skanderborg LAND Låsby by, Låsby 6e 548793,77 6223580,04 Stamdata 3100033 37.709 112.106 94.807 107.158 108.348 96.200 96.360 101.640 118.000 120.000 104.200 95.800 99.840 106.680 94.287 106.497 83.489 88.564 81.559 92.265 33.856
570715000000015335 02-06-1986 31-07-2002 95 0,1 24 BONUS Ukendt-BONUS 746 Skanderborg LAND Nr. Vissing by, Veng 14c 553042,09 6221955,99 Stamdata 3100034 89.276 150.999 170.670 172.566 183.080 168.800 158.080 183.360 177.280 171.640 145.560 156.400 168.600 141.901 162.205 131.053 91.626
570715000000015373 02-07-1986 18-10-2002 75 17 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  746 Skanderborg LAND Veng by, Veng 9a 555997,81 6218749,24 Stamdata 3100036 44.032 89.369 101.011 102.133 116.560 97.000 98.720 103.160 106.760 97.480 79.720 90.160 99.200 87.537 100.254 73.137 65.270
570715000000015397 10-09-1986 18-11-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 95-18   746 Skanderborg LAND Herskind by, Skivholme 18a 558827,02 6227885,02 Stamdata 3100038 53.414 180.689 204.227 206.496 220.840 177.480 196.480 212.920 213.800 198.280 173.920 195.080 206.960 180.511 197.504 170.710 156.749
570715000000015410 10-12-1986 16-08-2002 99 0,1 0,1 Nordtank Ukendt-Nordtank 746 Skanderborg LAND Stjær by, Stjær 2a 560101,81 6219296,07 Stamdata 3100040 0 176.440 208.920 220.200 228.520 206.560 205.440 216.840 224.640 204.800 160.640 184.120 209.520 185.730 168.420 157.813 63.918
570715000000015472 23-11-1988 04-11-2002 130 20,5 27 Nordtank NTK 130 F-Nordtank 746 Skanderborg LAND Galten by, Galten 5b 556824 6222460,22 Stamdata 3100043 16.316 197.971 207.440 178.560 174.160 194.640 228.080 190.640 167.200 187.760 211.120 156.336 168.867 141.599 126.825
570715000000015489 23-11-1988 04-11-2002 130 20,5 27 Nordtank NTK 130 F-Nordtank 746 Skanderborg LAND Galten by, Galten 5b 556799,39 6222536,11 Stamdata 3100043 16.317 197.971 211.520 177.920 167.360 187.127 225.920 193.120 177.360 192.880 205.360 166.616 202.856 135.682 126.825
570715000000015519 24-08-1998 23-04-2007 11 13 18,2 Gaia-Wind Ltd Gaia 11   746 Skanderborg LAND Nr. Vissing by, Veng 4b 553193 6222278 Stamdata 3100051 8.421 22.623 10.060 13.793 18.095 11.431 17.780 14.203 9.979 0
570715000000023323 10-12-1980 09-08-2002 55 18 32 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-16  746 Skanderborg LAND Mesing by,Mesing 14o 559341,62 6214903,81 Stamdata 90000 0 87.671 78.818 95.568 97.024 76.265 94.471 79.893 90.301 91.304 95.300 85.459 86.858 90.957 96.676 88.949 75.540 83.673 93.855 79.917 84.019 69.248 52.028
570715000000023330 03-12-1984 20-08-2002 55 16 22 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-55  746 Skanderborg LAND Jeksen by,Adslev 6a 559998,87 6215863,5 Stamdata 90001 0 93.580 115.920 98.033 110.803 112.034 116.937 104.861 108.140 116.390 117.500 100.830 89.630 104.420 115.460 99.730 105.740 88.940 61.730
570715000000023347 08-02-1985 04-08-2002 18 11 18,3 Odder 18,5-Odder 746 Skanderborg LAND Tåning 26a m.f 551998,36 6206605,93 Stamdata 90002 4.946 7.352 6.217 7.027 7.105 7.416 6.650 7.001 5.898 8.314 9.337 0 0 0 0 4.807 2.178 -144
570715000000023354 16-05-1986 04-09-2002 95 19 24,5 BONUS 95-BONUS 746 Skanderborg LAND Skanderborg Jorder 5al 556762,13 6214190,63 Stamdata 90003 79.244 114.885 129.851 131.294 137.039 122.888 96.760 118.500 148.310 127.790 110.770 130.360 144.950 116.120 129.450 103.990 82.500
570715000000023361 26-09-1986 24-07-2002 99 15 25 Nordtank NTK 86/15 746 Skanderborg LAND Virring by 12a 565244,91 6209010,31 Stamdata 90004 63.865 216.040 244.183 246.896 257.699 231.089 250.740 249.720 240.870 237.960 221.960 224.790 253.200 198.150 230.880 201.500 135.320
570715000000023378 12-02-1987 22-11-2002 150 22,2 23 DWP D 150 S 746 Skanderborg LAND Virring 16a 563819,81 6209309,83 Stamdata 90005 213.202 289.170 292.383 305.177 273.664 284.150 305.560 303.100 281.440 247.900 258.990 304.264 239.421 275.497 237.947 232.093
570715000000023385 12-02-1987 22-11-2002 150 22,2 23 DWP D 150 S 746 Skanderborg LAND Virring 16c 563907,43 6209236,18 Stamdata 90006 224.421 304.387 307.769 321.236 288.065 297.210 322.910 314.470 287.840 270.350 271.270 315.933 260.634 289.369 252.058 232.858
570715000000023392 18-05-1988 22-11-2002 150 22,2 23 DWP D 150 S 746 Skanderborg LAND Virring By, Fruering 11g 563762,28 6209064,7 Stamdata 90007 178.495 309.392 322.930 289.583 297.660 317.490 316.910 289.940 270.270 281.530 312.200 264.840 292.266 258.074 231.496
570715000000023408 31-03-1987 03-05-2005 99 19,6 26 Danwin DW 19 746 Skanderborg LAND Mesing by,Mesing 35a 558515,49 6216137,29 Stamdata 90008 117.719 177.406 179.377 187.226 167.892 176.880 192.630 199.650 165.250 148.120 155.330 170.920 160.610 164.920 134.380 142.460 125.641 148.278 61.326
570715000000023415 11-06-1987 24-07-2002 99 19,6 24 Danwin DW 19 746 Skanderborg LAND Fruering by,Fruering 1f 561763,59 6211446,94 Stamdata 90009 73.972 167.216 169.074 176.472 158.249 146.560 156.240 168.390 153.590 141.400 152.040 188.210 159.250 178.350 121.000 85.500
570715000000023422 11-06-1987 24-07-2002 99 19,6 24 Danwin DW 19 746 Skanderborg LAND Frurering by,Fruering 1f 561798,57 6211396,47 Stamdata 90010 64.578 145.981 147.603 154.062 138.153 145.880 160.830 156.030 147.090 126.280 127.800 141.710 77.700 125.680 129.810 5.870
570715000000023439 29-09-1988 11-08-2008 150 23 24 BONUS MK l 746 Skanderborg LAND Ejer By,Ousted Sogn 19a 550909,12 6204065,71 Stamdata 90011 80.087 323.907 338.081 303.170 334.980 322.670 337.940 303.420 252.620 286.620 313.501 285.736 331.869 265.503 275.149 263.833 269.376 253.485 249.494 194.708 172.950
570715000000023446 20-09-1988 11-08-2008 150 23 24 BONUS MK l 746 Skanderborg LAND Ejer By,Ousted Sogn 19a 550942,83 6204152,55 Stamdata 90012 80.169 324.241 338.428 303.482 340.520 335.830 330.490 288.150 250.870 286.970 312.006 295.022 331.392 276.668 294.941 247.862 258.851 278.780 253.770 288.740 172.176
570715000000023453 29-03-1988 21-08-2008 200 25 28,7 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  746 Skanderborg LAND Illerup by,Dover 17e 554134 6215109 Stamdata 90013 268.371 361.803 377.635 338.639 340.040 367.200 386.450 347.690 311.520 332.610 357.220 301.152 349.241 283.109 322.251 289.920 312.456 300.134 266.993 258.137 189.493
570715000000023576 05-11-1990 28-08-2008 225 27 30,7 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  746 Skanderborg LAND Illerup by,Dover 7a 554893,99 6213428,97 Stamdata 90025 31.769 341.862 351.150 379.960 375.110 367.430 316.140 336.340 357.468 301.086 335.989 288.323 309.074 268.654 289.388 285.773 237.254 333.435 201.329
570715000000023583 11-12-1990 29-11-2002 99 0,1 0,1 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 746 Skanderborg LAND Vrold,Skanderborg Jorder 13 554681,11 6211212,54 Stamdata 90026 0 151.520 163.150 173.020 183.380 163.240 110.910 147.500 153.560 130.730 162.238 104.435 107.142
570715000000023712 27-03-1980 03-07-2000 30 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 746 Skanderborg LAND Ukendt 0 551175,95 6204673,4 Stamdata 90050 0 0
570715000000023729 14-04-1981 12-10-2001 30 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 746 Skanderborg LAND Ukendt 0 560914,37 6211602,4 Stamdata 90051 25.979 35.033 42.479 43.125 33.898 41.990 35.511 40.137 40.583 42.359 37.985 42.300 46.840 45.555 40.487 35.727 38.635 30.940 22.759 30.297 12.176 0
570715000000023743 22-08-1983 24-01-2001 15 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 746 Skanderborg LAND Ukendt 0 539383 6201243 Stamdata 90053 0 0
570715000000023750 08-07-1987 15-01-2008 95 19,2 23,2 DWP D 110 746 Skanderborg LAND Fruering 4g 562547,86 6211023,75 Stamdata 90054 150.457 150.458 150.458 150.458 150.458 150.458 150.458 150.458 150.458 150.458 150.458 150.458 150.458 150.458 121.066 119.690 111.421 100.209 122.417 110.402 135.433 1.665
570715000000023958 01-07-1989 30-05-2008 450 36 35 BONUS 450/690  746 Skanderborg LAND Svinsager by,Fruering 3C 564545,54 6209016,67 Stamdata WTO 0 275.813 253.500 255.563 265.750 286.375 287.125 262.625 266.063 263.625 207.125 304.081 248.008 295.695 550.095 639.906 593.783 562.107 710.724 339.527
570715000000026867 12-11-1981 19-05-2005 30 11 19,5 Nordtank NTK 30/18 746 Skanderborg LAND Brørup by / Hylke sogn 13d 556302 6205024 Stamdata 1030040 5.500 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 40.415 31.937 25.191 0 0
570715000000056826 26-09-1980 01-04-1987 11 0 0 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 746 Skanderborg LAND Hem By, Voerladegård 6d 539383 6201243 Stamdata 35606
570715000000015274 01-07-1982 08-08-2002 55 0,1 0,1 Nordtank Ukendt-Nordtank 751 Århus LAND Borum by Borum 5e 561708,38 6228915,18 Stamdata 3100029 37.283 108.496 110.150 86.582 107.251 90.701 102.517 103.656 104.554 94.915 29.554 106.221 107.211 99.251 92.544 100.813 107.807 86.235 93.322 80.568 43.995
570715000000015304 29-04-1985 04-11-2002 55 15 24 BONUS Ukendt-BONUS 751 Århus LAND Borum by, Borum 5e 561601,39 6229218,76 Stamdata 3100031 67.834 126.041 106.592 120.478 121.816 131.080 103.320 99.960 131.120 131.080 117.520 106.680 123.360 130.640 107.585 100.220 91.802 88.491
570715000000015380 23-06-1986 08-08-2002 75 17 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  751 Århus LAND Labing by, Framlev 9f 562702,84 6224999,32 Stamdata 3100037 67.677 114.468 129.380 130.818 138.640 125.400 124.320 135.200 141.000 127.960 112.800 122.920 126.240 104.173 119.044 99.965 69.865
570715000000015403 11-09-1986 19-08-2002 55 16,3 24 BONUS MK ll 751 Århus LAND Borum by, Borum 14a 563322,09 6227182,99 Stamdata 3100039 25.270 85.482 96.618 97.691 115.440 93.680 94.280 95.680 97.200 96.760 81.160 86.720 93.080 55.040 88.600 70.640 51.048
570715000000015434 27-03-1987 16-07-2002 99 19 23 Micon M 95 751 Århus LAND Borum by, Borum 13s 563413,28 6227156,56 Stamdata 3100041 87.868 132.418 133.890 154.480 140.560 134.000 137.600 145.200 133.800 105.200 126.440 126.000 102.328 119.402 96.212 61.847
570715000000015441 27-03-1987 16-07-2002 99 19 23 Micon M 95 751 Århus LAND Borum by, Borum 13s 563418,48 6227080,95 Stamdata 3100041 87.867 132.419 133.889 150.040 132.000 126.000 129.800 135.200 126.400 113.400 121.280 125.200 110.277 126.957 97.562 61.847
570715000000015458 07-09-1987 04-11-2002 55 16 22 Wincon 55 kW-Wincon 751 Århus LAND Borum by Borum 5m 561525,04 6229308,4 Stamdata 3100042 34.734 157.037 158.781 183.760 163.360 159.920 169.920 165.600 144.400 129.200 121.480 153.680 126.846 156.811 129.299 125.006
570715000000021664 30-06-1981 29-11-2006 15 10 18 Kuriant KE 18/4 751 Århus LAND Kankbølle by, Hjortshøj 4b 579646,71 6236061,64 Stamdata 19192 16.500 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 20.357 14.851 19.536 19.535 18.344 10.645
570715000000021800 01-09-1991 16-11-2002 150 22 30 BONUS 150 kW 751 Århus LAND Kalstrup by, Mejlby 1b 574258,29 6241073,18 Stamdata 216 321.952 321.952 321.952 321.952 321.952 321.952 321.952 321.952 321.952 321.952 251.109 188.669
570715000000021961 15-02-1982 23-11-2002 15 10,9 18 Bosted KE 15 K 751 Århus LAND Spørring by, Spørring 9h 571910,84 6238373,22 Stamdata 23105 27.500 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 14.743 16.326
570715000000022258 30-04-1985 14-09-2002 55 17 22 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-11  751 Århus LAND Hårup by, Todbjerg 9b 574816,36 6238346,08 Stamdata V123 49.869 92.661 78.363 88.571 89.555 93.474 83.822 85.333 91.946 100.255 88.100 71.887 83.601 84.245 77.674 82.982 73.064 28.360
570715000000022296 02-08-1985 08-08-2002 65 16 22 NEG Micon NM 65/11 751 Århus LAND Hjortshøj by Hjortshøj 5b 577884,21 6234039,26 Stamdata V127 23.870 88.704 75.016 84.788 85.730 89.482 80.242 81.843 87.373 93.195 90.304 71.466 83.068 79.142 67.716 78.939 65.571 39.685
570715000000022463 08-08-1986 20-08-2002 95 19 22 BONUS 97 751 Århus LAND Lisbjerg by, Århus Markjorder 12b 570568,28 6230946,23 Stamdata V142 65.208 165.437 186.988 189.066 197.339 176.961 181.700 205.155 200.208 187.358 152.767 184.194 200.812 139.314 167.049 150.106 74.997
570715000000022524 08-08-1990 20-08-2008 150 23 30 BONUS 150/30 kW 751 Århus LAND Hårup by, Todbjerg 12c 573956,38 6238568,38 Stamdata 200149 106.906 287.599 290.892 314.545 335.641 288.000 261.000 282.000 296.007 261.540 297.813 246.089 251.623 236.845 257.856 251.999 222.162 276.390 156.519
570715000000023477 07-11-1980 13-06-2002 55 16 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 16 751 Århus LAND Solbjerg by,Tiset 12a,13 568195,09 6212257 Stamdata 90015 8.801 116.711 104.925 127.223 129.162 101.526 125.763 106.357 120.212 121.548 126.866 113.766 113.830 124.100 132.070 116.460 105.860 107.310 124.720 100.700 114.590 95.220 52.750
570715000000023484 14-03-1983 18-11-2002 55 15,6 22 Nordtank NTK 55 751 Århus LAND Malling 4a 575896,54 6211313,91 Stamdata 90016 82.930 112.259 88.239 109.304 92.438 104.480 105.641 110.263 98.877 97.330 111.000 117.050 102.640 95.520 95.510 104.090 90.490 89.330 84.380 62.370
570715000000023491 18-03-1983 04-10-2002 55 15 22 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-7,5  751 Århus LAND Hørret by,Mårslet 9a 574294,11 6217269,21 Stamdata 90017 71.656 96.997 76.243 94.444 79.871 90.275 91.279 95.273 85.434 80.810 98.700 105.970 89.490 77.020 78.550 96.260 75.130 80.020 70.880 47.560
570715000000023507 18-03-1983 04-10-2002 55 15 22 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-7,5  751 Århus LAND Hørret by,Mårslet 9a 574160,99 6217272,53 Stamdata 90018 70.272 95.124 74.771 92.620 78.328 88.532 89.516 93.433 83.785 87.710 96.020 101.010 87.400 70.630 79.480 92.580 70.660 81.480 71.390 53.950
570715000000023521 06-12-1984 22-08-2002 55 16 22 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-16  751 Århus LAND Malling 8d 572513,26 6211531,07 Stamdata 90020 0 81.709 101.215 85.597 96.747 97.822 102.103 91.559 88.880 102.440 106.390 94.720 79.480 87.580 100.220 84.670 92.570 77.380 55.650
570715000000023538 06-06-1985 20-09-2002 75 17 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  751 Århus LAND Seldrup 10 576306,41 6213818,45 Stamdata 90021 48.570 120.329 101.761 115.018 116.296 121.384 108.850 109.120 121.760 122.830 112.700 98.390 102.100 117.030 96.530 114.200 95.620 63.950
570715000000023552 10-12-1987 01-06-2017 250 26 28,5 NEG Micon Ukendt-NEG Micon 751 Århus LAND Hvilsted by 25 565535,96 6208181,13 SDFE2018 90023 0 391.228 395.575 412.884 370.248 397.210 418.010 425.530 356.540 322.920 349.270 370.766 341.022 402.074 307.773 314.739 272.889 323.237 312.019 229.131 339.710 299.777 281.806 313.243 358.547 352.208 334.077 336.336 332.115 300.066 157.161
570715000000023569 29-10-1990 21-08-2008 150 23 30 BONUS 150/30   751 Århus LAND Ingerslev by,Tiset 18a 568471,31 6215196,09 Stamdata 90024 50.740 273.002 278.710 296.160 311.270 277.700 243.120 262.080 297.464 252.207 275.260 230.847 243.680 224.282 242.153 236.004 180.433 267.167 156.793
570715000000023767 04-08-1988 15-05-2007 22 10,9 24 Bosted KE 22/1 751 Århus LAND Mårslet by 21d 572779,01 6213197,79 Stamdata 90057 10.829 32.847 34.284 30.744 29.380 33.356 36.098 31.906 28.943 19.458 0 24.873 34.147 29.489 30.437 28.059 30.523 28.596 23.661 9.131
570715000000084812 01-01-2009 03-09-2015 11 13 18,2 WEG 11 kW 751 Århus Land 541867,19 6185452,94 GST, 18-02-2013 16.796 14.868 19.255 19.769 18.583 19.158 676
570715000001619990 15-02-2019 26-02-2020 2200 120 101 Ukendt Ukendt 751 Århus LAND Hjardemål klit, Hjardemål 34 493010 6325528 Stamdata 3488004 7.963.460 1.821.040
570715000001640833 01-05-2019 13-12-2019 4200 136 116 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas-VIND 751 Århus LAND Hjardemål Klit. Hjardemål 34 492968 6326131 Stamdata 3489006 6.854.630
570715000000014604 20-11-1987 24-11-2005 55 15 22 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-11  756 Ikast-Brande LAND Nørre Snede 2c 521954,062 6206221,438 Stamdata 3050371 1.373 9.296 10.372 8.526 53.829 66.455 73.162 77.641 64.392 54.744 67.372 64.015 53.451 63.253 40.180 33.220 50.760 37.020 34.170
570715000000014611 09-09-1996 01-04-2016 11 18,2 13 Gaia-Wind Ltd Gaia 11   756 Ikast-Brande Land 523284,97 6204374,14 GST, 18-02-2013 6.014 23.725 24.488 19.772 14.812 37.686 32.187 13.776 11.877 12.285 3.277 17.176 10.656 9.812 8.847 13.485 13.286 12.484 13.555 15.262 2.312
570715000000014635 02-10-1989 15-06-2010 150 30 30 DWP D 150 756 Ikast-Brande LAND Ravnholt by 6a 515508,34 6221467 Stamdata 3052753 60.545 297.615 260.980 237.825 248.140 280.450 229.700 208.575 241.840 256.095 210.220 226.056 183.555 202.387 202.528 226.426 238.214 221.374 270.410 254.093 209.389 90.329
570715000000014642 02-10-1989 15-06-2010 150 30 30 DWP D 150 756 Ikast-Brande LAND Ravnholt by 6a 515508,34 6221467 Stamdata 3052753 60.545 297.615 260.980 237.825 248.140 280.450 229.700 208.575 241.840 256.095 210.220 226.056 183.555 202.387 202.528 226.426 238.214 221.374 270.410 254.093 209.389 90.329
570715000000014659 13-01-1983 30-10-2002 55 23 22 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 15 756 Ikast-Brande LAND Ravnholt by 2t 518485,85 6222819,33 Stamdata 54447 74.288 85.754 69.770 82.189 64.006 63.607 83.725 82.984 80.018 75.415 82.314 83.862 74.223 65.326 76.678 76.145 59.695 73.545 40.040 53.791
570715000000014703 25-09-1990 28-11-2003 18,5 16 0,1 Kuriant Ukendt-Kuriant 756 Ikast-Brande LAND Hestlund By, Bording 19e 513612,97 6223000,87 Stamdata 55221 1.428 9.776 8.466 2.392 12.334 0 0 7.341 17.524 12.303 14.995 10.159 6.527 392
570715000000025310 13-01-1982 12-05-2003 22 12,4 24 Danregn Vindkraft 30-Danregn Vindkraft 756 Ikast-Brande LAND Gøttrup by, Nr. Snede 5g 522812,24 6202629,35 Stamdata 16001 22.178 27.992 24.095 17.775 26.822 22.683 25.638 25.923 27.057 24.263 28.600 29.839 29.787 26.831 22.158 20.227 25.173 15.053 23.159 6.790 0 0
570715000000025334 01-12-1981 10-09-2002 30 12 24 Danregn Vindkraft 30/5,5   756 Ikast-Brande LAND Flø 4p 506549,68 6201983,04 Stamdata 16005 0 16.516 31.471 31.491 24.564 21.047 17.799 20.118 20.341 21.231 19.039 25.500 18.027 18.304 15.630 18.184 21.760 18.014 15.837 19.647 8.062 2.133
570715000000025518 01-06-1986 16-08-2000 95 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 756 Ikast-Brande LAND Ukendt 0 504589 6198728 Stamdata 16032 0 0
570715000000025525 01-06-1986 16-08-2000 95 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 756 Ikast-Brande LAND Ukendt 0 504507 6198842 Stamdata 16033 0 0
570715000000025532 01-06-1986 16-08-2000 95 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 756 Ikast-Brande LAND Ukendt 0 504507 6198915 Stamdata 16034 0 0
570715000000025549 18-04-1988 16-08-2000 150 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 756 Ikast-Brande LAND Ukendt 0 504618 6198653 Stamdata 16035 0 0
570715000000025556 04-11-1991 10-10-2011 300 31 35 BONUS COMBI 31-300   756 Ikast-Brande LAND Langkær by 1a 508718,37 6196675,23 Stamdata 16036 70.630 464.200 491.460 540.240 482.490 436.880 460.320 468.877 411.946 476.217 364.530 410.403 357.992 371.144 373.763 340.491 431.321 408.334 341.965 311.325 266.627
570715000000025563 15-12-1997 28-11-2011 600 35 35 BONUS Prototype 756 Ikast-Brande LAND Skærlund by, Brande 16a 506325,29 6196097,52 Stamdata 16037 82.965 554.000 639.900 711.000 637.900 714.810 803.680 912.345 815.397 945.911 709.094 809.631 701.232 754.476 712.900 698.075 871.076 807.093 657.379 554.555 612.313
570715000000025587 25-09-1989 31-01-2005 150 24 30 BONUS 150 kW 756 Ikast-Brande LAND Rønslunde by 3a 519879,94 6199788,21 Stamdata 16043 67.315 281.043 252.022 259.600 264.970 271.790 247.290 212.920 239.930 234.030 214.787 251.350 165.710 209.619 177.573 186.751 28.731
570715000000025594 25-09-1989 31-01-2005 150 24 30 BONUS 150 kW 756 Ikast-Brande LAND Rønslunde by 6d 519792,47 6199762,46 Stamdata 16044 66.587 278.005 249.298 258.100 264.040 262.350 251.410 219.380 243.100 246.660 225.106 258.371 190.646 213.617 186.931 197.910 29.851
570715000000025631 19-03-1990 03-10-2002 55 15 22 Nordtank NTK 55 756 Ikast-Brande LAND Bjørnskov by 3g 521242,66 6204396,72 Stamdata 16053 8.561 10.236 18.900 21.827 31.594 56.159 49.720 55.930 50.940 47.220 50.390 27.780 25.460
570715000000025648 11-12-1990 16-08-2000 150 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 756 Ikast-Brande LAND Ukendt 0 504083 6197664 Stamdata 16054 0 0
570715000000025709 27-03-1996 03-10-2002 22 14,5 18 Windmatic VMR 12/5 22 756 Ikast-Brande LAND Bjørnskov by 3g 522812,24 6202629,35 Stamdata 16064 10.876 20.378 17.330 11.115 60 0 546
570715000000026232 21-04-1987 14-08-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 95-20   756 Ikast-Brande LAND Nortvig By Nørre Snede 3a 527592 6197594 Stamdata 30005 106.888 181.218 183.231 191.249 171.500 183.670 187.600 195.810 176.250 151.010 173.360 167.930 152.980 177.662 139.150 108.006
570715000000026249 21-04-1987 14-08-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 95-20   756 Ikast-Brande LAND Nortvig By Nørre Snede 3a 527764 6197791 Stamdata 30051 103.304 175.141 177.087 184.836 165.749 175.400 179.600 187.090 171.430 148.850 169.180 166.080 146.330 169.445 131.640 98.287
570715000000026256 21-04-1987 14-08-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 95-20   756 Ikast-Brande LAND Nortvig By Nørre Snede 3a 527713 6197633 Stamdata 30052 98.299 166.657 168.509 175.882 157.720 156.340 179.560 182.260 169.980 137.690 162.090 162.320 128.290 163.630 126.172 99.891
570715000000026423 12-02-1992 10-08-2017 150 23 24,5 BONUS 150/30 kW 756 Ikast-Brande LAND Nortvig By Nørre Snede 3a 527592,02 6197594,32 GST, 18-02-2013 1030053 218.180 277.230 282.290 246.810 225.230 246.440 258.824 219.329 258.615 206.621 216.914 203.279 214.051 214.444 144.306 219.617 213.672 202.635 176.684 133.483 92.641 0 0 0 0 0
570715000000028908 08-02-1990 11-04-2003 55 15 18 Windmatic VM 15 S 756 Ikast-Brande LAND Over Isen By 12cy 515868 6213662 Stamdata 1 65.146 69.480 69.287 75.279 77.584 66.530 57.576 68.256 63.061 52.177 39.664 35.894 42.121 11.043
570715000000028915 16-08-1989 17-06-2010 150 25 31 Wind World W 2500-150  756 Ikast-Brande LAND Uhre By 1b 508101,85 6218911,62 Stamdata 2 72.400 319.860 298.980 271.380 315.840 334.700 290.780 265.060 303.492 273.688 231.144 285.041 227.326 260.339 223.681 239.025 228.286 183.924 253.627 196.014 188.564 102.659
570715000000028953 17-12-1990 16-06-2009 200 26 30 Wincon W 200  756 Ikast-Brande LAND Toftlund By 3c 511673,33 6218523,42 Stamdata 5 19.519 304.794 297.363 304.992 338.065 298.254 246.554 312.723 302.626 273.437 320.462 242.449 256.726 233.812 250.811 205.557 186.162 255.667 254.185 86.259
570715000000028960 17-12-1990 16-06-2009 200 26 30 Wincon W 200  756 Ikast-Brande LAND Toftlund By 3c 511567,51 6218612,15 Stamdata 5 19.881 310.446 302.877 310.648 344.335 303.786 251.126 318.523 308.238 278.507 326.405 247.646 256.726 233.812 250.811 205.557 186.162 255.667 254.185 86.259
570715000000044168 30-11-1990 22-04-2009 150 27 31 Wind World W 2700-150  756 Ikast-Brande LAND Tulstrup By, Ikast 10v 507255,18 6225290,39 Stamdata 7141212 24.360 292.324 292.324 292.324 292.324 292.324 292.324 292.324 292.324 292.324 292.324 226.958 246.319 216.637 235.145 234.546 204.722 244.213 245.633 62.961
570715000000044175 30-11-1990 22-04-2009 150 27 31 Wind World W 2700-150  756 Ikast-Brande LAND Tulstrup By, Ikast 10v 507318,81 6225408,65 Stamdata 7141212 24.990 299.880 299.880 299.880 299.880 299.880 299.880 299.880 299.880 299.880 299.880 228.848 246.319 216.637 235.145 234.546 204.722 244.213 245.633 62.961
570715000000044182 30-11-1990 22-04-2009 150 27 31 Wind World W 2700-150  756 Ikast-Brande LAND Tulstrup By, Ikast 10v 507383,43 6225526,92 Stamdata 7141212 25.006 300.095 300.095 300.095 300.095 300.095 300.095 300.095 300.095 300.095 300.095 228.902 246.319 216.637 235.145 234.546 204.722 244.213 245.633 62.961
570715000000044199 30-11-1990 22-04-2009 150 27 31 Wind World W 2700-150  756 Ikast-Brande LAND Tulstrup By, Ikast 10v 507448,06 6225645,19 Stamdata 7141212 24.336 292.058 292.058 292.058 292.058 292.058 292.058 292.058 292.058 292.058 292.058 226.892 246.319 216.637 235.145 234.546 204.722 244.213 245.633 62.961
570715000000044205 30-11-1990 22-04-2009 150 27 31 Wind World W 2700-150  756 Ikast-Brande LAND Tulstrup By, Ikast 10v 507511,66 6225764,45 Stamdata 7141212 25.203 302.384 302.384 302.384 302.384 302.384 302.384 302.384 302.384 302.384 302.384 229.475 246.319 216.637 235.145 234.546 204.722 244.213 245.633 62.961
570715000000044311 14-05-1992 21-10-2003 30 13 27 Windmatic Ukendt-Windmatic 756 Ikast-Brande LAND Tulstrup By, Ikast 9z 507093,63 6224569,28 Stamdata 141217 18.576 38.633 40.359 36.557 32.201 35.279 33.889 27.750 31.200 25.877 28.532 18.138
570715000000044588 27-03-1981 15-10-1999 15 10 13 Kuriant SA.11K 756 Ikast-Brande LAND Gl Arnborg By, Arnborg 18ay 506834,67 6207360,86 Stamdata 7 0 0
570715000000056819 21-12-1987 01-04-1998 75 0 0 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 756 Ikast-Brande LAND Gl. Arnborg By, Arnborg 5 bd 497363 6187231 Stamdata 353-21 0 0
570715000000088964 15-12-2009 09-02-2017 3000 101 98,5 SIEMENS SWT 3.0-101 756 Ikast-Brande LAND Skærlund By, Brande 16a 505868 6195656 GST, 18-02-2013 16108 40.532 5.184.741 6.733.766 7.123.555 7.844.667 8.914.971 6.589.285 0 0
570715000000467745 17-09-2012 31-05-2015 6000 154 120 SIEMENS Ukendt-Simens 756 Ikast-Brande LAND Østerild By Østerild 4t 492968 6323721 Stamdata 3492002 5.081.883 13.268.882 948.178 0
570715000001554956 21-04-2017 07-02-2018 3150 142 109 Siemens Wind Power A/S SWT 3.15-109-142 756 Ikast-Brande LAND Skærlund By, Brande 16f 505680,87 6195397,13 SDFE2018 16193 8.177.607 128.621
000000000000000000 11-08-2012 01-10-2014 11 13 18,2 Swinger T 202 760 Ringkøbing-Skjern Land Stamdata
570715000000032585 15-12-1986 06-11-2002 90 0,1 0,1 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Viumgård hgd 62b 461512,66 6187028,99 Stamdata 23549 0 154.632 169.255 177.447 180.855 166.390 167.820 162.890 175.390 157.650 137.940 156.680 159.910 132.650 87.552 120.492 113.468
570715000000032639 17-07-1987 20-07-2002 90 0,1 0,1 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Tøstrup By 1a 474216,68 6190478,17 Stamdata 24849 67.790 178.082 186.701 190.287 175.068 178.305 177.670 186.845 168.125 149.140 163.760 161.955 145.595 160.221 126.826 92.251
570715000000032646 17-07-1987 20-07-2002 90 0,1 0,1 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Tøstrup By 1a 474195,94 6190379,26 Stamdata 24849 67.790 178.082 186.701 190.287 175.068 178.305 177.670 186.845 168.125 149.140 163.760 161.955 145.595 160.221 126.826 92.251
570715000000033186 08-03-1989 25-11-2010 200 0,1 0,1 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Lønborggård Hgd 16a 465564,25 6194691,6 Stamdata 55624 121.356 371.059 341.382 337.195 350.740 357.260 318.190 285.900 313.250 332.495 287.242 328.120 246.907 249.406 218.324 252.528 261.526 217.492 306.741 225.999 228.105 312.075
570715000000033193 08-03-1989 23-06-2010 100 0,1 0,1 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Lønborggård Hgd 16a 465622,9 6194612,98 Stamdata 55624 121.356 371.059 341.382 337.195 350.740 357.260 318.190 285.900 313.250 332.495 287.242 328.120 246.907 249.406 218.324 252.528 261.526 217.492 306.741 225.999 228.105 156.037
570715000000033216 07-06-1989 01-09-2010 150 24,6 32,7 Nordtank Ukendt-Nordtank 760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Nørhede by 1a 466901,15 6184087,85 Stamdata 55732 195.504 398.518 366.646 370.620 362.070 388.190 345.490 316.955 335.675 352.132 299.057 354.383 272.355 306.573 275.063 303.006 303.796 267.532 341.111 317.935 288.157 161.211
570715000000033223 07-06-1989 01-09-2010 150 24,6 32,7 NEG Micon Ukendt-NEG Micon 760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Nørhede by 1a 466947,08 6183815,21 Stamdata 55732 195.504 398.519 366.646 370.620 362.070 388.190 345.490 316.955 335.675 352.132 299.057 354.383 272.355 306.573 275.063 303.006 303.796 267.532 341.111 317.935 288.157 161.211
570715000000033476 09-04-1990 03-10-2011 225 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Skuldbøl Hemmet 1a 459196,9 6191789,71 Stamdata 56138 432.888 597.399 579.405 599.945 640.610 568.685 500.175 541.585 597.580 501.827 562.500 462.847 490.592 442.348 514.612 514.013 449.497 576.376 499.781 369.526 411.663 343.110
570715000000033483 09-04-1990 03-10-2011 225 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Skuldbøl Hemmet 1a 459189,95 6191775,89 Stamdata 56138 432.888 597.399 579.405 599.945 640.610 568.685 500.175 541.585 597.580 501.827 562.500 462.848 490.592 442.348 514.612 514.013 449.497 576.376 499.781 369.526 411.663 343.110
570715000000034688 15-06-1998 25-11-2002 18,5 12 18 Kuriant KE 15/4-Kuriant 760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Bindesbøl 2d 475654,16 6192799,34 Stamdata 61520 12.100 24.200 24.200 11.625 11.062
570715000000039546 09-09-1986 29-01-2010 75 17 21 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 129 457474,15 6207991,37 Stamdata 10003 41.979 148.359 162.389 170.248 173.519 159.641 154.209 162.614 167.124 142.777 133.463 136.836 149.297 165.144 147.529 128.181 139.236 126.688 146.298 146.909 133.785 142.178 127.289 94.172 6.083
570715000000039553 09-09-1986 29-01-2010 75 17 21 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 64 457457,59 6208089,92 Stamdata 10003 41.979 148.359 162.389 170.248 173.519 159.641 154.209 162.614 167.124 142.777 133.463 136.836 149.297 165.144 147.529 128.181 139.236 126.688 146.298 146.909 133.785 142.178 127.289 94.172 6.083
570715000000039560 09-09-1986 29-01-2010 75 17 21 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 65a 457439,84 6208187,64 Stamdata 10003 41.979 148.359 162.389 170.248 173.519 159.641 154.209 162.614 167.124 142.777 133.463 136.836 149.297 165.144 147.529 128.181 139.236 126.688 146.298 146.909 133.785 142.178 127.289 94.172 6.083
570715000000039577 09-09-1986 25-08-2009 75 17 21 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 66a 457423,37 6208286,39 Stamdata 10003 41.979 148.359 162.389 170.248 173.519 159.641 154.209 162.614 167.124 142.777 133.463 136.836 149.297 165.144 147.529 128.181 139.236 126.688 146.298 146.909 133.785 142.178 127.289 64.262 6.083
570715000000039584 09-09-1986 25-08-2009 75 17 21 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 56a 457404,91 6208384,61 Stamdata 10003 41.979 148.359 162.389 170.248 173.519 159.641 154.209 162.614 167.124 142.777 133.463 136.836 149.297 165.144 147.529 128.181 139.236 126.688 146.298 146.909 133.785 142.178 127.289 64.262 6.083
570715000000039591 09-09-1986 12-05-2009 75 17 21 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 52 457509,39 6208659,64 Stamdata 10003 41.979 148.359 162.389 170.248 173.519 159.641 154.209 162.614 167.124 142.777 133.463 136.836 149.297 165.144 147.529 128.181 139.236 126.688 146.298 146.909 133.785 142.178 127.289 34.846 6.083
570715000000039607 09-09-1986 12-05-2009 75 17 21 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 52 457526,37 6208560,5 Stamdata 10003 41.979 148.359 162.389 170.248 173.519 159.641 154.209 162.614 167.124 142.777 133.463 136.836 149.297 165.144 147.529 128.181 139.236 126.688 146.298 146.909 133.785 142.178 127.289 34.846 6.083
570715000000039614 09-09-1986 23-02-2009 75 17 21 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 73a 457543,04 6208466,65 Stamdata 10003 41.979 148.359 162.389 170.248 173.519 159.641 154.209 162.614 167.124 142.777 133.463 136.836 149.297 165.144 147.529 128.181 139.236 126.688 146.298 146.909 133.785 142.178 127.289 15.687 6.083
570715000000039621 09-09-1986 29-01-2010 75 17 21 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 74 457561,72 6208357,35 Stamdata 10003 41.979 148.359 162.389 170.248 173.519 159.641 154.209 162.614 167.124 142.777 133.463 136.836 149.297 165.144 147.529 128.181 139.236 126.688 146.298 146.909 133.785 142.178 127.289 94.172 6.083
570715000000039638 09-09-1986 29-01-2010 75 17 21 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 74 457577,97 6208264,79 Stamdata 10003 41.979 148.359 162.389 170.248 173.519 159.641 154.209 162.614 167.124 142.777 133.463 136.836 149.297 165.144 147.529 128.181 139.236 126.688 146.298 146.909 133.785 142.178 127.289 94.172 6.083
570715000000039645 09-09-1986 29-01-2010 75 17 21 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 129 457595,62 6208166,86 Stamdata 10003 41.979 148.359 162.389 170.248 173.519 159.641 154.209 162.614 167.124 142.777 133.463 136.836 149.297 165.144 147.529 128.181 139.236 126.688 146.298 146.909 133.785 142.178 127.289 94.172 6.083
570715000000039652 09-09-1986 12-05-2009 75 17 21 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 50 457630,14 6208825,92 Stamdata 10003 41.979 148.359 162.389 170.248 173.519 159.641 154.209 162.614 167.124 142.777 133.463 136.836 149.297 165.144 147.529 128.181 139.236 126.688 146.298 146.909 133.785 142.178 127.289 34.846 6.083
570715000000039669 09-09-1986 12-05-2009 75 17 21 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 51 457645,99 6208738,36 Stamdata 10003 41.979 148.359 162.389 170.248 173.519 159.641 154.209 162.614 167.124 142.777 133.463 136.836 149.297 165.144 147.529 128.181 139.236 126.688 146.298 146.909 133.785 142.178 127.289 34.846 6.083
570715000000039676 09-09-1986 12-05-2009 75 17 21 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 73a 457661,9 6208642,59 Stamdata 10003 41.979 148.359 162.389 170.248 173.519 159.641 154.209 162.614 167.124 142.777 133.463 136.836 149.297 165.144 147.529 128.181 139.236 126.688 146.298 146.909 133.785 142.178 127.289 34.846 6.083
570715000000039683 09-09-1986 12-05-2009 75 17 21 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 74 457679,44 6208540,36 Stamdata 10003 41.979 148.359 162.389 170.248 173.519 159.641 154.209 162.614 167.124 142.777 133.463 136.836 149.297 165.144 147.529 128.181 139.236 126.688 146.298 146.909 133.785 142.178 127.289 34.846 6.083
570715000000039690 09-09-1986 12-05-2009 75 17 21 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 76 457696,35 6208439,52 Stamdata 10003 41.979 148.359 162.389 170.248 173.519 159.641 154.209 162.614 167.124 142.777 133.463 136.836 149.297 165.144 147.529 128.181 139.236 126.688 146.298 146.909 133.785 142.178 127.289 34.846 6.083
570715000000039706 09-09-1986 12-05-2009 75 17 21 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 76 457802,35 6208708,69 Stamdata 10003 41.979 148.359 162.389 170.248 173.519 159.641 154.209 162.614 167.124 142.777 133.463 136.836 149.297 165.144 147.529 128.181 139.236 126.688 146.298 146.909 133.785 142.178 127.289 34.846 6.083
570715000000039713 09-09-1986 12-05-2009 75 17 21 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 76 457818,08 6208617,02 Stamdata 10003 41.979 148.359 162.389 170.248 173.519 159.641 154.209 162.614 167.124 142.777 133.463 136.836 149.297 165.144 147.529 128.181 139.236 126.688 146.298 146.909 133.785 142.178 127.289 34.846 6.083
570715000000039720 09-09-1986 12-05-2009 75 17 21 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 76 457835,84 6208519,09 Stamdata 10003 41.979 148.359 162.389 170.248 173.519 159.641 154.209 162.614 167.124 142.777 133.463 136.836 149.297 165.144 147.529 128.181 139.236 126.688 146.298 146.909 133.785 142.178 127.289 34.846 6.083
570715000000039737 09-09-1986 12-05-2009 75 17 21 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 79 457853,4 6208420,56 Stamdata 10003 41.979 148.359 162.389 170.248 173.519 159.641 154.209 162.614 167.124 142.777 133.463 136.836 149.297 165.144 147.529 128.181 139.236 126.688 146.298 146.909 133.785 142.178 127.289 34.846 6.083
570715000000039744 09-09-1986 12-05-2009 75 17 21 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 127 457868,58 6208321,49 Stamdata 10003 41.979 148.359 162.389 170.248 173.519 159.641 154.209 162.614 167.124 142.777 133.463 136.836 149.297 165.144 147.529 128.181 139.236 126.688 146.298 146.909 133.785 142.178 127.289 34.846 6.083
570715000000039751 09-09-1986 29-01-2010 75 17 21 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 126 457885,14 6208223,24 Stamdata 10003 41.979 148.359 162.389 170.248 173.519 159.641 154.209 162.614 167.124 142.777 133.463 136.836 149.297 165.144 147.529 128.181 139.236 126.688 146.298 146.909 133.785 142.178 127.289 94.172 6.083
570715000000039768 09-09-1986 29-01-2010 75 17 21 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 125 457902,48 6208125,8 Stamdata 10003 41.979 148.359 162.389 170.248 173.519 159.641 154.209 162.614 167.124 142.777 133.463 136.836 149.297 165.144 147.529 128.181 139.236 126.688 146.298 146.909 133.785 142.178 127.289 94.172 6.083
570715000000039775 09-09-1986 29-01-2010 75 17 21 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 121 457919,16 6208027,05 Stamdata 10003 41.979 148.359 162.389 170.248 173.519 159.641 154.209 162.614 167.124 142.777 133.463 136.836 149.297 165.144 147.529 128.181 139.236 126.688 146.298 146.909 133.785 142.178 127.289 94.172 6.083
570715000000039782 09-09-1986 12-05-2009 75 17 21 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 76 457957,61 6208694,2 Stamdata 10003 41.979 148.359 162.389 170.248 173.519 159.641 154.209 162.614 167.124 142.777 133.463 136.836 149.297 165.144 147.529 128.182 139.236 126.688 146.298 146.909 133.785 142.178 127.289 34.846 6.083
570715000000039799 09-09-1986 12-05-2009 75 17 21 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 81 457987,68 6208520,43 Stamdata 10003 41.979 148.359 162.389 170.248 173.519 159.641 154.209 162.614 167.124 142.777 133.463 136.836 149.297 165.144 147.529 128.182 139.236 126.688 146.298 146.909 133.785 142.178 127.289 34.846 6.083
570715000000039805 09-09-1986 12-05-2009 75 17 21 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 83 458013,7 6208358,98 Stamdata 10003 41.979 148.359 162.389 170.248 173.519 159.641 154.209 162.614 167.124 142.777 133.463 136.836 149.297 165.144 147.529 128.182 139.236 126.688 146.298 146.909 133.785 142.178 127.289 34.846 6.083
570715000000039812 09-09-1986 29-01-2010 75 17 21 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 121 458033,37 6208250,2 Stamdata 10003 41.979 148.359 162.389 170.248 173.519 159.641 154.209 162.614 167.124 142.777 133.463 136.836 149.297 165.144 147.529 128.182 139.236 126.688 146.298 146.909 133.785 142.178 127.289 94.172 6.083
570715000000039829 09-09-1986 07-04-2009 75 17 21 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 118 458050,88 6208149,76 Stamdata 10003 41.979 148.359 162.389 170.248 173.519 159.641 154.209 162.614 167.124 142.777 133.463 136.836 149.297 165.144 147.529 128.182 139.236 126.688 146.298 146.909 133.785 142.178 127.289 29.341 6.083
570715000000039836 09-09-1986 29-01-2010 75 17 21 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 133 458084,41 6207952,67 Stamdata 10003 41.979 148.359 162.389 170.248 173.519 159.641 154.209 162.614 167.124 142.777 133.463 136.836 149.297 165.144 147.529 128.182 139.236 126.688 146.298 146.909 133.785 142.178 127.289 94.172 6.083
570715000000039843 01-07-1990 31-07-2007 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Videbæk by, Videbæk 1hc 475027,65 6217182,04 Stamdata 10007 222.765 469.800 469.160 465.306 501.162 449.596 413.935 442.811 464.031 419.558 469.388 344.104 378.979 338.837 374.466 351.982 293.500 263.986
570715000000039850 01-04-1986 07-11-2002 80 17 24 Tellus TE 1780 760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Søhård Hovedgård Holmslandklit 11qg 446459 6207540 Stamdata 8000001 132.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 132.700 129.680
570715000000039867 20-01-1982 05-11-2002 55 15 22 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-15  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Søgård Hovedgård Holmslandklit 11kl 445513 6207002 Stamdata 8000101 110.917 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 51.260 30.530
570715000000039881 28-09-1984 24-11-2016 55 18 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-15  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Astrup by, Faster 1u 475259,7 6207556,76 GST, 18-02-2013 8000401 30.250 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 97.020 78.080 67.930 77.830 73.818 68.213 83.749 73.431 65.447 64.972 77.283 64.319 54.266 68.251 74.158 47.808
570715000000039898 12-10-1984 05-03-2003 100 47 40 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 47-660  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Ø.Lem by, Sdr. Lem 124a 460934 6208604 Stamdata 8000701 36.667 220.000 220.000 220.000 220.000 220.000 220.000 220.000 220.000 220.000 220.000 220.000 220.000 220.000 220.000 220.000 220.000 58.014 11.553 1.335
570715000000039911 03-10-1984 08-06-2006 200 19 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Ø.Lem by, Sdr. Lem 139 461789 6208760 Stamdata 8000801 64.623 304.772 377.529 333.564 365.107 382.778 390.130 358.928 346.716 365.612 375.753 321.012 335.100 317.490 353.140 212.660 321.050 261.866 290.416 249.283 298.172 253.295 0
570715000000039928 19-03-1980 14-03-2003 90 25 28,7 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Ø.Lem by, Sdr. Lem 14d 461837 6208714 Stamdata 8001401 148.500 198.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 49.500 0 0
570715000000039935 17-06-1988 01-03-2015 225 29 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Ø.Lem by, Sdr. Lem 124b 460959,49 6208473,4 GST, 18-02-2013 8001501 247.500 495.000 495.000 495.000 495.000 495.000 495.000 495.000 495.000 495.000 495.000 495.000 495.000 139.878 23.751 21.195 43.268 24.114 19.537 3.293 4.529 18.487 17.763 46.110 24.435 0 0 0
570715000000039942 07-10-1987 01-09-2013 660 47 39 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 47-660  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Ø.Lem by, Sdr. Lem 135 461671 6208743 Stamdata 8001601 0 0 0 0 536.755 1.244.383 1.312.203 1.348.600 1.152.132 1.005.200 1.256.400 656.370 766.040 1.964.220 1.180.780 1.366.322 1.117.172 874.011 1.442.725 1.173.360 1.519.751 1.296.236 1.391.063 1.161.940 1.575.601 1.459.881 681.613
570715000000039959 20-03-1980 15-10-2002 22 12 12 Windmatic WMR 12/5-22 760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Askovby Nr.Omme 2d 443772 6180955 Stamdata 8001701 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8.144 14.814 11.957 8.726 12.531 13.659 9.566 10.439 1.878 6.760 4.744 5.648 6.793
570715000000039966 15-02-1993 26-11-2014 100 20 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 20 760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Søgård Hovedgård 188b 445330,78 6210783,19 GST, 18-02-2013 8001801 183.333 220.000 220.000 220.000 220.000 220.000 220.000 220.000 250.434 281.490 242.634 279.877 282.972 255.852 296.167 280.254 270.358 228.547 283.926 287.785 256.247 1.741
570715000000039973 26-04-1985 18-05-2010 75 10 25 Windmatic VM 17 S 760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Nørby, Ringkøbing Jorder 10a 453606 6218630 Stamdata 8002001 110.000 165.000 165.000 165.000 165.000 165.000 165.000 165.000 165.000 165.000 165.000 165.000 165.000 165.000 165.000 165.000 118.780 157.450 40.890 28.530 25.823 26.637 48.375 37.511 25.716 5.556
570715000000040023 01-09-1988 22-09-2005 200 23 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 23 760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Den mellemste del, Hee sogn 14e 455473,87 6223515,26 Stamdata 8002601 146.667 440.000 440.000 440.000 440.000 440.000 440.000 440.000 440.000 440.000 440.000 440.000 440.000 288.297 263.654 229.063 259.344 178.301
570715000000040030 01-09-1996 30-06-2010 18 13 18,2 Swinger T 202 760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Den nordlige del Velling 104 455618,8 6214518 Stamdata 8002921 13.945 33.625 33.841 35.589 38.160 76.766 103.395 27.459 32.541 25.420 28.557 19.196 16.996 6.000 0
570715000000040078 20-12-1986 10-10-2003 80 17 40,8 Tellus TE 1780 760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Den nordlige del, Velling 38a 459141,91 6213575,536 Stamdata 8003341 14.667 176.000 176.000 176.000 176.000 176.000 176.000 176.000 176.000 176.000 176.000 176.000 176.000 176.000 176.000 99.356 158.025 87.021
570715000000040122 24-08-2000 30-09-2010 11 13 18 Gaia-Wind Ltd Gaia 11   760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Sønden Åen Tim 13a 457761,76 6228321,76 Stamdata 8003831 5.863 41.027 57.438 14.307 19.643 19.048 16.407 19.638 12.092 14.852 9.741
570715000000040146 05-03-1982 23-05-2002 55 15 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-15  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Strandgårde Gl.Sogn 4a 451453,68 6217137,82 Stamdata 8500001 87.427 141.341 143.495 116.930 142.010 112.730 137.670 141.780 161.540 125.480 131.360 125.660 130.840 125.510 103.770 116.370 132.830 124.150 134.930 100.070 54.320
570715000000040160 05-04-1989 13-04-2010 100 20 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 20-100  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Brejning Hovedgaard 1in 470707 6219684 Stamdata 8500101 21.107 40.783 83.580 120.767 124.733 146.033 130.433 106.500 106.567 45.500 152.500 203.600 214.467 225.734 199.855 224.778 175.975 195.092 174.661 186.751 150.685 165.945 187.847 124.774 134.764 34.571
570715000000040177 05-04-1989 13-04-2010 100 20 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 20-100  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Brejning Hovedgaard 1in 470598 6219646 Stamdata 8500101 21.107 40.783 83.580 120.767 124.733 146.033 130.433 106.500 106.567 45.500 152.500 203.600 214.467 225.734 199.855 224.778 175.975 195.092 174.661 186.751 150.685 165.945 187.847 124.774 134.764 34.571
570715000000040184 05-04-1989 13-04-2010 100 20 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 20-100  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Brejning Hovedgaard 1in 470734 6219535 Stamdata 8500101 21.107 40.783 83.580 120.767 124.733 146.033 130.433 106.500 106.567 45.500 152.500 203.600 214.467 225.734 199.855 224.778 175.975 195.092 174.661 186.751 150.685 165.945 187.847 124.774 134.764 34.571
570715000000040207 19-02-1985 27-09-2001 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Den sydlige del,No 28a 457260 6218382 Stamdata 8500201 113.400 151.467 130.733 145.500 154.067 168.833 149.800 145.933 145.033 149.300 140.067 123.000 137.400 145.280 129.160 145.520 73.853 0
570715000000040214 19-02-1985 27-09-2001 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Den sydlige del,No 28a 457350 6218452 Stamdata 8500201 113.400 151.467 130.733 145.500 154.067 168.833 149.800 145.933 145.033 149.300 140.067 123.000 137.400 145.280 129.160 145.520 73.853 0
570715000000040221 19-02-1985 27-09-2001 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Den sydlige del,No 28a 457375 6218354 Stamdata 8500201 113.400 151.467 130.733 145.500 154.067 168.833 149.800 145.933 145.033 149.300 140.067 123.000 137.400 145.280 129.160 145.520 73.853 0
570715000000040238 01-05-1985 30-09-2002 55 16 22,6 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-16  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Nr. Vognbjerg gårde 1d 464757 6203758 Stamdata 8500301 75.680 134.180 118.190 127.240 132.950 146.490 131.470 125.880 129.710 133.420 124.080 113.840 120.710 127.500 113.360 122.880 95.920 83.700
570715000000040245 20-05-1985 09-10-2002 55 15 22,6 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-15-380V-50HT2 760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Den sydlige del,No 52y 457671 6217262 Stamdata 8500401 52.640 70.270 94.350 101.560 106.630 115.420 102.260 95.320 96.440 104.270 95.420 88.480 93.170 95.660 80.770 85.890 56.680 69.370
570715000000040269 15-05-1985 28-01-2010 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 127 457628,65 6207969,86 Stamdata 8500501 108.080 190.880 164.440 180.180 180.920 202.340 186.160 175.180 179.580 182.280 170.560 152.200 166.000 184.504 163.420 165.378 137.829 155.495 141.701 163.503 162.173 149.832 180.497 127.116 91.202 4.059
570715000000040276 15-05-1985 28-01-2010 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 127 457745,82 6208145,57 Stamdata 8500501 108.080 190.880 164.440 180.180 180.920 202.340 186.160 175.180 179.580 182.280 170.560 152.200 166.000 184.504 163.420 165.378 137.829 155.495 141.701 163.503 162.173 149.832 180.497 127.116 91.202 4.059
570715000000040283 15-05-1985 28-01-2010 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 126 457763,48 6208047,34 Stamdata 8500501 108.080 190.880 164.440 180.180 180.920 202.340 186.160 175.180 179.580 182.280 170.560 152.200 166.000 184.504 163.420 165.378 137.829 155.495 141.701 163.503 162.173 149.832 180.497 127.116 91.202 4.059
570715000000040290 15-05-1985 28-01-2010 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 125 457781,03 6207949,41 Stamdata 8500501 108.080 190.880 164.440 180.180 180.920 202.340 186.160 175.180 179.580 182.280 170.560 152.200 166.000 184.504 163.420 165.378 137.829 155.495 141.701 163.503 162.173 149.832 180.497 127.116 91.202 4.059
570715000000040306 15-05-1985 28-01-2010 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 118 457937,45 6207927,24 Stamdata 8500501 108.080 190.880 164.440 180.180 180.920 202.340 186.160 175.180 179.580 182.280 170.560 152.200 166.000 184.504 163.420 165.378 137.829 155.495 141.701 163.503 162.173 149.832 180.497 127.116 91.202 4.059
570715000000040313 05-07-1985 14-08-2002 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Hedegård Velling 2b 456414 6214837 Stamdata 8500601 73.970 150.760 130.230 145.980 156.040 168.720 145.940 143.460 133.550 122.480 135.200 111.000 127.210 137.780 126.980 142.990 105.280 69.120
570715000000040368 25-11-1985 03-04-2002 75 17 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Nørby, Ringkøbing Jorder 22d 455758 6215214 Stamdata 8500801 15.900 154.400 133.880 148.370 153.750 169.150 149.050 144.020 142.800 147.570 140.290 123.710 130.020 150.760 117.500 145.020 106.350 42.020
570715000000040375 01-10-1985 05-07-2002 75 17 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Hovedejerlavet Stadil 118a 448817,02 6229713,11 Stamdata 8500901 49.505 190.240 165.800 188.450 194.100 207.970 194.300 183.790 183.250 189.360 186.750 160.370 175.320 194.770 172.240 186.500 157.950 28.730
570715000000040399 26-11-1985 07-08-2002 75 17 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Nørby, Ringkøbing Jorder 27e 451914,96 6218454,39 Stamdata 8501001 20.266 111.460 182.960 188.560 191.900 211.700 183.280 176.100 175.780 178.020 172.900 151.020 163.680 177.100 161.974 175.184 137.302 100.243
570715000000040405 25-11-1985 07-08-2002 75 17 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Nørby, Ringkøbing Jorder 27e 452033,9 6218426,57 Stamdata 8501001 20.267 111.460 182.960 188.560 191.900 211.700 183.280 176.100 175.780 178.020 172.900 151.020 163.680 177.100 161.974 175.184 137.302 100.243
570715000000040412 26-11-1985 07-08-2002 75 17 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Nørby, Ringkøbing Jorder 27e 452150,81 6218399,51 Stamdata 8501001 20.267 111.460 182.960 188.560 191.900 211.700 183.280 176.100 175.780 178.020 172.900 151.020 163.680 177.100 161.974 175.184 137.302 100.243
570715000000040429 22-12-1986 07-08-2002 90 19 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Nørby, Ringkøbing Jorder 27e 452270,45 6218371,61 Stamdata 8501001 111.460 182.960 188.560 191.900 211.700 183.280 176.100 175.780 178.020 172.900 151.020 163.680 177.100 161.974 175.184 137.302 100.243
570715000000040436 22-12-1986 07-08-2002 90 19 24,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Nørby, Ringkøbing Jorder 14b 452150,9 6218575,08 Stamdata 8501001 111.460 182.960 188.560 191.900 211.700 183.280 176.100 175.780 178.020 172.900 151.020 163.680 177.100 161.974 175.184 137.302 100.243
570715000000040443 10-09-1986 01-11-2002 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Søgård Hovedgård 86a 448594,09 6219141,26 Stamdata 8501101 204.050 176.850 204.300 20.660 226.150 192.430 193.580 186.210 192.240 190.180 165.650 177.210 192.500 178.752 193.308 156.620 141.910
570715000000040450 01-07-1986 16-07-2002 75 17 22 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Strandgårde Gl.Sogn 10c 451783,36 6219560,94 Stamdata 8501201 109.040 165.060 188.310 189.650 207.330 180.180 174.780 176.010 181.990 176.080 153.270 165.970 177.380 164.040 178.310 139.050 95.970
570715000000040474 22-08-1986 18-07-2002 75 17 23,2 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Hovedejerlavet Veder 86i 448781,93 6233427,46 Stamdata 8501301 89.233 160.833 249.077 189.667 207.567 187.867 176.300 176.433 184.333 176.200 153.633 166.567 187.696 168.358 180.757 144.916 97.116
570715000000040481 22-08-1986 18-07-2002 75 17 23,2 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Hovedejerlavet Veder 86i 448832,12 6233317,49 Stamdata 8501301 89.233 160.833 249.077 189.667 207.567 187.867 176.300 176.433 184.333 176.200 153.633 166.567 187.696 168.358 180.757 144.916 97.116
570715000000040498 22-08-1986 18-07-2002 75 17 23,2 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Hovedejerlavet Veder 86i 448898,2 6233212,83 Stamdata 8501301 89.233 160.833 249.077 189.667 207.567 187.867 176.300 176.433 184.333 176.200 153.633 166.567 187.696 168.358 180.757 144.917 97.116
570715000000040535 01-09-1986 19-09-2002 90 17 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Madum by, Madum 23b 454231 6233291 Stamdata 8501501 52.710 131.540 145.960 155.060 169.470 124.520 147.430 144.610 144.180 140.450 120.740 134.140 143.890 134.600 142.590 150.130 43.730
570715000000040559 09-10-1986 24-11-2003 90 19 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Strandgårde Gl.Sogn 14l 451909,198 6218992,51 Stamdata 8501601 34.170 98.295 112.115 131.885 255.160 228.160 225.490 222.405 228.480 215.975 190.500 206.585 226.045 203.167 218.885 171.861 187.343 138.269 31.693
570715000000040566 27-10-1989 10-05-2010 100 19 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 20-100  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Strandgårde Gl.Sogn 14l 451862,269 6219072,466 Stamdata 8501601 34.170 98.295 112.115 131.885 255.160 228.160 225.490 222.405 228.480 215.975 190.500 206.585 226.045 203.167 218.885 171.861 187.343 313.912 211.887 208.953 195.241 233.078 200.125 188.079 35.214
570715000000040580 09-01-1987 21-05-2002 90 19 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Den nordlige del,Hee 16o 454488,84 6225176,24 Stamdata 8501701 164.568 193.433 206.167 216.333 200.500 194.800 189.767 201.167 184.300 168.033 185.033 202.259 147.817 188.783 142.332 52.753
570715000000040597 09-01-1987 21-05-2002 90 19 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Den nordlige del,Hee 16o 454489,98 6225069,28 Stamdata 8501701 164.568 193.433 206.167 216.333 200.500 194.800 189.767 201.167 184.300 168.033 185.033 202.259 147.817 188.783 142.332 52.753
570715000000040603 09-01-1987 21-05-2002 90 19 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Den nordlige del,Hee 16o 454492,12 6224962,35 Stamdata 8501701 164.568 193.433 206.167 216.333 200.500 194.800 189.767 201.167 184.300 168.033 185.033 202.259 147.817 188.783 142.333 52.753
570715000000040610 25-05-1987 06-05-2009 75 17 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Hestkjær Hanning Sogn 1o 469568,138 6214784,99 Stamdata 8501801 83.170 173.940 181.210 193.820 173.760 172.350 178.030 171.610 165.900 152.700 164.110 173.650 152.210 169.640 108.000 168.810 106.331 112.930 133.146 114.311 138.846 133.864 36.318
570715000000040627 25-09-1987 27-11-2002 90 17,5 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Strandgårde Gl.Sogn 14b 452348 6218756 Stamdata 8501901 54.060 205.210 209.710 227.950 198.440 193.790 192.400 199.170 190.200 165.550 181.700 209.280 165.750 198.250 99.890 151.980
570715000000040665 23-12-1987 25-10-2002 90 19,8 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Randbæk by, Brejning 30s 472968,47 6220610,55 Stamdata 8502201 0 221.600 227.150 240.750 219.625 212.325 216.100 223.400 202.550 192.750 176.607 214.275 189.650 211.623 164.743 143.745
570715000000040672 23-12-1987 25-10-2002 90 19,8 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Randbæk by, Brejning 30s 472921,95 6220692 Stamdata 8502201 0 221.600 227.150 240.750 219.625 212.325 216.100 223.400 202.550 192.750 176.607 214.275 189.650 211.623 164.742 143.745
570715000000040689 23-12-1987 25-10-2002 90 19,8 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Randbæk by, Brejning 31a 472921,95 6220692 Stamdata 8502201 0 221.600 227.150 240.750 219.625 212.325 216.100 223.400 202.550 192.750 176.607 214.275 189.650 211.623 164.742 143.745
570715000000040696 23-12-1987 25-10-2002 90 19,8 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Randbæk by, Brejning 31f 472819,85 6220973,01 Stamdata 8502201 0 221.600 227.150 240.750 219.625 212.325 216.100 223.400 202.550 192.750 176.607 214.275 189.650 211.623 164.743 143.745
570715000000040733 01-12-1992 13-04-2010 100 20 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 20-100  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Randbækby, Brejning 31a 472848 6220870 Stamdata 8502401 4.510 239.560 247.270 221.070 198.680 224.470 234.300 204.110 233.900 180.072 200.693 180.808 197.107 185.976 174.820 199.661 148.740 74.421 28.023
570715000000040740 20-04-1988 05-09-2002 90 19 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Søgård Hovedgård Ny sogn 87a 449631 6219300 Stamdata 8502501 153.690 229.450 245.540 219.600 220.150 217.220 218.660 208.290 183.710 198.800 216.860 194.410 213.950 133.150 160.670
570715000000040757 11-05-1988 18-05-2010 200 25 28,7 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Strandgårde Gl.Sogn 5c 452101,595 6218738,746 Stamdata 8502601 322.190 516.350 564.290 485.120 469.060 459.090 478.710 461.280 393.380 420.340 473.720 285.305 536.170 366.166 388.823 348.147 414.138 424.251 385.195 443.029 424.544 379.191 116.588
570715000000040764 11-05-1988 18-05-2010 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Strandgårde Gl.Sogn 5c 452102,2 6218739 Stamdata 8502701 298.310 490.000 542.460 470.550 456.140 453.610 462.990 446.160 393.170 420.610 457.500 409.531 441.793 352.267 402.802 341.465 413.259 365.499 377.599 471.015 406.285 356.314 113.768
570715000000040795 23-03-1989 07-05-2020 200 25 28,7 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Degneboligen Ølstrup 3a 465024,19 6219082,03 SDFE2018 8503201 281.150 470.000 419.500 421.050 422.450 432.100 407.850 373.250 391.750 417.496 364.109 421.495 318.144 350.987 313.277 342.755 333.494 236.259 258.042 285.259 269.394 200.958 308.740 325.896 299.723 179.616 103.261 36.552 5.642 0 0 0
570715000000040801 23-03-1989 07-05-2020 200 25 28,7 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Degneboligen Ølstrup 3a 464927,31 6219118,26 SDFE2018 8503201 281.150 470.000 419.500 421.050 422.450 432.100 407.850 373.250 391.750 417.496 364.109 421.495 318.144 350.987 313.277 342.755 333.494 236.259 258.042 285.259 269.394 200.958 308.740 325.896 299.723 179.616 103.261 36.552 5.642 0 0 0
570715000000040870 17-05-1989 06-01-2021 30 15 18,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 30-15  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Dejbjerg Præstegård 3a 462455,31 6204786,95 SDFE2018 8503401 3.880 78.880 74.800 72.200 75.800 53.636 42.542 65.367 63.455 68.930 58.250 64.545 133.323 167.100 48.121 55.830 50.800 34.500 53.160 34.250 41.704 46.601 48.180 49.970 2.879 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
570715000000040887 21-08-1989 18-07-2002 100 19 20 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 20-100  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Skårup, Hanning 2p 469583 6210880 Stamdata 8503501 63.380 236.590 214.960 214.410 217.120 218.370 198.820 185.690 207.400 218.010 191.250 219.440 171.011 118.705
570715000000040894 15-12-1989 27-04-2006 150 23,8 30 BONUS 150   - MK l 760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Bousø By 6 462450 6200080 Stamdata 8503601 0 444.640 423.690 408.900 419.780 425.000 396.420 348.230 376.250 423.384 234.410 401.187 323.695 348.175 315.831 355.749 341.466 89.581
570715000000040917 01-02-1990 09-09-2002 90 19 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Bækbo,Dejbjerg 16d 443772 6180955 Stamdata 8503701 149.266 174.400 164.933 169.967 172.300 155.033 112.167 154.600 158.186 136.928 154.677 121.059 101.609
570715000000040924 01-02-1990 09-09-2002 90 19 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Bækbo,Dejbjerg 13v 463264 6208904 Stamdata 8503701 149.266 174.400 164.933 169.967 172.300 155.033 112.167 154.600 158.186 136.928 154.677 121.060 101.609
570715000000040931 01-02-1990 09-09-2002 90 19 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Bækbo,Dejbjerg 13v 463437 6208911 Stamdata 8503701 149.266 174.400 164.933 169.967 172.300 155.033 112.167 154.600 158.186 136.928 154.677 121.060 101.609
570715000000040955 01-01-1990 21-08-2009 150 24,6 32,7 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Bølling by, Bølling 19v 471578,37 6210574,31 Stamdata 8503801 329.200 390.450 379.350 349.650 385.950 367.350 314.600 334.850 376.615 321.300 364.760 257.875 289.609 272.099 303.405 311.233 272.753 268.635 298.415 147.570
570715000000040962 01-01-1990 21-08-2009 150 24,6 32,7 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Bølling by, Bølling 19v 471652,46 6210429,32 Stamdata 8503801 329.200 390.450 379.350 349.650 385.950 367.350 314.600 334.850 376.615 321.300 364.760 257.875 289.609 272.099 303.405 311.233 272.753 268.635 298.415 147.570
570715000000040979 12-03-1990 03-03-2016 100 20 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 20-100  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Søgård Hgd. Ny sogn 158a 448826,04 6191645,35 GST, 18-02-2013 8503901 208.390 279.640 271.920 273.640 284.650 273.380 245.500 257.040 291.235 256.998 274.414 238.893 244.111 216.721 242.506 251.815 226.329 280.289 237.589 231.983 221.248 253.090 254.531 223.543 247.607 272.763 51.074
570715000000040986 01-06-1990 21-08-2009 150 24,6 32,7 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Bølling by, Bølling 6c 472099,43 6205122,93 Stamdata 8504001 188.340 383.610 364.030 381.690 362.370 354.490 315.090 342.470 367.040 317.973 360.907 271.155 302.674 262.353 301.603 302.137 272.839 341.803 306.620 160.702
570715000000040993 15-08-1991 25-03-2009 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Hovedejerlavet stadil 85c 450757 6229275 Stamdata 8504101 284.570 594.900 576.140 595.020 571.260 497.210 544.510 597.290 528.680 573.020 469.141 497.102 451.131 526.240 524.491 470.269 583.024 499.932 89.426
570715000000041013 30-11-1991 16-11-2011 200 27 30 NEG Micon NM 570 760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Degneboligen Ølstrup 15e 464003 6216025 Stamdata 8504201 57.800 396.100 401.400 407.233 388.133 345.400 377.400 389.590 345.367 387.101 294.307 336.604 296.679 331.286 291.717 257.344 353.114 267.941 175.970 190.716 245.693
570715000000041020 30-11-1991 16-11-2011 200 27 30 NEG Micon NM 570 760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Degneboligen Ølstrup 15e 462965 6216180 Stamdata 8504201 57.800 396.100 401.400 407.233 388.133 345.400 377.400 389.590 345.367 387.101 294.307 336.604 296.679 331.286 291.717 257.344 353.114 267.941 175.970 190.716 245.693
570715000000041037 30-11-1991 16-11-2011 200 27 30 NEG Micon NM 570 760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Degneboligen Ølstrup 15e 463926 6216335 Stamdata 8504201 57.800 396.100 401.400 407.233 388.133 345.400 377.400 389.590 345.367 387.101 294.307 336.604 296.679 331.286 291.717 257.344 353.114 267.941 175.970 190.716 245.693
570715000000041105 27-12-1991 18-05-2010 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Søgård Hgd. Ny sogn 313a 452000,371 6219714,621 Stamdata 8504501 6.600 444.704 544.346 575.654 531.392 475.887 518.023 558.279 487.597 547.361 445.015 468.853 422.621 496.588 496.547 453.425 554.860 496.777 450.975 134.228
570715000000041112 24-12-1991 18-05-2010 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Søgård Hgd. Ny sogn 35q 452019,819 6219833,586 Stamdata 8504501 6.600 444.704 544.346 575.654 531.392 475.887 518.023 558.279 487.597 547.361 445.015 468.853 422.621 496.588 496.547 453.425 554.860 496.777 450.975 134.228
570715000000041129 23-12-1991 18-05-2010 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Søgård Hgd. Ny sogn 93e 452041,679 6219962,868 Stamdata 8504501 6.600 444.704 544.346 575.654 531.392 475.887 518.023 558.279 487.597 547.361 445.015 468.853 422.621 496.588 496.547 453.425 554.860 496.777 450.975 134.228
570715000000041136 27-12-1991 18-05-2010 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Søgård Hgd. Ny sogn 94ab 452063,226 6220095,833 Stamdata 8504501 6.600 444.704 544.346 575.654 531.392 475.887 518.023 558.279 487.597 547.361 445.015 468.853 422.621 496.588 496.547 453.425 554.860 496.777 450.975 134.228
570715000000041143 27-12-1991 18-05-2010 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Søgård Hgd. Ny sogn 98h 452083,922 6220221,352 Stamdata 8504501 6.600 444.704 544.346 575.654 531.392 475.887 518.023 558.279 487.597 547.361 445.015 468.853 422.621 496.588 496.547 453.425 554.860 496.777 450.975 134.228
570715000000041150 23-12-1991 18-05-2010 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Søgård Hgd. Ny sogn 98h 452104,583 6220349,14 Stamdata 8504501 6.600 444.704 544.346 575.654 531.392 475.887 518.023 558.279 487.597 547.361 445.016 468.853 422.621 496.588 496.547 453.425 554.860 496.777 450.975 134.228
570715000000041167 29-12-1991 18-05-2010 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Søgård Hgd. Ny sogn 98h 452292,094 6220425,754 Stamdata 8504501 6.600 444.704 544.346 575.654 531.392 475.887 518.023 558.279 487.597 547.361 445.016 468.853 422.621 496.588 496.547 453.425 554.860 496.777 450.975 134.228
570715000000041174 27-12-1991 18-05-2010 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Søgård Hgd. Ny sogn 98h 452271,837 6220335,797 Stamdata 8504501 6.600 444.704 544.346 575.654 531.392 475.887 518.023 558.279 487.597 547.361 445.016 468.853 422.621 496.588 496.547 453.425 554.860 496.777 450.975 134.228
570715000000041181 23-12-1991 18-05-2010 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Søgård Hgd. Ny sogn 94ab 452247,468 6220229,431 Stamdata 8504501 6.600 444.704 544.346 575.654 531.392 475.887 518.023 558.279 487.597 547.361 445.016 468.853 422.621 496.588 496.547 453.425 554.860 496.777 450.975 134.228
570715000000041198 27-12-1991 18-05-2010 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Søgård Hgd. Ny sogn 93e 452212,104 6220072,654 Stamdata 8504501 6.600 444.704 544.346 575.654 531.392 475.887 518.023 558.279 487.597 547.361 445.016 468.853 422.621 496.588 496.547 453.425 554.860 496.777 450.975 134.228
570715000000041204 24-12-1991 18-05-2010 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Søgård Hgd. Ny sogn 35q 452180,608 6219937,561 Stamdata 8504501 6.600 444.704 544.346 575.654 531.392 475.887 518.023 558.279 487.597 547.361 445.016 468.853 422.621 496.588 496.547 453.425 554.860 496.777 450.975 134.228
570715000000041211 24-12-1991 18-05-2010 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Søgård Hgd. Ny sogn 35q 452152,046 6219808,925 Stamdata 8504501 6.600 444.704 544.346 575.654 531.392 475.887 518.023 558.279 487.597 547.361 445.016 468.853 422.621 496.588 496.547 453.425 554.860 496.777 450.975 134.228
570715000000041228 23-12-1991 18-05-2010 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Søgård Hgd. Ny sogn 309a 452121,462 6219674,4 Stamdata 8504501 6.600 444.704 544.346 575.654 531.392 475.887 518.023 558.279 487.597 547.361 445.016 468.853 422.621 496.588 496.547 453.425 554.860 496.777 450.975 134.228
570715000000041341 29-10-1996 31-03-2017 225 29 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Halby By, Stauning 2z 460008,85 6206510,22 GST, 18-02-2013 8505112 39.524 423.520 444.159 384.825 425.589 411.515 469.024 412.674 497.414 489.453 443.816 549.229 481.890 433.739 408.800 500.110 491.245 435.134 453.653 533.948 386.299 47.750
570715000000041358 01-06-1993 31-03-2017 225 27 31 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Hedeby, Skjern jorder 9bæ 460170,16 6206638,73 GST, 18-02-2013 8505112 39.524 423.520 444.159 384.825 425.589 411.515 469.024 400.164 443.580 434.524 394.848 549.229 481.890 433.739 408.800 500.110 491.245 435.134 453.653 533.948 386.299 47.750
570715000000041365 01-06-1993 31-03-2017 225 27 31 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Halby by, Stavning 5a 460331,18 6206767,33 GST, 18-02-2013 8505112 39.524 423.520 444.159 384.825 425.589 411.515 469.024 400.164 443.580 434.524 394.848 549.229 481.890 433.739 408.800 500.110 491.245 435.134 453.653 533.948 386.299 47.750
570715000000041372 01-06-1993 31-03-2017 225 27 31 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Vester Birk, Skjern Jorder 10dk 460492,66 6206895,04 GST, 18-02-2013 8505112 39.524 423.520 444.159 384.825 425.589 411.515 469.024 430.473 443.580 434.524 394.848 549.229 481.890 433.739 408.800 500.110 491.245 435.134 453.653 533.948 386.299 47.750
570715000000041389 23-10-1996 31-03-2017 225 29 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Øster Lem by,Sdr Lem 44a 460815,6 6207152,22 GST, 18-02-2013 8505112 39.524 423.520 444.159 384.825 425.589 411.515 469.024 412.674 497.414 489.453 443.816 549.229 481.890 433.739 408.800 500.110 491.245 435.134 453.653 533.948 386.299 47.750
570715000000041396 23-10-1996 31-03-2017 225 29 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Sandager by, Dejbjerg 3n 460975,96 6207280,96 SDFE2018 8505112 39.524 423.520 444.159 384.825 425.589 411.515 469.024 412.674 497.414 489.453 443.816 549.229 481.890 433.739 408.800 500.110 491.245 435.134 453.653 533.948 386.299 47.750
570715000000041402 23-10-1996 31-03-2017 225 29 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Nørre Vognbjerg gårde 1a 461135,02 6207409,81 SDFE2018 8505112 39.524 423.520 444.159 384.825 425.589 411.515 469.024 412.674 497.414 489.453 443.816 549.229 481.890 433.739 408.800 500.110 491.245 435.134 453.653 533.948 386.299 47.750
570715000000041419 23-10-1996 31-03-2017 225 29 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Den sydlige del No 42k 460167,27 6206369,11 GST, 18-02-2013 8505112 39.524 423.520 444.159 384.825 425.589 411.515 469.024 412.674 497.414 489.453 443.816 549.229 481.890 433.739 408.800 500.110 491.245 435.134 453.653 533.948 386.299 47.750
570715000000041426 28-10-1996 31-03-2017 225 29 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Halby by, Stavning 5g 460327,24 6206498,55 GST, 18-02-2013 8505112 39.524 423.520 444.159 384.825 425.589 411.515 469.024 412.674 497.414 489.453 443.816 549.229 481.890 433.739 408.800 500.110 491.245 435.134 453.653 533.948 386.299 47.750
570715000000041433 25-10-1996 31-03-2017 225 29 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Alkjærsig, Dejbjerg 2a 460488,87 6206626,52 SDFE2018 8505112 39.524 423.520 444.159 384.825 425.589 411.515 469.024 412.674 497.414 489.453 443.816 549.229 481.890 433.739 408.800 500.110 491.245 435.134 453.653 533.948 386.299 47.750
570715000000041440 29-10-1996 31-03-2017 225 29 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Sandager by, Dejbjerg 5a 460650,71 6206754,74 SDFE2018 8505112 39.524 423.520 444.159 384.825 425.590 411.515 469.024 412.674 497.414 489.453 443.816 549.229 481.890 433.739 408.800 500.110 491.245 435.134 453.653 533.948 386.299 47.750
570715000000041457 30-10-1996 31-03-2017 225 29 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Dejbjerg Præstegård 2a 460810,42 6206883,5 GST, 18-02-2013 8505112 39.524 423.520 444.159 384.825 425.590 411.515 469.024 412.674 497.414 489.453 443.816 549.229 481.890 433.739 408.800 500.110 491.245 435.134 453.653 533.948 386.299 47.750
570715000000041464 23-10-1996 31-03-2017 225 29 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Dejbjerglund Hgd, Dejbjerg 33 460971,19 6207012,44 GST, 18-02-2013 8505112 39.524 423.520 444.159 384.825 425.590 411.515 469.024 412.674 497.414 489.453 443.816 549.229 481.890 433.739 408.800 500.110 491.245 435.134 453.653 533.948 386.299 47.750
570715000000041471 23-10-1996 31-03-2017 225 29 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Alkjærsig, Dejbjerg 1g 461133,1 6207140,74 GST, 18-02-2013 8505112 39.524 423.520 444.159 384.825 425.590 411.515 469.024 412.674 497.414 489.453 443.816 549.229 481.890 433.739 408.800 500.110 491.245 435.134 453.653 533.948 386.299 47.750
570715000000041488 19-11-1996 31-03-2017 225 29 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Sandager by, Dejbjerg 6d 461293,54 6207269,08 GST, 18-02-2013 8505112 39.524 423.520 444.159 384.825 425.590 411.515 469.024 412.674 497.414 489.453 443.816 549.229 481.890 433.739 408.800 500.110 491.245 435.134 453.653 533.948 386.299 47.750
570715000000041532 12-09-1997 10-01-2020 225 29 31 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Dejbjerg lund Hgd. Dejbjerg 31b 461286,27 6206730,88 SDFE2018 8505371 108.091 530.809 467.363 518.936 417.211 452.836 394.060 468.393 462.771 423.134 534.947 468.903 431.227 395.637 486.347 476.198 429.707 463.333 532.869 406.541 410.046 312.240 346.207 45.135
570715000000041549 12-09-1997 10-01-2020 225 29 31 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Dejbjerg lund Hgd. Dejbjerg 25 461597,05 6206180,75 GST, 18-02-2013 8505371 108.091 530.809 467.363 518.936 417.211 452.836 394.060 468.393 462.771 423.134 534.947 468.903 431.227 395.637 486.347 476.198 429.707 463.333 532.869 406.541 410.046 312.240 346.207 45.135
570715000000041600 12-09-1997 27-11-2018 225 29 31 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Dejbjerg lund Hgd. Dejbjerg 23d 461761,33 6206578,11 SDFE2018 8505371 108.091 530.809 467.363 518.936 417.211 452.836 394.060 468.393 462.771 423.134 534.947 468.903 431.227 395.637 486.347 476.198 429.707 463.333 532.869 406.541 410.046 284.412
570715000000041631 12-09-1997 01-09-2019 225 29 31 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Dejbjerg lund Hgd. Dejbjerg 2g 461124,74 6206602,76 GST, 18-02-2013 8505371 108.091 530.809 467.363 518.936 417.211 452.836 394.060 468.393 462.771 423.134 534.947 468.903 431.227 395.637 486.347 476.198 429.707 463.333 532.869 406.541 410.046 312.240 271.273
570715000000041662 12-09-1997 01-09-2018 225 29 31 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Dejbjerg Præstegård 2m 461274,97 6205923,71 SDFE2018 8505371 108.091 530.809 467.363 518.936 417.211 452.836 394.060 468.393 462.771 423.134 534.947 468.903 431.227 395.637 486.347 476.198 429.707 463.333 532.869 406.541 410.046 229.107
570715000000041679 12-09-1997 02-10-2017 225 29 31 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Dejbjerg Præstegård 2e 460968,12 6206742,72 SDFE2018 8505371 108.091 530.809 467.363 518.936 417.211 452.836 394.060 468.393 462.771 423.134 534.947 468.903 431.227 395.637 486.347 476.198 429.707 463.333 532.869 406.541 336.847
570715000000041716 12-09-1997 10-01-2020 225 29 29,6 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Dejbjerg lund Hgd. Dejbjerg 0 461442,64 6206590,77 GST, 18-02-2013 8505371 108.091 530.809 467.363 518.936 417.211 452.836 394.060 468.393 462.771 423.134 534.947 468.903 431.227 395.637 486.347 476.198 429.707 463.333 532.869 406.541 410.046 312.240 346.207 45.135
570715000000041761 12-09-1997 16-03-2018 225 29 29,6 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Dejbjerg Præstegård 2h 461121,5 6206333,08 SDFE2018 8505371 108.091 530.809 467.363 518.936 417.211 452.836 394.060 468.393 462.771 423.134 534.947 468.903 431.227 395.637 486.347 476.198 429.707 463.333 532.869 406.541 410.046 312.240 60.445
570715000000041792 12-09-1997 10-01-2020 225 29 27,8 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Dejbjerglund Hgd, Dejbjerg 0 462235,88 6206426,66 GST, 18-02-2013 8505371 108.091 530.809 467.363 518.936 417.211 452.836 394.060 468.393 462.771 423.134 534.947 468.903 431.227 395.637 486.347 476.198 429.707 463.333 532.869 406.541 410.046 312.240 346.207 45.135
570715000000041907 19-12-1997 04-04-2011 600 48 50 NEG Micon NM 1800-600/150   760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Barde By, Vorgod 6dn 479749,889 6220138,316 Stamdata 8505521- 33.860 1.626.620 1.455.000 1.612.420 1.281.113 1.377.811 1.248.554 1.409.208 1.383.359 1.263.135 1.468.394 1.295.213 1.268.114 1.175.073 397.384
570715000000041914 18-12-1997 04-04-2011 600 48 50 NEG Micon NM 600/150/48 760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Barde By, Vorgod 6r 479787,321 6220325,234 Stamdata 8505601 22.430 1.608.930 1.401.520 1.584.330 1.265.094 1.360.652 1.235.392 1.366.653 1.255.117 1.245.909 1.539.694 1.409.386 1.259.279 1.170.233 313.835
570715000000041921 27-01-1998 04-04-2011 750 48 50 NEG Micon NM 750-200/48 760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Barde By, Vorgod 6do 479922,579 6220222,304 Stamdata 8505781 1.468.030 1.459.120 1.651.000 1.311.122 1.359.704 1.268.876 1.426.067 1.388.294 1.288.184 1.342.244 1.431.933 1.278.890 1.157.380 391.374
570715000000041945 02-10-1997 27-09-2017 225 29 31 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Østerby Stauning 50n 460802,95 6206345,56 SDFE2018 8505861 86.475 533.307 469.019 523.082 416.977 442.383 398.600 465.095 457.038 418.244 523.536 459.441 415.706 377.909 477.135 467.587 398.833 451.712 527.808 400.090 277.474
570715000000041952 04-11-1997 28-04-2016 225 29 31 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Østerby Stauning 50o 460638,45 6205947,37 GST, 18-02-2013 8505861 86.475 533.307 469.019 523.082 416.977 442.383 398.600 465.095 457.038 418.244 523.536 459.441 415.706 377.909 477.135 467.587 398.833 451.712 527.808 159.883
570715000000041969 09-10-1997 11-08-2017 225 29 31 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Østerby Stauning 50n 460799,12 6206076,11 SDFE2018 8505861 86.475 533.307 469.019 523.082 416.977 442.383 398.600 465.095 457.038 418.244 523.536 459.441 415.706 377.909 477.135 467.587 398.833 451.712 527.808 400.090 262.669
570715000000041976 14-11-1997 06-01-2017 225 29 31 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Østerby Stauning 50n 460960,29 6206205,22 GST, 18-02-2013 8505861 86.475 533.307 469.019 523.082 416.977 442.383 398.600 465.095 457.038 418.244 523.536 459.441 415.706 377.909 477.135 467.587 398.833 451.712 527.808 400.090 27.783
570715000000041983 14-11-1997 28-04-2016 225 29 31 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Østerby Stauning 28 460956,31 6205935,87 GST, 18-02-2013 8505861 86.475 533.307 469.019 523.082 416.977 442.383 398.600 465.095 457.038 418.244 523.536 459.441 415.706 377.909 477.135 467.587 398.833 451.712 527.808 159.883
570715000000041990 18-11-1997 21-12-2016 225 29 31 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Østerby Stauning 40d 461110,42 6205526,01 GST, 18-02-2013 8505861 86.475 533.307 469.019 523.082 416.977 442.383 398.600 465.095 457.038 418.244 523.536 459.441 415.706 377.909 477.135 467.587 398.833 451.712 527.808 400.090
570715000000042003 17-12-1997 16-03-2018 225 29 31 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Østerby Stauning 25a 461114,2 6205795,07 SDFE2018 8505861 86.475 533.307 469.019 523.082 416.977 442.383 398.600 465.095 457.038 418.244 523.536 459.441 415.706 377.909 477.135 467.587 398.833 451.712 527.808 400.090 386.271 83.954
570715000000042065 02-10-1997 16-01-2018 225 29 31 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Østerby Stauning 17l 460319,84 6205959,84 SDFE2018 8505861 86.475 533.307 469.019 523.082 416.978 442.383 398.600 465.095 457.038 418.244 523.536 459.441 415.706 377.909 477.135 467.587 398.833 451.712 527.808 400.090 386.271 26.008
570715000000042072 18-12-1997 24-10-2016 225 29 31 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Østerby Stauning 50a 460645,95 6206485,9 GST, 18-02-2013 8505861 86.475 533.307 469.019 523.082 416.978 442.383 398.600 465.095 457.038 418.244 523.536 459.441 415.706 377.909 477.135 467.587 398.833 451.712 527.808 330.671
570715000000042096 22-10-1997 06-03-2017 225 29 31 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Østerby Stauning 50t 460323,29 6206228,62 SDFE2018 8505861 86.475 533.307 469.019 523.082 416.978 442.383 398.600 465.095 457.038 418.244 523.536 459.441 415.706 377.909 477.135 467.587 398.833 451.712 527.808 400.090 386.271 312.549 290.778
570715000000042119 14-02-1986 09-07-2002 75 17 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Øster Lem by, Sdr.Lem 18mi 443772 6180955 Stamdata 8506021 125.385 132.940 145.512 152.554 155.484 143.049 138.182 145.713 149.755 127.938 133.760 130.536 130.575 122.792 138.455 100.753 72.571
570715000000042126 13-08-1993 25-03-2009 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Øster Lem by, Sdr.Lem 32a 461664 6213109 Stamdata 8506101 172.082 515.950 467.126 447.964 430.011 495.743 448.330 505.980 389.393 442.068 378.048 428.847 428.459 403.297 487.583 453.474 86.316
570715000000042140 16-12-1988 07-04-2009 160 23,2 31 Wind World W 2320 760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Holmegård, Sdr. Lem 2g 461292 6213131 Stamdata 8506281 0 525.360 356.967 328.417 317.244 334.534 343.813 307.167 272.933 293.780 322.323 284.120 324.117 235.153 273.894 243.250 266.101 248.338 84.470 196.038 247.505 53.730
570715000000042157 16-02-1989 07-04-2009 160 23,2 31 Wind World W 2320 760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Holmegård, Sdr. Lem 2i 461441 6213268 Stamdata 8506281 525.360 356.967 328.417 317.244 334.534 343.813 307.167 272.933 293.780 322.323 284.120 324.117 235.153 273.894 243.250 266.101 248.338 84.470 196.038 247.505 53.730
570715000000042164 05-10-1990 07-04-2009 160 23,2 31 Wind World W 2320 760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Holmegård, Sdr. Lem 2m 461148 6213434 Stamdata 8506281 356.967 328.417 317.244 334.534 343.813 307.167 272.933 293.780 322.323 284.120 324.117 235.152 273.894 243.250 266.101 248.338 84.470 196.038 247.505 53.730
570715000000042287 15-12-2000 05-09-2013 1750 66 67 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 66 1,75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Den sydlige del No 45n 459926,86 6217209,5 GST, 18-02-2013 8506931 66.380 2.898.959 3.344.924 3.006.517 3.397.750 3.733.709 3.470.822 4.150.463 3.661.196 3.597.850 3.402.915 4.055.553 3.751.150 2.175.259
570715000000042294 27-12-2000 27-08-2013 1750 66 67 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 66 1,75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Den sydlige del No 45n 460078,48 6216966,22 GST, 18-02-2013 8507011 27.850 3.313.583 3.292.783 3.423.328 3.684.842 3.812.334 3.419.947 4.405.743 3.578.192 3.518.945 3.257.283 3.956.727 3.866.237 1.960.312
570715000000042300 20-12-2000 05-09-2013 1750 66 67 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 66 1,75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Den sydlige del No 45n 459789,06 6216958,22 GST, 18-02-2013 8507191 44.960 3.565.574 3.695.103 3.495.628 4.010.469 4.059.171 3.605.679 4.443.721 4.190.510 3.667.102 3.439.192 3.989.926 4.025.614 2.136.923
570715000000042461 01-07-1990 20-12-2002 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Norden Åen,Tim 30a,65 453645,62 6231870,07 Stamdata WVE 170.966 457.433 454.463 449.236 473.856 431.799 381.996 425.157 455.054 402.879 451.701 348.697 335.262
570715000000042478 01-07-1990 20-12-2002 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Norden Åen,Tim 65 453567,98 6231947,7 Stamdata WVE 170.966 457.433 454.463 449.236 473.856 431.799 381.996 425.157 455.054 402.879 451.701 348.697 335.262
570715000000042485 01-07-1990 20-12-2002 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Norden Åen,Tim 34a 453489,94 6232025,72 Stamdata WVE 170.966 457.433 454.463 449.236 473.856 431.799 381.996 425.157 455.054 402.879 451.701 348.697 335.262
570715000000042492 01-07-1990 20-12-2002 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Hovedejerlavet Veder 121g 453410,36 6232105,11 Stamdata WVE 170.966 457.433 454.463 449.236 473.856 431.799 381.996 425.157 455.054 402.879 451.701 348.697 335.262
570715000000042508 01-07-1990 20-12-2002 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Norden Åen,Tim 65 453500,87 6231788,79 Stamdata WVE 170.966 457.433 454.463 449.236 473.856 431.799 381.996 425.157 455.054 402.879 451.701 348.697 335.262
570715000000042515 01-07-1990 20-12-2002 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Norden Åen,Tim 57c 453416,83 6231871,99 Stamdata WVE 170.966 457.433 454.463 449.236 473.856 431.799 381.996 425.157 455.054 402.879 451.701 348.697 335.262
570715000000042522 01-07-1990 20-12-2002 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Norden Åen,Tim 34a 453344,51 6231943,53 Stamdata WVE 170.966 457.433 454.463 449.236 473.856 431.799 381.996 425.157 455.054 402.879 451.701 348.697 335.262
570715000000042539 01-07-1990 20-12-2002 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Hovedejerlavet Veder 125e 453261,72 6232028,66 Stamdata WVE 170.966 457.433 454.463 449.236 473.856 431.799 381.996 425.157 455.054 402.879 451.701 348.697 335.262
570715000000042546 01-07-1990 20-12-2002 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Hovedejerlavet Veder 125e 453183,98 6232106,29 Stamdata WVE 170.966 457.433 454.463 449.236 473.856 431.799 381.996 425.157 455.054 402.879 451.701 348.697 335.262
570715000000042553 01-07-1990 20-12-2002 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Norden Åen,Tim 30a,65 453423,9 6231638,18 Stamdata WVE 170.966 457.433 454.463 449.236 473.856 431.799 381.996 425.157 455.054 402.879 451.701 348.697 335.262
570715000000042560 01-07-1990 20-12-2002 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Norden Åen,Tim 34a 453345,73 6231717,4 Stamdata WVE 170.966 457.433 454.463 449.236 473.856 431.799 381.996 425.157 455.054 402.879 451.701 348.697 335.262
570715000000042577 01-07-1990 20-12-2002 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Norden Åen,Tim 29a,29f 453267,71 6231794,42 Stamdata WVE 170.966 457.433 454.463 449.236 473.856 431.799 381.996 425.157 455.054 402.879 451.701 348.697 335.262
570715000000042584 01-07-1990 20-12-2002 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Hovedejerlavet Veder 127f 453189,23 6231874,24 Stamdata WVE 170.966 457.433 454.463 449.236 473.856 431.799 381.996 425.157 455.054 402.879 451.701 348.697 335.262
570715000000042591 01-07-1990 20-12-2002 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Hovedejerlavet Veder 127f 453111,51 6231950,77 Stamdata WVE 170.966 457.433 454.463 449.236 473.856 431.799 381.996 425.157 455.054 402.879 451.701 348.697 335.262
570715000000042607 01-07-1990 20-12-2002 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Hovedejerlavet Veder 127f 453037,25 6232024,57 Stamdata WVE 170.966 457.433 454.463 449.236 473.856 431.799 381.996 425.157 455.054 402.879 451.701 348.697 335.262
570715000000042614 01-07-1990 20-12-2002 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Norden Åen,Tim 39b 453279,23 6231558,3 Stamdata WVE 170.966 457.433 454.463 449.236 473.856 431.799 381.996 425.157 455.054 402.879 451.701 348.697 335.262
570715000000042621 01-07-1990 20-12-2002 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Norden Åen,Tim 29f 453195,1 6231640,6 Stamdata WVE 170.966 457.433 454.463 449.236 473.856 431.799 381.996 425.157 455.054 402.879 451.701 348.697 335.262
570715000000042638 01-07-1990 20-12-2002 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Norden Åen,Tim 29f 453122,76 6231713,04 Stamdata WVE 170.966 457.433 454.463 449.236 473.856 431.799 381.996 425.157 455.054 402.879 451.701 348.697 335.262
570715000000042645 01-07-1990 20-12-2002 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Norden Åen,Tim 125a 454038,48 6231818,14 Stamdata WVE 170.966 457.433 454.463 449.236 473.856 431.799 381.996 425.157 455.054 402.879 451.701 348.697 335.262
570715000000042652 01-07-1990 20-12-2002 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Hovedejerlavet Veder 125a 452952,71 6231882,3 Stamdata WVE 170.966 457.433 454.463 449.236 473.856 431.799 381.996 425.157 455.054 402.879 451.701 348.697 335.262
570715000000042669 01-07-1990 20-12-2002 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Norden Åen,Tim 32b 453202,34 6231408,49 Stamdata WVE 170.966 457.433 454.463 449.236 473.856 431.799 381.996 425.157 455.054 402.879 451.701 348.697 335.262
570715000000042676 01-07-1990 20-12-2002 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Norden Åen,Tim 44a 453124,09 6231486,61 Stamdata WVE 170.966 457.433 454.463 449.236 473.856 431.799 381.996 425.157 455.054 402.879 451.701 348.697 335.262
570715000000042683 01-07-1990 20-12-2002 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Norden Åen,Tim 34a 453046,45 6231564,54 Stamdata WVE 170.966 457.433 454.463 449.236 473.856 431.799 381.996 425.157 455.054 402.879 451.701 348.697 335.262
570715000000042690 01-07-1990 20-12-2002 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Hovedejerlavet Veder 127e 452967,51 6231642,25 Stamdata WVE 170.966 457.433 454.463 449.236 473.856 431.799 381.996 425.157 455.054 402.879 451.701 348.697 335.262
570715000000042706 01-07-1990 20-12-2002 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Hovedejerlavet Veder 127e 452890,06 6231720,38 Stamdata WVE 170.966 457.433 454.463 449.236 473.856 431.799 381.996 425.157 455.054 402.879 451.701 348.697 335.262
570715000000042713 01-07-1990 20-12-2002 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Hovedejerlavet Veder 126a 452816,33 6231792,79 Stamdata WVE 170.966 457.433 454.463 449.236 473.856 431.799 381.996 425.157 455.054 402.879 451.701 348.697 335.262
570715000000042720 01-07-1990 20-12-2002 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Norden Åen,Tim 1i 453057,67 6231328,51 Stamdata WVE 170.966 457.433 454.463 449.236 473.856 431.799 381.996 425.157 455.054 402.879 451.701 348.697 335.262
570715000000042744 01-12-1987 22-04-2003 90 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Vennergård 1e 458563,65 6208706,71 Stamdata WVM 11.133 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 52.629 483.446 534.286 218.106
570715000000042751 01-12-1987 22-04-2003 90 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Vennergård 1f 458546,98 6208805,36 Stamdata WVM 11.133 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 52.629 483.446 534.286 218.106
570715000000042768 01-12-1987 22-04-2003 90 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Vennergård 1f 458529,6 6208904,49 Stamdata WVM 11.133 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 52.629 483.446 534.286 218.106
570715000000042775 01-12-1988 17-08-2007 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Vennergård 1f 458512,45 6209002,33 Stamdata WVM 11.133 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 387.309 454.080 423.701 422.436 328.202 1.208.616 1.335.716 545.266
570715000000042782 01-12-1988 17-08-2007 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Vennergård 1f 458498,46 6209091,63 Stamdata WVM 11.133 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 387.309 454.080 423.701 422.436 328.202 1.208.616 1.335.716 545.266
570715000000042799 01-12-1987 22-04-2003 90 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 91 458475,01 6208334,11 Stamdata WVM 11.133 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 52.629 483.446 534.286 218.106
570715000000042805 01-12-1987 22-04-2003 90 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 88 458457,63 6208433,14 Stamdata WVM 11.133 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 52.629 483.446 534.286 218.106
570715000000042812 01-12-1987 22-04-2003 90 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 88 458442,07 6208531,51 Stamdata WVM 11.133 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 52.629 483.446 534.286 218.106
570715000000042829 01-12-1987 22-04-2003 90 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 7 458424,2 6208630,23 Stamdata WVM 11.133 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 52.629 483.446 534.286 218.106
570715000000042836 01-12-1987 22-04-2003 90 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Vennergård 10b 458409,23 6208729,22 Stamdata WVM 11.133 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 52.629 483.446 534.286 218.106
570715000000042843 01-12-1987 22-04-2003 90 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Vennergård 10b 458392,67 6208827,07 Stamdata WVM 11.133 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 52.629 483.446 534.286 218.106
570715000000042850 01-12-1987 22-04-2003 90 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Vennergård 7,10b 458374,11 6208925,38 Stamdata WVM 11.133 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 52.629 483.446 534.286 218.106
570715000000042867 01-12-1988 17-08-2007 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Vennergård 1f 458357,55 6209023,53 Stamdata WVM 11.133 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 387.309 454.080 423.701 422.436 328.202 1.208.616 1.335.716 545.266
570715000000042874 01-12-1988 17-08-2007 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Vennergård 1f 458342,27 6209112,7 Stamdata WVM 11.133 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 387.309 454.080 423.701 422.436 328.202 1.208.616 1.335.716 545.266
570715000000042881 01-12-1988 17-08-2007 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Vennergård 1f 458325,78 6209207,36 Stamdata WVM 11.133 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 387.309 454.080 423.701 422.436 328.202 1.208.616 1.335.716 545.266
570715000000042898 01-12-1987 05-04-2005 90 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 115a 458369,28 6208061,75 Stamdata WVM 11.133 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 154.923 181.632 64.069 483.446 534.286 218.106
570715000000042904 01-12-1987 05-04-2005 90 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 116d 458352,12 6208159,68 Stamdata WVM 11.133 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 154.923 181.632 64.069 483.446 534.286 218.106
570715000000042911 01-12-1987 05-04-2005 90 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 88 458336,36 6208257,77 Stamdata WVM 11.133 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 154.923 181.632 64.069 483.446 534.286 218.106
570715000000042928 01-12-1987 05-04-2005 90 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 88 458318,91 6208355,78 Stamdata WVM 11.133 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 154.923 181.632 64.069 483.446 534.286 218.106
570715000000042935 01-12-1987 05-04-2005 90 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 87 458302,34 6208454,43 Stamdata WVM 11.133 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 154.923 181.632 64.069 483.446 534.286 218.106
570715000000042942 01-12-1987 05-04-2005 90 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 86 458285,68 6208552,78 Stamdata WVM 11.133 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 154.923 181.632 64.069 483.446 534.286 218.106
570715000000042959 01-12-1987 05-04-2005 90 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 7 458268,9 6208651,73 Stamdata WVM 11.133 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 154.923 181.632 64.069 483.446 534.286 218.106
570715000000042966 01-12-1987 05-04-2005 90 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 7 458252,24 6208749,97 Stamdata WVM 11.133 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 154.923 181.632 64.069 483.446 534.286 218.106
570715000000042973 01-12-1987 05-04-2005 90 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 3a 458234,48 6208848,5 Stamdata WVM 11.133 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 154.923 181.632 64.069 483.446 534.286 218.106
570715000000042980 01-12-1987 05-04-2005 90 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 3a 458218,22 6208946,66 Stamdata WVM 11.133 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 154.923 181.632 64.069 483.446 534.286 218.106
570715000000042997 01-12-1987 05-04-2005 90 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Vennergård 1f 458200,44 6209044,98 Stamdata WVM 11.133 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 154.923 181.632 64.069 483.446 534.286 218.106
570715000000043000 01-12-1988 17-08-2007 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Vennergård 1a 458185,68 6209133,67 Stamdata WVM 11.133 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 387.309 454.080 423.701 422.436 328.202 1.208.616 1.335.716 545.266
570715000000043017 01-12-1988 17-08-2007 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Vennergård 1a 458170,37 6209229,45 Stamdata WVM 11.133 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 387.309 454.080 423.701 422.436 328.202 1.208.616 1.335.716 545.266
570715000000043024 01-12-1988 17-08-2007 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Vennergård 1a 458153,35 6209325,99 Stamdata WVM 11.133 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 387.309 454.080 423.701 422.436 328.202 1.208.616 1.335.716 545.266
570715000000043031 01-12-1987 05-04-2005 90 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Vennergård 115a 458248,13 6207884,86 Stamdata WVM 11.133 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 154.923 181.632 64.069 483.446 534.286 218.106
570715000000043048 01-12-1987 05-04-2005 90 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 115a 458231,03 6207985,2 Stamdata WVM 11.133 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 154.923 181.632 64.069 483.446 534.286 218.106
570715000000043055 01-12-1987 05-04-2005 90 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 133 458213,2 6208082,22 Stamdata WVM 11.133 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 154.923 181.632 64.069 483.446 534.286 218.106
570715000000043062 01-12-1987 05-04-2005 90 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 133 458197,12 6208181,38 Stamdata WVM 11.133 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 154.923 181.632 64.069 483.446 534.286 218.106
570715000000043079 01-12-1987 05-04-2005 90 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 87 458181,07 6208278,94 Stamdata WVM 11.133 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.566 289.060 154.923 181.632 64.069 483.446 534.286 218.106
570715000000043086 01-12-1987 05-04-2005 90 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 86 458163,99 6208378,08 Stamdata WVM 11.133 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.566 289.060 154.923 181.632 64.069 483.446 534.286 218.106
570715000000043093 01-12-1987 05-04-2005 90 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 84 458145,63 6208476,3 Stamdata WVM 11.133 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.566 289.060 154.923 181.632 64.069 483.446 534.286 218.106
570715000000043109 01-12-1987 05-04-2005 90 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 83 458129,48 6208574,25 Stamdata WVM 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 154.923 181.632 64.069 483.446 534.286 218.106
570715000000043116 01-12-1987 05-04-2005 90 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 34 458112,42 6208672,19 Stamdata WVM 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 154.923 181.632 64.069 483.446 534.286 218.106
570715000000043123 01-12-1987 05-04-2005 90 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 34 458096,45 6208771,26 Stamdata WVM 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 154.923 181.632 64.069 483.446 534.286 218.106
570715000000043130 01-12-1988 17-08-2007 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 34 458078,69 6208869,38 Stamdata WVM 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 387.309 454.080 423.701 422.436 328.202 1.208.616 1.335.716 545.266
570715000000043147 01-12-1988 17-08-2007 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 34 458061,92 6208968,13 Stamdata WVM 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 387.309 454.080 423.701 422.436 328.202 1.208.616 1.335.716 545.266
570715000000043154 01-12-1988 24-06-2011 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 34 458045,42 6209067,98 Stamdata WVM 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 387.309 454.080 423.701 422.436 501.814 493.035 417.416 1.208.616 1.335.716 545.266
570715000000043161 01-12-1988 24-06-2011 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 34 458029,08 6209155,53 Stamdata WVM 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 387.309 454.080 423.701 422.436 501.814 493.035 417.416 1.208.616 1.335.716 545.266
570715000000043178 01-12-1988 17-08-2007 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 34 458014,63 6209248,03 Stamdata WVM 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 387.309 454.080 423.701 422.436 328.202 1.208.616 1.335.716 545.266
570715000000043185 01-12-1987 17-08-2007 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Vennergård 1a 457997,53 6209348,27 Stamdata WVM 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 344.274 403.626 376.623 375.498 291.736 1.074.325 1.187.303 484.680
570715000000043192 01-12-1987 05-04-2005 90 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Vennergård 1a 457978,97 6209456,57 Stamdata WVM 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 154.923 181.632 64.069 483.446 534.286 218.106
570715000000043208 01-12-1988 14-11-2017 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 34 457941,84 6208792,78 SDFE2018 WVM 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 387.309 454.080 423.701 422.436 501.814 493.035 417.416 1.208.616 1.335.716 593.051 483.764 534.487 598.012 476.411 511.110
570715000000043215 01-12-1988 14-11-2017 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 34 457923,64 6208891,62 SDFE2018 WVM 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 387.309 454.080 423.701 422.436 501.814 493.035 417.416 1.208.616 1.335.716 593.051 483.764 534.487 598.012 476.411 511.110
570715000000043222 01-12-1988 14-11-2017 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 34 457907,24 6208990,14 SDFE2018 WVM 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 387.309 454.080 423.701 422.436 501.814 493.035 417.416 1.208.616 1.335.716 593.051 483.764 534.487 598.012 476.411 511.110
570715000000043239 01-12-1988 14-11-2017 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 34 457889,53 6209088,02 SDFE2018 WVM 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 387.309 454.080 423.701 422.436 501.814 493.035 417.416 1.208.616 1.335.716 593.051 483.764 534.487 598.012 476.411 511.110
570715000000043246 01-12-1988 24-06-2011 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 34 457874,83 6209176,65 Stamdata WVM 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 387.309 454.080 423.701 422.436 501.814 493.035 417.416 1.208.616 1.335.716 545.266
570715000000043253 01-12-1988 24-06-2011 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 34 457859,31 6209270,62 Stamdata WVM 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 387.309 454.080 423.701 422.436 501.814 493.035 417.416 1.208.616 1.335.716 545.266
570715000000043260 01-12-1987 17-08-2007 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Vennergård 1a 457842,14 6209369,26 Stamdata WVM 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 344.274 403.626 376.623 375.498 291.736 1.074.325 1.187.303 484.680
570715000000043277 01-12-1987 05-04-2005 90 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Vennergård 1a 457824,18 6209477,68 Stamdata WVM 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 154.923 181.632 64.069 483.446 534.286 218.106
570715000000043284 01-12-1987 05-04-2005 90 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Vennergård 1a 457809,01 6209566,36 Stamdata WVM 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 154.923 181.632 64.069 483.446 534.286 218.106
570715000000043291 01-12-1988 17-08-2007 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 34 457784,26 6208813,81 Stamdata WVM 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 387.309 454.080 423.701 422.436 328.202 1.208.616 1.335.716 545.266
570715000000043307 01-12-1988 24-06-2011 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 34 457766,8 6208912,04 Stamdata WVM 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 387.309 454.080 423.701 422.436 501.814 493.035 417.416 1.208.616 1.335.716 545.266
570715000000043314 01-12-1988 24-06-2011 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 34 457751,62 6209011,02 Stamdata WVM 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 387.309 454.080 423.701 422.436 501.814 493.035 417.416 1.208.616 1.335.716 545.266
570715000000043321 01-12-1988 24-06-2011 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 34 457734,65 6209109,56 Stamdata WVM 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 387.309 454.080 423.701 422.436 501.814 493.035 417.416 1.208.616 1.335.716 545.266
570715000000043338 01-12-1988 24-06-2011 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 34 457719,2 6209197,53 Stamdata WVM 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 387.309 454.080 423.701 422.436 501.814 493.035 417.416 1.208.616 1.335.716 545.266
570715000000043352 01-12-1988 24-06-2011 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Vennerby 29b 457686,64 6209390,64 Stamdata WVM 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 387.309 454.080 423.701 422.436 501.814 493.035 417.416 1.208.616 1.335.716 545.266
570715000000043369 01-12-1988 24-06-2011 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Vennerby 2u 457668,41 6209497,46 Stamdata WVM 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 387.309 454.080 423.701 422.436 501.814 493.035 417.416 1.208.616 1.335.716 545.266
570715000000043376 01-12-1988 24-06-2011 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Vennerby 2t 457653,21 6209587,94 Stamdata WVM 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 387.309 454.080 423.701 422.436 501.814 493.035 417.416 1.208.616 1.335.716 545.266
570715000000043383 01-12-1988 24-06-2011 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 24 457611,83 6208932,04 Stamdata WVM 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 387.309 454.080 423.701 422.436 501.814 493.035 417.416 1.208.616 1.335.716 545.266
570715000000043840 07-02-1978 05-09-2012 22 0,1 0,1 Riisager 22-Riisager 760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Abildtrup By, Vorgod 1ba 484718,13 6217157,67 GST, 18-02-2013 7141188 11.633 13.957 13.957 13.957 13.957 13.957 13.957 13.957 13.957 13.957 13.957 13.957 13.957 13.957 15.699 26.862 23.343 20.614 17.824 24.650 17.521 14.344 17.599 14.182 15.113 15.693 17.957 16.371 14.758 16.745 27.804 20.235 15.596 19.115 11.792
570715000000043864 21-04-1988 09-07-2002 99 19 30 Windmatic VM 19 S 760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Den Østlige Del, Nr. Vium, Videbæk Kommune 14y,14z 486722,71 6210583,38 Stamdata 20 132.179 198.254 198.254 198.254 198.254 198.254 198.254 198.254 198.254 198.254 198.254 198.254 198.254 149.009 99.839
570715000000043871 21-04-1988 09-07-2002 99 19 30 Windmatic VM 19 S 760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Den Østlige Del, Nr. Vium, Videbæk Kommune 14y,14z 486780,44 6210496,61 Stamdata 20 127.688 191.526 191.526 191.526 191.526 191.526 191.526 191.526 191.526 191.526 191.526 191.526 191.526 147.326 99.839
570715000000043888 21-04-1988 09-07-2002 99 19 30 Windmatic VM 19 S 760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Den Østlige Del, Nr. Vium, Videbæk Kommune 14y,14z 486839,42 6210396,8 Stamdata 20 123.036 184.545 184.545 184.545 184.545 184.545 184.545 184.545 184.545 184.545 184.545 184.545 184.545 145.580 99.839
570715000000043895 21-04-1988 09-07-2002 99 19 30 Windmatic VM 19 S 760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Den Østlige Del, Nr. Vium, Videbæk Kommune 14y,14z 486664,53 6210693,25 Stamdata 20 132.281 198.422 198.422 198.422 198.422 198.422 198.422 198.422 198.422 198.422 198.422 198.422 198.422 149.051 99.839
570715000000044267 16-04-1991 29-06-2010 250 26 30 NEG Micon NM 530-250   760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Borris Nørreland, Sdr. Borris 26o 476388,76 6203466,15 Stamdata 7141215 231.359 347.039 347.039 347.039 347.039 347.039 347.039 347.039 347.039 347.039 275.183 302.094 262.326 302.364 296.980 246.467 338.610 317.845 258.521 122.866
570715000000044274 16-04-1991 29-06-2010 250 26 30 NEG Micon NM 530-250   760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Borris Nørreland, Sdr. Borris 26o 476365,93 6203307,72 Stamdata 7141215 236.331 354.494 354.494 354.494 354.494 354.494 354.494 354.494 354.494 354.494 277.046 302.094 262.326 302.364 296.980 246.467 338.610 317.845 258.521 122.866
570715000000044281 16-04-1991 29-06-2010 250 26 30 NEG Micon NM 530-250   760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Borris Nørreland, Sdr. Borris 26o 476342,08 6203150,27 Stamdata 7141215 241.594 362.391 362.391 362.391 362.391 362.391 362.391 362.391 362.391 362.391 279.020 302.094 262.326 302.364 296.980 246.467 338.610 317.845 258.521 122.866
570715000000044298 16-04-1991 29-06-2010 250 26 30 NEG Micon NM 530-250   760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Borris Nørreland, Sdr. Borris 26o 476315,76 6202990,57 GST, 18-02-2013 7141215 238.576 357.862 357.862 357.862 357.862 357.862 357.862 357.862 357.862 357.862 277.889 302.094 262.326 302.364 296.980 246.467 338.610 317.845 258.521 122.866
570715000000044403 04-02-1992 23-09-2002 300 31 30 BONUS COMBI 31-300   760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Den Østlige Del, Nr. Vium, Videbæk Kommune 14s 485683,14 6210968,54 Stamdata 141220 478.910 574.698 574.698 574.698 574.698 574.698 574.698 574.698 574.698 455.605 367.444
570715000000044410 04-02-1992 23-09-2002 300 31 30 BONUS COMBI 31-300   760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Den østlige del, Nr. Vium, Videbæk Kommune 14s 485801,63 6210992,9 Stamdata 141220 445.678 534.811 534.811 534.811 534.811 534.811 534.811 534.811 534.811 445.633 367.444
570715000000044434 17-08-1992 07-09-2010 150 24 30 BONUS 150   - MK ll 760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Ørbæk By, Hoven 19d 488358,86 6192291,28 Stamdata 7141222 96.640 282.820 296.370 260.890 246.040 245.630 265.938 233.239 275.276 197.511 226.885 191.995 204.731 167.858 193.076 217.236 230.600 199.570 108.101
570715000000044458 06-10-1992 18-08-2009 225 27 32 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Borris Nørreland, Sdr. Borris 1ba 478143,03 6205087,91 Stamdata 7141223 114.111 456.423 456.423 456.423 456.423 456.423 456.423 456.423 456.423 370.929 392.739 344.688 384.125 380.230 341.033 439.792 402.048 193.273
570715000000044465 06-10-1992 18-08-2009 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Borris Nørreland, Sdr. Borris 1ba 478034,21 6204979,75 Stamdata 7141223 111.247 445.164 445.164 445.164 445.164 445.164 445.164 445.164 445.164 368.115 392.739 344.688 384.125 380.230 341.033 439.792 402.048 193.273
570715000000044496 21-12-1993 17-08-2011 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Stoustrup By, Ådum 16g 473828,11 6197316,12 Stamdata 7141226 1.105 265.370 396.954 398.059 398.059 398.059 398.059 398.059 314.906 347.127 302.213 333.421 327.667 297.834 388.382 346.699 288.156 268.419 187.756
570715000000044502 15-04-1994 17-08-2011 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Stoustrup By, Ådum 16g 473719,78 6197383,94 Stamdata 7141226 272.224 408.337 408.337 408.337 408.337 408.337 408.337 317.474 347.127 302.213 333.421 327.667 297.834 388.382 346.699 288.156 268.419 187.756
570715000000044908 01-11-1983 09-07-2014 55 15 22 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-15  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Ukendt 2a m.fl 452479,66 6216328,06 GST, 18-02-2013 9007 10.083 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 116.610 108.900 119.390 111.820 92.760 107.580 123.050 112.180 172.716 258.960 310.530 93.890 119.240 104.840 113.629 123.352 79.276 89.893 70.625 114.374 118.963 72.918 0
570715000000044922 20-02-1985 10-12-2010 55 22,5 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-15  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Lundenæs Hgd,Skjern Jorder 46 473159 6199575 Stamdata 001 47.850 58.850 51.950 56.870 59.650 60.800 55.950 73.110 70.660 78.810 73.600 62.710 73.430 60.430 57.670 66.852 59.066 66.497 53.805 61.999 59.203 58.960 72.514 70.997 58.493 49.985
570715000000044939 03-11-1985 28-02-2002 55 22 22 Nordtank NTK 65 F 760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Engsig,Skjern Jorder 58c 468849 6201709 Stamdata 002 7.210 74.860 65.960 72.310 75.910 77.400 71.110 47.630 61.510 76.690 58.090 58.840 63.470 66.280 52.744 74.385 49.166 1.031
570715000000044946 14-09-1985 16-09-2003 15 18 18 Kuriant Ukendt-Kuriant 760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Alkjærsig Dejbjerg 3h 466974 6203291 Stamdata 003 1.435 9.650 8.910 8.328 9.785 9.152 9.176 3.584 8.900 8.395 2.367 9.385 8.998 9.545 5.592 9.712 5.547 5.935 1.238
570715000000044960 06-06-1989 17-08-2009 160 23,2 30,3 Wind World W 2320-160  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Ganer,Skjern Jorder 3a 466019 6200165 Stamdata 004 165.886 338.160 311.120 337.833 302.186 387.766 316.656 288.576 310.970 314.280 291.733 292.103 252.536 273.330 240.493 186.883 83.393 81.100 310.287 266.090 122.898
570715000000044977 06-06-1989 17-08-2009 160 23,2 30,3 Wind World W 2320-160  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Ganer,Skjern Jorder 3a 466098 6200087 Stamdata 004 165.887 338.160 311.120 337.833 302.187 387.766 316.657 288.577 310.970 314.280 291.734 292.103 252.536 273.330 240.493 186.883 83.393 81.100 310.287 266.090 122.898
570715000000044984 06-06-1989 17-08-2009 160 23,2 30,3 Wind World W 2320-160  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Ganer,Skjern Jorder 3a 465996 6200014 Stamdata 004 165.887 338.160 311.120 337.834 302.187 387.767 316.657 288.577 310.970 314.280 291.734 292.104 252.538 273.330 240.493 186.883 83.393 81.100 310.287 266.090 122.898
570715000000045004 30-04-1993 17-08-2009 250 28,7 30 Micon M 530-250   760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Ganer,Skjern Jorder 48 465169 6199793 Stamdata 005 256.000 493.157 444.973 400.256 449.133 479.516 416.711 475.594 363.926 404.177 343.150 394.280 361.043 357.143 444.614 395.471 211.798
570715000000045011 30-04-1993 17-08-2009 250 28,7 30 Micon M 530-250   760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Ganer,Skjern Jorder 48 465376 6199637 Stamdata 005 256.000 493.157 444.973 400.257 449.133 479.517 416.711 475.594 363.927 404.177 343.150 394.280 361.043 357.143 444.614 395.471 211.798
570715000000045028 30-04-1993 17-08-2009 250 28,7 30 Micon M 530-250   760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Ganer,Skjern Jorder 48 465324 6199453 Stamdata 005 256.000 493.157 444.974 400.257 449.134 479.517 416.711 475.594 363.928 404.177 343.150 394.280 361.043 357.143 444.614 395.471 211.798
570715000000055737 01-12-1988 24-06-2011 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Velling Mærsk 25a 457595,53 6209031,79 Stamdata WVM 120.634 262.637 333.714 349.849 350.291 355.302 371.591 325.092 301.198 327.256 359.315 319.260 348.485 271.567 289.060 387.309 454.080 423.701 422.436 501.814 493.035 417.416 1.208.616 1.335.716 545.266
570715000000059551 12-12-2002 13-09-2013 1750 66 67 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 66 1,75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Øster Lem By, Sdr. Lem 15b 461965,5 6216102,87 GST, 18-02-2013 85077 206.859 3.511.431 3.961.982 3.957.573 3.595.504 4.274.228 4.199.676 3.888.337 3.582.907 4.308.667 3.700.091 2.366.515
570715000000059568 13-12-2002 16-09-2013 1750 66 67 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 66 1,75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Øster Lem By, Sdr. Lem 15b 462022,97 6215813,57 GST, 18-02-2013 85075 142.621 3.402.584 3.861.395 3.908.290 3.610.438 4.370.652 3.903.044 3.661.766 3.337.465 4.086.044 3.944.557 2.265.516
570715000000059575 12-12-2002 16-09-2013 1750 66 67 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 66 1,75  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Degneboligen Ølstrup 28d 461746,21 6215903,95 GST, 18-02-2013 85076 91.837 3.437.681 3.863.634 3.903.790 3.411.059 4.296.497 3.892.530 3.598.639 3.101.899 4.017.368 3.926.587 2.224.717
570715000000064005 15-01-2004 09-04-2017 22 12 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 5-22  760 Ringkøbing-Skjern Land 472582,43 6210081,73 SDFE2018 54.940 52.553 53.949 61.599 46.200 50.603 47.671 62.090 51.628 52.750 55.479 45.659 11.210 0
570715000000080869 23-10-2006 02-12-2015 22 15,4 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 15 760 Ringkøbing-Skjern Land 453769,7 6230189,84 GST, 18-02-2013 18.682 66.274 44.100 61.805 52.425 54.638 66.032 46.143 47.521 45.471
570715000000081057 29-12-2006 15-09-2010 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27 760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Østerby Stauning 29a 460939 6205658 Stamdata 85083 1.993 407.473 395.805 356.868 217.494
570715000000081071 29-01-2007 15-09-2010 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27 760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Østerby Stauning 29a 460785 6205557 Stamdata 85082 356.689 403.250 328.897 195.384
570715000000088445 21-03-2010 22-09-2016 3075 112 94 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V112-3.0MW 760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Ø. Lem by, Sdr. Lem 15l 459538,47 6211031 GST, 18-02-2013 85094 3.234.569 10.088.009 9.179.822 11.413.881 11.809.503 12.457.493 7.323.191
570715000000146466 23-12-2011 12-12-2012 2600 100 80 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 100 760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Ø.Lem by, Sdr. Lem 15i 459423,92 6211327,63 Stamdata 85111 70 7.051.938
570715000000146473 30-12-2011 19-12-2017 3075 112 94 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V112-3.0MW 760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Ø.Lem by, Sdr. Lem 10k 459308,38 6211626,65 SDFE2018 85112 1.813 11.233.220 10.966.174 11.201.359 12.181.256 10.720.382 11.156.453 0
571313134808052414 05-09-2013 12-11-2014 25 11,6 18,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 15 760 Ringkøbing-Skjern LAND Bovsø By, Stauning 40b 462398,68 6200408,66 Stamdata 80053 11.327 4.869 1.050
570715000000025051 28-10-1983 31-07-2002 55 16 24 BONUS Ukendt-BONUS 766 Hedensted LAND Nebsager By, Nebsager 11a 554536,43 6178638,87 Stamdata 30003 25.522 155.464 122.201 151.373 128.015 144.692 146.299 152.701 136.933 135.400 149.890 154.600 140.650 125.700 131.940 145.870 75.760 137.290 90.100 75.960
570715000000025068 04-08-1986 16-11-2007 150 22 24 DWP Ukendt-DWP 766 Hedensted LAND Stenderup By, Stenderup 6av 550775,26 6182678,24 Stamdata 30004 82.005 208.053 235.156 237.769 248.173 222.546 222.799 225.792 260.314 227.371 191.223 221.761 237.294 105.992 237.338 181.978 215.268 162.790 190.366 189.976 163.279 82.252
570715000000025075 12-11-1987 11-07-2002 99 19,1 30 Windmatic Ukendt-Windmatic 766 Hedensted LAND Gl. Sole By, Ø. Snede 10c 537949,64 6180542,46 Stamdata 30005 13.538 183.615 185.655 193.778 173.768 180.920 185.170 189.690 181.730 156.910 171.160 182.820 158.939 178.615 144.153 93.598
570715000000025082 17-12-1987 25-08-2010 150 23 24 BONUS Ukendt-BONUS 766 Hedensted LAND Stenderup By, Stenderup 17a 550227,69 6182159,37 Stamdata 30006 0 314.428 317.922 331.833 297.567 303.615 317.614 328.782 296.725 272.682 296.985 330.464 265.892 304.366 243.986 282.771 248.346 266.565 240.477 195.305 292.359 175.716 232.243 122.169
570715000000025099 26-04-1988 28-11-2010 250 24 30 NEG Micon Ukendt-NEG Micon 766 Hedensted LAND Stouby By, Stouby 4m 549117,82 6172993,46 Stamdata 30007 210.567 319.359 333.333 298.912 313.918 324.789 322.490 316.331 253.221 310.818 315.758 251.020 322.279 251.479 292.060 256.359 275.666 250.183 235.412 332.403 296.516 236.222 216.868
570715000000025105 28-10-1988 17-09-2016 200 25 31 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  766 Hedensted LAND Lottrup Ladegård, Rårup 8a 558302,85 6175833,19 GST, 18-02-2013 30008 71.063 431.117 449.981 403.515 403.804 412.203 450.370 424.657 352.327 411.576 438.784 366.678 424.394 341.177 363.553 328.898 374.338 334.825 335.570 424.845 391.763 338.313 336.431 388.973 365.124 337.459 372.577 419.781 183.391
570715000000025143 08-08-1997 11-02-2013 15 12,6 18,5 Genvind GV 20-2 766 Hedensted LAND Lottrup Ladegård, Rårup 8a 558258,56 6176056,19 SDFE2018 30012 8.817 1.400 13 79 7.925 24.962 20.559 19.436 24.817 25.006 22.320 21.363 22.341 21.028 24.374 18.474 0
570715000000026324 27-04-1988 09-10-2002 95 20,4 24 BONUS 95-BONUS 766 Hedensted LAND Hvolgård Hvgd. Langskov 1a 532993 6187113 Stamdata 30011 123.121 186.734 194.905 174.778 186.320 186.540 201.220 173.950 151.931 173.760 184.930 156.600 181.826 137.780 124.883
570715000000026331 27-04-1988 10-10-2002 150 24 24 BONUS 150 kW 766 Hedensted LAND Hvolgård Hvgd. Langskov 1a 532902 6187177 Stamdata 30055 196.963 298.726 311.798 279.601 299.810 305.370 325.670 291.110 246.060 227.740 306.540 260.121 294.397 227.762 196.230
570715000000026355 06-07-1988 08-09-2005 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  766 Hedensted LAND Hesselballe 5f 535180 6187636 Stamdata 1030013 152.687 370.521 386.733 346.796 375.390 388.490 402.260 339.520 311.180 322.110 356.205 314.767 359.223 283.392 318.767 290.828 312.911 212.122
570715000000026362 06-07-1988 08-09-2005 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  766 Hedensted LAND Hesselballe 5f 535365 6187558 Stamdata 1030056 149.925 363.819 379.738 340.525 354.960 358.350 375.880 341.510 322.220 335.450 362.457 308.808 347.846 269.415 310.703 275.357 289.851 198.134
570715000000026379 06-07-1988 08-09-2005 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  766 Hedensted LAND Hesselballe 5f 535521 6187491 Stamdata 1030057 153.133 371.604 387.864 347.812 348.180 369.900 392.610 345.740 323.670 339.070 373.302 322.135 360.841 281.504 322.463 290.223 315.557 211.454
570715000000026768 17-07-1980 30-09-2003 22 10 15 Eget fabrikat Ukendt-Eget fabrikat 766 Hedensted LAND Hvirring 8i 541299 6192725 Stamdata 30016 16.500 39.600 39.600 39.600 39.600 39.600 39.600 39.600 39.600 39.600 39.600 39.600 39.600 39.600 39.600 39.600 39.600 39.600 39.600 39.600 39.600 17.470 6.397 11.465
570715000000027529 20-05-1980 30-01-2002 30 10 18,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S HVK 10 773 Morsø LAND Fredsø 5q 485081 6292166 Stamdata 2287750002 20.176 38.221 34.361 41.663 42.298 33.248 41.185 36.389 39.830 41.758 42.560 39.156 38.775 42.497 41.729 35.629 28.262 36.508 37.044 23.643 24.792 14.830 0
570715000000027536 05-10-1981 29-08-2002 22 10 18,5 Smedemester 22-Smedemester 773 Morsø LAND Skallerup 3b 479615 6301300 Stamdata 2287910004 2.285 12.328 14.948 15.176 11.929 14.776 13.056 14.290 14.982 15.270 14.048 22.833 27.659 21.560 3.812 9.295 7.140 12.033 12.335 15.772 11.826 2.120
570715000000027543 06-10-1981 15-04-2000 225 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 773 Morsø LAND Ukendt 0 469523 6280572 Stamdata 2288090005 0 0
570715000000027550 24-11-1981 08-05-2000 15 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 773 Morsø LAND Ukendt 0 469523 6280572 Stamdata 2288330008 0 0
570715000000027567 04-12-1981 15-10-2002 55 15 18,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S HVK 15 773 Morsø LAND Hvidbjerg 10e 475392 6287011 Stamdata 2288410009 0 150.430 182.398 185.178 145.557 180.305 159.308 174.372 182.812 186.323 171.421 164.960 172.060 175.150 163.680 146.150 155.640 162.200 151.252 168.765 137.256 117.600
570715000000027574 05-02-1982 31-08-2007 30 11 18 BONUS 30 kW 773 Morsø LAND Solbjerg 12u 481578 6303243 Stamdata 222885 27.111 39.447 40.048 31.480 38.994 34.453 37.711 39.537 40.296 37.037 30.830 35.741 31.480 37.399 30.222 23.160 39.197 41.489 43.865 38.817 41.180 23.983 48.269 46.129 44.267 29.144
570715000000027581 29-06-1982 30-06-2002 55 15 18,5 Nordtank NTK 55 773 Morsø LAND Bjergby 8a 483400 6301996 Stamdata 2288660011 48.061 116.549 118.325 93.008 115.211 101.794 111.421 116.813 119.057 109.535 100.770 119.280 120.010 98.830 93.030 108.640 106.680 78.988 109.334 92.250 45.944
570715000000027598 10-11-1982 08-05-2000 15 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 773 Morsø LAND Ukendt 0 469523 6280572 Stamdata 2288740012 0 0
570715000000027604 01-09-1983 31-10-2002 55 15 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 55-Vestas 773 Morsø LAND Sejerslev 2c 490868 6307666 Stamdata 2288820013 42.208 171.406 134.732 166.896 147.460 161.404 169.216 172.466 158.672 138.100 165.470 167.020 156.190 131.630 141.220 166.110 141.515 144.227 136.595 106.828
570715000000027611 29-11-1983 18-11-2002 55 15,5 22,5 Windmatic 55 kW-Windmatic 773 Morsø LAND Sdr. Dråby 37a 489641 6304680 Stamdata 2288900014 12.581 153.276 120.481 149.242 131.862 144.332 151.317 154.224 141.889 137.160 143.010 145.684 138.756 118.070 135.830 137.423 115.562 137.480 113.141 101.180
570715000000027628 27-03-1984 12-09-2002 7,5 7 12,5 773 Morsø LAND Redsted 6k 480826 6288025 Stamdata 2289080015 11.550 15.400 15.400 15.400 15.400 15.400 15.400 15.400 9.815 9.980 10.336 9.029 7.800 8.330 4.666 6.297 2.653 7.142 10.342
570715000000027635 28-03-1984 18-11-2002 55 15,5 22,5 Windmatic 55 kW-Windmatic 773 Morsø LAND Alsted 4c 489002 6303584 Stamdata 2289160016 124.650 130.639 161.826 142.981 156.502 164.076 167.228 153.853 144.410 158.070 161.175 145.455 133.800 143.170 145.100 131.844 147.405 132.365 104.724
570715000000027642 20-11-1984 03-06-2002 55 15 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 55-Vestas 773 Morsø LAND Elsø by 6c 486609 6295301 Stamdata 2289240017 10.083 95.105 117.809 104.089 113.933 119.447 121.741 112.004 110.000 118.900 120.038 107.562 93.054 106.746 106.800 86.641 105.824 89.336 38.107
570715000000027659 10-12-1984 15-08-2002 75 17 24,5 Windmatic 75 773 Morsø LAND Tødsø 12d 489104 6297731 Stamdata 2289320018 0 151.060 187.122 165.330 180.965 189.723 193.367 177.902 171.000 185.000 184.220 169.780 153.500 164.500 168.333 150.830 168.216 150.039 99.552
570715000000027666 14-12-1984 30-10-2002 55 15 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 55-Vestas 773 Morsø LAND Sejerslev 9c 491505 6307240 Stamdata 2289400019 0 121.189 150.120 132.638 145.181 152.207 155.131 142.724 135.780 148.590 145.220 130.610 116.770 135.500 142.630 123.461 138.040 124.541 108.332
570715000000027673 21-03-1985 15-10-2002 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  773 Morsø LAND Karby 2c 474195 6293960 Stamdata 2289570020 124.620 205.826 181.857 199.054 208.688 212.696 195.685 191.830 201.840 194.410 183.950 157.390 180.300 194.360 170.118 193.873 162.759 129.456
570715000000027680 29-06-1985 04-11-2002 75 19 30,5 Windmatic 75 773 Morsø LAND Tødsø 2f 489512 6295986 Stamdata 2289650021 81.868 202.823 179.203 196.150 205.643 209.593 192.830 179.597 199.798 200.150 182.762 167.463 180.518 193.545 172.021 164.810 135.614 145.476
570715000000027703 09-07-1985 19-10-2003 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  773 Morsø LAND Hvidbjerg 5n 474410 6288147 Stamdata 2289730022 66.743 198.422 175.315 191.894 201.181 205.046 188.646 184.150 181.430 190.980 176.690 156.290 172.030 176.760 167.000 202.311 164.387 169.121 101.023
570715000000027710 09-07-1985 19-10-2003 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  773 Morsø LAND Hvidbjerg 11b 474352 6288465 Stamdata 2289730022 66.743 198.422 175.315 191.894 201.181 205.046 188.646 184.150 181.430 190.980 176.690 156.290 172.030 176.760 167.000 202.311 164.387 169.121 101.023
570715000000027727 09-07-1985 19-10-2003 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  773 Morsø LAND Hvidbjerg 10l 474329 6288346 Stamdata 2289730022 66.743 198.422 175.315 191.894 201.181 205.046 188.646 184.150 181.430 190.980 176.690 156.290 172.030 176.760 167.000 202.311 164.387 169.121 101.023
570715000000027734 09-07-1985 19-10-2003 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  773 Morsø LAND Hvidbjerg 5n 474370 6288579 Stamdata 2289730022 66.743 198.422 175.315 191.894 201.181 205.046 188.646 184.150 181.430 190.980 176.690 156.290 172.030 176.760 167.000 202.311 164.387 169.121 101.023
570715000000027741 09-07-1985 19-10-2003 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  773 Morsø LAND Hvidbjerg 10t 474303 6288229 Stamdata 2289730022 66.743 198.422 175.315 191.894 201.181 205.046 188.646 184.150 181.430 190.980 176.690 156.290 172.030 176.760 167.000 202.311 164.387 169.121 101.023
570715000000027758 09-07-1985 19-10-2003 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  773 Morsø LAND Hvidbjerg 5n 474180 6288189 Stamdata 2289730022 66.743 198.422 175.315 191.894 201.181 205.046 188.646 184.150 181.430 190.980 176.690 156.290 172.030 176.760 167.000 202.311 164.387 169.121 101.023
570715000000027765 09-07-1985 19-10-2003 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  773 Morsø LAND Hvidbjerg 5n 474286 6288112 Stamdata 2289730022 66.743 198.422 175.315 191.894 201.181 205.046 188.646 184.150 181.430 190.980 176.690 156.290 172.030 176.760 167.000 202.311 164.387 169.121 101.023
570715000000027772 09-07-1985 19-10-2003 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  773 Morsø LAND Hvidbjerg 5n 474154 6288068 Stamdata 2289730022 66.743 198.422 175.315 191.894 201.181 205.046 188.646 184.150 181.430 190.980 176.690 156.290 172.030 176.760 167.000 202.311 164.387 169.121 101.023
570715000000027789 09-07-1985 19-10-2003 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  773 Morsø LAND Hvidbjerg 5n 474391 6288030 Stamdata 2289730022 66.743 198.422 175.315 191.894 201.181 205.046 188.646 184.150 181.430 190.980 176.690 156.290 172.030 176.760 167.000 202.311 164.387 169.121 101.023
570715000000027796 09-07-1985 19-10-2003 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  773 Morsø LAND Hvidbjerg 5n 474261 6287992 Stamdata 2289730022 66.743 198.422 175.315 191.894 201.181 205.046 188.646 184.150 181.430 190.980 176.690 156.290 172.030 176.760 167.000 202.311 164.387 169.121 101.023
570715000000027819 09-10-1985 16-10-2002 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  773 Morsø LAND Karby 5a 472477 6288598 Stamdata 2289990024 27.173 201.958 178.439 195.313 204.766 208.699 192.007 192.040 195.180 202.390 189.980 165.180 183.760 186.877 128.910 122.853 155.796 126.776
570715000000027826 23-10-1985 09-09-2002 75 17 23 Windmatic 75 773 Morsø LAND Ljørslev 5a 485750 6288575 Stamdata 2290050025 22.045 163.843 144.763 158.452 166.121 169.312 155.770 159.080 165.080 166.310 149.220 131.900 150.390 142.950 122.964 140.061 127.465 94.432
570715000000027833 09-12-1985 18-11-2002 75 17 23 Windmatic 75 773 Morsø LAND Alsted 4c 489008 6303489 Stamdata 2290130026 0 192.767 170.318 186.424 195.447 199.201 183.269 173.040 184.510 188.320 174.970 153.600 176.650 177.780 154.504 177.814 151.425 128.052
570715000000027840 20-02-1986 30-09-2000 55 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 773 Morsø LAND Ukendt 0 469523 6280572 Stamdata 2290210027 0 0
570715000000027857 04-04-1986 16-10-2002 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  773 Morsø LAND Karby 20c 472918 6288271 Stamdata 2290390028 146.162 193.711 212.029 222.291 226.561 208.440 200.483 204.818 212.729 195.277 173.411 191.381 200.984 185.634 211.061 171.353 143.284
570715000000027864 04-04-1986 16-10-2002 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  773 Morsø LAND Karby 20c 472954 6288362 Stamdata 2290470029 140.506 186.214 203.824 213.689 217.793 200.374 192.956 198.402 206.288 189.486 167.891 182.814 193.760 173.323 202.538 163.636 135.704
570715000000027871 23-05-1986 15-08-2002 75 17 24,5 Windmatic 75 773 Morsø LAND Tødsø 13d 489104 6297731 Stamdata 2290540030 128.673 194.894 213.324 223.649 227.945 209.714 201.200 219.700 219.310 193.890 181.440 195.860 205.800 176.707 192.782 172.826 116.888
570715000000027895 01-10-1986 22-11-2002 99 18 22,8 NEG Micon NM 99 773 Morsø LAND Dragstrup 7b 476744 6298172 Stamdata 2290700032 41.393 219.436 240.187 251.811 256.648 236.122 245.872 258.494 246.559 241.937 192.144 209.604 218.227 165.556 129.684 43.401 4
570715000000027901 01-10-1986 22-11-2002 99 18 22,8 NEG Micon NM 99 773 Morsø LAND Dragstrup 7b 476740 6298198 Stamdata 2290880033 36.583 193.937 212.277 222.551 226.825 208.684 201.584 206.068 270.574 249.688 223.396 185.157 211.217 124.422 29.943 40.581 0
570715000000027918 01-10-1986 22-11-2002 99 18 22,8 NEG Micon NM 99 773 Morsø LAND Dragstrup 7b 476737 6298222 Stamdata 2290960034 40.135 212.768 232.888 244.160 248.850 228.947 221.157 203.100 258.227 233.068 227.857 180.447 228.341 204.912 186.335 22.140 0
570715000000027925 01-10-1986 22-11-2002 99 18 22,8 NEG Micon NM 99 773 Morsø LAND Dragstrup 7b 476748 6298147 Stamdata 2291040035 42.150 223.451 244.581 256.419 261.344 240.442 239.035 257.024 259.812 232.479 194.910 234.523 236.066 163.497 236.964 130.436 0
570715000000027932 25-11-1986 22-11-2002 99 19,6 22,8 Wincon W 99 kW 773 Morsø LAND Jørsby 10f 492688 6304939 Stamdata 2291120036 23.287 246.902 270.250 283.330 288.772 265.677 258.305 274.352 284.809 269.686 232.770 243.580 252.376 103.250 208.037 213.695 27.592
570715000000027949 25-11-1986 22-11-2002 99 19,6 22,8 Wincon W 99 kW 773 Morsø LAND Jørsby 10f 492726 6305057 Stamdata 2291200037 22.946 243.281 266.287 279.175 284.537 261.780 275.305 293.996 290.104 246.307 209.499 226.717 246.727 198.955 250.779 193.515 11.552
570715000000027956 08-01-1987 26-08-2002 75 17 22,5 Windmatic 75 773 Morsø LAND Ø. Assels 27c 489987 6297466 Stamdata 2291380038 203.953 243.534 255.321 260.225 239.413 217.700 226.900 272.906 236.994 204.865 229.385 249.132 170.630 233.739 196.111 138.828
570715000000027963 08-01-1987 26-08-2002 75 17 22,5 Windmatic 75 773 Morsø LAND Ø. Assels 27c 489987 6297466 Stamdata 2291460039 191.000 228.068 239.106 243.699 224.208 240.100 250.200 189.230 217.570 181.773 196.352 232.919 176.422 226.596 189.271 133.100
570715000000027970 26-02-1987 15-10-2002 90 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  773 Morsø LAND Torp by 4b 474336 6291038 Stamdata 2291530040 167.403 219.880 230.522 234.949 216.158 206.410 220.855 221.524 205.524 182.450 201.464 209.152 181.832 212.700 177.978 146.440
570715000000027987 26-02-1987 15-10-2002 90 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  773 Morsø LAND Torp by 4b 474292 6290938 Stamdata 2291610041 163.143 214.284 224.655 228.970 210.658 203.278 216.058 217.641 201.123 179.612 196.264 203.031 173.386 204.724 170.938 138.412
570715000000027994 26-02-1987 15-10-2002 90 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  773 Morsø LAND Torp by 4b 474249 6290830 Stamdata 2291790042 161.245 211.792 222.042 226.307 208.207 202.069 196.849 218.790 200.490 178.990 198.490 208.290 173.354 195.128 175.716 143.444
570715000000028007 12-03-1987 15-08-2007 90 17 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  773 Morsø LAND Tæbring 32a 475100 6294290 Stamdata 222918 147.411 215.135 225.547 229.879 211.494 207.200 210.717 220.210 203.140 177.350 193.600 199.100 177.683 147.039 113.046 117.488 124.451 146.526 134.017 123.129 73.209
570715000000028014 26-11-1987 20-08-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 98 773 Morsø LAND Skallerup 6 478932 6302195 Stamdata 2291950044 21.502 282.424 296.093 301.781 277.644 278.770 295.120 295.070 269.980 233.090 234.950 267.690 237.638 254.829 223.290 160.330
570715000000028021 26-11-1987 20-08-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 98 773 Morsø LAND Skallerup 4c,6 478852 6302241 Stamdata 2292030045 22.256 292.329 306.478 312.364 287.382 291.240 307.000 307.510 281.210 241.060 244.560 276.060 236.527 266.013 216.704 163.327
570715000000028045 15-02-1988 18-11-2002 95 23 19 Tellus TE 95 773 Morsø LAND Skarum By, Alsted 4c 488995 6303715 Stamdata 2292290047 213.411 268.488 273.645 251.759 238.150 251.180 264.199 235.301 237.521 241.872 242.708 200.771 229.989 170.301 191.776
570715000000028052 28-03-1988 08-05-2000 90 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 773 Morsø LAND Ukendt 0 469523 6280572 Stamdata 2292370048 0 0
570715000000028069 02-05-1988 04-11-2002 75 19 30,5 Windmatic 19 S 773 Morsø LAND Tødsø 2f 489494 6296019 Stamdata 2292450049 113.390 203.791 207.706 191.093 177.020 190.800 189.120 182.600 167.390 175.070 190.590 164.766 188.984 165.427 144.892
570715000000028076 24-06-1988 18-09-2003 130 22 30 Windmatic 22 S 773 Morsø LAND Outrup 5a 480753 6295363 Stamdata 2292520050 160.161 335.826 342.276 314.901 306.510 322.400 324.530 299.760 263.100 292.010 313.230 274.179 286.253 247.988 275.583 100.464
570715000000028083 15-08-1988 18-03-2015 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  773 Morsø LAND Sundby 3c 481846,27 6303383,9 GST, 18-02-2013 222926 210.689 662.658 675.386 621.370 590.040 611.260 633.740 603.480 528.610 580.480 606.450 534.960 600.910 521.157 563.184 492.794 556.942 445.255 489.548 595.772 484.330 420.678 458.845 540.332 572.302 514.459 483.164 32.205
570715000000028090 06-10-1988 18-07-2017 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  773 Morsø LAND Sejerslev 10a 493212,17 6310569,64 SDFE2018 222927 86.913 546.714 557.215 512.649 500.000 524.000 511.870 483.000 430.000 471.000 500.000 451.232 495.092 437.724 447.347 399.288 461.467 435.846 399.465 424.818 416.920 415.261 429.463 304.913 423.700 12.936 371.010 339.424 29.815 59
570715000000028106 12-12-1988 07-11-2010 200 24 30 Danwin DW 24-Danwin 773 Morsø LAND Sejerslev 9c 492577 6307573 Stamdata 222928 0 530.417 540.605 497.368 478.280 481.960 520.890 476.000 407.470 465.760 490.370 435.320 481.121 423.020 456.936 395.848 425.448 97.069 305.148 434.441 395.914 406.993 334.542
570715000000028151 25-09-1989 30-10-2002 100 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 20-100  773 Morsø LAND Sundby 8a,7q 479316 6303457 Stamdata 2293360058 78.256 319.035 293.519 278.300 295.700 301.660 278.600 247.780 271.220 289.000 251.603 286.676 242.534 217.073
570715000000028168 26-09-1989 15-12-1999 200 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 773 Morsø LAND Ukendt 0 469523 6280572 Stamdata 2293440059 0 0
570715000000028175 26-09-1989 15-12-1999 200 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 773 Morsø LAND Ukendt 0 469523 6280572 Stamdata 2293510060 0 0
570715000000028182 05-10-1989 18-11-2002 95 19 41 Tellus TE 95 773 Morsø LAND Sdr. Dråby 37a 489626 6304619 Stamdata 2293690061 151.999 265.574 244.334 235.350 254.040 257.700 232.880 210.590 232.390 239.450 210.838 206.553 213.312 188.432
570715000000028199 08-12-1989 19-07-2017 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  773 Morsø LAND Sejerslev 10a 493128,57 6310586,65 SDFE2018 222937 90.615 554.131 509.812 488.000 533.000 518.900 491.100 443.000 468.000 495.000 441.581 460.885 431.655 461.276 355.317 444.839 437.927 392.763 487.787 425.356 397.108 422.893 469.271 448.999 391.304 351.513 377.935 436.060 255.639
570715000000028205 19-12-1989 07-11-2010 225 27 30 Danwin DW 27-Danwin 773 Morsø LAND Frøslev 3d 483407 6294973 Stamdata 222938 0 548.029 504.199 467.980 478.850 553.560 493.990 424.320 493.950 469.010 441.920 468.798 394.569 347.177 398.925 328.157 279.401 197.346 168.086 115.165 346.241 258.070
570715000000028212 07-12-1989 03-06-2002 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  773 Morsø LAND Elsø by 5a 486287 6295901 Stamdata 2293930064 0 475.918 437.855 437.000 460.400 442.140 419.860 365.050 405.950 423.000 339.074 141.921 353.152 191.620
570715000000028236 23-05-1990 26-11-2002 150 23,6 30,7 Windpower D 175 kW 773 Morsø LAND Galtrup 1d 483486 6300578 Stamdata 2294190066 227.229 358.381 346.080 371.290 377.050 335.410 297.100 331.360 345.550 291.614 249.786 254.126 231.302
570715000000028243 15-08-1990 29-08-2017 175 23,6 30,7 Windpower D 175 kW 773 Morsø LAND Lødderup 12a 488653,83 6293647,13 SDFE2018 222942 119.054 328.597 342.600 341.500 366.720 329.280 277.530 314.370 239.100 278.539 311.371 199.996 272.304 237.453 193.767 274.555 234.231 313.381 255.159 239.891 242.200 272.706 280.762 225.165 250.543 6.263 0 0
570715000000028250 05-09-1990 06-11-2011 400 34,8 32 Windane WD 34 773 Morsø LAND Sdr. Dråby 5a 489094 6305015 Stamdata 222943 237.572 874.286 820.000 864.200 874.700 872.400 706.100 868.800 872.900 709.654 858.549 702.659 717.821 639.164 706.340 566.673 337.709 423.190 439.228 326.045 179.795 229.490
570715000000028274 21-09-1990 04-12-2002 200 26 30 Wincon W 200/26 773 Morsø LAND Ejerslev 6ar 493934 6309622 Stamdata 2294500070 156.961 577.631 543.560 601.360 595.120 539.300 494.511 549.720 552.520 506.297 536.379 474.505 480.682
570715000000028304 25-01-1991 28-02-2001 225 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 773 Morsø LAND Ukendt 0 469523 6280572 Stamdata 2298640073 0 0
570715000000028311 31-01-1991 11-11-2015 100 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 20-100  773 Morsø LAND Frøslev 11s 483386,55 6294572,27 GST, 18-02-2013 222987 227.941 238.100 256.800 256.890 232.010 211.880 232.320 239.600 213.893 236.946 202.311 220.520 196.138 217.534 223.798 184.742 230.001 189.543 178.092 175.806 191.321 203.080 157.637 192.877 174.615
570715000000028328 07-05-1991 15-02-2013 200 26 30 Wincon W 200/26 773 Morsø LAND Redsted 8l 478984,13 6290039,76 GST, 18-02-2013 223039 254.185 432.880 447.680 467.040 417.440 350.960 401.680 389.520 375.007 435.040 334.696 292.209 316.543 380.444 317.193 308.995 436.690 235.940 222.029 201.843 317.813 291.215 31.510
570715000000028335 11-09-1991 29-05-2016 150 23,8 30 BONUS 150   - MK ll 773 Morsø LAND Galtrup 9h 484800,38 6301585,86 GST, 18-02-2013 223102 101.343 395.240 409.940 422.500 387.650 326.950 380.840 395.220 345.584 391.889 332.760 356.157 308.603 324.628 346.705 309.370 402.082 349.066 324.964 325.188 378.139 246.684 233.534 362.028 417.965 131.027
570715000000028342 18-10-1991 20-12-2002 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  773 Morsø LAND Vejerslev 9b 483007 6288324 Stamdata 2310500077 91.301 507.940 579.670 569.820 516.940 471.090 511.190 526.780 454.986 530.301 434.483 456.778
570715000000028359 18-10-1991 20-12-2002 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  773 Morsø LAND Vejerslev 9b 483022 6288426 Stamdata 2310680078 88.334 538.100 523.340 553.610 490.270 459.150 500.320 513.090 439.278 497.386 429.952 440.909
570715000000028397 05-04-1993 13-10-2015 200 26 30 Wincon W 200/26 773 Morsø LAND Frøslev 3ag 483194,04 6294885,32 GST, 18-02-2013 223225 309.370 517.610 448.020 390.010 455.020 363.770 407.621 467.873 325.349 278.664 361.540 414.193 407.976 298.238 420.875 397.080 370.598 263.665 0 288.220 343.200 386.713 322.420
570715000000028403 06-12-1994 20-12-2002 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  773 Morsø LAND Vejerslev 3b 482724 6287803 Stamdata 2336680082 50.730 553.020 509.350 549.450 564.490 499.920 569.295 472.742 493.294
570715000000028762 25-04-2000 13-08-2000 750 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 773 Morsø LAND Ukendt 0 469523 6280572 Stamdata 2389490117 0 0
570715000000033162 24-02-1989 21-06-2010 145 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 773 Morsø LAND Stenderup By 1i 490724,54 6145274,94 Stamdata 55623 154.608 189.094 173.971 182.190 173.230 189.600 161.620 143.830 155.680 158.000 143.083 177.672 128.442 142.198 127.995 140.032 132.709 113.699 163.511 110.451 106.132 39.564
570715000000059025 10-10-2003 12-11-2003 99 22 30 Windmatic M191 773 Morsø LAND Outrup 5a 480753 6295363 Stamdata 224336 101
570715000001499066 18-12-2015 30-09-2020 10 13 18,2 Gaia-Wind Ltd Gaia Wind 133-10 kW 773 Morsø Land Stamdata 0 350 0 0 0 0
570715000000015717 19-06-1981 15-10-2002 15 10 18,5 Kuriant KE 15/4-Kuriant 779 Skive LAND Fur 44b 498798 6297614 Stamdata 50010 0 2.750 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 26.411 9.341
570715000000015724 01-03-1982 31-03-2005 15 10 18,5 Kuriant KE 15/4-Kuriant 779 Skive LAND Baunsgård,Lihme 1a 484247 6272385 Stamdata 2050011 24.750 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 12.345 5.070 3.716 2.842 163
570715000000015748 28-08-1982 12-10-2001 55 15 24,5 Nordtank NTK 55/10 779 Skive LAND Vile by, Vile 7aa 491517 6286567 Stamdata 50015 33.166 120.642 122.481 96.275 119.258 105.370 115.334 120.916 123.238 113.382 110.757 113.128 115.596 106.155 96.900 108.286 111.799 95.602 107.295 59.476 0
570715000000015762 09-05-1983 24-09-2002 55 15 20,5 Nordtank NTK 55/10 779 Skive LAND Hem by, Hem 17h 497284 6271557 Stamdata 50018 67.926 118.219 92.925 115.108 101.703 111.320 116.708 118.950 109.436 104.552 108.277 114.820 106.544 92.449 102.317 106.799 91.585 104.880 81.095 64.605
570715000000015786 10-06-1983 20-08-2002 30 10 15,5 Ukendt 35 779 Skive LAND Roslev by, Roslev 22a 497923 6284440 Stamdata 50021 4.346 8.824 6.936 8.592 7.592 8.310 8.712 8.879 8.169 21.760 8.321 768 7.306 6.829 7.469 7.798 7.233 8.254 7.980 0
570715000000015793 04-07-1982 06-08-2002 55 15 24,5 Nordtank NTK 55/10 779 Skive LAND Selde by, Selde 20z 503206 6292796 Stamdata 50022 118.936 144.212 146.409 115.083 142.557 125.955 137.866 144.538 147.315 135.533 128.019 135.587 138.290 130.813 112.536 125.901 133.000 118.364 131.855 108.966 48.984
570715000000015809 07-07-1983 07-05-2001 15 10,9 18,5 Kuriant Ukendt-Kuriant 779 Skive LAND Sæby by, Sæby 6a 493634 6290672 Stamdata 50023 0 0
570715000000015816 11-11-1983 12-10-2001 55 16 24,5 Nordtank NTK 55/10 779 Skive LAND Harre by, Harre 9a 496209 6285380 Stamdata 50025 11.481 139.875 109.947 136.194 120.333 131.712 138.087 140.739 129.483 122.009 134.077 135.662 119.276 110.040 120.847 120.666 113.658 127.225 74.710 0
570715000000015823 06-02-1984 13-09-2001 55 16 24,5 Nordtank NTK 55/10 779 Skive LAND Tøndering 12a 498581 6287565 Stamdata 50026 113.489 107.048 132.603 117.160 128.240 134.446 137.029 126.069 127.796 133.185 134.660 109.245 102.837 112.527 122.688 110.956 122.154 54.684 0
570715000000015830 18-07-1984 22-04-2002 55 16 24,5 Nordtank NTK 55/10 779 Skive LAND Harre by, Harre 4a 495334 6285111 Stamdata 50027 55.774 105.216 130.334 115.156 126.046 132.146 134.684 123.912 123.783 131.013 137.062 100.327 101.172 113.224 118.682 108.262 82.823 94.162 46.498
570715000000015847 22-06-1984 25-10-2002 55 15,3 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-15  779 Skive LAND Krejbjerg 2f 490858 6281302 Stamdata 50028 58.951 92.676 114.800 101.431 111.023 116.396 118.632 109.144 109.451 114.440 105.003 110.671 89.513 102.264 101.911 90.473 105.843 94.349 81.842
570715000000015854 28-06-1984 17-04-2002 55 17 22,5 Windmatic 22 S 779 Skive LAND Nissum by, Åsted 8a,9d 499114 6289730 Stamdata 50029 73.862 116.116 143.836 127.085 139.103 145.836 148.637 136.749 127.751 141.752 142.894 130.903 118.123 132.358 132.068 116.529 121.729 110.770 17.672
570715000000015861 20-09-1984 27-09-2001 65 16 24,5 Nordtank NTK 55/10 779 Skive LAND Harre by, Harre 6d 496997 6284968 Stamdata 50031 36.931 116.116 143.836 127.085 139.103 145.836 148.637 136.749 127.751 141.752 142.894 130.903 118.123 132.358 132.068 116.529 121.729 75.838 0
570715000000015878 01-12-1995 16-03-2017 500 39 40,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 39 779 Skive LAND Krejbjerg 53f 492107,55 6279566,72 GST, 18-02-2013 2050032 0 1.158.254 1.318.245 1.351.903 1.200.487 1.354.770 1.136.789 1.200.799 1.082.812 1.201.458 1.180.828 1.061.800 1.298.894 1.168.684 1.090.216 1.066.473 1.232.914 1.201.628 1.071.607 977.695 1.312.893 1.052.463 94.965
570715000000015892 21-11-1984 19-04-2002 55 16 24,5 Nordtank NTK 55/10 779 Skive LAND Hjerk by, Hjerk 13a 493491 6282918 Stamdata 50035 11.217 105.799 131.056 115.794 126.744 132.878 135.431 124.599 67.735 130.170 135.106 121.190 96.855 117.478 111.885 109.259 120.757 94.217 45.302
570715000000015908 03-12-1984 15-02-2002 55 15 18,95 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 55 kW-Vestas 779 Skive LAND Rødding 19a 489015 6279869 Stamdata 50036 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 33.760 0
570715000000015915 17-01-1985 13-02-2002 75 17 24,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-24 kW 779 Skive LAND Junget 1bh 506834 6291153 Stamdata 50037 159.105 215.004 189.965 207.929 217.993 222.180 204.410 191.888 210.531 208.157 195.914 181.065 192.906 197.039 171.461 190.842 158.770 33.943
570715000000015922 02-04-1985 24-04-2002 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  779 Skive LAND V.Lyby by, Lyby 9a 501485 6277908 Stamdata 50039 87.356 162.315 143.412 156.974 164.571 167.732 154.317 146.364 157.503 164.505 143.671 130.693 144.124 150.755 134.492 142.642 120.235 52.793
570715000000015939 02-04-1985 24-09-2002 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  779 Skive LAND V.Lyby by, Lyby 9h 501521 6277994 Stamdata 50040 92.263 171.433 151.469 165.792 173.816 177.155 162.986 151.211 165.562 174.079 152.796 136.857 149.347 159.294 141.844 158.213 120.763 104.541
570715000000015946 11-04-1985 24-09-2002 55 16 22,5 Nordtank NTK 55 779 Skive LAND Ramsing by, Ramsing 14d 491397 6274054 Stamdata 50041 69.198 128.575 113.602 124.345 130.363 132.867 122.240 112.951 125.415 131.728 112.867 104.503 113.345 117.199 106.150 117.684 95.093 78.869
570715000000015953 11-04-1985 15-02-2002 55 15 24,5 Nordtank NTK 55/10 779 Skive LAND Håsum by, Håsum 8b 490563 6271198 Stamdata 50042 77.411 143.837 127.086 139.104 145.837 148.638 136.750 133.299 119.806 132.116 123.545 124.378 135.532 135.242 122.593 135.072 112.779 12.420
570715000000015960 11-04-1985 24-08-2002 55 16 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-15  779 Skive LAND Otting by, Otting 12 494222 6278510 Stamdata 50043 77.204 143.453 126.747 138.732 145.447 148.241 136.384 132.210 143.736 144.236 127.303 112.542 128.143 130.202 114.778 129.930 102.505 23.386
570715000000015977 11-04-1985 30-01-2002 55 16 22,5 Nordtank NTK 55 779 Skive LAND Torum 12a 503055 6289651 Stamdata 50044 68.595 127.456 112.613 123.262 129.228 131.710 121.176 111.428 124.474 127.107 119.281 102.357 112.766 114.859 104.568 115.263 96.884 3.615
570715000000015984 15-04-1985 13-08-2002 55 16 24,5 779 Skive LAND Fur 27f 498948 6297950 Stamdata 50045 87.346 162.297 143.397 156.957 164.554 167.714 154.301 147.927 160.694 161.601 147.089 128.732 143.928 149.667 126.440 149.559 124.751 19.328
570715000000015991 15-04-1985 13-08-2002 55 16 24,5 Nordtank NTK 55/15 779 Skive LAND Fur 27f 499024 6297886 Stamdata 50046 82.698 153.660 135.765 148.604 155.796 158.789 146.089 142.798 152.810 154.783 138.335 114.675 134.368 142.576 125.682 140.465 114.273 47.921
570715000000016004 15-05-1985 01-03-2002 55 16 24,5 Nordtank NTK 55/10 779 Skive LAND Sæby by, Sæby 6a 495615 6293369 Stamdata 50047 69.519 147.625 130.433 142.767 149.677 152.552 140.351 136.942 144.240 143.887 137.402 115.664 132.121 130.597 117.142 138.194 122.862 32.766
570715000000016011 15-04-1985 17-04-2002 55 16 24,5 Nordtank NTK 55/10 779 Skive LAND Sæby by, Sæby 6a 495527 6293417 Stamdata 50048 73.936 137.380 121.381 132.859 139.290 141.965 130.611 133.138 126.123 141.419 131.421 111.045 129.807 110.646 105.381 123.385 110.953 47.506
570715000000016028 16-04-1985 04-04-2002 55 16 24,5 Nordtank NTK 55/10 779 Skive LAND 22.4.96 2b 495428 6290100 Stamdata 50049 61.794 114.819 101.447 111.041 116.415 118.651 109.161 105.810 114.026 115.179 106.062 91.829 100.598 102.264 92.635 101.808 82.209 37.535
570715000000016035 16-04-1985 20-09-2001 55 16 24,5 Nordtank NTK 55/10 779 Skive LAND Nautrup 1d 493329 6287716 Stamdata 50050 54.291 100.877 89.129 97.558 102.280 104.244 95.907 89.831 92.949 102.559 92.601 81.928 83.582 96.274 81.191 96.453 49.992 0
570715000000016042 18-04-1985 17-04-2002 75 17 30,5 Windmatic 17 S 75 779 Skive LAND Åsted 1k 499140 6289740 Stamdata 50051 96.036 178.443 157.662 172.571 180.924 184.399 169.651 170.137 170.314 184.309 165.860 144.935 162.013 155.095 125.103 169.464 141.193 61.312
570715000000016059 28-05-1985 11-03-2002 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  779 Skive LAND Grinderslev 2a 505685 6283486 Stamdata 50052 67.149 142.592 125.987 137.901 144.575 147.352 135.567 131.145 137.191 143.885 131.905 101.936 130.991 126.896 118.239 134.460 106.845 32.812
570715000000016066 28-05-1985 20-11-2002 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75 kW 779 Skive LAND Bostrup by, Lyby 4d 498966 6279851 Stamdata 50053 67.149 142.592 125.987 137.901 144.575 147.352 135.567 131.145 137.191 143.885 131.905 101.936 130.991 126.896 118.239 134.460 110.616 110.309
570715000000016073 04-06-1985 07-10-2003 30 11 20,5 779 Skive LAND Vile by, Vile 11a 490807,264 6285475,359 Stamdata 50054 0 33.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 25.853 12.625 1.878
570715000000016080 20-06-1986 06-08-2002 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 75 kW 779 Skive LAND Sæby by, Sæby 1z 496815 6294350 Stamdata 50055 99.182 175.263 191.837 201.122 204.985 188.590 185.268 199.757 190.695 185.255 152.429 179.284 184.979 158.712 170.462 149.312 79.488
570715000000016097 20-06-1985 29-09-2002 75 17 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 75 kW 779 Skive LAND Grinderslev 2v 505550 6283264 Stamdata 50056 58.516 144.970 128.087 140.200 146.985 149.808 137.827 130.809 138.587 148.473 133.963 106.281 133.338 130.726 118.179 135.396 109.900 79.378
570715000000016103 25-06-1985 09-09-2002 55 15,3 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 55-Vestas 779 Skive LAND Dølby 2a 500420 6274816 Stamdata 50057 41.640 103.160 91.147 99.766 104.594 106.603 98.077 96.372 100.109 109.501 94.004 82.717 96.182 94.347 78.375 84.339 65.863 56.734
570715000000016110 02-07-1985 28-10-2002 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75 kW 779 Skive LAND Estvadgård, Estvad 7a 499544 6267304 Stamdata 50058 47.200 140.322 123.981 135.705 142.273 145.005 133.408 133.067 138.259 141.164 129.267 112.170 122.343 125.815 110.427 124.613 97.161 76.885
570715000000016127 03-07-1985 14-10-2002 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  779 Skive LAND Sdr.Andrup By, Ramsing 1f 490560 6275413 Stamdata 50059 54.343 161.558 142.744 156.242 163.804 166.951 153.598 144.865 141.115 162.845 145.683 132.529 145.557 149.166 135.378 150.124 122.615 103.170
570715000000016134 15-08-1985 24-08-2002 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  779 Skive LAND Oddense 3a 494635 6280220 Stamdata 50060 41.987 156.031 137.860 150.897 158.200 161.239 148.343 146.781 153.278 157.267 141.295 119.928 137.208 141.034 125.240 143.241 115.206 43.969
570715000000016141 23-08-1985 31-05-2002 55 15 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 55-Vestas 779 Skive LAND Vile by, Vile 2aa 492106 6287450 Stamdata 50061 33.802 125.615 110.987 121.482 127.362 129.808 119.426 113.060 121.139 124.954 115.216 101.979 113.609 106.761 106.389 113.637 86.935 34.701
570715000000016158 01-10-1985 06-10-2003 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75 kW 779 Skive LAND Kås hvg, Lihme 1z 482216 6272762 Stamdata 50062 25.810 191.829 169.489 185.517 194.495 198.231 182.377 177.177 186.314 189.840 172.921 150.878 170.630 173.497 159.557 173.142 135.705 152.586 97.911
570715000000016165 01-10-1985 06-10-2003 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75 kW 779 Skive LAND Lihme by, Lihme 11e 482063 6272812 Stamdata 50063 27.126 201.611 178.132 194.977 204.414 208.340 191.677 186.264 197.140 196.458 182.445 153.764 177.425 189.537 166.679 184.224 152.145 161.367 107.311
570715000000016196 22-10-1985 11-03-2002 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75 kW 779 Skive LAND Nr.Thise by, Thise 10a 507985 6286824 Stamdata 50066 20.724 154.025 136.088 148.957 156.167 159.166 146.436 140.418 152.336 152.847 140.408 118.968 138.295 135.691 128.567 140.577 117.887 38.220
570715000000016202 22-10-1985 11-03-2002 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75 kW 779 Skive LAND Nr.Thise by, Thise 10a 507976 6286924 Stamdata 50067 22.485 167.117 147.655 161.618 169.440 172.695 158.883 150.311 162.060 162.449 153.327 132.170 149.279 151.855 138.981 152.819 127.122 34.262
570715000000016219 04-11-1985 28-10-2002 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75 kW 779 Skive LAND Krarup by, Hem 2c 498252 6270469 Stamdata 50068 80.020 148.683 131.368 143.791 150.751 153.646 141.358 132.742 148.394 149.032 137.298 119.403 127.383 134.773 118.927 137.032 110.877 96.786
570715000000016226 04-11-1985 28-10-2002 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75 kW 779 Skive LAND Krarup by, Hem 2c 498231 6270351 Stamdata 50069 80.692 149.932 132.472 144.999 152.017 154.937 142.545 138.353 148.409 151.184 136.875 120.903 130.386 135.756 117.296 136.035 109.812 99.562
570715000000016233 04-11-1985 28-10-2002 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75 kW 779 Skive LAND Krarup by, Hem 2c 498169 6270171 Stamdata 50070 85.572 159.001 140.484 153.769 161.211 164.308 151.167 147.500 158.830 157.990 145.103 128.285 139.448 145.863 123.442 142.023 117.265 103.118
570715000000016240 04-11-1985 28-10-2002 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75 kW 779 Skive LAND Krarup by, Hem 2c 498197 6270268 Stamdata 50071 84.342 156.714 138.464 151.558 158.893 161.945 148.993 144.210 154.983 154.833 142.681 125.949 136.970 144.241 124.751 141.079 117.907 103.907
570715000000016264 28-11-1985 23-08-2002 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 75 kW 779 Skive LAND Grundvad 1a 492217 6277751 Stamdata 50072 12.252 182.130 160.920 176.137 184.662 188.209 173.156 166.320 179.173 180.343 159.798 145.645 160.970 164.439 86.304 165.427 132.521 100.001
570715000000016271 28-11-1985 23-08-2002 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 75 kW 779 Skive LAND Grundvad 1a 492216 6277646 Stamdata 50072 12.252 182.130 160.920 176.137 184.662 188.209 173.156 166.320 179.173 180.343 159.798 145.645 160.970 164.439 86.304 165.427 132.521 100.001
570715000000016288 28-11-1985 23-08-2002 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 75 kW 779 Skive LAND Grundvad 1a 492215 6277550 Stamdata 50072 12.252 182.130 160.920 176.137 184.662 188.209 173.156 166.320 179.173 180.343 159.798 145.645 160.970 164.439 86.304 165.427 132.521 100.001
570715000000016295 11-12-1985 10-09-2002 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 75 kW 779 Skive LAND Kisum by, Estvad 16c 498166 6268658 Stamdata 50075 0 137.350 121.355 132.831 139.260 141.935 130.583 130.084 133.800 137.881 125.819 109.047 119.094 123.889 109.324 124.191 98.706 80.142
570715000000016301 11-12-1985 10-09-2002 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 75 kW 779 Skive LAND Kisum by, Estvad 13ak 498169 6268762 Stamdata 50076 0 136.316 120.441 131.830 138.211 140.865 129.599 129.450 138.543 134.248 125.364 107.865 117.399 123.934 105.551 122.784 99.803 81.261
570715000000016318 11-12-1985 10-09-2002 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 75 kW 779 Skive LAND Kisum by, Estvad 13ak 498251 6268732 Stamdata 50077 0 123.377 109.009 119.317 125.092 127.495 117.298 119.339 124.330 123.686 113.042 94.042 107.212 111.446 97.123 110.507 89.055 73.135
570715000000016332 18-12-1985 13-02-2002 75 17 18,5 Windmatic 18 S 779 Skive LAND Junget by, Junget 9i 505857 6293055 Stamdata 50079 208.852 184.530 201.980 211.756 215.823 198.562 191.338 193.297 209.470 193.640 162.220 189.800 188.520 172.430 190.750 161.280 28.510
570715000000016349 08-01-1986 13-02-2002 75 17 18,5 Windmatic 18 S 779 Skive LAND Torum 1g 506374 6290154 Stamdata 50080 191.448 184.530 201.980 211.756 215.823 198.562 191.338 193.297 209.470 193.640 162.220 189.800 188.520 172.430 190.750 133.368 28.432
570715000000016370 19-12-1985 31-07-2002 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 75 kW 779 Skive LAND Dommerby 2f m.fl 505669 6268463 Stamdata 50083 0 143.246 126.564 138.533 145.237 148.027 136.188 133.260 142.640 143.214 130.907 112.788 127.903 132.130 112.039 126.099 103.658 69.827
570715000000016387 19-12-1985 31-07-2002 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 75 kW 779 Skive LAND Dommerby By, Dommerby 2f m.fl 505705 6268551 Stamdata 50084 0 147.160 130.023 142.318 149.206 152.072 139.909 138.609 144.499 147.512 133.159 115.999 132.169 138.751 113.546 128.487 110.689 72.052
570715000000016394 19-12-1985 31-07-2002 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 75 kW 779 Skive LAND Dommerby By, Dommerby 2f m.fl 505632 6268372 Stamdata 50085 0 141.129 124.694 136.485 143.091 145.839 134.175 132.808 138.079 141.667 130.238 109.160 125.843 128.937 112.548 124.502 101.733 66.095
570715000000016400 19-12-1985 31-07-2002 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 75 kW 779 Skive LAND Dommerby By, Dommerby 2f m.fl 505598 6268288 Stamdata 50086 0 144.903 128.028 140.135 146.917 149.739 137.763 134.134 144.400 145.120 133.535 113.953 129.638 133.439 113.357 126.740 105.403 67.600
570715000000016417 31-01-1986 13-11-2002 75 16 22,5 Windmatic VM 17 S 779 Skive LAND Jebjerg by, Jebjerg 8k 501029 6281528 Stamdata 50087 113.588 125.440 121.420 126.730 140.940 132.450 132.449 152.084 139.660 134.443 117.208 138.868 135.630 94.459 125.189 106.527 100.564
570715000000016424 24-04-1986 23-08-2002 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75 kW 779 Skive LAND Opperby by, Lem 4a 486532 6270998 Stamdata 50088 107.595 142.597 156.082 163.636 166.779 153.440 147.954 157.463 156.855 145.877 130.864 147.816 147.529 126.856 145.777 121.219 92.614
570715000000016431 24-04-1986 23-08-2002 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75 kW 779 Skive LAND Opperby by, Lem 4a 486680 6271002 Stamdata 50089 111.240 147.429 161.370 169.180 172.430 158.639 153.032 163.084 165.501 151.471 135.808 154.039 154.542 136.727 135.963 112.516 86.228
570715000000016448 30-04-1986 04-11-2002 75 16 22,5 Windmatic VM 17 S 75 779 Skive LAND Selde 1a 503176 6294597 Stamdata 50090 146.452 194.096 212.450 222.733 227.011 208.855 198.924 210.616 211.050 202.661 172.438 193.190 199.414 184.318 206.327 178.907 136.536
570715000000016455 15-05-1986 13-08-2002 75 17 22,5 Windmatic 22 Sr 779 Skive LAND Fur 154b 499131 6298595 Stamdata 50091 112.642 170.613 186.746 195.785 199.545 183.586 183.430 193.081 192.439 171.586 148.654 179.115 181.075 140.768 176.615 138.900 106.910
570715000000016462 18-06-1986 07-11-2002 75 17 30,5 Windmatic 30 S 75 KW 779 Skive LAND Hjerk by, Hjerk 3a 495148 6282783 Stamdata 50092 106.783 188.695 206.539 216.535 220.694 203.043 192.541 205.185 213.281 191.569 171.488 191.389 192.110 171.801 201.073 164.259 156.552
570715000000016479 30-05-1986 06-05-2002 80 17 22,5 Tellus TE 80  779 Skive LAND Nautrup 1b 495926 6288547 Stamdata 50093 107.832 163.327 178.772 187.425 191.025 175.747 172.662 181.995 187.324 169.944 133.718 168.146 164.552 149.888 171.633 140.578 31.377
570715000000016486 27-11-1986 20-08-2002 99 20,5 26 Nordtank NTK 99 F 779 Skive LAND Skårup by, Højslev 22a 505767 6272442 Stamdata 50094 19.469 206.416 225.936 236.871 241.420 222.112 240.035 239.606 238.350 220.678 184.871 196.021 153.827 125.317 149.154 104.719 0
570715000000016493 05-12-1986 24-09-2002 90 17 22,5 Windmatic 22 Sr 779 Skive LAND Vinde, Skive Jorder 14f 500195 6272027 Stamdata 50095 0 156.897 171.734 180.045 183.504 168.827 160.177 174.436 175.637 157.280 142.144 159.807 163.828 144.806 160.450 132.892 109.377
570715000000016509 09-12-1986 25-09-2002 90 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 779 Skive LAND Håsum by, Håsum 1d 490088 6271161 Stamdata 50096 0 161.064 176.295 184.828 188.378 173.312 164.645 178.440 181.908 161.996 150.948 162.625 166.051 143.866 166.171 135.029 113.255
570715000000016523 30-06-1987 31-07-2002 99 20,5 24,5 Nordtank NTK 99 F 779 Skive LAND Harre by, Harre 11i 496211 6285275 Stamdata 50098 100.709 220.466 231.136 235.576 216.735 210.655 227.815 233.415 212.651 155.577 201.542 184.692 204.352 219.652 162.175 115.100
570715000000016530 30-06-1987 31-07-2002 99 20,5 24,5 Nordtank NTK 99 F 779 Skive LAND Harre by, Harre 11i 496189 6285181 Stamdata 50099 103.723 227.063 238.052 242.625 223.220 222.823 236.070 244.660 216.945 197.073 216.505 195.304 172.523 200.408 137.765 112.892
570715000000016554 24-08-1987 06-04-2005 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  779 Skive LAND Sæby by, Sæby 2c 493526,447 6290934,96 Stamdata 2050101 111.695 366.771 384.522 391.908 360.564 349.600 377.350 383.950 351.500 309.620 333.580 332.840 294.755 339.718 284.486 299.183 251.832 273.715 113.235
570715000000016578 16-10-1987 07-11-2002 75 17 22,5 Windmatic 22 S 75 kW 779 Skive LAND Hjerk by, Hjerk 3q 495233 6282765 Stamdata 50103 31.449 206.539 216.535 220.694 203.043 192.541 205.185 213.281 191.569 171.488 191.389 192.110 171.801 201.073 162.044 156.752
570715000000016585 17-12-1987 16-07-2002 99 19 30,5 Windmatic 30 S 99 kW 779 Skive LAND Kisum by, Estvad 4i 497207 6265224 Stamdata 50104 0 169.520 177.725 181.139 166.651 164.390 167.510 166.638 145.588 126.765 145.550 173.435 157.159 175.099 123.864 -304
570715000000016592 03-03-1988 28-05-2015 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  779 Skive LAND V.Dølby 11h 498186,19 6274259,38 GST, 18-02-2013 2050105 355.989 497.625 507.183 466.619 438.708 470.996 496.186 431.336 388.276 447.733 454.957 392.515 457.518 373.561 412.338 375.558 423.117 412.974 368.735 468.321 414.137 378.708 373.825 419.446 378.885 359.508 352.329 106.740
570715000000016639 05-07-1988 31-07-2002 99 20,5 24,5 Nordtank NTK 99 F 779 Skive LAND Sæby by, Sæby 6a 495786 6293280 Stamdata 50110 106.059 266.861 271.987 250.234 247.411 259.261 265.596 239.388 202.661 238.531 247.422 208.078 224.950 178.713 119.354
570715000000016646 05-07-1988 31-07-2002 99 20,5 24,5 Nordtank NTK 99 F 779 Skive LAND Sæby by, Sæby 6a 495705 6293324 Stamdata 50111 110.317 277.575 282.907 260.280 253.293 269.782 271.105 251.217 206.573 244.349 257.080 217.723 248.654 218.173 104.386
570715000000016653 29-09-1988 31-07-2002 55 16 24,5 Nordtank NTK 55/10 779 Skive LAND Sæby by, Sæby 6a 495875 6293239 Stamdata 50112 33.637 141.058 143.768 132.269 129.636 136.976 141.118 128.711 108.613 127.126 124.715 112.697 117.380 106.808 58.222
570715000000016677 09-11-1988 16-12-2002 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  779 Skive LAND hvd. Håsum 1a 492179 6270646 Stamdata 50114 36.196 455.370 464.117 426.997 402.994 435.694 437.057 405.816 363.953 405.958 407.108 365.439 412.581 343.448 351.685
570715000000016691 22-12-1988 17-04-2002 80 16 22,5 Tellus TE 55  779 Skive LAND Nissum by, Åsted 8d 498730 6289972 Stamdata 50116 0 230.581 235.009 216.214 214.178 223.659 232.290 212.367 173.882 202.810 201.801 178.909 204.157 184.117 77.012
570715000000016738 09-02-1989 16-07-2002 55 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 55-Vestas 779 Skive LAND Vile by, Vile 12i 490913 6287367 Stamdata 50120 84.568 103.431 95.159 96.495 103.209 105.123 94.045 74.043 90.521 93.035 68.540 88.123 68.376 44.245
570715000000016745 10-02-1989 25-10-2016 175 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  779 Skive LAND Rybjerg 4a 502437,18 6285518,88 GST, 18-02-2013 2050121 412.468 504.468 464.121 440.060 476.260 480.780 456.290 377.560 437.980 441.130 400.115 444.535 374.589 389.805 356.552 395.773 383.757 349.719 442.209 404.860 367.784 356.653 421.870 396.588 366.226 359.582 459.370 222.546
570715000000016752 03-03-1989 23-05-2005 150 24,6 32,7 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 779 Skive LAND Yttrup by, Rybjerg 9a 500319,55 6286484,764 Stamdata 2050122 289.852 393.892 362.389 345.777 368.189 384.217 345.530 306.761 345.225 340.901 291.011 362.217 299.399 309.679 282.760 316.307 144.875
570715000000016769 08-03-1989 17-07-2016 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  779 Skive LAND Kås hvg, Lihme 1z 482059,32 6272578,84 GST, 18-02-2013 2050123 420.399 571.298 525.607 516.591 502.721 543.451 500.189 439.345 489.500 520.301 466.393 496.247 402.243 408.798 376.340 430.732 465.106 451.582 560.331 439.144 452.034 426.423 372.135 438.269 421.276 456.992 487.926 172.392
570715000000016776 11-04-1989 10-12-2003 150 23 30 BONUS 150/30 kW 779 Skive LAND Krejbjerg 4z,36f 490338 6280548 Stamdata 50124 244.472 373.752 343.860 343.157 355.279 366.262 317.113 276.864 308.239 337.546 287.295 343.494 286.161 299.769 208.192
570715000000016783 09-06-1989 07-07-2015 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  779 Skive LAND Hindborg by 6r 497099,64 6274685,84 GST, 18-02-2013 2050125 243.868 497.104 457.346 419.246 462.747 482.089 441.305 386.863 431.999 444.927 395.928 429.891 377.642 399.858 364.053 405.810 407.383 321.399 436.742 395.078 332.399 366.000 425.772 413.398 388.467 341.235 168.806
570715000000016790 09-06-1989 11-05-2015 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  779 Skive LAND Hindborg by 6r 497021,01 6274710,95 GST, 18-02-2013 2050126 236.742 482.580 443.983 409.156 450.277 474.840 424.558 387.594 410.009 419.613 379.931 425.676 345.095 392.505 353.779 365.297 332.084 336.305 376.647 351.270 275.684 329.372 363.788 376.776 207.158 119.467 88.549
570715000000016806 01-12-1989 28-02-2017 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  779 Skive LAND Krejbjerg 51c 491662,16 6279867,48 GST, 18-02-2013 2050127 0 585.296 538.484 477.639 547.575 566.800 517.104 454.837 510.927 524.232 479.931 505.950 454.936 467.954 435.729 469.248 478.950 429.639 514.573 476.124 433.498 379.487 459.818 461.515 381.021 448.505 511.441 407.367 77.369
570715000000016813 28-11-1989 19-06-2014 225 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  779 Skive LAND Intrup by, Lyby 3k 502233,9 6274851,25 GST, 18-02-2013 2050128 44.311 541.947 498.602 469.740 517.360 523.620 470.370 417.870 468.450 474.007 429.079 478.789 398.368 432.366 378.570 401.751 416.295 374.005 480.656 428.455 293.443 366.818 63.605 0 0 0
570715000000016844 18-09-1989 24-09-2002 130 20 30 Windmatic 130 kW 779 Skive LAND Otting by, Otting 9a,19a 494200 6278338 Stamdata 50131 72.779 296.706 272.976 249.589 274.306 297.739 263.467 226.307 260.862 250.926 240.880 261.935 201.273 170.764
570715000000016882 23-11-1989 05-08-2010 150 24,6 32,7 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 779 Skive LAND Harre by, Harre 11i 496273 6285151 Stamdata 2050136 34.684 424.205 390.277 371.006 387.694 402.717 360.231 337.676 356.262 376.191 345.612 386.404 322.756 340.229 303.949 352.438 355.220 305.638 377.757 338.981 305.456 147.249
570715000000016899 23-12-1989 05-08-2010 150 24,6 32,7 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 779 Skive LAND Harre by, Harre 6x 495968,697 6284913,85 Stamdata 2050137 0 452.614 416.415 402.707 428.542 441.585 387.690 361.719 370.602 396.208 355.671 404.304 269.714 344.832 319.169 353.551 339.900 285.229 354.561 354.369 333.450 176.665
570715000000016912 25-06-1990 04-11-2002 130 20 30 Windmatic VM 20 S 130  779 Skive LAND V. Dølby 4ae 498316 6274542 Stamdata 50139 131.110 241.247 236.947 259.667 263.682 219.085 204.023 232.204 227.360 193.086 222.242 179.735 166.629
570715000000016929 04-05-1990 06-05-2015 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  779 Skive LAND Lyby by, Lyby 1r 499277,45 6277307,54 GST, 18-02-2013 2050140 316.603 499.340 470.940 504.580 531.190 469.730 415.890 476.070 487.060 430.748 468.587 380.769 388.010 362.832 407.083 401.403 346.393 434.558 404.467 359.227 332.232 405.855 396.574 346.727 354.656 168.396
570715000000016936 06-06-1990 20-03-2015 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  779 Skive LAND Floutrup by, Selde 14b 504168 6294014,8 GST, 18-02-2013 2050141 332.961 612.662 582.590 619.240 629.450 591.390 511.230 570.290 586.240 542.463 584.494 515.271 525.332 483.896 542.444 540.920 444.752 554.106 420.484 472.543 458.070 492.539 528.888 483.553 520.348 21.219
570715000000016950 14-05-1990 21-11-2002 150 24,6 32,7 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 779 Skive LAND Selde By, Selde 13f 504326 6293485 Stamdata 50143 251.134 396.084 378.170 361.250 421.230 386.440 325.540 372.070 391.657 346.679 390.076 321.962 303.271
570715000000016967 14-05-1990 21-11-2002 150 24,6 32,7 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 779 Skive LAND Selde by Selde 13f 504460 6293415 Stamdata 50144 243.764 384.459 372.760 359.370 408.600 369.730 304.550 359.040 382.656 340.137 379.717 329.044 292.633
570715000000016974 14-05-1990 21-11-2002 150 24,6 32,7 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 779 Skive LAND Selde By, Selde 2f 504596 6293342 Stamdata 50145 249.892 394.124 381.560 373.670 414.480 377.570 292.160 368.240 399.831 356.389 397.769 342.411 308.424
570715000000016981 09-05-1990 04-07-2002 150 23,6 30,7 DWP D 175 L 30 779 Skive LAND Grønning 12a 504304 6279068 Stamdata 50146 190.380 300.263 310.820 335.170 253.270 288.340 242.310 286.090 293.433 258.459 288.201 236.709 145.709
570715000000016998 07-07-1990 07-11-2003 150 24,6 32,7 Nordtank NTK 150-Nordtank 779 Skive LAND Bajlum by, Hjerk 10b 496747,601 6282915,769 Stamdata 50147 174.688 385.719 377.640 381.140 408.340 353.840 324.920 365.350 375.640 324.436 376.433 299.675 332.775 233.344
570715000000017001 07-06-1990 12-08-2015 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  779 Skive LAND Vium by, Hjerk 14 497513,35 6280790,77 GST, 18-02-2013 2050148 276.402 508.592 486.220 519.940 531.870 480.160 428.960 482.170 488.670 427.554 488.464 411.212 432.084 390.845 441.639 436.418 377.026 496.880 422.608 402.617 388.292 368.792 416.526 387.721 423.993 289.533
570715000000017018 28-06-1990 30-11-2010 150 28 31 Wind World WW 2800-150  779 Skive LAND Rønbjerg 3e 494471,858 6266541,784 Stamdata 2050149 232.685 428.151 388.620 430.310 445.540 417.920 378.290 404.480 411.975 357.341 409.983 291.520 358.942 335.043 370.687 374.033 317.050 403.591 353.484 287.617 298.351
570715000000017025 14-05-1990 21-11-2002 150 24,6 32,7 Nordtank NTK 150-Nordtank 779 Skive LAND Selde by, Selde 4 504340 6292703 Stamdata 50150 234.746 370.236 360.700 379.640 405.850 366.110 311.680 350.940 357.057 296.481 326.875 314.567 236.401
570715000000017032 21-06-1990 02-10-2003 100 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 20-100  779 Skive LAND Grønning 7a 502775,64 6278923,129 Stamdata 50151 117.972 217.074 203.760 224.510 225.020 193.330 183.210 208.690 210.230 189.557 211.712 175.645 190.509 120.609
570715000000017087 16-10-1990 14-12-2015 150 23 30 BONUS 150/30 kW 779 Skive LAND Fur 77a 501060,96 6297659,79 GST, 18-02-2013 2050156 68.206 376.506 356.840 382.460 392.720 356.720 321.930 355.810 362.368 323.837 353.802 313.289 332.958 277.864 325.018 296.147 261.147 278.935 265.193 249.244 240.143 280.853 190.581 272.993 261.814 285.269
570715000000017124 11-01-1991 06-04-2016 150 24,6 32,7 Nordtank NTK 99 F 779 Skive LAND Kloster, Lund 11a,12a 514856,91 6272238,72 GST, 18-02-2013 2050160 247.368 270.219 274.180 278.148 264.544 223.533 264.915 260.543 211.793 251.687 205.490 228.888 203.128 223.059 234.156 195.841 270.271 233.038 209.065 201.214 246.010 228.750 213.017 228.679 273.619 62.793
570715000000017131 17-01-1991 23-10-2002 150 24,6 32,7 Nordtank NTK 99 F 779 Skive LAND Haldborg by, Hem 1a 498582 6269491 Stamdata 50161 334.631 353.630 367.800 383.430 338.940 309.960 333.180 366.520 299.225 359.766 297.964 241.177
570715000000017148 18-03-1991 10-11-2003 150 28 31 Wind World WW 2800-150  779 Skive LAND Glynge by, Nautrup 7h 493528 6289311 Stamdata 50162 301.809 381.730 411.800 417.950 388.130 338.190 377.450 387.450 347.834 376.910 309.767 343.768 247.690
570715000000017155 28-08-1991 04-11-2002 130 20 30 Windmatic VM 20 SX 130  779 Skive LAND Øksenvad by, Dølby 3b 500960 6274312 Stamdata 50163 72.711 208.130 225.470 232.990 204.480 181.430 211.040 209.420 183.448 202.911 167.882 155.758
570715000000017216 08-10-1991 05-08-2010 150 24,6 32,7 Nordtank NTK 150-Nordtank 779 Skive LAND Ørslevkloster 1ae 514787,56 6272022,26 GST, 18-02-2013 2050169 44.917 265.860 234.550 287.470 259.680 223.900 261.200 259.870 235.549 266.075 210.697 226.039 206.959 230.291 235.250 192.280 236.475 233.808 208.637 112.497
570715000000017223 05-12-1991 20-08-2002 150 24,6 32,7 Nordtank NTK 150-Nordtank 779 Skive LAND Durup by, Durup 9a 498436 6289114 Stamdata 50170 0 366.600 386.320 400.850 355.300 324.070 364.020 371.192 332.035 362.487 300.319 216.448
570715000000017230 05-12-1991 19-09-2003 150 24,6 32,7 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 779 Skive LAND Yttrup by, Rybjerg 6e 500483 6286502 Stamdata 50171 0 337.660 351.670 363.550 331.830 294.230 329.180 332.800 305.232 340.949 283.880 295.111 173.547
570715000000017247 05-12-1991 07-10-2011 150 27 30,5 Nordex N 27/150 779 Skive LAND Nissum by, Åsted 2o 497310 6292125 Stamdata 2050172 0 437.220 549.460 485.560 450.810 394.490 441.930 447.853 407.723 450.752 385.786 403.725 360.193 404.607 387.011 354.234 419.623 392.565 366.247 348.051 288.506
570715000000017254 21-01-1992 14-12-2016 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  779 Skive LAND Ilbjerg by, Roslev 5c 500583,23 6285233,48 GST, 18-02-2013 2050173 452.500 540.370 551.210 496.950 443.310 494.740 504.288 462.472 512.096 419.141 461.272 411.445 449.037 451.230 405.514 485.453 451.388 415.327 397.625 474.738 452.456 417.987 453.504 468.288 314.456
570715000000017285 15-01-1992 29-03-2017 150 24,6 32,7 Nordtank NTK 150-Nordtank 779 Skive LAND Nautrup 2a 494972,92 6288234,7 GST, 18-02-2013 2050176 308.640 341.830 376.270 340.090 307.630 336.570 347.180 312.620 348.153 295.175 307.295 272.187 297.072 305.724 255.866 342.062 308.459 278.706 264.447 223.480 277.817 292.662 320.252 362.742 282.462 53.701
570715000000017292 29-01-1992 24-09-2015 150 24,6 32,7 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 779 Skive LAND Nautrup 10g 495911,55 6287949,14 GST, 18-02-2013 2050178 325.330 376.120 402.000 358.650 325.120 353.550 362.810 330.427 373.794 311.549 331.406 293.618 317.204 312.121 289.341 324.876 317.965 302.692 286.539 338.937 282.625 300.361 334.381 240.876
570715000000017308 19-02-1992 22-10-2002 150 24,6 32,7 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 779 Skive LAND Bysted by, Nautrup 6a 495597 6289746 Stamdata 50179 278.450 364.830 371.970 340.360 298.030 332.740 343.880 307.759 357.393 280.153 253.633
570715000000017322 03-03-1992 22-10-2002 150 24,6 32,7 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 779 Skive LAND Tøndering 12a 498265 6287572 Stamdata 50181 269.740 376.920 386.020 339.970 301.440 346.410 356.888 319.338 352.628 296.513 250.583
570715000000017339 03-03-1992 05-11-2002 150 24,6 32,7 Nordtank NTK 150-Nordtank 779 Skive LAND Tøndering 14a 498093 6287381 Stamdata 50182 253.810 356.400 367.920 331.280 283.340 328.420 339.799 310.322 341.962 281.050 256.093
570715000000017346 03-03-1992 05-11-2002 150 24,6 32,7 Nordtank NTK 150-Nordtank 779 Skive LAND Tøndering 14a 498185 6287233 Stamdata 50183 263.920 368.500 375.930 337.860 295.420 340.700 347.592 317.859 344.683 289.464 264.131
570715000000017353 24-03-1992 14-11-2016 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  779 Skive LAND Torum 9 503062,74 6288137,97 GST, 18-02-2013 2050184 363.980 558.820 573.250 526.430 450.790 510.590 523.930 471.205 524.528 447.493 475.784 423.386 465.966 437.500 414.186 521.447 459.289 417.802 404.029 475.714 462.657 435.391 452.024 523.400 333.617
570715000000017360 30-03-1992 14-11-2016 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  779 Skive LAND Torum 7d 502836,24 6287775,37 GST, 18-02-2013 2050185 345.230 533.520 562.730 510.590 446.770 504.600 509.850 459.362 507.108 431.858 457.196 409.432 368.323 440.713 387.780 509.025 404.927 408.976 393.331 464.012 443.748 410.854 435.826 515.080 315.919
570715000000017377 11-03-1992 05-11-2002 150 24,6 32,7 Nordtank NTK 150-Nordtank 779 Skive LAND Bysted by, Nautrup 2m 495858 6289565 Stamdata 50186 264.730 384.360 392.320 349.830 314.760 341.970 367.030 340.541 378.450 317.255 273.179
570715000000017384 11-03-1992 05-11-2002 150 24,6 32,7 Nordtank NTK 150-Nordtank 779 Skive LAND Bysted by, Nautrup 2a 495877 6289663 Stamdata 50187 256.960 384.860 391.750 353.170 312.910 352.920 363.864 323.269 369.412 293.942 287.892
570715000000017391 07-04-1992 21-04-2015 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  779 Skive LAND Kirkeby by, Rybjerg 17a 501247,03 6286690,35 GST, 18-02-2013 2050188 343.460 550.340 569.090 525.420 465.160 518.470 522.578 472.471 523.308 447.523 476.144 425.692 475.707 466.651 417.014 530.075 457.231 435.921 416.444 491.665 470.096 420.950 442.881 171.219
570715000000017407 31-03-1992 07-08-2015 150 28 31 Wind World WW 2800-150  779 Skive LAND Vium by, Hjerk 1a 498031,93 6280361,86 GST, 18-02-2013 2050189 263.710 434.150 451.350 404.940 362.700 405.000 412.837 369.838 406.683 317.942 356.086 324.790 363.819 346.569 289.356 372.764 323.678 292.029 282.487 290.970 267.257 306.716 333.827 145.071
570715000000017421 30-04-1992 05-08-2010 150 28 31 Wind World W 2800-150  779 Skive LAND Resen, Skive Jorder 4a 502263,64 6273399,63 GST, 18-02-2013 2050191 223.420 421.930 365.570 381.080 339.860 387.130 396.863 346.712 385.265 331.037 361.510 311.058 333.764 346.693 232.807 287.404 308.119 213.911 178.334
570715000000017438 30-04-1992 21-11-2011 150 28 31 Wind World WW 2800-150  779 Skive LAND Resen, Skive Jorder 4a 502304 6273476 Stamdata 2050192 220.870 426.140 427.920 386.750 347.810 385.220 399.010 347.173 385.231 338.215 344.449 311.414 341.694 286.668 274.647 58.429 52.008 0 0 0
570715000000017445 29-04-1992 05-08-2010 150 24,6 32,7 Nordtank NTK 150-Nordtank 779 Skive LAND Sdr.Thise by, Thise 7a 509161,08 6285338,45 GST, 18-02-2013 2050193 183.460 352.600 361.090 335.320 287.860 330.640 341.454 301.524 326.382 297.225 305.596 278.196 313.758 281.318 262.253 343.727 298.745 272.809 147.967
570715000000017469 19-05-1992 07-11-2003 150 24,6 32,7 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 779 Skive LAND Bajlum by, Hjerk 10b 496599,462 6282973,792 Stamdata 50195 190.878 393.499 403.216 361.071 324.108 366.272 375.789 331.672 375.692 304.951 330.769 230.142
570715000000017476 17-06-1992 21-04-2015 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  779 Skive LAND Harre by, Harre 5q 495925,63 6284918,14 GST, 18-02-2013 2050196 256.020 564.280 577.140 516.330 471.450 527.380 545.150 500.430 557.379 470.545 499.762 439.355 489.926 488.267 436.396 524.246 484.743 453.123 436.302 505.465 483.514 447.196 491.867 174.695
570715000000017490 22-06-1992 12-08-2015 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  779 Skive LAND Nr.Thise by, Thise 10a 507876,87 6286835,59 GST, 18-02-2013 2050199 227.289 531.872 537.386 497.441 434.317 482.014 503.142 449.520 486.618 419.185 447.035 389.284 440.309 440.198 377.033 475.758 410.644 368.818 374.670 394.628 391.777 362.477 383.995 223.752
570715000000017506 09-07-1992 05-08-2010 150 24,6 32,7 Nordtank NTK 150-Nordtank 779 Skive LAND Højslev 5f 507091 6268972 Stamdata 2050200 126.518 324.576 339.125 296.890 266.990 299.410 307.540 269.110 303.722 244.678 270.904 230.289 269.460 259.715 224.099 308.481 267.258 234.208 111.499
570715000000017551 01-10-1992 24-09-2015 150 24,6 32,7 Nordtank Ukendt-Nordtank 779 Skive LAND Vile by, Vile 2b 492091,83 6287018,34 GST, 18-02-2013 2050206 79.550 338.420 351.900 310.530 277.130 308.720 315.870 275.167 316.893 256.843 275.094 228.692 270.839 247.109 208.943 314.397 184.779 237.669 230.501 264.399 230.442 236.719 206.518 164.720
570715000000017568 01-10-1992 07-11-2003 150 24,6 32,7 Nordtank NTK 150-Nordtank 779 Skive LAND Vile by, Vile 8al 491909 6287064 Stamdata 50207 76.060 321.280 337.140 294.010 266.000 293.830 304.140 262.183 298.775 239.951 262.856 174.355
570715000000017575 15-10-1992 21-11-2003 150 28 31 Wind World WW 2800-150  779 Skive LAND Vium by, Hjerk 1d 498589 6280889 Stamdata 50208 87.090 442.540 457.140 408.040 367.410 411.070 419.002 378.617 405.224 345.539 371.366 281.892
570715000000017599 14-12-1992 09-05-2008 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 225  779 Skive LAND Krejbjerg 39a 490294,28 6279349,24 GST, 18-02-2013 2050210 0 557.454 592.961 530.775 469.613 524.302 539.386 476.800 540.680 437.861 466.314 428.439 484.920 467.320 422.224 527.670 220.438
570715000000017605 18-12-1992 23-05-2011 150 28 31 Wind World WW 2800-150  779 Skive LAND hvd, Grinderslev 1c 501862,839 6282914,232 Stamdata 2050211 0 397.200 405.270 365.100 324.200 363.950 361.631 332.539 370.838 306.139 321.427 294.300 328.362 325.548 278.418 360.831 282.000 261.500 266.142 99.849
570715000000017612 16-12-1992 29-05-2007 150 24,6 32,5 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 779 Skive LAND Risum by, Åsted 7a 500627,553 6293269,881 Stamdata 2050212 0 418.414 440.708 407.939 346.337 399.720 410.324 373.774 407.705 356.772 364.432 331.285 376.575 370.393 333.696 196.306
570715000000017629 16-12-1992 10-08-2010 150 24,6 32,5 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 779 Skive LAND Risum by, Åsted 7a 500636,543 6293420,037 Stamdata 2050213 0 415.903 429.196 399.951 342.114 386.823 400.360 358.341 396.242 359.088 356.068 328.121 364.626 366.945 325.065 416.902 368.653 347.014 186.531
570715000000017636 23-12-1992 03-07-2000 225 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 779 Skive LAND Ukendt 0 480030 6260528 Stamdata 50215 0 0
570715000000017643 08-02-1993 06-05-2015 300 31 32 Nordtank NTK 300/31-Nordtank 779 Skive LAND Oddense 12c 494198,11 6279880,96 GST, 18-02-2013 2050216 595.280 792.940 710.310 606.500 706.830 717.544 649.593 733.062 583.373 621.893 559.597 658.806 612.789 491.622 668.500 269.269 512.937 535.328 588.147 597.616 508.675 485.643 259.515
570715000000017650 02-03-1993 01-12-2016 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  779 Skive LAND Bostrup by, Lyby 1e 499022,47 6280234,39 GST, 18-02-2013 2050217 408.980 565.160 498.560 450.300 512.340 503.155 448.188 495.528 431.254 446.955 420.410 467.262 462.751 392.376 512.118 464.716 423.085 417.624 438.319 465.393 435.055 470.202 510.341 349.810
570715000000017667 01-04-1993 23-09-2015 150 24,6 32,7 Nordtank NTK 150-Nordtank 779 Skive LAND Oddense 1a 495243,07 6280789,87 GST, 18-02-2013 2050218 251.920 403.420 353.730 316.320 362.580 377.385 324.328 364.924 303.067 319.489 280.795 295.017 301.934 283.740 364.919 189.604 3.172 225.323 318.387 313.968 267.563 309.335 245.351
570715000000017674 01-07-1993 06-04-2016 150 24,6 32,7 Nordtank Ukendt-Nordtank 779 Skive LAND Floutrup by, Selde 13f 504511,95 6293137,59 GST, 18-02-2013 2050221 190.111 409.761 367.420 333.742 368.111 380.848 339.477 378.330 329.300 340.430 316.633 360.704 349.540 285.477 409.184 352.946 322.734 344.479 379.770 349.646 328.235 359.772 422.874 95.748
570715000000017797 21-12-1995 08-05-2017 600 44 50 BONUS 600   - MK ll 779 Skive LAND Krejbjerg 1a 493096,6 6281404,5 SDFE2018 2050242 0 1.083.684 1.248.165 1.300.654 1.182.897 1.349.990 1.073.257 1.096.741 1.013.269 1.157.904 1.139.465 1.009.071 1.254.729 1.142.932 984.660 939.039 1.118.426 1.125.135 1.028.492 958.689 1.238.738 958.618 362.295
570715000000017872 26-09-1996 08-05-2017 600 44 40 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 42-600  779 Skive LAND Nr. Andrup By, Krejbjerg 4a 493228,11 6281376,18 SDFE2018 2050252 304.940 1.275.210 1.281.957 1.174.076 1.313.282 1.034.492 1.081.662 1.002.434 1.107.483 1.128.196 981.175 1.235.295 1.121.494 1.016.408 916.701 1.150.164 1.101.282 1.030.672 1.015.405 1.244.721 955.589 429.023
570715000000017889 26-09-1996 07-04-2017 600 42 38,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  779 Skive LAND Nr. Andrup By, Krejbjerg 4a 493489,82 6281319,75 GST, 18-02-2013 2050253 301.800 1.289.240 1.349.575 1.193.850 1.350.545 1.073.653 1.151.603 1.040.742 1.102.765 1.137.463 964.051 1.230.682 1.016.918 1.020.475 962.218 1.199.944 1.117.516 963.673 1.044.493 1.175.499 859.389 320.881
570715000000017933 14-01-1997 14-06-2013 600 43 47,5 Nordex N 43/600 779 Skive LAND Lindum by, Selde 5a 500315,89 6291244,35 GST, 18-02-2013 2050258 0 1.467.130 1.623.590 1.464.421 1.589.606 1.429.004 1.497.004 1.312.450 1.450.084 1.289.346 1.262.882 1.593.221 1.260.339 1.317.508 1.260.506 1.488.009 1.315.890 0
570715000000017971 20-01-1997 14-06-2013 600 43 47,5 Nordex N 43/600 779 Skive LAND Lindum By, Åsted 5a 500636,02 6291260,82 GST, 18-02-2013 2050262 0 1.441.270 1.540.170 1.452.362 1.613.205 1.281.191 1.336.353 1.139.637 1.419.535 1.396.719 1.235.349 1.516.234 992.788 1.260.982 1.245.635 1.385.998 1.178.419 0
570715000000017988 23-12-1996 14-06-2013 600 43 47,5 Nordex N 43/600 779 Skive LAND Åsted By, Åsted 8a 500310,36 6291421,96 GST, 18-02-2013 2050263 0 1.417.690 1.534.330 1.387.452 1.499.628 1.253.642 1.402.151 1.273.478 1.304.630 1.396.388 1.194.226 1.541.604 851.365 1.215.791 1.213.308 1.363.902 1.224.990 0
570715000000017995 21-01-1997 14-06-2013 600 43 47,5 Nordex N 43/600 779 Skive LAND Junget Præstegård 1i 500627,48 6291439,98 GST, 18-02-2013 2050264 0 1.452.530 1.547.150 1.439.016 1.533.689 1.370.830 1.435.399 1.254.928 1.344.554 1.400.849 1.214.302 1.553.453 1.396.684 1.293.230 1.306.088 1.445.062 1.255.875 0
570715000000018527 13-05-1996 08-05-2017 600 42 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  779 Skive LAND Krejbjerg 4a 493357,49 6281348,23 SDFE2018 2050322 737.360 1.444.080 1.494.031 1.322.069 1.350.740 1.087.786 1.149.756 1.049.767 1.130.280 1.167.513 1.023.038 1.327.644 1.162.102 1.069.541 993.866 1.208.945 1.176.306 1.057.539 1.086.131 1.269.805 1.003.395 354.361
570715000000055751 19-04-1982 15-03-2000 55 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 779 Skive LAND Ukendt 0 480030 6260528 Stamdata
570715000000004971 28-10-1985 25-10-2002 18 11 24 Bosted KE 18/4 EH-Bosted 787 Thisted LAND Næstrup By, Sjørring 9n 477134 6309774 Stamdata 4104000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33.692 45.486 40.769 34.404 31.915 23.309 42.870 41.124 23.682 20.808 32.846
570715000000004988 28-09-1984 20-11-2002 55 15 22,8 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 15 787 Thisted LAND Kjelstrup By, Hillerslev 4c 483861 6314556 Stamdata 690051 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 80.718 86.602 81.717 69.091 51.934 76.303 95.533 68.428 81.869 49.215 58.792
570715000000004995 08-06-1978 31-08-2001 11 7,7 12 Ukendt 11-Ukendt 787 Thisted LAND Øsløs By og Sogn 16b 500171 6321523 Stamdata 7302100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6.347 5.888 6.187 5.839 5.261 4.395 2.731 2.287 2.500 0 0
570715000000005008 15-12-1986 25-09-2002 55 16 22 NEG Micon NM 55/11 787 Thisted LAND Amtoft, Arup 4v 496592 6318508 Stamdata 7608700 0 0 0 0 0 0 114.638 109.096 126.103 113.588 92.534 112.398 116.962 109.441 123.067 96.002 72.218
570715000000005015 30-04-1982 31-08-2001 22 0,1 0,1 Windmatic WM 12/5 22 787 Thisted LAND Hunstrup By, Hunstrup 8y 488398 6322988 Stamdata 10302201 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
570715000000005022 28-09-1984 31-08-2005 55 15 22,8 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 15 787 Thisted LAND Brund By, Hillerslev Sogn 1b 483383 6314764 Stamdata 326700101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 59.160 58.380 61.360 53.310 40.290 53.100 50.400 33.230 41.700 30.174 36.754 32.825 38.483 19.939
570715000000005039 26-11-1982 22-10-2002 55 15 22 Nordtank NTK 55/11 787 Thisted LAND Næstrup 9a 476516 6309809 Stamdata 31100101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 86.000 96.700 99.325 84.434 69.341 79.581 81.066 75.759 91.380 62.028 60.554
570715000000005053 03-11-1995 19-04-2002 7,5 7 12 THY møllen Aps 7,5   38,5 m2 787 Thisted LAND Lund By, Lild 71a 500096 6330862 Stamdata 16201600 241 4.986 6.160 6.160 3.460 2.327 3.633 110
570715000000005060 07-09-1992 14-09-2017 525 36 38,8 DANmark DK 36/500   787 Thisted LAND Hansted By, Hansted 39de 476992,43 6331396,09 SDFE2018 3376001 344.899 1.427.480 1.477.408 1.603.390 1.265.720 1.304.108 1.359.992 1.196.940 1.280.306 1.205.579 1.318.223 1.105.076 1.259.431 1.275.411 1.175.577 1.546.653 1.251.667 1.197.290 1.311.118 1.249.593 1.274.479 1.213.302 1.277.467 1.285.750 1.386.526 1.020.243
570715000000005077 11-06-1987 21-10-2002 99 20,5 24,5 Nordtank NTK 99 F 787 Thisted LAND Højstrup By, Tømmerby 5b 500915 6323696 Stamdata 3102900 120.234 202.916 276.997 294.857 268.072 259.989 285.172 286.494 246.535 197.704 235.433 249.860 226.404 253.245 205.176 147.261
570715000000005084 27-01-1987 25-10-2002 99 20,5 24 Nordtank NTK 99 F 787 Thisted LAND Nors By, Nors 9a 480052 6320574 Stamdata 3909900 261.295 298.193 312.007 307.263 297.631 292.807 304.621 309.913 284.102 251.402 268.375 295.713 237.899 268.854 238.022 201.315
570715000000005091 16-05-1988 21-10-2002 150 24 24 BONUS 150 787 Thisted LAND Tingstrup, Thisted Landsogn 4c 478469 6313271 Stamdata 5203600 241.483 414.927 421.562 387.110 385.269 403.901 409.394 362.399 315.902 364.125 370.064 329.721 377.245 328.091 249.268
570715000000005107 16-05-1988 21-10-2002 150 24 24 BONUS 150 787 Thisted LAND Tingstrup, Thisted Landsogn 4c 478496 6313346 Stamdata 5203700 231.392 376.333 389.207 361.045 350.753 380.683 385.432 349.707 302.510 342.364 360.926 320.492 341.254 307.355 216.742
570715000000005114 01-10-1986 21-10-2002 95 20 24 BONUS 95-BONUS 787 Thisted LAND Øsløs By, Øsløs 26k 500172 6321546 Stamdata 7302000 0 238.066 243.500 249.300 241.100 219.200 264.000 252.100 257.100 234.200 199.000 225.100 244.917 201.620 239.401 189.460 151.606
570715000000005121 01-07-1986 21-10-2002 75 17 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17 787 Thisted LAND Vesløs By, Vesløs 6a 497663 6320644 Stamdata 7403100 0 130.563 138.070 144.510 151.802 137.517 133.957 142.103 146.940 134.959 111.402 131.360 134.887 122.227 140.619 112.577 97.659
570715000000005138 01-10-1986 21-10-2002 75 17 22,5 Windmatic W17 17S 787 Thisted LAND Oddershedegård, Hillerslev 3d 485158 6318432 Stamdata 7801800 0 193.775 201.360 191.028 207.706 187.822 188.861 193.962 199.050 180.969 152.266 177.580 183.300 157.780 184.968 150.435 125.306
570715000000005145 01-10-1986 21-10-2002 75 17 22,5 Windmatic W17 17S 787 Thisted LAND Oddershedegård, Hillerslev 3d 485129 6318332 Stamdata 7801900 0 201.972 205.679 213.300 220.545 202.404 200.546 211.621 219.674 191.462 166.647 184.466 177.380 160.890 184.620 160.235 137.367
570715000000005152 20-03-1985 30-10-2002 55 33 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 15 787 Thisted LAND Kjelstrup By, Hillerslev 2h 484413 6314748 Stamdata 7901800 0 0 126.874 124.263 125.437 128.782 130.195 113.009 130.046 134.483 116.516 102.349 120.793 122.765 104.365 119.775 102.500 87.993
570715000000005169 02-06-1986 27-06-2007 75 17 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17 787 Thisted LAND Nors By, Nors 15b 479953 6319190 Stamdata 3107025 0 168.821 178.881 189.840 193.780 173.860 171.400 177.700 178.700 170.100 134.200 163.940 164.520 144.940 162.557 135.053 129.055 122.152 137.614 21.440 0 0
570715000000005176 02-06-1986 29-10-2002 75 17 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 18 787 Thisted LAND Nors 15b 480055 6319263 Stamdata 10702600 0 176.617 186.446 188.245 205.908 187.517 186.950 181.750 179.200 181.000 134.855 181.005 182.090 164.300 184.736 152.869 120.075
570715000000005183 23-06-1987 21-10-2002 99 20,5 24 Nordtank NTK 99 F 787 Thisted LAND Kjelstrup By, Hillerslev 14a 484638 6316857 Stamdata 10803100 68.604 0 118.255 272.335 260.897 254.128 267.368 277.807 247.538 212.054 241.488 232.570 213.430 244.963 207.792 169.307
570715000000005190 25-06-1986 21-10-2002 65 16 22 Nordtank NTK 65/11 787 Thisted LAND Kløv By 35a,45a 489017 6319811 Stamdata 12901600 0 143.420 148.356 152.558 158.910 144.163 138.577 149.101 152.530 136.861 119.958 135.718 133.981 117.314 136.134 110.444 74.504
570715000000005206 25-06-1986 21-10-2002 65 16 22 Nordtank NTK 65/11 787 Thisted LAND Kløv By 34e 489105 6319870 Stamdata 12901700 0 138.699 151.692 157.825 161.164 146.399 146.514 150.450 158.741 145.704 123.845 133.207 135.065 125.340 144.986 121.607 79.161
570715000000005213 21-02-1985 22-10-2002 55 14 22 Nordtank NTK 55/11 F 787 Thisted LAND Skinnerup By, Skinnerup 16a 478887 6314732 Stamdata 14000900 0 0 152.633 138.644 150.515 158.143 149.032 138.345 144.627 161.997 142.837 125.558 139.603 107.067 109.515 136.335 110.623 95.559
570715000000005220 29-09-1987 01-10-2002 99 19 22,5 Windmatic VM 19 S 787 Thisted LAND Hunstrup By 4a 487896 6322534 Stamdata 14403300 49.863 231.952 250.055 259.589 234.786 233.302 233.502 241.903 220.587 153.610 203.621 216.805 190.933 193.365 175.843 146.613
570715000000005237 12-11-1987 25-10-2002 90 18,8 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19 787 Thisted LAND Nors By, Nors 11x 479609 6320674 Stamdata 22200300 17.466 210.639 222.594 234.150 217.207 214.130 221.501 216.706 201.450 180.376 185.650 216.070 183.020 198.875 168.275 144.716
570715000000005244 18-04-1986 29-10-2002 75 17 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17 787 Thisted LAND Sennels By, Sennels 1v 487141 6313840 Stamdata 22401000 0 158.390 164.700 172.480 177.780 157.610 158.640 168.066 171.361 158.453 134.860 155.130 159.529 140.981 158.570 135.076 115.580
570715000000005251 15-11-1985 21-10-2002 75 17 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17 787 Thisted LAND Sdr. Arup By, Arup 17c 494288 6315906 Stamdata 26901800 0 0 202.891 205.956 215.153 224.252 210.244 204.227 220.750 226.909 202.940 184.866 202.659 209.326 178.594 211.598 182.096 113.274
570715000000005268 15-11-1985 21-10-2002 75 17 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17 787 Thisted LAND Sdr. Arup By, Arup 17c 494289 6315806 Stamdata 26901900 0 0 200.470 204.332 209.299 216.187 202.757 197.425 205.019 204.677 189.787 168.896 188.663 195.487 174.261 194.268 165.302 134.248
570715000000005275 19-08-1986 21-10-2002 75 16 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17 787 Thisted LAND Vorring By, Nors 3i 480881 6320862 Stamdata 28200100 0 169.734 173.006 181.638 181.952 171.107 165.606 180.595 183.021 163.815 145.395 163.049 168.356 145.697 165.451 142.591 112.986
570715000000005282 07-09-1988 28-08-2020 250 24 28 NEG Micon NM 250 787 Thisted LAND St. Hillerslev 15b 483251,18 6317164,72 SDFE2018 3298005 221.900 544.070 571.730 515.530 506.270 520.140 533.640 466.980 379.940 458.040 456.281 400.643 469.086 390.284 388.538 367.960 425.870 415.495 357.235 435.375 255.358 367.706 358.102 462.804 479.597 400.694 419.261 486.252 395.541 383.994 384.169 395.791 267.664
570715000000005299 11-04-1985 22-10-2002 55 15 20 Nordtank NTK 55/11 787 Thisted LAND Næstrup By Sjørring 9a 476575 6309884 Stamdata 31100201 0 0 99.210 117.160 121.840 130.000 110.000 114.000 122.600 125.200 104.281 102.347 114.244 114.036 95.936 108.744 81.150 62.248
570715000000005305 10-09-1985 24-06-2010 75 17 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17 787 Thisted LAND Skovsted By, Hillerslev 11e 486452 6317381 Stamdata 3324001 0 0 177.905 191.105 199.685 204.240 183.350 18.250 197.050 198.500 175.400 157.200 174.000 181.200 158.600 180.109 154.500 166.791 147.717 172.890 144.246 142.798 145.856 128.763 105.786 45.071
570715000000005312 12-11-1985 30-10-2002 75 17 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17 787 Thisted LAND Sennels By, Sennels 9a 487724 6315328 Stamdata 32800200 0 0 189.108 194.711 209.018 209.916 193.012 194.461 201.655 200.251 190.649 159.491 187.528 190.998 164.844 194.793 164.672 140.257
570715000000005329 15-02-1986 09-09-2003 75 17 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17 787 Thisted LAND Lund By, Lild 30a 499846 6329875 Stamdata 335001 0 195.469 195.238 204.867 205.986 195.497 189.101 201.103 197.965 188.272 163.747 177.011 192.793 159.218 179.487 156.582 152.072 98.356
570715000000005336 31-03-1987 09-09-2003 90 18,8 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19 787 Thisted LAND Lund By, Lild 30a 499961 6329774 Stamdata 335002 148.864 228.112 242.743 247.068 237.577 229.055 238.628 249.622 234.026 210.939 218.379 234.935 194.275 218.495 199.281 204.513 108.225
570715000000005350 13-05-1986 31-12-1999 83 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 787 Thisted LAND Nørtorp Ræhr 7i 451774 6280854 Stamdata 921024A 0 0
570715000000005367 13-05-1986 31-12-1999 83 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 787 Thisted LAND Nørtorp Ræhr 7i 451774 6280854 Stamdata 921024A 0 0
570715000000005374 13-05-1986 31-12-1999 83 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 787 Thisted LAND Nørtorp Ræhr 7i 451774 6280854 Stamdata 921024A 0 0
570715000000005381 13-05-1986 31-12-1999 83 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 787 Thisted LAND Nørtorp Ræhr 7i 451774 6280854 Stamdata 921024A 0 0
570715000000005398 13-05-1986 31-12-1999 83 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 787 Thisted LAND Nørtorp Ræhr 7i 451774 6280854 Stamdata 921024A 0 0
570715000000005411 01-09-1998 31-12-1999 100 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 787 Thisted LAND Nørtorp Ræhr 42a 451774 6280854 Stamdata 921024B 0 0
570715000000005428 01-09-1998 31-12-1999 100 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 787 Thisted LAND Nørtorp Ræhr 44d 451774 6280854 Stamdata 921024B 0 0
570715000000005435 01-09-1998 31-12-1999 100 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 787 Thisted LAND Nørtorp Ræhr 44f 451774 6280854 Stamdata 921024B 0 0
570715000000005442 01-09-1998 31-12-1999 100 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 787 Thisted LAND Nørtorp Ræhr 45b 451774 6280854 Stamdata 921024B 0 0
570715000000005459 01-09-1998 31-12-1999 100 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 787 Thisted LAND Nørtorp Ræhr 47b 451774 6280854 Stamdata 921024B 0 0
570715000000005466 18-03-1987 12-11-2002 99 20,5 24,5 Nordtank NTK 99 F 787 Thisted LAND Tingstrup By, Thisted Sogn 3a 480032 6314202 Stamdata 34400100 132.145 278.447 287.520 303.303 278.611 270.147 280.886 292.330 258.958 228.641 257.012 267.607 211.038 244.028 204.196 162.446
570715000000005473 18-03-1987 12-11-2002 99 20,5 24,5 Nordtank NTK 99 F 787 Thisted LAND Tingstrup By, Thisted Sogn 3a 480060 6314142 Stamdata 34400200 206.675 146.438 275.919 285.582 264.024 256.544 274.368 279.431 247.771 225.444 250.001 259.657 220.346 254.351 221.589 201.077
570715000000005480 14-04-1987 22-10-2002 99 20,5 24 Nordtank NTK 99 F 787 Thisted LAND Nors By, Nors 10n 479636 6319343 Stamdata 34500100 195.490 165.189 311.370 299.706 265.671 286.072 293.575 301.430 275.966 225.079 264.210 280.757 238.060 269.217 237.917 184.238
570715000000005497 14-04-1987 22-10-2002 99 20,5 24 Nordtank NTK 99 F 787 Thisted LAND Nors By, Nors 10n 479622 6319245 Stamdata 34500200 194.120 169.951 316.211 301.739 269.452 288.695 293.057 304.799 275.795 233.702 267.213 282.748 242.726 278.766 234.431 176.314
570715000000005503 11-07-1988 29-10-2002 99 20,5 24 Nordtank NTK 99 F 787 Thisted LAND Malle By, Sennels 2p 486573 6312964 Stamdata 35300100 146.539 302.400 310.900 289.600 287.400 302.700 314.000 281.400 247.400 260.600 283.400 257.137 303.610 253.938 217.753
570715000000005510 11-07-1988 29-10-2002 99 20,5 24 Nordtank NTK 99 F 787 Thisted LAND Malle By, Sennels 2p 486569 6313062 Stamdata 35300200 156.938 301.800 310.600 286.600 268.700 306.500 316.600 273.500 240.500 269.200 265.700 247.297 282.513 256.853 220.842
570715000000005589 21-05-1991 10-06-2015 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  787 Thisted LAND Ullerup Hgd., Sennels Sogn 1m 485484,74 6315903,32 GST, 18-02-2013 3368001 325.039 584.874 608.682 622.324 573.231 472.023 551.264 579.856 501.743 584.919 509.260 513.131 460.250 538.384 524.302 468.194 553.493 491.622 477.136 494.045 554.755 573.693 467.231 535.701 256.980
570715000000005596 21-05-1991 10-06-2015 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  787 Thisted LAND Ullerup Hgd., Sennels Sogn 1m 485520,66 6315996,4 GST, 18-02-2013 3368002 314.491 576.954 602.185 623.284 551.880 490.976 555.027 570.499 489.020 570.763 488.603 500.430 433.790 515.940 515.269 375.308 514.082 502.917 368.702 355.649 472.014 567.416 489.322 479.800 246.021
570715000000005602 21-05-1991 12-06-2015 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  787 Thisted LAND Ullerup Hgd., Sennels Sogn 1m 485555,14 6316090,46 GST, 18-02-2013 3368003 322.881 579.531 601.508 615.589 551.958 480.678 544.114 559.287 499.557 568.381 489.575 505.034 440.327 522.387 513.003 454.820 558.421 498.273 476.948 470.161 533.598 527.856 453.876 500.501 214.364
570715000000005671 17-12-1993 28-06-2017 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  787 Thisted LAND Kjelstrup By, Hillerslev 8i 484211,5 6315707,63 SDFE2018 3383002 15.163 584.685 538.649 467.732 524.561 543.392 466.684 531.295 455.271 476.475 425.734 480.877 499.660 400.583 560.702 474.113 457.070 441.826 508.615 522.928 467.660 488.186 573.656 458.299 233.880
570715000000005688 17-12-1993 17-03-2017 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  787 Thisted LAND Kjelstrup By, Hillerslev 3f 484338,22 6315647,86 SDFE2018 38300300 15.134 587.608 536.300 473.213 530.142 544.470 474.462 530.986 458.311 478.844 429.978 501.678 464.802 423.373 531.584 480.316 443.287 441.923 507.885 504.973 451.948 404.103 528.361 427.907 110.116
570715000000005794 22-03-1989 12-12-2017 75 17,5 22 Hanstholm Møllen HM 17 75   787 Thisted LAND Ræhr 5a 479187,38 6327721,51 SDFE2018 11410500 40.408 136.592 48.526 25.505 0 27.383 169.203 138.259 173.358 180.825 125.561 185.245 161.201 153.902 132.486 181.985 167.161 140.882 220.308 175.010 157.684 157.070 171.042 153.432 107.155 0 0 0 0
570715000000005800 04-05-1988 21-10-2002 150 22 31 Vindsyssel VS 150  787 Thisted LAND Nr. Skjoldborg By, Skjoldborg Sogn 21 476320 6308565 Stamdata 12602700 221.988 345.041 379.411 249.951 337.728 353.881 344.296 288.396 263.456 267.644 329.018 277.102 316.386 268.631 224.677
570715000000005817 21-02-1985 29-10-2002 75 17 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17 787 Thisted LAND Aas By, Skjoldborg 7a 477589 6307267 Stamdata 17000400 0 0 186.983 186.220 193.800 197.900 184.400 179.500 197.540 192.460 174.830 160.530 176.540 182.200 158.400 174.274 155.412 126.715
570715000000005824 21-02-1985 29-10-2002 75 17 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17 787 Thisted LAND Aas By, Skjoldborg 7a 477643 6307342 Stamdata 17000500 0 0 185.366 185.400 190.870 193.250 181.650 178.800 197.900 195.100 175.800 162.200 177.100 180.300 150.250 172.097 150.200 127.807
570715000000005831 17-08-1989 21-10-2002 100 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 20 787 Thisted LAND Skjoldborg 7a 476109 6306532 Stamdata 21901000 79.119 266.883 24.400 244.755 258.845 257.619 230.292 206.289 231.290 239.025 209.017 234.756 199.446 169.057
570715000000005848 14-06-1988 06-02-2020 100 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 20 787 Thisted LAND Kølbygård Hgd., Hunstrup Sogn 1i 489386,38 6321190,8 SDFE2018 22501500 131.945 251.000 259.000 233.000 238.000 250.000 255.000 227.000 200.000 225.000 233.899 206.162 230.296 201.224 205.467 180.320 218.903 197.164 185.733 247.484 216.636 202.451 198.326 231.885 218.079 177.632 217.535 249.696 191.569 223.948 187.750 46.997 0
570715000000005855 12-11-1985 30-10-2002 75 17 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17 787 Thisted LAND Hov By, Sennels 6c 487772 6315451 Stamdata 32800100 0 0 183.292 192.604 187.236 205.004 180.318 187.398 192.912 197.547 175.806 150.938 180.140 190.137 164.350 168.203 161.457 136.990
570715000000005862 16-11-1985 21-10-2002 75 17 23,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17 787 Thisted LAND Østerild By, Østerild 21a 490713 6319120 Stamdata 32900100 0 0 162.670 163.990 167.150 170.820 159.000 158.680 170.500 169.140 164.060 139.050 154.750 155.133 138.897 156.773 133.491 103.150
570715000000005879 28-11-1985 31-10-2002 75 24 22 Windmatic VM 17 S 787 Thisted LAND Sønder Arup By, Arup 2a 494740 6317097 Stamdata 33000102 0 0 221.939 232.155 230.095 220.639 211.360 204.268 216.361 231.539 207.282 184.738 207.487 214.140 190.819 220.141 189.336 157.786
570715000000005886 21-11-1985 21-10-2002 65 16 22 NEG Micon NTK 65-NEG Micon 787 Thisted LAND Klastrup By, Klastrup 6e 489273 6322366 Stamdata 33300200 0 0 128.808 137.653 146.144 148.303 138.065 132.363 140.360 142.724 131.846 112.403 129.894 130.666 113.339 132.022 113.039 89.227
570715000000005893 29-04-1991 14-01-2021 200 26 30 Wincon W 200/26 787 Thisted LAND Øsløs 81a 500466,56 6322436,49 SDFE2018 3367001 254.969 409.500 434.500 442.000 402.000 344.000 392.000 424.220 356.074 414.426 332.046 317.503 265.377 379.789 367.361 322.871 445.652 357.414 304.847 280.668 310.646 347.312 328.702 310.741 22.717 0 0 50.390 183.101 256.279 0 0
570715000000005923 29-09-1993 25-01-2017 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  787 Thisted LAND Lund og Bjerget Byer, Lild Sogn 29a 500043,04 6329922,49 SDFE2018 33500300 162.153 670.330 632.225 558.640 588.884 639.977 526.435 594.388 533.703 557.369 482.780 572.006 553.423 493.355 617.730 538.040 501.069 537.370 544.476 575.965 513.408 500.881 600.959 458.917 32.906
570715000000006043 05-12-1995 04-04-2017 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  787 Thisted LAND Skinnerup By, Skinnerup 17f 481078,07 6317473,11 SDFE2018 3398002 22.080 487.300 534.340 558.744 468.452 547.014 478.509 488.843 432.886 458.070 468.611 437.187 520.018 494.139 453.346 455.121 497.168 549.977 447.375 494.231 485.475 373.132 109.037
570715000000006067 14-12-1995 18-01-2021 550 41 40,9 Nordtank NTK 55 787 Thisted LAND Skovsted By, Hillerslev 1a 485958,14 6318306 SDFE2018 3399001 25.800 1.241.000 1.416.900 1.419.584 1.262.925 1.437.310 1.223.687 1.258.952 1.117.339 1.326.443 1.161.840 1.165.533 1.459.469 1.282.023 1.198.166 972.907 1.331.622 1.300.558 1.151.604 1.301.367 1.406.852 1.185.147 1.313.379 1.013.918 1.145.724 1.257.362 0 0
570715000000006074 19-08-1996 29-06-2020 225 29 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  787 Thisted LAND Nodentoftgårde 1a 476553,14 6309368,81 SDFE2018 40400100 178.590 603.780 627.777 543.381 609.976 524.378 552.358 486.455 559.112 541.129 489.791 602.694 494.916 495.140 444.412 557.962 568.123 495.764 417.935 592.327 415.016 510.271 393.065 465.469 283.741
570715000000006159 06-07-2000 05-02-2020 900 52 49 NEG Micon NM 52/900 LM 787 Thisted LAND Hjardemål By, Hjardemål 9g 489550,31 6324094,01 SDFE2018 80500500 813.137 1.652.143 1.750.610 1.540.115 1.851.429 1.803.492 1.645.897 2.082.741 1.870.591 1.578.859 1.628.132 1.903.780 1.938.368 1.794.933 1.901.067 2.295.241 1.754.274 2.046.732 1.727.533 1.729.274 259.765
570715000000006166 06-07-2000 08-10-2013 900 52 49 NEG Micon NM 52/900 LM 787 Thisted LAND Hjardemål By, Hjardemål 7a 489445,52 6324194,43 GST, 18-02-2013 80500600 823.086 1.737.467 1.799.053 1.611.646 1.955.367 1.633.604 1.145.784 2.194.939 1.803.088 1.619.042 1.571.529 1.951.019 2.054.708 967.254
570715000000006173 17-07-2000 05-02-2020 900 52 49 NEG Micon NM 52/900 IEC ll 787 Thisted LAND Rødbrogård, Tømmerby 1g 495406,04 6325398,46 SDFE2018 3806001 221.345 1.543.881 1.562.146 1.371.218 1.647.762 1.547.218 1.079.894 1.759.896 1.527.661 1.408.809 1.407.711 1.610.934 1.399.580 1.418.545 1.465.697 1.724.595 1.290.680 1.670.154 1.406.001 1.427.344 235.601
570715000000006180 17-07-2000 08-10-2013 900 52 49 NEG Micon NM 52/900 LM 787 Thisted LAND Rødbrogård, Tømmerby 1g 495358,12 6325260,18 GST, 18-02-2013 80600200 750.363 1.606.927 1.659.748 1.487.077 1.754.513 1.637.913 1.449.184 1.917.140 1.618.071 1.527.703 1.522.422 1.756.304 1.492.759 27
570715000000006197 17-07-2000 08-10-2013 900 52 49 NEG Micon NM 52/900 LM 787 Thisted LAND Rødbrogård, Tømmerby 1e 495264,04 6324983,48 GST, 18-02-2013 80600400 773.233 1.711.792 1.790.353 1.107.816 1.865.531 1.767.281 1.577.422 2.046.926 1.780.489 1.624.481 1.540.617 1.576.329 1.938.575 4.130
570715000000006210 01-03-1996 14-09-2017 525 37 41,5 Hanstholm Møllen HM 37 525   787 Thisted LAND Nordre Strandvej, Hanstholm Havn 39a 477324,05 6331243,28 SDFE2018 WHH 1.066.700 1.430.867 1.497.867 1.337.033 1.406.800 1.098.740 1.295.097 1.093.479 1.440.515 1.345.162 1.167.998 1.403.528 1.334.917 1.265.091 1.388.166 1.378.996 1.431.324 1.120.930 1.247.330 1.393.337 1.409.809 1.012.760
570715000000006227 01-03-1996 14-09-2017 525 37 41,5 Hanstholm Møllen HM 37 525   787 Thisted LAND Nordre Strandvej, Hanstholm Havn 39a 477169,77 6331369,31 SDFE2018 WHH 1.066.700 1.430.867 1.497.867 1.337.033 1.406.800 1.098.740 1.295.097 1.093.479 1.440.515 1.345.162 1.167.998 1.403.528 1.334.917 1.265.091 1.388.166 1.378.996 1.431.324 1.120.930 1.247.330 1.393.337 1.409.809 1.012.760
570715000000006234 01-03-1996 14-09-2017 525 37 41,5 Hanstholm Møllen HM 37 525   787 Thisted LAND Nordre Strandvej, Hanstholm Havn 39a 476794,38 6331371,94 SDFE2018 WHH 1.066.700 1.430.867 1.497.867 1.337.033 1.406.800 1.098.740 1.295.097 1.093.479 1.440.515 1.345.162 1.167.998 1.403.528 1.334.917 1.265.091 1.388.166 1.378.996 1.431.324 1.120.930 1.247.330 1.393.337 1.409.809 1.012.760
570715000000029585 15-06-1987 09-09-2002 99 21 23,5 Wincon QU 315S6 787 Thisted LAND Helligsø 12g 460113 6283488 Stamdata 23166 74.974 164.128 172.072 175.377 161.350 156.328 163.045 150.923 137.503 130.963 148.268 287.041 290.975 321.677 273.752 199.211
570715000000029592 15-06-1987 09-09-2002 99 21 23,5 Wincon QU 315S6 787 Thisted LAND Helligsø 12g 460178 6283453 Stamdata 23166 74.974 164.128 172.072 175.377 161.350 156.328 163.045 150.923 137.503 130.963 148.268 287.041 290.975 321.677 273.752 199.211
570715000000029608 15-05-1988 28-09-2007 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  787 Thisted LAND Helligsø 20e 459715 6284152 Stamdata 123168 425.036 763.898 778.570 716.301 662.960 695.410 737.180 691.670 547.510 673.100 729.170 656.472 711.228 615.963 636.125 560.544 583.904 665.752 628.390 567.458
570715000000029615 15-11-1985 24-10-2002 75 19 23 Windmatic VM 19 S 787 Thisted LAND Gettrup 3a 458779 6286302 Stamdata 23170 17.601 261.640 231.170 253.031 265.277 270.373 248.748 235.430 251.420 251.480 238.780 209.110 229.660 240.620 221.740 239.680 204.471 178.021
570715000000029622 15-04-1988 16-03-2005 90 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 20-90  787 Thisted LAND Gettrup 1i 459576 6287559 Stamdata 123173 202.071 317.777 323.880 297.977 278.320 299.950 303.890 292.910 248.750 276.310 288.590 261.250 287.290 244.980 219.757 230.705 262.907 58.774
570715000000029639 15-04-1988 17-01-2005 150 23 24,5 BONUS 150 kW 787 Thisted LAND Skårup gde. 4d 459331 6288656 Stamdata 123175 308.432 485.039 494.355 454.817 462.540 457.930 475.440 453.980 370.310 418.350 432.946 386.621 416.874 366.279 383.310 342.620 394.953 23.234
570715000000029646 15-05-1986 24-10-2002 95 19 24,5 BONUS 99-BONUS 787 Thisted LAND Vestervig 19b 461047 6289976 Stamdata 23177 173.668 263.045 287.920 301.855 307.653 283.047 268.070 289.990 292.140 276.170 228.570 266.230 270.490 246.700 273.670 218.670 193.420
570715000000029653 15-04-1985 08-10-2012 8 8,6 12,5 THY møllen Aps THY 11 787 Thisted LAND Flarup by 1r 462226,84 6287627,79 SDFE2018 123179 11.733 17.600 17.600 17.600 17.600 17.600 17.600 9.607 9.963 9.420 11.101 5.636 8.900 10.145 8.514 9.902 7.098 8.785 8.607 9.778 8.409 8.494 10.894 6.033 8.412 7.653 6.461 5.852
570715000000029660 15-03-1988 27-09-2007 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  787 Thisted LAND Sindrup by 1b 462164 6283786 Stamdata 123184 491.084 686.470 699.655 643.697 612.290 649.280 660.910 634.140 540.050 605.060 604.612 559.704 614.824 537.160 571.326 492.940 584.086 576.017 515.608 491.774
570715000000029721 15-05-1981 31-08-2005 22 10 18,5 Smedemester 22-Smedemester 787 Thisted LAND Ydby by 10a 464444,82 6283811,22 SDFE2018 123190 28.233 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 7.794 8.724 8.730 6.314 7.084 8.291 15.876 6.226 7.051 5.755 5 1.329 0 24 12.277 51 9.001 0 0 0 0 11.897 74 69 70
570715000000029738 15-05-1981 16-03-2005 55 15 18,5 BONUS 55 kW KJ VINGER 787 Thisted LAND Ydby by 10a 464446 6283704 Stamdata 123190 70.583 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 19.486 21.810 21.825 15.786 17.710 20.727 39.690 15.564 17.629 7.585 5 949 0 0 0 0 0
570715000000029745 15-02-1983 24-10-2002 55 20,5 26 Nordtank NTK 55 787 Thisted LAND Boddum 11a 469512 6282909 Stamdata 23194 100.833 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 88.240 102.800 113.350 96.580 73.030 72.730 66.780 45.830 58.240 48.190 50.970
570715000000029752 15-03-1987 25-10-2002 90 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  787 Thisted LAND Ettrup by 12a m.f 462974 6291574 Stamdata 23200 182.946 266.994 279.916 285.293 262.476 249.670 265.560 269.260 249.950 215.820 248.610 262.540 229.950 244.190 218.570 189.570
570715000000029769 15-08-1988 03-11-2011 100 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 20-100  787 Thisted LAND Ettrup by 11a 462797 6291793 Stamdata 123202 103.258 324.768 331.006 304.532 286.790 311.010 314.290 298.280 256.110 272.950 297.840 266.785 289.682 249.155 266.650 238.802 267.655 246.724 139.127 256.184 260.174 239.337 229.999 115.265
570715000000029783 15-10-1988 14-01-2005 100 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 20-100  787 Thisted LAND Vestervig 18a 456506 6292226 Stamdata 123212 49.181 309.370 315.312 290.094 274.370 284.870 294.400 283.690 234.140 264.906 283.221 268.018 282.491 239.772 251.441 166.504 243.101 25.527
570715000000029790 15-01-1986 24-10-2002 7,5 8,6 12,5 THY møllen Aps THY 11 787 Thisted LAND Vestervig 10ad 456402 6292640 Stamdata 23214 16.133 17.600 17.600 17.600 17.600 17.600 15.638 13.992 17.285 6.525 12.111 7.175 9.456 102 0 0 0
570715000000029806 15-10-1985 24-10-2002 75 17 18,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  787 Thisted LAND Vestervig 14a 455943 6292453 Stamdata 23216 29.926 222.419 196.517 215.100 225.511 229.842 211.460 201.880 205.720 215.000 203.410 174.810 192.780 209.370 187.500 210.540 170.810 151.230
570715000000029813 15-10-1985 05-11-2002 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  787 Thisted LAND Vestervig 25k 455953 6294073 Stamdata 23221 29.922 222.393 196.494 215.075 225.484 229.815 211.435 201.870 214.870 215.090 205.570 170.080 195.200 208.520 186.880 203.370 172.590 157.710
570715000000029837 15-06-1988 09-08-2017 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  787 Thisted LAND Hassing 6i 467466,31 6296559,69 SDFE2018 123233 283.765 594.998 606.427 557.926 515.390 566.220 571.080 544.410 470.080 523.290 543.220 479.977 537.546 468.783 483.030 422.322 408.521 333.341 275.836 274.634 316.898 303.859 312.828 344.872 506.350 266.046 483.706 490.164 384.808 82.581
570715000000029844 15-10-1985 14-11-2003 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  787 Thisted LAND Visby by 1t 467714 6294076 Stamdata 123236 26.242 195.040 172.326 188.622 197.752 201.550 185.430 176.310 191.200 191.220 177.280 159.640 172.870 178.160 159.540 172.730 141.050 150.540 102.995
570715000000029851 15-10-1985 13-11-2003 55 15 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 55-Vestas 787 Thisted LAND Visby by 1t 467670 6293981 Stamdata 123238 21.834 162.276 143.378 156.937 164.532 167.693 154.281 150.820 162.160 157.390 147.150 130.440 140.820 149.460 131.560 144.640 124.560 141.180 96.125
570715000000029868 15-12-1985 15-11-2007 8 8,6 12,5 THY møllen Aps THY 11 787 Thisted LAND Villerslev 37e 468989,33 6295379,08 SDFE2018 123240 17.600 17.600 17.600 17.600 17.600 17.600 17.600 6.541 5.650 4.202 3.789 976 3.238 1.732 1.876 2.355 965 854 1.761 3.939 3.088 1.073 0
570715000000029875 15-06-1983 22-10-2002 55 20,5 22,5 Nordtank NTK 55/11 787 Thisted LAND Villerslev 5c 471458 6296009 Stamdata 23243 60.500 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 136.010 146.590 144.190 133.080 124.940 128.840 127.070 122.540 144.780 123.630 107.050
570715000000029882 15-11-1987 30-06-2002 90 18,8 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  787 Thisted LAND Skyum by 10a m.f 473251 6298948 Stamdata 23246 14.844 194.971 204.407 208.333 191.671 179.860 189.690 196.250 188.390 156.020 179.800 186.050 168.370 188.150 145.440 0
570715000000029899 15-05-1987 05-11-2002 90 18,8 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  787 Thisted LAND Skyum by 1v 473608 6300643 Stamdata 23248 120.303 225.735 236.661 241.206 221.915 213.370 234.300 230.380 220.140 189.820 209.630 188.620 190.140 213.690 176.900 166.310
570715000000029905 15-11-1986 04-11-2002 90 18,8 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  787 Thisted LAND Hørdum by 2a 470251 6301547 Stamdata 23256 16.948 179.689 196.681 206.200 210.161 193.352 186.780 202.070 199.230 191.610 161.900 182.120 183.050 161.450 178.810 152.780 138.530
570715000000029912 15-09-1988 04-11-2002 100 20 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 20-100  787 Thisted LAND Hørdumby,Hørdum 3e 462974 6291574 Stamdata 23258 60.365 253.145 258.007 237.372 225.640 247.600 242.150 232.190 186.140 221.770 231.485 207.579 229.016 191.555 173.018
570715000000029929 15-12-1984 15-10-2002 55 20,5 22,5 Nordtank NTK 55/11 787 Thisted LAND Sønderhå 6c 467285 6301804 Stamdata 23260 0 135.900 168.343 148.739 162.804 170.684 173.962 160.049 154.610 165.650 165.410 159.540 133.460 142.280 152.840 139.900 149.570 126.750 94.290
570715000000029936 15-10-1985 21-10-2002 75 16 22,5 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 787 Thisted LAND Nørhå by 1a 466830 6306112 Stamdata 23264 22.096 164.223 145.098 158.819 166.506 169.704 156.131 143.370 166.410 170.770 156.560 126.350 140.120 154.870 131.010 142.120 116.300 87.500
570715000000029943 15-10-1984 21-10-2002 55 20,5 22,5 Nordtank NTK 55/11 787 Thisted LAND Sønderhå 13q 467285 6301804 Stamdata 23266 26.267 123.882 153.455 135.584 148.406 155.589 158.577 145.894 138.260 154.670 150.590 142.510 124.180 135.760 141.940 114.170 141.710 106.840 19.720
570715000000029950 15-10-1985 09-09-2002 75 17 22,5 Windmatic VM 17 S 787 Thisted LAND Nørhå by 17a 467178 6306497 Stamdata 23268 30.747 228.519 201.907 221.000 231.696 236.146 217.260 204.700 226.300 217.070 204.070 185.510 191.200 218.140 187.320 216.910 173.050 117.500
570715000000029967 15-10-1988 23-10-2002 99 19 24,5 Windmatic VM 19 S 787 Thisted LAND Nørhå by 14a 467508 6306129 Stamdata 23270 40.892 257.227 262.168 241.200 236.390 253.050 230.480 202.810 204.120 225.380 242.950 217.120 242.890 202.750 170.250
570715000000029974 15-08-1987 16-10-2002 99 19 24,5 Windmatic VM 19 S 787 Thisted LAND Årup by 2u 469450 6305290 Stamdata 23272 74.554 244.812 256.661 261.590 240.669 238.620 251.000 237.230 239.770 201.060 233.370 231.249 175.029 244.773 202.630 128.987
570715000000029981 15-04-1986 30-10-2002 75 17 22,5 Windmatic VM 17 S 787 Thisted LAND Harring by 5o 473512 6302539 Stamdata 23277 156.192 207.004 226.579 237.545 242.108 222.744 217.510 234.240 227.830 217.440 186.790 204.740 215.090 182.090 212.710 183.760 162.850
570715000000029998 15-11-1987 11-11-2002 99 19 30,5 Windmatic VM 19 S 787 Thisted LAND Øland hvg 2a 473563 6302656 Stamdata 23279 19.524 256.448 268.860 274.024 252.108 251.840 252.860 264.750 248.270 215.760 240.340 253.330 219.920 196.890 212.600 196.800
570715000000030000 15-03-1982 21-10-2002 55 15 18,5 BONUS 55 kW-BONUS 787 Thisted LAND Stagstrup 26a 475697 6303068 Stamdata 23281 80.700 130.466 132.454 104.114 128.968 113.949 124.725 130.761 133.273 122.614 124.310 141.840 119.700 118.960 102.570 110.110 77.120 111.960 97.070 95.010 18.700
570715000000030017 15-01-1986 18-10-2002 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  787 Thisted LAND Stagstrup 18a 475594 6302935 Stamdata 23283 179.783 173.287 189.673 198.853 202.673 186.463 180.030 196.580 191.430 173.150 153.770 173.480 178.220 163.000 179.770 148.170 125.310
570715000000030024 15-12-1983 28-07-2002 55 15 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S HVK 15 787 Thisted LAND Stagstrup 4c 476426 6302514 Stamdata 23286 0 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 107.100 102.690 109.510 101.460 79.700 104.730 106.470 91.720 104.780 86.470 49.973
570715000000030031 15-06-1982 01-10-2001 55 15 18,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S HVK 15 787 Thisted LAND Ås by 6e 476920 6304994 Stamdata 23291 27.704 67.184 68.208 53.614 66.413 58.679 64.228 67.336 68.630 63.141 86.630 78.780 96.520 55.900 52.310 52.990 37.380 51.030 61.480 23.950 0
570715000000030048 15-02-1984 25-10-2002 55 15 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S HVK 15 787 Thisted LAND Stagstrup 8b 476333 6304033 Stamdata 23293 109.499 103.284 127.941 113.041 123.731 129.720 132.211 121.637 124.260 88.810 131.760 117.730 99.470 110.730 117.200 96.910 115.860 100.100 34.400
570715000000030055 15-10-1985 18-10-2002 75 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  787 Thisted LAND Stagstrup 4c 476074 6303947 Stamdata 23295 25.104 186.580 164.852 180.441 189.174 192.808 177.387 171.660 188.270 183.090 170.010 144.880 165.520 168.840 151.720 168.170 140.830 122.350
570715000000030062 15-05-1988 05-04-2017 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  787 Thisted LAND Skjoldborg 16a 474976,55 6306715,82 SDFE2018 123298 306.160 550.248 560.817 515.963 490.400 530.860 532.380 507.600 423.790 491.350 502.740 435.566 480.871 424.487 353.047 400.565 455.879 459.431 409.313 509.805 395.189 404.273 407.030 431.755 350.174 324.865 381.547 423.883 360.643 32.111
570715000000030079 15-10-1988 18-10-2002 100 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 20-100  787 Thisted LAND Gjersbøl 24d,1aa 470971 6306418 Stamdata 23303 45.890 288.668 294.213 270.682 245.500 284.400 279.260 268.250 227.350 257.010 255.760 224.031 264.875 228.288 188.922
570715000000030086 15-08-1988 15-10-2002 100 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 20-100  787 Thisted LAND Snedsted 10 470521 6306651 Stamdata 23305 87.317 274.630 279.905 257.518 246.450 271.010 266.810 254.650 208.460 234.170 248.460 218.465 246.988 207.687 165.441
570715000000030093 15-12-1988 23-10-2002 100 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 20-100  787 Thisted LAND Hundborg 1a 468975 6307096 Stamdata 23307 0 271.706 276.925 254.777 246.650 267.920 264.500 245.250 210.730 237.120 246.510 209.114 244.496 201.491 167.963
570715000000030109 15-05-1988 21-10-2002 100 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 20-100  787 Thisted LAND Hundborg 2a 468645 6307224 Stamdata 23309 158.142 284.221 289.680 266.512 256.680 273.240 270.990 260.070 216.470 246.090 256.840 228.030 263.063 216.260 180.966
570715000000030116 15-10-1985 03-07-2006 15 10 18,5 Kuriant 11-Kuriant 787 Thisted LAND Hundborg 43a 468794 6308796 Stamdata 123311 5.500 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 21.948 25.944 24.197 23.694 18.441 23.658 25.847 19.795 25.208 12.582 22.184 19.527 13.519 15.761 3.232
570715000000030123 15-03-1984 02-12-2003 7,5 7 12,5 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 787 Thisted LAND Sperring 24a 473026 6310381 Stamdata 123317 13.200 17.600 17.600 17.600 17.600 17.600 17.600 17.600 7.022 5.702 11.061 10.675 6.883 10.694 8.732 5.628 4.654 6.015 3.260 2.851
570715000000030130 15-09-1981 01-10-2001 15 7 18,5 Kuriant Ukendt-Kuriant 787 Thisted LAND Kallerup 3d 473969 6308618 Stamdata 23319 8.250 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 28.651 33.151 14.555 0 5.505 0 0 0 0 0 0
570715000000030147 15-12-1987 24-08-2017 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  787 Thisted LAND Kallerup 2v 474630,47 6309424,85 SDFE2018 123321 0 495.115 519.077 529.048 486.735 459.610 492.010 497.750 474.160 395.740 457.890 470.220 415.771 484.909 403.733 416.142 373.876 437.009 422.382 349.730 427.468 390.995 372.135 374.843 388.283 413.638 350.690 287.153 348.424 223.670 111.472
570715000000030154 15-10-1984 21-10-2002 55 15 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S HVK 15 787 Thisted LAND Dollerup 3u 473372 6313114 Stamdata 23327 24.318 114.690 142.069 125.524 137.394 144.044 146.811 135.069 131.160 142.820 147.170 136.270 115.540 119.690 130.220 113.060 114.670 98.420 60.220
570715000000030161 15-05-1987 15-10-2002 99 20,5 24,5 Nordtank NTK 99 F 787 Thisted LAND Dollerup 3k 473933 6313407 Stamdata 23329 144.242 270.656 283.756 289.206 266.075 265.310 280.710 272.150 257.220 224.200 241.570 254.510 221.850 249.930 194.260 159.370
570715000000030178 15-11-1983 23-10-2002 55 15 18,95 Vestas Wind Systems A/S HVK 15 787 Thisted LAND Torsted 16b 476154 6314597 Stamdata 23334 10.400 126.698 99.589 123.363 108.997 119.304 125.079 127.481 117.285 118.070 123.570 124.760 116.760 93.860 109.810 113.280 95.050 105.010 80.290 59.760
570715000000030185 15-11-1987 01-08-2002 99 19 30 Windmatic VM 19 S 787 Thisted LAND Tilsted By 38 477462 6313428 Stamdata 23336 18.998 249.534 261.611 266.636 245.310 242.890 255.510 253.120 234.150 199.480 223.040 235.060 209.070 239.500 216.330 0
570715000000030192 15-06-1986 23-10-2002 65 20,5 24,5 Nordtank NTK 65/11 F 787 Thisted LAND Sjørring 13c 476639 6313395 Stamdata 23338 86.276 152.457 166.874 174.951 178.311 164.050 162.290 171.420 169.220 156.360 134.460 152.670 154.910 132.430 40.830 111.830 107.970
570715000000030208 15-06-1986 25-10-2002 65 20,5 24,5 Nordtank NTK 65/11 F 787 Thisted LAND Sjørring 9b 476908 6313427 Stamdata 23340 84.472 149.269 163.384 171.292 174.582 160.619 155.670 164.310 169.230 157.180 133.150 153.720 150.010 134.550 150.790 122.610 94.060
570715000000030215 15-10-1986 15-10-2002 90 18,8 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  787 Thisted LAND Vandet 24i 475239 6318537 Stamdata 23345 28.149 149.227 163.339 171.244 174.534 160.574 160.655 134.000 156.750 163.260 136.520 158.050 163.250 135.970 155.920 134.060 98.560
570715000000030239 15-12-1988 11-12-2002 150 23,8 30 BONUS 150   - MK ll 787 Thisted LAND Ørum by 1c 459986 6298149 Stamdata 23355 0 466.554 475.515 437.484 416.510 435.900 447.320 420.360 368.070 399.210 429.966 387.159 420.769 356.536 340.765
570715000000030246 15-02-1989 29-11-2006 100 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 20-100  787 Thisted LAND Hundborg 3a 470080 6308102 Stamdata 123379 224.696 274.815 252.835 239.600 265.250 265.830 245.820 211.090 238.150 241.790 209.313 238.127 198.248 205.826 184.809 221.487 217.114 159.245
570715000000030253 15-03-1989 05-11-2002 100 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 20-100  787 Thisted LAND Villerslev 4d 471027 6296269 Stamdata 23397 211.682 287.663 264.656 257.700 268.740 269.650 258.570 220.230 241.260 253.780 225.061 259.996 212.567 197.126
570715000000030260 15-04-1989 11-01-2005 100 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 20-100  787 Thisted LAND Vestervig 2i 462170 6291611 Stamdata 123407 190.562 291.334 268.033 259.140 269.180 272.760 256.960 225.260 251.450 257.592 235.688 254.077 212.306 226.950 207.595 232.360 17.453
570715000000030277 13-04-1999 13-03-2020 15 11 12 Kuriant KE 15 787 Thisted Land 466732,39 6304293,26 SDFE2018 9.666 18.445 16.480 16.995 15.223 21.018 20.085 20.247 24.290 16.181 18.041 11.743 7.482 17.493 10.807 7.680 13.927 0 0 0 0 0
570715000000030291 15-04-1989 04-05-2011 200 25 29,2 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  787 Thisted LAND Skjoldborg 4b 475117 6307681 Stamdata 160001 376.850 576.132 530.054 501.290 544.210 556.170 503.710 438.340 501.540 521.350 450.684 500.012 424.419 464.361 406.481 470.019 458.087 408.439 476.495 388.090 374.031 417.386 127.962
570715000000030314 15-10-1989 04-11-2002 100 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 20-100  787 Thisted LAND Hørdum by 6v mfl 468490 6301596 Stamdata 60007 41.910 256.291 235.794 227.530 239.600 238.190 234.510 187.740 209.290 231.020 208.261 233.391 189.514 174.377
570715000000030338 15-11-1989 29-11-2002 100 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 20-100  787 Thisted LAND Vestervig 4d 451757 6280961 Stamdata 60011 21.221 259.542 238.784 225.950 244.850 248.970 207.780 190.400 224.640 233.570 218.630 242.114 199.282 189.134
570715000000030345 15-12-1989 03-10-2003 100 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 20-100  787 Thisted LAND Refs by 11a 465128 6287662 Stamdata 160013 14.340 296.335 272.634 256.660 279.000 283.010 258.300 229.070 261.550 270.270 237.150 246.513 228.151 237.663 152.700
570715000000030376 15-02-1990 19-07-2016 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  787 Thisted LAND Hørdum by 8a 469622,53 6300230,99 GST, 18-02-2013 160022 511.087 564.253 554.900 582.460 564.290 555.170 468.610 515.590 544.280 483.812 536.831 454.807 480.087 411.101 487.676 482.340 438.447 562.164 485.161 426.180 401.738 502.639 466.748 444.378 488.188 570.963 234.449
570715000000030390 15-06-1990 27-04-2017 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  787 Thisted LAND Vang 4a 471554,19 6312905,15 SDFE2018 160026 348.434 641.133 625.760 640.710 661.300 622.620 539.510 590.110 614.650 556.215 609.085 531.689 556.290 495.754 577.400 570.204 509.582 551.202 443.224 506.047 496.741 580.455 483.308 542.020 540.335 621.610 491.503 162.218
570715000000030406 15-06-1990 27-04-2017 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  787 Thisted LAND Vang 4a 471412,53 6312887,54 SDFE2018 160028 334.327 615.175 613.970 628.290 607.330 596.800 494.780 578.610 599.570 532.899 588.280 509.704 526.248 477.871 548.503 540.932 446.184 573.118 534.851 476.457 477.709 552.580 568.209 528.371 501.474 576.456 501.655 136.166
570715000000030413 15-08-1990 06-06-2017 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  787 Thisted LAND Heltborg 16a 466436,65 6289431,71 GST, 18-02-2013 160030 262.682 725.020 712.130 712.070 728.700 700.950 599.750 679.290 706.810 636.071 697.229 619.048 638.270 570.572 651.591 649.167 589.261 709.302 628.480 580.628 605.668 666.867 684.525 589.952 639.586 591.725 163.389 0
570715000000030420 15-08-1990 16-10-2002 150 22,2 30,7 DWP D 150/175 787 Thisted LAND Elsted by 7a 472549 6304243 Stamdata 60032 140.102 386.690 397.930 433.170 427.520 379.170 154.220 337.450 322.960 292.138 261.348 284.660 201.158
570715000000030437 15-09-1990 21-10-2002 100 20 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 20-100  787 Thisted LAND Stagstrup 9a m.fl 474583 6303999 Stamdata 60034 69.101 254.296 241.920 263.140 259.200 243.420 216.000 238.980 246.910 215.453 240.912 206.892 174.423
570715000000030444 15-10-1990 28-10-2002 150 27 31 Wind World W 2700-150  787 Thisted LAND Torsted by 14a 476792 6313690 Stamdata 60038 88.954 491.036 475.560 505.780 510.650 474.710 409.420 456.830 459.740 417.559 474.292 409.446 345.826
570715000000030468 15-12-1990 06-07-2016 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  787 Thisted LAND Hundborg 12a 469303,08 6309915,55 GST, 18-02-2013 160042 0 599.975 590.460 616.320 608.550 583.930 496.110 559.526 581.077 506.707 568.821 486.592 516.815 431.740 525.914 525.245 466.693 590.849 419.386 440.971 403.482 496.363 469.946 468.895 527.982 564.542 235.169
570715000000030512 15-08-1991 25-11-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 95-BONUS 787 Thisted LAND Hassing by 9a 466638 6298795 Stamdata 60056 92.633 261.800 289.300 293.430 270.080 222.070 261.280 272.040 230.190 270.250 213.460 191.040
570715000000030598 15-10-1991 06-06-2017 150 23 24,5 BONUS 150/30 kW 787 Thisted LAND Vestervig 4y,4d 459460,45 6288649,11 SDFE2018 160074 80.192 458.430 473.840 491.100 470.320 394.320 441.270 470.090 433.944 463.661 408.238 428.411 380.128 431.977 453.855 401.540 481.194 444.910 412.892 386.659 437.795 437.044 371.605 375.089 491.500 431.467 187.194
570715000000030642 15-11-1991 11-12-2002 150 23 30 BONUS 150/30   787 Thisted LAND Hvidbjerg 2a,1h 460751 6298763 Stamdata 60088 37.797 435.680 446.390 469.830 429.240 385.920 409.830 450.110 397.622 438.228 377.187 355.584
570715000000030666 15-12-1991 11-12-2002 150 23 30 BONUS 150/30   787 Thisted LAND Hvidbjerg 2alh 460757 6298848 Stamdata 60092 0 419.390 446.290 452.750 378.970 407.380 396.340 420.880 367.903 386.893 348.548 332.705
570715000000030710 15-02-1992 13-12-2007 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  787 Thisted LAND Gettrup 1b1c 461538 6287607 Stamdata 160102 560.460 687.710 691.223 659.210 566.980 643.660 655.010 603.033 655.505 572.329 546.708 531.492 614.983 618.873 569.371 663.265
570715000000030758 15-04-1992 16-10-2007 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  787 Thisted LAND Flarup by 2b 462770 6286147 Stamdata 160109 374.910 651.240 644.240 634.590 522.430 609.260 627.250 538.745 611.322 539.789 555.187 498.304 587.814 585.931 525.623 521.303
570715000000030765 15-04-1992 16-10-2007 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  787 Thisted LAND Flarup by 2b 462898 6286186 Stamdata 160112 271.660 639.690 640.860 629.300 543.570 614.170 638.140 574.646 618.994 544.953 575.532 507.990 592.383 584.702 535.497 526.405
570715000000030796 15-07-1992 30-03-2017 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  787 Thisted LAND Djernæs by 2p 473212,01 6313333,23 SDFE2018 160118 291.980 658.900 655.470 628.100 539.870 599.830 625.520 557.239 616.014 534.355 561.029 480.103 586.125 517.679 464.759 643.090 501.127 545.278 546.773 606.100 590.139 463.237 383.539 435.746 359.022 100.547
570715000000030802 28-08-1992 25-10-2002 150 23,8 30 BONUS 150   - MK lll 787 Thisted LAND Boddum 6f 468149 6284487 Stamdata 60120 129.690 438.930 442.450 420.170 349.920 406.790 427.040 382.061 416.912 360.441 296.535
570715000000030833 03-11-1992 19-02-2008 250 26 30 NEG Micon NM 530 787 Thisted LAND Vestervig 5a 461935 6290624 Stamdata 160126 98.020 585.140 601.050 553.150 463.000 538.210 572.290 496.578 508.700 423.449 441.908 436.422 453.853 415.216 443.292 580.119 122.145
570715000000030840 03-11-1992 19-02-2008 250 26 30 NEG Micon NM 530 787 Thisted LAND Vestervig 5a 461968 6290772 Stamdata 160128 104.700 589.320 594.490 543.450 450.420 545.030 556.090 503.678 525.368 458.133 488.519 437.553 473.312 414.064 393.791 496.769 20.605
570715000000030895 19-04-1993 29-04-2015 150 28 31 Wind World W 2800-150  787 Thisted LAND Sjørring 10b 476336,5 6313485,79 GST, 18-02-2013 160138 273.880 473.800 434.580 375.620 435.700 440.320 380.795 438.670 360.890 388.599 352.272 413.336 394.107 342.377 400.372 376.537 347.520 336.975 370.998 425.226 379.275 404.445 134.107
570715000000030901 19-04-1993 25-10-2002 150 28 31 Wind World W 2800-150  787 Thisted LAND Torsted by 10b 476316 6313286 Stamdata 60140 308.860 493.690 451.570 377.680 440.330 451.980 388.086 445.258 345.929 257.266
570715000000030918 19-04-1993 25-10-2002 150 28 31 Wind World W 2800-150  787 Thisted LAND Torsted by 8b 476326 6313387 Stamdata 60142 294.830 481.830 441.660 372.710 436.590 445.980 386.355 438.547 360.664 280.264
570715000000030925 11-06-1993 08-10-2007 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  787 Thisted LAND Ydby by 5a 463845 6285609 Stamdata 160146 310.650 591.290 581.830 469.140 551.000 580.970 524.756 563.268 489.345 505.459 457.830 526.469 514.389 482.369 425.670
570715000000030932 12-10-1993 09-10-2015 250 26 30 NEG Micon NM 530 787 Thisted LAND Heltborg 13a 466067,89 6289222,26 GST, 18-02-2013 160148 116.580 582.380 554.240 464.330 534.430 538.280 491.312 552.669 444.530 484.084 426.033 497.010 459.147 406.433 523.240 506.996 437.981 443.555 533.988 523.619 434.234 498.133 402.522
570715000000030963 12-11-1993 10-12-2007 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  787 Thisted LAND Flarup by 2a 463151 6286941 Stamdata 160154 60.010 638.880 602.990 516.710 593.650 599.780 534.575 586.530 503.799 528.283 475.512 557.732 523.618 494.588 577.774
570715000000030970 11-11-1993 19-07-2016 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  787 Thisted LAND Ø. Vandet 12e 478092,28 6317252,91 GST, 18-02-2013 160156 97.330 619.150 594.660 509.400 568.960 580.840 506.586 568.363 464.013 518.920 458.597 531.184 523.431 451.254 604.335 504.165 491.372 507.560 554.042 575.210 512.483 548.796 620.493 255.113
570715000000031021 11-10-1994 25-01-2017 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  787 Thisted LAND Heltborg 5a 466263,35 6288537,82 GST, 18-02-2013 160168 78.137 327.675 333.969 307.258 247.890 269.380 364.180 698.610 605.240 676.410 712.810 633.529 702.012 615.225 639.385 559.260 643.446 642.730 586.993 711.851 633.777 596.155 589.120 666.454 633.822 568.164 629.832 712.811 509.950 38.487
570715000000031052 19-12-1994 29-08-2016 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  787 Thisted LAND Hundborg 16d 471470,19 6309766,48 GST, 18-02-2013 160174 14.400 631.320 528.750 604.060 623.990 555.754 635.385 535.319 530.259 487.497 567.065 563.523 499.879 612.212 540.064 503.235 444.654 479.418 581.771 478.307 523.676 429.835 268.996
570715000000031069 16-12-1994 07-06-2017 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  787 Thisted LAND Hundborg 24bz 471606,61 6309792,04 SDFE2018 160175 29.360 464.340 398.750 451.390 490.920 417.676 479.944 389.112 412.577 351.055 422.942 414.137 357.928 463.609 364.290 329.646 340.176 393.724 427.182 0
570715000000031090 22-02-1995 05-07-2015 225 29 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  787 Thisted LAND Skårup by 2a 473607,99 6314277,26 SDFE2018 160181 468.900 539.580 598.510 624.200 549.383 616.293 528.198 561.103 485.093 574.043 550.341 504.571 638.455 547.816 475.917 490.085 524.237 549.949 518.518 549.984 283.381
570715000000031120 27-02-1995 17-12-2007 225 29 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  787 Thisted LAND Sindrup by 8d 462739 6282718 Stamdata 160187 493.350 592.030 670.080 715.540 651.537 706.773 607.762 620.772 550.629 647.477 650.275 541.849 664.934
570715000000031137 01-03-1995 19-07-2016 250 29,8 36 NEG Micon NM 700-225/40   787 Thisted LAND Bedsted 27l 464894,08 6298028,23 GST, 18-02-2013 160189 256.770 483.260 558.050 590.510 528.090 570.717 491.308 498.463 451.263 524.074 395.018 468.739 573.231 484.797 479.045 453.883 526.055 548.117 453.515 506.807 581.614 194.888
570715000000031168 21-06-1995 30-11-2011 225 29 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  787 Thisted LAND Skjoldborg 1c 475138 6307843 Stamdata 160194 249.940 507.840 577.650 585.750 530.965 590.227 511.285 547.274 477.300 546.719 534.887 487.976 566.314 534.400 449.543 469.837 446.086
570715000000031175 29-06-1995 05-08-2016 400 31 36 NEG Micon NM 750-400/100 787 Thisted LAND Harring by 7b 473490,26 6301938,15 GST, 18-02-2013 160196 363.040 789.180 929.657 952.863 820.800 927.585 790.505 844.981 744.455 838.737 822.059 729.305 880.203 798.987 759.533 784.870 874.155 899.253 780.449 703.899 953.031 413.749
570715000000031199 03-10-1995 15-04-2015 225 29 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  787 Thisted LAND Sjørring by 8b6bo 476004,92 6312866,15 GST, 18-02-2013 160204 145.440 583.640 650.900 669.060 585.090 668.245 574.282 598.447 533.971 623.428 593.100 533.432 657.652 561.605 501.774 316.003 552.504 563.220 566.465 606.631 218.411
570715000000031205 11-10-1995 31-12-2017 150 24,6 32,7 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 787 Thisted LAND Snedsted 22a 470804,22 6306522,1 SDFE2018 160206 91.640 375.420 427.499 455.444 391.067 443.200 377.960 405.976 354.666 417.703 411.209 349.467 450.811 389.867 361.181 358.518 406.711 412.342 368.363 402.680 466.446 314.516 210.405
570715000000031434 17-07-1996 08-02-2017 225 29 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  787 Thisted LAND Torsted by 5d 477765,52 6315003,52 SDFE2018 160254 199.280 547.660 571.410 510.846 566.980 482.405 501.486 447.553 488.206 507.348 462.046 571.338 520.585 486.936 456.150 557.893 532.452 478.705 545.931 507.819 38.408 0
570715000000031441 17-07-1996 22-04-2015 225 29 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  787 Thisted LAND Torsted by 5f 477619 6315084 Stamdata 160256 187.480 537.530 549.620 492.576 565.669 460.379 474.698 408.163 491.866 500.719 442.858 550.906 511.015 479.380 418.371 528.058 526.763 469.280 529.626 145.483
570715000000031465 18-12-1996 05-07-2015 225 29 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  787 Thisted LAND Stagstrup 11a 476639,8 6303469,82 GST, 18-02-2013 160260 132.390 565.170 581.640 532.351 586.851 501.293 545.576 462.022 535.051 529.621 474.997 581.307 506.485 487.674 470.136 528.511 478.317 487.396 500.385 279.512
570715000000031472 02-10-1996 24-08-2016 225 29 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  787 Thisted LAND Stagstrup 11a 476420,47 6303521,58 GST, 18-02-2013 160262 144.840 578.160 654.540 582.658 635.369 550.206 584.757 515.178 516.804 555.695 534.383 609.863 490.703 449.400 586.072 630.744 659.644 585.031 604.081 712.621 352.816
570715000000031489 25-10-1996 24-08-2016 225 29 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  787 Thisted LAND Stagstrup 11a 476530,39 6303495,16 GST, 18-02-2013 160264 115.680 583.290 613.310 554.499 610.968 523.913 566.945 488.527 553.640 557.500 500.994 608.399 545.705 511.150 532.440 563.015 483.472 528.977 548.715 617.814 293.014
570715000000031595 12-12-1996 29-06-2020 225 29 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  787 Thisted LAND Kallerup 2be 474140,37 6308011,04 SDFE2018 160286 13.540 607.230 634.210 551.645 631.637 538.353 570.170 503.884 578.854 572.237 512.837 650.552 524.917 526.490 449.340 586.359 613.071 553.324 597.101 654.770 529.808 573.905 534.283 502.908 274.945
570715000000031618 18-12-1996 06-06-2017 225 29 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  787 Thisted LAND Kallerup 2be 473886,99 6307903,85 SDFE2018 160290 0 618.460 620.370 547.083 627.145 527.370 561.893 494.343 577.218 562.821 387.354 490.661 470.562 463.054 525.325 592.272 581.328 487.068 573.898 669.321 538.593 198.496
570715000000031793 01-12-1990 11-02-2008 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  787 Thisted LAND Flarup by 2c 462460 6288486 Stamdata 160330 0 645.017 645.017 645.017 645.017 645.017 645.017 645.017 645.017 645.017 645.017 529.849 541.141 494.282 564.136 519.456 505.435 569.051 89.140
570715000000031809 01-12-1990 11-02-2008 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  787 Thisted LAND Flarup by 2c 462061 6288688 Stamdata 160332 0 679.942 679.942 679.942 679.942 679.942 679.942 679.942 679.942 679.942 679.942 554.692 599.400 532.395 603.453 611.780 544.501 679.519 116.898
570715000000031816 01-10-1995 25-02-2008 600 42 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 42-600  787 Thisted LAND Flarup by 1cn 462072 6288514 Stamdata 160334 390.057 1.560.228 1.560.228 1.560.228 1.560.228 1.560.228 1.421.196 1.526.881 1.367.972 1.573.793 1.555.552 1.353.084 1.655.825 414.927
570715000000031823 01-12-1990 10-12-2007 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  787 Thisted LAND Gettrup 3 460863 6287702 Stamdata 160336 0 664.907 664.907 664.907 664.907 664.907 664.907 664.907 664.907 664.907 664.907 552.435 569.208 500.022 561.502 530.298 519.778 578.449
570715000000031830 01-12-1990 10-12-2007 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  787 Thisted LAND Gettrup 2i 460891 6287461 Stamdata 160338 0 666.778 666.778 666.778 666.778 666.778 666.778 666.778 666.778 666.778 666.778 568.615 597.242 519.523 611.144 583.978 547.066 485.512
570715000000031847 01-03-1991 11-02-2008 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  787 Thisted LAND Gettrup 1b 461153 6287557 Stamdata 160340 516.200 619.440 619.440 619.440 619.440 619.440 619.440 619.440 619.440 619.440 556.896 579.478 516.213 567.057 599.038 539.760 659.691 105.083
570715000000031854 01-03-1991 14-01-2008 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  787 Thisted LAND Gettrup 4d 460189 6287219 Stamdata 160342 550.770 660.924 660.924 660.924 660.924 660.924 660.924 660.924 660.924 660.924 564.295 592.992 517.788 596.171 590.110 548.009 654.012 0
570715000000031861 01-03-1991 09-11-2016 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  787 Thisted LAND Gettrup 3a 459921,92 6286771,7 GST, 18-02-2013 160344 582.610 699.132 699.132 699.132 699.132 699.132 699.132 699.132 699.132 699.132 573.702 522.005 548.042 616.983 634.292 575.586 693.981 638.376 578.421 562.604 632.829 650.065 605.993 626.153 681.437 454.503
570715000000031885 01-03-1991 14-01-2021 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  787 Thisted LAND Kobberø by 1h 459004,88 6286742,06 SDFE2018 160348 634.380 761.256 761.256 761.256 761.256 761.256 761.256 761.256 761.256 761.256 634.423 669.453 599.782 689.983 694.695 627.289 765.178 693.160 646.649 625.985 706.342 717.386 627.568 661.790 714.295 599.325 673.000 606.946 628.958 616.270 2.656 2.656
570715000000031922 01-12-1990 11-02-2008 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  787 Thisted LAND Helligsø by 4a 460604 6285581 Stamdata 160356 55.723 668.676 668.676 668.676 668.676 668.676 668.676 668.676 668.676 668.676 668.676 574.156 588.862 525.191 610.235 587.487 524.227 666.125 113.264
570715000000031939 01-03-1991 11-02-2008 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  787 Thisted LAND Helligsø by 8a 460219 6284094 Stamdata 160358 591.730 710.076 710.076 710.076 710.076 710.076 710.076 710.076 710.076 710.076 604.999 631.930 556.482 638.531 617.178 588.902 723.861 118.444
570715000000031953 01-12-1990 07-12-2016 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  787 Thisted LAND Helligsø by 10e 461080,02 6284420,48 GST, 18-02-2013 160362 53.047 636.564 636.564 636.564 636.564 636.564 636.564 636.564 636.564 636.564 636.564 548.502 582.464 521.820 600.502 601.372 553.455 680.953 608.386 558.290 547.414 542.799 582.351 536.621 565.016 680.035 455.064
570715000000031984 01-12-1990 10-12-2007 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  787 Thisted LAND Flarup by 3h 462364 6287251 Stamdata 160368 54.907 658.884 658.884 658.884 658.884 658.884 658.884 658.884 658.884 658.884 658.884 569.429 594.508 524.425 604.601 591.513 523.300 631.278
570715000000031991 01-12-1990 18-01-2005 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  787 Thisted LAND Kobberø by 1i 459896 6287667 Stamdata 160370 56.334 676.008 676.008 676.008 676.008 676.008 676.008 676.008 676.008 676.008 676.008 570.761 598.789 521.657 599.414 37.410
570715000000032028 01-12-1990 19-01-2017 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  787 Thisted LAND Kobberø by 3e 459254,75 6285361,37 GST, 18-02-2013 160376 65.825 789.900 789.900 789.900 789.900 789.900 789.900 789.900 789.900 789.900 789.900 673.814 709.260 635.739 722.561 718.360 665.459 778.429 713.644 662.103 644.107 729.508 778.588 673.558 733.150 830.725 553.738 0
570715000000032035 07-07-1995 25-01-2005 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  787 Thisted LAND Gundtoft 4i 461811 6288074 Stamdata 160378 673.740 808.488 808.488 808.488 808.488 808.488 808.488 514.344 542.731 486.140 550.459 74.824
570715000000045035 08-06-1993 01-04-2016 225 27 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  787 Thisted LAND Heltborg By, Heltborg 62b 465888,62 6290803,23 GST, 18-02-2013 60144 401.033 762.845 706.443 638.669 681.849 739.641 649.570 702.389 622.670 648.201 583.357 655.987 659.651 601.446 714.107 633.652 581.322 567.963 648.904 650.931 626.632 650.688 628.984 103.593
570715000000045073 01-05-1987 12-08-2002 99 0,1 0,1 Wincon W 99 XT 787 Thisted LAND Refs By, Hurup 7d 465284 6289050 Stamdata HURUP1 133.653 250.787 262.924 267.975 246.542 246.270 249.290 260.290 221.470 202.630 221.810 240.740 217.029 243.200 201.330 90.911
570715000000045080 01-05-1987 15-08-2002 99 0,1 0,1 Wincon W 99 XT 787 Thisted LAND Refs By, Hurup 11b 465299 6288924 Stamdata HURUP2 129.904 243.751 255.548 260.457 239.626 239.170 251.070 205.460 216.350 201.950 225.350 237.580 214.949 247.298 194.375 80.930
570715000000057199 18-12-2002 16-06-2020 1750 66 67 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 66 1,75  787 Thisted LAND Ll. Hillerslev By 3x 484988,28 6319685,52 SDFE2018 3442001 151.781 3.765.671 4.470.689 4.344.404 3.902.295 3.645.231 4.349.972 3.942.182 4.020.701 4.582.213 4.723.042 4.167.752 4.414.848 5.072.811 4.169.651 4.702.383 4.013.247 4.204.273 2.484.766
570715000000057205 18-12-2002 16-06-2020 1750 66 67 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 66 1,75  787 Thisted LAND Oddershedegård, Hillerslev 3l 485244,69 6319969,68 SDFE2018 3443001 50.167 3.832.207 4.535.548 4.368.756 4.002.001 4.860.651 4.174.674 3.491.228 4.155.244 4.688.483 4.780.324 4.191.285 4.320.707 5.290.949 4.205.564 4.588.784 3.987.287 4.237.751 2.532.120
570715000000057212 18-12-2002 16-06-2020 1750 66 67 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 66 1,75  787 Thisted LAND Oddershedegård, Hillerslev 4 485499 6320256,65 SDFE2018 3444001 187.636 3.641.680 4.586.646 3.629.352 3.942.603 4.740.874 4.247.003 4.118.650 4.087.962 4.517.690 4.736.612 4.210.477 4.550.364 5.083.514 4.010.649 4.678.067 3.873.677 3.925.490 2.402.273
570715000000057229 20-12-2002 16-06-2020 1750 66 67 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 66 1,75  787 Thisted LAND Oddershedegård, Hillerslev 14 485750,57 6320535,02 SDFE2018 3445001 33.811 3.690.462 4.200.607 4.157.249 3.812.040 4.855.303 4.187.205 4.009.527 3.936.396 4.470.497 4.703.265 4.096.160 4.469.085 5.001.939 3.443.767 4.559.495 3.586.020 3.815.565 2.267.108
570715000000057236 20-12-2002 16-06-2020 1750 66 67 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 66 1,75  787 Thisted LAND Kløv by, Hunstrup 17 485996,17 6320816,24 SDFE2018 3446001 79.380 3.721.076 4.503.889 4.324.099 3.809.228 4.886.149 4.013.443 3.372.435 3.967.549 4.243.065 4.718.559 4.171.111 4.490.018 5.111.382 4.120.035 4.637.958 3.933.341 4.114.624 2.322.892
570715000000057243 20-12-2002 16-06-2020 1750 66 67 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 66 1,75  787 Thisted LAND Kløv by, Hunstrup 36d 486252,8 6321091,16 SDFE2018 3447001 144.574 3.749.184 4.005.249 4.223.376 3.731.472 4.318.768 4.187.356 4.004.496 3.892.298 4.425.350 4.575.473 4.161.126 3.505.224 3.915.751 4.126.172 4.788.405 4.088.831 4.164.634 2.411.180
570715000000845734 19-12-2012 09-11-2015 4000 120 110 SIEMENS Ukendt-Simens 787 Thisted LAND Østerild By Østerild 4u 492964 6323132,92 SDFE2018 3493002 118.206 12.328.805 15.463.722 11.057.565
570715000001332240 14-08-2013 19-12-2016 3450 126 116 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas-VIND 787 Thisted LAND Hjardemål klit, Hjardemål 34 492968 6326131 Stamdata 3489002 4.940.808 13.948.400 13.055.477 8.461.395
570715000001359568 09-12-2013 11-08-2017 8900 164 140 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas-VIND 787 Thisted LAND Hjardemål klit, Hjardemål 34 492967,65 6325531,94 SDFE2018 3488002 0 10.737.712 25.058.919 23.224.513 15.034.580
570715000001452870 10-07-2015 11-04-2017 2200 110 98 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 80-2 MW 787 Thisted LAND Hjardemål Klit Hjardemål 34g 492970 6324928 Stamdata 3490002 3.581.634 9.021.484 789.888
570715000001520852 03-06-2015 18-02-2017 7000 154 120,5 SIEMENS Ukendt-Simens 787 Thisted LAND Østerild By Østerild 4t 492968 6323721 Stamdata 3492004 12.963.082 20.593.684 125.936
570715000001553065 21-12-2016 05-04-2019 4200 117 116 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas-VIND 787 Thisted LAND Hjardemål klit, Hjardemål 34 492171 6325528 SDFE2018 3489004 15.205 12.933.911 14.737.990 3.885.100
570715000001554987 17-02-2017 23-08-2018 8000 154 120,5 Siemens Wind Power A/S SWT 8.0-154 787 Thisted LAND Østrild by, Østerild 4m 492965,55 6323732,33 SDFE2018 3492005 19.180.165 9.489.200
570715000001556202 21-04-2017 15-11-2018 3600 136 137 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas-VIND 787 Thisted LAND Hjardemål Klit Hjardemål 34g 492970 6324932,61 SDFE2018 3490004 8.249.057 11.167.510
570715000001619976 15-01-2019 14-10-2020 4200 150 137 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 787 Thisted LAND Hjardemål Klit Hjardemål 34g 492970 6324928 Stamdata 3490005 15.823.710 14.234.220
570715000000013843 29-08-1980 29-08-2002 22 0,1 0,1 Windmatic WM 12/5 22 791 Viborg LAND Nøddelund By, Gullev 3b 542330,89 6245042,09 Stamdata 121906 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
570715000000014130 23-09-1981 19-09-2001 55 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 791 Viborg LAND Ukendt 0 526907,35 6253323,23 Stamdata 152109 8.048 19.064 25.532 32.550 42.810 52.070 42.530 49.060 53.670 61.440 40.460 61.390 63.650 63.830 58.083 46.751 50.889 61.811 44.530 35.943 21.571 0
570715000000014147 30-10-1984 30-05-2006 55 15 22 Nordtank NTK 55 791 Viborg LAND Dalsgaard by 1i 526594 6252503 Stamdata 3152900 17.269 66.660 84.413 75.427 84.715 88.466 94.752 84.597 78.468 87.545 92.208 77.948 70.652 72.359 79.291 66.393 79.594 64.877 54.553 59.888 82.515 59.604 0
570715000000014154 21-02-1990 10-06-2008 225 30 0,1 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27 791 Viborg LAND Vinkel By 16i 527054,08 6246590,22 Stamdata 3153221 250.350 336.190 344.790 369.180 394.520 331.610 311.070 336.090 360.287 299.904 339.868 274.282 302.227 260.930 302.359 292.635 249.727 339.985 166.428
570715000000014215 23-01-1989 15-06-2016 250 30 30 NEG Micon NM 530 791 Viborg LAND Østjysk Vindudvikling 8d 531990,9 6262656,86 GST, 18-02-2013 3192075 219.090 381.800 322.630 315.320 328.390 357.470 304.940 261.690 321.550 331.821 274.258 327.412 251.622 272.722 216.832 281.748 276.621 210.921 317.537 278.713 173.423 154.335 250.195 222.218 177.286 247.744 297.700 93.654
570715000000014239 18-10-1990 25-09-2011 150 30 30 Wind World W 2700-150  791 Viborg LAND Kvorning 6a 542862,41 6260800,68 Stamdata 3192112 70.410 325.770 318.375 335.815 372.065 303.415 285.450 325.265 341.207 280.102 310.677 248.270 293.502 248.878 295.495 231.097 210.900 315.718 278.149 250.166 239.555 191.302
570715000000014246 18-10-1990 25-09-2011 150 30 0,1 Wind World W 2700-150  791 Viborg LAND Kvorning 6a 542862,4 6262601 Stamdata 3192112 70.410 325.770 318.375 335.815 372.065 303.415 285.450 325.265 341.207 280.102 310.677 248.270 293.502 248.878 295.495 231.097 210.900 315.718 278.149 250.166 239.555 191.302
570715000000014253 12-10-1994 25-08-2017 225 29 31 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  791 Viborg LAND Batum By, Rødding 4h 529859,7 6260058,16 SDFE2018 3192238 129.830 453.280 392.030 433.230 407.610 396.483 451.725 366.068 401.690 351.167 390.992 385.524 335.622 449.422 370.419 345.840 313.072 391.509 373.799 329.704 356.878 407.821 291.130 23.312
570715000000014277 21-08-1995 09-06-2016 225 29 31 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  791 Viborg LAND Batum by 1a 530217,2 6261304,42 GST, 18-02-2013 3192267 97.450 385.010 441.800 476.002 385.065 432.775 364.086 377.375 329.833 369.568 386.297 318.266 401.050 350.739 312.821 305.198 387.402 372.597 308.240 338.449 415.851 141.173
570715000000014291 24-06-1993 27-10-2008 225 31,5 19 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  791 Viborg LAND Gjørup By, Uldbjerg 2a 523919,3 6279917,1 Stamdata 3202500
570715000000014307 24-06-1993 25-09-2008 225 31,5 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  791 Viborg LAND Gjørup By, Uldbjerg 2a 523919,3 6279917,1 Stamdata 3202500 196.467 513.040 438.463 406.867 440.910 468.093 384.022 434.782 371.036 400.925 370.932 415.528 392.674 319.871 457.405 284.966
570715000000014314 24-06-1993 25-09-2008 225 31,5 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  791 Viborg LAND Gjørup By, Uldbjerg 2a 523919,3 6279917,1 Stamdata 3202500 196.467 513.040 438.463 406.867 440.910 468.093 384.022 434.782 371.036 400.925 370.932 415.528 392.674 319.871 457.405 284.966
570715000000014321 24-06-1993 27-10-2008 225 31,5 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  791 Viborg LAND Gjørup By, Uldbjerg 2a 523919,3 6279917,1 Stamdata 3202500 196.467 513.040 438.463 406.867 440.910 468.093 384.022 434.782 371.036 400.925 370.932 415.528 392.674 319.871 457.405 359.453
570715000000014345 17-08-1981 01-08-2002 55 18 22 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-15  791 Viborg LAND Nr. Rind, Låstrup 4o 523069,37 6270134,1 Stamdata 203014 21.596 58.420 73.182 66.037 49.506 65.435 54.883 60.549 70.462 79.636 65.652 64.615 64.576 90.876 79.337 66.092 77.632 80.921 64.397 51.454 47.661 35.469
570715000000014352 29-08-1985 06-05-2010 18 19 18 Kuriant KE 18 791 Viborg LAND Hersomgård, Hersom 4i 534403,83 6269434,13 Stamdata 3203147 1.461 18.354 16.997 16.815 17.751 15.043 17.395 17.472 20.693 21.720 17.590 16.971 18.470 19.752 14.289 3.456 25.116 49.443 23.637 21.009 18.122 18.279 25.174 13.359 16.574 2.975
570715000000014390 10-03-1994 27-10-2008 225 30 29 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27 791 Viborg LAND Store Torup By, Ulbjerg 2a 524022,612 6280367,434 Stamdata 3203565 352.980 436.410 413.380 450.510 470.092 432.625 441.141 375.453 408.032 361.821 404.738 396.518 345.925 455.988 328.395
570715000000014406 05-09-1997 31-03-2012 11 15 15 Gaia-Wind Ltd Gaia 11   791 Viborg LAND Hersom By 7b 530520,64 6272075,22 GST, 18-02-2013 3203667 2.091 14.363 9.620 7.714 22.125 21.018 7.477 7.199 8.756 4.614 9.742 7.416 6.105 6.532 6.305 0
570715000000015144 11-11-1981 25-11-2002 55 24 24 BONUS Ukendt-BONUS 791 Viborg LAND Grønhøj by 1au 511541,69 6242129,51 Stamdata 97382 22.542 60.405 84.732 68.851 57.569 68.500 57.638 54.277 59.336 57.797 38.362 18.218 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
570715000000015151 23-09-1981 19-10-2011 30 10,4 18 BONUS 30 kW 791 Viborg LAND Grønhøj by 15g 514229,84 6245599,77 Stamdata 3097383 4.971 13.846 22.197 10.831 13.022 19.378 14.185 14.440 14.897 15.450 9.955 9.131 20.525 28.227 24.301 18.399 22.688 20.636 10.136 8.787 8.144 8.123 6.569 11.773 13.888 16.466 2.501 60 0 0 0
570715000000015175 02-12-1988 19-03-2007 250 24 30 NEG Micon NM 450-250   791 Viborg LAND Frederiks by 1b 517326,92 6246353,76 Stamdata 3097495 13.395 305.850 346.735 297.945 299.025 314.985 335.420 285.975 248.265 305.500 293.733 255.685 294.209 214.934 246.837 225.276 244.406 238.999 190.050 106.977
570715000000015182 02-12-1988 19-03-2007 250 24 30 NEG Micon NM 450-250   791 Viborg LAND Frederiks by 1b 517447,23 6246258,89 Stamdata 3097495 13.395 305.850 346.735 297.945 299.025 314.985 335.420 285.975 248.265 305.500 293.733 255.685 294.209 214.934 246.837 225.276 244.406 238.999 190.050 106.977
570715000000015205 22-12-1989 27-05-2008 250 30 0,1 NEG Micon NM 530-250   791 Viborg LAND Frederiks by 1k 516562,8 6245833,42 Stamdata 3097531 0 337.640 328.090 327.553 361.970 379.710 323.330 291.860 349.035 326.013 274.247 330.621 244.695 285.385 253.882 278.651 260.637 197.439 327.550 133.590
570715000000015212 22-12-1989 27-05-2008 250 26 30 NEG Micon NM 530-250   791 Viborg LAND Frederiks by 1k 516627,361 6246071,746 Stamdata 3097531 0 337.640 328.090 327.553 361.970 379.710 323.330 291.860 349.035 326.013 274.247 330.621 244.695 285.385 253.882 278.651 260.637 197.439 327.550 133.590
570715000000015731 06-11-1982 16-12-2009 55 15 18,95 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-15  791 Viborg LAND Borup by, Tårup 3a 515640,423 6269000,21 Stamdata 2050014 10.083 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 201.840 158.850 41.830 55.180 51.200 43.730 64.630 29.950 0
570715000000016356 20-12-1985 11-07-2002 75 17 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75 kW 791 Viborg LAND Fly by, Fly 3a 499976 6260424 Stamdata 50081 0 128.703 113.715 124.468 130.492 132.999 122.362 120.525 126.897 126.751 117.979 96.099 116.375 113.813 105.430 119.637 92.024 65.541
570715000000016363 20-12-1985 11-07-2002 75 17 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75 kW 791 Viborg LAND Fly by, Fly 3a 499976 6260335 Stamdata 50082 0 131.666 116.333 127.334 133.497 136.061 125.179 123.169 127.000 127.667 120.126 97.701 119.566 119.043 109.463 123.478 94.655 65.670
570715000000016547 10-08-1987 11-07-2002 90 17 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 90 kW 791 Viborg LAND Fly by, Fly 3a 499990 6260573 Stamdata 50100 43.952 144.324 151.309 154.215 141.881 136.043 146.698 151.008 137.022 113.536 126.466 135.642 122.897 141.083 108.389 74.503
570715000000016561 23-09-1987 28-11-2003 22 10 12,5 Windmatic 22 kW 791 Viborg LAND Daugbjerg 5i 507194 6254056 Stamdata 50102 12.100 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 12.100 0 0
570715000000016608 24-02-1988 19-06-2014 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  791 Viborg LAND Sjørup by, Vroue 2a 503440,99 6254539,65 GST, 18-02-2013 2050106 292.294 367.729 374.793 344.817 339.155 354.421 359.765 327.954 287.028 334.374 331.924 299.573 302.033 255.939 288.862 258.125 284.293 274.219 256.335 319.859 286.184 240.498 209.406 250.421 7.622 0 0
570715000000016714 10-01-1989 28-05-2015 200 0,1 0,1 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  791 Viborg LAND Marbjerggård, Smollerup 1 506119,78 6255045,2 GST, 18-02-2013 2050118 364.438 405.205 372.797 366.349 359.392 378.807 348.827 312.296 351.748 362.037 326.239 369.098 296.114 315.060 286.024 320.048 321.306 284.237 367.219 268.659 40.403 275.427 324.801 333.524 298.416 309.730 137.973
570715000000016875 20-12-1989 30-04-2008 225 27 30 Danwin DW 27-225   791 Viborg LAND Daugbjerg 1a 508269 6251677 Stamdata 2050135 0 350.778 322.723 348.831 290.548 308.852 328.760 266.253 310.973 312.623 297.845 275.948 235.047 265.226 253.846 285.102 257.460 248.210 309.666 155.342
570715000000017162 28-10-1991 05-12-2014 150 23,8 30 BONUS 150/30 kW 791 Viborg LAND Feldingbjerg 4a 508527,23 6262470,35 GST, 18-02-2013 2050164 53.702 319.130 321.350 337.140 312.300 259.390 297.160 310.040 276.352 313.954 249.654 264.624 242.921 276.109 259.743 221.350 224.934 281.312 245.712 223.389 204.013 280.554 235.638 219.710
570715000000017179 28-10-1991 10-07-2014 150 23,8 30 BONUS 150/30 kW 791 Viborg LAND Nr.Feldingbjergby, Feldingbjerg 2a 508610,32 6262382,76 GST, 18-02-2013 2050165 50.048 298.160 298.990 319.630 291.320 240.020 275.210 287.240 263.614 285.599 235.927 253.508 233.013 257.069 254.656 225.944 243.741 28.482 0 0 0 0 0 0
570715000000017537 08-10-1992 22-09-2011 250 26 30 NEG Micon NM 530-250/50   791 Viborg LAND Gammelstrup 4b 511628 6260753 Stamdata 2050204 81.220 380.140 394.240 357.000 310.180 360.840 351.250 323.356 360.823 275.300 308.006 273.472 306.991 233.666 171.313 359.007 274.156 254.869 223.885 157.298
570715000000017544 08-10-1992 22-09-2011 250 26 30 NEG Micon NM 530-250/50   791 Viborg LAND Gammelstrup 15 511603 6260628 Stamdata 2050205 73.750 376.640 384.420 349.330 296.820 350.060 337.250 308.300 347.418 273.093 307.330 267.970 271.975 243.011 154.976 263.321 318.598 250.446 235.486 198.861
570715000000018220 03-04-1998 13-10-2017 660 47 50 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 47-660  791 Viborg LAND Fly By, Fly 15a 500394,18 6262236 SDFE2018 2050289 905.844 1.251.597 1.430.126 1.091.213 1.180.104 1.042.389 1.177.939 1.142.703 1.009.557 1.286.101 1.173.087 846.885 834.300 843.336 1.004.259 803.364 1.109.870 1.040.717 853.701 728.387
570715000000018275 15-06-1998 22-09-2014 750 48 50 NEG Micon NM 750-175 791 Viborg LAND Gammelstrup 4c 511806,9 6261824,64 GST, 18-02-2013 2050294 811.911 1.361.412 1.512.991 1.190.269 1.302.636 1.206.142 1.328.947 1.198.522 1.165.505 1.462.738 1.363.411 1.155.963 997.654 1.115.901 1.277.332 1.171.663 872.630
570715000000018329 15-06-1998 22-09-2014 750 48 50 NEG Micon NM 750-175 791 Viborg LAND Gammelstrup 4c 511885,16 6261989,05 GST, 18-02-2013 2050299 747.449 1.270.636 1.416.414 1.146.526 1.008.330 1.106.077 1.196.429 1.194.240 1.056.490 1.362.289 1.227.327 1.059.730 987.240 1.241.810 1.055.448 1.089.986 787.310
570715000000023118 01-04-1980 20-06-2019 55 14 23 Windmatic 55/11:15.D 791 Viborg LAND Viborg Markjorder 309as 525300,27 6258180,35 SDFE2018 00076813 7.360 11.160 6.460 17.590 13.340 17.390 31.310 30.230 32.390 36.400 28.180 23.360 26.160 45.825 62.752 57.703 32.700 44.611 43.276 45.415 39.221 30.165 33.161 27.802 30.505 31.365 25.905 38.991 33.880 8.346 897 662 1.156 916 1.101 13.474 19.091 15.835 5.040 0
570715000000043826 28-09-1984 22-08-2002 55 32,7 22,8 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 15 791 Viborg LAND Karup By, Karup 3h 509764,22 6241617,03 Stamdata 141193 17.160 68.630 68.630 68.630 68.630 68.630 68.630 68.630 67.700 69.370 72.350 69.430 61.920 63.380 58.940 55.068 69.600 47.161 40.936
570715000000003844 09-05-1986 07-11-2002 75 0,1 0,1 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 810 Brønderslev LAND V.Brønderslev, Brønderslev Jorder 2cq 555276,59 6345485,07 Stamdata 10 102.380 133.140 136.300 145.790 149.240 133.660 123.950 136.920 156.920 145.720 116.510 139.827 140.525 118.480 129.229 110.335 102.815
570715000000003929 17-06-1986 12-11-2002 75 0,1 0,1 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 810 Brønderslev LAND V.Brønderslev, Brønderslev Jorder 2cq 555430,4 6345376,48 Stamdata 11 86.250 141.040 142.810 154.100 160.140 147.250 130.840 149.040 163.880 151.800 122.290 146.999 148.142 125.530 111.562 120.258 98.316
570715000000003936 30-06-1986 28-10-2002 95 0,1 0,1 BONUS Ukendt-BONUS 810 Brønderslev LAND V.Brønderslev, Brønderslev Jorder 2hæ 555190,76 6345075,2 Stamdata 12 119.940 195.170 202.890 225.620 216.350 202.540 172.350 199.680 216.580 187.150 155.040 182.471 192.099 168.514 172.399 163.338 133.392
570715000000003943 02-06-1986 18-10-2002 95 0,1 0,1 BONUS Ukendt-BONUS 810 Brønderslev LAND Vildmosen, Tolstrup 12 553535,53 6343452,8 Stamdata 13 126.840 197.450 206.140 232.000 233.240 204.370 181.510 206.440 231.650 195.440 152.430 163.814 168.373 142.652 155.715 137.387 114.664
570715000000003974 07-05-1987 07-12-2009 160 0,1 0,1 Vindsyssel Ukendt-Vindsyssel 810 Brønderslev LAND Sterup By, Jerslev 18a 565428,79 6352188,57 Stamdata 16 145.070 266.050 280.290 256.390 244.080 235.695 277.070 313.590 268.100 176.170 264.235 272.244 228.198 257.211 229.897 222.037 192.773 229.978 219.454 178.742 233.402 233.855 178.684
570715000000003981 01-07-1987 18-10-2002 90 0,1 0,1 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 810 Brønderslev LAND Ø.Hjermitslev By, Tolstrup 51 552684,15 6348356,93 Stamdata 17 73.370 158.500 174.190 169.110 160.010 143.350 150.000 171.020 150.800 110.810 145.268 142.367 111.174 140.517 111.390 98.266
570715000000003998 21-10-1987 21-11-2003 150 0,1 0,1 BONUS Ukendt-BONUS 810 Brønderslev LAND Vildmosen, Tolstrup 8b 552135,21 6343408,9 Stamdata 18 42.390 295.370 325.080 338.340 294.990 271.463 300.080 311.910 318.440 256.720 302.245 294.297 256.768 281.062 250.235 247.135 190.876
570715000000004070 29-07-1988 01-05-2015 150 0,1 0,1 Wind World W 2700-150  810 Brønderslev LAND Ø.Hjermitslev By, Tolstrup 27a 551394,5 6349446,15 GST, 18-02-2013 23 89.550 6.280 126.800 307.030 282.340 313.240 349.320 272.980 262.590 269.649 328.368 261.580 280.435 267.959 275.250 235.989 278.901 247.175 224.727 303.688 182.302 246.329 225.580 232.803 181.408 208.833 188.647 50.608 0
570715000000004131 29-08-1989 05-12-2003 150 0,1 0,1 BONUS Ukendt-BONUS 810 Brønderslev LAND Holte By, Tolstrup 8b 555824,72 6352747,37 Stamdata 27 95.910 343.360 324.110 290.500 317.500 358.460 345.190 265.740 316.833 339.820 274.766 310.388 279.533 272.801 213.818
570715000000004155 21-09-1989 22-06-2009 150 0,1 0,1 BONUS Ukendt-BONUS 810 Brønderslev LAND Klæstrup By, Jerslev 15d 564045,22 6348678,14 Stamdata 28 64.720 303.215 278.095 255.005 286.970 318.555 294.930 234.550 256.507 279.535 216.758 258.319 219.272 198.433 200.315 221.259 216.991 199.053 211.866 225.808 89.581
570715000000004162 21-09-1989 22-06-2009 150 0,1 0,1 BONUS Ukendt-BONUS 810 Brønderslev LAND Klæstrup By, Jerslev 15d 564011,25 6348762,58 Stamdata 28 64.720 303.215 278.095 255.005 286.970 318.555 294.930 234.550 256.507 279.535 216.758 258.319 219.272 198.433 200.315 221.259 216.991 199.053 211.866 225.808 89.581
570715000000004186 23-05-1985 15-05-2002 55 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 810 Brønderslev LAND Vanggårde, Stenum 1a 552035,85 6354255,51 Stamdata 29 55.500 107.290 97.900 103.680 112.720 110.990 105.750 91.422 102.844 114.424 107.418 84.496 101.235 107.373 83.311 95.933 186.474 307.009 44.839
570715000000004193 13-09-1989 21-06-2010 200 0,1 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  810 Brønderslev LAND Vanggårde, Stenum 1a 552057,34 6354427,12 Stamdata 29 107.800 434.250 406.740 365.688 411.376 457.696 429.672 337.984 404.942 429.494 333.245 383.730 251.546 307.009 325.687 368.632 352.150 326.245 368.755 251.256 348.469 163.052
570715000000004278 26-04-1990 05-12-2003 150 23 29,3 BONUS Ukendt-BONUS 810 Brønderslev LAND V.Brønderslev, Brønderslev Jorder 8aa 555806,88 6344740,47 Stamdata 33 177.370 341.510 301.090 337.010 377.300 351.940 275.770 334.596 339.401 281.958 315.805 274.692 274.106 223.881
570715000000004285 26-04-1990 05-12-2003 150 23 29,3 BONUS Ukendt-BONUS 810 Brønderslev LAND V.Brønderslev, Brønderslev Jorder 10k 555860,26 6344824,09 Stamdata 34 172.540 329.560 288.370 324.000 363.390 338.600 269.790 315.970 328.732 273.271 305.629 264.178 273.178 218.520
570715000000004292 08-06-1990 28-10-2016 150 23,2 30,3 Wind World Ukendt-Wind World 810 Brønderslev LAND Ø.Hjermitslev By, Tolstrup 27a 551382,02 6349382,49 GST, 18-02-2013 35 157.220 321.570 319.100 370.580 408.900 380.360 283.660 337.297 311.016 297.824 349.095 298.348 306.038 274.113 326.064 292.690 217.802 237.849 248.573 268.428 253.207 324.544 325.210 273.663 288.867 349.334 108.513
570715000000004452 14-04-1985 15-10-2001 55 0,1 0,1 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 810 Brønderslev LAND Ørum by, Ørum 6m 566707,74 6340276,09 Stamdata 5 42.350 78.490 76.170 79.750 83.700 83.870 73.280 66.400 80.570 91.240 82.480 67.270 75.199 76.681 57.366 67.001 40.887 0
570715000000004469 14-10-1985 25-09-2002 75 0,1 0,1 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 810 Brønderslev LAND Holte By, Serritslev 14a 557471,34 6352647,49 Stamdata 7 30.630 155.020 134.240 141.010 155.830 151.800 142.020 119.810 137.470 149.530 143.420 114.310 136.602 140.986 109.215 127.033 114.841 84.233
570715000000004728 07-05-1986 22-04-2010 130 22 25 Vindsyssel Ukendt-Vindsyssel 810 Brønderslev LAND Sterup Fælled, Jerslev 7a 567570,68 6354070,86 Stamdata 9 131.960 230.280 146.330 100.190 265.760 237.030 143.030 253.060 259.230 213.120 192.680 244.508 179.344 135.693 228.156 210.238 190.668 95.180 173.249 177.682 146.564 170.108 164.002 163.668 39.423
570715000000004742 01-05-1988 07-11-2002 99 21 21 Wincon W 99 XT 810 Brønderslev LAND V.Brønderslev, Brønderslev Jorder 13dp 556796,44 6344871,46 Stamdata WRY 106.655 196.338 200.928 185.330 181.953 173.265 179.785 167.882 146.202 157.468 175.760 142.019 161.364 149.643 158.939
570715000000004759 01-05-1988 07-11-2002 99 21 21 Wincon W 99 XT 810 Brønderslev LAND V.Brønderslev, Brønderslev Jorder 13dp 556934,1 6344794,56 Stamdata WRY 106.655 196.338 200.928 185.330 181.953 173.265 179.785 167.882 146.202 157.468 175.760 142.019 161.364 149.643 158.939
570715000000004766 01-05-1988 07-11-2002 99 21 21 Wincon W 99 XT 810 Brønderslev LAND V.Brønderslev, Brønderslev Jorder 73ad 556919,69 6344522,85 Stamdata WRY 106.655 196.338 200.928 185.330 181.953 173.265 179.785 167.882 146.202 157.468 175.760 142.019 161.364 149.643 158.939
570715000000004773 01-05-1988 07-11-2002 99 21 21 Wincon W 99 XT 810 Brønderslev LAND V.Brønderslev, Brønderslev Jorder 73ad 556902,83 6344373,56 Stamdata WRY 106.655 196.338 200.928 185.330 181.953 173.265 179.785 167.882 146.202 157.468 175.760 142.019 161.364 149.643 158.939
570715000000004780 01-05-1988 07-11-2002 99 21 21 Wincon W 99 XT 810 Brønderslev LAND V.Brønderslev, Brønderslev Jorder 73ad 556885,88 6344224,62 Stamdata WRY 106.655 196.338 200.928 185.330 181.953 173.265 179.785 167.882 146.202 157.468 175.760 142.019 161.364 149.643 158.939
570715000000004797 01-05-1988 07-11-2002 99 21 21 Wincon W 99 XT 810 Brønderslev LAND V.Brønderslev, Brønderslev Jorder 73ad 556868,57 6344075,94 Stamdata WRY 106.655 196.338 200.928 185.330 181.953 173.265 179.785 167.882 146.202 157.468 175.760 142.019 161.364 149.643 158.939
570715000000004803 01-05-1988 07-11-2002 99 21 21 Wincon W 99 XT 810 Brønderslev LAND V.Brønderslev, Brønderslev Jorder 73ad 556851,22 6343926,74 Stamdata WRY 106.655 196.338 200.928 185.330 181.953 173.265 179.785 167.882 146.202 157.468 175.760 142.019 161.364 149.643 158.939
570715000000004810 01-05-1988 07-11-2002 99 21 21 Wincon W 99 XT 810 Brønderslev LAND V.Brønderslev, Brønderslev Jorder 13dp 556600,59 6344783,52 Stamdata WRY 106.655 196.338 200.928 185.330 181.953 173.265 179.785 167.882 146.202 157.468 175.760 142.019 161.364 149.643 158.939
570715000000004827 01-05-1988 07-11-2002 99 21 21 Wincon W 99 XT 810 Brønderslev LAND V.Brønderslev, Brønderslev Jorder 13dp 556725,48 6344700,13 Stamdata WRY 106.655 196.338 200.928 185.330 181.953 173.265 179.785 167.882 146.202 157.468 175.760 142.019 161.364 149.643 158.939
570715000000004834 01-05-1988 07-11-2002 99 21 21 Wincon W 99 XT 810 Brønderslev LAND V.Brønderslev, Brønderslev Jorder 13dp 556849,83 6344616,14 Stamdata WRY 106.655 196.338 200.928 185.330 181.953 173.265 179.785 167.882 146.202 157.468 175.760 142.019 161.364 149.643 158.939
570715000000004841 01-05-1988 07-11-2002 99 21 21 Wincon W 99 XT 810 Brønderslev LAND V.Brønderslev, Brønderslev Jorder 16d 556786,9 6344455,04 Stamdata WRY 106.655 196.338 200.928 185.330 181.953 173.265 179.785 167.882 146.202 157.468 175.760 142.019 161.364 149.643 158.939
570715000000004858 01-05-1988 07-11-2002 99 21 21 Wincon W 99 XT 810 Brønderslev LAND V.Brønderslev, Brønderslev Jorder 16d 556768,53 6344298,75 Stamdata WRY 106.655 196.338 200.928 185.330 181.953 173.265 179.785 167.882 146.202 157.468 175.760 142.019 161.364 149.643 158.939
570715000000004865 01-05-1988 07-11-2002 99 21 21 Wincon W 99 XT 810 Brønderslev LAND V.Brønderslev, Brønderslev Jorder 16d 556751,33 6344149,31 Stamdata WRY 106.655 196.338 200.928 185.330 181.953 173.265 179.785 167.882 146.202 157.468 175.760 142.019 161.364 149.643 158.939
570715000000004872 01-05-1988 07-11-2002 99 21 21 Wincon W 99 XT 810 Brønderslev LAND V.Brønderslev, Brønderslev Jorder 16d 556733,86 6343999,52 Stamdata WRY 106.655 196.338 200.928 185.330 181.953 173.265 179.785 167.882 146.202 157.468 175.760 142.019 161.364 149.643 158.939
570715000000004889 01-05-1988 07-11-2002 99 21 21 Wincon W 99 XT 810 Brønderslev LAND V.Brønderslev, Brønderslev Jorder 13dp 556423,39 6344704,3 Stamdata WRY 106.655 196.338 200.928 185.330 181.953 173.265 179.785 167.882 146.202 157.468 175.760 142.019 161.364 149.643 158.939
570715000000004896 01-05-1988 07-11-2002 99 21 21 Wincon W 99 XT 810 Brønderslev LAND V.Brønderslev, Brønderslev Jorder 13dp 556547,58 6344618,98 Stamdata WRY 106.655 196.338 200.928 185.330 181.953 173.265 179.785 167.882 146.202 157.468 175.760 142.019 161.364 149.643 158.939
570715000000004902 01-05-1988 07-11-2002 99 21 21 Wincon W 99 XT 810 Brønderslev LAND V.Brønderslev, Brønderslev Jorder 54f 556644,62 6344551,64 Stamdata WRY 106.655 196.338 200.928 185.330 181.953 173.265 179.785 167.882 146.202 157.468 175.760 142.019 161.364 149.643 158.939
570715000000004919 01-05-1988 07-11-2002 99 21 21 Wincon W 99 XT 810 Brønderslev LAND V.Brønderslev, Brønderslev Jorder 54f 556626,86 6344387,76 Stamdata WRY 106.655 196.338 200.928 185.330 181.953 173.265 179.785 167.882 146.202 157.468 175.760 142.019 161.364 149.643 158.939
570715000000004926 01-05-1988 07-11-2002 99 21 21 Wincon W 99 XT 810 Brønderslev LAND V.Brønderslev, Brønderslev Jorder 54f 556610,9 6344236,74 Stamdata WRY 106.655 196.338 200.928 185.330 181.953 173.265 179.785 167.882 146.202 157.468 175.760 142.019 161.364 149.643 158.939
570715000000004933 01-05-1988 07-11-2002 99 21 21 Wincon W 99 XT 810 Brønderslev LAND V.Brønderslev, Brønderslev Jorder 54f 556595,28 6344058,67 Stamdata WRY 106.655 196.338 200.928 185.330 181.953 173.265 179.785 167.882 146.202 157.468 175.760 142.019 161.364 149.643 158.939
570715000000004940 01-05-1988 14-04-2005 200 27 27 Wincon W 200  810 Brønderslev LAND V.Brønderslev, Brønderslev Jorder 12h 556407,56 6344527,49 Stamdata WRY 215.465 396.643 405.915 374.403 367.581 350.031 363.202 339.155 295.357 318.116 355.070 286.907 325.988 185.497 158.939 141.937 189.505 35.901
570715000000004957 01-05-1988 14-04-2005 200 27 27 Wincon W 200  810 Brønderslev LAND V.Brønderslev, Brønderslev Jorder 12h 556394,47 6344372,56 Stamdata WRY 215.465 396.643 405.915 374.403 367.581 350.031 363.202 339.155 295.357 318.116 355.070 286.907 325.988 185.497 158.939 141.937 189.505 35.901
570715000000004964 01-05-1988 14-04-2005 200 27 27 Wincon W 200  810 Brønderslev LAND V.Brønderslev, Brønderslev Jorder 12h 556380,73 6344218,08 Stamdata WRY 215.465 396.643 405.915 374.403 367.581 350.031 363.202 339.155 295.357 318.116 355.070 286.907 325.988 185.497 158.939 141.937 189.505 35.901
570715000000011788 19-12-1991 02-09-2008 150 23,8 30 BONUS 150   - MK lll 810 Brønderslev LAND Overdorf fjerding, Dronninglund 33a 573536 6338329 Stamdata 70001-01 0 314.357 311.962 332.127 294.664 258.774 281.891 310.570 246.209 283.005 252.911 262.832 234.993 263.956 210.548 218.648 271.925 184.843
570715000000011795 07-06-1984 25-11-2001 55 16 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-15  810 Brønderslev LAND Hellevad By, Hellevad 16f 572788 6341713 Stamdata 70002-01 46.657 73.349 90.859 80.840 86.221 93.058 95.649 86.448 85.882 76.550 94.679 85.739 69.699 78.847 90.350 68.575 73.375 48.813 0
570715000000011849 03-02-1988 31-08-2016 90 18,56 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  810 Brønderslev LAND Dronninglund By, Dronninglund Sogn 31cb 578145,75 6332914 GST, 18-02-2013 70007 82.440 54.110 107.802 150.140 157.693 178.882 184.314 162.168 137.822 142.293 146.887 79.901 64.374 82.062 113.492 134.445 147.756 140.898 117.671 154.871 134.895 135.653 138.688 148.724 147.602 133.626 139.150 158.506 63.609
570715000000011856 18-02-1988 23-06-2009 250 26 30 NEG Micon NM 530-250   810 Brønderslev LAND Hjallerup Fjerding 12ah 569608,897 6332854,002 Stamdata 70008-01 279.990 354.510 310.600 353.500 379.900 419.400 441.700 378.300 222.000 369.400 373.537 296.814 350.156 313.591 319.063 287.184 309.645 208.566 137.807 360.305 296.035 110.604
570715000000011863 28-12-1989 23-06-2009 250 26 30 NEG Micon NM 530-250   810 Brønderslev LAND Sønderkærs Enge, Hellevad 12m 566412,545 6335580,531 Stamdata 70008-02 428.200 386.000 383.000 383.200 418.600 445.500 375.800 323.500 372.500 377.634 320.081 347.783 307.843 316.896 280.844 318.687 288.995 187.971 305.399 257.938 103.107
570715000000011870 10-07-1991 23-06-2009 250 26 30 NEG Micon NM 530-250   810 Brønderslev LAND Sønderkærs Enge, Hellevad 22u 566338,357 6335391,064 Stamdata 70008-03 169.800 357.000 401.800 416.200 344.500 304.500 343.400 345.388 280.265 294.542 274.492 274.481 248.164 285.482 246.829 159.177 273.176 253.050 81.725
570715000000011887 05-02-1988 09-10-2002 99 19 30 Windmatic 19 S 810 Brønderslev LAND Aså 38b 584784 6337385 Stamdata 70009-01 185.374 237.545 233.898 222.641 188.100 190.480 197.030 176.610 142.220 162.200 177.498 140.742 166.060 146.052 99.055
570715000000012020 01-07-1988 22-06-2010 150 23 30 BONUS 150 810 Brønderslev LAND Idskov Fjerings, Voer Sogn 8a 581736,912 6347180,846 Stamdata 70024-01 94.164 303.551 313.861 293.027 276.453 301.109 325.162 285.797 248.630 261.088 284.886 258.808 289.236 245.082 244.069 218.022 240.514 218.243 215.164 245.715 258.681 232.428 99.061
570715000000012037 16-08-1988 09-11-2011 150 23,3 30 Wind World 23201160 810 Brønderslev LAND Dronninglund 33a 573664,707 6338220,793 Stamdata 70025-01 131.529 293.280 301.040 282.000 275.000 305.696 329.088 284.899 245.917 259.615 254.235 225.221 260.210 237.550 225.903 223.983 249.047 201.237 199.278 271.652 244.012 224.582 217.606 217.047
570715000000012044 25-11-1988 07-06-2005 150 23 30 BONUS 20-150/30   810 Brønderslev LAND Bolle Fjerding, Dronninglund 52a 573428 6332754 Stamdata 70026-01 22.007 327.131 291.058 39.974 321.600 323.400 310.000 291.000 318.000 340.000 294.000 262.000 288.000 306.710 247.739 289.607 252.276 271.896 235.918 271.101 126.513
570715000000012112 28-12-1988 04-01-2017 150 23 32 BONUS 150/30 kW 810 Brønderslev LAND Dronninglund By, Dronninglund Sogn 100ag 578649,86 6337196,75 SDFE2018 70031-01 0 285.471 286.075 265.760 263.240 280.140 302.000 255.340 235.700 260.620 267.800 218.256 248.752 215.335 214.951 194.403 214.548 201.660 182.863 226.456 205.179 211.199 192.394 231.063 225.304 199.981 222.634 262.256 60.028 0
570715000000012129 10-01-1989 24-10-2016 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  810 Brønderslev LAND Ørsø Fjerding, Aså Meltholt 53h 580973,77 6333645,67 GST, 18-02-2013 70032-01 359.321 413.560 364.550 363.484 405.616 436.180 385.795 346.707 365.869 448.652 354.385 394.069 350.596 365.398 321.590 352.494 342.713 314.906 385.681 349.977 327.032 323.008 368.521 349.596 315.991 342.493 396.659 136.363
570715000000012136 10-01-1989 24-10-2016 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  810 Brønderslev LAND Ørsø Fjerding, Aså Meltholt 53g 580979,15 6333746,13 GST, 18-02-2013 70033-01 350.303 407.116 344.600 352.631 393.311 421.742 368.318 336.823 361.031 404.371 352.561 380.008 355.402 351.484 316.230 353.746 335.006 304.774 368.888 348.168 323.033 309.210 344.835 329.436 309.363 318.515 389.908 138.906
570715000000012143 12-01-1989 02-02-2018 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  810 Brønderslev LAND Aså By, Aså-Melholt 2a 583919,36 6337239,76 SDFE2018 70034-01 358.710 402.170 384.600 364.380 403.040 428.370 358.630 334.000 364.800 398.200 343.526 388.960 342.723 348.067 315.948 352.839 332.430 292.090 324.886 347.722 335.306 314.072 365.806 347.117 322.479 367.703 396.421 51.583 0 1
570715000000012174 21-03-1989 24-10-2016 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  810 Brønderslev LAND Aså, Melholt 31g 580650,15 6333152,97 GST, 18-02-2013 70036-01 233.968 414.100 395.425 374.345 402.615 435.055 387.550 352.760 373.200 416.208 358.234 398.733 360.121 362.723 325.821 358.294 343.491 315.393 381.190 353.888 327.507 312.139 364.904 356.769 326.750 358.056 363.880 146.505
570715000000012235 27-10-1989 04-04-2007 150 28 31 Wind World W 2700-150  810 Brønderslev LAND Vestergårdens Fjerding, Voer 50h 579412 6345536 Stamdata 70042-01 50.590 345.390 354.000 337.860 366.190 392.050 332.690 299.940 327.090 353.005 308.335 340.568 254.668 289.873 277.114 240.947 292.220 259.079 123.476
570715000000012433 16-10-1991 13-01-2016 150 28 31 Wind World W 2700-150  810 Brønderslev LAND Idskov Fjerings, Voer Sogn 2a 579769,67 6347379,71 GST, 18-02-2013 70054-01 91.830 312.450 345.430 378.300 323.990 286.700 316.210 343.200 280.853 324.480 292.205 270.806 264.224 293.404 278.779 239.715 301.102 290.985 267.141 251.716 295.275 264.310 256.058 276.366 296.501 0
570715000000012440 04-10-1991 29-08-2016 200 26 30 Wincon W 200/26 810 Brønderslev LAND Del af Drl. Hgd. Og Dronninggård, Drl. 31cb 578085,62 6332798,82 GST, 18-02-2013 70055 94.780 342.610 390.870 413.850 339.900 315.770 341.780 372.770 294.974 347.981 289.970 306.145 248.895 291.388 227.169 258.529 338.335 322.540 288.426 270.971 326.890 289.307 283.182 317.662 385.553 121.821
570715000000012457 04-10-1991 31-08-2016 200 26 30 Wincon W 200/26 810 Brønderslev LAND Del af Drl. Hgd. Og Dronninggård, Drl. 31cb 578307,76 6332687,37 GST, 18-02-2013 70087 94.540 341.110 392.700 414.520 345.250 328.920 338.840 374.750 296.289 340.456 308.537 316.476 274.212 308.515 235.380 263.173 345.880 318.442 278.061 279.657 326.098 272.682 285.495 316.774 373.835 120.350
570715000001441317 01-10-2015 09-04-2018 10 7,1 21 KVA Vind 06-okt 810 Brønderslev Land 571040 6344171 SDFE2018 3.848 6.945 1.940
571313103190000860 28-12-2012 18-12-2016 11 13 18 Gaia-Wind Ltd Ukendt-Gaia-Wind 810 Brønderslev Land Stamdata 8.873 6.853 14.264 2.978
570715000000002571 15-08-1985 16-08-1999 75 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 813 Frederikshavn LAND Ukendt 0 571178 6337246 Stamdata 0390-0455 0 0
570715000000002588 07-12-1989 28-11-2002 220 25 31 Wind World W 2500-220  813 Frederikshavn LAND Skagen Markjorder 123e 593454 6400283 Stamdata 0391-8040 0 540.957 523.030 548.660 567.810 556.310 540.860 418.680 465.880 410.086 416.591 426.207 248.273 276.642
570715000000002595 07-12-1989 28-11-2002 250 29,2 31 Wind World W 2920-250  813 Frederikshavn LAND Skagen Markjorder 123e 593346 6400422 Stamdata 0391-8042 0 548.646 475.950 503.950 513.880 516.210 504.080 469.580 546.330 641.921 399.308 345.171 590.635 378.749
570715000000002632 13-09-1990 08-02-2016 150 28 31 Wind World W 2800-150  813 Frederikshavn LAND Åsted By, Åsted 6c 582940,79 6366748,31 GST, 18-02-2013 0501-1050 95.547 355.950 335.330 373.100 393.450 356.630 309.520 330.110 350.573 301.049 330.946 296.980 290.485 264.678 299.970 300.722 268.440 317.513 279.426 272.329 272.408 323.811 311.374 296.435 312.764 293.783 0
570715000000002649 13-09-1990 08-02-2016 150 28 31 Wind World W 2800-150  813 Frederikshavn LAND Åsted By, Åsted 6c 582754,52 6366805,66 GST, 18-02-2013 0501-1052 99.549 374.680 360.980 389.820 408.890 371.790 317.610 334.630 372.924 311.329 340.799 316.292 313.775 289.764 316.791 303.540 276.671 322.984 310.513 285.851 271.844 336.467 311.374 319.731 329.138 194.994
570715000000002656 03-03-1980 31-07-2000 45 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 813 Frederikshavn LAND Ukendt 0 571178 6337246 Stamdata 0503-0601 0 0
570715000000002687 29-07-1981 11-12-2008 45 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 813 Frederikshavn LAND Den sydlige Del, Åsted 11a 584420 6366317 Stamdata 0505-0001 26.798 57.822 70.110 71.178 55.949 69.305 61.663 65.746 70.203 69.126 64.520 65.520 74.410 77.360 63.810 52.740 62.570 56.150 50.960 55.580 23.510 4.458 13.030 15.947 19.239 31.005 26.129 19.836
570715000000002700 19-10-1988 06-12-2011 250 24 30 Micon M 250 813 Frederikshavn LAND Den østlige Del, Åsted 13a 586352,46 6369572,01 GST, 18-02-2013 0505-1812 57.137 366.068 360.448 326.730 336.420 360.280 363.090 339.990 280.510 311.650 336.280 285.016 303.607 265.626 260.981 258.308 253.338 263.825 187.138 282.105 271.628 246.919 242.592 215.602
570715000000002779 12-09-1988 08-11-2010 270 0,1 0,1 Vindsyssel Ukendt-Vindsyssel 813 Frederikshavn LAND Jerup By, Elling 26a 585511 6376489 Stamdata 0604-0461 61.346 262.022 257.999 250.530 212.470 272.230 288.160 248.760 217.810 218.880 204.409 123.645 199.878 244.761 227.928 202.687 200.291 199.600 135.931 185.060 63.533 0 0
570715000000002953 25-01-1991 13-09-2005 150 28 31 Wind World W 2800-150  813 Frederikshavn LAND Den sydlige Del, Åsted 14l 582270 6363547 Stamdata 0901-0390 326.240 397.910 388.440 408.980 369.610 322.690 355.390 388.401 309.991 356.434 309.741 311.974 300.479 322.810 176.056
570715000000002960 25-01-1991 13-09-2005 150 28 31 Wind World W 2800-150  813 Frederikshavn LAND Den sydlige Del, Åsted 14l 582264 6363500 Stamdata 0901-0392 337.100 352.340 388.780 401.950 351.680 291.750 310.740 365.571 300.598 317.453 298.915 304.600 282.832 311.281 193.594
570715000000002991 23-12-1996 31-10-2013 600 44 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  813 Frederikshavn LAND Den nordøstlige Del, Torslev 5a 579486,39 6359777,29 GST, 18-02-2013 0908-1432 0 1.279.800 1.397.847 1.201.107 1.338.547 1.196.927 1.216.897 1.096.903 1.244.776 1.210.674 1.106.475 1.228.017 1.260.807 1.143.655 1.154.300 1.288.997 1.241.706 706.107
570715000000003004 23-12-1996 02-09-2013 600 44 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  813 Frederikshavn LAND Den nordøstlige Del, Torslev 5c 579595,84 6359564,1 GST, 18-02-2013 0908-1433 0 1.207.830 1.317.352 1.119.087 1.244.077 1.092.685 1.133.082 1.035.864 1.128.651 1.101.370 1.009.339 1.255.002 1.161.666 1.044.612 1.043.022 1.213.585 1.179.218 633.846
570715000000003011 23-12-1996 16-10-2013 600 44 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  813 Frederikshavn LAND Den nordøstlige Del, Torslev 4h 579706,45 6359351,4 GST, 18-02-2013 0908-1434 0 1.222.010 1.337.903 1.142.015 1.260.778 1.142.856 1.160.309 1.075.198 1.174.643 1.138.112 1.042.490 1.291.370 1.201.774 1.077.579 1.070.343 1.221.345 1.176.109 773.116
570715000000003028 23-12-1996 14-08-2013 600 44 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  813 Frederikshavn LAND Den nordøstlige Del, Torslev 8a 579816,67 6359138,14 GST, 18-02-2013 0908-1435 0 1.329.930 1.417.718 1.222.103 1.362.591 1.219.742 1.251.269 1.137.530 1.276.553 1.232.358 1.119.916 1.339.720 1.270.237 1.152.214 1.145.594 1.330.119 1.247.413 688.567
570715000000003035 02-12-1988 23-05-2016 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  813 Frederikshavn LAND Den vestlige Del, Hørby 6b6n 581302,82 6357328,36 GST, 18-02-2013 0909-0040 0 434.046 427.383 391.410 390.740 424.120 430.100 396.050 346.320 375.460 399.607 322.693 367.744 318.334 272.676 275.045 347.459 322.438 300.470 366.345 347.395 314.314 267.668 345.892 332.021 306.331 317.426 389.463 114.446
570715000000003042 27-02-1987 17-12-2001 75 0,1 0,1 Windmatic VM 17 S 813 Frederikshavn LAND Den vestlige Del, Hørby 4c 582113 6355676 Stamdata 0909-0134 128.764 164.748 175.918 173.217 168.540 167.350 166.170 181.770 158.510 135.180 148.930 152.530 135.540 145.040 90.070 0
570715000000003059 27-02-1987 17-12-2001 75 0,1 0,1 Windmatic VM 17 S 813 Frederikshavn LAND Den vestlige Del, Hørby 4c 582108 6355750 Stamdata 0909-0135 123.117 157.523 168.204 165.622 164.780 162.320 155.690 175.320 154.060 124.020 145.200 151.500 123.960 136.010 89.050 0
570715000000003134 09-12-1988 26-04-2010 150 23,2 30,3 Wind World W 2320-150  813 Frederikshavn LAND Ø. Vrå By, Torslev 26b 573040 6356862 Stamdata 1003-0102 0 322.848 317.891 292.950 285.630 315.890 336.950 296.500 285.810 244.890 302.044 235.977 263.826 234.985 228.139 215.698 245.907 169.793 201.687 261.699 244.509 219.548 18.753
570715000000003240 19-02-1986 20-11-2001 55 0,1 0,1 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 813 Frederikshavn LAND Gersholt, Torslev 1a 576368 6358281 Stamdata 1007-0088 96.939 103.498 110.351 117.833 116.024 110.380 105.910 116.110 119.390 107.060 92.000 99.630 104.050 90.640 99.080 78.900 0
570715000000003257 14-10-1987 04-11-2001 90 17,5 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 813 Frederikshavn LAND Gersholt, Torslev 1a 576403 6358278 Stamdata 1007-0091 24.430 156.292 166.889 164.327 166.910 159.250 172.850 178.140 153.390 125.570 136.650 161.200 110.760 121.240 95.740 0
570715000000003271 12-12-1990 11-05-2011 150 28 31 Wind World W 2800-150  813 Frederikshavn LAND Den mellemste Del, Torslev 17a 576790 6356666 Stamdata 1007-0336 0 377.840 373.760 401.160 419.730 374.880 334.120 346.900 384.071 312.211 341.643 320.343 304.173 291.105 314.352 298.313 260.207 319.581 301.847 279.777 281.488 131.892
570715000000003288 07-12-1990 13-11-2003 150 23 30 BONUS 150/30 kW 813 Frederikshavn LAND Den mellemste Del, Torslev 17i 576961 6356960 Stamdata 1007-0404 0 330.920 319.610 363.990 386.890 344.580 299.680 324.620 357.398 290.754 321.842 302.884 290.749 225.067
570715000000003295 20-08-1990 13-11-2003 150 27 31 Wind World W 2700-150  813 Frederikshavn LAND Ø. Vrå By, Torslev 9d 574181 6357373 Stamdata 1008-1762 123.989 335.830 322.280 360.980 391.830 349.090 305.750 324.290 343.134 292.185 318.706 291.646 288.105 215.732
570715000000003301 12-04-1991 18-11-2003 150 28 31 Wind World W 2800-150  813 Frederikshavn LAND Ø. Vrå By, Torslev 9d 574099 6357334 Stamdata 1008-1764 233.670 337.120 355.460 381.270 342.980 302.400 331.760 358.633 297.882 328.246 285.355 289.296 220.500
570715000000003318 01-06-1988 15-04-2003 150 23,2 30,3 Wind World W 2320-150  813 Frederikshavn LAND Ålborggård, Torslev 2q 575130 6357292 Stamdata 1008-6014 155.316 331.694 326.602 313.220 247.430 314.900 349.600 308.200 271.800 282.660 311.662 255.323 281.649 256.909 259.407 78.371
570715000000011801 01-01-1987 31-10-2009 150 22 37 Vindsyssel VS 150  813 Frederikshavn LAND Vestlig del, Albæk 1f 585967,65 6343479,34 GST, 18-02-2013 70003-01 194.738 213.282 249.913 255.740 231.402 224.480 262.590 260.031 224.559 168.700 200.435 202.159 166.617 201.730 176.440 189.915 163.091 182.368 170.856 143.931 195.666 139.062 84.451
570715000000011894 11-07-1987 01-12-2009 150 23 26 Vindsyssel VS 150  813 Frederikshavn LAND Vestlige del Albæk sog 33g 583424 6344448 Stamdata 70010-01 131.721 337.062 359.916 354.391 337.335 169.500 133.780 44.870 74.790 84.300 133.960 178.602 76.211 95.463 176.492 168.063 157.157 132.750 101.038 0 92.013 0 12.405
570715000000011900 19-12-1985 19-11-2002 75 17 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75 kW 813 Frederikshavn LAND Grønheden, Volstrup 16e 589731 6352851 Stamdata 70011-02 0 145.811 129.733 140.476 155.738 160.880 143.000 135.200 122.900 151.800 132.485 114.500 127.400 131.405 111.509 114.693 104.596 93.777
570715000000011917 23-01-1986 12-08-2002 75 17 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  813 Frederikshavn LAND Grønheden, Volstrup 16a 589917 6352946 Stamdata 70013-01 134.966 130.999 140.399 152.633 156.891 141.724 132.626 149.644 149.556 130.892 116.268 125.440 134.972 112.241 116.522 109.469 73.478
570715000000011924 06-05-1986 12-08-2002 75 17 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  813 Frederikshavn LAND Grønheden, Volstrup 16a 589429,246 6353347,64 Stamdata 70013-02 83.932 128.017 136.945 150.485 152.901 140.318 131.278 145.527 147.642 127.882 111.391 122.138 131.823 108.500 113.792 108.889 72.107
570715000000011931 06-05-1986 12-08-2002 75 17 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  813 Frederikshavn LAND Grønheden, Volstrup 16a 589489,634 6353128,876 Stamdata 70013-03 83.417 127.232 137.591 149.157 151.815 140.194 131.293 146.392 149.552 129.393 110.619 121.761 128.190 103.996 111.032 108.660 69.828
570715000000011948 01-07-1987 12-08-2002 75 17 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  813 Frederikshavn LAND Toftlund, Volstrup 25cf 589763 6352151 Stamdata 70015-01 51.791 124.729 134.841 150.544 135.822 128.594 143.647 145.251 129.890 103.027 123.003 131.284 107.327 111.900 103.069 67.199
570715000000012051 28-11-1988 15-06-2010 160 23,2 30,3 Wind World W 2320 813 Frederikshavn LAND Præstbro Albæk 6a 583226,728 6345438,951 Stamdata 70027-01 45.886 281.412 292.181 277.687 287.858 300.490 335.585 293.810 239.032 278.464 301.720 265.539 318.845 264.694 248.712 223.092 272.555 266.468 218.974 293.242 269.257 239.134 86.355
570715000000012068 06-03-1989 15-06-2010 160 23,2 30,3 Wind World W 2320 813 Frederikshavn LAND Præstbro Albæk 6d 583170,925 6345578,815 Stamdata 70027-02 233.493 301.716 297.671 266.839 276.904 300.287 287.690 199.043 289.380 264.580 277.773 297.561 274.020 271.556 238.124 273.555 251.488 237.006 277.987 266.540 241.865 79.845
570715000000012334 07-09-1990 30-09-2011 150 23 30 BONUS 150/30   813 Frederikshavn LAND Den sydøstlige del, Albæk 32a 586397,168 6338178,382 Stamdata 70048-01 100.741 383.571 342.580 376.735 397.345 370.830 334.545 345.655 386.205 319.788 361.692 317.469 310.284 291.813 280.967 261.622 212.294 244.875 230.907 197.000 226.558 215.630
570715000000012341 07-09-1990 30-09-2011 150 23 30 BONUS 150/30   813 Frederikshavn LAND Den sydøstlige del, Albæk 32a 586254,695 6338252,514 Stamdata 70048-01 100.741 383.571 342.580 376.735 397.345 370.830 334.545 345.655 386.205 319.788 361.692 317.469 310.284 291.813 280.967 261.622 212.294 244.875 230.907 197.000 226.558 215.630
570715000000012532 06-01-1995 07-10-2011 225 29 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  813 Frederikshavn LAND Den sydlige del, Albæk sogn 12d 587381,878 6339681,987 Stamdata 70061-01 528.790 479.390 505.590 559.650 466.204 502.701 441.365 459.078 418.373 446.541 423.261 389.947 441.709 448.664 454.374 426.320 340.819
570715000000012549 06-01-1995 17-06-2011 225 29 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  813 Frederikshavn LAND Den sydlige del, Albæk sogn 12d 587312,102 6339571,598 Stamdata 70061-02 521.480 455.860 495.630 551.280 452.657 481.406 430.258 444.664 400.518 434.874 417.582 348.038 437.956 425.737 410.820 390.435 212.588
570715000000012556 12-01-1995 07-10-2011 225 29 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  813 Frederikshavn LAND Den sydlige del, Albæk sogn 12d 587242,325 6339461,21 Stamdata 70061-03 498.850 466.680 494.230 541.850 450.011 511.767 457.741 478.671 425.302 454.377 438.141 396.223 470.044 438.582 433.542 416.653 309.413
570715000000012563 12-01-1995 07-10-2011 225 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 813 Frederikshavn LAND Den sydøstlige del 12d 587172,549 6339350,821 Stamdata 70061-04 407.687 435.028 424.425 389.741 443.618 438.636 426.386 399.860 325.442
570715000000012631 19-12-1996 14-06-2015 600 44 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  813 Frederikshavn LAND Grønheden, Volstrup 19 589075,46 6353112,37 GST, 18-02-2013 70064-01 46.200 1.173.000 1.293.600 1.113.917 1.215.527 1.080.521 1.102.185 998.445 1.100.681 1.082.702 969.494 1.156.418 1.119.672 992.942 989.144 1.146.245 1.024.706 933.274 1.030.565 572.538
570715000000012648 25-02-1997 14-06-2015 600 44 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  813 Frederikshavn LAND Grønheden, Volstrup 19 mfl 589128,22 6352840,99 GST, 18-02-2013 70065-01 1.009.580 1.361.190 1.117.354 1.193.139 1.014.870 1.058.886 887.429 1.068.045 1.092.248 984.055 1.166.336 1.113.576 1.029.728 974.621 1.140.498 1.044.221 961.726 1.093.857 604.688
570715000000012662 01-06-1987 30-09-2011 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  813 Frederikshavn LAND Toftlund, Volstrup 25e 589428 6353348 Stamdata 70067-01 80.882 359.498 387.417 350.350 331.600 376.800 395.800 343.100 313.400 346.000 376.600 318.412 332.907 289.692 309.973 263.337 282.217 280.853 234.797 257.500 174.030 222.933 264.881 198.058
570715000000012679 01-12-1987 30-09-2011 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  813 Frederikshavn LAND Toftlund, Volstrup 25e 589429,246 6353347,64 Stamdata 70068-01 0 369.425 409.873 423.906 385.180 373.800 401.210 409.150 373.420 318.880 341.170 378.080 308.992 331.167 298.379 292.503 274.089 296.157 294.792 262.782 288.798 266.373 273.103 266.093 207.292
570715000000012686 01-12-1989 30-09-2011 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  813 Frederikshavn LAND Grønheden, Volstrup 19 m.fl 589489,634 6353128,876 Stamdata 70068-02 0 413.538 393.636 358.450 409.690 422.740 381.030 326.530 347.390 376.760 318.525 339.812 304.589 311.255 277.991 303.199 299.037 263.796 317.333 299.987 274.965 263.870 185.462
570715000000013652 12-12-1986 22-03-2010 130 22,3 26 Vindsyssel VS 130  813 Frederikshavn LAND Frederikshavn Markjorde 1ei 590615,19 6370319,67 Stamdata 06237540 9.412 195.040 231.140 243.620 238.550 245.360 238.666 263.520 249.234 251.945 219.491 218.657 243.572 208.505 222.119 208.551 183.955 181.186 191.538 189.819 154.504 203.607 198.013 179.210 26.099
570715000001392336 11-01-2014 08-12-2017 10 7,1 21 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 813 Frederikshavn Land 559838,47 6351461,07 SDFE2018 10.097 12.987 8.381 9.921 658
570715000001498786 02-10-2015 25-03-2019 10 6 11 ABB Ukendt-ABB 813 Frederikshavn Land 588748,82 6367888,2 SDFE2018
570715000000001185 15-07-1999 20-11-2019 750 48 45 NEG Micon NM 48/750 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Ullerup by Aggersborg 25e 512740,63 6319453,78 SDFE2018 ABO60/88078 189 1.888.097 1.915.030 2.018.946 1.730.027 1.927.572 1.922.040 1.834.096 2.227.360 2.096.472 1.887.137 1.770.746 2.193.068 2.139.494 1.892.418 2.014.247 2.454.757 1.876.732 2.165.379 1.754.372 1.615.137
570715000000001192 15-07-1999 27-11-2019 750 48 45 NEG Micon NM 48/750 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Ullerup by Aggersborg 12f 512815,92 6319306,75 SDFE2018 ABO60/88079 888.304 2.171.516 1.896.831 2.018.946 1.730.027 1.927.572 1.922.040 1.834.096 2.227.360 2.016.326 1.826.913 1.669.675 2.069.679 2.040.300 1.907.996 1.908.332 2.327.474 1.781.707 2.099.620 1.696.851 1.607.143
570715000000001208 15-07-1999 20-11-2019 750 48 45 NEG Micon NM 48/750 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Ullerup by Aggersborg 13c 512891,5 6319159,21 SDFE2018 ABO60/88080 906.861 1.954.407 1.907.337 2.018.946 1.730.027 1.927.572 1.922.040 1.834.096 2.227.360 2.008.804 1.850.294 1.719.576 2.147.703 2.117.982 1.935.956 1.966.432 2.367.773 1.839.835 2.161.560 1.750.028 1.623.776
570715000000001215 15-07-1999 27-11-2019 750 48 45 NEG Micon NM 48/750 45 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Ullerup by Aggersborg 2a 513042,43 6318865,59 SDFE2018 ABO60/88081 828.714 2.103.050 1.895.823 2.018.946 1.730.027 1.927.572 1.922.040 1.834.096 2.227.360 1.949.503 1.796.099 1.649.933 1.993.077 2.042.142 1.886.799 1.815.074 2.313.772 1.791.729 2.086.153 1.665.305 1.573.463
570715000000001222 15-07-1999 20-11-2019 750 48,2 45 NEG Micon NM 750-200/47 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Thorup by Aggersborg 2a 512966,38 6319012,29 SDFE2018 ABO60/88082 846.694 2.127.443 1.889.511 2.018.946 1.730.027 1.927.572 1.922.040 1.834.096 2.227.360 2.009.866 1.840.062 1.648.993 2.107.617 2.076.539 1.875.935 1.911.954 2.272.447 1.764.897 2.114.396 1.690.449 1.576.244
570715000000001239 15-07-1999 20-11-2019 750 48 45 NEG Micon NM 750-200/48 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Thorup by Aggersborg 3m 513117,72 6318718,15 SDFE2018 ABO60/88083 896.594 2.104.543 1.894.020 2.018.946 1.730.027 1.927.572 1.922.040 1.834.096 2.227.360 1.960.031 1.755.769 1.676.539 2.061.735 1.988.476 1.899.883 1.889.932 2.274.239 1.698.282 2.077.791 1.579.413 1.509.050
570715000000001246 15-07-1999 06-12-2019 750 48,2 45 NEG Micon NM 750-200/48 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Thorup by Aggersborg 12c 513196,28 6318564,66 SDFE2018 ABO60/88084 875.995 2.128.194 1.903.724 2.018.946 1.730.027 1.927.572 1.922.040 1.834.096 2.227.360 1.969.790 1.853.068 1.703.410 2.095.819 2.128.242 1.859.238 1.958.262 2.299.329 1.854.866 2.116.024 1.545.475 1.331.415
570715000000001253 15-07-1999 20-11-2019 750 48 45 NEG Micon NM 750-200/48 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Thorup by Aggersborg 12c 513274,75 6318410,82 SDFE2018 ABO60/88085 880.016 2.079.683 1.894.590 2.018.946 1.730.027 1.927.572 1.922.040 1.834.096 2.227.360 1.982.923 1.859.690 1.771.025 2.153.147 2.177.120 1.982.813 1.996.002 2.440.495 1.855.473 2.207.164 1.771.957 1.545.977
570715000000001260 15-07-1999 20-11-2019 750 48 45 NEG Micon NM 750-200/48 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Thorup by Aggersborg sogn 6 513353,34 6318257,08 SDFE2018 ABO60/88086 876.315 2.073.323 1.890.641 2.018.946 1.730.027 1.927.572 1.922.040 1.834.096 2.227.360 2.019.888 1.862.084 1.771.018 2.111.137 2.122.077 1.953.246 1.975.197 2.353.177 1.856.579 2.142.227 1.795.145 1.596.957
570715000000001277 15-07-1999 22-11-2019 750 48,2 45 NEG Micon NM 750-200/49 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Thorup by Aggersborg 7a 513431,89 6318103,65 SDFE2018 ABO60/88087 932.487 2.193.277 1.900.660 2.018.946 1.730.027 1.927.572 1.922.040 1.834.096 2.227.360 2.035.289 1.887.953 1.747.853 2.170.026 2.163.877 1.938.870 2.017.304 2.386.786 1.850.448 2.177.370 1.821.481 1.619.714
570715000000006258 23-11-1989 20-11-2002 100 20 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 20-100  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Næsby by 2a 511019,4 6306607,11 Stamdata 004 22.468 265.473 252.697 255.310 247.410 258.780 245.340 208.060 223.340 226.520 229.074 237.580 196.780 182.842
570715000000006272 09-04-1990 14-11-2002 100 20 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 20-100  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Næsby by 9e 512087,75 6309177,33 Stamdata 005 185.690 255.344 235.290 262.790 276.230 243.900 209.840 236.490 249.650 207.318 232.762 181.049 153.746
570715000000006289 12-12-1985 15-11-2002 75 17 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Næsby by 9e 511940,89 6309140,93 Stamdata 005 5.100 179.389 179.019 190.872 203.814 193.943 187.810 182.840 201.480 207.130 173.360 159.890 175.910 183.690 152.487 171.201 168.489 153.746
570715000000006296 12-12-1985 11-11-2002 75 17 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Næsby by 9e 512016,51 6309220,94 Stamdata 005 5.100 183.013 182.634 194.727 207.930 205.977 200.030 184.990 203.660 208.210 193.380 163.410 180.670 195.940 162.408 182.340 170.759 153.746
570715000000006319 27-10-1980 23-03-2016 22 10,2 18,6 Windmatic VM 10 S 820 Vesthimmerlands Land 511495,61 6294356,33 GST, 18-02-2013 7.333 44.000 44.000 44.000 44.000 44.000 44.000 44.000 44.000 44.000 44.000 44.000 44.000 44.000 44.000 44.000 44.000 44.000 44.000 44.000 44.000 30.302 26.087 26.220 28.776 31.363 26.357 3.908 7.187 3.886 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
570715000000006357 30-10-1981 18-04-2002 55 15 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 55 kW-Vestas 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Næsborg by 28 520644,85 6314910,18 Stamdata 013 19.016 102.572 124.370 126.266 99.250 122.943 109.386 116.629 124.537 122.625 116.723 130.790 129.420 129.289 86.060 82.875 101.544 126.228 87.334 118.802 60.540 0
570715000000006371 22-12-1981 14-11-2002 55 16 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 16 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Strett Gde. 1e 516762,29 6308686,85 Stamdata 016 1.516 90.658 111.763 113.466 89.188 110.480 98.297 104.806 111.912 110.194 104.890 93.600 104.870 110.850 104.990 88.480 98.890 98.864 88.818 95.594 79.125 35.591
570715000000006418 29-06-1982 20-06-2002 55 15 22 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-7,5  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Vannerup by 3d 521412,77 6294122,16 Stamdata 018 60.500 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 53.327 19.308
570715000000006449 29-03-1983 27-06-2002 55 18 24 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Tandrup by 2a 529525,55 6297453,01 Stamdata 022 90.750 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 66.568 27.787
570715000000006456 24-02-1984 23-01-2002 55 15 22 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-11  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Helminggård 2f 525065,84 6299926,51 Stamdata 024 100.833 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 50.854 0
570715000000006463 25-06-1984 10-10-2002 55 15 22,8 Vestas Wind Systems A/S HVK 55-15/11  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Risgårde by 5b 512564,78 6291692,54 Stamdata 029 68.181 107.186 132.774 118.133 125.955 134.495 132.430 126.057 129.330 118.870 127.810 122.130 91.610 111.230 145.570 98.480 122.574 93.045 84.548
570715000000006487 18-01-1985 09-10-2002 55 15,3 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-11  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Glerup by 522406,78 6284590,5 Stamdata 031 79.271 107.121 95.309 101.619 108.510 106.844 101.702 97.480 105.650 114.070 96.800 87.000 93.500 98.166 74.651 93.403 75.361 66.176
570715000000006494 30-05-1985 15-10-2002 55 18 24 BONUS 55/11 kW 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Lovns by 9a 513371,94 6282516,38 Stamdata 032 49.916 105.998 94.309 100.554 107.372 105.723 100.635 105.050 94.900 107.050 94.000 83.500 90.500 92.541 40.740 96.263 70.021 52.204
570715000000006500 25-02-1985 28-06-2002 55 15 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-15  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Løgsted by 10c 515162,84 6310152,45 Stamdata 033 79.024 117.467 104.513 111.433 118.989 117.162 111.524 114.920 114.680 117.900 110.170 86.350 101.650 104.330 94.173 99.238 88.279 46.294
570715000000006517 30-05-1985 20-11-2002 75 17 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Næsby by 2a 510993,57 6306654,77 Stamdata 035 86.206 183.060 162.874 173.658 185.433 182.586 173.799 177.280 173.260 184.530 170.540 142.150 153.350 157.860 152.106 156.992 130.794 122.375
570715000000006531 23-04-1985 16-07-2002 55 18 24 BONUS Ukendt-BONUS 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Skivum by 11a 536925,42 6302998,74 Stamdata 037 57.514 106.866 95.082 101.378 108.251 106.590 101.460 101.320 106.880 110.210 101.450 74.780 89.810 88.950 88.747 96.587 59.896 50.522
570715000000006555 10-12-1985 07-11-2002 75 17 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Rønbjerg by 4a 510564,46 6305000,89 Stamdata 039 13.786 188.312 158.994 169.522 181.016 178.237 169.658 134.200 81.180 184.640 176.810 140.460 147.190 150.770 165.872 144.152 152.049 140.675
570715000000006562 28-11-1986 07-11-2002 90 19 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Rønbjerg by 4a 510574,15 6305089,85 Stamdata 039 33.696 205.671 219.288 234.157 230.562 219.466 193.930 242.920 239.390 237.130 195.790 206.030 231.760 214.568 186.471 162.559 140.675
570715000000006593 12-08-1985 27-11-2002 75 17 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Næsby by 1i 511832,92 6308207,83 Stamdata 044 52.032 193.359 172.037 183.428 195.865 192.858 183.576 182.000 173.000 185.000 170.000 150.000 168.000 168.410 173.474 176.406 150.907 144.860
570715000000006609 18-12-1985 14-11-2002 75 17 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Næsby by 5g 511738,66 6307936,03 Stamdata 045 177.537 157.960 168.418 179.838 177.077 168.555 175.380 167.570 173.960 166.430 138.670 149.360 165.830 128.990 159.235 135.494 123.386
570715000000006616 22-11-1985 02-08-2002 75 17 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Ranum by 13e 512513,87 6305559,07 Stamdata 046 13.113 194.924 173.430 184.913 197.451 194.419 185.062 193.030 159.310 190.350 186.170 154.430 172.970 180.047 145.392 179.206 154.640 105.065
570715000000006630 20-12-1985 28-10-2002 75 17 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Bjørnsholm Hgd. 2bz 511318,81 6304341,69 Stamdata 047 4.888 192.957 176.030 187.685 200.411 197.334 187.837 196.260 182.740 191.270 183.500 144.960 168.320 180.180 159.770 163.990 129.800 109.160
570715000000006647 20-12-1985 28-10-2002 75 17 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Bjørnsholm Hgd. 2bz 511324,18 6304443,1 Stamdata 047 4.515 178.182 162.550 173.313 185.064 182.223 173.453 182.940 165.120 176.170 162.470 132.790 151.900 165.730 147.535 151.432 127.267 109.160
570715000000006654 20-12-1985 28-10-2002 75 17 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Bjørnsholm Hgd. 2bz 511329,69 6304541,59 Stamdata 047 4.228 166.882 152.242 162.322 173.328 170.667 162.453 177.340 164.820 170.590 160.030 131.150 149.120 155.290 138.179 141.829 125.329 109.160
570715000000006661 20-12-1985 28-10-2002 75 17 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Bjørnsholm Hgd. 2bz 511391,75 6304341,48 Stamdata 047 4.515 178.182 162.550 173.313 185.064 182.223 173.453 182.230 173.270 178.570 171.320 140.500 156.430 166.870 147.535 151.432 127.267 109.160
570715000000006678 20-12-1985 28-10-2002 75 17 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Bjørnsholm Hgd. 2bz 511398,28 6304443,89 Stamdata 047 3.876 152.976 139.555 148.796 158.885 156.446 148.916 166.340 155.330 161.920 155.050 122.310 130.590 141.790 126.665 130.011 122.945 109.160
570715000000006692 20-12-1985 28-10-2002 75 17 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Bjørnsholm Hgd. 2bz 511405,38 6304543,98 Stamdata 052 4.438 167.570 153.040 163.174 174.238 171.563 163.306 170.910 158.180 164.440 155.540 130.000 145.190 152.040 126.399 163.341 138.171 123.002
570715000000006708 20-12-1985 28-10-2002 75 17 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Bjørnsholm Hgd. 2bz 511489,4 6304341,32 Stamdata 052 4.921 185.813 169.702 180.938 193.206 190.240 181.085 183.650 176.240 182.980 173.160 146.760 161.000 176.180 140.160 181.124 141.651 123.002
570715000000006715 20-12-1985 28-10-2002 75 17 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Bjørnsholm Hgd. 2bz 511496,58 6304446,2 Stamdata 052 4.313 162.840 148.721 158.568 169.320 166.720 158.696 167.450 160.050 164.080 156.990 128.350 141.270 154.460 122.831 158.731 137.268 123.002
570715000000006722 20-12-1985 28-10-2002 75 17 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Bjørnsholm Hgd. 2bz 511502,87 6304545,06 Stamdata 052 4.224 159.462 145.636 155.279 165.807 163.262 155.404 162.530 157.670 160.750 156.420 126.570 137.590 147.760 120.284 155.438 136.625 123.002
570715000000006746 22-11-1985 12-08-2002 75 17 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Kærgårde 2h 512463,55 6305499,3 Stamdata 056 14.069 209.127 186.066 198.387 211.838 208.585 198.547 201.290 189.600 204.290 190.640 162.840 179.600 188.740 173.159 187.423 155.723 102.717
570715000000006753 22-11-1985 12-08-2002 75 17 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Kærgårde 2h 512448,29 6305419,58 Stamdata 056 13.091 194.594 173.136 184.599 197.116 194.090 184.748 185.270 174.650 191.420 178.050 149.170 167.240 175.470 161.125 174.398 153.114 102.717
570715000000006760 22-08-1985 11-11-2002 75 17 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Rønbjerg by 2a 510874 6306170,89 Stamdata 057 52.511 195.142 173.623 185.119 197.671 194.637 185.269 191.850 191.350 184.400 176.700 148.900 167.900 194.784 135.322 176.888 154.619 138.418
570715000000006777 15-11-1985 12-08-2002 75 17 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Vilsted by 4m 517019,94 6306949,78 Stamdata 058 8.885 132.068 117.505 125.285 133.780 131.726 125.386 129.020 122.260 124.940 124.750 102.220 111.540 115.574 109.674 117.941 99.348 60.545
570715000000006791 06-12-1985 28-10-2002 75 10 20 Windmatic VM 75 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Bjørnsholm Hgd. 2ef 512858,08 6303910,39 Stamdata 059 10.709 161.143 143.599 152.672 167.061 164.496 156.579 166.910 146.930 165.670 154.340 122.110 148.300 151.070 117.278 138.323 123.140 106.781
570715000000006807 06-12-1985 28-10-2002 75 10 20 Windmatic VM 75 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Bjørnsholm Hgd. 2ef 512756,55 6303921,15 Stamdata 059 10.709 161.143 143.599 152.672 167.061 164.496 156.579 159.190 169.090 155.920 164.420 120.550 148.440 155.640 117.278 138.323 123.140 106.781
570715000000006814 06-12-1985 28-10-2002 75 10 20 Windmatic VM 75 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Bjørnsholm Hgd. 2ef 512655,62 6303927,3 Stamdata 059 11.558 173.932 154.996 164.789 180.319 177.551 169.006 159.570 167.270 173.360 170.880 128.330 160.370 168.970 126.586 149.301 125.286 106.781
570715000000006821 06-12-1985 28-10-2002 75 10 20 Windmatic VM 75 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Bjørnsholm Hgd. 2ef 512555,31 6303936,07 Stamdata 059 12.352 185.868 165.633 176.098 192.694 189.735 180.603 195.270 187.080 188.710 179.770 148.290 172.050 181.880 135.273 159.547 127.289 106.781
570715000000006838 06-12-1985 28-10-2002 75 10 20 Windmatic VM 75 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Bjørnsholm Hgd. 2ef 512457,9 6303943,87 Stamdata 059 11.332 170.521 151.957 161.559 176.783 174.069 165.692 185.630 169.320 174.310 162.890 134.260 156.990 165.680 124.104 146.374 124.714 106.781
570715000000006852 06-12-1985 28-10-2002 75 10 20 Windmatic VM 75 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Bjørnsholm Hgd. 2ef 512492,85 6304045,53 Stamdata 061 10.766 161.565 143.963 153.071 167.508 164.936 156.998 164.710 155.080 162.220 156.490 123.490 146.400 151.800 123.880 160.107 132.337 114.776
570715000000006869 06-12-1985 28-10-2002 75 10 20 Windmatic VM 75 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Bjørnsholm Hgd. 2ef 512588,77 6304037,84 Stamdata 061 10.766 161.565 143.963 153.071 167.508 164.936 156.998 167.640 158.190 159.750 153.880 121.410 147.100 148.630 123.880 160.107 132.337 114.776
570715000000006876 06-12-1985 28-10-2002 75 10 20 Windmatic VM 75 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Bjørnsholm Hgd. 2ef 512679,56 6304030,6 Stamdata 061 11.305 169.645 151.165 160.727 175.884 173.185 164.850 168.570 159.760 164.510 154.680 127.840 152.200 151.410 130.078 168.115 133.731 114.776
570715000000006883 06-12-1985 28-10-2002 75 10 20 Windmatic VM 75 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Bjørnsholm Hgd. 2ef 512765,56 6304022,05 Stamdata 061 9.689 145.408 129.567 137.764 150.757 148.442 141.298 148.270 143.590 149.570 143.530 110.490 138.750 135.500 111.492 144.097 129.568 114.776
570715000000006890 06-12-1985 28-10-2002 75 10 20 Windmatic VM 75 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Bjørnsholm Hgd. 2ef 512858,52 6304015,51 Stamdata 061 11.304 169.643 151.161 160.725 175.883 173.183 164.848 160.160 155.050 156.910 152.580 125.030 148.580 149.200 130.074 168.113 133.722 114.776
570715000000006906 14-01-1986 12-08-2002 75 10 20 Windmatic VM 75 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Vilsted by 6a 516741,05 6307562,7 Stamdata 069 133.341 129.423 137.992 147.349 145.087 138.104 141.340 136.100 145.900 134.800 116.800 120.900 126.780 118.403 125.101 108.888 78.730
570715000000006920 10-12-1985 07-11-2003 75 17 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Kærgårde 2i 512132,51 6305250,68 Stamdata 071 6.006 168.309 155.093 165.362 176.574 173.863 165.495 173.620 165.700 175.350 160.720 122.350 150.020 162.838 126.548 164.707 139.283 147.355 107.252
570715000000006937 10-12-1985 07-11-2003 75 17 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Kærgårde 2i 512090,72 6305324,69 Stamdata 072 5.812 157.894 145.654 155.298 165.828 163.282 155.424 167.350 158.260 164.590 154.860 127.170 144.920 150.696 116.654 131.128 131.077 134.775 100.591
570715000000006968 13-12-1985 15-08-2002 75 17 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Vilsted by 20ad 518100,48 6306199,73 Stamdata 075 5.552 149.683 138.117 147.262 157.247 154.833 147.381 152.720 149.960 151.640 145.900 118.540 134.230 139.520 113.125 140.802 118.397 85.403
570715000000006975 13-12-1985 15-08-2002 75 17 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Vilsted by 20ad 518098,67 6306108,5 Stamdata 076 5.570 150.995 139.301 148.524 158.595 156.160 148.644 152.500 149.860 152.760 146.950 120.060 135.190 141.690 114.792 142.974 119.266 86.158
570715000000006982 27-11-1985 28-08-2002 75 17 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Ravnstrup by 4ac 515792,48 6311053,93 Stamdata 078 10.867 161.535 143.723 153.239 163.629 161.117 153.363 157.900 149.700 158.460 148.000 122.360 140.630 143.380 132.526 142.058 120.877 77.892
570715000000006999 27-11-1985 06-08-2002 75 17 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Ravnstrup by 4y 515776,28 6311151,66 Stamdata 079 11.063 164.450 146.316 156.004 166.582 164.024 156.130 161.740 155.210 162.900 150.320 124.140 140.890 145.930 134.636 143.418 122.270 70.895
570715000000007057 10-12-1985 07-11-2003 75 17 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Kærgårde 2i 512171,01 6305330,39 Stamdata 085 5.624 167.928 154.414 164.638 175.801 173.102 164.771 169.360 160.450 169.730 159.160 135.220 146.020 149.480 146.858 154.064 131.062 135.647 95.087
570715000000007088 19-12-1985 16-07-2002 55 0,1 0,1 BONUS Ukendt-BONUS 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Skivum by 38a 537062,58 6300343,12 Stamdata 088 4.212 102.751 95.168 101.469 108.349 106.686 101.551 100.450 106.030 108.980 97.240 82.020 92.260 92.468 86.168 92.855 76.730 23.845
570715000000007095 20-12-1985 01-10-2002 75 17 30 Windmatic VM 17 S 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Vegger Gde. 1ba 534898,12 6305121,29 Stamdata 089 2.003 99.120 89.972 95.930 102.434 100.861 96.007 112.290 92.180 98.540 90.590 71.280 84.720 89.554 81.919 91.071 69.649 57.478
570715000000007101 07-05-1986 01-07-2002 99 21 22 Wincon W 99 XT 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Giver by 3p 535319,68 6296642,45 Stamdata 091 105.807 161.383 172.068 183.735 180.914 172.207 168.180 167.360 185.290 172.910 134.560 158.750 157.890 151.039 158.574 133.334 43.249
570715000000007118 07-05-1986 17-10-2003 75 17 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Brøndum by 8a 521510,25 6314054,5 Stamdata 092 105.230 160.501 171.129 182.732 179.926 171.267 179.200 182.550 186.350 161.700 148.300 118.500 172.679 144.022 157.754 144.812 150.178 105.073
570715000000007125 14-05-1986 15-11-2002 75 17 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Svingelbjerg by 3a 520779,46 6289059,1 Stamdata 093 90.597 138.183 147.332 157.322 154.907 147.452 152.470 146.240 154.260 142.340 119.580 135.970 132.729 126.441 135.099 111.051 104.362
570715000000007132 20-03-1986 16-07-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 95-20   820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Skivum by 17d 536148,38 6303927,94 Stamdata 094 140.209 166.330 177.343 189.368 186.461 177.487 175.480 176.320 184.270 167.950 137.930 156.200 170.094 156.988 174.159 102.044 95.130
570715000000007149 02-05-1986 12-08-2002 75 17 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Vilsted by 9a 517440,4 6307932,65 Stamdata 095 83.844 127.884 136.351 145.596 143.361 136.461 134.140 135.300 143.830 133.980 109.850 124.790 126.094 117.286 127.141 107.914 73.379
570715000000007163 12-06-1986 10-10-2002 75 17 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND strandby by 1 512680,15 6292848,56 Stamdata 096 84.048 149.560 159.463 170.275 167.661 159.592 161.150 157.690 164.570 154.390 122.100 143.570 147.020 138.394 144.838 113.412 97.167
570715000000007170 12-06-1986 10-10-2002 75 17 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND strandby by 1 512648,41 6292755,01 Stamdata 096 84.049 149.561 159.464 170.276 167.662 159.593 157.230 154.400 161.450 152.450 117.280 143.540 146.660 138.395 144.838 113.414 97.167
570715000000007187 12-06-1986 10-10-2002 75 17 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND strandby by 1 512615,93 6292660,67 Stamdata 096 77.583 138.056 147.197 157.177 154.764 147.316 161.300 149.610 152.730 149.600 114.060 130.240 138.680 127.749 133.696 111.314 97.167
570715000000007194 12-06-1986 10-10-2002 75 17 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND strandby by 1 512583,49 6292565,94 Stamdata 096 77.583 138.056 147.197 157.178 154.765 147.316 166.730 152.230 160.090 148.260 116.690 136.960 139.150 127.749 133.697 111.315 97.167
570715000000007200 27-06-1986 28-08-2002 75 17 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Munksjørup by 10a 518169,48 6305060,92 Stamdata 100 66.670 118.636 126.491 135.068 132.994 126.593 128.900 119.900 133.200 125.000 102.200 118.400 119.252 106.319 115.696 69.232 69.675
570715000000007231 12-09-1986 16-09-2002 99 21 22 Wincon W 99 XT 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Morum by 8a 527670,49 6292892,21 Stamdata 102 50.544 179.882 191.793 204.797 201.653 191.947 199.800 194.010 209.190 187.750 157.520 169.310 180.050 156.477 171.305 149.510 116.114
570715000000007248 12-09-1986 16-09-2002 99 21 22 Wincon W 99 XT 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Morum by 8a 527686,76 6292744,33 Stamdata 102 52.123 185.504 197.786 211.197 207.954 197.946 210.410 199.160 223.680 196.840 161.480 169.460 159.530 161.367 176.659 150.640 116.114
570715000000007255 12-09-1986 16-09-2002 99 21 22 Wincon W 99 XT 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Morum by 6a 527702,77 6292594,34 Stamdata 102 55.283 196.746 209.773 223.996 220.558 209.943 209.680 197.600 223.190 208.970 176.170 196.540 204.710 171.146 187.365 152.901 116.114
570715000000007316 23-10-1986 15-08-2002 95 19,3 22,6 Micon 95-Micon 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND vestergårde 2m 512696,94 6293688,64 Stamdata 107 37.599 200.715 214.005 228.515 225.007 214.178 224.800 213.100 221.300 206.200 165.500 192.800 194.800 184.148 202.291 160.655 93.295
570715000000007323 23-10-1986 15-08-2002 95 19,3 22,6 Micon 95-Micon 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND vestergårde 2m 512560,04 6293681,64 Stamdata 107 42.398 226.338 241.324 257.687 253.731 241.519 215.600 235.900 247.700 227.800 182.500 219.200 229.400 207.657 228.115 164.757 93.295
570715000000007330 03-11-1986 26-11-2002 90 18,8 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Næsby by 2i 512024,86 6308829,92 Stamdata 109 18.984 202.685 216.105 230.758 227.215 216.280 219.020 217.550 219.550 206.750 176.500 193.300 212.388 196.793 184.180 173.835 158.632
570715000000007354 05-12-1986 06-12-2002 90 18,8 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Myrhøj by 4b 512132,7 6295317,02 Stamdata 112 166.043 177.037 189.041 186.139 177.181 182.280 171.550 186.080 169.750 138.280 155.320 162.210 164.911 165.546 133.140 132.388
570715000000007378 16-12-1986 27-04-2010 130 22 27 Vindsyssel VS 130  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Sjørup Gde. 2k 515487,09 6294117,04 Stamdata 114 21.044 224.680 239.556 255.799 251.872 239.750 220.320 247.930 260.060 240.810 191.230 227.150 225.756 195.150 146.923 170.527 178.958 160.384 137.926 107.488 149.263 108.410 134.405 148.504 37.630
570715000000007408 22-12-1986 07-11-2003 99 20,8 24 Wincon W 99 XT 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Myrhøj by 4b 512076,03 6295207,26 Stamdata 117 3.714 168.745 183.878 196.344 193.330 184.025 156.130 196.290 193.220 203.370 169.550 194.380 211.950 136.243 164.709 160.786 169.073 129.998
570715000000007415 22-12-1986 07-11-2003 99 20,8 24 Wincon W 99 XT 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Myrhøj by 4b 512034,51 6295119,49 Stamdata 117 3.714 168.744 183.877 196.345 193.331 184.026 193.400 218.110 213.940 209.520 167.380 193.950 207.120 136.244 164.710 160.789 169.073 129.998
570715000000007422 22-12-1986 07-11-2003 99 20,8 24 Wincon W 99 XT 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Myrhøj by 4b 511993,9 6295032,9 Stamdata 117 3.714 168.744 183.877 196.345 193.330 184.026 0 0 43.770 208.440 173.110 166.100 198.960 136.243 164.710 160.788 169.073 129.998
570715000000007439 22-12-1986 07-11-2003 100 0,1 0,1 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 20-100  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Myrhøj by 4b 511954,4 6294951,1 Stamdata 117 3.714 168.744 183.877 196.345 193.331 184.026 149.120 200.990 206.070 185.520 148.050 174.200 182.960 136.243 164.710 160.788 169.073 131.311
570715000000007453 23-12-1986 15-11-2002 45 18 30 Windmatic Ukendt-Windmatic 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Sjøstrup by 4y 533275,78 6293927,6 Stamdata 122 1.756 100.533 109.062 116.456 114.669 109.150 109.000 102.000 115.000 85.000 95.000 109.000 116.000 89.627 99.887 85.981 77.721
570715000000007583 20-08-1987 01-07-2002 90 18,8 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Vindblæs by 28q 520345,82 6309322,43 Stamdata 134 54.780 175.221 187.102 184.229 175.363 180.440 170.020 177.880 173.820 138.200 159.630 164.344 153.274 162.881 141.546 73.428
570715000000007590 26-08-1987 28-08-2002 90 18,8 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Ø. Ørbæk by 2m 518211,26 6312490,03 Stamdata 135 43.306 138.522 147.914 145.643 138.634 137.660 131.840 139.380 135.200 110.730 127.620 129.540 124.043 133.001 111.837 82.969
570715000000007613 26-08-1987 22-08-2002 90 18,8 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Ø. Ørbæk by 2m 517966,01 6312581,65 Stamdata 136 50.074 160.170 171.030 168.404 160.299 167.930 151.800 164.390 156.580 120.500 146.750 150.320 130.406 146.630 127.362 91.675
570715000000007620 26-08-1987 22-08-2002 90 18,8 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Ø. Ørbæk by 2m 517977,1 6312487,5 Stamdata 136 50.077 160.171 171.032 168.408 160.303 174.950 166.100 168.260 164.010 135.970 153.450 158.940 130.408 146.632 127.370 91.675
570715000000007637 26-08-1987 22-08-2002 90 18,8 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Ø. Ørbæk by 2m 517987 6312393,29 Stamdata 136 50.074 160.170 171.030 168.404 160.299 171.720 165.430 173.920 163.440 134.290 152.420 158.710 130.406 146.630 127.362 91.675
570715000000007644 26-08-1987 22-08-2002 90 18,8 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Ø. Ørbæk by 2m 518114,07 6312454,99 Stamdata 136 50.074 160.170 171.030 168.404 160.299 160.750 153.490 165.210 153.880 129.690 146.960 150.550 130.406 146.630 127.362 91.675
570715000000007651 26-08-1987 22-08-2002 90 18,8 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Ø. Ørbæk by 2m 518103,29 6312548,47 Stamdata 136 50.074 160.170 171.030 168.404 160.299 162.590 157.810 157.850 150.860 122.770 133.520 143.560 130.406 146.630 127.362 91.675
570715000000007712 07-12-1987 13-07-2010 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Thorsgårde 1f 524944,85 6292962,49 Stamdata 148 33.165 424.328 453.099 446.143 424.672 428.340 416.840 444.310 406.790 341.270 387.220 402.810 366.048 388.738 325.357 347.916 313.526 359.277 335.394 302.501 395.221 343.796 327.470 166.636
570715000000007729 01-02-1990 13-07-2010 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Thorsgårde 1f 525055,71 6292791,21 Stamdata 148 408.965 424.671 425.020 408.590 448.860 408.240 351.180 387.420 405.107 366.048 388.738 325.357 347.916 313.526 359.277 335.394 302.501 395.221 343.796 327.470 166.636
570715000000007743 09-12-1987 14-11-2002 150 23 24,5 BONUS 20-150/30   820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Hole by 10c 512277,87 6283220,49 Stamdata 149 21.746 278.233 297.098 292.538 278.458 282.270 275.960 292.760 267.960 231.720 209.860 258.710 246.449 264.222 212.283 191.299
570715000000007750 09-12-1987 14-11-2002 150 23 24,5 BONUS 20-150/30   820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Hole by 10c 512342,61 6283154,78 Stamdata 149 21.401 273.817 292.383 287.894 274.039 273.520 263.570 288.140 265.620 227.770 250.560 256.850 245.448 263.215 211.793 191.299
570715000000007804 18-01-1988 18-11-2002 99 19 30 Windmatic VM 19 S 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Ø. Faldgårde 519506,6 6303813,72 Stamdata 155 189.896 221.206 217.810 207.327 210.140 201.550 218.590 203.500 168.760 198.730 218.831 168.280 164.499 168.281 155.109
570715000000007811 18-01-1988 18-11-2002 99 19 30 Windmatic VM 19 S 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Ø. Faldgårde 519589,92 6304141,6 Stamdata 156 194.797 226.915 223.431 212.678 206.970 211.500 221.600 198.500 172.210 198.380 204.031 179.493 203.101 173.284 162.022
570715000000007880 07-04-1988 14-11-2002 150 23 24,5 BONUS 20-150/30   820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Kaldal 1bm 514692,69 6283307,58 Stamdata 162 213.072 341.279 336.040 319.867 330.480 322.200 340.510 310.440 248.310 286.070 286.920 273.849 305.437 244.678 226.521
570715000000007897 13-04-1988 06-11-2002 150 23 30 BONUS 20-150/30   820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Helminggård 1f 525233,07 6298500,04 Stamdata 163 170.512 273.110 268.917 255.975 260.440 255.260 288.210 243.710 207.420 226.680 246.907 203.239 235.051 190.216 166.557
570715000000007903 06-05-1988 15-10-2009 150 23 30 BONUS 20-150/30   820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Vesterbølle by 11b 523259,78 6286179,05 Stamdata 164 231.000 396.000 396.000 305.859 264.720 247.940 234.490 260.920 176.030 243.080 198.076 171.419 31.675 218.333 240.712 166.210 230.493 201.113 193.248 174.508 140.878 114.084
570715000000008160 23-11-1988 14-02-2017 250 24 28,7 Micon 530/250   820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Gøttrup by 5c 520308,59 6295034,77 SDFE2018 185 33.933 434.811 428.136 407.531 390.620 404.430 439.240 409.880 313.820 375.100 367.700 356.782 385.491 314.847 319.924 299.462 340.156 345.223 296.312 394.330 350.192 291.710 282.724 346.421 332.063 316.509 297.600 372.260 276.763 22.679
570715000000008177 23-11-1988 14-02-2017 250 24 30 Micon M 530-250   820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Gøttrup by 5c 520454,72 6294961,61 SDFE2018 186 33.449 428.609 422.029 401.717 423.720 387.570 416.140 394.850 308.230 366.480 358.010 362.736 374.108 302.303 311.601 287.929 322.017 335.332 272.740 389.912 349.636 289.356 270.075 321.164 321.317 282.057 277.376 384.071 286.501 20.962
570715000000008450 24-11-1989 11-11-2002 150 23 42,5 BONUS 150 kW 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Løgsted by 15b 514919,82 6309521,8 Stamdata 216 31.057 366.962 349.301 350.500 343.800 359.200 334.500 283.200 314.800 329.396 307.015 326.065 283.884 238.271
570715000000008498 11-12-1989 20-11-2002 150 23 30 BONUS 150/30 kW 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Ø. Faldgårde 5b 519903,84 6303838,85 Stamdata 219 12.200 347.457 330.441 339.690 322.300 353.250 315.150 268.190 301.690 297.142 321.319 319.155 266.564 246.822
570715000000008542 15-02-1990 30-07-2003 150 28 30 Wind World W 2800 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Vandsted by 4a 514523,92 6308989,55 Stamdata 225 397.252 453.760 460.010 451.410 476.430 441.760 377.310 420.810 443.140 334.450 431.460 372.581 363.975 103.602
570715000000008702 28-09-1990 22-03-2007 150 28 31 Wind World W 2800 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Skarp Salling by 9a 521092,29 6311811,02 Stamdata 241 113.725 433.005 428.270 426.250 452.060 404.100 342.160 392.100 428.350 384.429 399.649 354.321 354.718 333.844 386.341 367.669 327.846 114.085
570715000000008719 19-10-1990 30-07-2003 150 28 30 Wind World W 2800 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Gårdstedgård 1bf 520086,58 6305181,61 Stamdata 242 62.456 356.702 365.780 344.230 379.250 346.750 278.990 319.160 337.932 306.127 336.276 271.785 281.662 125.852
570715000000008764 08-12-1990 03-06-2008 150 25 33 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Klotrup by 10k 525143,17 6283373,88 Stamdata 246 13.350 339.771 348.630 352.350 364.850 339.490 289.950 312.870 339.250 317.113 332.306 270.549 280.073 247.817 290.627 282.949 251.405 311.429 148.545
570715000000008771 08-12-1990 03-06-2008 150 25 33 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Klotrup by 10k 525320,98 6283351,27 Stamdata 246 12.982 330.389 337.130 339.770 353.830 317.040 279.490 293.580 330.290 308.357 323.130 268.488 280.073 247.817 290.627 282.949 251.405 311.429 148.545
570715000000008795 27-12-1990 08-10-2010 150 28 31 Wind World W 2800-150  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Brårup by 1c 522889,29 6310304,43 Stamdata 249 3.440 405.404 413.870 410.400 410.220 394.800 323.770 374.580 390.584 357.055 376.942 332.502 337.127 310.493 347.099 346.140 307.755 349.267 316.550 285.439 151.107
570715000000008870 16-11-1988 15-11-2002 99 18 30 ML Vindteknik Ukendt-ML Vindteknik 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Sjøstrup by 4y 533157,3 6293917,1 Stamdata 254 14.841 190.162 187.242 119.217 79.000 50.000 75.000 66.000 106.000 120.000 126.000 114.938 124.142 163.512 213.107 160.978 200.508 172.150
570715000000008993 24-06-1991 22-05-2015 150 28 30 Wind World W 2800-150  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Troelstrup by 2a 532115,7 6299638,88 GST, 18-02-2013 266 189.358 379.510 362.620 388.900 385.700 304.640 404.510 293.870 308.455 362.482 316.665 295.408 295.697 339.016 310.907 291.096 245.288 312.664 287.234 266.968 329.006 310.642 270.577 284.457 78.397
570715000000009051 29-08-1991 13-11-2016 150 24,6 32 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Testrup by 13l 531398,72 6285587,67 GST, 18-02-2013 270 104.470 319.620 307.200 331.900 298.300 243.200 254.400 296.600 281.326 297.651 255.724 272.757 246.714 274.743 262.585 239.777 303.745 255.530 252.422 239.876 284.243 267.988 244.886 157.350 0 0
570715000000009068 29-08-1991 13-11-2016 150 24,6 32 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Testrup by 13l 531438,57 6285514,94 GST, 18-02-2013 270 111.825 337.730 325.030 356.100 320.200 262.300 305.000 327.000 301.130 318.604 260.548 272.757 246.714 274.743 262.585 239.777 303.745 255.530 252.422 239.876 284.243 267.988 244.886 157.350 0 0
570715000000009082 09-12-1991 26-10-2011 150 27 30 Wind World W 2700-150  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Ejstrup by 3a 519958,91 6301139,88 Stamdata 273 11.900 407.260 409.960 449.060 408.200 341.320 374.210 396.392 383.748 383.376 334.632 339.124 296.317 340.667 302.214 275.053 369.472 340.467 275.109 302.386 267.012
570715000000009099 13-12-1991 18-09-2003 150 28 31 Wind World W 2800-150  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Ø. Faldgårde 5an 521086,81 6304161,07 Stamdata 274 9.100 337.990 392.200 428.390 382.050 320.700 362.070 370.582 358.811 385.325 312.789 318.627 185.112
570715000000009150 23-12-1991 04-05-2010 150 24,6 32 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Tandrup by 2a 528434,33 6294034,44 Stamdata 278 4.318 273.542 313.190 301.560 298.630 240.060 275.600 294.050 265.599 286.789 230.867 234.810 212.410 248.773 237.803 213.320 288.432 254.952 205.719 69.239
570715000000009167 23-12-1991 04-05-2010 150 24,6 32 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Pisselhøj by 4a 528507,01 6294006,02 Stamdata 278 3.920 271.920 288.380 294.650 278.950 224.150 256.140 266.120 241.107 260.342 225.100 234.810 212.410 248.773 237.803 213.320 288.432 254.952 205.719 69.239
570715000000009174 23-12-1991 04-05-2010 150 24,6 32 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Pisselhøj by 4a 528581,55 6293977,48 Stamdata 278 4.206 258.544 299.810 317.760 290.460 241.420 269.730 285.750 258.711 279.350 229.244 234.810 212.410 248.773 237.803 213.320 288.432 254.952 205.719 69.239
570715000000009211 26-06-1992 06-03-2007 150 27 31,2 Wind World W 2700-150  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Skarp Salling by 7e 520850,8 6311388,47 Stamdata 284 162.600 376.300 400.950 372.150 293.830 348.220 366.250 330.355 360.135 306.444 309.754 272.873 336.024 300.949 234.097 40.895
570715000000009228 26-06-1992 06-03-2007 150 27 31,2 Wind World W 2700-150  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Skarp Salling by 7e 520899,2 6311474,65 Stamdata 284 162.380 371.800 403.650 366.900 301.450 340.180 365.360 330.355 360.135 306.443 309.754 272.873 336.024 300.949 234.097 40.895
570715000000009310 18-02-1993 10-07-2013 225 27 32 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND krogstrup by 6 522387,84 6300297,69 GST, 18-02-2013 295 386.420 545.120 514.560 423.880 481.490 490.860 460.065 486.781 426.767 423.726 398.283 439.613 431.473 369.726 482.613 420.772 387.785 376.647 435.751 421.544 186.309
570715000000009327 06-05-1993 04-05-2010 150 24,6 32 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND V. Oustrup 1k 531603,74 6298650,29 Stamdata 296 165.660 328.680 298.800 249.100 276.270 288.393 234.499 281.821 236.999 245.895 208.975 238.778 236.790 208.560 272.222 243.893 209.685 69.728
570715000000009372 16-12-1993 10-07-2013 225 27 31 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND krogstrup by 6 522411,88 6300134,7 GST, 18-02-2013 300 12.230 528.950 500.010 433.390 460.830 480.833 457.489 491.733 419.898 425.112 398.890 447.414 435.272 384.271 488.904 436.005 391.777 385.123 425.625 428.962 194.982
570715000000009501 01-12-1996 13-05-2013 300 31 30,5 Nordtank NTK 300/31-Nordtank 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Ørndrup Hgd. 1ag 522198,31 6300607,4 GST, 18-02-2013 337 41.011 650.034 660.155 639.647 651.452 573.490 590.609 533.937 595.272 580.671 509.123 685.611 566.636 529.085 518.108 609.430 584.673 185.404
570715000000009518 01-12-1996 13-05-2013 300 31 30,5 Nordtank NTK 300/31-Nordtank 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Ørndrup Hgd. 1af 522221,43 6300442,92 GST, 18-02-2013 338 43.044 669.854 665.024 653.931 677.257 580.040 592.111 541.470 625.045 565.920 522.552 681.460 575.083 533.362 524.217 631.652 615.835 192.036
570715000000011009 15-07-1988 27-11-2002 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND nørrekær enge 161f 521579,92 6317215,9 Stamdata WNR 103.142 279.472 275.414 262.888 258.204 273.416 277.134 248.589 216.834 216.098 258.805 222.004 241.032 263.346 284.383
570715000000011016 15-07-1988 19-12-2008 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND nørrekær enge 151e 521548,72 6317361,84 Stamdata WNR 103.142 279.472 275.414 262.888 258.204 273.416 277.134 248.589 216.834 216.098 258.805 222.004 241.032 263.346 284.383 142.457 176.815 163.773 143.575 205.279 152.508
570715000000011023 15-07-1988 19-12-2008 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND nørrekær enge 151e 521514,99 6317506,28 Stamdata WNR 103.142 279.472 275.414 262.888 258.204 273.416 277.134 248.589 216.834 216.098 258.805 222.004 241.032 263.346 284.383 142.457 176.815 163.773 143.575 205.279 152.508
570715000000011030 15-07-1988 19-12-2008 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND nørrekær enge 151e 521492,26 6317660,23 Stamdata WNR 103.142 279.472 275.414 262.888 258.204 273.416 277.134 248.589 216.834 216.098 258.805 222.004 241.032 263.346 284.383 142.457 176.815 163.773 143.575 205.279 152.508
570715000000011047 15-07-1988 19-12-2008 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND tolstrup by 13g 521458,14 6317802,55 Stamdata WNR 103.142 279.472 275.414 262.888 258.204 273.416 277.134 248.589 216.834 216.098 258.805 222.004 241.032 263.346 284.383 142.457 176.815 163.773 143.575 205.279 152.508
570715000000011054 15-07-1988 19-12-2008 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND tolstrup by 13g 521424,91 6317952,95 Stamdata WNR 103.142 279.472 275.414 262.888 258.204 273.416 277.134 248.589 216.834 216.098 258.805 222.004 241.032 263.346 284.383 142.457 176.815 163.773 143.575 205.279 152.508
570715000000011061 15-07-1988 19-12-2008 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND nørrekær enge 158f 521761,33 6317263,3 Stamdata WNR 103.142 279.472 275.414 262.888 258.204 273.416 277.134 248.589 216.834 216.098 258.805 222.004 241.032 263.346 284.383 142.457 176.815 163.773 143.575 205.279 152.508
570715000000011078 15-07-1988 19-12-2008 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND nørrekær enge 158f 521731,03 6317408,59 Stamdata WNR 103.142 279.472 275.414 262.888 258.204 273.416 277.134 248.589 216.834 216.098 258.805 222.004 241.032 263.346 284.383 142.457 176.815 163.773 143.575 205.279 152.508
570715000000011085 15-07-1988 19-12-2008 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND nørrekær enge 158f 521701,5 6317554,24 Stamdata WNR 103.142 279.472 275.414 262.888 258.204 273.416 277.134 248.589 216.834 216.098 258.805 222.004 241.032 263.346 284.383 142.457 176.815 163.773 143.575 205.279 152.508
570715000000011092 15-07-1988 19-12-2008 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND nørrekær enge 158f 521671,76 6317698,94 Stamdata WNR 103.142 279.472 275.414 262.888 258.204 273.416 277.134 248.589 216.834 216.098 258.805 222.004 241.032 263.346 284.383 142.457 176.815 163.773 143.575 205.279 152.508
570715000000011108 15-07-1988 19-12-2008 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND tolstrup by 12k 521643,35 6317844,64 Stamdata WNR 103.142 279.472 275.414 262.888 258.204 273.416 277.134 248.589 216.834 216.098 258.805 222.004 241.032 263.346 284.383 142.457 176.815 163.773 143.575 205.279 152.508
570715000000011115 15-07-1988 19-12-2008 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND tolstrup by 12k 521610,76 6317986,3 Stamdata WNR 103.142 279.472 275.414 262.888 258.204 273.416 277.134 248.589 216.834 216.098 258.805 222.004 241.032 263.346 284.383 142.457 176.815 163.773 143.575 205.279 152.508
570715000000011122 15-07-1988 19-12-2008 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND nørrekær enge 158f 521937,56 6317308,39 Stamdata WNR 103.142 279.472 275.414 262.888 258.204 273.416 277.134 248.589 216.834 216.098 258.805 222.004 241.032 263.346 284.383 142.457 176.815 163.773 143.575 205.279 152.508
570715000000011139 15-07-1988 19-12-2008 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND nørrekær enge 158f 521910,55 6317452,86 Stamdata WNR 103.142 279.472 275.414 262.888 258.204 273.416 277.134 248.589 216.834 216.098 258.805 222.004 241.032 263.346 284.383 142.457 176.815 163.773 143.575 205.279 152.508
570715000000011146 15-07-1988 19-12-2008 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND nørrekær enge 158f 521884,32 6317597,49 Stamdata WNR 103.142 279.472 275.414 262.888 258.204 273.416 277.134 248.589 216.834 216.098 258.805 222.004 241.032 263.346 284.383 142.457 176.815 163.773 143.575 205.279 152.508
570715000000011153 15-07-1988 19-12-2008 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND nørrekær enge 158f 521857,89 6317741,65 Stamdata WNR 103.142 279.472 275.414 262.888 258.204 273.416 277.134 248.589 216.834 216.098 258.805 222.004 241.032 263.346 284.383 142.457 176.815 163.773 143.575 205.279 152.508
570715000000011160 15-07-1988 19-12-2008 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND tolstrup by 15k 521831,38 6317886,06 Stamdata WNR 103.142 279.472 275.414 262.888 258.204 273.416 277.134 248.589 216.834 216.098 258.805 222.004 241.032 263.346 284.383 142.457 176.815 163.773 143.575 205.279 152.508
570715000000011177 15-07-1988 19-12-2008 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND tolstrup by 15k 521802,87 6318027,4 Stamdata WNR 103.142 279.472 275.414 262.888 258.204 273.416 277.134 248.589 216.834 216.098 258.805 222.004 241.032 263.346 284.383 142.457 176.815 163.773 143.575 205.279 152.508
570715000000011184 15-07-1988 19-12-2008 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND nørrekær enge 171b 522442,48 6317439,06 Stamdata WNR 103.142 279.472 275.414 262.888 258.204 273.416 277.134 248.589 216.834 216.098 258.805 222.004 241.032 263.346 284.383 142.457 176.815 163.773 143.575 205.279 152.508
570715000000011191 15-07-1988 19-12-2008 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND nørrekær enge 171b 522427,05 6317581,41 Stamdata WNR 103.142 279.472 275.414 262.888 258.204 273.416 277.134 248.589 216.834 216.098 258.805 222.004 241.032 263.346 284.383 142.457 176.815 163.773 143.575 205.279 152.508
570715000000011207 15-07-1988 19-12-2008 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND nørrekær enge 171b 522411,64 6317723,56 Stamdata WNR 103.142 279.472 275.414 262.888 258.204 273.416 277.134 248.589 216.834 216.098 258.805 222.004 241.032 263.346 284.383 142.457 176.815 163.773 143.575 205.279 152.508
570715000000011214 15-07-1988 19-12-2008 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND nørrekær enge 171b 522396,27 6317866,25 Stamdata WNR 103.142 279.472 275.414 262.888 258.204 273.416 277.134 248.589 216.834 216.098 258.805 222.004 241.032 263.346 284.383 142.457 176.815 163.773 143.575 205.279 152.508
570715000000011221 15-07-1988 19-12-2008 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND nørrekær enge 171b 522380,56 6318008,49 Stamdata WNR 103.142 279.472 275.414 262.888 258.204 273.416 277.134 248.589 216.834 216.098 258.805 222.004 241.032 263.346 284.383 142.457 176.815 163.773 143.575 205.279 152.508
570715000000011238 15-07-1988 19-12-2008 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND nørrekær enge 171b 522369,29 6318147,73 Stamdata WNR 103.142 279.472 275.414 262.888 258.204 273.416 277.134 248.589 216.834 216.098 258.805 222.004 241.032 263.346 284.383 142.457 176.815 163.773 143.575 205.279 152.508
570715000000011245 15-07-1988 19-12-2008 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND nørrekær enge 154e 522607,32 6317481,61 Stamdata WNR 103.142 279.472 275.414 262.888 258.204 273.416 277.134 248.589 216.834 216.098 258.805 222.004 241.032 263.346 284.383 142.457 176.815 163.773 143.575 205.279 152.508
570715000000011252 15-07-1988 19-12-2008 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND nørrekær enge 154e 522591,61 6317622,21 Stamdata WNR 103.142 279.472 275.414 262.888 258.204 273.416 277.134 248.589 216.834 216.098 258.805 222.004 241.032 263.346 284.383 142.457 176.815 163.773 143.575 205.279 152.508
570715000000011269 15-07-1988 19-12-2008 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND nørrekær enge 154e 522575,65 6317762,73 Stamdata WNR 103.142 279.472 275.414 262.888 258.204 273.416 277.134 248.589 216.834 216.098 258.805 222.004 241.032 263.346 284.383 142.457 176.815 163.773 143.575 205.279 152.508
570715000000011276 15-07-1988 19-12-2008 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND nørrekær enge 154e 522559,86 6317903,89 Stamdata WNR 103.142 279.472 275.414 262.888 258.204 273.416 277.134 248.589 216.834 216.098 258.805 222.004 241.032 263.346 284.383 142.457 176.815 163.773 143.575 205.279 152.508
570715000000011283 15-07-1988 19-12-2008 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND nørrekær enge 154e 522544,14 6318044,64 Stamdata WNR 103.142 279.472 275.414 262.888 258.204 273.416 277.134 248.589 216.834 216.098 258.805 222.004 241.032 263.346 284.383 142.457 176.815 163.773 143.575 205.279 152.508
570715000000011290 15-07-1988 19-12-2008 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND nørrekær enge 154e 522527,68 6318185,05 Stamdata WNR 103.142 279.472 275.414 262.888 258.204 273.416 277.134 248.589 216.834 216.098 258.805 222.004 241.032 263.346 284.383 142.457 176.815 163.773 143.575 205.279 152.508
570715000000011306 15-07-1988 19-12-2008 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND nørrekær enge 162d 522776,35 6317525,27 Stamdata WNR 103.142 279.472 275.414 262.888 258.204 273.416 277.134 248.589 216.834 216.098 258.805 222.004 241.032 263.346 284.383 142.457 176.815 163.773 143.575 205.279 152.508
570715000000011313 15-07-1988 19-12-2008 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND nørrekær enge 162d 522763,2 6317665,07 Stamdata WNR 103.142 279.472 275.414 262.888 258.204 273.416 277.134 248.589 216.834 216.098 258.805 222.004 241.032 263.346 284.383 142.457 176.815 163.773 143.575 205.279 152.508
570715000000011320 15-07-1988 19-12-2008 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND nørrekær enge 162d 522750,27 6317805,03 Stamdata WNR 103.142 279.472 275.414 262.888 258.204 273.416 277.134 248.589 216.834 216.098 258.805 222.004 241.032 263.346 284.383 142.457 176.815 163.773 143.575 205.279 152.508
570715000000011337 15-07-1988 19-12-2008 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND nørrekær enge 162d 522737,23 6317944,65 Stamdata WNR 103.142 279.472 275.414 262.888 258.204 273.416 277.134 248.589 216.834 216.098 258.805 222.004 241.032 263.346 284.383 142.457 176.815 163.773 143.575 205.279 152.508
570715000000011344 15-07-1988 19-12-2008 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND nørrekær enge 162d 522724,67 6318084,54 Stamdata WNR 103.142 279.472 275.414 262.888 258.204 273.416 277.134 248.589 216.834 216.098 258.805 222.004 241.032 263.346 284.383 142.457 176.815 163.773 143.575 205.279 152.508
570715000000011351 15-07-1988 19-12-2008 130 21 26 Nordtank NTK 130 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND nørrekær enge 162d 522711,82 6318224,09 Stamdata WNR 103.142 279.472 275.414 262.888 258.204 273.416 277.134 248.589 216.834 216.098 258.805 222.004 241.032 263.346 284.383 142.457 176.815 163.773 143.575 205.279 152.508
570715000000014376 12-03-1988 08-05-2008 150 36 30 BONUS 150   - MK lll 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Gjørup By, Uldbjerg 3a 522710,74 6280104,46 Stamdata 3203270 218.990 315.075 339.430 293.970 293.290 321.300 329.890 285.795 259.150 288.230 306.778 252.134 295.404 237.385 218.925 223.700 257.623 185.671 125.441 218.845 33.060
570715000000014383 12-03-1988 08-05-2008 150 36 30 BONUS 150   - MK lll 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Gjørup By, Uldbjerg 3k 522710,74 6280104,46 Stamdata 3203270 218.990 315.075 339.430 293.970 293.290 321.300 329.890 285.795 259.150 288.230 306.778 252.134 295.404 237.385 218.925 223.700 257.623 185.671 125.441 218.845 33.060
570715000000014437 06-02-1992 04-05-2010 150 32,5 32,5 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Gedsted By 25c 520976,52 6281825,47 Stamdata 3211374 343.317 363.610 389.723 330.583 298.807 336.473 360.228 298.749 343.069 278.362 310.139 273.892 309.330 303.110 256.934 349.320 315.291 289.722 89.161
570715000000014444 06-02-1992 04-05-2010 150 32,5 32,5 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Gedsted By 25c 520976,52 6281825,47 Stamdata 3211374 343.317 363.610 389.723 330.583 298.807 336.473 360.228 298.749 343.069 278.362 310.139 273.892 309.330 303.110 256.934 349.320 315.291 289.722 89.161
570715000000014451 06-02-1992 04-05-2010 150 32,5 32,5 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Gedsted By 25d 521048,813 6282025,642 Stamdata 3211374 343.317 363.610 389.723 330.583 298.807 336.473 360.228 298.749 343.069 278.362 310.139 273.892 309.330 303.110 256.934 349.320 315.291 289.722 89.161
570715000000014475 26-11-1996 25-09-2008 225 31,5 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Fjelsø By, Fjelsø 6i 524657,46 6279619,52 Stamdata 3211416 33.700 495.730 539.640 451.076 507.118 431.755 457.787 415.638 467.537 415.519 353.036 488.908 322.095
570715000000014482 26-11-1996 25-09-2008 225 31,5 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Fjelsø By, Fjelsø 6i 524657,46 6279619,52 Stamdata 3211416 33.700 495.730 539.640 451.076 507.118 431.755 457.787 415.638 467.537 415.519 353.036 488.908 322.095
570715000000014499 26-11-1996 14-11-2008 225 29 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Fjelsø By 15ø 524751,67 6279572,47 Stamdata 3211417 35.010 493.380 532.089 444.488 505.544 430.317 461.111 411.190 468.860 365.368 294.385 512.400 388.277
570715000000014505 26-11-1996 14-11-2008 225 31 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Fjelsø By 6p 524686,98 6279752,89 Stamdata 3211418 33.350 491.770 529.338 439.951 500.459 423.907 458.103 413.611 467.564 373.882 292.347 483.503 377.571
570715000000055645 01-11-1985 05-07-1999 99 21 23 Wincon W 99 XT 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Ukendt 0 504163 6277061 Stamdata 366 0 0
570715000000055652 01-11-1985 05-07-1999 99 21 23 Wincon W 99 XT 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Ukendt 0 504163 6277061 Stamdata 366 0 0
570715000000055669 01-11-1985 05-07-1999 99 21 23 Wincon W 99 XT 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Ukendt 0 504163 6277061 Stamdata 366 0 0
570715000000055676 01-11-1985 05-07-1999 99 21 23 Wincon W 99 XT 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Ukendt 0 504163 6277061 Stamdata 366 0 0
570715000000055683 01-11-1985 05-07-1999 99 21 23 Wincon W 99 XT 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Ukendt 0 504163 6277061 Stamdata 366 0 0
570715000000055690 01-11-1985 31-12-1999 99 21 23 Wincon W 99 XT 820 Vesthimmerlands LAND Ukendt 0 504163 6277061 Stamdata 3661 0 0
570715000000012693 01-06-1985 11-10-2002 55 15,3 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-11  825 Læsø LAND Byrum by, Byrum 15a 622623 6347776 Stamdata 70069-01 41.754 103.443 92.037 98.131 104.784 103.176 98.210 106.473 93.837 105.369 101.816 75.828 84.760 94.738 73.263 95.685 90.650 63.508
570715000000056833 16-03-1988 28-05-1998 18 0 0 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 825 Læsø LAND Vesterø By, Vesterø 42a 610759 6338488 Stamdata 03 0
570715000000006241 03-05-1980 15-11-2002 22 9 12 Windmatic Ukendt-Windmatic 840 Rebild LAND Mejlby by 1b 541690,85 6290161,61 Stamdata 001 28.233 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 15.193 156
570715000000006326 21-01-1982 17-07-2002 55 0,1 24 Nordtank Ukendt-Nordtank 840 Rebild LAND Skinbjerg By 2 555738,61 6304302,11 Stamdata 010 110.917 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 57.211 14.333
570715000000006333 30-04-1982 25-07-2002 55 15 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 15 840 Rebild LAND Nøragergård Hgd. 5a 538791,29 6285914,96 Stamdata 011 80.667 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 67.690 13.919
570715000000006340 19-11-1981 18-09-2001 22 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 840 Rebild LAND Ukendt 0 531709 6278774 Stamdata 012 4.033 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 18.150 0
570715000000006432 05-05-1983 31-10-2002 18 10,9 18 Kuriant KE 15/4-Kuriant 840 Rebild LAND Mejlby by 5a 540783,27 6289682,11 Stamdata 021 19.250 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 8.250 0
570715000000006524 09-08-1985 16-07-2002 55 16 22 Nordtank NTK 65-Nordtank 840 Rebild LAND Haverslev by 9u 542504,06 6294682,07 Stamdata 036 35.148 130.614 116.211 123.906 132.307 130.276 124.006 109.320 130.240 126.270 121.870 99.670 114.570 115.025 113.208 115.998 90.602 64.174
570715000000007019 20-12-1985 02-12-2003 55 16 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 16 840 Rebild LAND Bonderup by 7a 536934,26 6289073,39 Stamdata 081 4.212 143.558 131.475 140.180 149.685 147.387 140.294 137.120 138.910 147.620 134.150 115.470 126.580 134.663 115.952 134.551 111.160 117.862 95.385
570715000000007064 09-08-1985 15-11-2002 55 16 23 Nordtank NTK 65 F 840 Rebild LAND Haverslev by 9u 542433,08 6294641,07 Stamdata 086 32.095 119.271 106.119 113.145 120.817 118.962 113.237 115.050 113.590 125.180 112.680 88.650 97.700 105.948 93.828 105.847 64.208 69.349
570715000000007279 26-09-1986 16-07-2002 95 19 24 Micon 95-Micon 840 Rebild LAND Mejlby by 5ac 541180,73 6288941,62 Stamdata 105 51.775 189.478 194.554 207.745 204.556 194.711 201.300 206.970 221.070 187.150 158.530 176.600 183.540 170.544 175.983 132.523 89.972
570715000000007286 26-09-1986 16-07-2002 95 19 24 Micon 95-Micon 840 Rebild LAND Mejlby by 5ac 541165,63 6289111,93 Stamdata 105 48.758 180.235 183.109 195.525 192.523 183.258 183.590 191.780 204.090 175.340 144.780 166.850 172.970 160.513 165.632 130.240 89.972
570715000000007293 06-05-1987 30-11-2001 95 19 24 Micon 95-Micon 840 Rebild LAND Mejlby 5c 541261 6289157 Stamdata 105 92.430 194.554 207.746 204.556 194.711 189.650 166.870 219.360 196.220 141.670 152.370 185.910 170.544 175.984 132.523 89.972
570715000000007347 21-11-1986 23-09-2002 99 20,5 26 Nordtank NTK 99 F 840 Rebild LAND Ø. Hornum by 3c 544578,28 6311374,73 Stamdata 110 21.362 228.079 243.180 259.669 255.683 243.377 259.450 244.040 258.460 237.350 189.470 219.190 230.540 206.161 214.189 181.772 142.120
570715000000007484 25-05-1987 17-07-2002 99 0,1 25 Nordtank Ukendt-Nordtank 840 Rebild LAND Skinbjerg By 2 555590,58 6304014,17 Stamdata 126 128.105 234.150 250.026 246.188 234.339 231.320 237.420 259.210 229.380 190.710 215.800 219.756 199.711 198.084 179.155 115.812
570715000000007491 29-05-1987 21-06-2002 95 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 840 Rebild LAND Skibsted by 8a 565448,76 6303724,41 Stamdata 127 129.071 235.914 251.910 248.043 236.105 240.730 235.850 256.110 226.690 196.810 214.200 225.547 203.119 196.299 186.246 82.851
570715000000007521 19-06-1987 15-11-2002 95 19 24 BONUS HWC260 840 Rebild LAND Hornumgård 10f 544923,07 6306868,83 Stamdata 130 86.876 185.256 197.817 194.780 185.406 185.620 183.750 158.050 188.960 153.070 171.700 180.735 168.880 169.733 110.764 133.010
570715000000007767 10-12-1987 30-11-2001 95 19 24 Micon 95-Micon 840 Rebild LAND Mejlby 5c 541633 6290257 Stamdata 151 14.523 185.809 198.408 195.362 185.959 175.530 167.540 198.980 180.550 147.580 173.260 171.933 171.147 180.930 133.525 0
570715000000007774 10-12-1987 31-05-2010 200 24,6 32 Dencon Dencon 200/40 840 Rebild LAND St. Brøndum by 18a 559247,25 6300590,98 GST, 18-02-2013 152 21.200 400.418 428.110 420.560 400.933 441.680 410.970 467.530 422.170 279.800 351.110 372.619 242.454 353.992 267.607 334.898 254.563 284.720 252.546 229.001 296.965 128.809 122.573 63.850
570715000000007781 18-12-1987 23-09-2002 150 23 24 BONUS 20-150/30   840 Rebild LAND Ø. Hornum by 1x 543980,81 6309818,19 Stamdata 153 13.782 315.231 331.348 329.752 313.612 310.690 284.770 345.800 318.380 253.580 296.190 300.448 281.291 281.278 257.916 199.919
570715000000007965 13-05-1988 30-10-2002 150 23 24 BONUS 20-150/30   840 Rebild LAND Torsted by 3a 542945,26 6296436,85 Stamdata 168 181.240 331.763 326.670 310.948 317.190 315.110 318.890 305.350 243.330 277.650 296.920 276.043 275.493 239.549 215.241
570715000000007972 13-05-1988 30-10-2002 150 23 24 BONUS 20-150/30   840 Rebild LAND Torsted by 3a 543000,29 6296361,57 Stamdata 168 191.681 350.877 345.490 328.862 338.900 317.410 353.490 324.150 259.830 293.540 309.930 291.946 291.365 243.222 215.241
570715000000007996 05-07-1988 28-05-2010 250 26 30 Micon 530/250   840 Rebild LAND Albæk Hgd. 1az 546500,83 6300968,99 Stamdata 170 155.306 398.009 391.899 373.037 398.300 397.750 396.580 368.520 298.990 325.370 290.530 285.400 310.028 265.659 308.118 260.088 194.055 131.173 244.674 321.350 276.005 266.357 100.482
570715000000008009 05-07-1988 28-05-2010 250 26 30 Micon 530/250   840 Rebild LAND Albæk Hgd. 1az 546375,77 6300789,39 Stamdata 170 148.621 380.874 375.027 356.978 380.720 368.720 396.600 350.300 301.120 343.270 336.510 300.635 326.579 269.545 308.118 260.088 194.055 131.173 244.674 321.350 276.005 266.357 100.482
570715000000008016 05-07-1988 29-10-2002 95 19 41 Tellus TE 95/20  840 Rebild LAND Nysum by 8h 547981,28 6289476,83 Stamdata 172 90.096 230.893 227.348 216.406 229.190 216.570 233.020 209.080 177.640 191.560 205.630 165.739 202.829 172.540 157.171
570715000000008078 06-09-1988 02-07-2002 99 19 30 Windmatic VM 19 S 840 Rebild LAND Estrup by 2d 547172,07 6308321,86 Stamdata 177 42.165 180.096 177.331 168.796 105.400 169.700 176.400 161.470 127.630 159.450 166.851 147.539 152.135 120.648 78.285
570715000000008139 10-10-1988 29-10-2015 180 23,2 30 Danwin DW 23-Danwin 840 Rebild LAND Smidie by 4a 569608,65 6302871,25 GST, 18-02-2013 181 67.507 432.507 425.867 405.371 432.000 406.000 438.000 393.000 344.000 361.000 334.497 346.855 367.692 321.460 334.774 279.602 262.190 283.127 240.038 304.782 219.721 147.999 186.896 171.114 190.626 292.283 294.352 255.178
570715000000008184 29-12-1988 28-01-2005 150 23 30 BONUS 150/30 kW 840 Rebild LAND Hjeds by 6b 541748,55 6304914,48 SDFE2018 187 1.014 327.330 323.303 307.743 312.000 300.300 324.140 296.750 246.580 278.690 284.816 264.187 291.595 239.254 247.919 202.209 252.034 32.528
570715000000008566 11-04-1990 11-09-2009 250 26 30 Micon 530/250   840 Rebild LAND Skibsted by 7i 565106,59 6303877,93 Stamdata 227 318.310 454.485 447.960 478.410 498.960 414.440 389.620 419.980 425.200 349.990 419.068 358.980 391.135 336.468 365.199 289.162 129.992 0 269.719 181.387
570715000000008573 19-04-1990 24-09-2019 150 23 30 BONUS 150/30 kW 840 Rebild LAND Bradsted by 5ab 542106,3 6306000,81 SDFE2018 228 246.561 352.041 351.710 317.210 379.440 348.450 288.390 315.000 341.645 310.562 318.562 275.642 293.993 260.711 295.946 285.424 246.623 312.539 294.332 262.492 257.488 306.642 260.330 251.919 279.728 265.687 0 0 0 0
570715000000008610 08-06-1990 11-09-2009 250 26 30 Micon 530/250   840 Rebild LAND Skibsted by 8a 565266,61 6303887,04 Stamdata 232 241.734 460.200 454.600 484.340 508.850 416.450 379.780 433.250 440.560 354.071 422.676 360.869 386.238 338.301 366.443 378.810 275.021 429.922 394.917 199.755
570715000000008627 26-06-1990 21-01-2009 150 23 30 BONUS 150/30 kW 840 Rebild LAND Dalumgård 1h 540164,21 6302578,33 Stamdata 233 135.009 257.023 257.730 257.690 268.540 251.800 218.260 223.660 235.931 222.851 233.362 196.549 209.600 176.976 202.387 179.926 179.925 225.675 205.539 33
570715000000008658 20-07-1990 05-05-2010 150 24,6 32,5 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 840 Rebild LAND Bonderup by 6a 536790,39 6288891,46 Stamdata 235 169.947 388.243 362.570 366.160 399.700 362.590 298.490 327.300 366.910 342.583 365.605 294.834 310.611 248.167 299.036 284.868 272.251 352.481 313.402 283.634 88.968
570715000000008665 20-07-1990 05-05-2010 150 24,6 32,5 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 840 Rebild LAND Bonderup by 6a 536780,21 6288801,89 Stamdata 235 169.947 388.244 381.560 393.950 422.240 352.710 314.350 340.910 386.860 342.583 365.605 294.837 310.611 248.167 299.036 284.868 272.251 352.481 313.402 283.634 88.968
570715000000008672 20-07-1990 05-05-2010 150 24,6 32,5 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 840 Rebild LAND Bonderup by 6a 536532,41 6288771,71 Stamdata 235 169.948 388.243 366.120 396.970 403.780 383.700 318.280 349.860 368.620 342.583 365.605 294.837 310.611 248.167 299.036 284.868 272.251 352.481 313.402 283.634 88.968
570715000000008689 20-07-1990 05-05-2010 150 24,6 32,5 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 840 Rebild LAND Bonderup by 6a 536606,48 6288670,6 Stamdata 235 169.947 388.243 370.040 391.190 416.170 380.920 325.050 347.150 389.800 342.583 365.608 294.837 310.611 248.167 299.036 284.868 272.251 352.481 313.402 283.634 88.968
570715000000008740 07-12-1990 29-04-2016 150 28 31 Wind World W 2800 840 Rebild LAND Tøttrup by 2c 539527,76 6298762,09 GST, 18-02-2013 245 14.115 331.906 355.290 334.510 385.010 329.570 294.010 313.920 278.800 208.130 334.465 272.587 289.817 248.878 293.487 283.465 256.034 321.406 298.356 259.610 242.337 295.540 293.713 252.850 283.114 332.650 90.888
570715000000008801 27-12-1990 01-06-2005 150 24,6 32,5 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 840 Rebild LAND Kgs. Tisted by 14a 535894,59 6290416,66 Stamdata 250 2.870 371.819 378.080 366.590 405.450 359.610 312.900 342.840 346.290 290.635 363.977 297.392 304.246 267.683 292.047 150.998
570715000000008818 27-12-1990 30-03-2017 150 28 30 Wind World W 2800-150  840 Rebild LAND Kgs. Tisted by 13a 535762 6290158,23 SDFE2018 251 2.955 412.000 421.200 428.800 490.000 375.000 325.000 386.660 426.999 279.307 390.083 334.556 367.161 294.249 348.535 348.778 286.915 350.873 298.462 264.215 324.963 360.806 319.210 300.034 286.077 312.059 0 0
570715000000009303 15-12-1992 01-09-2009 150 24,6 32 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 840 Rebild LAND Tvorup by 1b 565447,88 6300248,98 Stamdata 292 5.010 347.700 377.230 329.620 287.450 312.000 342.892 315.862 322.602 287.990 298.575 266.244 305.006 292.616 215.742 333.904 308.372 160.493
570715000000056215 18-12-1986 23-10-2002 90 18,8 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  840 Rebild LAND Stausgård 2a 542279,21 6292224,85 Stamdata 318 2.305 197.056 212.561 226.973 223.489 212.733 148.370 182.540 203.900 184.910 153.550 173.500 179.200 178.747 183.054 267.306 356.021 176.313 215.805 180.602
570715000001463562 20-07-2015 20-07-2015 10 13 18 Solid Wind Power A/S SWP10-14TG20 840 Rebild Land Stamdata
570715000000006302 17-03-1992 14-11-2016 150 24,6 32 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 846 Mariagerfjord LAND Monstrup by 2c 555007,76 6284833,48 SDFE2018 006 239.270 361.230 382.080 354.700 298.030 325.930 346.740 283.735 332.531 284.809 300.284 273.808 304.794 290.638 251.826 303.506 295.370 261.189 260.885 304.090 300.945 278.005 288.808 345.049 31.607
570715000000006425 29-12-1982 02-08-2011 15 10,9 18 Kuriant KE 15/4-Kuriant 846 Mariagerfjord LAND Hvilsom by 8d 537836,81 6278526,86 GST, 18-02-2013 019 0 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 20.549 18.380 17.528 17.980 4.415 11.864 18.193 13.730 0 0 0
570715000000007446 23-12-1986 04-09-2002 95 19,4 25 BONUS 95-22   846 Mariagerfjord LAND Hvornum by 4a 540431,09 6273726,53 Stamdata 121 2.344 173.182 187.148 199.838 196.770 187.299 191.110 191.110 205.950 178.890 151.070 162.560 175.580 159.937 168.333 118.072 105.283
570715000000007507 01-06-1987 02-07-2009 140 19,6 26 Danwin DW 19-140   846 Mariagerfjord LAND Veddum by 7e 574269,77 6294982,65 Stamdata 128 77.084 164.375 175.520 172.825 164.508 170.000 178.450 147.390 143.970 134.960 147.000 62.070 136.622 168.337 145.469 163.204 126.925 116.788 84.349 22.637 37.446 54.135 16.424
570715000000007668 28-08-1987 28-11-2011 250 24 28,7 Micon M 250 846 Mariagerfjord LAND Snæbum by 28 540398,69 6277451,82 Stamdata 141 99.323 317.697 339.238 334.030 317.954 316.160 333.430 337.500 324.910 239.540 307.800 318.063 271.003 243.106 214.091 244.184 193.446 245.286 228.447 191.854 264.698 229.822 172.574 195.724 171.205
570715000000007798 21-12-1987 20-07-2016 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  846 Mariagerfjord LAND Tisteder 1bm 562066,72 6291490,85 GST, 18-02-2013 154 6.200 325.189 353.858 348.426 331.657 329.520 341.820 361.650 320.050 272.950 301.140 311.935 276.605 288.901 253.421 266.754 239.361 272.157 258.633 224.047 294.585 288.448 241.236 240.813 293.235 274.956 258.174 169.338 140.024 52.379
570715000000007835 20-01-1988 26-05-2009 250 24 31 Micon M 250 846 Mariagerfjord LAND Hvarre by 1i 551247,05 6289729,11 Stamdata 158 342.729 399.237 393.108 374.189 390.000 365.000 415.400 323.600 304.000 343.924 380.052 299.545 344.441 286.474 308.422 220.234 221.766 245.623 159.387 262.150 164.604 48.207
570715000000007934 13-05-1988 10-07-2002 99 19 30 Windmatic VM 19 S 846 Mariagerfjord LAND Houtved by 2f 557782,82 6283418,87 Stamdata 166 110.664 202.573 199.463 189.863 184.540 189.200 196.370 181.020 152.330 174.430 182.450 165.443 175.879 147.727 91.483
570715000000007941 13-05-1988 10-07-2002 99 19 30 Windmatic VM 19 S 846 Mariagerfjord LAND Houtved by 2f 557821,82 6283320,21 Stamdata 166 110.664 202.573 199.463 189.864 183.480 185.360 206.380 185.660 146.560 174.790 182.530 165.444 175.878 147.727 91.483
570715000000008153 21-10-1988 31-05-2010 180 23,2 30 Danwin DW 23-Danwin 846 Mariagerfjord LAND Rold by 3l 550387,56 6291085,01 Stamdata 183 58.883 377.252 371.461 353.583 367.950 401.640 363.150 348.310 287.060 317.440 344.621 259.428 307.415 246.403 270.268 247.615 234.467 158.287 183.947 266.870 216.033 219.628 45.198
570715000000008337 20-04-1989 07-06-2010 150 22,2 30,7 DWP D 150 S 846 Mariagerfjord LAND Helberskov by 8e 577303,22 6286851,74 Stamdata 198 228.450 352.084 335.139 332.320 341.520 372.000 311.150 282.620 298.830 328.600 285.757 295.036 262.481 264.416 238.775 218.876 156.881 198.750 264.152 216.979 227.828 91.136
570715000000008344 20-04-1989 07-06-2010 150 22,2 30,7 DWP D 150 S 846 Mariagerfjord LAND Helberskov by 8e 577269,03 6286467,77 Stamdata 198 219.791 338.740 322.437 312.390 329.300 352.620 311.770 278.550 294.790 316.010 274.927 283.854 259.474 264.416 238.775 218.876 156.881 198.750 264.152 216.979 227.828 91.136
570715000000008351 11-05-1989 07-06-2010 150 22,2 30,7 DWP D 150 S 846 Mariagerfjord LAND Helberskov by 11g 577115,99 6286817,55 Stamdata 198 217.795 335.662 319.507 318.690 322.010 333.780 267.860 267.450 278.920 312.230 272.429 281.274 258.784 264.416 238.775 218.876 156.881 198.750 264.152 216.979 227.828 91.136
570715000000008504 15-12-1989 27-03-2015 250 26 30 Micon 530/250   846 Mariagerfjord LAND Stenstrup by 4k 553343,55 6285604,57 GST, 18-02-2013 220 15.400 391.625 372.406 396.940 393.190 421.850 375.640 313.910 338.353 372.468 288.591 319.471 253.016 286.587 257.512 271.907 275.368 204.765 316.778 248.562 230.765 109.892 75.542 228.536 252.019 253.225 4.560
570715000000008726 08-11-1990 13-08-2002 95 19 40 Tellus TE 1995 846 Mariagerfjord LAND Marienborg 1g 556271,28 6290230,76 Stamdata 243 18.783 214.551 220.000 215.000 225.000 210.000 165.000 193.000 207.000 185.353 193.912 161.668 117.795
570715000000009334 13-07-1993 17-12-2013 225 27 31 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  846 Mariagerfjord LAND Vive by 1f 562545,22 6285132,65 GST, 18-02-2013 297 128.300 318.310 298.800 270.210 281.640 280.279 225.576 257.212 227.067 248.965 205.685 229.397 243.310 206.544 286.987 266.237 230.122 236.674 270.720 238.432 143.680 0 0
570715000000009358 24-09-1993 20-04-2016 150 24,6 32 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 846 Mariagerfjord LAND Ø. Doense by 4t m.fl 552389,69 6284379,76 GST, 18-02-2013 298 76.610 380.520 343.850 289.640 319.520 331.530 313.769 325.868 256.000 275.160 256.246 291.179 278.392 250.042 321.757 297.303 260.442 248.626 308.430 298.327 268.646 282.029 341.732 63.098
570715000000009365 24-09-1993 20-04-2016 150 24,6 32 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 846 Mariagerfjord LAND Ø. Doense by 4t m.fl 552385,07 6284290,11 GST, 18-02-2013 298 73.580 376.020 340.220 282.310 316.770 324.020 310.027 321.981 255.175 275.160 256.246 291.179 278.392 250.042 321.757 297.303 260.442 248.626 308.430 298.327 268.646 282.029 341.732 63.098
570715000000010880 24-08-2001 19-01-2016 660 47 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 47-660  846 Mariagerfjord LAND Døstrup by 5a 544409,01 6281351,63 GST, 18-02-2013 456 426.142 1.213.256 1.072.532 1.211.761 1.165.594 1.037.817 1.323.583 1.192.247 1.041.962 999.588 1.169.185 1.164.904 1.060.976 1.117.191 1.208.888 0
570715000000010897 01-07-2001 25-02-2016 660 47 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 47-660  846 Mariagerfjord LAND Døstrup by 5a 544397,11 6281151,85 GST, 18-02-2013 457 573.058 1.207.571 1.119.768 1.316.399 1.220.511 1.108.743 1.427.967 1.282.029 1.156.829 1.096.893 1.295.678 1.266.567 1.125.821 1.178.194 1.430.825 199.187
570715000000010903 01-07-2001 25-02-2016 660 47 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 47-660  846 Mariagerfjord LAND Døstrup by 5a 544385,33 6280952,17 GST, 18-02-2013 458 567.072 1.257.207 1.134.563 1.290.087 1.222.074 1.102.414 1.396.543 1.260.977 1.137.446 1.035.217 1.285.558 1.195.374 1.057.502 1.193.487 1.399.786 196.701
570715000000010910 13-06-2001 25-02-2016 660 47 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 47-660  846 Mariagerfjord LAND Døstrup by 5a 544597,23 6281240,27 GST, 18-02-2013 459 596.646 1.199.120 1.071.747 1.275.943 1.237.054 968.628 1.314.580 1.244.999 1.080.930 1.074.505 1.275.915 1.228.649 1.102.941 1.152.206 1.387.826 206.601
570715000000010927 13-06-2001 19-01-2016 660 47 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 47-660  846 Mariagerfjord LAND Døstrup by 5a 544585,3 6281040,55 GST, 18-02-2013 460 612.105 1.266.302 1.115.581 1.277.256 1.255.196 1.150.376 1.388.242 1.279.310 1.190.562 1.109.423 1.287.934 1.251.961 1.139.454 1.231.602 1.423.271 68.690
570715000000018886 25-09-1985 10-12-2002 75 17 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  846 Mariagerfjord LAND Sdr. Onsild 13d 545951 6271375 Stamdata 95025 26.962 133.592 112.978 127.695 129.114 134.764 120.848 121.424 138.956 142.012 118.484 117.378 118.617 120.595 108.214 117.913 95.439 94.775
570715000000019005 18-09-1987 23-07-2002 99 19 30 Windmatic VM 19 S 846 Mariagerfjord LAND Handest By, Glenstrup 13a 549651 6269981 Stamdata 95037 35.985 162.693 164.501 171.699 153.969 154.703 174.529 179.291 152.593 141.634 154.305 154.366 136.142 159.074 130.262 72.915
570715000000019227 19-01-1990 19-07-2016 225 27 32 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  846 Mariagerfjord LAND Ulstrup 2a 547890,6 6270721,42 GST, 18-02-2013 95059 431.462 422.081 424.094 464.560 490.140 430.640 396.410 425.250 423.150 379.905 419.689 363.461 378.311 338.610 379.375 370.508 329.715 430.081 377.623 349.100 341.095 376.913 384.001 344.403 370.130 420.364 158.044
570715000000020834 08-11-2000 09-11-2017 750 48 45 NEG Micon NM 48/750 846 Mariagerfjord LAND Handest by, Glenstrup 12f 553875,22 6269735,15 SDFE2018 95165 124.341 1.146.074 1.192.420 1.092.116 1.184.657 1.174.562 1.008.424 1.350.444 1.235.405 1.065.397 998.285 1.214.838 1.151.532 1.046.790 1.069.384 1.197.464 949.988 781.873
570715000000020841 21-11-2000 09-11-2017 750 48 45 NEG Micon NM 48/750 846 Mariagerfjord LAND Handest by, Glenstrup 8e 553777,78 6269884,93 SDFE2018 95166 116.381 1.104.488 1.154.907 1.053.140 1.155.160 1.134.973 967.097 1.312.177 1.204.439 1.003.964 948.941 1.164.515 1.101.838 952.026 1.011.512 1.228.672 905.844 826.058
570715000000020858 08-11-2000 09-11-2017 750 48,2 45 NEG Micon NM 48/750 846 Mariagerfjord LAND Handest by, Glenstrup 11a 553681,39 6270034,14 SDFE2018 95167 111.060 1.039.384 1.103.545 996.926 1.108.672 1.108.936 961.815 1.282.992 1.160.355 966.445 942.042 1.137.338 1.102.087 998.505 1.003.749 1.235.387 913.257 800.414
570715000000020865 20-11-2000 09-11-2017 750 48 50 NEG Micon NM 48/750 846 Mariagerfjord LAND Handest By, Glenstrup 4t 553583,89 6270183,84 SDFE2018 95168 114.536 1.041.642 1.088.226 1.000.093 1.107.204 1.086.794 959.004 1.286.005 1.129.186 963.783 880.069 1.073.909 1.076.859 991.691 932.106 1.131.162 878.689 732.593
570715000001761996 26-10-2010 30-06-2011 10 7,1 21,5 ETW-H-10 H-10 846 Mariagerfjord LAND Mariagerkloster, Mariager jorder 4a 557498 6277737 Stamdata 95228
571313104402908677 10-03-2015 10-03-2015 10 13 18,2 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 846 Mariagerfjord Land Stamdata 1
570715000000000010 01-05-1978 31-03-2002 55 15,6 22,5 Windmatic Ukendt-Windmatic 849 Jammerbugt LAND EJSTRUP BY 11a 531015,87 6330688,58 Stamdata 105/88022 0 0 83.709 92.504 83.162 100.836 102.372 80.468 99.678 88.687 94.559 100.970 99.420 94.635 86.538 97.106 103.557 89.331 76.528 89.806 90.928 78.947 87.047 43.813 22.418
570715000000000027 09-10-1986 01-11-2002 99 19,6 22 Wincon W 99 kW 849 Jammerbugt LAND Klim by 41aq 509475 6322030 Stamdata 132/88018 42.270 225.651 240.592 256.905 252.961 240.786 244.801 246.367 255.560 232.160 193.460 208.787 232.611 190.872 232.895 189.147 176.008
570715000000000034 01-05-1981 30-04-2001 37 11 22 NKT 30-NKT 849 Jammerbugt LAND Åby by, Åby 22c 546156 6335065 Stamdata 133/88027 0 0
570715000000000041 01-04-1985 31-07-2002 95 18,6 22 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 75 kW 849 Jammerbugt LAND Nr Skovsgaard, Ø Svenstrup 1f 534018,26 6328205,96 Stamdata 146/88024 74.705 138.809 123.502 131.680 140.608 138.450 131.786 131.240 135.020 139.870 129.230 104.400 120.436 124.581 109.944 119.651 102.921 67.904
570715000000000065 01-05-1986 28-04-2003 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 97 849 Jammerbugt LAND Attrup 2e 529639 6322708 Stamdata 149/88021-1 144.996 221.154 235.797 251.785 247.920 235.988 228.970 244.145 250.395 222.010 192.280 208.035 223.990 203.278 221.259 179.387 87.860 16.954
570715000000000072 01-05-1986 28-04-2003 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 97 849 Jammerbugt LAND Attrup 2e 529561 6322756 Stamdata 149/88021-2 144.996 221.154 235.797 251.785 247.920 235.988 228.970 244.145 250.395 222.010 192.280 208.035 223.990 203.278 221.259 179.387 87.860 16.954
570715000000000089 01-07-1978 30-06-2000 55 15 18 849 Jammerbugt LAND Gjøl by, Gjøl 1ak 548440,59 6325694,35 Stamdata 154/nedtaget 0 0
570715000000000102 01-05-1986 04-10-2002 95 19,3 22,6 Micon 99-Micon 849 Jammerbugt LAND Sydøstlige del Vedsted 95a 539260,2 6331029,33 Stamdata 258/88009-1 116.672 177.954 189.736 202.601 199.491 189.890 204.961 199.601 228.733 189.864 157.202 160.535 176.566 146.159 148.124 137.292 98.597
570715000000000119 01-05-1986 04-10-2002 95 19,3 22,6 Micon 99-Micon 849 Jammerbugt LAND Sydøstlige del Vedsted 95a 545894,93 6329886,51 Stamdata 258/88009-2 116.672 177.954 189.736 202.601 199.491 189.890 204.961 199.601 228.733 189.864 157.202 160.535 176.566 146.159 148.124 137.292 98.597
570715000000000126 09-10-1986 21-08-2002 99 19 22 Wincon M 99 849 Jammerbugt LAND Husby by Kjettrup 5v 521602,98 6324202,56 Stamdata 363/88019 33.275 177.635 189.397 202.239 199.134 189.550 181.439 189.341 183.508 183.926 154.990 174.042 175.193 167.189 188.012 152.944 106.992
570715000000000157 07-04-1988 07-04-2010 250 24 30 Micon M 450-250   849 Jammerbugt LAND Gøttrup by - Gøttrup 23f 509830,16 6322678,766 Stamdata 381/88017-1 285.711 457.626 450.600 428.913 432.395 437.325 458.125 420.180 339.320 382.910 406.905 347.870 403.592 286.565 339.425 291.192 357.474 290.358 251.056 344.106 345.731 289.292 139.957
570715000000000164 07-04-1988 31-05-2010 250 24 30 Micon M 450-250   849 Jammerbugt LAND Gøttrup by - Gøttrup 23f 509810,6 6322845,1 Stamdata 381/88017-2 285.711 457.626 450.600 428.913 432.395 437.325 458.125 420.180 339.320 382.910 406.905 347.870 403.592 286.565 339.425 291.192 357.474 290.358 251.056 344.106 345.731 289.292 139.957
570715000000000218 23-09-1988 04-09-2017 160 23 24 Wind World W 2320 849 Jammerbugt LAND Attrup Torslev 7f 529308,27 6322935,61 SDFE2018 386/88012-1 77.952 332.950 327.838 312.060 314.760 325.690 294.565 297.485 259.160 284.360 292.724 266.454 297.256 345.779 171.560 216.851 264.195 225.003 241.869 302.082 296.262 250.288 236.655 305.808 287.183 270.478 296.764 361.413 243.492 72.623
570715000000000225 23-09-1988 04-09-2017 160 23 24 Wind World W 2320 849 Jammerbugt LAND Attrup Torslev 7f 529226,04 6322992,16 SDFE2018 386/88012-2 77.952 332.950 327.838 312.060 314.760 325.690 294.565 297.485 259.160 284.360 292.724 266.454 297.256 345.779 171.560 216.851 264.195 225.003 241.869 302.082 296.262 250.288 236.655 305.808 287.183 270.478 296.764 361.413 243.492 72.623
570715000000000256 24-02-1989 07-04-2010 250 24 28,7 Micon M 450-250   849 Jammerbugt LAND Sydøstlige del Vedsted 95e 545916,92 6330353,26 Stamdata 388/88010-2 372.085 439.647 418.488 403.740 417.185 457.910 397.555 336.875 392.770 402.565 342.159 386.935 319.316 284.792 290.821 348.574 313.488 294.062 400.163 376.019 310.549 37.617
570715000000000270 19-09-1989 31-05-2010 250 26 28,7 Micon M 530-250   849 Jammerbugt LAND Manstrup 12d 518488,7 6319352,3 Stamdata 393/88008-1 119.626 471.157 448.481 420.120 468.115 473.585 414.145 376.805 400.465 427.775 382.281 424.607 351.752 375.829 328.174 381.681 357.116 305.393 429.995 401.728 358.363 119.648
570715000000000287 19-09-1989 31-05-2010 250 26 28,7 Micon M 530-250   849 Jammerbugt LAND Manstrup 12d 518640 6319316 Stamdata 393/88008-2 119.626 471.157 448.481 420.120 468.115 473.585 414.145 376.805 400.465 427.775 382.281 424.607 351.752 375.829 328.174 381.681 357.116 305.393 429.995 401.728 358.363 119.648
570715000000000294 20-12-1989 01-02-2016 150 23,8 30 BONUS 150/30 kW 849 Jammerbugt LAND Kirsten & Knud Boeck 34g 544404,22 6337028,94 GST, 18-02-2013 395/88007 0 324.038 308.443 299.380 314.640 334.170 299.450 253.200 287.120 299.848 244.957 275.703 249.190 258.630 223.170 268.196 245.828 214.027 267.626 256.494 226.698 192.737 244.196 245.405 226.691 232.376 293.137 14.795
570715000000000300 01-06-1990 31-05-2010 150 24,6 32,7 Nordtank NTK 150 DC 849 Jammerbugt LAND Haverslev by Haverslev 16c 525989,59 6321210,16 Stamdata 396/88005 207.445 394.922 382.296 410.435 413.598 367.065 336.969 347.086 392.979 340.511 345.395 282.341 302.104 255.255 311.748 209.259 219.529 376.560 357.363 326.270 120.090
570715000000000348 17-08-1991 31-05-2010 250 26 30 Micon M 530-250   849 Jammerbugt LAND Klim by Klim 41v 510060 6325350 Stamdata 410/88003 153.565 469.010 489.790 485.870 464.120 364.230 419.030 423.760 366.085 417.248 351.382 358.145 300.068 371.310 352.870 268.111 437.885 381.465 325.025 140.808
570715000000000362 17-08-1991 02-06-2010 250 26 30 Micon M 530-250   849 Jammerbugt LAND Klim by Klim 41v 510070 6325205 Stamdata 411/88004-1 153.481 476.900 501.120 500.715 469.790 360.880 416.955 412.330 352.843 410.347 338.648 343.921 308.810 372.614 348.684 310.723 450.824 383.700 318.609 138.019
570715000000000379 17-08-1991 02-06-2010 250 26 30 Micon M 530-250   849 Jammerbugt LAND Klim by Klim 41v 510080 6325060 Stamdata 411/88004-2 153.481 476.900 501.120 500.715 469.790 360.880 416.955 412.330 352.843 410.347 338.648 343.921 308.810 372.614 348.684 310.723 450.824 383.700 318.609 138.019
570715000000000393 28-06-1993 31-05-2010 250 26 30 Micon M 530-250/50   849 Jammerbugt LAND Gøttrup by, Gøttrup 47y 517966,95 6321716,89 Stamdata 426/88033-1 236.859 430.674 381.960 404.994 427.614 381.365 415.117 415.117 385.603 410.305 348.624 378.974 363.786 333.223 447.217 405.449 348.396 123.797
570715000000000409 28-06-1993 31-05-2010 250 26 30 Micon M 530-250/50   849 Jammerbugt LAND Gøttrup by Gøttrup 47y 518343,76 6320827,37 Stamdata 426/88033-2 236.859 430.674 381.960 404.994 427.614 381.365 415.117 87.165 385.603 410.305 348.624 378.974 363.786 333.223 447.217 405.449 348.396 123.797
570715000000000416 28-06-1993 31-05-2010 250 26 30 Micon M 530-250/50   849 Jammerbugt LAND Gøttrup by Gøttrup 16f 518187,85 6321695,08 Stamdata 427/88033-3 240.275 437.420 382.025 413.841 436.231 390.042 417.933 88.482 386.920 410.305 348.239 379.944 366.381 338.396 421.756 402.894 350.656 136.314
570715000000000423 28-06-1993 31-05-2010 250 26 30 Micon M 530-250/50   849 Jammerbugt LAND Gøttrup by Gøttrup 16f 518153,86 6321282,13 Stamdata 427/88033-4 240.275 437.420 382.025 413.841 436.231 390.042 417.933 88.482 386.920 410.305 348.239 379.944 366.381 338.396 421.756 402.894 350.656 136.314
570715000000000430 28-06-1993 31-05-2010 250 26 30 Micon M 530-250/50   849 Jammerbugt LAND Gøttrup by, Gøttrup 55b 515827,14 6321607,36 Stamdata 428/88033-5 247.818 457.925 373.291 430.494 452.442 390.764 458.403 86.422 384.861 410.305 350.587 394.789 362.998 331.724 431.768 414.790 353.084 121.401
570715000000000447 28-06-1993 31-05-2010 250 26 30 Micon M 530-250/50   849 Jammerbugt LAND Gøttrup by, Gøttrup 55b 515936,08 6321750,87 Stamdata 428/88033-6 247.818 457.925 373.291 430.494 452.442 390.764 458.403 86.422 384.861 410.305 350.587 394.789 362.998 331.724 431.768 414.790 353.084 121.401
570715000000000454 28-06-1993 31-05-2010 250 26 30 Micon M 530-250/50   849 Jammerbugt LAND Gøttrup by, Gøttrup 55b 515686,22 6321622,94 Stamdata 428/88033-7 247.818 457.925 373.291 430.494 452.442 390.764 458.403 86.422 384.861 410.305 350.587 394.789 362.998 331.724 431.768 414.790 353.084 121.401
570715000000000461 23-08-1993 31-05-2010 250 26 30 Micon M 530-250/50   849 Jammerbugt LAND Gøttrup by, Gøttrup 54c 515620,26 6321504,01 Stamdata 429/88033-8 172.692 474.990 382.551 448.363 473.503 427.061 470.782 88.002 386.440 410.305 357.512 427.258 397.452 353.641 429.388 393.726 368.924 121.951
570715000000000478 23-08-1993 31-05-2010 250 26 30 Micon M 530-250/50   849 Jammerbugt LAND Gøttrup by, Gøttrup 54c 515561,29 6321501,01 Stamdata 429/88033-9 172.692 474.990 382.551 448.363 473.503 427.061 470.782 88.002 386.440 410.305 357.512 427.258 397.452 353.641 429.388 393.726 368.924 121.951
570715000000000492 25-03-1994 11-02-2020 400 31 35 Micon M 750-400/100 849 Jammerbugt LAND Gøttrup by 16d 513118,73 6320209,39 SDFE2018 ABO362/88036-1 616.743 803.959 653.821 733.655 773.981 666.773 752.582 624.827 510.292 620.744 712.631 669.642 598.269 784.424 715.668 611.776 490.797 689.392 699.418 639.269 650.704 648.689 483.045 732.787 615.613 630.437 97.394
570715000000000508 08-06-1994 11-02-2020 400 31 35 Micon M 750-400/100 849 Jammerbugt LAND Gøttrup by 16d 513304,57 6320111,15 SDFE2018 ABO362/88036-2 223.328 555.836 667.632 747.523 826.390 707.701 761.817 602.235 510.292 620.744 712.480 666.979 603.508 788.824 694.183 614.207 541.761 748.959 696.518 605.206 594.706 809.213 594.695 706.368 581.370 606.346 109.645
570715000000000515 22-06-1995 07-10-2019 400 31 35 Micon M 750-400/100 849 Jammerbugt LAND Gøttrup by 16d 512847,95 6320114,43 Stamdata ABO362/88036-3 223.328 555.836 667.632 747.523 826.390 707.701 761.817 602.235 510.292 620.744 728.090 666.320 600.141 803.864 743.949 645.785 595.451 778.717 729.761 661.642 541.777 428.083 511.327 754.819 566.817 513.427
570715000000000522 21-12-1995 17-09-2019 400 31 35 Micon M 750-400/100 849 Jammerbugt LAND Gøttrup by 16a 513027,85 6320020,41 SDFE2018 ABO362/88040 2.940 683.944 773.897 859.913 725.473 809.787 628.166 510.292 620.744 759.585 715.622 650.246 848.816 777.133 646.222 600.192 777.710 611.580 572.346 693.110 913.443 672.253 807.694 608.729 522.878
570715000000000539 21-12-1995 08-10-2019 400 31 35 Micon M 750-400/100 849 Jammerbugt LAND Henning V. Steffesen 16l 512755,7 6319931,09 SDFE2018 ABO362/88041 8.687 724.983 811.386 906.892 727.207 844.320 639.284 510.292 620.744 798.179 750.591 688.908 835.643 807.613 627.409 580.370 845.498 795.516 666.033 655.718 857.609 307.535 491.864 623.681 540.523
570715000000000546 18-01-1996 03-02-2020 400 31 36 Micon M 750-400/100 849 Jammerbugt LAND Gøttrup 15o 514691,18 6320298,64 SDFE2018 BRÆ254/88044 582.607 688.719 730.423 665.169 714.738 629.194 510.292 566.426 648.519 632.430 559.160 737.841 672.260 583.793 556.178 651.194 609.788 596.116 626.786 774.354 503.497 604.935 571.647 543.995 70.525
570715000000000560 18-01-1996 03-02-2020 400 31 35 Micon M 750-400/100 849 Jammerbugt LAND Gøttrup by 15m 514936,79 6320313,14 SDFE2018 BRÆ254/88046 573.677 671.386 713.854 659.585 699.377 628.686 510.292 567.567 639.932 610.719 559.023 720.100 624.449 576.439 529.273 611.225 444.027 541.607 635.154 701.881 511.784 608.531 583.188 566.630 86.643
570715000000000577 21-11-1996 05-02-2020 400 31 35 Micon M 750-400/100 849 Jammerbugt LAND Gøttrup by 47y 512374,15 6320629,55 SDFE2018 BRÆ254/88054 63.323 802.086 890.168 792.797 854.228 646.998 510.292 586.751 742.120 694.377 601.328 812.555 649.433 708.959 632.253 774.052 712.294 673.738 272.298 835.204 580.361 765.081 644.286 594.646 0
570715000000000584 21-11-1996 17-09-2019 400 31 35 Micon M 750-400/100 849 Jammerbugt LAND Gøttrup by 47ai 512919,7 6320702,97 SDFE2018 BRÆ254/88053 57.317 745.077 813.613 714.063 783.234 628.616 510.292 568.530 715.060 691.049 483.186 660.628 768.054 630.854 564.571 723.508 647.482 654.645 672.051 864.984 635.852 726.278 121.143 442.942
570715000000000614 08-07-1994 05-02-2020 400 31 35 Micon M 750-400/100 849 Jammerbugt LAND Gøttrup by Gøttrup 31e 510879,28 6322381,38 SDFE2018 4381/88037-2 357.525 787.122 616.400 689.677 748.151 676.716 725.564 606.940 614.486 548.881 679.805 656.928 589.010 788.434 507.529 575.867 528.789 701.808 684.940 622.082 619.471 810.427 559.281 633.860 528.481 482.461 0
570715000000000720 16-08-1996 28-02-2018 400 31 36 Micon M 740-400/100   849 Jammerbugt LAND Bejstrup by 14ak 520672,73 6320116,51 SDFE2018 455/88052-7 139.450 720.094 758.927 676.302 748.899 628.360 663.655 590.246 684.662 633.272 587.115 740.553 711.685 620.872 599.610 726.110 681.683 641.494 661.747 774.318 619.520 729.627 427.122
570715000000000935 13-11-1995 02-01-2019 225 29 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 225 kW 849 Jammerbugt LAND Holme by V Thorup 5a 506991,38 6327374,99 SDFE2018 487/88043-2 23.300 366.725 505.142 539.982 507.935 571.818 416.263 398.588 348.011 415.100 399.200 355.989 449.286 397.792 354.932 351.346 389.154 404.428 371.209 360.722 398.645 262.100 54.466 10.534 18.423
570715000000000959 22-09-1996 27-05-2017 225 29 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 225 kW 849 Jammerbugt LAND Holme by V Thorup 5a 506593,56 6327618,69 SDFE2018 487/88043-4 136.945 485.939 523.551 498.899 544.471 418.084 398.588 348.011 415.100 399.200 355.989 449.286 397.792 354.932 351.346 389.154 404.428 371.209 360.722 398.645 358.525 187.645
570715000000001154 11-01-1980 20-01-2000 90 21 23 Wincon W 99 XT 849 Jammerbugt LAND Oxholm Hgd, Øland 1f 501351,71 6323833,76 Stamdata 64 0 0
570715000000001291 01-10-1997 27-06-2014 600 44 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  849 Jammerbugt LAND Klim by, Klim 38a 508578,44 6324191,27 GST, 18-02-2013 WKM 143.990 661.427 1.401.746 1.237.844 1.394.428 1.210.361 1.187.052 1.078.191 1.271.634 1.199.789 1.095.395 1.190.571 1.111.605 952.793 1.001.225 1.287.404 1.302.183 1.149.756 627.815
570715000000001307 01-10-1997 27-06-2014 600 44 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  849 Jammerbugt LAND Klim by, Klim 38a 508676 6324485,23 GST, 18-02-2013 WKM 143.990 661.427 1.401.746 1.237.844 1.394.428 1.210.361 1.187.052 1.078.191 1.271.634 1.199.789 1.095.395 1.190.571 1.111.605 952.793 1.001.225 1.287.404 1.302.183 1.149.756 627.815
570715000000001314 01-10-1997 27-06-2014 600 44 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  849 Jammerbugt LAND Klim by, Klim 38a 508773,72 6324779,51 GST, 18-02-2013 WKM 143.990 661.427 1.401.746 1.237.844 1.394.428 1.210.361 1.187.052 1.078.191 1.271.634 1.199.789 1.095.395 1.190.571 1.111.605 952.793 1.001.225 1.287.404 1.302.183 1.149.756 627.815
570715000000001321 01-10-1997 27-06-2014 600 44 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  849 Jammerbugt LAND Klim by, Klim 38a 508870,72 6325073,77 GST, 18-02-2013 WKM 143.990 661.427 1.401.746 1.237.844 1.394.428 1.210.361 1.187.052 1.078.191 1.271.634 1.199.789 1.095.395 1.190.571 1.111.605 952.793 1.001.225 1.287.404 1.302.183 1.149.756 627.815
570715000000001338 01-10-1997 27-06-2014 600 44 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  849 Jammerbugt LAND Klim by, Klim 39c 508727,78 6324058,03 GST, 18-02-2013 WKM 143.990 661.427 1.401.746 1.237.844 1.394.428 1.210.361 1.187.052 1.078.191 1.271.634 1.199.789 1.095.395 1.190.571 1.111.605 952.793 1.001.225 1.287.404 1.302.183 1.149.756 627.815
570715000000001345 01-10-1997 27-06-2014 600 44 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  849 Jammerbugt LAND Klim by, Klim 39c 508821,94 6324348,18 GST, 18-02-2013 WKM 143.990 661.427 1.401.746 1.237.844 1.394.428 1.210.361 1.187.052 1.078.191 1.271.634 1.199.789 1.095.395 1.190.571 1.111.605 952.793 1.001.225 1.287.404 1.302.183 1.149.756 627.815
570715000000001352 01-10-1997 27-06-2014 600 44 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  849 Jammerbugt LAND Klim by, Klim 39c 508916 6324635,04 GST, 18-02-2013 WKM 143.990 661.427 1.401.746 1.237.844 1.394.428 1.210.361 1.187.052 1.078.191 1.271.634 1.199.789 1.095.395 1.190.571 1.111.605 952.793 1.001.225 1.287.404 1.302.183 1.149.756 627.815
570715000000001369 01-10-1997 27-06-2014 600 44 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  849 Jammerbugt LAND Klim by, Klim 39h 509009,77 6324923,09 GST, 18-02-2013 WKM 143.990 661.427 1.401.746 1.237.844 1.394.428 1.210.361 1.187.052 1.078.191 1.271.634 1.199.789 1.095.395 1.190.571 1.111.605 952.793 1.001.225 1.287.404 1.302.183 1.149.756 627.815
570715000000001376 01-10-1997 27-06-2014 600 44 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  849 Jammerbugt LAND Klim by, Klim 39c 508877,09 6323925,04 GST, 18-02-2013 WKM 143.990 661.427 1.401.746 1.237.844 1.394.428 1.210.361 1.187.052 1.078.191 1.271.634 1.199.789 1.095.395 1.190.571 1.111.605 952.793 1.001.225 1.287.404 1.302.183 1.149.756 627.815
570715000000001383 01-10-1997 27-06-2014 600 44 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  849 Jammerbugt LAND Klim by, Klim 39e 508968,4 6324210,3 GST, 18-02-2013 WKM 143.990 661.427 1.401.746 1.237.844 1.394.428 1.210.361 1.187.052 1.078.191 1.271.634 1.199.789 1.095.395 1.190.571 1.111.605 952.793 1.001.225 1.287.404 1.302.183 1.149.756 627.815
570715000000001390 01-10-1997 27-06-2014 600 44 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  849 Jammerbugt LAND Klim by, Klim 39e 509058,49 6324491,23 GST, 18-02-2013 WKM 143.990 661.427 1.401.746 1.237.844 1.394.428 1.210.361 1.187.052 1.078.191 1.271.634 1.199.789 1.095.395 1.190.571 1.111.605 952.793 1.001.225 1.287.404 1.302.183 1.149.756 627.815
570715000000001406 01-10-1997 27-06-2014 600 44 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  849 Jammerbugt LAND Klim by, Klim 40a 509148,43 6324772,06 GST, 18-02-2013 WKM 143.990 661.427 1.401.746 1.237.844 1.394.428 1.210.361 1.187.052 1.078.191 1.271.634 1.199.789 1.095.395 1.190.571 1.111.605 952.793 1.001.225 1.287.404 1.302.183 1.149.756 627.815
570715000000001413 01-10-1997 27-06-2014 600 44 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  849 Jammerbugt LAND Klim by, Klim 39e 509020,91 6323797,38 GST, 18-02-2013 WKM 143.990 661.427 1.401.746 1.237.844 1.394.428 1.210.361 1.187.052 1.078.191 1.271.634 1.199.789 1.095.395 1.190.571 1.111.605 952.793 1.001.225 1.287.404 1.302.183 1.149.756 627.815
570715000000001420 01-10-1997 27-06-2014 600 44 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  849 Jammerbugt LAND Klim by, Klim 39e 509109 6324078,33 GST, 18-02-2013 WKM 143.990 661.427 1.401.746 1.237.844 1.394.428 1.210.361 1.187.052 1.078.191 1.271.634 1.199.789 1.095.395 1.190.571 1.111.605 952.793 1.001.225 1.287.404 1.302.183 1.149.756 627.815
570715000000001437 01-10-1997 27-06-2014 600 44 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  849 Jammerbugt LAND Klim by, Klim 40c 509195,33 6324352,84 GST, 18-02-2013 WKM 143.990 661.427 1.401.746 1.237.844 1.394.428 1.210.361 1.187.052 1.078.191 1.271.634 1.199.789 1.095.395 1.190.571 1.111.605 952.793 1.001.225 1.287.404 1.302.183 1.149.756 627.815
570715000000001444 01-10-1997 27-06-2014 600 44 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  849 Jammerbugt LAND Klim by, Klim 40c 509282,22 6324627,37 GST, 18-02-2013 WKM 143.990 661.427 1.401.746 1.237.844 1.394.428 1.210.361 1.187.052 1.078.191 1.271.634 1.199.789 1.095.395 1.190.571 1.111.605 952.793 1.001.225 1.287.404 1.302.183 1.149.756 627.815
570715000000001451 01-10-1997 27-06-2014 600 44 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  849 Jammerbugt LAND Klim by, Klim 40c 509176,04 6323658,92 GST, 18-02-2013 WKM 143.990 661.427 1.401.746 1.237.844 1.394.428 1.210.361 1.187.052 1.078.191 1.271.634 1.199.789 1.095.395 1.190.571 1.111.605 952.793 1.001.225 1.287.404 1.302.183 1.149.756 627.815
570715000000001468 01-10-1997 27-06-2014 600 44 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  849 Jammerbugt LAND Klim by, Klim 40c 509259,86 6323937,12 GST, 18-02-2013 WKM 143.990 661.427 1.401.746 1.237.844 1.394.428 1.210.361 1.187.052 1.078.191 1.271.634 1.199.789 1.095.395 1.190.571 1.111.605 952.793 1.001.225 1.287.404 1.302.183 1.149.756 627.815
570715000000001475 01-10-1997 27-06-2014 600 44 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  849 Jammerbugt LAND Klim by, Klim 40c 509341,51 6324205,09 GST, 18-02-2013 WKM 143.990 661.427 1.401.746 1.237.844 1.394.428 1.210.361 1.187.052 1.078.191 1.271.634 1.199.789 1.095.395 1.190.571 1.111.605 952.793 1.001.225 1.287.404 1.302.183 1.149.756 627.815
570715000000001482 01-10-1997 27-06-2014 600 44 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  849 Jammerbugt LAND Klim by, Klim 40c 509422,91 6324474,22 GST, 18-02-2013 WKM 143.990 661.427 1.401.746 1.237.844 1.394.428 1.210.361 1.187.052 1.078.191 1.271.634 1.199.789 1.095.395 1.190.571 1.111.605 952.793 1.001.225 1.287.404 1.302.183 1.149.756 627.815
570715000000001499 01-10-1997 27-06-2014 600 44 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  849 Jammerbugt LAND Klim by, Klim 40c 509405,23 6323800,6 GST, 18-02-2013 WKM 143.990 661.427 1.401.746 1.237.844 1.394.428 1.210.361 1.187.052 1.078.191 1.271.634 1.199.789 1.095.395 1.190.571 1.111.605 952.793 1.001.225 1.287.404 1.302.183 1.149.756 627.815
570715000000001505 01-10-1997 27-06-2014 600 44 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  849 Jammerbugt LAND Klim by, Klim 2a 509481,47 6324063,69 GST, 18-02-2013 WKM 143.990 661.427 1.401.746 1.237.844 1.394.428 1.210.361 1.187.052 1.078.191 1.271.634 1.199.789 1.095.395 1.190.571 1.111.605 952.793 1.001.225 1.287.404 1.302.183 1.149.756 627.815
570715000000001512 01-09-1996 27-06-2014 600 44 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  849 Jammerbugt LAND Klim by, Klim 2a 509558,34 6324327,43 GST, 18-02-2013 WKM 143.990 661.427 1.401.746 1.237.844 1.394.428 1.210.361 1.187.052 1.078.191 1.271.634 1.199.789 1.095.395 1.190.571 1.111.605 952.793 1.001.225 1.287.404 1.302.183 1.149.756 627.815
570715000000001529 01-09-1996 27-06-2014 600 44 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  849 Jammerbugt LAND Klim by, Klim 2a 509543,16 6323670,99 GST, 18-02-2013 WKM 143.990 661.427 1.401.746 1.237.844 1.394.428 1.210.361 1.187.052 1.078.191 1.271.634 1.199.789 1.095.395 1.190.571 1.111.605 952.793 1.001.225 1.287.404 1.302.183 1.149.756 627.815
570715000000001536 01-09-1996 27-06-2014 600 44 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  849 Jammerbugt LAND Klim by, Klim 2a 509618,22 6323925,59 GST, 18-02-2013 WKM 143.990 661.427 1.401.746 1.237.844 1.394.428 1.210.361 1.187.052 1.078.191 1.271.634 1.199.789 1.095.395 1.190.571 1.111.605 952.793 1.001.225 1.287.404 1.302.183 1.149.756 627.815
570715000000001543 01-09-1996 27-06-2014 600 44 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  849 Jammerbugt LAND Klim by, Klim 2a 509693,75 6324180,27 GST, 18-02-2013 WKM 143.990 661.427 1.401.746 1.237.844 1.394.428 1.210.361 1.187.052 1.078.191 1.271.634 1.199.789 1.095.395 1.190.571 1.111.605 952.793 1.001.225 1.287.404 1.302.183 1.149.756 627.815
570715000000001550 01-09-1996 27-06-2014 600 44 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  849 Jammerbugt LAND Klim by, Klim 2a 509681,38 6323540,73 GST, 18-02-2013 WKM 143.990 661.427 1.401.746 1.237.844 1.394.428 1.210.361 1.187.052 1.078.191 1.271.634 1.199.789 1.095.395 1.190.571 1.111.605 952.793 1.001.225 1.287.404 1.302.183 1.149.756 627.815
570715000000001567 01-09-1996 27-06-2014 600 44 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  849 Jammerbugt LAND Klim by, Klim 2a 509755,6 6323786,71 GST, 18-02-2013 WKM 143.990 661.427 1.401.746 1.237.844 1.394.428 1.210.361 1.187.052 1.078.191 1.271.634 1.199.789 1.095.395 1.190.571 1.111.605 952.793 1.001.225 1.287.404 1.302.183 1.149.756 627.815
570715000000001574 01-09-1996 27-06-2014 600 44 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  849 Jammerbugt LAND Klim by, Klim 2a 509829,37 6324033,19 GST, 18-02-2013 WKM 143.990 661.427 1.401.746 1.237.844 1.394.428 1.210.361 1.187.052 1.078.191 1.271.634 1.199.789 1.095.395 1.190.571 1.111.605 952.793 1.001.225 1.287.404 1.302.183 1.149.756 627.815
570715000000001581 01-09-1996 27-06-2014 600 44 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  849 Jammerbugt LAND Klim by, Klim 2a 509820,13 6323410,72 GST, 18-02-2013 WKM 143.990 661.427 1.401.746 1.237.844 1.394.428 1.210.361 1.187.052 1.078.191 1.271.634 1.199.789 1.095.395 1.190.571 1.111.605 952.793 1.001.225 1.287.404 1.302.183 1.149.756 627.815
570715000000001598 01-09-1996 27-06-2014 600 44 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  849 Jammerbugt LAND Klim by, Klim 2a 509892,96 6323648,15 GST, 18-02-2013 WKM 143.990 661.427 1.401.746 1.237.844 1.394.428 1.210.361 1.187.052 1.078.191 1.271.634 1.199.789 1.095.395 1.190.571 1.111.605 952.793 1.001.225 1.287.404 1.302.183 1.149.756 627.815
570715000000001604 01-09-1996 27-06-2014 600 44 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  849 Jammerbugt LAND Klim by, Klim 2a 509965,03 6323886,05 GST, 18-02-2013 WKM 143.990 661.427 1.401.746 1.237.844 1.394.428 1.210.361 1.187.052 1.078.191 1.271.634 1.199.789 1.095.395 1.190.571 1.111.605 952.793 1.001.225 1.287.404 1.302.183 1.149.756 627.815
570715000000001611 01-09-1996 27-06-2014 600 44 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  849 Jammerbugt LAND Klim by, Klim 2a 509958,4 6323280,87 GST, 18-02-2013 WKM 143.990 661.427 1.401.746 1.237.844 1.394.428 1.210.361 1.187.052 1.078.191 1.271.634 1.199.789 1.095.395 1.190.571 1.111.605 952.793 1.001.225 1.287.404 1.302.183 1.149.756 627.815
570715000000001628 01-09-1996 27-06-2014 600 44 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  849 Jammerbugt LAND Klim by, Klim 2a 510029,64 6323509,67 GST, 18-02-2013 WKM 143.990 661.427 1.401.746 1.237.844 1.394.428 1.210.361 1.187.052 1.078.191 1.271.634 1.199.789 1.095.395 1.190.571 1.111.605 952.793 1.001.225 1.287.404 1.302.183 1.149.756 627.815
570715000000001635 01-09-1996 27-06-2014 600 44 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 44-600  849 Jammerbugt LAND Klim by, Klim 2a 510100,47 6323738,94 GST, 18-02-2013 WKM 143.990 661.427 1.401.746 1.237.844 1.394.428 1.210.361 1.187.052 1.078.191 1.271.634 1.199.789 1.095.395 1.190.571 1.111.605 952.793 1.001.225 1.287.404 1.302.183 1.149.756 627.815
570715000000001796 16-02-2000 01-12-2012 750 48 45 NEG Micon NM 40/750 849 Jammerbugt LAND Nr.Økse Sø, Brovst 1aø 533064,93 6331697,94 GST, 18-02-2013 WØK 1.100.474 1.293.722 1.304.071 1.187.358 1.390.461 1.256.088 1.123.940 1.444.178 1.311.733 1.203.314 1.199.284 1.426.018 1.349.430 1.211.660 1.048.737
570715000000003950 02-12-1986 15-09-2008 130 0,1 0,1 Vindsyssel Ukendt-Vindsyssel 849 Jammerbugt LAND Lundergård Hgd, Jetsmark 1cs 539243,71 6340785,58 GST, 18-02-2013 14 23.833 286.000 286.000 286.000 286.000 286.000 286.000 286.000 286.000 286.000 286.000 286.000 286.000 286.000 286.000 201.593 169.169 144.300 179.481 144.063 127.501 168.039 96.091
570715000000003967 06-01-1987 15-09-2008 130 0,1 0,1 Vindsyssel Ukendt-Vindsyssel 849 Jammerbugt LAND Den Mellemste Del 15e 539412,29 6340321,55 GST, 18-02-2013 15 200.610 205.090 240.840 240.410 229.090 205.800 233.210 242.210 241.860 185.420 213.238 229.377 177.668 203.440 183.888 175.635 126.007 49.780 11.686 56.537 137.724 84.849
570715000000004001 01-02-1988 11-07-2008 150 0,1 0,1 Vindsyssel Ukendt-Vindsyssel 849 Jammerbugt LAND Den Nordlige Del, Jetsmark 12c 539709,68 6342301,56 GST, 18-02-2013 19 222.990 290.760 240.380 267.100 233.660 270.340 290.870 121.540 95.500 212.992 94.252 83.410 252.988 222.895 216.835 161.341 221.863 123.063 188.092 230.053 123.179
570715000000004018 01-05-1984 28-10-2002 75 0,1 0,1 Windmatic Ukendt-Windmatic 849 Jammerbugt LAND V.Hjermitslev By, V.Hjermitslev 31f 544965,03 6350172,14 Stamdata 2 0 125.690 158.260 152.200 163.100 181.250 179.930 163.880 135.260 161.660 183.140 180.110 135.340 168.004 173.492 138.810 162.387 136.354 120.293
570715000000004032 07-03-1988 18-10-2001 90 0,1 0,1 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 849 Jammerbugt LAND Brødslev By, Ingstrup 7a 542682,19 6352266,5 Stamdata 20 153.485 220.095 208.790 198.185 171.785 195.870 211.865 196.765 154.880 184.534 197.733 156.021 176.231 122.253 0
570715000000004049 07-03-1988 18-10-2001 90 0,1 0,1 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 849 Jammerbugt LAND Brødslev By, Ingstrup 7a 542757,57 6352217,86 Stamdata 20 153.485 220.095 208.790 198.185 171.785 195.870 211.865 196.765 154.880 184.534 197.733 156.021 176.231 122.253 0
570715000000004247 20-04-1990 07-10-2008 150 23 29,3 BONUS Ukendt-BONUS 849 Jammerbugt LAND Østrup By, Saltum 5c 541795,8 6345424 Stamdata 32 198.100 352.027 313.937 353.173 388.973 368.693 282.140 341.840 341.837 293.133 327.643 294.633 276.112 267.411 313.694 294.537 265.106 336.751 220.775
570715000000004254 20-04-1990 07-10-2008 150 23 29,3 BONUS Ukendt-BONUS 849 Jammerbugt LAND Østrup By, Saltum 5c 541905,5 6345365 Stamdata 32 198.100 352.027 313.937 353.173 388.973 368.693 282.140 341.840 341.837 293.133 327.643 294.633 276.112 267.411 313.694 294.537 265.106 336.751 220.775
570715000000004261 20-04-1990 07-10-2008 150 23 29,3 BONUS Ukendt-BONUS 849 Jammerbugt LAND Sdr. Saltum By, Saltum 18c 542013,2 6345306 Stamdata 32 198.100 352.027 313.937 353.173 388.973 368.693 282.140 341.840 341.837 293.133 327.643 294.633 276.112 267.411 313.694 294.537 265.106 336.751 220.775
570715000000004322 12-05-1992 07-10-2008 150 0 0 Nordtank Ukendt-Nordtank 849 Jammerbugt LAND Ukendt 0 501814 6318251 Stamdata 39 0
570715000000004339 12-05-1992 25-09-2008 150 24,6 31 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 849 Jammerbugt LAND Sdr. Saltum By 28a 542500,204 6345344,223 Stamdata 39 158.538 363.263 399.847 369.017 297.470 337.788 359.775 301.053 338.637 305.274 313.040 278.383 331.247 304.411 279.252 375.916 215.577
570715000000004346 12-05-1992 25-09-2008 150 24,6 31 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 849 Jammerbugt LAND Sdr. Saltum By 28a 542477,492 6345246,819 Stamdata 39 158.538 363.263 399.847 369.017 297.470 337.788 359.775 301.053 338.637 305.274 313.040 278.383 331.247 304.411 279.252 375.916 215.577
570715000000004353 12-05-1992 07-10-2008 150 24,6 31 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 849 Jammerbugt LAND Sdr. Saltum By 28a 542455,198 6345149,505 Stamdata 39 158.538 363.263 399.847 369.017 297.470 337.788 359.775 301.053 338.637 305.274 313.040 278.383 331.247 304.411 279.252 375.916 242.408
570715000000004360 23-08-1984 05-04-2005 55 0,1 0,1 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 849 Jammerbugt LAND Ingstrup By, Ingstrup 13i 544874,016 6352150,081 Stamdata 4 0 63.380 84.250 59.820 73.950 78.900 83.850 97.980 102.940 114.820 131.210 122.500 95.860 113.315 118.547 96.870 104.366 90.491 94.856 86.527 93.865 29.014
570715000000004612 30-08-1985 12-07-2002 55 0,1 0,1 BONUS Ukendt-BONUS 849 Jammerbugt LAND Alstrup By, Alstrup 5f 546720,66 6348158,91 Stamdata 8 38.950 105.000 102.110 106.125 116.647 112.263 103.463 91.774 103.252 114.307 108.993 81.709 103.270 106.233 88.645 95.217 92.274 36.012
570715000000004629 27-05-1986 12-07-2002 75 0,1 0,1 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 849 Jammerbugt LAND Alstrup By, Alstrup 5f 546718,23 6348235,44 Stamdata 8 118.860 139.240 144.715 159.063 153.087 141.087 125.146 140.798 155.873 148.627 111.421 140.822 144.864 120.879 129.841 99.666 36.012
570715000000011955 13-10-1982 24-10-2002 15 10 18 Kuriant KE 15/4-Kuriant 849 Jammerbugt LAND Biersted 3a 548168 6335331 Stamdata 70016-01 1.311 9.539 9.685 7.613 9.430 8.390 17.639 3.477 0 7.383 7.801 7.738 10.679 7.275 5.753 14.171 12.652 10.139 7.852 9.481 8.789
570715000000011962 26-09-1986 21-10-2002 75 15 22 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  849 Jammerbugt LAND Biersted, Biersted 20b 550244 6334623 Stamdata 70017-01 26.435 94.079 99.507 104.980 107.700 101.100 96.100 104.324 108.506 92.970 86.100 93.016 92.786 83.943 90.090 78.404 60.022
570715000000012464 20-12-1991 29-09-2008 200 26 30 Wincon W 200/26 849 Jammerbugt LAND Voerbjerg 3b 560454,162 6327861,873 Stamdata 70056-01 0 364.530 372.690 404.240 341.940 298.590 342.820 354.310 293.366 335.965 280.660 279.696 273.561 304.744 264.672 245.378 334.151 222.229
570715000000084829 22-11-2009 26-11-2019 55 15 17 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 15 849 Jammerbugt LAND Gøttrup by, Gøttrup 48dd 551337,19 6336086,5 GST, 18-02-2013 22717 3.858 37.327 46.622 41.834 47.366 40.793 56.371 37.566 39.835 23.896 30.735
570715000001413208 28-08-2014 28-01-2015 10 7,1 21 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 849 Jammerbugt LAND Klim By, Klim 7a 510031 6329854 Stamdata 161139 0 0
570715000000000249 24-02-1989 12-09-2008 250 24 28,7 Micon M 450-250   851 Ålborg LAND Sydøstlige del Vedsted 95e 545898,93 6330155,36 Stamdata 388/88010-1 372.085 439.647 418.488 403.740 417.185 457.910 397.555 336.875 392.770 402.565 342.159 386.935 319.316 284.792 290.821 348.574 313.488 294.062 400.163 252.120 37.617
570715000000001161 02-12-1992 17-09-2008 150 23,8 30 BONUS 150   - MK lll 851 Ålborg LAND Sydvensyssel Vindmøllelaug 42b 544958 6339114 Stamdata 70/88029 25.330 363.160 382.940 349.380 294.370 327.320 355.930 279.223 323.379 281.386 277.185 249.567 295.108 276.028 248.539 329.322 203.779
570715000000006395 30-08-1982 04-11-2002 55 15 24 BONUS 55/15 kW 851 Ålborg LAND Egense by 2b 576846,69 6315894,36 Stamdata 017 40.333 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 55.218 19.996
570715000000006401 30-08-1982 04-11-2002 55 15 24 BONUS 55/15 kW 851 Ålborg LAND Egense by 2b 576847,23 6315832,33 Stamdata 017 40.333 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 55.218 19.996
570715000000007071 19-11-1985 01-10-2002 95 19 25 BONUS 95-20   851 Ålborg LAND Visse by 4m 556886,8 6316278,41 Stamdata 087 15.620 232.192 206.588 220.266 235.201 231.591 220.445 213.570 231.960 252.320 217.390 178.660 203.010 213.984 161.394 196.142 167.650 124.414
570715000000007385 19-12-1986 08-11-2002 95 19,4 25 BONUS 95-22   851 Ålborg LAND Ferslev by 8ak 553262,63 6312650,79 Stamdata 116 5.213 138.901 153.656 164.074 161.555 153.780 158.000 163.170 174.780 146.630 129.460 146.170 142.246 108.531 133.878 115.044 103.157
570715000000007460 20-01-1987 06-03-2009 130 20,5 27 Nordtank NTK 130 F-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND Storvorde by 24gg 567217,93 6320015,4 Stamdata 123 262.167 286.000 286.000 286.000 286.000 286.000 286.000 286.000 286.000 286.000 286.000 286.000 286.000 286.000 215.277 192.320 144.801 175.161 123.734 172.624 223.013 210.325 29.605
570715000000007514 04-06-1987 12-11-2002 99 19 22,5 Windmatic VM 19 S 851 Ålborg LAND Krastrup by 1ci 524949,28 6314208,6 Stamdata 129 85.941 183.263 195.688 192.684 183.411 175.770 201.160 190.189 169.320 136.810 169.150 187.782 149.136 174.079 133.721 117.818
570715000000007538 01-07-1987 16-04-2002 90 18,8 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  851 Ålborg LAND smidie by 4a 569637,64 6302718,8 Stamdata 131 81.138 207.625 221.703 218.299 207.793 161.600 205.100 225.900 203.800 180.700 194.530 206.889 181.232 191.945 172.898 71.501
570715000000007576 20-07-1987 28-10-2002 55 16,3 24 BONUS 55/11   851 Ålborg LAND Lillevorde by 20e 565607,93 6315827,04 Stamdata 133 50.417 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 72.002 46.681
570715000000007675 19-10-1987 05-11-2002 150 23 31 Vindsyssel VS 150  851 Ålborg LAND Ellidshøj by 7bæ 552505,08 6310870,14 Stamdata 142 38.738 220.200 240.210 233.720 243.000 222.086 248.400 286.400 267.100 220.100 223.210 235.076 224.363 242.036 207.228 175.219
570715000000007682 19-11-1987 06-11-2002 99 19 30 Windmatic 19/99 851 Ålborg LAND Holmager by 4b 537270,19 6308863,8 Stamdata 146 13.390 171.319 182.935 180.127 171.457 163.700 171.540 172.670 172.390 143.400 153.120 156.847 154.719 157.321 129.917 107.889
570715000000007699 26-11-1987 07-11-2002 150 23 24 BONUS 20-150/30   851 Ålborg LAND Hedegårde by 4a 535090,52 6306709,91 Stamdata 147 22.060 282.247 301.384 296.757 282.475 293.000 302.000 303.000 284.000 236.000 244.000 270.876 210.904 249.091 215.000 206.077
570715000000007828 12-01-1988 03-09-2015 150 23 24 BONUS 20-150/30   851 Ålborg LAND Storvorde by 4g 568318,73 6318867,83 GST, 18-02-2013 157 302.511 352.388 346.978 330.279 316.450 313.380 370.270 325.270 265.690 306.240 339.500 248.366 309.628 281.255 284.089 252.513 272.023 233.746 241.496 273.219 280.806 248.650 267.784 292.928 301.142 276.490 292.387 116.170
570715000000007859 15-03-1988 18-05-2010 150 22,2 30,7 DWP D 150 S 851 Ålborg LAND Storvorde by 11e 568307,28 6318975,82 Stamdata 159 229.374 326.569 321.555 306.079 293.890 280.650 333.880 294.800 263.630 268.940 300.950 268.462 285.243 248.449 280.072 231.993 262.009 211.375 196.792 260.500 241.530 224.946 72.825
570715000000007866 15-03-1988 18-05-2010 150 22,2 30,7 DWP D 150 S 851 Ålborg LAND Storvorde by 25e 568334,97 6318717,62 Stamdata 159 242.589 345.383 340.081 323.714 318.670 303.630 337.920 312.010 270.970 300.780 324.930 283.928 301.428 252.410 280.072 231.993 262.009 211.375 196.792 260.500 241.530 224.946 72.825
570715000000007873 25-03-1988 12-11-2002 99 19 22,5 Windmatic VM 19 S 851 Ålborg LAND Krastrup Hgd. 1an 525794,7 6314348,63 Stamdata 161 154.522 219.999 216.622 206.196 172.280 180.900 206.461 211.123 166.362 194.099 229.516 171.731 205.467 176.748 140.556
570715000000007910 09-05-1988 19-06-2009 150 23 30 BONUS 20-150/30   851 Ålborg LAND Vaarst by 13i 562266,86 6312112,02 Stamdata 165 222.776 407.796 401.535 382.210 393.500 384.000 392.600 368.340 305.000 352.700 364.814 349.908 316.640 317.681 313.413 296.427 315.859 209.673 241.821 300.930 334.168 86.567
570715000000008030 11-07-1988 19-06-2009 150 23 24,5 BONUS 150/30 kW 851 Ålborg LAND Mou by 23b 571747,93 6314848,86 Stamdata 173 122.733 314.532 309.703 294.798 276.980 314.130 329.090 278.780 246.830 252.180 300.410 240.330 258.309 226.843 242.284 207.243 228.335 186.295 163.347 212.469 205.866 95.742
570715000000008047 11-07-1988 19-06-2009 150 23 24,5 BONUS 150/30 kW 851 Ålborg LAND Skellet by 6h 571690,36 6314988,98 Stamdata 173 125.329 321.182 316.252 301.031 288.340 314.680 332.460 279.560 262.480 262.660 302.370 245.412 263.772 228.126 242.284 207.243 228.335 186.295 163.347 212.469 205.866 95.742
570715000000008054 11-07-1988 19-06-2009 150 23 24,5 BONUS 150/30 kW 851 Ålborg LAND Skellet by 6h 571642,78 6315101,55 Stamdata 173 122.733 314.532 309.703 294.798 284.180 336.770 299.890 281.570 247.640 257.930 280.760 240.329 258.309 226.843 242.284 207.243 228.335 186.295 163.347 212.469 205.866 95.742
570715000000008061 17-08-1988 02-11-2016 150 22 30 Vindsyssel VS 150  851 Ålborg LAND Fjellerad by 2e 560807,43 6310253,42 SDFE2018 176 95.077 304.571 299.895 285.462 285.620 290.060 309.170 234.510 210.920 272.730 291.703 247.669 272.835 241.500 254.357 220.126 250.797 233.649 203.427 248.522 235.006 180.695 208.048 242.514 240.591 224.283 236.933 253.274 90.235
570715000000008085 07-09-1988 17-04-2011 150 23,2 30,3 Wind World W 2320 851 Ålborg LAND Nr. Kongerslev by 22g 567599,44 6309499,81 Stamdata 178 83.083 354.865 349.417 332.601 331.370 335.450 364.850 315.080 278.290 302.070 320.615 259.205 306.190 265.120 284.969 215.334 276.835 247.547 227.111 265.419 275.833 246.866 245.159 73.946
570715000000008108 20-09-1988 06-11-2002 150 23 24,5 BONUS 150/30 kW 851 Ålborg LAND Bislev by 5a 538221,03 6310964,51 Stamdata 179 81.599 372.909 362.101 342.540 317.400 334.100 359.260 320.429 268.990 301.790 322.020 291.337 325.517 266.847 213.268
570715000000008115 09-03-1989 06-11-2002 150 23 24,5 BONUS 150/30 kW 851 Ålborg LAND Bislev by 5a 538106,38 6311007,92 Stamdata 179 237.014 324.252 310.780 304.800 324.800 334.830 300.861 263.600 294.210 307.830 254.711 293.144 258.911 213.268
570715000000008122 27-09-1988 28-08-2008 250 24 31 Micon M 250 851 Ålborg LAND Storvorde by 22bf 568367,74 6319210,45 Stamdata 180 104.154 444.865 438.035 416.953 416.610 418.370 475.330 389.930 349.120 386.950 396.905 322.044 372.871 320.248 334.207 291.477 315.110 304.058 229.012 366.274 222.964
570715000000008146 10-10-1988 29-06-2009 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  851 Ålborg LAND Poulstrup by 4a 556026,23 6316267,04 Stamdata 182 68.474 438.698 431.963 411.173 382.600 431.200 448.910 406.660 371.280 394.610 373.563 300.695 364.103 330.507 317.123 300.939 317.928 204.691 251.099 287.678 285.131 136.975
570715000000008191 27-02-1989 06-04-2016 150 23 30 BONUS 150/30 kW 851 Ålborg LAND Ferslev by 14a 556575,08 6312565,67 GST, 18-02-2013 188 312.728 369.512 351.729 354.840 343.560 374.430 340.170 285.000 321.060 339.158 293.560 320.353 258.460 263.820 213.812 247.612 263.453 248.487 298.193 245.705 227.923 212.043 292.918 262.439 227.330 272.761 174.841 0
570715000000008214 31-01-1989 31-08-2016 150 23 30 BONUS 150/30 kW 851 Ålborg LAND Haals by 1d 561923,11 6308857,86 GST, 18-02-2013 190 244.670 310.820 294.270 321.770 298.290 335.140 301.450 256.440 300.290 312.570 258.318 287.165 245.800 255.184 243.511 273.101 253.931 226.076 286.717 265.755 231.898 241.121 287.503 266.042 249.793 243.414 271.130 114.072
570715000000008221 31-01-1989 31-08-2016 150 23 30 BONUS 150/30 kW 851 Ålborg LAND Færgeålemarken 4 562069,49 6308875,89 GST, 18-02-2013 190 268.830 327.050 308.030 335.720 308.650 355.790 308.830 261.100 308.960 323.590 267.788 297.692 248.329 255.184 243.511 273.101 253.931 226.076 286.717 265.755 231.898 241.121 287.503 266.042 249.793 243.414 271.130 114.072
570715000000008238 29-03-1989 02-09-2015 150 22 30 Vindsyssel VS 150  851 Ålborg LAND Flamsted by 1ao 557670,93 6309415,82 GST, 18-02-2013 193 202.088 265.314 252.545 179.310 250.620 303.480 262.500 215.680 237.000 253.980 168.351 202.173 221.364 232.651 207.206 236.895 219.205 194.188 258.899 214.084 199.690 203.436 228.821 217.234 194.766 101.142 0
570715000000008252 13-04-1989 27-06-2006 250 26 30 Micon 530/250   851 Ålborg LAND Restrup Hgd. 119 549387,39 6321762,33 Stamdata 194 247.095 364.953 347.388 368.210 358.250 374.690 355.710 271.680 330.320 321.550 284.136 300.409 278.879 283.792 247.826 279.949 250.427 91.283
570715000000008269 13-04-1989 27-06-2006 250 26 30 Micon 530/250   851 Ålborg LAND Restrup Hgd. 120 549457,23 6321937,89 Stamdata 194 271.008 400.270 381.006 395.470 396.890 420.190 381.500 298.520 355.950 354.870 311.633 329.481 285.300 283.792 247.826 279.949 250.427 91.283
570715000000008276 13-04-1989 27-06-2006 250 26 30 Micon 530/250   851 Ålborg LAND Restrup Hgd. 120 549525,38 6322112,32 Stamdata 194 278.978 412.043 392.213 396.710 409.840 429.540 370.350 292.720 356.090 363.470 320.799 339.170 287.438 283.792 247.826 279.949 250.427 91.283
570715000000008290 24-05-1989 09-10-2002 130 20 30 Windmatic VM 20 S 851 Ålborg LAND Skørbæk by 24c 532614,93 6308272,53 Stamdata 197 119.300 249.076 255.418 275.500 258.200 288.000 256.700 211.500 250.150 250.700 228.725 243.778 195.070 152.202
570715000000008306 06-11-1987 09-10-2002 99 19 30 Windmatic VM 19 S 851 Ålborg LAND Skørbæk by 24c 532603,26 6308183,91 Stamdata 197 17.445 223.204 235.011 216.663 227.343 236.600 217.300 240.550 216.350 171.800 208.400 220.950 198.961 216.163 188.011 152.202
570715000000008313 06-11-1987 09-10-2002 99 19 30 Windmatic VM 19 S 851 Ålborg LAND Skørbæk by 2e 532695,27 6307983,55 Stamdata 197 17.446 223.205 235.011 216.663 227.343 235.800 221.800 232.000 229.150 190.050 216.850 224.850 198.961 216.163 188.011 152.202
570715000000008368 07-06-1989 27-03-2017 150 23 30 BONUS 150/30 kW 851 Ålborg LAND Volstrup by 2b 547745,1 6314269,52 SDFE2018 201 175.430 345.473 328.846 350.200 339.800 340.200 318.610 261.370 294.920 301.511 280.711 293.006 242.233 254.071 233.419 268.854 252.793 228.636 294.255 273.656 225.487 212.714 274.152 265.508 241.122 236.359 268.101 225.961 73.868
570715000000008399 23-06-1989 28-11-2011 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  851 Ålborg LAND Nøtten by 2f 556816,52 6310552 GST, 18-02-2013 203 249.242 490.832 467.210 436.480 458.030 507.310 453.550 394.750 427.280 449.310 413.609 415.087 361.592 366.938 291.275 357.092 311.771 303.613 387.116 354.963 317.576 506.857 426.204
570715000000008405 23-06-1989 28-04-2011 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  851 Ålborg LAND Nøtten by 2f 556826,25 6310448,02 Stamdata 203 231.922 456.722 434.741 421.260 421.360 456.640 410.400 353.540 403.000 419.460 384.865 386.240 354.728 366.938 291.275 357.092 311.771 303.613 387.116 354.963 317.576 506.857 426.204
570715000000008443 07-11-1989 27-03-2017 150 23 30 BONUS 150/30 kW 851 Ålborg LAND Volstrup by 2n 547949,86 6314146,91 SDFE2018 215 34.443 406.968 387.381 396.450 372.700 404.180 375.120 306.220 338.830 360.750 354.947 361.176 308.214 321.182 293.150 334.174 322.378 271.236 312.785 331.209 291.653 281.342 352.476 323.872 301.035 291.323 376.152 271.165 80.000
570715000000008474 20-11-1989 26-06-2009 150 23,2 31 Wind World W 2320 851 Ålborg LAND Vildmosegård 1gp 576324,78 6305910,79 Stamdata 217 31.580 373.139 355.180 324.420 379.370 391.940 336.660 318.390 236.170 363.660 288.675 315.244 274.587 308.115 244.021 278.672 166.866 172.130 299.616 243.557 121.687
570715000000008481 20-11-1989 26-06-2009 150 23,2 31 Wind World W 2320 851 Ålborg LAND Vildmosegård 1gp 576321,3 6305812,73 Stamdata 217 31.833 376.136 358.034 328.140 389.520 392.180 346.610 334.850 323.240 354.880 290.993 317.777 275.261 308.115 244.021 278.672 166.866 172.130 299.616 243.557 121.687
570715000000008535 25-01-1990 19-04-2016 150 28 30 Wind World W 2800 851 Ålborg LAND Mølgård 9z 525615,05 6311748,55 GST, 18-02-2013 224 415.872 431.844 433.220 426.010 408.268 408.214 351.385 393.402 406.940 389.561 422.160 352.889 372.452 301.978 357.667 346.312 342.015 428.209 364.925 349.381 291.247 387.770 381.669 348.282 339.376 440.730 98.518
570715000000008634 29-06-1990 22-10-2015 150 26 30 Micon 530/250   851 Ålborg LAND Storvorde by 11i 566400,37 6319367,25 GST, 18-02-2013 234 193.953 369.236 372.770 369.320 403.870 359.390 309.600 360.210 329.676 288.698 326.372 288.658 308.092 271.687 273.612 229.765 191.169 255.888 300.186 285.027 292.504 328.698 295.823 283.386 287.830 243.453
570715000000008832 04-01-1991 01-03-2017 250 26 30 Micon M 530-250   851 Ålborg LAND Fjellerad by 17a 562681,04 6309062,4 GST, 18-02-2013 252 408.468 445.430 441.690 486.710 414.590 344.290 414.810 445.187 383.775 386.311 332.109 337.791 288.448 335.988 316.159 273.632 364.606 322.892 287.115 304.164 361.888 340.104 298.954 326.822 413.926 307.043 29.468
570715000000008849 04-01-1991 01-03-2017 250 26 30 Micon M 530-250   851 Ålborg LAND Fjellerad by 17a 562772,97 6308946,58 GST, 18-02-2013 252 377.049 410.680 407.450 444.290 375.540 333.100 389.330 410.910 354.255 356.596 325.020 337.791 288.448 335.988 316.159 273.632 364.606 322.892 287.115 304.164 361.888 340.104 298.954 326.822 413.926 307.043 29.468
570715000000008986 29-05-1991 17-11-2003 150 28 30 Wind World W 2800-150  851 Ålborg LAND Erkilstrup 2a 526996,57 6313870,48 Stamdata 265 230.483 379.450 385.200 417.527 377.987 320.205 354.622 364.723 354.982 379.321 321.743 341.101 255.051
570715000000009020 12-07-1991 31-08-2016 150 24,6 32 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND Simested Gde. 1g 541414,48 6310962,52 GST, 18-02-2013 268 155.955 374.480 363.610 386.980 356.100 306.490 332.720 348.010 325.319 350.752 288.456 310.292 274.593 311.924 302.415 253.469 294.816 223.380 243.813 252.402 321.287 295.043 207.428 306.072 355.881 161.609
570715000000009037 12-07-1991 31-08-2016 150 24,6 32 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND Simested Gde. 1g 541349,54 6311042,49 GST, 18-02-2013 268 158.470 367.900 375.980 401.990 371.460 319.100 338.570 363.110 330.566 356.409 289.686 310.292 274.593 311.924 302.415 253.469 294.816 223.380 243.813 252.402 321.287 295.043 207.428 306.072 355.881 161.609
570715000000009129 20-12-1991 01-02-2001 150 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 851 Ålborg LAND Ukendt 0 523749 6296999 Stamdata 276 0 0
570715000000009136 20-12-1991 01-02-2001 150 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 851 Ålborg LAND Ukendt 0 523749 6296999 Stamdata 276 0 0
570715000000009198 13-03-1992 09-05-2017 150 24,6 32 Nordtank NTK 150 XLR-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND Nøtten by 3f 556802,77 6310704,26 SDFE2018 283 241.320 358.620 396.170 369.360 303.000 289.210 408.390 291.506 348.922 310.667 325.800 294.379 324.667 294.459 254.734 355.217 331.533 292.013 288.204 357.013 313.172 305.081 329.422 395.331 221.713 1.652
570715000000009242 23-11-1992 23-06-2009 200 26 30 Wincon W 200/26 851 Ålborg LAND Lundby by 2h 561644,84 6314744,42 Stamdata 287 42.940 376.490 417.080 357.550 306.530 343.890 358.090 325.018 336.790 292.535 313.950 268.978 298.233 270.250 246.362 273.130 248.568 105.790
570715000000009259 23-11-1992 23-06-2009 200 26 30 Wincon W 200/26 851 Ålborg LAND Lundby by 2h 561653,58 6314865,62 Stamdata 287 39.700 396.470 426.600 372.120 317.090 353.580 377.140 331.441 343.444 294.151 313.950 268.978 298.233 270.250 246.362 273.130 248.568 105.790
570715000000009266 23-11-1992 23-06-2009 200 26 30 Wincon W 200/26 851 Ålborg LAND Lundby by 2h 561661,93 6314984,58 Stamdata 287 41.750 379.840 430.280 369.000 308.560 363.050 362.890 331.441 343.444 294.151 313.950 268.978 298.233 270.250 246.362 273.130 248.568 105.790
570715000000009280 23-11-1992 23-06-2009 200 26 30 Wincon W 200/26 851 Ålborg LAND Lundby by 2h 561675,31 6315104,22 Stamdata 290 37.910 339.130 426.360 384.380 345.490 380.670 395.510 350.668 359.303 298.427 319.371 282.180 312.572 291.536 266.610 310.791 260.105 112.231
570715000000009297 06-01-1993 23-06-2009 200 26 30 Wincon W 200/26 851 Ålborg LAND Lundby by 2h 561660 6315223,22 Stamdata 290 374.140 396.940 365.000 325.620 327.780 360.140 332.895 341.094 293.880 319.371 282.180 312.572 291.536 266.610 310.791 260.105 112.231
570715000000010941 18-08-1989 08-11-2002 150 21 27 DWP Ukendt-DWP 851 Ålborg LAND klarup by 16u 564237,89 6317668,95 Stamdata WKL 80.416 312.828 278.930 271.300 309.200 320.750 180.600 226.300 268.150 305.800 238.259 263.267 237.282 259.158 0
570715000000010958 18-08-1989 04-11-2010 160 28 31 Wind World Ukendt-Wind World 851 Ålborg LAND klarup by 16a 564170,77 6317479,65 Stamdata WKL 120.416 352.828 328.930 331.300 369.200 360.750 240.600 286.300 328.150 365.800 298.259 263.266 237.283 259.158 161.073 216.839 58.632 42.286 26.694 0 0 0
570715000000011368 10-04-1990 19-12-2008 300 28 31 Nordtank NTK 300-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND nørrekær enge 31b 524878,74 6317720,71 Stamdata WNR 260.250 398.850 391.825 414.642 420.219 377.404 329.775 351.389 392.726 343.528 366.068 293.637 284.383 328.746 408.035 377.937 331.328 473.721 351.941
570715000000011375 10-04-1990 19-12-2008 300 28 31 Nordtank NTK 300-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND nørrekær enge 31b 524833,42 6317892,21 Stamdata WNR 260.250 398.850 391.825 414.642 420.219 377.404 329.775 351.389 392.726 343.528 366.068 293.637 284.383 328.746 408.035 377.937 331.328 473.721 351.941
570715000000011382 10-04-1990 19-12-2008 300 28 31 Nordtank NTK 300-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND nørrekær enge 31b 524787,67 6318063,46 Stamdata WNR 260.250 398.850 391.825 414.642 420.219 377.404 329.775 351.389 392.726 343.528 366.068 293.637 284.383 328.746 408.035 377.937 331.328 473.721 351.941
570715000000011399 10-04-1990 19-12-2008 300 28 31 Nordtank NTK 300-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND nørrekær enge 34b 524742,55 6318235,47 Stamdata WNR 260.250 398.850 391.825 414.642 420.219 377.404 329.775 351.389 392.726 343.528 366.068 293.637 284.383 328.746 408.035 377.937 331.328 473.721 351.941
570715000000011405 10-04-1990 19-12-2008 300 28 31 Nordtank NTK 300-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND nørrekær enge 34b 524697,73 6318406,99 Stamdata WNR 260.250 398.850 391.825 414.642 420.219 377.404 329.775 351.389 392.726 343.528 366.068 293.637 284.383 328.746 408.035 377.937 331.328 473.721 351.941
570715000000011412 10-04-1990 19-12-2008 300 28 31 Nordtank NTK 300-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND nørrekær enge 34b 524652,66 6318578,27 Stamdata WNR 260.250 398.850 391.825 414.642 420.219 377.404 329.775 351.389 392.726 343.528 366.068 293.637 284.383 328.746 408.035 377.937 331.328 473.721 351.941
570715000000011429 10-04-1990 19-12-2008 300 28 31 Nordtank NTK 300-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND nørrekær enge 34b 524606,89 6318749,97 Stamdata WNR 260.250 398.850 391.825 414.642 420.219 377.404 329.775 351.389 392.726 343.528 366.068 293.637 284.383 328.746 408.035 377.937 331.328 473.721 351.941
570715000000011436 10-04-1990 19-12-2008 300 28 31 Nordtank NTK 300-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND nørrekær enge 29b 525105,02 6317771,5 Stamdata WNR 260.250 398.850 391.825 414.642 420.219 377.404 329.775 351.389 392.726 343.528 366.068 293.637 284.383 328.746 408.035 377.937 331.328 473.721 351.941
570715000000011443 10-04-1990 19-12-2008 300 28 31 Nordtank NTK 300-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND nørrekær enge 29b 525058,04 6317942,85 Stamdata WNR 260.250 398.850 391.825 414.642 420.219 377.404 329.775 351.389 392.726 343.528 366.068 293.637 284.383 328.746 408.035 377.937 331.328 473.721 351.941
570715000000011450 10-04-1990 19-12-2008 300 28 31 Nordtank NTK 300-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND nørrekær enge 29b 525012,33 6318113,92 Stamdata WNR 260.250 398.850 391.825 414.642 420.219 377.404 329.775 351.389 392.726 343.528 366.068 293.637 284.383 328.746 408.035 377.937 331.328 473.721 351.941
570715000000011467 10-04-1990 19-12-2008 300 28 31 Nordtank NTK 300-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND nørrekær enge 30b 524966,21 6318285,64 Stamdata WNR 260.250 398.850 391.825 414.642 420.219 377.404 329.775 351.389 392.726 343.528 366.068 293.637 284.383 328.746 408.035 377.937 331.328 473.721 351.941
570715000000011474 10-04-1990 19-12-2008 300 28 31 Nordtank NTK 300-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND nørrekær enge 30b 524920,2 6318456,94 Stamdata WNR 260.250 398.850 391.825 414.642 420.219 377.404 329.775 351.389 392.726 343.528 366.068 293.637 284.383 328.746 408.035 377.937 331.328 473.721 351.941
570715000000011481 10-04-1990 19-12-2008 300 28 31 Nordtank NTK 300-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND nørrekær enge 30b 524873,62 6318628,27 Stamdata WNR 260.250 398.850 391.825 414.642 420.219 377.404 329.775 351.389 392.726 343.528 366.068 293.637 284.383 328.746 408.035 377.937 331.328 473.721 351.941
570715000000011498 10-04-1990 19-12-2008 300 28 31 Nordtank NTK 300-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND nørrekær enge 30b 524835,73 6318797,67 Stamdata WNR 260.250 398.850 391.825 414.642 420.219 377.404 329.775 351.389 392.726 343.528 366.068 293.637 284.383 328.746 408.035 377.937 331.328 473.721 351.941
570715000000011504 10-04-1990 19-12-2008 300 28 31 Nordtank NTK 300-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND nørrekær enge 33a 525317,59 6317819,07 Stamdata WNR 260.250 398.850 391.825 414.642 420.219 377.404 329.775 351.389 392.726 343.528 366.068 293.637 284.383 328.746 408.035 377.937 331.328 473.721 351.941
570715000000011511 10-04-1990 19-12-2008 300 28 31 Nordtank NTK 300-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND nørrekær enge 33a 525267,82 6317989,88 Stamdata WNR 260.250 398.850 391.825 414.642 420.219 377.404 329.775 351.389 392.726 343.528 366.068 293.637 284.383 328.746 408.035 377.937 331.328 473.721 351.941
570715000000011528 10-04-1990 19-12-2008 300 28 31 Nordtank NTK 300-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND nørrekær enge 33a 525218,63 6318160,43 Stamdata WNR 260.250 398.850 391.825 414.642 420.219 377.404 329.775 351.389 392.726 343.528 366.068 293.637 284.383 328.746 408.035 377.937 331.328 473.721 351.941
570715000000011535 10-04-1990 19-12-2008 300 28 31 Nordtank NTK 300-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND nørrekær enge 29a 525169,07 6318331,03 Stamdata WNR 260.250 398.850 391.825 414.642 420.219 377.404 329.775 351.389 392.726 343.528 366.068 293.637 284.383 328.746 408.035 377.937 331.328 473.721 351.941
570715000000011542 10-04-1990 19-12-2008 300 28 31 Nordtank NTK 300-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND nørrekær enge 29a 525118,91 6318501,92 Stamdata WNR 260.250 398.850 391.825 414.642 420.219 377.404 329.775 351.389 392.726 343.528 366.068 293.637 284.383 328.746 408.035 377.937 331.328 473.721 351.941
570715000000011559 10-04-1990 19-12-2008 300 28 31 Nordtank NTK 300-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND nørrekær enge 29a 525073,02 6318680,04 Stamdata WNR 260.250 398.850 391.825 414.642 420.219 377.404 329.775 351.389 392.726 343.528 366.068 293.637 284.383 328.746 408.035 377.937 331.328 473.721 351.941
570715000000011566 10-04-1990 19-12-2008 300 28 31 Nordtank NTK 300-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND nørrekær enge 30b 525021,11 6318842,74 Stamdata WNR 260.250 398.850 391.825 414.642 420.219 377.404 329.775 351.389 392.726 343.528 366.068 293.637 284.383 328.746 408.035 377.937 331.328 473.721 351.941
570715000000011573 10-04-1990 19-12-2008 300 28 31 Nordtank NTK 300-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND nørrekær enge 22 526046,38 6317982,92 Stamdata WNR 260.250 398.850 391.825 414.642 420.219 377.404 329.775 351.389 392.726 343.528 366.068 293.637 284.383 328.746 408.035 377.937 331.328 473.721 351.941
570715000000011580 10-04-1990 19-12-2008 300 28 31 Nordtank NTK 300-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND nørrekær enge 22 526004,85 6318155,7 Stamdata WNR 260.250 398.850 391.825 414.642 420.219 377.404 329.775 351.389 392.726 343.528 366.068 293.637 284.383 328.746 408.035 377.937 331.328 473.721 351.941
570715000000011597 10-04-1990 19-12-2008 300 28 31 Nordtank NTK 300-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND nørrekær enge 22 525962,75 6318327,5 Stamdata WNR 260.250 398.850 391.825 414.642 420.219 377.404 329.775 351.389 392.726 343.528 366.068 293.637 284.383 328.746 408.035 377.937 331.328 473.721 351.941
570715000000011603 10-04-1990 19-12-2008 300 28 31 Nordtank NTK 300-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND nørrekær enge 22 525920,74 6318500,33 Stamdata WNR 260.250 398.850 391.825 414.642 420.219 377.404 329.775 351.389 392.726 343.528 366.068 293.637 284.383 328.746 408.035 377.937 331.328 473.721 351.941
570715000000011610 10-04-1990 19-12-2008 300 28 31 Nordtank NTK 300-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND nørrekær enge 23a 525879,23 6318672,48 Stamdata WNR 260.250 398.850 391.825 414.642 420.219 377.404 329.775 351.389 392.726 343.528 366.068 293.637 284.383 328.746 408.035 377.937 331.328 473.721 351.941
570715000000011627 10-04-1990 19-12-2008 300 28 31 Nordtank NTK 300-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND nørrekær enge 23a 525837,54 6318844,88 Stamdata WNR 260.250 398.850 391.825 414.642 420.219 377.404 329.775 351.389 392.726 343.528 366.068 293.637 284.383 328.746 408.035 377.937 331.328 473.721 351.941
570715000000011634 10-04-1990 19-12-2008 300 28 31 Nordtank NTK 300-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND nørrekær enge 23a 525795,63 6319017,07 Stamdata WNR 260.250 398.850 391.825 414.642 420.219 377.404 329.775 351.389 392.726 343.528 366.068 293.637 284.383 328.746 408.035 377.937 331.328 473.721 351.941
570715000000011641 10-04-1990 19-12-2008 300 28 31 Nordtank NTK 300-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND nørrekær enge 21 526267,85 6318032,45 Stamdata WNR 260.250 398.850 391.825 414.642 420.219 377.404 329.775 351.389 392.726 343.528 366.068 293.637 284.383 328.746 408.035 377.937 331.328 473.721 351.941
570715000000011658 10-04-1990 19-12-2008 300 28 31 Nordtank NTK 300-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND nørrekær enge 21 526225,84 6318205,1 Stamdata WNR 260.250 398.850 391.825 414.642 420.219 377.404 329.775 351.389 392.726 343.528 366.068 293.637 284.383 328.746 408.035 377.937 331.328 473.721 351.941
570715000000011665 10-04-1990 19-12-2008 300 28 31 Nordtank NTK 300-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND nørrekær enge 21 526183,59 6318377,08 Stamdata WNR 260.250 398.850 391.825 414.642 420.219 377.404 329.775 351.389 392.726 343.528 366.068 293.637 284.383 328.746 408.035 377.937 331.328 473.721 351.941
570715000000011672 10-04-1990 19-12-2008 300 28 31 Nordtank NTK 300-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND nørrekær enge 21 526140,75 6318549,69 Stamdata WNR 260.250 398.850 391.825 414.642 420.219 377.404 329.775 351.389 392.726 343.528 366.068 293.637 284.383 328.746 408.035 377.937 331.328 473.721 351.941
570715000000011689 10-04-1990 19-12-2008 300 28 31 Nordtank NTK 300-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND nørrekær enge 21 526098,78 6318721,89 Stamdata WNR 260.250 398.850 391.825 414.642 420.219 377.404 329.775 351.389 392.726 343.528 366.068 293.637 284.383 328.746 408.035 377.937 331.328 473.721 351.941
570715000000011696 10-04-1990 19-12-2008 300 28 31 Nordtank NTK 300-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND nørrekær enge 21 526054,48 6318894,03 Stamdata WNR 260.250 398.850 391.825 414.642 420.219 377.404 329.775 351.389 392.726 343.528 366.068 293.637 284.383 328.746 408.035 377.937 331.328 473.721 351.941
570715000000011702 10-04-1990 19-12-2008 300 28 31 Nordtank NTK 300-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND nørrekær enge 21 526014,24 6319066,58 Stamdata WNR 260.250 398.850 391.825 414.642 420.219 377.404 329.775 351.389 392.726 343.528 366.068 293.637 284.383 328.746 408.035 377.937 331.328 473.721 351.941
570715000000011719 10-04-1990 19-12-2008 300 28 31 Nordtank NTK 300-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND nørrekær enge 18 526472 6318079 Stamdata WNR 260.250 398.850 391.825 414.642 420.219 377.404 329.775 351.389 392.726 343.528 366.068 293.637 284.383 328.746 408.035 377.937 331.328 473.721 351.941
570715000000011726 10-04-1990 19-12-2008 300 28 31 Nordtank NTK 300-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND nørrekær enge 18 526427,32 6318250,13 Stamdata WNR 260.250 398.850 391.825 414.642 420.219 377.404 329.775 351.389 392.726 343.528 366.068 293.637 284.383 328.746 408.035 377.937 331.328 473.721 351.941
570715000000011733 10-04-1990 19-12-2008 300 28 31 Nordtank NTK 300-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND nørrekær enge 18 526383,9 6318422,48 Stamdata WNR 260.250 398.850 391.825 414.642 420.219 377.404 329.775 351.389 392.726 343.528 366.068 293.637 284.383 328.746 408.035 377.937 331.328 473.721 351.941
570715000000011740 10-04-1990 19-12-2008 300 28 31 Nordtank NTK 300-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND nørrekær enge 13 526340,83 6318594,41 Stamdata WNR 260.250 398.850 391.825 414.642 420.219 377.404 329.775 351.389 392.726 343.528 366.068 293.637 284.383 328.746 408.035 377.937 331.328 473.721 351.941
570715000000011757 10-04-1990 19-12-2008 300 28 31 Nordtank NTK 300-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND nørrekær enge 13 526296,65 6318766,31 Stamdata WNR 260.250 398.850 391.825 414.642 420.219 377.404 329.775 351.389 392.726 343.528 366.068 293.637 284.383 328.746 408.035 377.937 331.328 473.721 351.941
570715000000011764 10-04-1990 19-12-2008 300 28 31 Nordtank NTK 300-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND nørrekær enge 13 526253,64 6318938,48 Stamdata WNR 260.250 398.850 391.825 414.642 420.219 377.404 329.775 351.389 392.726 343.528 366.068 293.637 284.383 328.746 408.035 377.937 331.328 473.721 351.941
570715000000011771 10-04-1990 19-12-2008 300 28 31 Nordtank NTK 300-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND nørrekær enge 13 526209,56 6319110,37 Stamdata WNR 260.250 398.850 391.825 414.642 420.219 377.404 329.775 351.389 392.726 343.528 366.068 293.637 284.383 328.746 408.035 377.937 331.328 473.721 351.941
570715000000011825 14-03-1988 11-11-2002 99 19,6 22 Wincon W 99 XT 851 Ålborg LAND Fjordengene, Hammer 30d 561540,49 6327938,663 Stamdata 70005-01 161.926 225.421 242.076 219.670 209.022 223.411 243.670 204.595 180.894 195.927 193.609 162.678 150.615 170.630 151.731
570715000000011832 14-10-1987 11-11-2002 99 19 30 Windmatic 99 kW 851 Ålborg LAND Grindsted By, Hammer 4k 564923 6334414 Stamdata 70006-01 24.699 160.973 167.508 171.166 160.199 153.638 163.812 175.730 151.444 130.661 147.968 149.877 129.644 126.804 120.548 105.230
570715000000011993 02-04-1982 01-09-2010 55 15 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S HVK 15 851 Ålborg LAND Gandrup, Gandrup 65a 571207,308 6321113,418 Stamdata 70021-01 72.463 131.793 133.802 105.173 130.281 115.915 65.934 68.719 68.981 65.254 58.510 67.160 68.450 54.170 48.740 52.260 62.830 45.230 45.611 47.166 48.646 41.311 43.082 31.200 29.170 45.412 42.905 27.585 14.144
570715000000012013 28-06-1988 08-07-2009 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 200 kW 851 Ålborg LAND Gandrup By, Ø. Hassing 5b 569445 6321367 Stamdata 70023-01 248.815 451.670 437.165 414.890 410.446 443.310 473.650 411.090 350.890 393.760 438.888 386.941 431.093 375.413 387.035 356.193 406.104 385.428 351.379 446.458 370.865 164.278
570715000000012075 21-10-1988 18-10-2002 400 35 32 DWT Windane 34 851 Ålborg LAND Ø.laden, V.Hassing 1a 563656,756 6325620,404 Stamdata 70028-01 187.000 798.000 815.000 723.990 734.410 845.300 922.800 762.700 667.500 668.900 821.100 649.809 768.010 637.111 348.264
570715000000012082 09-12-1988 24-05-2011 400 35 32 DWT Windane 34 851 Ålborg LAND Ajstrup, Ajstrup 15d 561023,173 6337923,074 Stamdata 70029-01 89.250 489.600 864.700 819.800 777.290 802.700 806.000 765.000 671.400 696.600 592.520 623.888 698.728 617.188 616.518 567.006 667.836 607.890 518.419 466.433 654.447 488.431 484.827 297.696
570715000000012181 26-04-1989 10-10-2016 200 24 28,7 Wincon W 200  851 Ålborg LAND V. Hassing, Hals 19h 568438,62 6322286,27 SDFE2018 70037-01 190.144 405.206 435.065 425.505 462.650 491.420 430.540 376.450 420.400 460.820 380.961 428.864 370.003 372.243 346.493 388.763 362.958 320.877 344.101 298.746 328.301 304.165 383.568 365.623 334.474 373.501 461.482 221.505
570715000000012211 01-09-1989 21-06-2010 130 20 30 Dansk Vindteknik A/S WM 20SX 851 Ålborg LAND Horsens By, Horsens 8e 563617 6329008 Stamdata 70040-01 53.036 237.986 222.730 211.719 234.760 248.251 200.861 182.246 214.570 217.306 179.118 198.026 171.191 175.269 157.560 171.117 160.415 60.970 74.858 115.842 90.308 18.652
570715000000012228 04-10-1989 21-06-2010 150 23 30 BONUS 150/30 kW 851 Ålborg LAND Gåser, Ø. Hasseng 19a 571128 6319977 Stamdata 70041-01 81.175 395.145 367.347 339.928 369.105 402.800 353.700 300.100 344.400 363.369 329.331 335.165 301.013 298.083 266.433 306.695 269.083 255.892 260.340 250.543 213.169 104.572
570715000000012242 10-11-1989 08-07-2009 200 25,4 28,7 Wincon W 200  851 Ålborg LAND Horsens Enge, Horsen 7f 563584 6328749 Stamdata 70043-01 30.340 318.700 246.940 329.240 364.780 379.880 309.600 273.030 308.140 328.910 239.651 288.532 261.831 284.762 253.259 291.034 265.323 220.083 283.523 270.858 95.237
570715000000012259 10-11-1989 08-07-2009 200 25,4 28,7 Wincon W 200  851 Ålborg LAND Horsens Enge, Horsen 7d 563600 6328879 Stamdata 70043-02 28.090 297.810 336.610 299.040 354.820 385.810 309.920 286.450 306.580 313.456 250.839 198.281 240.707 260.135 224.428 258.312 227.639 199.016 267.351 243.768 103.007
570715000000012266 27-04-1990 08-07-2009 200 25,4 28,7 Wincon W 200  851 Ålborg LAND Horsens Enge, Horsen 7f 563529 6328632 Stamdata 70043-03 166.610 342.560 328.060 360.630 390.030 309.490 276.950 310.920 331.570 258.778 287.193 262.150 260.110 232.500 277.721 252.732 213.584 311.978 279.410 54.639
570715000000012280 15-12-1989 14-03-2016 150 23 30 BONUS 150/30 kW 851 Ålborg LAND Den mellemste del, Ulsted 1b2a 575121,81 6327914,25 GST, 18-02-2013 70094 13.890 326.340 303.310 294.780 318.810 346.480 301.290 259.590 285.150 309.325 259.358 292.958 249.164 261.866 235.644 267.435 245.020 223.416 282.997 273.161 179.837 159.175 275.968 253.633 244.515 254.738 310.327 58.859
570715000000012297 15-12-1989 14-03-2016 150 23 30 BONUS 150/30 kW 851 Ålborg LAND Den mellemste del, Ulsted 1b2a 575092,7 6327817,49 GST, 18-02-2013 70045-02 13.630 312.900 296.940 290.270 314.550 341.140 293.100 246.570 270.390 301.948 253.373 286.636 245.853 254.906 224.599 255.724 236.193 209.249 247.684 220.827 227.132 193.429 252.505 257.032 231.634 251.814 301.107 51.735
570715000000012303 20-04-1990 07-07-2009 200 26 30 Wincon W 200/26 851 Ålborg LAND V. Hassing, V, Hassing 112l 569122,093 6321933,49 Stamdata 70046-01 209.700 414.520 405.370 344.210 456.670 401.030 350.020 388.420 430.246 362.457 401.405 346.525 361.723 327.425 362.712 348.582 301.912 403.483 331.862 115.879
570715000000012310 06-09-1990 09-11-2011 150 23 30 BONUS 150 kW 851 Ålborg LAND V.Hassing 5k 564666,564 6327318,466 Stamdata 70047-01 86.030 315.340 309.840 328.180 341.050 294.970 260.370 285.850 305.810 261.124 284.999 248.400 253.062 226.578 247.309 244.881 216.025 279.729 263.819 233.718 207.437 217.928
570715000000012358 19-02-1991 16-11-2016 250 24 28,7 NEG Micon NM 530-250   851 Ålborg LAND Ulsted 50a 576128,48 6325301,33 GST, 18-02-2013 70049-01 327.440 393.660 442.000 458.300 391.980 343.270 363.740 397.750 367.890 419.011 362.245 371.971 324.843 382.952 365.051 316.011 421.500 388.064 343.560 328.574 400.028 360.935 332.778 356.063 433.529 213.965
570715000000012365 19-02-1991 16-11-2016 250 24 28,7 NEG Micon NM 530-250   851 Ålborg LAND Ulsted 25a 576284,66 6325274,99 GST, 18-02-2013 70049-02 351.490 422.120 471.080 495.480 424.040 369.770 410.320 432.420 331.648 374.143 324.764 341.311 294.583 340.430 331.978 240.145 349.624 322.025 296.552 296.094 356.799 337.369 301.055 349.645 372.358 160.401
570715000000012372 27-03-1991 10-10-2016 200 26 30 Wincon W 200/26 851 Ålborg LAND Østbjerg, Hammer 24i 560925,52 6328281,43 SDFE2018 70050-01 235.460 314.380 342.270 382.630 295.860 274.020 306.710 316.620 269.408 308.818 274.665 272.251 240.969 278.187 250.097 212.062 262.388 290.137 253.463 217.683 302.998 294.606 271.541 302.093 361.363 165.552
570715000000012389 27-03-1991 10-10-2016 200 26 30 Wincon W 200/26 851 Ålborg LAND Østbjerg, Hammer 24i 560812,69 6328231,97 SDFE2018 70050-02 244.340 322.390 349.590 400.470 330.380 295.760 334.160 330.170 300.689 335.669 285.532 291.604 267.680 311.339 278.887 248.430 325.944 294.425 282.613 243.764 311.639 284.876 248.410 278.504 331.823 146.373
570715000000012396 03-04-1991 15-06-2010 150 23,6 30 DWP D 150 851 Ålborg LAND Melsted By, Sulsted Sog 11a 557561 6331584 Stamdata 70051-01 145.830 254.395 291.930 315.030 273.800 226.430 270.420 276.760 237.118 272.091 221.534 213.024 205.342 235.260 219.208 190.219 260.638 196.277 225.425 68.297
570715000000012402 15-07-1991 16-06-2009 150 23,6 30 DWP D 150 851 Ålborg LAND Melsted By, Sulsted Sog 11a 557491 6331452 Stamdata 70051-02 106.980 221.410 294.200 322.900 275.920 185.900 268.400 262.700 205.382 233.961 173.447 221.263 187.286 203.308 206.949 175.696 196.440 63.669 0
570715000000012419 11-04-1991 10-08-2016 150 23 27 BONUS 150/30   - MK ll 851 Ålborg LAND Vester Halne By, Vadum 17a 551124,37 6331356,51 GST, 18-02-2013 70052-01 191.330 309.510 312.310 350.370 308.400 265.070 306.940 307.710 279.716 302.992 266.894 263.058 230.684 259.565 244.243 224.989 287.305 205.685 230.476 222.046 257.983 248.164 220.985 243.447 283.505 89.140
570715000000012655 01-07-1987 07-07-2009 99 19,6 23 Wincon W 99 XT 851 Ålborg LAND Vester Hassing 12b 565483,808 6324660,176 Stamdata 70066-01 81.757 209.209 223.395 219.965 209.379 205.420 218.277 221.419 197.294 170.457 185.320 208.650 168.483 195.993 162.551 62.917 135.204 154.973 138.520 119.475 146.127 138.022 60.711
570715000000013614 01-05-1992 17-12-2009 300 31 30 Nordtank NTK 300/31-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND Øster Halne by, Vadum sogn 52 551587 6333453 Stamdata WVA 84.900 673.485 797.375 751.950 666.275 763.500 784.725 662.569 740.363 630.641 637.333 390.927 439.331 313.687 303.973 291.571 44.500 0
570715000000013621 01-05-1992 17-12-2009 450 37 37 Nordtank NTK 500/37-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND Øster Halne by, Vadum sogn 13d 551249 6333453 Stamdata WVA 84.900 673.485 797.375 751.950 666.275 763.500 784.725 662.569 740.363 630.641 637.333 586.391 658.997 470.530 455.959 437.356 66.751 0
570715000000013638 01-05-1992 17-12-2009 450 37 37 Nordtank NTK 500/37-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND Øster Halne by, Vadum sogn 13f 551235 6333339 Stamdata WVA 84.900 673.485 797.375 751.950 666.275 763.500 784.725 662.569 740.363 630.641 637.333 586.391 658.997 470.530 455.959 437.356 66.751 0
570715000000013645 01-05-1992 17-12-2009 450 37 37 Nordtank NTK 500/37-Nordtank 851 Ålborg LAND Øster Halne by, Vadum sogn 13f 551222 6333169 Stamdata WVA 84.900 673.485 797.375 751.950 666.275 763.500 784.725 662.569 740.363 630.641 637.333 586.391 658.997 470.530 455.959 437.356 66.751 0
570715000001467546 15-10-2015 15-10-2015 10 14 18 Solid Wind Power A/S SWP10-14TG20 851 Ålborg Land Stamdata 0 250
570715000000002014 21-10-1988 24-05-2017 180 23,2 30 Danwin DW 23-180   860 Hjørring LAND Guldager By, Vrejlev 4d 558656,55 6362041,14 SDFE2018 0106-1161 55.653 356.559 351.085 331.950 329.270 344.120 360.630 328.770 266.880 299.200 328.768 270.649 301.978 262.447 229.019 242.236 278.934 262.641 230.009 303.498 285.763 243.454 214.228 285.342 250.614 227.140 227.908 297.626 209.656 93.215
570715000000002021 29-12-1987 30-06-2000 200 0,1 0,1 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 860 Hjørring LAND Ukendt 0 541497 6351830 Stamdata 0107-1591 0 0
570715000000002045 12-08-1986 30-06-2000 75 0,1 0,1 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 860 Hjørring LAND Ukendt 0 541497 6351830 Stamdata 0107-1592 0 0
570715000000002052 12-08-1986 30-06-2000 75 0,1 0,1 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 860 Hjørring LAND Ukendt 0 541497 6351830 Stamdata 0107-1592 0 0
570715000000002113 12-07-2000 26-02-2018 660 47 45 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 47-660  860 Hjørring LAND Den vestlige Del, Ugilt 6a 564844,02 6366205,09 SDFE2018 0107-2557 608.268 1.360.699 1.330.267 1.254.954 1.421.969 1.363.668 1.244.851 1.557.375 1.429.953 1.268.901 1.195.934 1.458.918 1.403.733 1.268.836 1.222.144 1.581.006 1.229.731 1.287.592 0
570715000000002120 21-10-1988 28-08-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 95-20   860 Hjørring LAND Den vestlige Del, Ugilt 36a 563400 6364569 Stamdata 0107-2722 27.787 178.020 175.287 177.445 172.049 182.250 180.000 159.300 130.950 144.350 159.151 134.251 141.983 128.550 84.902
570715000000002267 23-09-1985 01-07-2002 18 0,1 0,1 Odder Ukendt-Odder 860 Hjørring LAND Den sydlige Del, Mygdal 6t 564231 6373133 Stamdata 0203-1921 5.543 27.463 26.985 25.599 27.335 26.915 29.909 26.267 26.893 25.686 10.282 10.526 0 0 0 0 0 0
570715000000002274 20-12-1984 16-10-2002 55 15,5 22 Wind-Matic/Riisager Møllen WM 15 S 860 Hjørring LAND Uggerby By, Uggerby 47e 568671 6380284 Stamdata 0205-0031 0 90.177 111.702 99.385 105.965 113.150 111.413 114.200 109.600 106.670 87.100 106.440 85.320 92.670 114.160 90.890 93.960 67.380 46.829
570715000000002342 15-01-1990 19-05-2005 150 23 30 BONUS 150/30 kW 860 Hjørring LAND Grimmeshave, Astrup 2d 564420 6372154 Stamdata 0206-1204 295.110 311.170 310.480 325.820 325.670 306.720 252.640 280.600 301.584 232.010 254.889 254.271 235.993 218.243 222.339 64.399
570715000000002359 15-01-1990 19-05-2005 150 23 30 BONUS 150/30 kW 860 Hjørring LAND Grimmeshave, Astrup 2d 564424 6372068 Stamdata 0206-1206 306.057 317.750 318.770 331.080 328.460 310.550 255.870 282.640 316.893 261.868 282.194 258.724 238.313 175.697 199.710 96.282
570715000000002373 13-05-1998 16-11-2016 225 29 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  860 Hjørring LAND Ø. Vidstrup By, Vidstrup 15a 554810,76 6373566,29 GST, 18-02-2013 0208-3190 381.745 526.772 570.321 532.607 523.154 469.976 540.126 508.073 455.442 591.718 539.798 484.548 438.986 552.491 534.601 472.672 481.254 611.791 266.184
570715000000002380 27-04-1998 16-11-2016 225 29 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  860 Hjørring LAND Ø. Vidstrup By, Vidstrup 15a 554815,64 6373466,44 GST, 18-02-2013 0208-3192 383.450 532.594 576.398 529.218 527.351 463.971 544.244 511.889 464.430 588.989 519.820 467.912 404.265 563.674 536.523 474.385 488.271 612.455 284.843
570715000000002403 22-11-1989 14-07-2016 150 27 31 Wind World W 2700-150  860 Hjørring LAND Hundelev By, Jelstrup 9e 552218,05 6364955,06 GST, 18-02-2013 0304-0490 39.961 472.160 422.800 441.460 456.640 477.300 439.820 369.040 402.140 449.753 376.039 412.150 381.354 370.420 262.436 378.381 329.799 300.193 385.030 347.142 313.291 290.210 359.601 342.187 271.816 301.572 384.067 143.082
570715000000002410 14-11-1990 31-08-2016 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  860 Hjørring LAND Hundelev By, Jelstrup 12c 552024,94 6364769,05 GST, 18-02-2013 0304-0492 41.210 456.920 462.230 470.790 498.120 457.400 380.990 430.690 469.993 392.910 428.396 380.937 377.630 355.284 404.254 380.100 346.538 444.683 404.411 350.606 321.377 399.544 386.159 340.398 318.384 441.349 163.158
570715000000002427 19-11-1994 29-09-2014 225 29 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 29-225  860 Hjørring LAND Nr. Harritslev By, Vennebjerg 12a 552474,51 6368210,78 GST, 18-02-2013 0305-0000 85.510 579.920 472.520 518.920 584.435 487.733 514.620 455.818 450.203 404.979 464.648 420.633 379.306 491.321 452.354 398.273 354.185 458.057 428.924 375.843 277.404
570715000000002434 03-05-1989 12-11-2002 150 23,2 30,3 Wind World W 2320-150  860 Hjørring LAND Nr. Harritslev By, Vennebjerg 24a 554066 6368667 Stamdata 0305-0610 221.167 373.323 370.470 357.510 365.050 373.030 355.090 288.170 273.110 365.223 297.650 319.860 284.875 247.731
570715000000002441 14-07-1988 29-05-2002 90 19,6 23,6 Wind World W 1960-90  860 Hjørring LAND Nr. Harritslev By, Vennebjerg 60a 555129 6368064 Stamdata 0305-0961 86.750 222.313 218.900 202.800 199.320 203.240 225.520 204.380 165.200 189.300 207.580 180.860 190.640 168.790 78.990
570715000000002618 19-01-1987 25-11-2002 130 0,1 0,1 Vindsyssel Ukendt-Vindsyssel 860 Hjørring LAND Den nordlige Del, Astrup 7d 566043 6373488 Stamdata 0401-0221 196.661 228.745 244.254 240.504 245.840 235.550 236.900 259.230 239.090 183.890 211.630 172.677 164.155 219.116 198.655 168.619
570715000000002625 28-03-1988 01-02-2005 160 23,2 30,3 Wind World W 2320-160  860 Hjørring LAND Fjelsted By, Sindal 4aa 569941 6369627 Stamdata 0408-0575 217.276 309.345 304.595 292.990 282.510 300.160 322.120 284.520 246.380 260.420 267.722 233.853 251.452 227.778 222.826 197.125 123.127 0
570715000000002892 03-10-1989 27-12-2010 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  860 Hjørring LAND Præstholm, Skallerup 1b 548990 6370244 Stamdata 0805-5030 82.819 489.281 477.160 450.430 469.290 494.350 459.550 384.130 411.540 460.731 388.796 407.417 383.810 373.818 336.711 387.936 367.686 333.709 420.314 389.316 343.704 314.076
570715000000002908 09-10-1992 02-11-2011 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  860 Hjørring LAND Nr. Tornby By, Tornby 17a 556839 6380259 Stamdata 0807-4008 120.330 514.910 518.890 495.590 404.170 436.090 506.176 413.545 443.936 413.879 381.127 369.160 398.192 380.467 251.055 343.831 385.867 336.164 294.482 320.906
570715000000002915 16-03-1990 02-11-2011 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  860 Hjørring LAND Nr. Tornby By, Tornby 17a 556970 6380367 Stamdata 0807-4010 369.903 501.590 488.410 495.960 481.250 461.830 390.650 404.670 458.197 368.750 393.354 378.360 322.117 318.320 349.536 339.665 292.382 259.986 346.180 278.663 295.062 263.893
570715000000002922 13-11-1990 02-11-2011 225 27 31,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 27-225  860 Hjørring LAND Nr. Tornby By, Tornby 17a 556997 6380260 Stamdata 0807-4012 42.620 514.720 497.930 498.080 498.200 486.250 403.190 417.310 477.290 397.040 415.413 392.649 371.178 339.887 367.938 360.713 296.898 396.977 370.690 311.934 291.425 299.161
570715000000002939 29-11-1989 13-06-2007 150 25 31 Wind World W 2500-150  860 Hjørring LAND Købsted By, Tornby 5b 555737 6375626 Stamdata 0209-2406 39.111 462.128 412.900 439.400 440.600 465.000 429.000 366.650 392.350 452.208 367.194 391.232 355.575 370.328 242.469 364.137 317.852 260.368 144.860
570715000000003141 13-03-1989 27-06-2019 150 23,2 30,3 Wind World W 2320-150  860 Hjørring LAND Stendal, Tårs 3a 573571,2 6361524,49 SDFE2018 50215 225.658 296.258 271.970 278.450 293.900 312.410 268.290 228.300 254.880 195.490 225.262 257.896 217.888 209.317 205.111 226.872 207.799 187.422 228.444 232.777 191.070 160.677 241.250 212.028 205.852 224.243 259.633 167.666 197.004 103.608
570715000000003219 19-06-1987 18-12-2002 99 21 22 Wincon W 99 XT 860 Hjørring LAND Lengsholm Hgd., Lendum 1bp 578261 6362596 Stamdata 1005-1158 109.768 234.074 249.945 246.108 249.985 181.760 250.525 223.075 239.620 208.210 217.160 252.284 182.173 206.578 185.842 190.902
570715000000003226 19-06-1987 18-12-2002 99 21 22 Wincon W 99 XT 860 Hjørring LAND Lengsholm Hgd., Lendum 1bp 578235 6362323 Stamdata 1005-1159 120.106 256.118 273.483 269.285 259.408 247.490 251.882 275.628 245.530 213.950 227.470 263.032 202.535 236.856 217.242 202.063
570715000000003233 28-11-1986 07-10-2003 150 22,3 26 Vindsyssel Ukendt-Vindsyssel 860 Hjørring LAND St. Klarup By, Tårs 1e 573464 6360579 Stamdata 1006-0141 28.010 299.052 318.853 340.472 335.245 320.770 272.460 305.620 340.410 303.640 267.680 298.310 315.007 280.945 304.679 249.504 243.749 163.344
570715000000003325 16-05-1983 07-06-2011 19 10,9 18 Kuriant KE 15 860 Hjørring LAND Sdr. Bindslev By, Bindslev 6g 574122 6375590 Stamdata 1101-0681 17.449 30.371 23.873 29.571 26.311 28.053 29.955 29.495 30.862 28.966 29.531 30.116 27.440 14.426 25.512 25.557 22.310 22.722 17.134 16.440 13.856 17.541 17.809 14.883 18.432 18.087 10.286 3.521 11
570715000000003462 24-08-1990 03-08-2011 150 27 31 Wind World W 2700-150  860 Hjørring LAND Tversted By, Tversted 3a 576896 6384500 Stamdata 1105-2610 87.654 253.910 249.760 253.240 268.710 266.010 197.720 212.940 247.008 145.107 206.819 208.900 178.631 178.417 174.143 140.173 116.393 62.365 95.660 135.335 127.563 73.398
570715000000003486 26-06-1980 31-03-2000 30 10 18 Wind-Matic/Riisager Møllen WMR 18/5-30-Wind-Matic Møllen 860 Hjørring LAND Ukendt 0 541497 6351830 Stamdata 1109-0301 0 0
570715000000003554 14-02-1991 20-04-2016 150 28 31 Wind World W 2800-150  860 Hjørring LAND Bøgsted Hgd., Astrup 1h 565595,02 6368275,66 GST, 18-02-2013 1201-0270 296.130 357.340 371.310 395.890 357.270 296.610 326.440 369.056 298.574 328.735 296.689 256.647 267.993 300.173 288.907 256.603 328.936 300.859 256.185 243.888 303.456 291.229 282.238 292.501 370.898 74.087
570715000000003561 17-06-1991 20-04-2016 150 28 31 Wind World W 2800-150  860 Hjørring LAND Bøgsted Hgd., Astrup 1h 565723,55 6368250,08 GST, 18-02-2013 1201-0272 177.050 344.920 361.970 380.930 335.530 290.480 294.210 355.832 293.016 321.320 281.008 282.928 249.227 290.595 280.356 251.842 304.272 295.445 262.668 244.835 327.274 296.596 259.332 287.803 362.097 75.775
570715000000003578 02-12-1986 08-07-2002 90 17,5 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 860 Hjørring LAND Hvidstedgård Hgd., Tårs 1a 564314 6361825 Stamdata 1202-0483 0 150.753 160.736 171.633 168.998 166.980 161.960 169.680 174.590 152.780 130.320 146.040 152.660 125.630 142.480 106.260 59.970
570715000000003585 01-11-1989 24-02-2005 150 24 0,1 Danwin DW24-150   860 Hjørring LAND Agdrup By, Tårs 1a 566320 6363663 Stamdata 1202-1686 25.151 297.171 292.300 281.580 301.060 277.270 281.780 223.220 254.590 282.661 232.556 248.618 219.887 224.612 204.922 232.999 62.518
570715000000003592 22-12-1988 28-06-2010 150 23,2 30,3 Wind World W 2320-150  860 Hjørring LAND Agdrup By, Tårs 6a 566270 6363703 Stamdata 1202-1690 0 309.369 304.619 296.400 282.630 302.580 321.000 283.000 236.730 256.270 282.201 235.591 248.618 225.919 219.862 200.406 228.145 224.991 194.150 253.807 240.743 203.736 81.963
570715000000003608 13-09-1989 23-02-2011 150 27 31 Wind World W 2700-150  860 Hjørring LAND Karmisholt Gde., Tårs 2a 567700 6362534 Stamdata 1202-2284 105.047 413.740 377.860 375.170 403.810 430.390 395.650 332.230 352.440 395.654 309.926 351.248 311.545 305.490 283.973 255.724 222.675 165.959 206.218 144.886 281.279 271.665 50.929
570715000000003776 24-04-1989 01-07-2010 200 25 30 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 25-200  860 Hjørring LAND Sæsing By, Tårs 10 571468 6359300 Stamdata 1205-0850 223.150 456.980 430.990 398.380 449.680 473.220 410.860 374.080 401.250 433.210 353.551 382.948 357.487 360.902 340.489 374.802 353.938 324.938 394.860 376.268 333.053 157.425
570715000000003783 02-09-1987 18-11-2002 90 17,5 22,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas 860 Hjørring LAND Sæsing By, Tårs 10 571416 6359261 Stamdata 1205-0861 42.677 182.007 194.348 191.364 178.870 173.540 184.780 196.930 170.720 155.530 169.450 179.470 147.430 164.250 132.250 109.758
570715000000003790 08-09-1988 07-11-2002 150 23,2 30,3 Wind World W 2320-150  860 Hjørring LAND Børglumkloster Hgd.,Børglum 1ad 569189 6359732 Stamdata 1205-1980 82.543 352.562 347.149 325.750 320.030 329.830 365.610 314.700 281.800 279.660 332.545 277.364 296.897 267.185 225.804
570715000000003806 08-09-1988 28-06-2010 150 23,2 30,3 Wind World W 2320-150  860 Hjørring LAND Sørup, Tårs 1n 568963 6359663 Stamdata 1205-1982 79.904 341.288 336.049 318.140 311.870 322.560 353.090 307.850 267.100 288.070 307.753 249.460 299.409 257.685 244.225 231.839 249.099 243.787 217.138 280.613 262.944 218.919 94.138
570715000000003813 13-02-1990 18-11-2003 150 27 31 Wind World W 2700-150  860 Hjørring LAND Sørup, Tårs 1p 569112 6359715 Stamdata 1205-1984 347.325 381.510 388.330 346.720 435.530 393.250 340.090 360.820 392.938 336.537 366.427 316.671 319.307 240.170
570715000000003837 25-04-1988 20-10-2005 160 23,2 30,3 Wind World W 2320-160  860 Hjørring LAND Hvidstedgård Hgd., Tårs 1ap 564972 6362014 Stamdata 1208-0010 204.378 327.355 322.329 341.360 287.190 302.120 338.570 315.450 237.990 249.580 300.676 254.184 279.479 246.059 232.918 204.446 191.929 137.399
570715000000004063 09-04-1988 07-11-2002 99 0,1 0,1 Wincon Ukendt-Wincon 860 Hjørring LAND Lyngby by, Lyngby 14g 544659,66 6361281,51 Stamdata 22 191.170 308.970 314.820 281.130 250.070 272.870 305.080 297.620 222.480 257.834 272.473 245.371 271.835 214.597 134.905
570715000000004094 27-01-1989 27-02-2017 160 23,2 30,3 Wind World W 2320-160  860 Hjørring LAND Børglum by, Børglum 20g 552096,23 6356880,01 SDFE2018 24 312.270 367.600 338.935 306.150 343.710 367.895 349.475 275.325 338.818 352.594 278.241 316.276 287.469 287.057 267.036 292.010 261.883 227.596 331.346 286.594 266.580 245.358 310.963 284.727 252.450 270.781 334.787 174.342 0
570715000000004100 27-01-1989 26-09-2016 160 23,2 30,3 Wind World W 2320-160  860 Hjørring LAND Børglum by, Børglum 20g 552113,57 6356777,81 GST, 18-02-2013 24 312.270 367.600 338.935 306.150 343.710 367.895 349.475 275.325 338.818 352.594 278.241 316.276 287.469 287.057 267.036 292.010 261.883 227.596 331.346 286.594 266.580 245.358 310.963 284.727 252.450 270.781 334.787 159.754
570715000000004216 21-09-1989 02-12-2002 150 0,1 31 Wind World W 2500-150  860 Hjørring LAND Skøttrup by, Børglum 6f 546325,66 6360044,55 Stamdata 30 110.630 454.310 425.640 379.910 415.650 454.190 448.800 344.500 406.204 445.936 361.133 380.689 372.949 335.577
570715000000004223 02-04-1990 29-05-2019 225 27 29,6 Danwin DW 27-Danwin 860 Hjørring LAND Årup by, Vrejlev 2a 560150,96 6354495,51 SDFE2018 23161424 216.560 390.220 358.780 371.190 412.660 408.780 231.860 365.010 353.779 316.851 362.424 290.340 252.846 156.777 146.123 227.494 270.994 343.219 242.299 349.024 290.940 274.517 0 0 0 67.253 274.250 403.241 180.444 37
570715000000004315 21-12-1990 10-11-2016 150 23,8 30 BONUS Ukendt-BONUS 860 Hjørring LAND Furreby by, Furreby 8ai 544661,52 6360306,8 SDFE2018 37 16.340 384.090 359.200 389.200 427.160 421.950 317.770 386.319 412.935 343.643 385.110 351.338 329.737 312.624 331.301 334.486 307.960 378.822 355.778 283.780 255.898 374.362 354.336 318.050 315.508 422.698 234.126
570715000000007477 12-05-1987 31-05-2010 160 22 25 Vindsyssel VS 150  860 Hjørring LAND Fræer by 19 557552,82 6303389,8 Stamdata 125 140.296 223.344 80.857 253.470 244.180 287.900 303.230 318.720 270.370 223.000 255.950 91.077 238.776 268.682 221.937 219.594 202.915 203.706 161.412 162.049 183.308 241.920 206.847 18.251
570715000001490155 01-12-2015 01-12-2015 10 9,7 15,5 Osiris Energy Co., Ltd Osiris 10 860 Hjørring Land Stamdata
571313103103601634 12-12-2014 12-11-2018 10 7 21 KVA Vind 06-okt 860 Hjørring Land 557126,92 6377225,83 SDFE2018 10.751 12.698 14.528 10.113
570715000000006470 12-07-1990 24-10-2000 75 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 1 LAND Ukendt 0 0 0 Stamdata 030 0 0
570715000000006579 22-10-1985 21-11-2000 75 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 1 LAND Ukendt 0 0 0 Stamdata 040 0 0
570715000000006586 06-12-1985 21-11-2000 75 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 1 LAND Ukendt 0 0 0 Stamdata 041 0 0
570715000000006913 17-12-1985 22-11-2000 75 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 1 LAND Ukendt 0 0 0 Stamdata 070 0 0
570715000000006944 10-12-1985 24-10-2000 75 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 1 LAND Ukendt 0 0 0 Stamdata 073 0 0
570715000000006951 10-12-1985 24-10-2000 75 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 1 LAND Ukendt 0 0 0 Stamdata 074 0 0
570715000000007002 22-10-1985 21-11-2000 75 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 1 LAND Ukendt 0 0 0 Stamdata 080 0 0
570715000000007026 10-12-1985 20-11-2000 75 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 1 LAND Ukendt 0 0 0 Stamdata 082 0 0
570715000000007033 10-12-1985 14-11-2000 75 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 1 LAND Ukendt 0 0 0 Stamdata 083 0 0
570715000000007040 10-12-1985 17-11-2000 75 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 1 LAND Ukendt 0 0 0 Stamdata 084 0 0
570715000000007217 30-06-1986 05-12-2000 65 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 1 LAND Ukendt 0 0 0 Stamdata 101 0 0
570715000000007361 10-12-1986 14-11-2000 130 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 1 LAND Ukendt 0 0 0 Stamdata 113 0 0
570715000000007552 06-07-1987 05-12-2000 200 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 1 LAND Ukendt 0 0 0 Stamdata 132 0 0
570715000000007569 06-07-1987 05-12-2000 200 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 1 LAND Ukendt 0 0 0 Stamdata 132 0 0
570715000000008429 01-08-1989 07-12-2000 150 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 1 LAND Ukendt 0 0 0 Stamdata 213 0 0
570715000000008436 01-08-1989 07-12-2000 150 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 1 LAND Ukendt 0 0 0 Stamdata 213 0 0
570715000000008528 21-12-1989 22-11-2000 175 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 1 LAND Ukendt 0 0 0 Stamdata 222 0 0
570715000000008603 30-05-1990 17-11-2000 150 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 1 LAND Ukendt 0 0 0 Stamdata 231 0 0
570715000000010972 01-01-1989 01-06-1999 650 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 1 LAND Ukendt 0 0 0 Stamdata WNI 0 0
570715000000010989 01-01-1989 01-06-1999 650 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 1 LAND Ukendt 0 0 0 Stamdata WNI 0 0
570715000000013706 23-07-1980 02-05-2000 11 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 1 LAND Skovhus,Vinderslev 1a 0 0 Stamdata 107206 0 0
570715000000014772 20-02-1987 18-09-2000 95 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 1 LAND Ukendt 0 0 0 Stamdata 72133 0 0
570715000000014789 14-09-1989 18-09-2000 150 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 1 LAND Ukendt 0 0 0 Stamdata 72140 0 0
570715000000016172 01-10-1985 22-02-2000 75 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 1 LAND Ukendt 0 0 0 Stamdata 50064 0 0
570715000000016189 01-10-1985 22-02-2000 75 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 1 LAND Ukendt 0 0 0 Stamdata 50065 0 0
570715000000016325 12-12-1985 12-03-2000 55 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 1 LAND Ukendt 0 0 0 Stamdata 50078 0 0
570715000000016660 16-11-1988 15-05-2000 150 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 1 LAND Ukendt 0 0 0 Stamdata 50113 0 0
570715000000016684 20-12-1988 12-09-1999 400 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 1 LAND 0 0 0 0 Stamdata 50115 0 0
570715000000022432 10-07-1986 17-02-2000 80 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 1 LAND Ukendt 0 596187,62 6189764,3 Stamdata V140 0 0
570715000000022449 10-07-1986 17-02-2000 80 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 1 LAND Ukendt 0 596169,75 6189697,6 Stamdata V140 0 0
570715000000023095 04-10-1996 20-11-2000 250 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 1 LAND Ukendt 0 0 0 Stamdata 02 0 0
570715000000025006 01-07-1985 26-06-2000 75 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 1 LAND Ukendt 0 0 0 Stamdata 30000 0 0
570715000000025013 01-07-1985 26-06-2000 75 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 1 LAND Ukendt 0 0 0 Stamdata 30000 0 0
570715000000025020 01-07-1985 26-06-2000 75 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 1 LAND Ukendt 0 0 0 Stamdata 30000 0 0
570715000000039904 12-10-1984 21-09-1999 55 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 1 LAND Ukendt 0 0 0 Stamdata 8000702 0 0
570715000000040061 07-01-1985 14-10-1999 75 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 1 LAND Ukendt 0 0 0 Stamdata 8003261 0 0
570715000000040719 24-02-1988 31-01-2000 150 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 1 LAND Ukendt 0 0 0 Stamdata 8502301 0 0
570715000000040726 24-02-1988 31-01-2000 150 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 1 LAND Ukendt 0 0 0 Stamdata 8502301 0 0
570715000000045134 10-11-1983 31-03-2001 20 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 1 LAND Ukendt 0 511376,97 6042119,98 Stamdata 20062 0 0
570715000000051159 28-01-1982 18-04-2001 55 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 1 LAND Ukendt 0 0 0 Stamdata 12785 0 0
570715000000052873 10-03-1981 06-04-2000 22 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 1 LAND Ukendt 0 0 0 Stamdata 99003 0 0
570715000000053078 25-09-1983 01-10-2000 55 15,2 24 BONUS ZK 280M6 1 LAND Brandsby By 2d 0 0 Stamdata 99029 0 0
570715000000053108 25-06-1981 15-03-2000 55 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 1 LAND Ukendt 0 0 0 Stamdata 99032 0 0
570715000000054310 18-09-1980 31-03-2000 15 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 1 LAND Ukendt 0 0 0 Stamdata 99190 0 0
570715000000056628 10-07-1980 20-05-1998 22 0 0 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 1 LAND Ukendt 0 0 0 Stamdata 031-11090351 0 0
570715000000056772 23-11-1979 01-07-1997 22 0 0 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 1 LAND Ukendt 0 0 0 Stamdata 41571 0 0
570715000000086564 25-02-2009 13-06-2016 850 52 49 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 52-850  101 København LAND Eksercerpladsen, København 146 725031,48 6171671,51 GST, 18-02-2013 1 918.866 1.014.902 1.070.594 1.006.886 912.674 992.978 1.171.530 382.669
570714700000000010 15-07-1989 18-10-2005 95 19 22,6 Tellus TE 1995 155 Dragør LAND Dragør 0 728082,33 6165886,936 Stamdata KE 525654 74.011 189.439 157.220 175.302 185.160 177.439 175.170 136.958 156.520 173.939 139.117 128.582 138.359 156.609 114.592 132.621 104.523
570714700000005176 11-05-1989 14-10-2003 95 19 24 Tellus TE 1995 155 Dragør LAND St. Magleby 6c 728105,33 6165633,937 Stamdata 94.969 180.974 155.347 159.182 168.755 179.932 177.672 142.862 143.996 163.364 142.101 151.130 137.554 150.325
570714700000005183 05-09-1986 12-11-2002 75 19 22,6 Tellus TE 1995 155 Dragør LAND St. Magleby, Magleby 43c 728321,329 6165812,938 Stamdata KE519538 34.115 111.591 138.929 126.686 151.414 119.274 125.868 132.728 141.133 134.363 97.410 112.186 128.061 106.664 128.418 112.394 104.919
570714700000005190 11-07-1989 14-10-2003 95 19 22,6 Tellus TE 1995 155 Dragør LAND St. Magleby 43c 728202,329 6165850,937 Stamdata KE525710 69.811 189.938 161.994 168.099 173.605 190.154 175.204 144.476 152.772 166.757 137.291 157.985 142.539 155.950 99.665
570714700000012105 11-05-1989 14-10-2003 95 19 24 Tellus TE 1995 155 Dragør LAND St. Magleby 6c 727985,331 6165665,937 Stamdata 97.717 184.869 159.317 165.467 175.711 187.898 182.693 148.410 152.280 162.938 143.637 153.122 137.231 150.325
570714700000012112 11-05-1989 14-10-2003 95 19 24 Tellus TE 1995 155 Dragør LAND St. Magleby 6c 728225,33 6165600,938 Stamdata 95.149 172.962 152.848 157.474 170.948 181.093 176.893 143.945 148.660 162.355 143.038 156.623 139.094 150.325
570714700000012129 11-05-1989 14-10-2003 95 19 24 Tellus TE 1995 155 Dragør LAND St. Magleby 37h 727928,331 6165540,937 Stamdata 98.923 188.226 162.259 168.714 172.886 188.326 181.618 146.878 151.885 171.102 146.342 160.564 139.534 150.325
570714700000012136 11-05-1989 14-10-2003 95 19 24 Tellus TE 1995 155 Dragør LAND St. Magleby 37h 728049,331 6165507,938 Stamdata 95.258 180.871 153.688 161.232 173.653 177.244 176.860 142.835 145.961 161.931 142.222 153.816 138.746 150.325
570714700000012143 11-05-1989 14-10-2003 95 19 24 Tellus TE 1995 155 Dragør LAND St. Magleby 37h 728439,328 6165654,939 Stamdata 96.966 178.717 154.209 165.121 173.371 186.675 180.562 145.520 151.044 163.558 146.351 156.569 139.909 150.325
570714700000007750 08-03-1988 24-06-2010 180 23,2 30 Danwin DW 23-Danwin 157 Gentofte LAND Bogø By, Bogø 22f 694082,532 6091824,101 Stamdata 162663 93.040 300.000 422.780 327.820 389.680 392.320 419.280 401.720 301.740 329.440 424.660 304.659 311.944 282.915 337.721 281.185 310.932 259.460 255.325 367.198 349.345 277.652 0
570714700000000072 15-12-1992 31-07-2009 300 31 30 BONUS COMBI 167 Hvidovre LAND Avedøre 0 717288 6167432 Stamdata 19-28076 680.810 794.874 705.570 568.717 610.230 703.943 625.648 640.628 547.592 394.463 565.874 573.653 548.381 518.568 633.605 641.574 259.832
570714700000000089 15-12-1992 31-07-2009 300 31 30 BONUS COMBI 167 Hvidovre LAND Avedøre 0 717423 6167422 Stamdata 19-28076 680.810 794.874 705.570 568.717 610.230 703.943 625.648 640.628 547.592 394.463 565.874 573.653 548.381 518.568 633.605 641.574 259.832
570714700000000096 15-12-1992 31-07-2009 300 31 30 BONUS COMBI 167 Hvidovre LAND Avedøre 0 717556 6167412 Stamdata 19-28076 680.810 794.874 705.570 568.717 610.230 703.943 625.648 640.628 547.592 394.463 565.874 573.653 548.381 518.568 633.605 641.574 259.832
570714700000000102 15-12-1992 29-06-2009 300 31 30 BONUS COMBI 167 Hvidovre LAND Avedøre 0 717690 6167403 Stamdata 19-28078 668.624 780.647 692.942 558.538 599.308 691.344 614.450 629.162 522.609 534.152 537.966 580.497 541.042 515.715 556.123 624.073 233.323
570714700000000119 15-12-1992 16-06-2009 300 31 30 BONUS COMBI 167 Hvidovre LAND Avedøre 0 718603 6167242 Stamdata 19-28082 621.280 725.371 643.876 518.989 556.872 642.391 570.942 584.612 510.125 516.408 537.480 573.919 533.783 491.962 542.056 595.189 204.910
570714700000000126 15-12-1992 16-06-2009 300 31 30 BONUS COMBI 167 Hvidovre LAND Avedøre 0 718736 6167233 Stamdata 19-28082 621.280 725.371 643.876 518.989 556.872 642.391 570.942 584.612 510.125 516.408 537.480 573.919 533.783 491.962 542.056 595.189 204.910
570714700000000133 18-12-1993 09-10-2009 1000 50 55 EK-ElTech 50/1000 167 Hvidovre LAND Avedøre 0 719902 6167171 Stamdata 19-28412 313.990 2.016.281 1.789.753 1.442.609 1.547.913 1.785.626 1.587.021 1.625.020 1.656.256 1.719.561 1.711.033 1.586.072 930.123 1.120.006 1.389.978 1.148.934 887.224
570714700000004322 15-12-1992 29-06-2009 300 31 30 BONUS COMBI 167 Hvidovre LAND Avedøre 0 717820 6167372 Stamdata 19-28079 603.750 707.962 708.278 520.409 547.575 696.564 552.404 637.759 515.707 535.572 544.575 564.154 564.857 520.352 616.460 650.486 233.427
570714700000004339 15-12-1992 29-06-2009 300 31 30 BONUS COMBI 167 Hvidovre LAND Avedøre 0 717937 6167306 Stamdata 19-28079 603.750 707.962 708.278 520.409 547.575 696.564 552.404 637.759 515.707 535.572 544.575 564.154 564.857 520.352 616.460 650.486 233.427
570714700000004346 15-12-1992 16-06-2009 300 31 30 BONUS COMBI 167 Hvidovre LAND Avedøre 0 718069 6167279 Stamdata 19-28080 604.008 713.067 721.992 487.608 556.325 691.028 553.058 639.234 533.392 559.043 558.457 608.228 547.239 513.058 594.012 567.966 168.998
570714700000004353 15-12-1992 16-06-2009 300 31 30 BONUS COMBI 167 Hvidovre LAND Avedøre 0 718202 6167270 Stamdata 19-28080 604.008 713.067 721.992 487.608 556.325 691.028 553.058 639.234 533.392 559.043 558.457 608.228 547.239 513.058 594.012 567.966 168.998
570714700000004360 15-12-1992 16-06-2009 300 31 30 BONUS COMBI 167 Hvidovre LAND Avedøre 0 718335 6167261 Stamdata 19-28080 604.008 713.067 721.992 487.608 556.325 691.028 553.058 639.234 533.392 559.043 558.457 608.228 547.239 513.058 594.012 567.966 168.998
570714700000004377 15-12-1992 02-06-2009 300 31 30 BONUS COMBI 167 Hvidovre LAND Avedøre 0 718469 6167251 Stamdata 19-28083 563.360 701.400 663.464 503.370 530.740 668.479 539.546 614.880 524.279 538.824 531.158 591.702 540.818 474.318 551.790 574.986 76.722
570714700000000164 15-11-1988 03-10-2005 250 24 30 Micon M 250 169 Høje-Taastrup LAND Reerslev 18a 702314 6169097 Stamdata 26-25858 26.481 289.763 320.139 277.915 297.369 310.115 331.899 294.611 237.467 254.801 293.931 261.239 267.494 243.817 263.205 249.255 262.199 100.682
570714700000004421 21-11-1988 07-02-2005 250 24 30 Micon M 250 169 Høje-Taastrup LAND Reerslev 18a 702284 6168982 Stamdata 26-25859 27.043 295.916 315.000 261.000 313.400 303.700 351.600 334.600 242.700 283.600 323.194 251.622 236.562 200.865 255.818 244.220 215.213 0
570714700000004438 21-11-1988 07-02-2005 250 24 30 Micon M 250 169 Høje-Taastrup LAND Reerslev 18a 702253 6168866 Stamdata 26-25860 27.721 303.341 321.200 264.000 318.800 299.500 352.000 340.900 237.200 282.300 332.786 261.990 284.832 249.944 256.812 242.290 222.514 17.211
570715000000081897 16-10-2007 11-04-2018 11 13 18 Gaia-Wind Ltd Gaia 11   169 Høje-Taastrup Land 702927 6175487,18 SDFE2018 1.368 6.409 6.538 5.949 7.671 7.639 9.394 14.258 7.721 10.434 10.535 0
570715000000109973 01-05-1984 30-09-2010 55 15,6 23 VINDBY Vindy V1A-G9 169 Høje-Taastrup LAND Høje Taastrup by, Høje Taastrup 9i 706531 6173288 Stamdata 0
570715000000109980 01-05-1984 30-09-2010 55 15,6 23 VINDBY Vindy V1A-G9 169 Høje-Taastrup LAND Høje Taastrup by, Høje Taastrup 9i 706533 6173259 Stamdata 0
570715000000109997 01-05-1984 30-09-2010 55 15,6 23 VINDBY Vindy V1A-G9 169 Høje-Taastrup LAND Høje Taastrup by, Høje Taastrup 9i 706565 6173258 Stamdata 0
570714700000008573 26-10-1989 28-09-2010 150 27 30 Nordex N 27 150/30 183 Ishøj LAND Vejleby 4a 649715,671 6068897,97 Stamdata 167226 67.260 285.760 406.980 455.520 362.400 491.840 410.280 251.160 477.620 459.469 387.490 427.882 352.721 359.917 358.900 414.181 320.939 575 172.203 400.892 322.828 155.001
570714700000004957 24-06-1981 09-08-2002 30 11 20 Nordtank NTK 30  190 Furesø LAND Farum 13cm 710098 6192430 Stamdata 70-11873 33.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 16.875 142
570714700000004919 04-02-1982 01-10-2002 55 16 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-16  201 Allerød LAND Bastrup 9a 706486 6191382 Stamdata 69-10438 100.833 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 57.807 36.720
570714700000004926 01-04-1993 26-09-2017 75 18,8 31 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 201 Allerød LAND Høveltsvang 14a 709260,15 6193958,31 SDFE2018 571313174111452341 80.667 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 66.879 58.080 36.974 64.901 60.522 50.221 82.493 78.089 62.936 55.074 59.405 62.745 31.276 53.921 59.666 31.955 17.751
570714700000004933 01-09-1989 29-09-2005 150 27 30 Wind World W 2700-150  201 Allerød LAND Kollerød 4a 706083 6197642 Stamdata 69-11906 70.083 318.000 262.000 260.800 288.600 308.100 326.800 220.800 271.000 247.828 234.846 316.102 66.486 137.178 209.928 232.374 144.600
570714700000004865 02-11-1987 01-04-2005 99 19 24 Danwin DW 19 217 Helsingør LAND Plejelt 2a 712471 6215789 Stamdata 57-21664 54.450 217.800 217.800 217.800 217.800 217.800 217.800 217.800 217.800 217.800 217.800 217.800 217.800 217.800 61.716 11.526 6.541 3.693 0
570714700000004889 25-02-1983 24-10-2002 55 15 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-11  219 Hillerød LAND Hammersholt 9do 708184 6200271 Stamdata 62-6861 20.167 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 37.110 26.667
570714700000004896 30-08-1991 05-07-2005 22 10 18 Riisager 22-Riisager 219 Hillerød LAND Tulstrup 2h 703061,89 6206027,67 SDFE2018 62-7338 16.133 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 48.400 12.099 0 0 0 0
570714700000004902 01-07-1995 17-11-2002 99 19 31 Windmatic VM 19 219 Hillerød LAND Strølille 12f 695495 6198889 Stamdata 65-6884 79.814 154.399 165.669 191.111 167.640 176.190 152.430 127.771
570714700000005008 13-05-1985 03-12-2001 55 15 22 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-11  219 Hillerød LAND Hagerup 3n 697396 6191805 Stamdata 77-7617 40.650 86.322 70.591 87.884 80.139 80.080 67.930 78.040 83.050 90.910 94.660 66.530 75.890 84.627 72.609 74.461 57.959 0
570714700000005015 24-10-1985 27-06-2002 75 17 22,5 Windmatic VM 17 S 219 Hillerød LAND Hagerup 31 697419 6191772 Stamdata 77-7651 15.873 117.976 96.476 120.110 109.526 120.380 91.640 109.030 124.240 124.850 125.040 91.753 100.602 117.900 89.883 95.709 81.417 70.404
570714700000004391 02-02-1984 30-09-2002 65 15,7 23 Nordtank NTK 55 240 Egedal LAND Hove 1a 703443 6180279 Stamdata 24-8463 72.709 68.582 84.954 69.472 86.491 78.869 83.860 78.340 82.890 86.320 100.830 89.570 55.350 76.210 31.740 41.030 43.350 55.079 52.190
570714700000004414 03-09-1985 08-08-2002 75 17 22 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  240 Egedal LAND Hove 7a 703443 6180279 Stamdata 24-8602 23.120 114.556 93.679 116.628 106.350 117.499 115.640 96.920 107.320 111.450 121.210 88.210 97.520 102.465 98.190 95.304 72.528 68.751
570714700000004971 02-06-1989 08-03-2011 150 23,2 30 Danwin DW 150 240 Egedal LAND Søsum 24f 702073 6187292 Stamdata 72-10028 122.778 261.200 230.730 256.410 265.490 287.120 271.450 206.200 210.340 239.489 195.198 259.108 190.343 218.999 191.295 212.516 193.167 154.581 229.765 215.732 186.205 173.222 29.632
570714700000004988 21-08-1985 15-07-2002 75 15 20,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  240 Egedal LAND Sperrestrup 3f 699219 6189589 Stamdata 73-9631 30.135 111.988 91.579 114.014 103.966 112.000 94.310 103.660 111.810 118.740 116.960 88.060 97.030 100.377 91.206 94.005 75.771 58.821
570714700000000386 24-10-1988 06-06-2011 180 24 30 Danwin DW 24-Danwin 250 Frederikssund LAND Kyndby 6a 682497 6187595 Stamdata 81-12191 52.614 287.862 318.039 276.091 295.418 308.080 329.722 292.678 235.909 253.130 292.003 259.525 265.739 229.764 257.217 244.373 252.332 225.803 196.500 237.580 191.803 139.834 80.456 14.022
570714700000000393 24-10-1988 06-06-2011 180 24 30 Danwin DW 24-Danwin 250 Frederikssund LAND Kyndby 6a 682448 6187671 Stamdata 81-12191 52.614 287.862 318.039 276.091 295.418 308.080 329.722 292.678 235.909 253.130 292.003 259.525 265.739 229.764 257.217 244.373 252.332 225.803 196.500 237.580 191.803 139.834 80.456 14.022
570714700000000409 24-10-1988 06-06-2011 180 24 30 Danwin DW 24-Danwin 250 Frederikssund LAND Kyndby 6a 682402 6187752 Stamdata 81-12191 52.614 287.862 318.039 276.091 295.418 308.080 329.722 292.678 235.909 253.130 292.003 259.525 265.739 229.764 257.217 244.373 252.332 225.803 196.500 237.580 191.803 139.834 80.456 14.022
570714700000000416 24-10-1988 06-06-2011 180 24 30 Danwin DW 24-Danwin 250 Frederikssund LAND Kyndby 6a 682355 6187826 Stamdata 81-12191 52.614 287.862 318.039 276.091 295.418 308.080 329.722 292.678 235.909 253.130 292.003 259.525 265.739 229.764 257.217 244.373 252.332 225.803 196.500 237.580 191.803 139.834 80.456 14.022
570714700000000423 24-10-1988 06-06-2011 180 24 30 Danwin DW 24-Danwin 250 Frederikssund LAND Kyndby 6a 682302 6187900 Stamdata 81-12191 52.614 287.862 318.039 276.091 295.418 308.080 329.722 292.678 235.909 253.130 292.003 259.525 265.739 229.764 257.217 244.373 252.332 225.803 196.500 237.580 191.803 139.834 80.456 14.022
570714700000000430 24-10-1988 06-06-2011 180 24 30 Danwin DW 24-Danwin 250 Frederikssund LAND Kyndby 6a 682249 6187976 Stamdata 81-12191 52.614 287.862 318.039 276.091 295.418 308.080 329.722 292.678 235.909 253.130 292.003 259.525 265.739 229.764 257.217 244.373 252.332 225.803 196.500 237.580 191.803 139.834 80.456 14.022
570714700000000447 24-10-1988 06-06-2011 180 24 30 Danwin DW 24-Danwin 250 Frederikssund LAND Kyndby 20a 682178 6188080 Stamdata 81-12191 52.614 287.862 318.039 276.091 295.418 308.080 329.722 292.678 235.909 253.130 292.003 259.525 265.739 229.764 257.217 244.373 252.332 225.803 196.500 237.580 191.803 139.834 80.456 14.022
570714700000000454 24-10-1988 06-06-2011 180 24 30 Danwin DW 24-Danwin 250 Frederikssund LAND Kyndby 20a 682127 6188154 Stamdata 81-12191 52.614 287.862 318.039 276.091 295.418 308.080 329.722 292.678 235.909 253.130 292.003 259.525 265.739 229.764 257.217 244.373 252.332 225.803 196.500 237.580 191.803 139.834 80.456 14.022
570714700000000461 24-10-1988 06-06-2011 180 24 30 Danwin DW 24-Danwin 250 Frederikssund LAND Kyndby 20a 682075 6188228 Stamdata 81-12191 52.614 287.862 318.039 276.091 295.418 308.080 329.722 292.678 235.909 253.130 292.003 259.525 265.739 229.764 257.217 244.373 252.332 225.803 196.500 237.580 191.803 139.834 80.456 14.022
570714700000000478 24-10-1988 06-06-2011 180 24 30 Danwin DW 24-Danwin 250 Frederikssund LAND Kyndby 20a 682049 6188266 Stamdata 81-12191 52.614 287.862 318.039 276.091 295.418 308.080 329.722 292.678 235.909 253.130 292.003 259.525 265.739 229.764 257.217 244.373 252.332 225.803 196.500 237.580 191.803 139.834 80.456 14.022
570714700000000485 24-10-1988 06-06-2011 180 24 30 Danwin DW 24-Danwin 250 Frederikssund LAND Kyndby 20a 681996 6188339 Stamdata 81-12191 52.614 287.862 318.039 276.091 295.418 308.080 329.722 292.678 235.909 253.130 292.003 259.525 265.739 229.764 257.217 244.373 252.332 225.803 196.500 237.580 191.803 139.834 80.456 14.022
570714700000000492 24-10-1988 06-06-2011 180 24 30 Danwin DW 24-Danwin 250 Frederikssund LAND Kyndby 19a 681960 6188424 Stamdata 81-12191 52.614 287.862 318.039 276.091 295.418 308.080 329.722 292.678 235.909 253.130 292.003 259.525 265.739 229.764 257.217 244.373 252.332 225.803 196.500 237.580 191.803 139.834 80.456 14.022
570714700000000508 24-10-1988 06-06-2011 180 24 30 Danwin DW 24-Danwin 250 Frederikssund LAND Kyndby 19a 681930 6188501 Stamdata 81-12191 52.614 287.862 318.039 276.091 295.418 308.080 329.722 292.678 235.909 253.130 292.003 259.525 265.739 229.764 257.217 244.373 252.332 225.803 196.500 237.580 191.803 139.834 80.456 14.022
570714700000000515 24-10-1988 06-06-2011 180 24 30 Danwin DW 24-Danwin 250 Frederikssund LAND Kyndby 19a 681881 6188637 Stamdata 81-12191 52.614 287.862 318.039 276.091 295.418 308.080 329.722 292.678 235.909 253.130 292.003 259.525 265.739 229.764 257.217 244.373 252.332 225.803 196.500 237.580 191.803 139.834 80.456 14.022
570714700000000522 24-10-1988 06-06-2011 180 24 30 Danwin DW 24-Danwin 250 Frederikssund LAND Kyndby 19a 681837 6188742 Stamdata 81-12191 52.614 287.862 318.039 276.091 295.418 308.080 329.722 292.678 235.909 253.130 292.003 259.525 265.739 229.764 257.217 244.373 252.332 225.803 196.500 237.580 191.803 139.834 80.456 14.022
570714700000000539 24-10-1988 06-06-2011 180 24 30 Danwin DW 24-Danwin 250 Frederikssund LAND Kyndby 18a 681792 6188851 Stamdata 81-12191 52.614 287.862 318.039 276.091 295.418 308.080 329.722 292.678 235.909 253.130 292.003 259.525 265.739 229.764 257.217 244.373 252.332 225.803 196.500 237.580 191.803 139.834 80.456 14.022
570714700000000546 24-10-1988 06-06-2011 180 24 30 Danwin DW 24-Danwin 250 Frederikssund LAND Kyndby 18a 681753 6188934 Stamdata 81-12191 52.614 287.862 318.039 276.091 295.418 308.080 329.722 292.678 235.909 253.130 292.003 259.525 265.739 229.764 257.217 244.373 252.332 225.803 196.500 237.580 191.803 139.834 80.456 14.022
570714700000000553 24-10-1988 06-06-2011 180 24 30 Danwin DW 24-Danwin 250 Frederikssund LAND Kyndby 18a 681723 6189014 Stamdata 81-12191 52.614 287.862 318.039 276.091 295.418 308.080 329.722 292.678 235.909 253.130 292.003 259.525 265.739 229.764 257.217 244.373 252.332 225.803 196.500 237.580 191.803 139.834 80.456 14.022
570714700000000560 24-10-1988 06-06-2011 180 24 30 Danwin DW 24-Danwin 250 Frederikssund LAND Kyndby 18a 681686 6189097 Stamdata 81-12191 52.614 287.862 318.039 276.091 295.418 308.080 329.722 292.678 235.909 253.130 292.003 259.525 265.739 229.764 257.217 244.373 252.332 225.803 196.500 237.580 191.803 139.834 80.456 14.022
570714700000000577 24-10-1988 06-06-2011 180 24 30 Danwin DW 24-Danwin 250 Frederikssund LAND Kyndby 18a 681649 6189181 Stamdata 81-12191 52.614 287.862 318.039 276.091 295.418 308.080 329.722 292.678 235.909 253.130 292.003 259.525 265.739 229.764 257.217 244.373 252.332 225.803 196.500 237.580 191.803 139.834 80.456 14.022
570714700000000584 24-10-1988 06-06-2011 180 24 30 Danwin DW 24-Danwin 250 Frederikssund LAND Kyndby 18a 681611 6189267 Stamdata 81-12191 52.614 287.862 318.039 276.091 295.418 308.080 329.722 292.678 235.909 253.130 292.003 259.525 265.739 229.764 257.217 244.373 252.332 225.803 196.500 237.580 191.803 139.834 80.456 14.022
570714700000005022 01-06-1982 07-08-2002 65 16 24 Nordtank NTK 65 F 250 Frederikssund LAND Landerslev 3cq 687157 6190817 Stamdata 81-11413 60.500 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 80.229 45.420
570714700000005046 10-02-1989 15-09-2009 200 24 30 Danwin DW 24-Danwin 250 Frederikssund LAND Lyngerup 3a 687273,44 6189220,95 GST, 18-02-2013 81-12247 214.990 274.820 256.700 284.360 293.740 300.050 305.220 228.410 252.270 284.391 241.461 303.707 233.778 253.336 246.177 142.536 215.012 195.635 247.721 240.286 141.245
570714700000005077 20-03-1984 24-09-2002 55 16 29,8 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-11  250 Frederikssund LAND Vejleby 7q 680371 6183753 Stamdata 84-7994 75.093 78.701 97.489 79.722 99.252 90.506 90.670 85.810 90.280 54.790 103.667 72.800 83.510 90.910 98.730 71.090 94.140 79.640 72.350
570714700000005084 08-02-1990 22-03-2010 250 26 30 Micon M 250 250 Frederikssund LAND Sønderby 5a 691153 6181021 Stamdata 84-8339 255.400 281.700 306.100 321.350 350.500 353.050 228.700 287.100 303.390 291.025 362.507 254.852 258.793 268.851 273.904 255.161 222.503 294.913 219.441 247.818 45.210
570714700000013140 08-02-1990 22-03-2010 250 26 30 Micon M 250 250 Frederikssund LAND Sønderby 5a 691016 6181093 Stamdata 84-8339 255.400 281.700 306.100 321.350 350.500 353.050 228.700 287.100 303.390 291.025 362.507 254.852 258.793 268.851 273.904 255.161 222.503 294.913 219.441 247.818 45.210
570714700000004445 29-04-1985 02-09-2002 55 15,3 24 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-15  253 Greve LAND Karlslunde 18a 702866 6163300 Stamdata 28-18251 44.474 82.637 67.577 84.132 76.718 87.180 69.910 88.730 75.180 93.690 80.520 62.140 61.510 77.920 69.890 68.580 59.579 54.180
570714700000004452 08-09-1987 13-06-2002 75 17 30 Windmatic VM 17 S 253 Greve LAND Tune 14e 703181 6166066 Stamdata 28-20116 31.891 158.817 144.821 148.990 129.220 153.830 134.750 168.100 155.380 124.380 132.440 142.690 126.240 152.310 113.140 96.997
570714700000006715 01-07-1982 03-09-2001 22 0,1 0,1 Kongsted Ukendt-Kongsted 259 Køge LAND Udgået 0 695557 6152923 Stamdata 145334 4.733 13.772 13.982 10.990 13.614 11.133 13.860 12.639 9.359 5.639 95 7.043 23.155 20.504 13.768 15.681 10.103 6.676 1.053 3.755 0
570714700000006807 01-07-1983 19-07-2002 55 15,7 20,5 Nordtank NTK 55/11 259 Køge LAND St.Ladager By,Ejby 5o 695267,468 6157109,864 Stamdata 147703 19.194 55.199 45.066 42.986 36.040 44.668 81.940 96.750 84.710 92.980 80.860 102.230 92.560 70.720 76.150 92.680 70.550 78.430 64.820 42.670
570714700000006821 01-07-1983 26-06-2002 55 15,3 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-11  259 Køge LAND St. Ladager, Ejby 2d 695222,471 6156246,867 Stamdata 148219 26.100 63.594 49.987 61.920 50.636 63.040 52.230 53.720 47.740 60.050 54.050 73.852 70.780 42.952 62.624 55.272 56.668 52.708 41.084 36.308
570714700000006869 01-09-1983 14-03-2002 55 0,1 0,1 Ukendt Ukendt-Ukendt 259 Køge LAND Vollerslev By, Vollerslev 9a 684957,8 6143024 Stamdata 150322 18.173 73.801 58.011 71.859 58.763 73.159 59.040 65.030 59.000 70.820 70.550 77.150 76.120 56.530 63.230 78.090 53.550 54.850 49.910 38.640
570714700000007378 02-10-1986 26-06-2002 99 20 26 Nordtank Ukendt-Nordtank 259 Køge LAND Ejby 4n 694926,468 6157532,862 Stamdata 157356 0 37.470 150.000 150.000 185.800 158.980 187.970 176.830 201.730 193.590 149.290 153.940 143.408 144.630 152.411 125.078 68.825
570714700000007392 01-11-1986 13-09-2002 99 20 26 Nordtank NTK 99 F 259 Køge LAND Kimmerslev By, Kimmerslev 5h 688700,506 6152507,871 Stamdata 157454 13.700 200.000 200.000 156.640 169.400 147.090 165.600 152.830 178.490 153.080 105.850 135.830 144.117 132.185 137.769 107.286 77.121
570714700000007613 01-08-1987 20-02-2002 95 0,1 0,1 Wind World Ukendt-Wind World 259 Køge LAND Bjæverskov 5n 690719,509 6148707,888 Stamdata 159419 45.202 150.000 144.305 170.258 136.371 135.645 100.183 158.257 142.364 108.301 121.238 115.195 112.282 119.965 47.911 0
570714700000007675 01-08-1987 20-02-2002 95 0,1 0,1 Wind World Ukendt-Wind World 259 Køge LAND Bjæverskov 5n 690832,508 6148655,889 Stamdata 162085 45.569 150.000 147.337 169.700 146.586 143.369 132.593 163.628 148.643 112.077 128.036 148.732 116.431 121.389 62.191 24.310
570714700000004483 14-04-1987 08-08-2002 99 19 24 Danwin DW 19 265 Roskilde LAND Ramsølille 2h 694036 6160714 Stamdata 33-7713 92.200 164.780 81.140 70.630 130.040 146.210 165.570 179.040 153.900 131.690 151.700 172.020 145.350 152.590 120.189 96.930
570714700000004490 06-05-1987 08-08-2002 99 19 24 Danwin DW 19 265 Roskilde LAND Øster Syv 2i 692053 6162333 Stamdata 33-7714 98.565 189.515 165.860 171.590 135.195 178.295 190.220 206.660 179.650 138.940 145.570 178.750 149.570 153.610 151.391 90.790
570714700000004506 06-05-1987 08-08-2002 99 19 24 Danwin DW 19 265 Roskilde LAND Assendløse 3f 688686 6162579 Stamdata 33-7717 82.920 172.195 147.630 142.795 73.190 141.860 171.100 187.700 164.610 127.680 144.680 164.180 144.018 152.432 121.189 104.160
570714700000004537 30-06-1981 05-07-2002 55 16 20,5 Nordtank NTK 55/11 265 Roskilde LAND Vindinge 2m 698641 6166796 Stamdata 37-8221 49.500 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 99.000 53.430 31.434
570714700000004544 06-12-1985 05-04-2002 75 17 22 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 17-75  265 Roskilde LAND Veddelev 7c 695885 6173870 Stamdata 37-9423 142.658 116.659 145.239 132.439 137.280 117.950 136.410 135.880 145.080 143.760 109.360 122.650 135.609 125.439 125.472 119.559 3.405
570714700000004551 14-10-1987 05-04-2002 90 19 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 19-90  265 Roskilde LAND Veddelev 7c 695885 6173870 Stamdata 37-9629 33.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 198.000 137.379 3.180
570714700000004568 05-09-1988 16-01-2020 180 23 30 Danwin DW 23-Danwin 265 Roskilde LAND Kongemarken 2c 689962,45 6171194,84 SDFE2018 37-9796 69.581 253.796 261.170 240.700 278.530 262.510 310.840 279.440 211.560 154.920 235.250 202.504 266.074 122.876 210.133 188.714 196.679 169.840 144.632 190.270 103.795 185.184 145.548 191.577 157.289 66.545 171.860 220.198 136.069 160.575 128.826 69.158 0
570714700000004599 25-08-1992 14-11-2003 55 15,2 24 Reymo 55-Reymo 265 Roskilde LAND Kongemarken 4a 690496 6171254 Stamdata 37-10701 21.906 39.618 84.816 80.151 59.451 73.638 74.412 55.551 63.708 41.820 43.146 14.618
570714700000004612 05-10-1981 30-05-2012 55 16 23,4 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-16  265 Roskilde LAND Tågerup 3b 696633 6179577 Stamdata 40-9732 11.018 59.432 72.062 73.160 57.506 71.235 58.252 72.523 66.132 68.890 69.430 81.250 79.060 70.910 78.110 52.260 51.500 71.850 51.960 46.280 40.321 36.550 19.064 47.858 33.393 25.307 33.367 51.164 33.532 34.701 44.656 18.309
570714700000004629 12-11-1981 17-10-2003 55 15 22 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-15  265 Roskilde LAND Kirkerup 2m 700002 6179628 Stamdata 40-9740 10.083 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 121.000 33.225 28.038 11.731
570714700000004636 18-05-1983 27-11-2001 55 15 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-7,5  265 Roskilde LAND Gundsømagle 15n 696198 6180405 Stamdata 40-10159 45.615 79.388 62.402 77.299 63.212 78.697 71.762 89.390 64.290 86.590 72.900 77.510 80.250 53.250 66.570 71.090 53.940 44.780 11.350
570714700000004643 12-12-1984 01-07-2002 55 15 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-11  265 Roskilde LAND Kirkerup 3k 698524 6179386 Stamdata 40-10368 79.380 98.330 80.410 100.108 91.286 93.030 86.730 100.010 96.010 100.410 98.440 76.280 81.580 94.850 76.350 86.620 76.739 20.320
570714700000004650 03-12-1984 20-11-2002 55 15 18 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-11  265 Roskilde LAND Store Valby 7a 697049 6176724 Stamdata 40-10398 107.089 132.653 108.478 135.053 123.151 127.890 114.150 128.450 127.750 135.260 136.760 104.160 109.940 124.650 122.300 103.490 113.569 58.640
570714700000004667 10-01-1986 01-11-2002 55 15 24,5 BONUS 55/11   265 Roskilde LAND Tågerup 7 697046 6178794 Stamdata 40-10488 109.285 97.493 121.376 110.680 207.490 180.870 196.590 193.520 146.000 92.130 74.030 90.130 107.595 85.371 98.490 73.677 66.732
570714700000004674 17-09-1986 07-11-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 95-20   265 Roskilde LAND Gundsømagle 15p 696198 6180405 Stamdata 40-10584 46.919 153.474 191.072 174.234 198.250 159.150 191.000 182.750 185.200 187.000 139.100 160.150 174.049 137.550 187.893 138.216 126.651
570714700000004681 17-09-1986 07-11-2002 95 19,4 24,5 BONUS 95-20   265 Roskilde LAND Gundsømagle 15q 696198 6180405 Stamdata 40-10584 46.919 153.474 191.072 174.234 198.250 159.150 191.000 182.750 185.200 187.000 139.100 160.150 174.049 137.550 187.893 138.216 126.651
570714700000004698 08-07-1988 07-11-2002 150 23 24,5 BONUS 150 kW 265 Roskilde LAND Gundsømagle 17b 696451 6182580 Stamdata 40-10868 126.206 276.203 288.230 255.170 282.120 286.290 300.260 314.030 234.340 248.540 286.365 220.251 297.189 222.301 212.552
570714700000007309 01-06-1986 11-07-2002 75 17 22,5 Windmatic WM 07 75/15 17 S 265 Roskilde LAND Hønske By, Ørsted 2c 692402,478 6157373,859 Stamdata 156288 48.570 140.000 140.000 121.930 125.210 118.690 130.310 122.290 134.690 116.700 86.180 110.890 115.106 101.495 97.604 89.011 54.500
571313179100196008 20-06-2017 29-11-2018 1200 29 59,5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S Ukendt-Vestas-VIND 265 Roskilde LAND Veddelev By, Himmelev 61a 694663 6175328 SDFE2018 571313179100195988 430.379 422.189
570714700000007040 01-06-1985 15-08-2002 55 15,3 23 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 55-11  269 Solrød LAND Havdrup 9m 699356,445 6160501,859 Stamdata 153230 30.960 140.000 140.000 140.000 78.920 85.230 77.550 80.780 75.180 97.710 71.040 63.950 75.820 82.040 48.400 73.270 63.110 32.000
570714700000004872 23-04-1997 21-04-2018 22 10 18 Riisager 22-Riisager 270 Gribskov Land 699070,03 6220733,63 SDFE2018 32.267 48.400 48.400 48.400 24.612 20.293 11.896 17.604 8.722 1 2.714 13.338 13.712 10.840 0 0 0 0 606 1.831 44 18
570714700000005145 28-01-1982 16-10-2001 30 11 20 Vestas Wind Systems A/S V 30-5  270 Gribskov LAND Ammendrup 12b 699950 6212010 Stamdata 95-12518           60.500 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 66.000 17.273                                            
Sum af afmeldte anlæg/ sum of decommissioned turbines 0 120.492 197.531 947.909 2.736.103 9.450.737 15.949.204 21.801.955 39.313.852 97.576.270 146.482.095 245.896.987 358.054.292 497.832.412 576.879.117 674.452.756 732.985.929 804.396.237 751.177.612 704.205.702 867.172.091 956.554.113 1.123.831.571 997.107.473 1.017.381.172 881.998.455 1.029.583.115 979.929.847 862.235.598 1.002.841.246 927.446.432 804.423.988 791.885.436 862.264.705 787.066.224 661.963.169 644.239.126 657.375.562 433.818.742 363.342.589 200.077.492 182.104.342 106.014.592 471.023 311.098 782.121